Minutes of a Meeting of the Board held at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 24th November 2016, at The Showground, Winthorpe.

Elected Members Nominated Members * Messrs W.J. Staunton (Chairman) Bassetlaw District Council J. Miller (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs K.H. Isard * R. Warburton (Vice-Chairman) Mrs S. Fielding A. Arden * D. Pidwell * T.H. Farr Newark and Sherwood District Council * N.J. Greenhalgh * Cllrs D.R. Payne * A. Howick * I. Walker R.J. Jackson B. Wells * D. Loates Mrs S. Michael * J. Pask Rushcliffe Borough Council R.N.J.S. Price * Cllrs R. Hetherington * S.E. Richardson * J. Thurman * Mrs C. Jeffreys vacancy Gedling/Melton Borough Councils Mr J. Evens West Lindsey/North Kesteven District Councils * Cllr Mrs P. Whittaker (NKDC) * Present Staff Invited Representatives of Partner Organisations * Messrs A. McGill (Chief Executive) Miss S. Jaques ( County Council) * D.J. Sisson (Engineer) * Messrs J. Bowler (Bassetlaw District Council) S. Thackray (Director of Finance) I. Davies (Bassetlaw District Council) * M.S. Everett (Operations * Mrs J. Bradley (Nottinghamshire Wildlife Manager) Trust) * Mrs J.D. Watson (Operations Director) * In attendance

The Chairman welcomed the new members to their first meeting and also Mrs J. Love a member of the public from the Brooks area.


The Chief Executive was appointed Chairman pro tem to conduct the election of Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.


It was proposed by Mr T.H. Farr and seconded by Cllr Mrs C. Jeffreys that Mr W.J. Staunton be elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.

RESOLVED unanimously

That Mr W.J. Staunton be elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.


The following nominations were made for Vice-Chairmen:

Mr R. Warburton - proposed by Mr D. Loates and seconded by Cllr I. Walker.

Mr J. Miller - proposed by R. Warburton and seconded by Cllr I. Walker.

RESOLVED unanimously - 273 -

Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

That Messrs J. Miller and R. Warburton be elected as Vice-Chairmen of the Board for the ensuing year.


Apologies for absence were received from Messrs A. Arden, I. Davies, J. Evens, R.J. Jackson, J. Miller, Cllrs K.H. Isard, Mesdames S. Fielding, S. Michael and Miss S. Jacques.



The Chairman reminded members to ensure that they had completed declaration of interest forms and to notify the office of any changes. Forms were handed out to new members.



Association of Drainage Authorities Annual Conference.

7. BOARD MINUTES (Pages 264 to 272)


That the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 29th September 2016 be confirmed as a correct record.




The Chief Executive reported that the election of members to represent the agricultural drainage ratepayers to come into office on 1st November 2016 had been held in accordance with the Land Drainage (Election of Drainage Boards) Regulations 1938 as amended by the Land Drainage (Election of Internal Drainage Boards) (Amendment) Regulations 1977. The attached Statement of Members was circulated.

It was noted that these elected members would hold office until 31st October 2019.



The attached minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November 2016 were circulated to members. The Chairman asked the Council representatives to be mindful that the Committee had recommended an increase of 2% for the next financial year.

Cllr D.R. Payne and Mr S.E. Richardson confirmed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting.


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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

That the attached minutes of the Finance and Plant Committee meeting held on 3rd November 2016 be confirmed and the recommendations made be adopted by the Board.


The Chief Executive reported that meetings for 2017 would be scheduled as follows:

Date Time Meeting 26th January 10.00 a.m. Board (approval of estimates and rate setting) 9th February 10.00 a.m. Standards Committee 30th March 10.00 a.m. Board 5th April 2.00 p.m. Consortium Committee 11th May 10.00 a.m. Finance and Plant Committee 29th June 10.00 a.m. Board (approval of final accounts) 6th September 2.00 p.m. Consortium Committee 28th September 10.00 a.m. Board 9th November 10.00 a.m. Finance and Plant Committee (to consider estimates) 30th November 10.00 a.m. Board (Annual General Meeting)

Additional Committee meetings would be called if required. For the benefit of the new members, the Chairman explained the roles of the various committees and reported that an additional Finance and Plant Committee had been arranged for May as it was vital for the Board to make cost savings over the next few years. Bearing in mind the final pressures on the Board, the Chairman reported that officers were seeking an alternative venue for meetings in order to make savings and this action was approved by the Board.

The Chairman reported that a tour of the area for new members would be organised early in the new year to familiarise them with the Board’s works and some of the area. Cllr D.R. Payne suggested that this should be delayed until after the council elections in May to cater for any change in membership.

