Unlerml u hoctmd C ltu H>li« mi the Millbtirn l ‘o*i Otticm und«r >u Act uf xi IV— No. 4 6 y ? M 1 U .BURN, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY. NOV. 25, 1931 Oonfffttn. M»rcdi 8, lilt, — Price'5 C«nU

CHURCH ST. TAXPAYERS GOT RATES PRAISES B1CKLRY JQfl sMv&i Shower verbal bouquet ■K H E TOWNSHIP’S SLOGAN was. tossed gently In the lap of Township Engineer C. D. Blckley Monday* night by >/2 CENT K.W.H. August W. Mlelke of 67 M M ‘GIVE, TO LET LIVE’, Church street when he ap­ peared before the Township ertey Central Power and Committee and thanked it Special Meeting Called to INSPIRES: CAMPAIGN publicly for the recent im­ Consider Project Next Light Company provement of Church street Announce* Cuts , betwen Blaine and Main on Program Wyoming girl scouts UriveNotlo Be Confused streets. ■* ~ . % WILL HOLD FOOD SALE with Municipal Em- k Sir. Mielke emphatically Preliminary plans and an a r jersey Central Power & Light asserted that the work was On Saturday. December 5 wpany today announced a re-: chltect’s sketch of the proposed the Girl. Scout Troops of ployment Relief especially well done and was Wyoming, now numbering effort In the top step, of Its ^ warm In hfs praise.for. Mr. grade school In South Mountain Estates were considered by mem­ about" 50, with about 30 M (or rtomeatle and commer- • Blckley s supervision of the Brownies, will hold a food Mlilburn's Community Chrlet- task. He said the property bers of the Board of Education UchttWL from It cents to at a special meeting ul the high sale In Mlllburn Centre to j mas Fund, which UUs year hopes owners there were grateful raise money to pay their I ! cents per kilowatt hour for the improvement • school Monday night. to bring reasons for Thanksglv ectivc with all Wiling on and share In the general fund of Road Commissioner Char­ Walter A. Staub, chairman of the scouts of the Oranges lug tomorrow to the commnuity's ter January 1 next. The re- les R. Moore- who came in the building committee, said no j. worthy needy, was launched turn means • saving to cus t and Maplewood. for1 his share of the praise action was taken by the board. The other scout troops of Monday by the Neighborhood nrr* oi approximately 8329, Mr Mielke in his over­ He said, however that the board Association and the American a year. the Oranges are allowed a whelming gratitude was may be prepared to Jake a def­ sum from the community i Legion. rhe "erond and third steps tn R passing around, declared inite step at its meeting Dec- domestic schedule remain welfare chest raised (tsach A general printed appeal, In- that all the credit for the embet 17. * spfied by the slogin. "aive To same at 6 cents and 3 cents year In .the Oranges but the permanent pavement should At recent meetings of the Wyoming Bcouts must raise Let Live" wns being received . KWH. respectively. The go to Mr. Bickley, through board it was said that efforts mmerrlal lighting rate also re- their awn proportion. today by residents oaktng con­ whose Intelligent efforts j would be made to have the It Is hoped that there will tributions to the fund which in ins as before, the succeeding Stale aid was obtained tn school completed by 1933 It was the past has brought practical' ps being 8 cents and 3 cents be enough raised at this sale financing part of the pro- hoped that the building would to cover the amount needed. relief to many I«mw fortunate KWH respectively. i be ready for occupancy by Jan­ residents Money should be sent Phis revision comes as a result TJonatlons mav be offered to uary- 1933. but It was thought any of the Wyoming to the Community Christmas Oh lie in of the generating ' probable t hat the school would Fund at the First National Bank ilion-, at Whippany. 8ayrevillc Scouts who will solicit from I be completed by September. their families and friends. ; of Mlllburn. South Amboy and further 1933. If the numerous legal and uallie* rates of these two clas ' technical steps the board mast Mri. Hull Explains. as between the Northern div­ TRAFFIC LIGHT take are achieved without pn- ans in the shore territory. Mrs. Carrie A Hull executive forseen delay. $180 TAX LEW director of. the Neighborhood Cause of Cat. REQUEST MADE 8MECA -Petitions Board. Association, who. every year sup mien the Jersey Central and The South Mountain Estates ervises the relief given at Christ­ mas and assistance to the needy :ht Company purchased the A Check up of automobile traf Civic Association last Spring REFUND ASKED mniitem newNew Jerseyjeieoy Power*-«*»<•-* Com , He at the intersection of Mill petitioned the Board for the throughout the Year, said today ; • latter company served : burn and Short Hills avenues, school, pointing ^ HMyncre that the Community Chmtmas Rotund of approximately 8180 ctfir-ally the territory from wltl bc made by the police de- »ng numer of school ch ildren In Fund should not be confuted in taxes, with nine per eent In­ with the work being dpnc by the K-routo Sea Olrt respectively ' payment. D, King Irwin. Chair- the lr“ l ^ h o .mu^ v^ n^ f nd Millbum Unemployment Relief Ittmng in Its large centers As- ,nan of the Township Commit- rted 1* W tel est, was demanded of the ry Park and Belmar. One of ,cc, ^ Monday night after Short Hills Schools. BtatUtU* Fund Committee. 