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Introspection 419 Trevarthen, C. (1994). Infant semiosis. In W. Noth, Ed., Origins of and hence whether introspection, properly so-called, exists. Semiosis. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 219–252. According to Gilbert Ryle (1949) and William Lyons Trevarthen, C. (1995). Contracts of mutual understanding: negoti- (1986), what we loosely describe as attending to current ating meaning and moral sentiments with infants. In P. Wohl- perceptions is really just perceiving in an attentive manner. muth, Ed., The Crisis of Text: Issues in the Constitution of But perceiving attentively itself sometimes involves attend- Authority. San Diego: University of San Diego School of Law, Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues, Spring 1995, vol. 6: ing to the perceiving, as when one is explicitly aware of 373–407. visually concentrating on something. Moreover, when we report what mental states we are in, those reports express higher-order mental representations of the states we report; Intonation Ryle’s denial that remarks such as “I am in pain” are liter- ally about one’s mental states is groundless. See PROSODY AND INTONATION; PROSODY AND INTONA- It is often held that introspection involves some “inner TION, PROCESSING ISSUES sense” by which we perceive our own mental states. The seemingly spontaneous and unmediated character of per- ceiving generally would then explain why introspection Introspection itself seems spontaneous and immediate. This model could, in addition, appeal to mechanisms of perceptual attention to Introspection is a process by which people come to be atten- explain how we come to focus attentively on our concurrent tively conscious of mental states they are currently in. This mental states. focused CONSCIOUSNESS of one’s concurrent mental states is But introspection cannot be a form of perceiving. Per- distinct from the relatively casual, fleeting, diffuse way we ception invariably involves sensory qualities, and no quali- are ordinarily conscious of many of our mental states. ties ever occur in introspection other than those of the “Introspection” is occasionally applied to both ways of sensations and perceptions we introspect; the introspecting being conscious of one’s mental states (e.g., Armstrong itself produces no additional qualities. Moreover, speech 1968/1993), but is most often used, as in what follows, for acts generally express not perceptions, but thoughts and the attentive way only. other intentional states (see INTENTIONALITY). So intro- Introspection involves both the mental states intro- spective reports express intentional states about the mental spected and some mental representation of those very states states we introspect, and introspective representations of (as suggested by the etymology, from the Latin spicere concurrent mental states involve assertive intentional states, “look” and intra “within”; looking involves mental repre- or thoughts. Introspection is deliberate and attentive sentations of what is seen). Because it involves higher- because these higher-order intentional states are themselves order mental representations of introspected states, intro- attentive and deliberate. And our introspecting seems spon- spection is a kind of conscious METAREPRESENTATION or taneous and unmediated presumably because we remain METACOGNITION. unaware of any mental processes that might lead to these WILHELM WUNDT (1911/1912) held that introspection higher-order intentional states. Introspection consists in provides an experimental method for psychology, and relied conscious, attentively focused, higher-order thoughts about on it in setting up, in 1879 in Leipzig, the first experimental our concurrent mental states. psychology laboratory. Some challenged this introspection- Despite Comte’s claim that attention cannot be divided, ist method, following Auguste Comte’s (1830–42) denial people can with a little effort attend to more than one thing. that a single mind can be both the agent and object of intro- And attentive consciousness of concurrent mental states spection. This, Comte had held, would divide attention could in any case occur whenever the target mental state between the act and object of introspecting, which he was not itself an attentive state. thought impossible. These concerns led WILLIAM JAMES A related concern is that attending to concurrent mental (1890) and others to propound instead a method of immedi- states may distort their character. But it is unclear why that ate retrospection. should happen, inasmuch as attention does not generally Introspectionist psychology foundered mainly not for alter the properties of its object. Introspection itself cannot these reasons, but because results from different introspec- show that distortion occurs, because even if it seems to, that tionist laboratories