The following events were noted:

ADA Trent Branch - 23rd February 2017 ADA Local Authority Workshop - 29th March 2017 Floodex - 17th and 18th May 2017 ADA Trent Branch AGM - 14th June 2017 Lincolnshire Show - 21st and 22nd June 2017 ADA Annual Conference - 16th November 2017


That meeting dates for 2017 be noted and that a tour of the area for new members (and existing members should they wish to attend) be organised for June 2017.


Members were reminded that the Terms of Reference recommend that the proportion of representation should be split equally between nominated and elected members wherever possible.

The Chairman gave a brief overview of the role of the Consortium Committee.


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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

(a) That the Chairman, Messrs T.H. Farr, N.J. Greenhalgh, R.J. Jackson, Cllrs R. Hetherington and B. Wells be appointed to the Standards Committee (the Chairman would not attend hearings to enable him to hear an appeal if necessary).

(b) That the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Board, Messrs R.N.J.S. Price, S.E. Richardson, Cllrs K.H. Isard, D.R. Payne and Mrs S. Michael continue as members of the Finance Committee.

(c) That the Chairman and Mr J. Miller be appointed to the Consortium Committee with Mr R. Warburton as alternate.

(d) That Messrs T.H. Farr, A. Howick, J. Miller, N.J. Greenhalgh and Mrs C. Jeffreys be appointed to the Conservation Advisory Group.


Drainage rates and special levies outstanding at 9th September 2016 totalled £406,839.40 (a collection rate of 73.66% to date).

Nine liability orders had been obtained from Mansfield Magistrates’ Court for non-payment of rates. The Chairman was pleased with the high collection rate.

Mr T.H. Farr queried whether there were still any land parcels where ownership had not been identified. The Director of Finance reported that there may be some fields in the area but he would check with the Rating Officer and contact members to see whether they could assist with this.

The Chief Executive reported that the Rating Officer was in the process of digitising all the land; adding this to the Board’s geographical information system would mean faster easier access to the information and would also benefit operations when identifying ownership prior to entry onto land.



The Director of Finance presented the attached report which was considered in detail. He stated that a review of the capital and maintenance budgets would be undertaken shortly to ascertain what work would not be completed in year and the forecast would be adjusted accordingly and the costs accrued to 2017/18. A more accurate forecast would be presented to the January Board meeting.

Regarding cash investments, it was noted that the amount invested with the Nat West exceeded that permitted in the Financial Regulations, largely due to the special levy payments recently received. The Director of Finance was seeking alternative accounts and would transfer the balance as soon as these had been set up.

In response to Mr T.H. Farr, the Chairman reported that the Finance and Plant Committee had recommended revenue reserves of 30% be retained to ensure that the Board was prepared for a major flood event. A capital reserve fund had also been set up to ensure sufficient funds were available for some of the larger capital schemes. The Director of Finance reported that an increase of 1% had been made in the estimates for 2017/18 but asked members to be aware that inflation could rise to as much as 4% next year and any shortfall would have to be funded from balances.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

Mr S.E. Richardson advised that the Board must be cautious about undertaking any additional work other than on its own systems, particularly during a flood event as this could be very costly. The Engineer confirmed that only operational activity on the Board’s systems would be undertaken during a flood event, any capital schemes to reduce the effects of flooding would be brought back to the Board for approval. The Director of Finance reported that in the past some of the cost of additional work required following a flood event had been reimbursed under the Belwin formula although this did not cover operational costs.

In response to Cllr D. Pidwell, the Operations Manager reported that other than a few blockages to clear there had been no problems following the heavy rainfall on Monday.


(a) That the Board’s financial position be noted.

(b) That the attached schedule of payments greater than £500 be approved.


The attached report was circulated for information.

It was noted that summer maintenance works were due to be completed by December.

In response to Mr S.E. Richardson, the Operations Manager reported that pennywort on the Drinsey Nook Drain had now spread through the side dykes and into the Fosdyke which had been drained off to stop it spreading to the Torksey catchment. The Operations Director confirmed that the spraying was being undertaken every two to three weeks and would continue for a short while after it had been eradicated to ensure that it did not come back.

The Chairman queried what progress had been made regarding maintenance of the Environment Agency (EA) River Greet. The Engineer reported that a sub-group had been set up to deal with enhanced maintenance throughout the district and a meeting was due to be held shortly to discuss phased improvements of the River Greet from the downstream end up to Upton Mill. The Chief Executive reported that although the work would be funded from additional money granted to the EA last year, he was still concerned that the national flood risk criteria could be applied and the work would not qualify, e.g. in other areas where there was little flood risk benefit, only local area and water level management benefit, desilting was not being undertaken. In response to Mr T.H. Farr, the Chief Executive stated that the decision would rest with the EA Trentside and possibly the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.



