COLLEGE LIBRARY STAFF Don Lawrence Wins N. B. Black HAS TWO NEW ASSISTANTS Bison PlayWisconsin University In

Two new assistants have been added Memorial Scholarship for Seniors to the staff at the college library. They Second Big Ten Game Tomorrow are filling the vacancies left by the Misses Sylvia Ellingson and Leona Rei- Given By Fargo Rotary Club ; neck who were married during the Finnegan Says Wisconsin Game C. F. Monroe Announces Music Department summer. Exchange Closes For Will Be Tougher Than Winner Today Misses Sarah Olson and Angelin Minnesota Clash Shows Increase Tesdell, the new assistants, were gradu- Fall Term Wednesday AWARDED FOR FIRST TIME ated from the University of Minnesota GAME SECOND IN HISTORY Margarui4e Beard Will Teach library school in June. Miss Olson is Profits Are Used For Building Scholarship Will Be Open To Piano ; Norman Ostby a former assistant in the library, and Improvements ; Ten Per Badgers Familiar With Bison Both Men and Women Teaches Violin Miss Tesdell comes from Huxley, Iowa, Cent Rate Charged Plays ; Bison Unfamiliar near Des Moines. Next Year With Badger Tactics With the addition of two new teach- After selling some two hundred Donald Lawrence, senior in the ers and the use of Festival Hall for books the Y book exchange closed for For the second time in as many school of agriculture, is the first re- rehearsals, the Music Department of Bison Editors Now the fall term Wednesday afternoon. weeks, the 1931 Thundering Herd of cipient of the Norman B. Black Me- the State college is showing a marked Approximately five hundred books North Dakota State college will line morial scholarship awarded for the first increase in enrollment and activities. Begin Work on 1933 were offered for sale. up in opposition to a Big Ten team, According to Edgar Johnson, in time this year by the Rotary club of The two new teachers are Miss Mar- when the Bison meet the University of charge of the exchange, many of the Fargo, it was announced yesterday by garuite Beard and Mr. Norman Ostby. Wisconsin Badgers at Madison, tomor- Representative Book remaining books are ones used during C. F. Monroe, chairman of the com- Miss Beard, who has a degree in music row afternoon the winter and spring terms and will mittee. and has had a number of years experi- A much tougher game than was en- Vogel and Crewe Request Aid be carried until that time. All unsold This scholarship of one hundred dol- ence in teaching in the Dakota Con- countered at the University of Minne- books may be secured sometime during lars is to be awarded annually to some servatory of Music in Fargo, will teach And Cooperation of Faculty sota last week is predicted by C. C. the spring term. Checks will be mailed student of outstanding character, per- piano, music appreciation, and har- "Casey" Finnegan, head mentor of the Members and Students for those already sold within the next sonality and scholarship. In making mony. Mr. Ostby, who is also a teacher Bison squad. The Badgers, who are few days. the selection such qualifications will be of considerable experience, will teach tutored under the well known Coach KONEN IS PHOTOGRAPHER Profits from the exchange are used supplemented by a consideration of the violin. student's financial needs. This year for improvements in the building. Last In the band department Dr. C. S. The 1933 Bison is well under way. only men were considered but in the year an iron grating and shelves were Bulletin Putnam has 104 men divided into three Mart Vogel, Editor-in-Chief, and Ed future the award will be open for added to house the books. A minimum groups A concert band of approxi- Crewe, Business Manager, are adopt- either men or women. The student rate of ten per cent is charged by mately 42 members, a bugle and drum ing plans for not only a bigger and As the Spectrum went to press it must, however, have completed three the Y. corps of 24 and a second R. 0. T. C. better Bison, but also a more repre- was learned that the N. D. S. C.- years of college work and be ready for In addition to the books on exchange band will care for these musicians. sentative one. the Y also has a reading library of ap- Wisconsin game returns will come the senior year. A. H. Parrott, repre- According to Dr. Putnam the material to the armory tomorrow afternoon In a statement yesterday they said, proximately three hundred books of senting the college, and Walter Stock- this year is excellent and there is more over a leased wire. A small admis- "We intend to publish the best annual fiction and non-fiction. These as well well, another Rotarian, are also mem- people to choose from. A new rehear- sion of twenty cents for students that North Dakota State has ever had. as most of the leading periodicals are bers of this committee headed by Mr. sal room in the old armory, dubbed and thirty cents for outsiders will We have eight months to do it in. In available at all times. Nearly as many Monroe. Festival hall, by Putnam, has increased be made to cover the expenditures. order to do this, the 1933 Bison must periodicals may be found here as in Mr. Lawrence is a member of Alpha the facilities of the department which have the cooperation of every student, the college library. Gamma Rho, national agricultural fra- has more than doubled this year. He every instructor, and every head of the Thistlewaite, have asquired no mean ternity, Saddle and Sirloin, honorary hopes to organize the orchestra next various departments on the campus. reputation among Big Ten circles. agricultural group, Lincoln Foren- week and to continue rehearsals It is this sincere cooperation between Led by Captain "Cy" Lonsbrough, sic society, and the Edwin Booth Dra- throughout the year. Pledging Services matic club. the staff and the school—each realizing the Bison will scrap tomorrow with a Credit in the music department is how to harmonize his efforts—each team holding the advantage of having given for private lessons also and very realizing how important time is—that Take Place Monday scouted two Bison games while the often soloists are developed through makes for high efficiency and satisfac- North Dakotans have not seen the Sororities Will Be this medium. tion in the early production of the Theta Chi Ends Formal Parties Badgers in action and