Complete Database

Order O# G/S# Dis Type Family Common Family Species Common Name Origin Loc Rare Source Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Mosses 10 110 1 M Dicranaceae Dicranum scoparium Broom Moss N Mosses 10 115 1 M Leucobryaceae Leucobryum glacum Pincushion Moss N S+ Mosses 10 200 1 M Entodotaceae Entodon cladorhizans Flat Glaze Moss N Mosses 10 200 1 M Entodotaceae Entodon seductrix Cord Glad Moss N Mosses 10 210 1 M Thuidiaceae Thuidium delicatulum Fern Moss N S+ Mosses 10 215 1 M Amblystegiaceae Platydictya subtilis Algal Thread MossN Mosses 10 220 1 M Brachytheciaceae Brachythecium salebrosum Golden Foxtail Moss N Mosses 10 220 1 M Brachytheciaceae Rhynchostegium surrulatum Beaked Comb Moss N Mosses 10 220 1 M Brachytheciaceae Steerecleus serrulatus N Mosses 10 225 1 M Anomodontaceae Anomodon minor Rounded Tongue Moss N Mosses 10 295 1 M Polytrichaceae Atrichum angustatum Slender Starburst Moss N Mosses 10 296 1 M Polliaceae Weissia spp. N S Ferns 15 309 2 F Ophioglossaceae Adder's Tongue Botrypus virginianus Rattlesnake Fern N Ferns 15 310 2 F Equisetaceae Horsetail Equisetum arvense Field HorsetailN Ferns 15 310 2 F Equisetaceae Horsetail Equisetum hyemale Scouring Rush N Ferns 15 318 2 H Osmundaceae Royal Fern Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern N Ferns 15 320 2 F Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort N Ferns 15 320 2 F Onocleaceae Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern N Ferns 15 322 2 F Woodsiaceae Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern N Ferns 15 322 2 H Woodsiaceae Lady Fern Deparia acrostichiodes Silvery Glade Fern N Ferns 15 330 2 H Polypodiaceae Spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort N Ferns 15 330 2 F Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hayscented Fern N Ferns 15 331 2 F Pteridaceae Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum Northern Maidenhair Fern N Ferns 15 331 2 F Thelypteridaceae March Fern Parathelypteris noveboracensis New York Fern N Ferns 15 331 2 F Thelypteridaceae March Fern Phegopteris hexagonoptera Broad Beech Fern N Ferns 15 332 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Dryopteris carthusiana Spinulose Wood Fern N Ferns 15 332 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Dryopteris intermedia Intermedate Wood Fern N Ferns 15 332 2 F Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern N Conifers 20 350 3 W Pinaceae Pine Juniperus virginiana Red Cedar N S+ Conifers 20 350 3 W Pinaceae Pine Pinus virginiana Virginia Pine N S Monocots 25 366 3 H Alismataceae Water Plantain Alisma subcordatum Common Water Plantain N Monocots 25 366 3 H Alismataceae Water Plantain Sagittaria latifolia Arrowhead N Monocots 25 367 3 H Araceae Arum Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit N Monocots 25 367 3 H Araceae Arum Lemna minor Smaller Duckweed N Monocots 25 367 3 H Araceae Arum Symplocarpus foetidus Skunk Cabbage N Monocots 25 370 3 H PotamogetonaceaePondweed Potamogeton crispus Curly Pondweed I Monocots 25 372 3 H Commelinaceae Spiderwort Commelina communis Asiatic Dayflower I Monocots 25 374 3 H Pontederiaceae Pickerelweed Heteranthera reniformis Mud-plantain N Monocots 25 374 3 H Pontederiaceae Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed N Monocots 25 375 3 H Dioscoreaceae Yam Dioscorea quaternata Wild Yam N Monocots 25 376 3 H Liliaceae Lily Erythronium americanum Trout lily N Monocots 25 378 3 W Smilacaceae Greenbrier Smilax glauca Glaucus Greenbrier N S+ Monocots 25 378 3 W Smilacaceae Greenbrier Smilax rotundifolia Horse Brier N Sssssss Monocots 25 379 3 H Colchicaeae Meadow Saffron Uvularia sessilfolia Sessile-leaved Bellwort N Monocots 25 381 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Allium vineale Field Garlic IS+ H Monocots 25 381 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Galanthus nivalis Snowdrops I Monocots 25 381 3 H Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Daffodil I

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Monocots 25 383 3 H Aparagaceae Asparagus Hosta sp. Hosta I Monocots 25 383 3 H Asparagaceae Asparagus Maianthemum racemosum False Solomon's Seal N Monocots 25 383 3 H Aparagaceae Asparagus Ornithogalum nutans Star-of-Bethlehem I Monocots 25 385 3 H Xanthorrhoeaceae Day-lily Hemerocallis fulva Orange Daylily I Monocots 25 387 3 H Iridaceae Iris Iris pseudacorus Yellow Iris I Monocots 25 387 3 H Iridaceae Iris Sisyrinchium augustifolium Blue-eyed Grass N S+ Monocots 25 390 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Aplectrum hyemale Puttyroot N Monocots 25 390 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Liparis lililfolia Lily-leaved