16:1 Egmanton Village Flood Relief Scheme (Surface Water Management Works) Phase 1

The Engineer reported that work on the first phase of the scheme had been completed. Additional costs had been incurred for laying turf in place of reseeding (£1,500), establishing grass cover on the exposed surfaces and planting approximately 1,000 daffodil bulbs (£621) to replace existing plants that had been destroyed by the work. These additional costs were offset by savings of £4,000 made from not having to remove and reinstall the low level rail barriers. Overall the first phase works had therefore been completed within budget.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

Negotiations with landowners continued for Phase 2 of the scheme which involved the acquisition of land for, and construction of, a flood storage area upstream of the village. Officers hoped to have this resolved in the near future. The Engineer explained that the work would consist of the installation of a low level bund across the valley with a control pipe to restrict flows and protect the village. For the scheme to proceed it would be necessary to purchase the land where the dam would be situated. The remaining land would be compensated in line with the ‘right to flood’ national formula which included a one-off payment of a percentage of the capital valuation. This scheme was being undertaken in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council and funding had also been obtained from the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee and the parish council; the Board’s contribution would be £70,000 of a total scheme cost of £250,000.


16:2 Telemetry Maintenance Costs

Following a query raised at the last Board meeting, a review had been undertaken by officers into the costs relating to maintenance of the telemetry system. The Board had two telemetry systems (a result of the amalgamation) and these were supplied and maintained by Oriel Systems Ltd (for eight stations formerly maintained by the Newark Board) and Controlstar (for ten stations formerly maintained by the Laneham Board). The Engineer explained these were bespoke systems and it was therefore not possible to seek alternative quotations for the maintenance, however, a review of both company’s maintenance contracts had been undertaken and he confirmed that they were comparable. Both contracts provided telephone support, on-site service calls as required, replacement of faulty parts (of their manufacture and/or supply), software upgrades and fault rectification. Costs were as follows:

Cost per Site Total Annual Cost Oriel Systems Ltd £483.13 £3,865 Controlstar £500.00 £5,000

Major breakdown of parts not supplied within the original or subsequent contracts for both companies and improvements to the functionality of the systems were charged separately.

The Engineer was satisfied with the services provided by both companies and confident that the contracts offered value for money. Annual costs would continue to be monitored and a full review undertaken when the systems were due for upgrade or renewal.


16:3 Thurgarton Village Flood Relief Scheme (Minute 12:2, Page 267)

The Engineer reported that investigations continued into the most cost effective solution to reduce flood risk to the village. It was noted that the properties along Beck Street had already installed dam boards for protection and there was a good flood warning system in place. A meeting with the partnership Flood Forum would be held on 6th December 2016. Although the project was not due to be undertaken until 2021, design work would commence as soon as possible in case additional funding sources became available.


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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

16:4 Beckingham Pumping Station

Mr R. Warburton expressed concern that Western Power had still not connected the uprated supply. The Engineer reported that he continued to ring them once a month but very little progress had been made.



The Chief Executive reported that the tenants on the third floor of the Castlegate offices were due to move out in December. The sale price of the offices had now been reduced to £299,000 from £325,000 and photos of the property were being updated. Several viewings had been arranged.



18:1 Critical Eels Passes

The Environment Agency had commenced the 12 week monitoring study on installed eel passes to assess maintenance needs and any modifications that might be required to reduce the likelihood of blockages. The study had already identified the need to review some of the maintenance regimes and possibly use alternative flap designs. A further report would be presented to the Board once the study was complete.


18:2 Conservation Advisory Group

The attached notes of a meeting of the Conservation Advisory Group on the 25th October 2016 were circulated for information.


That the minutes and actions be noted.

18:3 Eel Regulation Compliance

The Engineer referred to item 7 of the Conservation Advisory Group minutes which detailed the preliminary findings of ongoing research into eel behaviour at land drainage pumping stations. The results so far were encouraging but Officers stated that it would be beneficial to continue with the research and ADA was looking into establishing a Research Fund to enable the work to continue this work. In order to effect a change in legislation, it would be necessary to have as much evidence as possible. The Association of Drainage Authorities would contribute £1,000 per annum towards the study over the next two years and had also asked Member IDBs to consider a contribution of between £100 and £1,000.

Following a discussion on the amount of the contribution it was RESOLVED

That the Board contribute £1,000 per annum towards the research into eel behaviour at pumping stations over the next two years.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

18:4 Invasive Weeds

Cllr J. Thurman enquired whether there was any information available to assist members in identifying non-native species in watercourses. Mrs J. Bradley stated that a leaflet had been prepared some time ago but would need updating.