have not a Remodelling of the old armory will annual." With Banquet Tonight ; familiarity with Wisconsin plays. But the Bison had not seen the University Hostesses at Formal also make it possible for the music Understanding the value of an early Saturday Open Date of Minnesota in action—and what the department to have larger groups and start in the matter of photographs, Bison did to the University squad last Teas October Fourth more worthwhile music festivals than The Bison's photographer, James Ko- Formal pledging services will be con- week is football history. has been possible in the past. nen, has been circulating around the ducted by fraternities on the North The same stalwart line that thrust campus taking snap-shots and draw- Rushees May Not Accept More Dakota State college campus at 7 p. m. back the many charges of Minnesota ing sketches. The staff heads earnestly Than Two Invitations Monday, culminating the formal rush- backs, often for losses to the Big Ten Brentzel Announces hope that there will be no difficulty as ing period of the fall term. Rushing stars, will encounter the University of To Formal Teas is often experienced in persuading the parties will be concluded tonight with Wisconsin, under present plans of the Greenhouse Opening organizations and the students to have Theta Chi entertaining. Bison coaches. With an average of 203 Rushees may not accept more than their pictures taken early in the year. pounds of muscle and bone for each two invitations to the formal teas held Dr. Floe Stationed Here To With the increased enrollment in the Between 35 and 40 rushees will be man on that line, predictions indicate by the six sororities, Sunday afternoon Study Flax Diseases college and with the Bureau of En- honored by Phi chapter of Theta Chi from 3-6 p. m. as the closing activity graving working on the plans that were at a banquet and smoker in the chap- that some difficulty is in store for the of the formal season. Beginning at 7 With Brentzel submitted this summer, the Bison ter house with John Rooney in charge ball toters from the eastern state. p. m. Sunday a day of complete silence heads confidently expect a great book. of arrangements for the evening. No- When the Bison line up on the Madi- will be observed until 7 p. m. Monday Mr. Brentzel of the state experimen- velty entertainment features are being son gridiron tomorrow afternoon, it when the rushees will accept their bids tal station announces the completion of COMMISSION HAS MEETING planned. Among the alumni expected will be the second time in the history of by appearing at the chapter house for a second greenhouse built for the de- to attend are: Judge Spaulding, Prof. the school that such a contest has been formal pledging services. partment of plant pathology. It is simi- TO DETERMINE "Y" PLANS Kenneth Kuhn, and Dean R. M. Delve. held with the Wisconsin university. Alpha Gamma Delta will entertain at lar to the one built four years ago and A. H. Parrott. registrar, will be an Four years ago the North Dakotans their traditional Vanity tea in the home now facilities are available for green- Y. W. C. A. projects and plans for honor guest. gave the Wisconsin boys one of the of Mrs. Kent Darrow, 716 eighth street house rooms, storeroom, laboratory, this year were made by the freshman Thursday night, Delta Tau Epsilon, biggest scares of the season and were So. The sorority flower, red and buff office and basement. commission at the first meeting held was host to a group of 35 rushees at only defeated through a lucky pass roses, will be used in the appointments. The department of plant pathology yesterday at a tea in the Y room. The an informal party. Guests assembled interception by a Badger star. The Mrs. W. W. Fuller, Mrs. Dudley Bayliss secures data for bulletins and journals second of the series of Blue Monday at the chapter house at 8 p. m. for in- 1931 Bison may repeat the scare—they and Mrs. Hattie Schmitt, house mother, of botany. Wheat smuts, flax, rusts and teas will be held on October 5. troductions. Informal entertainment may even go further. will preside at the tea table. Edna potatoes are studied. Dr. Flor of the Ruth Clausen, president of the com- was provided at The Alley night club Sullivan and Ann Heiberg are making U. S. Department of Agriculture is at mission, presided at the tea yesterday. following the "get together" at the the arrangements. present stationed here to study flax On the committee arranging the affair chapter house Musical numbers by diseases in connection with Mr. Brent- Bill Robinson were features. Lunch- Many Improvements At the home of Mrs. H. L. Walster, were Mary McNair and Thelma Leiss- eon was served after an hour of bridge. 1130 fourth street N., Alpha Xi Beta zel. man. Aurora Haas will serve as the Gus Younger, rushing captain, was in On State's Campus will give an annual Bittersweet tea. Under present arrangements six new tea chairman. charge of arrangements. Mesdames J. H. Sheppard and H. L. rooms provide as many temperature On Monday Agnes Beckstrom is ar- Attract Attention Walster will pour. Adythe Pinkham conditions for study and experiment. ranging the Blue Monday entertain- Ivan Bigler, rushing captain was in assisted by Viola Seaburg and Margaret Each room is automatically controlled ment assisted by Luella Illness, Mar- charge of a party given by Kappa Sigma Chi Wednesday night. The af- Hagen is making arrangements. Pa- by thermostat and automatic ventila- garet Johnson and Mildred Gosslee. Students Find New Building, tronesses present will include: Mes- tion. Moisture is one element not con- fair was in the nature of a theater Pharmacy Department Moved trolled other than the fact that nearly party followed by a smoker with infor- dames T. H. Hopper, Carl A. Teet, Glen HAZEL HARRIS FILLS And Mains Laid Lindsey, Charles Kellogg, A. T. Beals, one hundred per cent stauration is mal entertainment at the chapter house. E. A. Lathrop and Misses Adelaide maintained. Automatic light banks are POSITION AT WAHPETON Saturday is an open day for rushing Students returning to the school this Laurie and Jessie Phillips. used after dark. In the basement elec- for all fraternity groups on the cam- tric refrigeration provides four sec- pus. Sunday will be a closed date. fall