Twayblade N S D Monocots 25 390 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Spiranthes lacera Slender Ladies Tresses N S H Monocots 25 390 3 H Orchidaceae Orchid Tipularia discolor Cranefly OrchidNS+ Monocots 25 392 3 H Juncaceae Rush Juncus tenuis Path Rush N Monocots 25 392 3 H Typhaceae Cat Tail Typha latifolia Common Cattail N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex complanata Hirsute Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex crinita Fringed Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex digitalis Slender Wood Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex frankii Frank's Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex glaucodea Blue Sedge N S+ Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex laxiculmis Spreading Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex laxiflora Broad Looseflowering SedgeN Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex lurida Sallow Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex muhlenbergii Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex swanii Swan's Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex tribuloides Blunt Broom Sedge N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Carex umbellata Parasol Sedge N S+ H Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Cyperus squarrosus Awned Flatsedge N SH Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Cyperus strigosus Straw-colored Flatsedge N S+ Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Fimbristylis annua Annual Fimbry N S S3H Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Scirpus georgianus Georgia Bulrush N Monocots 25 395 3 H Cyperaceae Sedge Scleria pauciflora Nutsedge N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Agrostis perennans Upland Bentgrass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass I S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Aristida dichotoma Three-awn Grass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Aristida purpurascens Three-awn Grass NS H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Danthonia spicata Poverty Grass N S+ H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer Tongue Grass N S+ Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium oligosanthes Few-flowered Panic Grass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon Round-fruited Panic Grass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Echinochloa crusgalli Barnyard Grass I S+ Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush Grass N Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Eragrostis capillaris Lacegrass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Lovegrass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Festuca elatior Meadow Fescue I S+ H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Microstegium vimineum Japanese Stilt Grass I S+ Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Miscanthus sinensis Chinese Silver Grass I S+ Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Oplismenus hirtellus Wavyleaf Basketgrass I Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Panicum capillare Witch Grass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Pennisetum setaceum Fountain Grass I Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Phalaris arundinaceea Reed Canary Grass N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Phragmites australis Wild Reed I Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass I S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem N S Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass N S Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Sphenopholis obtusata Praire Wedgegrass N S H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Sporobolus vaginiflorus Poverty Grass NS H Monocots 25 400 3 H Poaceae Grass Tridens flavus Purple-top N S Dicots 30 410 3 W Magnoliaceae Magnolia Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree N Dicots 30 410 3 W Magnoliaceae Magnolia Magnolia macrophylla Large Leaf Magnolia ? Dicots 30 410 3 W Magnoliaceae Magnolia Magnolia tripetala Umbrella Magnolia N S3 Dicots 30 412 3 W Lauraceae Laurel Lindera benzoin Spicebush N Dicots 30 412 3 W Lauraceae Laurel Sassafras albidum Sassafras N S= Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry N Dicots 30 415 3 W Ranunculaceae Buttercup Clematis terniflora Sweet Autumn Clematis I Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Ficaria verna Lesser Celandine I Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Helleborus viridis(?) Green Hellabore I Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Ranunculus abortivus Small-flowered Crowfoot N S+ Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Ranunculus