Transactions Lists.Xls
La Société Guernesiaise Papers appearing in the Transactions In chronological order For author order or subject order click on tab at bottom of page. Annual Section reports are not included. Complete printed indexes covering the years 1882 to 1980 can be purchased from the office of La Société. Many issues of the Transactions and reprints of papers are also available for purchase. Decade: 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR 1882-1889 35 I 1 The geology of Guernsey Hill, E 1882-1889 45 I 1 The ferns of Guernsey Derrick, G T 1882-1889 61 I 1 The butterflies of Guernsey and Sark Luff, W A 1882-1889 74 I 1 On the occurrence of calcite in Guernsey Collenette, A 1882-1889 78 I 1 An excursion to Icart Point Derrick, G T 1882-1889 83 I 1 On changes in the relative level of sea and land Derrick, G T 1882-1889 89 I 1 List of flowering plants found in Guernsey Derrick, G T 1889 123 I 2 On the Genus Isoetes Marquand, E D 1889 128 I 2 Excursion to Herm Derrick, G T 1889 133 I 2 The Flora of Herm Marquand, E D 1889 139 I 2 History of Herm Lee, G E 1889 143 I 2 Excursion to Lihou Randell, J B 1889 148 I 2 Crustacea Sinel, J The Nocturnal Macro-Lepidoptera of Guernsey, Alderney, 1889 155 I 2 Luff, W A Sark, and Herm Return to top YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR On the correlation and relative ages of the rocks of the 1890 30 II 1 de la Mare, C G Channel Islands 1890 37 II 1 A dredging excursion off Guernsey Spencer, R L 1890 41 II 1 Some notable oral equipments in the vertebrata Rose,
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