will' find many improvements since A traditional Rainbow tea is being Hazel Harris, Fargo, has been se- tions with temperatures from zero to their last term here. Heading the list planned by Gamma Phi Beta to be cured as a commercial instructor at the sixty degrees, these latter sections are is the new gymnasium, complete in all given in their chapter house, 1372 State School of Science, according to A. I. E. E. CHOOSE PAYNE for summer use particularly. its glory. This edifice, the pride and twelth avenue N. Appointments will Dr. E. F. Riley, president. The addi- AT MEETING YESTERDAY joy of the athletic department, will seat be in the pastel shades carrying out the tional instructor was necessary to take up to 3,500 persons who wish to witness Rainbow theme. Mesdames Eli Weston Although tryouts for membership in care of a 20 per cent increase in the The senior design class in electrical Sallwaechter's charges in athletic en- and Paul Persons will pour. The so- the Girls' Glee club at North Dakota enrollment. Miss Harris reports for engineering was turned momentarily deavor or Arvold's protegees in plays rority octet and Jean Pote, cello solist, State have not yet been completed, it her duties, Monday, Sept. 28. into a meeting of the college branch of that tweak the heart strings. The will present musical numbers. On the is expected that the complete personnel Graduating from the school of edu- the American Institute of Electrical building, costing nearly $350,000 com- committee in charge are: Myrna Sev- of the club will be announced by the cation at North Dakota Agricultural Engineers Thursday, at 1:45 p. m. when plete, is one of the finest of its kind in eri,n, Dorothy Holes, Dorothea Ward, end of next week, announces Miss college in 1930, Miss Harris taught the Fred Payne, senior electrical, was the northwest. It contains, among other and Mary Powers. Adda Blakeslee, director. following year in the commercial de- elected chairman of this branch to suc- things, a large floor big enough for Mesdames Fay Smith and A. H. Ben- With at least 25 members already as- partment of the Barnesville, Minn., ceed Clarence Bryant, also senior elec- three full sized basketbal courts on it. ton will pour for the traditional White sured for the club, it is expected that high school. She studied commercial trical, who did not return to school this If necessary, a fourth court may be Rose tea held by Kappa Delta at the the size of this year's organization will work at Fargo high school, the Inter- fall due to illness, confining him to his used on the stage. Modern offices, for home of Mrs. A. W. Schilla, 1258 fourth exceed that of last year, says Miss state Business college and North Dako- home at Powers Lake, N. Dak. the athletic department, additional street N. Virginia Davis is in charge Blakeslee. ta Agricultural college. While at the Orville Isley, senior electrical, was space for the Military Department and of arrangements. college she acted as secretary to Prof. elected to the office of vice-chairman the large lobby complete the first floor. Kappa Kappa Gamma are entertain- The first pep rally of the season was A. D. Weeks, dean of the school of left vacant by Mr. Payne. Ralph Si- On the second floor there are several ing at 321 Eighth street S with Eliza- held this morning in the old armory education, for three years. She has minsen, senior electrical, retained the class rooms, a military storeroom and beth Wooledge, Eleanor Burnett, and with Dr. C. S. Putnam in charge. An- also had several seasons of experience office of secretary-treasurer without the offices of the Military Department. (Continued on Page 4) other rally will be held next Thursday. in the practical commercial field. re-election. (Continued on page 4)

Where The Gang Phone Good Food Served 65 Eats College Cafe Right


cloistered life surrounded by our own again. He comes every night, doesn't speaking of "students—and human THE SPECTRUM sort. We forget that there are people he" beings." We get all the evolution we Official publication of the students of who dont' go to college—that there are She tapped lightly on the window, ison Briefs want taking the 'ologies, thank you. people who make college possible. and the policeman, looking up, saw her North Dakota State College, pub- By BILL little white face pressed against the lished every Tuesday and Friday Get off the campus occasionally: The Kappa Delts gave an "Alice- during the school year. Address all Talk to the man with the dinner pail, damp glass and smiled a friendly Irish in-Wonderland" party we see. Alice smile. He had a little girl at home, too. communications to the Editor-in- to the business executive, and to the And now since President Shepperd isn't the only one in a fog. We've vagabond who is making a business of Then as he disappeared into the Chief. suggested that there be a "Renaming seen a lot of Janes that were up in just living. Their slant of live is just black night, she laughed, "He's just of the Baby," we humbly offer: the air. Subscription rate: $2.00 per school like the policeman in "Sunny Sam." as valuable and interesting as yours, 1. "Sleepy Hollow" * year. and—you might learn something. He's got the same kind of a coat and 2. "Little John's Place" Entered as second class matter at the same kind of a cap. I wonder if 3. La Salle d'Attende" (the wait- And we heard one freshman sad that State College station, Fargo, N. D., Shattered Windows he has red hair like that one did. Did ing room) he hoped the Bison would make it the you ever read "Sunny Sam," Pinky?" third straight victory over Wisconsin. under the act of March 3, 1879. (This is the theme written by How- _ 4. "Rasbury Park" "No, Mimi, I don't believe I have. That moral victory over Minnesota was Spectrum Phones: Day 4903; Night ard Kilbourne which won third place 5. "State's) Sordid Sanctuary" Who is "Sunny Sam"?" confusing all right. 5525. in the freshmen theme writnig contest, 6. "Festival Hall" (Putnam's con- But Mimi had turned again to the sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, national tribution) window and her answer was a little Marjory Archer Editor-in-Chief English fraternity, last spring). 