recurvatus Hooked Crowfoot N Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus Cursed Crowfoot N Dicots 30 415 3 H Ranunculaceae Buttercup Thalictrum pubescens Tall Meadow Rue N Dicots 30 416 3 W Lardizabalaceae Lardizabala Akebia quinata Chocolate Vine I Dicots 30 417 3 W Menispermaceae Moonseed Menisperum canadense Moonseed N Dicots 30 418 3 W Berberidaceae Barberry Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry I S+ Dicots 30 418 3 H Berberidaceae Barberry Podophyllum peltatum Mayapple N Dicots 30 419 3 W Berberidaceae Barberry Mahonia sp. I S+ Dicots 30 419 3 H Papaveraceae Poppy Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot N Dicots 30 419 3 H Papaveraceae Poppy Stylophorum diphyllum Celandine Poppy N Dicots 30 421 3 W Hamamelidaceae Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel N Dicots 30 421 3 W Hamamelidaceae Witch Hazel Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum N Dicots 30 421 3 W Hamamelidaceae Witch Hazel Philadelphus inodorus Scentless Mock Orange ? Dicots 30 428 3 W Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Saxifraga virginiensis Early Saxifrage N S+ Dicots 30 435 3 W Vitaceae Grape Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Porcelain Berry N Dicots 30 435 3 W Vitaceae Grape Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper N Dicots 30 435 3 W Vitaceae Grape Vitis aestivalis Summer Grape N Dicots 30 435 3 W Vitaceae Grape Vitis vulpina Winter Grape N Dicots 30 440 3 H Lytraceae Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife I Dicots 30 442 3 H Onagraceae Evening Primrose Circaea canadensis Enchanter's Nightshade N Dicots 30 442 3 H Onagraceae Evening Primrose Oenothera fruticosa Narrow-leaved Sundrops N S+ Dicots 30 445 3 H Oxalidaceae Wood Sorrel Oxalis stricta Yellow Wood Sorrel N S+ Dicots 30 445 3 H Oxalidaceae Wood Sorrel Oxalis violacea Violet Wood Sorrel N S+ Dicots 30 450 3 H Hypericacae St Johnswort Hypericum perforatum Common St Johnswort I S+ Dicots 30 450 3 H Hypericacae St Johnswort Hypericum punctatum Spotted St Johnswort N/I Dicots 30 453 3 W Celastraceae Staff Tree Celastrus orbiculatus Oriental Bittersweet I S+ Dicots 30 453 3 W Celastraceae Staff Tree Euonymus alatus Winged EuonymusI Dicots 30 453 3 W Celastraceae Staff Tree Euonymus americanus Strawberry Bush N Dicots 30 453 3 W Celastraceae Staff Tree Euonymus fortunei WintercreeperIS+ Dicots 30 455 3 H Violaceae Violet Viola fimbriatula Ovate-leaved Violet N Dicots 30 455 3 H Violaceae Violet Viola pensylvanica Smooth Yellow Violet N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 455 3 H Violaceae Violet Viola sororia Common Blue Violet N Dicots 30 460 3 W Salicaceae Willow Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood N Dicots 30 460 3 W Salicaceae Willow Salix nigra Black Willow N Dicots 30 465 H Euphorbiaceae Spurge Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge I Dicots 30 465 3 H Euphorbiaceae Spurge Euphorbia maculata Spotted Spurge NS H Dicots 30 470 3 W Bean Amorpha fruticosa Wild Indigo Bush N Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Amphicarpaea bracteata Hog Peanut N Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Apios americana Wild Bean N Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Baptista tinctoria Wild Indigo N Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Coronilla varia Crown Vetch I Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean glabellum Dillens Tick Trefoil NN Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Desmodium paniculatum Panicled Tick Trefoil N Dicots 30 470 3 W Fabaceae Bean Gleditsia triacanthos Honeylocust N Dicots 30 470 3 W Fabaceae Bean Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee-tree I Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Hylodesmum nudiflorum Naked Flower tick trefoil N Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Kummerowia striata Japanese Clover I S+ H Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Lespedeza cuniata Chinese Bush Clover I S+ Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Melilotus alba White Sweet Clover I S+ Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Melilotus officianalis Yellow Sweet Clover I S+ H Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Pueraria lobata Kudzu I Dicots 30 470 3 W Fabaceae Bean Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust N S+ Dicots 30 470 3 W Fabaceae Bean Sophora japonica Scholar Tree I Dicots 30 470 3 H Fabaceae Bean Vicia angustifolia Common Vetch N Dicots 30 470 3 W Fabaceae Bean Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria I S+ Dicots 30 475 3 H Polygalaceae Milkwort Polygala verticillata Whorled Milkwort