Enlisted Applicants Sought WASHINGTON, D

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Enlisted Applicants Sought WASHINGTON, D e'" WAHVoluntary payment for delivery MARINEto MCAS houeing/S1' per four week period VOL. 10 NO. 22 KANEOHE BAT; HAWAII, JUNE 3, 1981 TWENTY PAGES Enlisted applicants sought WASHINGTON, D. Marines applying for progrtim will be obli- moral integrity and the Armed Services Level Examination C., - The Marine Corps a ground officer gated to serve three cannot have previously Vocational Aptitude Program. is looking for enlisted commission through additional years of failed to successfully Battery Test; or at least ECP applicants with Marines interested in ECP must be at least 20 active duty from the complete any Marine a 120 on the General less than a baccalau- becoming commission- years old and less than date of commissioning. Corps officer training Classification Test, or reate degree from a ed officers through the 28 years old, on the date Aviation applicants program. Aviation the Area Aptitude Test, regionally accredited Enlisted Commission- of appointment to a have an active service applicants must not or a raw score of 58 on institution must attain ing Program. commissioned grade. obligation of four and have previously failed the ASVAB; and a high at least a score of 555 on Applicants for Naval one half years from the any military flight school diploma or a the CLEP's English THROUGH ECP, Aviator must be at least date of designation as a program. general equivalency test, and a score of 440 qualified enlisted 19 years old, and less Naval Aviator. diploma. on each of the other four Marineshave an oppor- than 2 and a half ECP academic re- CLEP tests. These tunity to be commis- years old on the date of ONCE ACCEPT- quirements include: APPLICANTS must minimum scores can- sioned in the Marine appointment to a ED, applicants attend minimum combined also have completed at not be waivered. Corps and serve as commissioned grade. one of the three annual scholastic aptitude test least 30 semester or 45 There is no deadline unrestricted officers. Waivers may be grant- officer candidate score of 1,000, or quarter hours of for applications, ac- for male applicants, a ed for ground officer classes at the Marine minimum combined unduplicated college cording to officials Navil Aviator optiiin is applicants down to 19 Corps Development math and verbal score work at a regionally here. also available, accord- years old and up to 30 and Education Com- of 45 on the American accredited institution. For more information ing to the Enlisted years old, if requested mand, Quantico, Va. College Test, or a This requirement on ECP, Marines Commissioning Pro- by the applicant. According to the minimum converted cannot be met by should see their unit gram Order, Marine Marines accepted for order, applicants must score of 115 on the substituting credits education officer or Corps Order 1040.9,1. the ground officer be of unquestioned Electrical Composite of earned from the College refer to MCO 1040.9J. Qualified Marines may opt for basic WHO'S THERE - A squad points out a defensive area to a Are team leader ,during the quarters Squad in DetWise portion of allowance the Super Squad competition. For story see page A-10. WASHINGTON, D.C. - ALMAR. First, although assigned USMC photo Gunnery sergeants through to government quarters after Oct. captains without dependents now 1, 1980, they must not have have the option to elect basic occupied those quarters. Secondly, allowance for quarters instead of they must certify that they vacated living in assigned government their quarters during the period quarters, according to ALMAR being claimed for BAQ. 074-81. Gunnery sergeants and above receiving BAQ throigh this option THIS OPTION was previously and assigned to field duty will extended only to majors and above receive HAQ payments for the first without dependents, and to all 90 dys. On the 91st day, BAQ Marines with dependents. payments will be terminated. All gunnery sergeants and above unless the Marine's commanding can now elect not to occupy officer certifies that the Marine government quarters. BAQ was required to provide quarters at payments will be retroactive to his/her own expense at the field Oct. 1, 1980, for Marines living in duty site. non-government quarters. If the Marine moved to non-government DEPLOYMENTS of 90 days or quarters after Oct. 1, 1980, BAQ less will not affect continued BAQ payments will be computed from entitlement. Bachelor quarters the date of the move. Gunnery sergeants and above Gunnery sergeants through stationed aboard Naval ships may captains choosing the BAQ option also elect to receive BAQ while in requires supervision, personal will also receive the single person homeport and during extended Commandant leadership variable housing allowance rate repair and overhaul periods. If do, they must vacate their to be security for personal occurrences, the In- continue-th'be provided concerns. for their rank and geographic they