7. "Dakota Dive" Glenn Reichert__ Business Manager cry of pity. * * * "Oh, look at the little doggie. Isn't Try Our Bachelor Service Editorial Staff Every morning for the past two he cute, Pinky? He looks cold, The Farm Outlook—Old Man Buller Gerald Garlid Assistant Editor weeks, Miss Pinkerton has entered though. Do you s'pose he's got a nice Just a word • to the Ag student this Robert Connolly .Managing Editor Mimi's little room and, after lifting the Model Laundry warm house. I've got a doggie at home, week. You'll find there will be a lot Abbie Porter Desk Editor golden-headed child from the hospital only he's bigger. Look, Pinky, he's of problems coming up td be thrashed Phone 4 William E. Stewart Feature Editor cot—all the while being very careful looking right at me and wagging his out, boys. There'll be a tough row to Jack Grohnke .Sports Editor not to disturb Mimi's broken leg—had The Ultimate in Service tail. He knows me doesn't he, hoe and you'll feel like sowing your propped her up in the big easy-chair Ruth Barrett Society Editor Pinky?" wild oats. All I've got to say is make Mimi had had placed before the win- Fredrick Martin______Copy Reader She turned with a little squeal of hay while the sun shines. dow. Then, just as regularly, Mimi Myrl Hoar Copy Reader delight and asked, "'Pinky, have we * * had asked Miss Pinkerton to fix the Amy Oscarson Music Editor got something to fed him? Have you Well, folks, "Wie gefallt dir sein bandage which was over her left eye Clifford Bowman Exchange Editor got some scraps to give him? He looks whisker?" (This is Yiddish for, "How SHINE! SHINE! and to draw her lovely ringlets back so cold and hungry, mebbe we ought do you like his beard?) You know Reporters behind her ears so that she might see Look At Your Shoes to bring him in here. Could we do who. Charles Christiansen, Nita Oleson, Fred out better. After this preparation, that, Pinky?" * * * GRAVER BARBER SHOP Payne, Herman Ohlke, Luella Furcht, Mimi was ready to play her "window "Gracious no, Mimi." Then, seeing Howard Trangsrud. game." Similies Ladies Shoes A Specialty the look of disappointment on her tiny Business Staff Duke the Shiner "It's not a game everyone likes to face, Miss Pinkerton added, "When As fast asleep as the 1:15 class in Jay Lynch Advertising Mgr. play," she had explained to Miss Pin- the policeman comes by again, we'll accounting. John Thorsell Advertising Mgr. kerton. "Mummy and I used to play ask him to take the doggie home." As dizzy as a frosh at his first William MacDonald _Advertising Mgr. it lots, though. You sit by a window "Oh, do you s'pose he will?" smoker. and when anybody comes past you you As different as Bob Weir and MEMBER She turned again from the darkened NORTH CENTRAL Bob Miller. PRESS ASSOCIATION gues what they do and all about them. window to watch the dog. Fargo Theatre It's something like Pollyanna's "glad "Pinky!" she exclaimed in surprise As speedy as a car passing Old game." and dismay. "Pinky, the light's gone Main. (Speaking of cars—Harold Barber Shop Age and Adjustment So Miss Pinkerton had learned to out! I can't see the puppy at all. It Fredrickson's car is called "Seven play the "window-game." But it was never did that before, did it, Pinky?" Into Twenty," cause it won't go. a Good Place to get At the beginning of every college It's not always easy for her to sit by and As effective as a sorority without Your Haircut. year we hear so much about the ad- listen to the gay laughter and (some its afternoon teas. justment problem of the freshman and times) the tiny exclamations of pity or As pleased as a prof when they 0 so much agitation for the carrying of sympathy as Mimi espied certain indi- Student Opinion laughed at his jokes. "The Shop with the Red Chairs" fewer hours by new students. viduals in the line of people passing As talkative as "McClusky Ter- 0 It seems that the problem is one of beneath her window, for often her 4. ror" Schroeder in a philosophy BILL BENSHOOF, Prop. our own making. The average age class. (More power to you, "Nick"). thoughts would wander to the accident A Name FARGO, N. D. for college entrance is eighteen, which which had taken the lives of Mimi's some argue is still too young, but many The old armory is no longer an ar- father and mother and to the sliver of mory. It is rapidly being transformed M'gosh prexy, we dislike your of the neophytes are even younger. It glass which was still in Mimi's blue is a bit illogical to expect a young man into something much more than that eye, and she had to turn her face lest and will soon be the social and art or woman of enghteen or younger, the the child see the tears which so silently product of a limiting environment center of the college community. Ban- gathered. And so tonight th two sat, quets, dances, balls, plays, debates, re- hitherto under parental guidance, to Mimi in the front row and Miss Pin- bring to college a mature judgement citals, convocations, and lyceums will E APPRECIATE your past kerton close behind, gazing intently no doubt be held in the fine new arm- and a defiinite notion as to his purpose into the rainy night. in life. ory. Therefore, a distinct part of the patronage and solicit your fut- How much better it would be if "You know, Pinky," Mimi said, bigger and better armory should be a breaking a momentary silence, "this college were deferred until we were new name. ure work. When you think of is just like a big theater Mummy used in the twenties. How much we would In looking about for that name we to take me to. We turn out all the bring to college if we had worked a discover that a certain man on the cam- lights like they did there and then we laundry call DIXON for service and year away from parental influence, pus has been particularly interested sit up here in a box-seat and the only had traveled a year or two in different and active in shaping the new struc- light in the whole street is the one quality. We darn sox and sew on parts of the world. Elementary edu- ture. He made the general plans, de- there where the street lamp is. That's cation would have had its practical ap- signed the stage,' and the remodeling just like th stage, isn't it, Pinky?" buttons without extra charge. plication and we would be ready for is going ahead according to his ideas. She rested her tiny white chin in her more instruction in