frequently conflicted. Still, experimental appearance might be due not to the distorting effect of intro- procedures in psychology continue to rely on subjects’ spection, but to introspection’s making us aware of more of access to their current mental states, though the theoretical a state’s properties or of a different range of properties. Sim- warrant for this reliance is seldom discussed. ilarly for the idea that introspective attention might actually The phenomenological movement in philosophy, pio- bring the introspected state into existence (Hill 1991: chap. neered by Wundt’s contemporary Edmund Husserl (1913/ 5). That may well happen, but it may instead be that, when 1980), held that introspection, by “bracketing” consciousness that seems to happen, introspection simply makes one newly from its object, enables us to describe and analyze conscious- aware of a state that already existed. ness, and thereby solve many traditional philosophical prob- Work by John H. Flavell (1993) has raised doubt about lems. This methodology encountered difficulties similar to whether children five and younger have introspective access those that faced introspectionist psychology. to their mental states. Four- and five-year-olds describe Some have questioned whether higher-order mental rep- themselves and others as thinking, feeling, and experienc- resentations of concurrent mental states ever actually occur ing. But they also describe people while awake as going for 420 Introspection significant periods without thinking or feeling anything Flavell, J. H. (1993). Young children’s understanding of thinking whatever. Doubtless these children themselves have, when and consciousness. Current Directions in Psychological Sci- awake, normal streams of consciousness. But they seem not ence 2(2): 40–43. to think of themselves in that way and, hence, not to intro- Hill, C. S. (1991). Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism. spect their streams of consciousness. Flavell also reports Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Husserl, E. (1913/1980). Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenol- that these children determine what people attend to and ogy and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, vol. 1. Trans. T. E. think about solely on the basis of behavioral cues and envi- Klein and W. E. Pohl. The Hague and Boston: M. Nijhoff. ronmental stimulation. So perhaps their inability to intro- James, W. (1890). The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. New York: spect results from their simply not conceiving of thoughts Henry Holt. and experiences as states that are sometimes conscious (see Lashley, K. S. (1958). Cerebral organization and behavior. In H. C. THEORY OF MIND). Solomon, S. Cobb, and W. Penfield, Eds., The Brain and Some have held that introspective access to one’s men- Human Behavior, vol. 36. Association for Research in Nervous tal states cannot be erroneous or, at least, that it overrides and Mental Diseases, Research Publications. Baltimore: Will- all other evidence (see SELF-KNOWLEDGE). RENÉ DES- iams and Wilkins, pp. 1–18. Lyons, W. (1986). The Disappearance of Introspection. Cam- CARTES (1641/1984) famously noted that one cannot, when bridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books. thinking, doubt that one is thinking. But this hardly shows Nisbett, R. E., and T. DeCamp Wilson. (1977). Telling more than that when one is thinking one always knows one is, much we can know: verbal reports on mental processes. Psychologi- less that one is invariably right about which thoughts one cal Review 84 (3): 231–259. has. In a similar spirit, Sydney Shoemaker (1996) has Ryle, G. (1949). The Concept of Mind. London: Hutchinson. urged that when one has a belief one always knows one Shoemaker, S. (1996). The First-Person Perspective and Other does, because a rational person’s believing something itself Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. involves cognitive dispositions that constitute that person’s Wundt, W. (1911/1912). An Introduction to Psychology. Trans. knowing about the belief. But the relevant rationality often Rudolf Pintner. London: George Allen and Unwin. fails to accompany our beliefs and other first-order mental states. Further Readings Indeed, psychological research reveals many such Brentano, F. (1874/1973). Psychology from an Empirical Stand- lapses of rationality. In addition to the misrepresentations point. O. Kraus, Ed., L. L. McAlister, Eng. ed. Trans. A. C. of one’s own mental states discovered by SIGMUND FREUD, Rancurello, D. B. Terrell, and L. L. McAlister. London: Rout- other work (e.g., Nisbett and Wilson 1977) shows that ledge and Kegan Paul. introspective judgments frequently result from confabula- Broad, C. D. (1925). The Mind and Its Place in Nature. London: tion. People literally invent mental states to explain