MINNESOTA's LOCAL AIR SERVICE ACTION COMMITTEE Committed to Growing Air Service Throughout Minnesota

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MINNESOTA's LOCAL AIR SERVICE ACTION COMMITTEE Committed to Growing Air Service Throughout Minnesota DULUTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Travel Globally. l=lyLocally. DULUTH AIRPORTAUTHORITY MEETING AGENDA MARCH 17, 2020 AMATUZIO CONFERENCE ROOM DULUTH INTERNATIONALAIRPORT I *EXECUTIVEDIRECTORS REVIEW Information Letter to DAA Directors. II *APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETINGMINUTES & OTHERCONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A. Approval of February 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes. III *DAA CASH DISBURSEMENTS A. Cash Disbursement Sheets #4 and #5, 2020. Construction Fund Sheet #4, 2020, IV *CORRESPONDENCE A. Februaiy3, 2020 Letters to Senator Klobuchar, Senator Smith, Congressman Stauber and Congresswoman Craig from MN Local Air Service Action Committee (LASAC) RegardingIncrease of Passenger Facility Charges in the InfrastructureBill. B. Airport News: Februaiy 12, 2020 DAA Press Release "Delta Airlines to Bring Daily Mainline Service Back to Duluth", Februaiy 12, 2020 DNT News Release "American Airlines Plans to Exit the Duluth Market Later this Spring" and "Delta Airlines to Upsize Aircraft Serving Duluth"; Februaiy 25, 2020 DAA Press Release "DLH Not Awarded SCASD Grant for Denver Se1vice in Most Recent DOT Grant Cycle, Will Re-Apply" and DNT News Release "Duluth International Comes Up Empty on Request for Grant to Help Establish Air Service to Denver"; Februaiy 26, 2020 DAA News Release ''New Study Shows Duluth International Airport Contributes $760.6 Million Annuallyto Local Economy". C. Februaiy 28, 2020 Letter from DAA to Congressman Stauber, Congresswoman Craig, Senator Smith and Senator Klobuchar Regai·ding S.3360 National Center for Advanced Aviation. D. March 1, 2019 E-Mail from Monaco Air Foundation with Surnrnaiy of Februaiy 2020 Activities. E. Mai·ch 4, 2020 Letter from MN Employment and Economic Development Awai·ding the Airport InfrastructureRenewal (AIR) Program Grant to DAA. F. Public Notice "Intentto Impose and Use a Passenger Facility Charge (PFC 13). G. Link for Metropolitan Airp01ts Commission (MAC) Minutes https://metroairports.org/Airport-Authority/Metropolitan-Airports-Commission/Public­ Meetings/Board-Meetings.aspx. V OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSONS TO BE HEARD Duluth International Airport 4701 Grinden Drive Phone (218) 727-2968 [email protected] Sky Harbor Airport Duluth, MN 55811 Fax (218) 727-2960 www.duluthairport.com DULUTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Travel Globally. Fly Locally. DATE: March 17, 2020 TO: DAA Directors FROM: Executive Director SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REVIEW The following items will be briefed during the Executive Director's Review. If action is required of the DAA on any of these items, they will also appear on the agenda. If you have questions or desire additional information, please contact me and I will provide it at the DAA meeting. AIR SERVICE ► Conection: January's Passenger Numbers Understated by 4000 ► 49.7% Increase in Total Passengers YTD ► 53.8% Increase in Total Passengers in February