N S H Dicots 30 480 3 W Ulmaceae Elm Celtis occidentalis Hackberry N S+ Dicots 30 480 3 W Ulmaceae Elm Ulmus rubra Slippery Elm N Dicots 30 485 3 W Moraceae Mulberry Morus alba White Mulberry I Dicots 30 487 3 H Urticaceae Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettles N Dicots 30 487 3 H Urticaceae Nettle Laportea canadensis Wood Nettles N Dicots 30 487 3 H Urticaceae Nettle Pilea pumila Clearweed N Dicots 30 487 3 H Urticaceae Nettle Urtica dioica Stinging Nettle I Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Agrimonia striata Wood Agrimony N Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry N Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington HawthornI Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Duchesnea indica Indian Strawberry I Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Geum canadense White Avens N S+ Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Geum vernum Spring Avens N Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Potentilla canadensis Dwarf Cinquefoil N S+ Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Potentilla norvegica Rough Cinquefoil N Dicots 30 490 3 H Rosaceae Rose Potentilla simplex Common Cinquefoil N Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Prunus serotina Black Cherry N S+ Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Prunus sp. I Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rhodotypos scandens Jetbead I Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rosa multiflora Multiflora Rose I S+ Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rubus allegheniensis Blackberry N S+ Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rubus flagellaris Dewberry N S+ Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rubus occidentalis Black Raspberry N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 490 3 W Rosaceae Rose Rubus phoenicolasius Wineberry I S+ Dicots 30 495 3 W Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Frangula alnus Buckthorn I S Dicots 30 500 3 H Cucurbitaceae Gourd Echinocystis lobata Wild Cucumber N Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya cordiformis Bitternut HickoryN Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya glabra Pignut N Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya illinoinensis Pecan I/N S Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory N Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Juglans cinerea Butternut N Dicots 30 505 3 W Juglandaceae Walnut Juglans nigra Black Walnut N G4S2S3 Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Fagus grandifolia Beech N Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus alba White Oak N S+ Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus coccinia Scarlet Oak N Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus marilandica Blackjack Oak N S Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus montana Chestnut Oak N Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus palustris Pin Oak N Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak N Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus stellata Post Oak N S Dicots 30 510 3 W Fagaceae Beech Quercus velutina Black Oak N Dicots 30 515 3 W Betulaceae Birch Alnus serrulata Smooth Alder N Dicots 30 515 3 W Betulaceae Birch Carpinus carolinana Hornbeam N Dicots 30 517 3 W Simaroubaceae Quassia Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven I Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer negundo Boxelder N Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer palmatum Japanese Maple I Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer platanoides Norway Maple N Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer rubrum Red Maple N S+ Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer saccharinum Silver Maple N Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindacea Soapberry Acer saccharum Sugar Maple ? Dicots 30 520 3 W Sapindaceae Soapberry Aesculus sp. Buckeye I Dicots 30 525 3 W Anacardiaceae Cashew Rhus typhina Staghorn Sumac N Dicots 30 525 3 W Anacardiaceae Cashew Toxicodendron radicans Poison Ivy N Dicots 30 530 3 W Malvaceae Mallow Tilia americana Basswood N Dicots 30 532 3 W Rutaceae Rue Phellodendron amurense Amur Corktree I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Arabidopsis lyrata Lyre-leaved Rockcress N S Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Barbarea vulgaris Winter Cress I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Boechera burkii Smooth Rock-cress NS+ Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Cardamine angustata Slender Toothwort N Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Cardamine concatenata Cutleaf