WASHINGTON, D.C., lined measures location. quarters aboard ship. The Marine Corps taken to ensure order possessions, which are spector General and I without a reduction in - By the same token, Members who elect the BAQ has come a long way and discipline in them. important concerna," have observed a mar- overall effectiveness." from the days of he continued. "The ked decrease in the Marines should be ACCORDING to the ALMAR, option and are later assigned to quonset huts and open "THE MARINE increased degree of degree of abuse in the ALTHOUGH the aware of their respon- the BAQ option is a legal government quarters aboard ship, squad bays. Since Corps' commitment to privacy afforded by new quarters," he commandant addres- sibility where these entitlement. However, command- are entitled to movement and initiating construc- the new motel-style these now quarters is stated. "I maintain that sed commanders on the matters are concerned. ing officers may deny this option to nontemporary storage of tion of motel-style configuration, vice the not, however, to be these problems can be state of the new It is their "indivi- a member if in their judgment it household goods that cannot be quarters for unaccom- open squad bay quar- construed as dimin- greatly reduced by quarters, it is essential dual" adherence to this would adversely affect military stored in their assigned quarters. ters, was a marked ishing the requirement closer supervision and that the individual responsibility that discipline or readiness. Whether or Also, household goods contained panied Marines, more quarters 8375 million deviation from tradi- to maintain the tradi- more personal leader- Marines who occupy enables such programs not the individual has dependents in assigned government than have may be been spent in the con- tion, stated the com- tional good order and ship at all levels. Only these quarters do, to continue, while is not a factor in determining and nontemporay storage struction of new, or mandant. "Like it or discipline associated by such involvement indeed, realize that maintaining that military readiness and discipline. moved to a new residence in the upgrading existing, not, that is what we with the Corps." can the best available steps are continually "traditional good Gunnery sergeants and above vicinity of the permanent duty quarters. have. Any problems housing accommoda- being taken to provide order" the Comman- letting the BAQ option must meet station, for members re-electing which stem from this In the white letter, tions for our Marines for their individual dant spoke of. two requirements, according to the the BAQ option. In White Letter No. 3- arrangement must be Gen Barrow cited 81, General Robert dealt with directly and various instances of Barrow, commandant firmly. occupant abuse in the of the Marine Corps, new quarters and the expressed his views "These newer facili- increased supervision 4444#01Me regarding the new ties provide today's problems associated quarters to command- Marines with a higher with them. ing officers and out- "In spite of these degree of privacy and Pearl Harbor Survival Students Water retest indicates no Igo jailhouse rock Marines with Branch Clinic for military creativity and schedules contaminants present prisoners safety measures physical exams The Facilities Department et. in the water supply system prior to Marine Corps Air Station, and during the sampling periods Paste A-5 Page A-7 Page A-9 Kaneohe Bay has announced that the higher bacteria levels were the maximum level of microbiolog- possibly the result of improper ical contaminants in the station's handling of the water samples. drinking water was recently A modified sample handling exceeded. procedure has now been Super Squad Sports Outreach 11s. rsits.,3, Public Works implemented and acceptable Center Industrial/Environmental limits of microbiological counts Rifle squads Women's 'roll: Satellite program Laboratory, Pearl Harbor detected were obtained in the two most champs, excessive levels of coliform recent sampling periods. battle for softball develops growth bacteria in si>t of 20 potable water Maximum levels of microbiolog- SNCO golf tourney and potential samples analyzed between May 19 ical contaminants are set in the prestigious title and 21. Hawaii Public Health Regulation Later analyses performed May for Potable Water Systems. Page B-2 21 and 28 showed no evidence of Page A-10 Page B-1 coliform bacteria. According to a Aoy,ino !loving iiiestions Facilities Department spokesman, concerning the excess contami- since proper levels of chlorine nants should contact the Joint disinfectant bad been maintained Public Affairs Office at 257-3319. Published by Community Publications, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of 'he Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. Opinions expressed by publishers and writers homm are their own and not to be considered an official expression of the Department of the I lavy or the U.S.
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