'Hie Jattar Township Committee Monday ronumllce has not made an or­ : reason* in support of appro Fred K Rchlerbaum of Short' were prtliWMl ** *“ " “ “ ■ night by A. J. Wiley, resT es­ ganized appeal for funds. The ut UUs transfer by the Pub m u, requested Ahal a vehicular. request to lndl^ ’n ‘ Soillh tate broker of Ohm avenue. municipality and the Hi ale are Otthty Commission was th a t. ar.,ufl,ed traffic signal be placed ; Prob‘^ “f financing this work. ucmks would bd made where- L lhat p0|nt. j Mountain Mr. Wiley explained he sold Tlie Christmas Tund, Mrs Hull fires to consumers could------be | Mr schlerbaum said he was 'Wyoming Washington and Short t f a triangular property The reduction as an- j i f f ’J S S * ! * the Re, l » l HI... sehool beeo.ee - r , Cabout...... six years ago, but due to explained. wUl not devote 111 time to find employment for the meed today- therefore, is part I. Gardner, rector of St. Rose of S a t e d that if d c la y in recording the deed it this standardization of rates jobless Tilts is being done by Lima's Church He said they was cognizant or the situation had been billed for , ‘ taxes Z, and * . the MipioyipcntEmployment uenc:Relic: commieCommit between Eastern flow Jersey both agreed that a traffic and would proceedcd ■ as soon as a; segments ever since ana paid j,e cin LsUnas Fund purpai - I JSiBiv Central, and the ec- -11 device of some kind be propnsftlon- is - by him. ’ . . ' cs to aid the families of the un­ Mrs effected In the refluet- l-iced th£Tto"‘per£f molM iststP^1^ T I^ii^lLlots at toe'an- the an Mr Wiley said he had bee -mnloved bv givimr them food- .made throughout the entire employed by giving them food- coming from Short Hills to Mill- P e b S S “"able to adjust the matter with fuel or clothing at holidays and many. . burn to make a left turn. ; the purchaser oi his property He tommenttng-mr this revision Mr. Irwlh painted o u tth a t authi)r ls under stated that he had conferred (Continued on Page 8.) 7 pivjewsi -TT»w«»ie,------1 (Please turn to Page 8.) r»u«,r™' W .’S C fwithin P a '- few months def way (Continued on Page 8.) WARNER BROTHERS t$. R L. LEAVITT (Please Turn to Page 4) 1 from that time. REOPEN THEATRE OF SHORT HILLS HERE TOMORROW DIES SATURDAY Suburban Millwork Company. Successor ^ J. William Hatt, Removes Its Plant to Spring Street, Near the Railroad Warner Brothers, nationally ‘uiiera! services for Mrs, Ru- known lliealre owners and mo­ 8 Leavitt, who died Saturday tion picttire pnkHiert.s, kill re personnel of the succeeding cor- open the Mlllburn Theatre to­ er an . illness of two weeks, Faith In the future demand in suburban field. re-held at her horn ein Del- , j ; noratlon has all been associated morrow------afternoon, it was an- for quality products and the The business was . tuu-i^w.,founded , P g wfth business, and nminced yesterday by Urnls Gil­ K lane, Short Hill*. Monday continuance of one of the olde*t ernoon. The Rev. C. Mai sixty five years ago by the late ls determined to continue the 1 bert, managing director, Established millwork and lum­ Joel W. Hatt,"and continued by high principles and policies of The theatre has been redecore tn Douglas rector of Christ ber houses In Essex County, his nephew, J, William Hatt- who t£d and new and attractive un-h officiated. Interment reflected in the incorporation of the old house in merchandise incorporated it about eight years ancj sendee. .hangings and drapes afflxedJE sin Flushing, L. I. , Suburban Millwork JL Supply ago. Always adhering to a high the walLs.The auditorium has re­ •fra* Learn, who was forty- Company, formed by the associa­ standard of quality merchandise The new corporation has leas- ceived acoustic treatment by ex­ 'ee years old was bom In te* of J. William Hatt in J-W ^' perts, improving consldcrbly thp. if Ron, 8. C., and had lived lam Halt. Inc.. 153 Plan* street, , . fVl0 fipij flnfi rur- 1 tng at r Spring r f a n and ^ d^ Essex x r“ streets. reetds audibility of the sound' films. enteen years In Short Hills. Newark. Mr. Hatt retires from n!stdP m lltork “requirements Buildings already on the proper- Mr. Ollbert- who has been as- ■Its Leavitt was a member of millwork business to devote hb for many o f the better class build ------1 fi'iitusrol Oolf Club and the attention exclusively to hU hotel lng projects of the county. The I ( Please Turn to Ifcge 12.) (Please Turn to PIge 9) 'Please Turn to Page 8) and large real estate holdings M1LLBURN-SH0RT HILLS ITEM