professions that More than that, the building has been hand and then confided, "Mummy used were of consuming interest to us gain- turned over to him, so to speak. And to like the real theater best, but I DIXON LAUNDRY COMPANY ed from actual contact with them. The it would not be wrong to name the didn't because here you can make up adjustment problem would be elimi- building in his honor, "ARVOLD PHONE 666 your own plays and the people down nated. We would have met and HALL." worked with all types of people in dif- in the street are the actors and you And, since more genius, more art, We have a representative in each fraternity on ferent parts of the universe. can have them do anything you want, and greater ability in general is re- the campus. but if you go to a real show, then you From this vantagepoint such a quired in making a theatre of arts out scheme appears Utopian. But it has have to sit and watch the real actors of a "barn" than out of a million dol- its advantage and perhaps someday and you can't change their parts." lars, it would be an honor to Mr. Ar- educators will realize that more mature But Miss Pinkerton was unaware vold to have the new hall named for men and women are needed to fully that Mimi had spoken. "Sometimes," him. Furthermore, inasmuch as the When wanting appreciate college. Meanwhile we have the doctor had told her, "you can't al- building will be used for a variety of ICE CREAM or FRAPPES the Junior college, a poor substitute, ways tell—but sometimes infection will functions and purposes, we need a no but art attempt to solve the problem. spread from one eye to the other." And more comprehensive name than that delicious.... today Miss Pinkerton could not help of "ARVOLD HALL." No-Cut System noticing that Mimi, who usually sipped J. P. her hot chocolate so carefully, had We note with interest that the col- twice allowed a thin brown stream to Phone 730 lege council is considering changes in dribble onto her white napkin. Last Line the present no-cut regulations and will "Pinkee," the child admonished, take some step at their next meeting You oughta wear crepe on your "Don't sit there so quiet. Come on and nose; your brain is dead. regarding the proposals. play." The proposed change which would The Fairmont Creamery Co. "All right, child." authorize two unexcused absences we "Look, Pinky. Here's the policeman "BOOSTERS FOR STATE COLLEGE" believe would eliminate much of the misunderstanding and antagonism that has arisen during the past two years BISON vs. due to the no-cut regulation. We extend our sin- Cloistered Lives BADGERS College campuses are rapidly devel- cerest Welcome oping into typical villages and model to the returning students of And after the game There's Just One little cities. We have our places to eat, to sleep, to read. We even have traffic the A. C. and we invite you a Victory Feast with regulations and a night watchman Place in Town under the direction of a well-organized into our shop. WILLIAMS commission government. Unfortunately this is a damaging prepared Delicacies tendency. There is danger in becoming Campus Food Shop Where Collegians too self-sufficient. We tend to live the Entertain Their We Need Your Head Friends IN OUR BUSINESS BEAT WISCONSIN! —AND— You Need Our Service in WELCOME STUDENTS Yours Services at 1 1 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. GOLDEN MAID SHOPPE Gardner Hotel House of Quality and Service St. Mark's Lutheran Church "Fargo's Finest Cafe" Barber Shop 4th Ave. and 8th St. N. W. P. Gerberding, Pastor

Hart Schaffner & Marx, Fashion Park, Clothcraft-- Priced Right—

f or Men and w Fall"ight - and ALEX STERN & CO. Shades! up SUITS and OVERCOATS Young Men 1 5 "Fargo's Finest Store for Men"


The "athletic shoulder" to accommo- date the well developed muscles of young men is only one of the many Learbury Clothes features that are responsible for Lear- & $35.00 Fargo Toggery bury's popularity. $30.00 Corner Broadway and First Ave. Baby Bison Prepare Between Halves SENIOR STAFF For University Game By EVERETT WALLUM Recommended by the English Department of Official Bulletin of Coming N. D. STATE COLLEGE Men From Minnesota, North and Now that the team has left for Events South Dakota Work Out Madison, we can talk confidentially on the outcome of the game against Wis- Friday, October 2— For Positions consin Saturday. They won't see this Kappa Delta Formal Dinner WEBSTER'S until Monday, anyway, and what they Theta CM Rushing Party INJURIES TAKE THEIR TOLL dont' hear won't hurt them. Saturday, October 3— Alpha Gamma Delta Party COLLEGIATE Casey Finnegan feels Bison fans With their encounter with their tra- Alpha Xi Beta Formal Dinner The Best Abridged Dictionary because it is based upon ditional rivals, the University of North can hardly expect as close a score as N. D. S. C. vs University of Wis. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL— Dakota freshman gridders, but several against Minnesota last week inas- Sunday, October 4— The "Supreme Authority." Here is a weeks off, the 1931 Baby Bison are much as it is difficult to prime any Sorority Formal Teas companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove its real value every working out daily on fundamentals team for two tough games in suc- Monday, October 5— time you consult it. A and plays of the game of American cession. Casey is primarily inter- wealth of ready ested in copping the good old North Sorority and Fraternity Pledging information on words, persons, places, is football. instantly yours. 106,000 words and Central conference pennant and will Blue Monday Tea, 3:00-6:00 They are, at present, the most pro- phrases with definitions, etymologies, not, under any consideration, sacri- Tuesday, October 6- mising group of freshman players in pronunciations, and use in its 1,256 fice his team merely for the glory 4:15—Y. W. C. A. Etiquette Group the history of the school, in the opinion pages.1,700 illustrations. Includes resulting from holding a highly "Y" Room dictionaries of biography and ge- of many who have watched the year- touted team such as Wisconsin. Wednesday, October 7- ography and other features. lings work out under the direction of 11, 4:00—Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Meeting See It At Your College Bookstore or Write Coach Fay Smith and assistants Joe for Information to the publishers. Free Blakeslee and Pete Gergen, former THEN, TOO, THE TEAM WILL BE Thursday, October 8- specimen Pages if you name this paper. Bison stars. Nine all-state selections MUCH MORE TIRED AGAINST WIS- 12:15—Senior Staff Luncheon G. CI C. Merriam Co. from North Dakota and Minnesota high CONSIN AFTER A 600 MILE JOUR- Saturday ,October 10- Springfield, Mass._ ...... iis00 schools are among the many freshmen NEY ON THE RAILS. * * * N. D. S. C. vs. St. Thomas working out for team positions. 