YOY ► 36.5% Increase in Delta Passengers YTD ► 9.3% Decrease in United/United Express Passengers YTD ► 4,938 American Passengers in January ► 2,053 Landline Passengers in February ► Small Community Air Service Development Grant Update AIRFIELD OPERATIONS/CONSTRUCTION/PLANNING ► Planning • Master Plan Update • Paii 150 Noise Study Update ► Landside • IT Site Assessment ► Sky Harbor • Phase 3 Runway Closure Update • AircraftParking Area Planning Study BUSINESS/PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ► AIR Grant Award FINANCIAL UPDATE ► Audit ► Preliminary Year End Financial Duluth International Airport 4701 Grinden Drive Phone (218)727-2968 [email protected] Sky Harbor Airport Duluth, MN 55811 Fax (218)727-2960 www.duluthairport.com DULUTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Travel Globally. Fly Locally. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE MEETING DATE: February 18, 2020 PLACE: AmatuzioConference Room Duluth International Airport, Duluth, MN DIRECTORS PRESENT: Anna Tanski Todd Fedora Don Mcisaac Richard Stewait Kim Maki DIRECTORS ABSENT: Craig Fellman JeffAnderson OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Werner, Executive Director Mary Ann Wittkop, Recording Secretary Mark Papko, Director of Operations Natalie Peterson, Director of Communications & Marketing Jana Kayser, Business Development Manager Ken Timm, Interim Airport Facilities Manager Kathy Leon, ConfidentialBookkeeper Benita Crow, SEH Scott Sannes, SEH Rob Missinne, Monaco Air Duluth Bill King,Ci1Tus Design President Tanski welcomed everyone to the DAA Board meeting and called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. She invited Mr. Tom Werner, Executive Director, to present on the Executive review. Mr. Werner reviewed the following: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REVIEW: • Air Service: Solid month, almost 20% increase year over yeai·; Delta increased 21. 7% and United decreased by 6.8%; American Airlines (AA) passenger load was 4,328; Landline just under 2,000 passengers. SCASD grant - have not heard anything, will 1 continue to monitor. Additional air service notes: AA pulling out of market April 28 \ disappointing news -- due to low load factor and profitability, fleet constraints put pressure on DLH market. SkyWest/United will be reducing flights the month of March for maintenance reasons, back to nmmal in April; United will be conve1ting to Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) in March - shows confidencein this route; good news -- Delta introducing mainline service in March; and for the second month in a row leakage percentage is over MSP -- 56%. Duluth International Airport 4701 Grinden Drive Phone (218) 727-2968 [email protected] Sky Harbor Airport Duluth, MN 55811 Fax (218) 727-2960 www.duluthairport.com Duluth Airport Authority Operating Check Register . _.F.ebruary·.21-2020. · CD 04-2020 . ·: . DAA;Op l?rating Check Register . ·. · ·: li5Jf.w�@.�.t�1�Ill'i'J��Iw�a��i9.!1P.:iJ.'i,Jcf;,:;1,¢;�\'�li\·:itfi�,!i{t!J.�'.l,;,Tjfit!i!iilli®;;:i;i;;,.�,JP1J( 0 0 0 6 ·3535 2/21/2 20 BILLPM.T ,Airgas North Cenlral, · 487$9 .80 · 0 858 2/21/2020 Bll,,[PMT ; Amano Mcgann, Inc. $16, .0 88587 2/21/202 J?lLL!='MT,. Ameriprl<;le'Llnen& Apparel Services $277: 149 9 . 1 0 588. 