Toothwort N Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Cardamine impatiens Narrow-leaved Bittercress I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Draba verna Whitlow Grass I H Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Hesperis matronalis Dame's Rocket I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Lepidium campestre Field Peppergrass I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Lepidium ruderale Pepper Grass I S H Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Nasturtium officinale Watercress I Dicots 30 560 3 H Brassicaceae Mustard Thlaspi arvense Field Pennycress I S+ Dicots 30 562 3 W Platanaceae Planetree Plantanus occidentalis Sycamore N Dicots 30 563 3 H Buxaceae Boxwood Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra I Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria arifolium Harberd-leaved Tearthumb N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria hydropiperoides Mild Water-peper N Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria lapathifolia Dock-leaved Smartweed N S H Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria longiseta Oriental Lady's-thumb I Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria sagittata Arrow-leaqved Tearthumb N Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Persicaria virginiana Jumpseed N Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Polygonum tenue Slim Knotweed N S Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Reynoutria japonica Japanese Knotweed I Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Reynoutria sachalinensis Giante Knotweed I Dicots 30 565 3 H Polygonaceae Buckwheat Rumex obtusifolius Bitter Dock I Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Arenaria serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort I S H Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Cerastium fontanum Mouse-eared chickweed I S+ Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Cerastium velutinum Field Chickweed N S Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Cerastium velutinum var. villosissimumSerpintine Chickweed N S Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Dianthus armeria Depford Pink I S+ Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Silene antirrhina Sleepy Catchfly NS H Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Silene caroliniana Wild Pink N Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Stellaria media Common Chickweed I Dicots 30 570 3 H Caryophyllaceae Pink Stellaria pubera Star Chickweed N Dicots 30 575 3 H Phytolaccaceae Pokeweed Phytolacca americana Pokeweed N Dicots 30 580 3 H Montiaceae Miner's Lattuce Claytonia virginiana Spring Beauties N Dicots 30 580 3 H Montiaceae Miner's Lattuce Phemeranthus teretifolius Fameflower N S S1 Dicots 30 585 3 W Cornaceae Dogwood Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood N S= Dicots 30 585 3 W Cornaceae Dogwood Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood N Dicots 30 585 3 W Cornaceae Dogwood Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum N Dicots 30 590 3 H Balsaminaceae Jewelweed Impatiens capensis Spotted Jewelweed N Dicots 30 590 3 H Balsaminaceae Jewelweed Impatiens pallida Pale Jewelweed N Dicots 30 595 3 H Polemoniaceae Phlox Phlox divaricata Wild Blue Phlox N Dicots 30 597 3 W Ebenaceae Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Persimmon N S Dicots 30 600 3 H Primulaceae Primrose Lysimachia nummularia Moneywort I Dicots 30 605 3 W Ericaceae Heath Gaylussacia frondosa Dangleberry N S+ Dicots 30 605 3 W Ericaceae Heath Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel N Dicots 30 605 3 H Ericaceae Heath Monotropa uniflora Indian Pipes N Dicots 30 605 3 W Ericaceae Heath Rhododendron maximum Great Laurel ? Dicots 30 605 3 W Ericaceae Heath Rhododendron periclymenoides Pinxter Flower N Dicots 30 605 3 W Ericaceae Heath Vaccinium pallidum Lowbush Blueberry N S+ Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Galium aparine Cleavers N Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Galium circaezans Wild Licorice N Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Galium sp. Smooth Bedstraw N Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Houstonia caerulea Bluets N S+ Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Houstonia purpurea Large Houstonia N Dicots 30 610 3 H Rubiaceae Bedstraw Mitchella repens Partridgeberry N Dicots 30 620 3 H Apocynaceae Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp N S+ Dicots 30 620 3 H Apocynaceae Dogbane Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed N Dicots 30 620 3 H Apocynaceae Dogbane Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed N S S3 Dicots 