8:30-11:30—Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. The toughest competition in the We are not slinging pre-game alibis. C. A. Mixer freshman ranks is in the selection of We do not know that the team will the holders of the backfield positions. acquit itself creditably. The Badgers "I never smoke myself, but its nice. We play Wisconsin tomorrow. Be at More than 20 outstanding and speedy will be on guard to prevent such a Would you believe that it was once runners are candidates for the posi- surprise as the Gophers got and there's A few more weeks should give dope- the Armory to hear the returns. just a pipe dream? But we need a new tions on offensive campaign head- no doubt that Glenn Thistlewaite will sters some idea on the relative strength library!!"—Ethel McVeety. quarters. Linemen are of superior send his best eleven into the game of the two institutions and progress of auality also, as the varsity second with instructions to take the wings out both elevens will be watched with in- of these ambitious youngsters from the tense interest. team discovered in an encounter with The second pep rally will be held west. Thistlewaite has been on the * * the freshmen Monday evening. next Thursday in the old armory. butt end of considerable criticism As if the natural rivalry were not We Carry a Complete Outstanding backs include the speedy from alumni, anyway, and can hardly enough to incite interest in a Bison- Fritz Hanson of Perham, Minnesota; Line of afford to take a chance against the Nodak game there is also the state Wendell Schollander of Fargo; George Bison. championship and the conference May of Aberdeen, South Dakota; * * * pennant as bait. George Manthey of Owatonna, Minne- Cilmeefied,Ado PARKER PENS and sota; Kenneth Pirnie of Aberdeen; Just taking advantage of the sports * * * THE LADY WHO can help us has a Rider and Hollister of Owatonna and writer's inherent righti to predict, however, we'll venture the guess: Watch Cy Kaspar's Jackrabbits, the pleasing personality, is well acquaint- PENCILS numerous others from the three states team which the Bison face in Home- mentioned. The burden of the punting Badgers 20: Bison 6. ed with A. C. students, is not afraid * * * coming, October 24. They have started to obtain busineSs after being coached and pass throwing has been carried on auspiciously and, while we haven't Depaul will give Jack West's Nodaks and desires to make goOd money in Office Specialties Co. by May and Manthey during games, heard any claims coming out of Brook- quite a battle at Grand Forks Friday spare time. Write Box 64, Fargo, including the encounter with the var- ings, we have a hunch the Bunnies are night. For a DePaul team to be rated N. D. sity seconds in which the frosh marched going to regain their prestige by throw- with either the Bison or the Nodaks down the field time and again against ing everything into the Bison battle. the more experienced players. is something new, the Chicagoans having been defeated several times in The freshman line has a number of the past by weak Bison elevens. But The Board of Publications at the small members but the varsity second DePaul, hitherto a strong basketball University of South Dakota are trying team has great difficulty in bowling to add four dollars to the regular stu- You're Missing school, has started going in for football Students over those same linemen. Two big in a big way. At least, that's what dent a_ctivity fee to pay for their year- boys, Bud Marquardt and Leo Gerteis, their coach told us last winter in Chi- book, the Coyote. If something isn't Something the first from Moorhead and the second cago and their recent victory over done at once it is feared that publica- You'll get from Fargo, have shown up to great Detroit University by a 12 to 0 score tion of the annual may cease. advantage at the end positions. Elwin, seems to bear out this assertion. West If you haven't found the Surprise of a tackle from Wahpeton, is small but will be too smart for them, though, and Testimonials on the New Smoke Stack has displayed prowess. Peschel, Er- we think a 19 to 10 score in favor of "Watch our smoke," Harold Miller out about Your Life lenmeyer, Thomas, and a number of our rivals from the north would be and Buff Thompson. other Baby Bison have played on the about right. "Not nearly so much soot drifts into Undergrad Clothes If you line with a style that is pleasing to * * * our classrooms as before. I'm all for ccaches. stop at any pen THE BISON-UNIVERSITY GAME •t."—Dean Minard. Stop searching for the ultimate Injuries have also taken their toll AT GRAND. FORKS, OCTOBER 31, in clothes. We can modestly say counter of the freshman gridders during the SHOULD, ECLIPSE EVERYTHING that we've solved your problem past week or two. "Acey" Olson, all- THII STATE HAS EVER SEEN IN with these Undergrad Clothes at state lineman from Fargo, has been FOOTBALL CROWDS. THE STAGE You'll find the Parker nursing a broken wrist. Art Stege, IS SET EVEN MORE PERFECTLY For Ford Service Duofold Jr. and Lady fullback from Perham, Minnesota, suf- THAN LAST YEAR TO DRAW FANS Duofold at $5 have 22% fered a broken rib in its game with the FROM THE FLICKERTAIL STATE. $19.75 to 69% greater ink capac- varsity seconds but kept right on for a LAST YEAR THE BISON WERE THE ity than some pens priced number of minutes despite the pain of UNDERDOGS, BUT NOW IT SEEMS the fracture. A badly sprained ankle THE SITUATION IS REVERSED, 50% higher. You find has kept Schneider of Bismarck on the WITH A MAJORITY OF THE CRIT- these classic Duofoids bench. ICS GIVING FINNEGAN'S BOYS Guaranteed for Lift: at $5, MORE THAN AN EVEN CHANCE Donovan Motor Co. The Globe the same as the