2/21/2020 · BlLLPMT AT&T Mobility . $1-94.50 00 8 0 858 2/2 12 ?.Q • J3JLLPMT Aviation Security ciearinghQuse · .. · : $50616.0 � ; .. 59 2/21/20200 SILLPMT Barnum Companfes, Inc: $5,247 . 0 2 0 0 ,; . 8591 · · 2/21/2 20 BILLPMT Benson.'ElectricCompany $1,3 625.19 88592 /21/22022 BILLPMT �lueglobes LLC $ , 60.470 ., . 8593 2/21/ 0 BILLPMT Bodin, Joelle $ .00 · . 5949 2/21/202 Blllf".MT Century !.,ink $144.0046 6 0 · .. ,.. 85 5 . 2/21/2020 f3ILLPMT city OfDuluth comfort systems $15,650.000 8 ·, 85967 2/21/2 2Q0 BILLPMT Compudyne, Inc. $1, . , . 59 2/21/2020 0 BILLPMT C_urtls OIi & Propane' $32.00 8598 2/21/202 Blt:LPMT Palco $121.256 85996 2/21/2 20 BILLPMT DennY'.s Lawn And G.irden • $16. 04 8 00 2/21/20�002 BILl:PMt. Dululht .av,q & Sport $15.30 0 ·· . 860'16 2/21/2 0 BILLPMT Essentla Health . 0$36544.08 8602 ·, 2/21/2Q20.20 Bll,LPMT General Security Services Corporation $2 ,080.4 86 03 2/21/2002 BILLPMT Grainger , $1, 6.49 , 8 04 2/21/20200 BILLPMT -G.uardianPest Solutions $60.1500 86056 6 2/21/20 BJLLPMT Hagen's Glass and Paint . $857: 6 7 0 0 8 0 067 66 . 2/21/2 20 BILLl"MT Hermantown Hydraulics, LLC $1 53 .17' = ·. 86. 0 2/21/202 . BILLPMT. Inter City Oil (ICO) $1� , 60 8 08 2/21/2 200 BILLPMT · Jamar Company · $286.3560 0 · 86 09. 2/21/202 BiLLPMT Kayser, jana $ .0 8 1 2/21/;20290 0 BILLPMT �ayser, Jana M $189.27 86 ... .. 611 . 2/21/2 2 BILLPMT 'Kraemer·Construct1on, Inc. $310.00000 00 6 12 2/21/20200 BILLPMT- lanqrum and Br�wn, lncorporateo : $2, .6 8 13 2/21/202020 BILLPMT Locksmith Seivlces \ $126.6 5 614 2/21/2 !3ILLPMT MacQueen Equipment, Inc. $7, 6079.9300 886156 2/21/20200 0 BlLLPMT Madsen, Brian 900$ . 0 8 61 2/21/2 20 BILLPMT Marsden Butlding Maintenance $14, .06 866178 2/21/2020 BILLPMT Menards $231.4 0 8 1 2/21/2020 BILLPMT Minnesota Petroleum Service $48054.39 6190 2/21/202020 . BILLPMT Minnesota Power $312,222.86 862 22/21/2 0 BILLPMT MN Dept of Emply & Econ. Development $ , .22 86.21 /21/202 . BILLPMT NAPAAuto Parts . '$91.74038 86226 2/21/20200 BILLPMT Nextera Communications $1, .53 8 23 2/21/2020 0 BILLPMT Northern Business P.roducts,Inc. $286.577 8624 2/21/202 BILLPMT Northern Engine & Supply $23 .22 86256 2/21/20200 BILC.PMT NorthernTool + Eq4ipment 0$52.97 8626 2/21/202 !3!LLPMT 9racle America, Inc, $11, 39.850 0 8 278 2/21/2 20 BILLPMT Papko, Mark· $66 .00 8629 2/21/20200 0 BILLPMT Peterson, Natalie $ 0.06 8620 2/21/2 2 Blll.PMT Pomp's Tire SeJVice, Inc. $132.603 863 2/21/20200 BlLLPMT Praxair Distribution Inc. $505.0 8631 2/21/202 · BILLPMT Sam's Club $450.00 8632 2/21/2 402020 BILl.'.PMT .Sinnott, Paul .$69.00 88633 /21/20 0 BILLPMT Spectrum Business $13749;400 634 2/21/2020 BILLPMT ·swanson, Richard . $1, .000 86356 . 2/21/2022 BILL_PMT T?ylor, Dan $60.23 8636 2/ 1/2020 BIL�PMT .:ThanksA gain, tLC $560(?. 0 86 37 2/21/2020 BILLPMT The Retrofit Companl!;!S INC $7 0.000 8638 2/21/20200 0 BlllPMT · Timm', Kenneth $65 , 0 868 39 2121/2020 BILLPMT Tri-StateAuto Electric $1 9.9 40 2/21/2020 BILLPMT Viking Industrial North $120.550 ., 8641 2/21/2020 BILLPMT Wabrowetz, Steve · $60.00 0 0 y 417 ,. ,_Approvals: . 8.642 2/21/,Z 2 B!LLPMT Walker Olspla Incorporated $50.0 8643 · 2/21/2 2 BlLLPMT Waste Management of WI-MN $3, 0.590 8644 2/21/20200 0 BllLPMT Werner, Thomas · $6 . 60 ' a645 2121/2 2 BIL.L MT eg e I c. _____ . 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