That the leaflet detailing non-native species be updated and redistributed to members and parish councils and uploaded onto the website.


19:1 Byelaw Applications

The following consents had been granted under delegated authority since the last Board meeting:

TVIDB/LDC/2016/015 Installation of a 50mm diameter steel duct carrying a fibre optic cable crossing the Board maintained Morton Sewer at National grid reference SK 72829 50862 in the parish of .

TVIDB/LDC/2016/017 (a) construction of an outfall on the Board maintained Winthorpe Airfield Drain at national grid reference SK82983 56052 in the parish of Coddington/Langford, (b) installation of a pipe running into the outfall at national grid reference 82983 56052, and (c) installation of a foul drain pipe crossing a section of culverted watercourse on the Board maintained Winthorpe Airfield Drain at national grid reference SK 83108 56050 which would run alongside within nine metres until national grid reference SK83171 56049.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/018 Installation of a 50mm diameter steel duct carrying a fibre optic cable crossing the Board maintained Morton Sewer at national grid reference SK 72815 51201 in the parish of Fiskerton cum Morton.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/019 Installation of a 50mm diameter steel duct carrying a fibre optic cable crossing the Board maintained Morton Sewer at national grid reference SK 73613 51458 in the parish of Fiskerton cum Morton.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/022 Installation of a temporary work platform on the Board maintained Catchwater Drain at national grid reference SK 79464 81180 in the parish of South Leverton.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/023 Installation of a 50mm diameter steel duct carrying a fibre optic cable crossing the Board maintained Marlock Dyke at national grid reference SK 73027 51973 in the Parish of Fiskerton cum Morton.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/027 Construction of an outfall and consent to discharge into the Board maintained Scaffold Drain in the parish of Collingham at national grid reference SK 83655 62404.


19:2 Section 23 Applications

The following consents had been issued under delegated authority since the last meeting:

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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016

TVIDB/LDC/2016/028 Diversion of a riparian watercourse between national grid references SK 81654 55244 and SK 81518 55141, and installation of an access culvert at the confluence with Slough Dyke Main River within the parish of Newark.

TVIDB/LDC/2016/030 Diversion of a riparian watercourse between national grid references SK 81654 55244 and national grid reference SK 81518 55141, and installation of an access culvert at the confluence with Slough Dyke Main River within the parish of Newark.

No applications had been received on behalf of the Lead Local Flood Authority.


19:3 Planning Applications

The Engineer reported on 79 planning applications that had been reviewed by Officers since the last Board meeting and appropriate comments made.

Objection had been raised to planning application 16/01476/RMAM at Collingham due to concerns over access for future maintenance. Further information had been requested from the applicant and the Board would be kept informed.

In response to Cllr D.R. Payne regarding planning application 16/01505/FULM, the Engineer confirmed that he was satisfied with the flood mitigation measures already in place on the site.

Mr R. Warburton referred to the gravel extraction site at Sturton and understood that they had not applied for consent to cross watercourses. The Operations Manager was aware of this and confirmed that he had been in touch with the company and three applications had since been made for temporary access culverts, with more expected shortly. He would continue to monitor this situation to ensure the appropriate consents were in place and there was not detriment to the Board’s systems.



The Operations Director reported on the results of the health and safety survey undertaken earlier in the year which showed a good overall attitude but some areas for improvement. An action plan was being prepared to tackle these areas, one of which was the perception that some activities were becoming overly bureaucratic. She had asked for examples of this and would be working with the Direct Labour Organisations across the Consortium to review the relevant processes with a view to finding a safe but practical way of carrying out operations. One of the challenges being reviewed was to increase near miss reporting which seemed to be viewed warily by some employees.

Asbestos surveys had been completed at all buildings owned by the boards across the Consortium and it was noted that three properties in Trent Valley area had been highlighted as having low grade asbestos present. Appropriate measures were in place to deal with this. Legionella checks were also being undertaken at all sites with stored water systems and the results of this would be reported once received.

The Operations Director reported that she would be visiting sites in the afternoon to see work being undertaken before reviewing the risk assessment and safe system of work for strimming. She emphasised the importance of having the right systems in place which did not restrict the work but enabled it to be completed in a safe manner.

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Minutes of a meeting of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board held on 24th November 2016



The Chief Executive reported on the ADA Annual Conference held in London on 17th November 2016. The Chairman and Mr J. Miller had attended on behalf of the Board together with the Chief Executive, Engineer and Operations Director.



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