Senior FOR VICTORY. sizes at $7 and $10. President Shepperd addressed the * * * FARGO FORD DEALER 102-104 Broadway, FARGO won't find another With student body in the first convocation of That's one game we won't predict, Phone 2100 the school year held Wednesday morn- however. The University has a mighty Parker's streamlined ing in the old armory. tough team and anything can happen. style, radiant color range, Doctor Shepperd extended a welcome Invisible Filler and pat- on the behalf of the faculty to the ented Clip that holds the freshmen as well as to returned upper I pen low, and unexposed. classmen. He pointed out the new NEXT WEEK improvements made on the campus OPPORTUNITIES Next to earnest study, AT THE during the summer months, and clear- nothing else can be so Opportunities are of value only to those who are prepared to use ed up a few points that may have been them. Prepare now for the many opportunities offered by the business helpful in school. Go and hazy to the freshman. Dr. Shepperd STATE world to the young people who have made the proper preparation and see Parker's smart, new also introduced the students to the re- THEATRE have the ability to work up to the higher positions. It requires only a Burgundy Red and Black modelled Armory, and made a few MON. & TUES. few months of training to prepare for a position that will pay you a at $5 and $7. suggestions as to what uses the old worthwhile salary with many chances for advancement. Phone 1099 or Armory could be put to. write for information to the Mr. Norman Ostby, new instructor of NANCY CARROLL the Music Department, rendered a IN Interstate Business College shcrt violin selection at the opening of "Personal Maid" FARGO, the convocation. NORTH DAKOTA Paricer WED. & THURS. - Pug/raid ELISSA LAND! PEN GUARANTEED FOR L: GASOLINE and OILS Victor McLaglen —AT- CLASSIFIED ADS 4th in "WICKED" FOR SALE BY FRI. & SAT. Get Results Street Service Station " and SAM = Whitman's Everything in Service Phone 1000 BY CARS OFFICE SUPPLIES WASHED, GREASED, POLISHED ASK FOR BETTY BROWN AND EQUIPMENT Reasonable WITH Lawrence Desautel, N. D. S—'29 629 First Avenue North Lloyd Lanblom, N. D. S.—'27 LEON JANNEY — MATT THE FARGO FORUM Phone 3732-LW MOORE — ZAZU PITTS PHONE 4330

Opening Dance -- Crystal Ballroom -- Sat. Oct. 3

Ladies 15 cents Featuring THE CRYSTAL BALLROOM RADIOLIANS Gents 85 cents


satisfactorily, and about $7,000 was SORORITIES ENTERTAIN D. G. Hay Announces Huntoon Announces spent in this improvement. This, with AT TEAS SUNDAY All men interested in trying out the new equipment being added to the (Continued from Page 1) for membership in the Men's Glee Forensic Tryouts Glee Club Tryout power plant should help to 'make Erlys Hill in charge of arrangements. club report in the department of things hot' for the Boys' Dorm, Ceres Blue and blue, the sorority colors, will architecture at 4 p. m. today. Prof. Homer B. Huntoon. Participation In College Debates Director Will Hold Preliminary Hall, Armory, Y. M. C. A. and new be used in the appointments. Mes- Tests For Membership gym. dames M. C. Young, John Wooledge, Is Open To All Students The old armory comes in for its George Black and Robert Barnard will Enrolled In College This Afternoon share of improvements, the new stage, preside at the tea table. balcony and decorations both inside Mesdames Fred Olsen and George Tryouts for the college debating Preliminary tryouts for membership and out, totaling about $1,500. McGregor will pour at the Phi Omega After Parties and Shows teams will be held in the Little Country in the Men's Glee club will be con- The Pharmacy Department moved Pi home, 1223 eleventh avenue N. Mu- Theatre on Thursday and Friday after- ducted at 4 p. m. today in the depart- into new quarters in Frances Hall giv- sical numbers will be presented by the meet at noons, October 8 and 9, from 1:30 to ment of architecture, it was announced ing them all of the first floor and about sorority trio. On the committee in 5:30, according to Mr. D.' G. Hay, direc- late Thursday by Prof. Homer B. Hun- half of the second. This change gave charge are: Eleanor+ Erickson, Ellen tor of forensics in the public discussion toon, director, following a business the Chemistry Department the half of Gardner, Helen Fitch, Mary McLane Le Chateau department. meeting of the organization Thursday the third floor in the Chemistry build- and Dorothea Gutman. Participation in the college debates is afternoon. ing formerly occupied by the Pharmacy open to all men and women regularly Earl Carlton, Lisbon, junior in the Department. These changes amounted enrolled in college work. It is asked school of mechanic arts, was named to about $1,500 and increased the la- Cl that each person planning to try out president of the club at the business boratory space in each department. be prepared with a short talk of about session. Other officers elected to serve Several smaller expenditures were three minutes on one of the following for the year are: Waldemar Knudson, made putting in sidewalks, and the first CHIC SNAPPY CLOTHES topics: chain stores, unemployment in- Pelican Rapids, Minn., vice president, paving on the campus was laid just and Cleaver Sorenson, Pelican Rapids, FOR THE COLLEGE MISS surance, women in industry, or pro- north of the new dormitory. The side- hibition. A big debate program is Minn., secretary. walks totaled about $2,400 and the 350 MODERATE NEW ARRIVALS QUALITY being arranged for the coming season. About 18 students interested in try- feet of pavement came to $4,000. Some fifty debates are being planned ing out for club membership reported PRICES DAILY APPAREL for including fifteen intercollegiate de- at the meeting Thursday called for PREFERRED RUSH DATES bates and about thirty-five community both old and prospective members, it debates. The debate season will be was announced following the session. END TOMORROW EVENING WA TERMAN-OHM CO. opened with the appearance of the 109 Broadway FARGO, N. D. Turkish Debating Team here on No- Preferred rushring party dates will vember 3. Other collegiate teams, Tumbling Classes To close tomorrow night with the dinner which debaters of the college will un- given by Alpha Xi Beta sorority at the doubtedly meet, will come from Mani- Have Heavier Program