NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME STATE COT,LEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1931 NUMBER 3. COLLEGE LIBRARY STAFF Don Lawrence Wins N. B. Black HAS TWO NEW ASSISTANTS Bison PlayWisconsin University In Two new assistants have been added Memorial Scholarship for Seniors to the staff at the college library. They Second Big Ten Game Tomorrow are filling the vacancies left by the Misses Sylvia Ellingson and Leona Rei- Given By Fargo Rotary Club ; neck who were married during the Finnegan Says Wisconsin Game C. F. Monroe Announces Music Department summer. Exchange Closes For Will Be Tougher Than Winner Today Misses Sarah Olson and Angelin Minnesota Clash Shows Increase Tesdell, the new assistants, were gradu- Fall Term Wednesday AWARDED FOR FIRST TIME ated from the University of Minnesota GAME SECOND IN HISTORY Margarui4e Beard Will Teach library school in June. Miss Olson is Profits Are Used For Building Scholarship Will Be Open To Piano ; Norman Ostby a former assistant in the library, and Improvements ; Ten Per Badgers Familiar With Bison Both Men and Women Teaches Violin Miss Tesdell comes from Huxley, Iowa, Cent Rate Charged Plays ; Bison Unfamiliar near Des Moines. Next Year With Badger Tactics With the addition of two new teach- After selling some two hundred Donald Lawrence, senior in the ers and the use of Festival Hall for books the Y book exchange closed for For the second time in as many school of agriculture, is the first re- rehearsals, the Music Department of Bison Editors Now the fall term Wednesday afternoon. weeks, the 1931 Thundering Herd of cipient of the Norman B. Black Me- the State college is showing a marked Approximately five hundred books North Dakota State college will line morial scholarship awarded for the first increase in enrollment and activities. Begin Work on 1933 were offered for sale. up in opposition to a Big Ten team, According to Edgar Johnson, in time this year by the Rotary club of The two new teachers are Miss Mar- when the Bison meet the University of charge of the exchange, many of the Fargo, it was announced yesterday by garuite Beard and Mr. Norman Ostby. Wisconsin Badgers at Madison, tomor- Representative Book remaining books are ones used during C. F. Monroe, chairman of the com- Miss Beard, who has a degree in music row afternoon the winter and spring terms and will mittee. and has had a number of years experi- A much tougher game than was en- Vogel and Crewe Request Aid be carried until that time. All unsold This scholarship of one hundred dol- ence in teaching in the Dakota Con- countered at the University of Minne- books may be secured sometime during lars is to be awarded annually to some servatory of Music in Fargo, will teach And Cooperation of Faculty sota last week is predicted by C. C. the spring term. Checks will be mailed student of outstanding character, per- piano, music appreciation, and har- "Casey" Finnegan, head mentor of the Members and Students for those already sold within the next sonality and scholarship. In making mony. Mr. Ostby, who is also a teacher Bison squad. The Badgers, who are few days. the selection such qualifications will be of considerable experience, will teach tutored under the well known Coach KONEN IS PHOTOGRAPHER Profits from the exchange are used supplemented by a consideration of the violin. student's financial needs. This year for improvements in the building. Last In the band department Dr. C. S. The 1933 Bison is well under way. only men were considered but in the year an iron grating and shelves were Bulletin Putnam has 104 men divided into three Mart Vogel, Editor-in-Chief, and Ed future the award will be open for added to house the books. A minimum groups A concert band of approxi- Crewe, Business Manager, are adopt- either men or women. The student rate of ten per cent is charged by mately 42 members, a bugle and drum ing plans for not only a bigger and As the Spectrum went to press it must, however, have completed three the Y. corps of 24 and a second R. 0. T. C. better Bison, but also a more repre- was learned that the N. D. S. C.