30 620 3 H Apocynaceae Dogbane Asclepias viridiflora Green Milkweed N S Dicots 30 625 3 H Boraginaceae Borage Echium vulgare Vipers Bugloss I Dicots 30 625 3 H Boraginaceae Borage Hackelia virginiana Stickseed N S+ Dicots 30 625 3 H Boraginaceae Borage Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 625 3 H Boraginaceae Borage Myosotis scorpioides Forget-me-notsI Dicots 30 626 3 H Boraginaceae Borage Hydrophyllum virginianum Virginia Waterleaf N Dicots 30 630 3 H Convolvolaceae Morning Glory Calystegia sepium Hedge Bindweed N Dicots 30 635 3 H Solanaceae Nightshade Solanum carolinense Horsenettle N S= Dicots 30 635 3 H Solanaceae Nightshade Solanum dulcamara Bittersweet Nightshade I Dicots 30 640 3 W Oleaceae Olive Fraxinus americana White Ash N Dicots 30 640 3 W Oleaceae Olive Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash N Dicots 30 640 3 W Oleaceae Olive Ligustrum obtusifolium Border Privet I S+ Dicots 30 645 3 H Phrymaceae Lopseed Mimulus ringens Monkey Flower N Dicots 30 645 3 H Phrymaceae Lopseed Phryma leptostachya Lopseed N Dicots 30 650 3 H Plantaginaceae Plantain Lindernia dubia False PimpernelN Dicots 30 650 3 H Plantaginaceae Plantain Plantago aristata Bracted Plaintain N S+ H Dicots 30 650 3 H Plantaginaceae Plantain Plantago major Common Plantain I Dicots 30 650 3 H Plantaginaceae Plantain Plantago rugelii Broad-leaved Plantain N Dicots 30 652 3 W Bignoniaceae Bignonia Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa ? Dicots 30 655 3 H Orobanchaceae Broomrape Agalinis purpurea False Foxgloves N S Dicots 30 655 3 H Orobanchaceae Broomrape Agalinis tenuifolia Slender False Foxglove N S Dicots 30 655 3 H Orobanchaceae Broomrape Epifagus virginiana Beechdrops N Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Collinsonia canadensis Horse Balm N Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Glechoma hederacea Ground Ivy I Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow Archangel I S+ galin Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Lycopus americanus Water-horehound N Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Mentha piperita Pepperment I Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Perilla frutescens Beefsteak Plant I Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Prunella vulgaris Heal-all I Dicots 30 660 3 H Lamiaceae Mint Trichostema dichotomum Blie Curls Dicots 30 665 3 H Verbenaceae Vervain Verbena hastata Blue Vervain N Dicots 30 665 3 H Verbenaceae Vervain Verbena urticifolia White Vervain N S+ Dicots 30 670 3 H Campanulaceae Harebell Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower N Dicots 30 670 3 H Campanulaceae Harebell Lobelia inflata Indian Tobacco N Dicots 30 690 3 W Aquifoliaceae Holly Ilex opaca American Holly N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow? Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Ageratina altissima White Snakeroot N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Ageratina aromatica Small White Snakeroot N S Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Antennaria plantaginfolia Plantain-leaved Pussytoes N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Arctium minus Common Burdock I S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort I S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Centaurea stoebe Spotted Knapweed IS+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Cichorium intybus Chicory I Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle I S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Conoclinium coelestinum MistflowerNS+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Conyza canadensis Horseweed N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Elephantopus carolinianus Elephant's Foot N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Erectites hieracifolia Pileweed N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Erigeron annuus Daisy Fleabane N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Erigeron philadelphicus Common Fleabane N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Erigeron strigosus Lesser Daisy Fleabane N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Eupatorium album White Thoroughwort N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Eupatorium altissimum Tall BonesetNS+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Eupatorium serotinum Late-flowering Boneset N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Eurybia divaricata White Wood Aster N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Euthamia caroliniana Slender-leaved Goldenrod N S+ H Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Eutrochium fistulosum Hollow Joe Pye Weed