Island Park Recreation hall. Modern toba University, Montana State college, Orientation is the theme chosen by the Concordia College, South Dakota State Those Who Remain Full Term group. College, South Dakota University, and May Substitute This For Tonight Kappa Delta will give a North Dakota University. Debates with "Hotel" party in the old armory, and other Minnesota collegiate institutions Freshman Gym Credit tomorrow afternoon Alpha Gamma How is Your Personal and some in Iowa are pending further Delta will entertain at their traditional arrangements. The initial meeting of the tumbling "Algadel" party. Kappa Delta enter- Appearance class of the athletic department was tained Tuesday afternoon, Gamma Phi held Wednesday at the college Y with Beta, Tuesday night ;Alpha Xi Beta, Wisconsin U. Regents another meeting for this afternoon at Wednesday afternoon. Alpha Gamma 4:30 to complete preliminary arrange- Delta, Wednesday afternoon. Kappa Plan "University City" ments. A scheduled number of fresh- Kappa Gamma, Thursday afternoon, men turned out with a promise of many and Phi Omega Pi, Thursday night. N. D. CLEANERS more today. Inadequate Facilities For Hous- A heavier program is planned this Special Prices to Students ing Men and Women year by director Mattingly which in- Save All Your Foot Ailments Taken Necessitate Act cludes new entertainments at basket- are of by— ball games and an entirely new and We Call and Deliver larger spring exhibition. With the ad- DR. CAROLINE I. SATRE Plans for the creating of a "univer- dition of a new assistant instructor, CHIROPODIST AND MASSEUSE sity city" have been developed by the Ben M. Boyden, many new phases of 0 regents of the University of Wisconsin, Phone 297 807 13th Street North tumbling will be taught this year. Suite 2 as a means of relieving the meagre All those interested are urged to sign 110 Broadway FARGO, N. D. housing facilities for the several thou- with director Mattingly today at 4:30 sand students of the university. Discovering that the present dormi- at the Y. This work may be substi- tory system cares for only 500 men and tuted for freshman physical education 365 women, that fraternity and sorority credit by those who remain during a houses take care of only 1,500 men and full term. 600 women, and that the rest of the As in the past the military depart- 6,000 students stay in rooming houses, ment will decorate a few deserving poorly ventilated and lighted and with- members of the group, with a possi- out proper toilet facilities, the regents bility of a larger number obtaining have worked out a plan whereby the monograms from the athletic depart- ment. • university would purchase land on the A.,..4"- ridge overlooking Lake Mendota, and 11 offer rent-free sites to all fraternities CAMPUS IMPROVEMENTS and sororities that wish to build there- ATTRACT ATTENTION on. There would also be college dormi- (Continued from Page 1) --1" tories on the ridge, and each unit In the basement are the dressing rooms -10,4), would be carefully platted and land- for the teams, locker rooms for the scaped in accord with the whole group. men's gym classes, a track for the run- \\\'v 111 I \\\\\\\\\\\ Because of a "lobby" of rooming house ners and other track men, and a swim- — '',.. \\\, IP owners in the city, permission to go ming pool. The latter, however, has ahead with such a plan was turned not been completed due to lack of down by the lait legislature, so that funds. 111. "riir7 '\\...... ,... 1 ill ' , I ' I . . . the regents must wait until 1931 before Enlargement of the steam main was t I \I - they can obtain the necessary legis- III t , 1111 necessary to heat the new building till1 Ill lation. , .., .

The officers of the Cosmopolitan club \ held their second meeting Wednesday 411e, \ evening. Committees were appointed \ \ and plans discussed. The club has ,0' \ -Ni changed its policy and will choose its - membership, which will be limited to Major fifty. The club meets every Monday evening at 7:30. in 3 Essentials of a College Woman's Robert Anderson, former student and a member of Alpha Sigma Tau Smart Wardrobe fraternity, will leave tomorrow for "THRIFT" Seattle, Washington. Mr. Anderson • • has been seriously ill. For Campus and pick Toss Your Budget Worries Unquestionably favored are the frocks of "knobby" novelty Knit, simple in style but gaunty in the details that contribute J. C. Penney In the Wastebasket... .. to the general appearance. The 3 chief colors are: rust, green, Freshman as Advisor! brown. The prescribed length: 12 inches from the floor. Treat yourself to a view of the Get a good start in college most alluring styles you've seen For Afternoon by purchasing the right kind in many a year that have dared The dressy afternoon fashions appear in most part in faille "THRIFT", under the wear price tags as low as you'll crepe, or satin. Sponsoring the period influence their styling expert tutelage of the J. borders on the startling. A touch of lace, a dab of fur or a of supplies from us. see here! Thrift becomes auto- C. Penney store, is a prac- novel two-tone effect distinguished these models that are cor- tical course in Econom- matic when you shop here and rectly worn above the ankle. Mechanical Drawing Sets ics. It will show you how its a revelation. What a wealth $3.00 and up you can make your allow- of quality and smartness, your ance go much farther than For Formal Laboratory Aprons, each..- 35 even your Dad thinks it 1931 dollars will buy! should 1 This indispensible importance to a college woman's wardrobe Filler Paper, per pad 10 might be of lace, velvet or satin. But the decolletage must be extremely low. The hem must reach the instep. .70 Summing up the course: "Icy" or Ream of 500 sheets Persian shades, shown in blues, greens, reds, and black you'll find that you can are highly favored. Pens — Pencils — Inks dress better for every oc- casion, If you shop here! $ 6.98 to $45 Northern School %BLACKS J. C. PENNEY "SHOP BLACK'S WHERE YOU ALWAYS FIND THE CROWDS Supply Co. FARGO Company, Inc. 8th St. and N. P. Ave. and see for yourself."

New Shades, New Models, New Patterns Hear the Singing Palace FALL SUITS Buddy Every Friday- Never Such Values in 15 Years 6:15—KGFK Moorhead "Every Inch a Clothing Store" Stern and Field