The annual meeting of the Thursday afternoon at the home Needlework Guild of America of Mrs. Aloyslus Berberich of was held Tuesday afternoon at White Oak Ridge road. Plans the home of Miss Phoebe Trap were discussed for a card party, liagen of Glen avenue. A rep o rt the date to be announced later. was made that 771 garments Mrs. George Fuchs of White have been sent to the Neighbor Oak Ridge road who has been hood Association, the Arthur very ill. for the pest debt WSffeK Home for Blind Babies, Summit; la slowly improving. tbo social service department, Mrs. Mary Huntoon of Whits Newark, and the Orthopaedic Oat Ridge road Is spending the Hospital, Orange. |UEST1UNS aiuyajMweni rr, winter In Florida as tbe^uest -. Mrs. Albert %nnlhg entertain­ ,of Mr and Mrs A. & Roes. gtrttta* the World Court ed iiu> members of ’the SMort Mr and Mrs, Francis Reed are resumed today under the Hills Bridge Club Monday after­ and their daughter, Mary Caro­ anaptees of the futematlanal re- noon at her home In Highland line Reed- of White Oak Ridge y U e e iM ie n MUoiu committee', ~3 QVCflUC. jpwf-- - -TyKSiiT ■ road- expect to spend Thanks­ To what extent doe* the Leag­ The dramatic department of giving as the guest of Mrs. THE TREASURE CHEST the Short Hills Community Cen­ ue control the CodH?’ Reed's sister, Mrs. Victor Kitchen 19 Beecbweod Rom! 'Phong 6*1928 Summit, N. "It does not control It at ail. ter is engaged in rehearsals fpr of Grtat Neck. L. I. The League cannot Influence In the three one-aft plays to be giv­ Mr and Mrs. Josepjh Laskey T— e* the slightest ’degree the Conrt'e en at Um Center tbe-evenlng of and their son. Dean caskey, and Jurisdiction. which la defined by December 11 The players are Mr and Mrs. Carl Knowles of the Statute' or lta procedure- being ranched by MW. H. De* White Oak Ridge road plan to which U defined by the Statute W l n t t S S S -pend Thanksgiving at Syracuse and also by the "Court's rules, | T Wlfcou Llyod of Forest drive and Ithaca, N. Y. which the Court itself mates." and James T. Strong of Park Mrs. Maude Yeomans of 8yra IBesf & Co. place have ben spending several . But is not the Court ttemected fuse- N. Y., will act be a guSst at BAST ORANGE with the League? days at the Little Beach Club on the home of Mr and Mrs. Laskey "It is connected with the Lea­ Barnegat Bay, until after Christmas. William and Washington Streets. PbonfORan^J-m# gue In fire ways, no one of which Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Blake Private Parking Pm gives the League the least oppor­ of Knollwood road have as tunity to control the Court's guests Mr and Mrs Charles work. The five points of connec Stewart and Miss Elizabeth tlon are: Stewart of Boston. -(1) The League Covenant A Canton Crepe provided- for the prepa rayon or White Oak Ridgi the Statute. "(1) The machinery of the John Dyke of White Oak Ridge Dance Frock for League Council and Assembly Is road rrtBtored to New York over used for the election of judges. tire week-end. •MS) The Court's expenses are Ml« Agnes Murray of White Thanksgiving Dates paid through the League. Oak Ridge road expects to spend “(41 The council and Assembly Thanksgiving as the guest- of are the only agents that can re­ her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Downey quest advisory opinions. of Irvington. “(5) The Court has Jurisdic­ The MlsscS Carry and Agnes tion over difficulties in connec 8orensen and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. tlon with the treaties for the Hornecker and sons of Orange protection of minorities, the ad­ were Sunday visitors of Mr. ministration of mandates, the and Mrs. B. C. Hornecker of *ONE DAY International Labor office, and White Oak Ridge, road. over eertalh provisions In Uie Dorothy Parsll- daughter of SPECIAL Versailles Treaty. The signatory governments In agreeing to Mr. and Mrs W. H. Parsll of EVERY TUESDAY White Oak Ridge road, has re­ these treaties have conferred covered from an attack of ton­ this Jurisdiction upon the Court; SHAMPOO this fifth form of connection sillitis. and The White Oak Ridge Home WAVE with the League is therefore very and School Association mej last $1.00 Indirect." SHAMPOO Short HilU Items WAVE and $1:50 The patronesses of the Junior HOME - GROWN FACIAL subscription dance to be held • FRESH f Saturday evening, November 28, at the Short Hills Community Center, are as follows: Mrs. A. MUSHROOMS T. Vanderbilt Mrs. Edward Cha- CHARLOTTE Royal -Mua with red Uf- Miss Oertrude Clarkson, Mrs. Delivered to Your Door BEAUTY PARLOR Black wMt emerald M. C. Larfey, Mrs. C. Hodder, Tel.— Mil lb urn 8-2W7-J . and Mrs. Melbourne Smith. 356 Millbum Ave. Hart groan with black Mrs. Louis P. Bayard of Hobart W. D. BROWNING For Appointment, Phone 'venue spent the week-end with Bright red with black Mr. and Mrs Henry R. Guild of 152 Myrtle Ave. 1HILLBURN 6 0949 Brookline- Maas.