- years of college work and be ready for In addition to the books on exchange band will care for these musicians. sentative one. the Y also has a reading library of ap- Wisconsin game returns will come the senior year. A. H. Parrott, repre- According to Dr. Putnam the material to the armory tomorrow afternoon In a statement yesterday they said, proximately three hundred books of senting the college, and Walter Stock- this year is excellent and there is more over a leased wire. A small admis- "We intend to publish the best annual fiction and non-fiction. These as well well, another Rotarian, are also mem- people to choose from. A new rehear- sion of twenty cents for students that North Dakota State has ever had. as most of the leading periodicals are bers of this committee headed by Mr. sal room in the old armory, dubbed and thirty cents for outsiders will We have eight months to do it in. In available at all times. Nearly as many Monroe. Festival hall, by Putnam, has increased be made to cover the expenditures. order to do this, the 1933 Bison must periodicals may be found here as in Mr. Lawrence is a member of Alpha the facilities of the department which have the cooperation of every student, the college library. Gamma Rho, national agricultural fra- has more than doubled this year. He every instructor, and every head of the Thistlewaite, have asquired no mean ternity, Saddle and Sirloin, honorary hopes to organize the orchestra next various departments on the campus. reputation among Big Ten circles. agricultural group, Lincoln Foren- week and to continue rehearsals It is this sincere cooperation between Led by Captain "Cy" Lonsbrough, sic society, and the Edwin Booth Dra- throughout the year. Pledging Services matic club. the staff and the school—each realizing the Bison will scrap tomorrow with a Credit in the music department is how to harmonize his efforts—each team holding the advantage of having given for private lessons also and very realizing how important time is—that Take Place Monday scouted two Bison games while the often soloists are developed through makes for high efficiency and satisfac- North Dakotans have not seen the Sororities Will Be this medium. tion in the early production of the Theta Chi Ends Formal Parties Badgers in action and have not a Remodelling of the old armory will annual." With Banquet Tonight ; familiarity with Wisconsin plays. But the Bison had not seen the University Hostesses at Formal also make it possible for the music Understanding the value of an early Saturday Open Date of Minnesota in action—and what the department to have larger groups and start in the matter of photographs, Bison did to the University squad last Teas October Fourth more worthwhile music festivals than The Bison's photographer, James Ko- Formal pledging services will be con- week is football history. has been possible in the past. nen, has been circulating around the ducted by fraternities on the North The same stalwart line that thrust campus taking snap-shots and draw- Rushees May Not Accept More Dakota State college campus at 7 p. m. back the many charges of Minnesota ing sketches. The staff heads earnestly Than Two Invitations Monday, culminating the formal rush- backs, often for losses to the Big Ten Brentzel Announces hope that there will be no difficulty as ing period of the fall term. Rushing stars, will encounter the University of To Formal Teas is often experienced in persuading the parties will be concluded tonight with Wisconsin, under present plans of the Greenhouse Opening organizations and the students to have Theta Chi entertaining. Bison coaches. With an average of 203 Rushees may not accept more than their pictures taken early in the year. pounds of muscle and bone for each two invitations to the formal teas held Dr. Floe Stationed Here To With the increased enrollment in the Between 35 and 40 rushees will be man on that line, predictions indicate by the six sororities, Sunday afternoon Study Flax Diseases college and with the Bureau of En- honored by Phi chapter of Theta Chi from 3-6 p. m. as the closing activity graving working on the plans that were at a banquet and smoker in the chap- that some difficulty is in store for the of the formal season. Beginning at 7 With Brentzel submitted this summer, the Bison ter house with John Rooney in charge ball toters from the eastern state. p. m. Sunday a day of complete silence heads confidently expect a great book. of arrangements for the evening. No- When the Bison line up on the Madi- will be observed until 7 p. m. Monday Mr. Brentzel of the state experimen- velty entertainment features are being son gridiron tomorrow afternoon, it when the rushees will accept their bids tal station announces the completion of COMMISSION HAS MEETING planned. Among the alumni expected will be the second time in the history of by appearing at the chapter house for a second greenhouse built for the de- to attend are: Judge Spaulding, Prof. the school that such a contest has been formal pledging services. partment of plant pathology. It is simi- TO DETERMINE "Y" PLANS Kenneth Kuhn, and Dean R. M. Delve. held with the Wisconsin university.
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