N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Gnaphalium obtusifolium Sweet Everlastings N S+ H Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Heliopsis helianthoides False Sunflower N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Hieracium venosum Rattlesnake WeedNS+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Lactuca biennis Tall Blue Lettuce N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Lapsana communis Nipplewort I Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Nabalus sp. N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Packera anonyma Small's Ragwort N S Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Packera aurea Golden Ragwort N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Rudbeckia laciniata Tall Coneflower N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Rudbeckia triloba Three-lobed Coneflower N S S3 Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Sericocarpus asteroides Toothed White-top Aster N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago bicolor Silverrod N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago caesia Blue-stem Goldenrod N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago gigantea Late Goldenrod N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago juncea Early Goldenrod N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago nemoralis Gray Goldenrod NS+ H Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Solidago rugosa Rough Goldenrod N S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Symphyotrichum ericoides Heath Aster N S Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Symphyotrichum lanceolatum Tall White Aster N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Calico Aster N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Symphyotrichum pilosum White Heath Aster N Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Taraxacum officinale Dandelion I S+ Dicots 30 700 3 H Asteraceae Composite Verbesina alternifolia Wingstem N Dicots 30 750 3 W Caprifolaceae Honeysuckle Lonicera fragrantissima Winter Honeysuckle I S+ Dicots 30 750 3 W Caprifolaceae Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle I S+ Dicots 30 750 3 W Caprifolaceae Honeysuckle Lonicera morrowi Morrow Honeysuckle I S+ Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Sambucus canadensis Elderberry N Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum acerifolium Maple Leaved Viburnum N Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum dentatum Arrow Wood N Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum dilatatum Linden Viburnum I Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum dilatatum Lindon Arrow-woof I Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum plicatum Japanese SnowballI Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw N Dicots 30 760 3 W Adoxaceae Moschatel Viburnum sieboldi Siebold Viburnum I Dicots 30 765 3 W Araliaceae Ginseng Aralia alata Japanese Angelica Tree I Dicots 30 765 3 W Araliaceae Ginseng Aralia spinosa Devil's Walking StickN Dicots 30 765 3 W Araliaceae Ginseng Hedera helix English Ivy I Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Aegopodium podagraria Goutweed I Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Anthriscus sylvestris Wild Chervil I Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Cicuta maculata Water Hemlock N

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list Complete Plant Database

Mosses 10 105 1 M Fissidentaceae Fissiden bushii Pocket Moss N Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Cryptotaenia canadensis Honewort N Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Daucus carota Queen Anne's Lace I S+ Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Osmorhiza claytonii Sweet Cicely N Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Osmorhiza longistylis Aniseroot N Dicots 30 770 3 H Apiaceae Carrot Sanicula sp. Snakeroot N 40 998 Synonyms 40 999 3 Aster Sym: Eurybia Symphyotrichum 40 999 3 Athyrium Sym: Deparia 40 999 3 Botrychium Syn: Botrypus 40 999 3 Desmodium Sym: Hylodesmum 40 999 3 Eupatorium Syn: Ageratina 40 999 3 Polygonum Syn: Persicaria Reynoutria 40 999 3 Prenanthes Sym: Nabalus 40 999 3 Ranumculus Syn: Ficaria 40 999 3 Rhamnus Syn: Frangula 40 999 3 Senecio Sym: Packera 40 999 3 Smilacina Syn: Maianthemum 40 999 3 Talinum Sym: Phemeranthus 40 999 3 Thelypteris Syn: Parathelypteris 90 Source: H - William Hilgart D - Charlie Davis 40 Codes: Loc(ation): S-Only on serpentine S+:on serpentine and elsewhere 91

Origin N-Native, I-Introduced,?-Native to Eastern US, but not native to Md piedmount Loc S restriced to serpintine, S+ In serpintine and elsewhere Rare S1 Very Rare, S3 state watch list