DON’T FORGET TO Sizes Us to 20 C h ristm a s ask for your free shopping list Shopping List today If you're home from school or college oil set for q "big Hme", .you'll find this new frock a real joy, that your clothes allow­ REMEMBER ance can easily afford. It has those im­ TO portant slim-below-the-waist lines. It's mads of heavy quality canton, which can bt Join bur 1932 Christmas Club V,. A Limited Number, • ** - - ■»" vi"-- - - worn on several dates,; without being Free opening on November 30, 1931 pressed, for it doesn't wrinkle easily. And, Jrijrttwamr Its two full-blown roses of soft velvet and matching belt, make for a very feminine, Christm as Q ub T H E H yet not "fussy" effectv Best's has other FIRST NATIONAL BANK lovely evening fashions for you too, at the m C l b u r n , n . j . same price. . -- j l i ji,; T1 j 7 iiT tiI


which in New York would be Short Hills. Topic, "Child Wel­ ham road. Topic “The Revolu­ ffr 'S fd n t* ( f f r i / r mere routine for a New Yorkirlr fare lnftussla Today. 3:15 P. tion in Ruaala," 3:30 P. U. magistrate. Judge Slayton pre­ SD- BULLETIN BOARD M- ' -Tues. Dec. 22 Meeting, music sided with the understanding, Fri.D ec, 11—Three one act department. Woman’s Club, dignity and kindliness so fre­ plays. Short Hills Community home of Mrs. William H. Crosby, quently missing when glmilar Centre. «:30P. M. Qlen avenue. Topic, "Music of caws are tried In the courts of Thurs. Nov. 2G Thanksgiving Frl. Dec. 11—Irish American Prance "2:30 P. M. Ifi-gef ettles.'. , , service 8t. Stephen's, Church, Dunce- S t Rbse's Hall, MlUburn Wed. Dec. j i —emiman*. Th® J»W was not without Its Main street, 9:10 A *C avenue-8:30 P. M. Chrutmits party by fWld wei-^ drama,* we wwe told. At one- Sat. Nov t8--jtmior Bttbscrip- Mon. Dec. 14—Meeting, ecki- fare department of Woman* point, ihe complflnlng witness tton panee, Short Hllis Com- cation department, home of Mrs Qlub.'------Short . —HMls (^onuhttmtp" made hasty and unfavorable ref­ m y Centre. 8:30PJH ^ Robert McC. Johnstone. Noting Centre, 3 :30 P.M. erence to a certain woman. Up hi our >epoii of -the raokateer . JohlPfd a mah frodi the gather- supper dance- Short Hills Club. ^ was n w M -here last lag who ahouted, "I-object: That Tues. Dec. * L-atlver tm . Thursday morning we made a iady (whom the witness was re-. Washington School, 3:3d «• p, V-ST, M-. serious, er^or. The Item said (erring to* ]s my wife!”' • Wed.----- Dec. — 3—Home *------•- makers ihut cju»f Hopkins Struck the A sharp rap of Judge Slayton’s class, sponsored by ^Jersey Cen­ captured racketeer With tile Ost; gavel restored order and his tral. Power ALlght Co:,-St Bte- ..Tlifi lucketeer was subdued with threat to clear the court permit­ pheifs Parish House, Main ted the case to proceed from- the butt of Chief Hopkins' revol­ street, 3:3