Minnesota River at Belle Plaine Low Point Staff Gauge Ucoop 735

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Minnesota River at Belle Plaine Low Point Staff Gauge Ucoop 735 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AADM5 ADA MN NORMAN 47 18 00N 096 31 00W 47.3000 -96.5167 WOS FGF UCOOP 906 ADAM5 ADA MN NORMAN 47 18 00N 096 31 00W 47.3000 -96.5167 WOS FGF COOPAB 21-0018 906 ADEM5 ADA 3E MN NORMAN 47 18 00N 096 26 00W 47.3000 -96.4333 WOS FGF UCOOP ADSM5 ADA 2S MN NORMAN 47 15 45N 096 30 03W 47.2625 -96.5008 WOS FGF WILD RICE RVR NR ADA GOES 5531C28E UCOOP AWNM5 ADA 1N MN NORMAN 47 19 16N 096 30 50W 47.3211 -96.5139 WOS FGF ADA NDAWN MESO-ST 78 910 ADOM5 ADOLPH 1N MN ST. LOUIS 46 47 56N 092 16 51W 46.7989 -92.2808 WOS DLH UCOOP ADRM5 ADRIAN MN NOBLES 43 37 57N 095 56 32W 43.6325 -95.9422 WOS FSD UCOOP 1650 AFTM5 AFTON 2NNW MN WASHINGTON 44 55 24N 092 47 31W 44.9234 -92.7920 WOS MPX AFTON 2 NNW UCOOP 840 AIT AITKIN MN AITKIN 46 32 54N 093 40 36W 46.5483 -93.6767 WOS DLH AWOS AITM5 AITKIN 2E MN AITKIN 46 31 33N 093 40 03W 46.5257 -93.6674 WOS DLH AITKIN 2E COOPAB 21-0059 1215 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATDM5 AITKIN 4NNE MN AITKIN 46 35 30N 093 41 13W 46.5917 -93.6869 WOS DLH MISSISSIPPI RIVER DIVERSION NEAR AITKIN GOES 172C7508 1210 ATKM5 AITKIN 1N MN AITKIN 46 32 26N 093 42 26W 46.5406 -93.7072 WOS DLH MISSISSIPPI RIVER GOES CE76CC7C 1182 AKLM5 AKELEY MN HUBBARD 47 00 00N 094 40 00W 47.0000 -94.6667 WOS FGF UCOOP AEL ALBERT LEA MN FREEBORN 43 40 53N 093 22 02W 43.6814 -93.3672 WOS MPX ALBERT LEA MUNICIPAL AP AWOS ALBM5 ALBERT LEA 3SE MN FREEBORN 43 36 23N 093 18 07W 43.6064 -93.3019 WOS MPX ALBERT LEA 3 SE COOPAB 21-0075 1230 SBLM5 ALBERT LEA MN FREEBORN 43 38 35N 093 23 31W 43.6431 -93.3919 WOS MPX ALBERT LEA SCHOOLNET AMOS SCHOOLNET LALM5 ALDRICH 8NNE MN WADENA 46 28 58N 094 53 39W 46.4827 -94.8943 WOS FGF LEAF RIVER NR ALDRICH, MN, CASH26 GOES 55332488 1267 LFEM5 ALDRICH 7NE MN WADENA 46 27 24N 094 50 29W 46.4567 -94.8414 WOS FGF LEAF RIVER NEAR STAPLES CSAH29 AHOS DNR GOES D551F24E 1000 STSM5 ALDRICH 6NE MN WADENA 46 23 17N 094 48 32W 46.3880 -94.8090 WOS FGF STAPLES NDAWN MESO-ST 122 1269 ALXM5 ALEXANDRIA MN DOUGLAS 45 52 42N 095 22 58W 45.8782 -95.3827 WOS MPX ALEXANDRIA COOPB 21-0110 1415 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXN ALEXANDRIA MN DOUGLAS 45 52 04N 095 23 39W 45.8679 -95.3941 WOS MPX ALEXANDRIA CHANDLER FIELD AIRPORT ASOS AXN COOPAB 21-0112 1416 AXNM5 ALEXANDRIA MN DOUGLAS 45 53 48N 095 21 57W 45.8966 -95.3657 WOS MPX ALEXANDRIA WATER TREATMENT PLANT COOPB 21-0116 1400 WLDM5 ALMELUND 3NE MN CHISAGO 45 31 23N 092 44 56W 45.5231 -92.7489 WOS MPX WILD RIVER STATE PARK COOPAB 21-8986 840 ALTM5 ALTURA 5W MN WINONA 44 03 48N 092 02 23W 44.0633 -92.0397 WOS ARX ALTURA 5W COOPB 21-0146 865 AWRM5 ALTURA 2W MN WINONA 44 04 10N 091 58 49W 44.0694 -91.9802 WOS ARX ALTURA 2W RFCSIM 775 BVRM5 ALTURA 6NW MN WINONA 44 09 03N 092 00 18W 44.1508 -92.0050 WOS ARX WHITEWATER RIVER NEAR BEAVER UCOOP WOS 720 ALVM5 ALVARADO 1N MN MARSHALL 48 11 41N 097 00 20W 48.1947 -97.0056 WOS FGF ALVARADO 1N COOPB 21-0151 792 GOES 5530F5EE 800 AMBM5 AMBOY MN BLUE EARTH 43 53 01N 094 10 00W 43.8835 -94.1666 WOS MPX AMBOY ATLM5 AMOR 2SSE MN OTTER TAIL 46 23 20N 095 44 02W 46.3888 -95.7338 WOS FGF AMOR 2S UCOOP 1331 ADVM5 ANDOVER 1N MN ANOKA 45 15 12N 093 17 34W 45.2534 -93.2927 WOS MPX ANDOVER 1N COOPAB 21-0190 899 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AKMM5 ANOKA MN ANOKA 45 11 54N 093 23 29W 45.1982 -93.3913 WOS MPX RUM RIVER AT ANOKA - MAIN ST ANKM5 ANOKA 6SE MN ANOKA 45 08 00N 093 18 00W 45.1333 -93.3000 WOS MPX GOES DD29507E APLM5 APPLETON 2SSE MN SWIFT 45 10 03N 095 59 59W 45.1675 -95.9997 WOS MPX NWR KXI32 1004 APPM5 APPLETON MN SWIFT 45 12 00N 096 01 00W 45.2000 -96.0167 WOS MPX GOES CE769C00 AQP APPLETON MN SWIFT 45 13 39N 096 00 15W 45.2275 -96.0042 WOS MPX AWOS AGYM5 ARGYLE 1N MN MARSHALL 48 20 25N 096 48 58W 48.3403 -96.8161 WOS FGF ARGYLE 1N NWIS 05087500 824 ARGM5 ARGYLE MN MARSHALL 48 20 00N 096 49 00W 48.3333 -96.8167 WOS FGF MIDDLE RIVER UCOOP ARLM5 ARLINGTON 1NNW MN SIBLEY 44 37 21N 094 05 31W 44.6225 -94.0919 WOS MPX HIGH ISLAND CREEK NEAR ARLINGTON GOES D554C014 989 ARTM5 ARTICHOKE 1E MN BIG STONE 45 23 08N 096 07 33W 45.3856 -96.1257 WOS ABR ARTICHOKE LAKE 1 E COOPAB 21-0287 1098 ASKM5 ASKOV MN PINE 46 11 37N 092 46 39W 46.1936 -92.7775 WOS DLH UCOOP 1180 AURM5 AURORA MN ST. LOUIS 47 30 00N 092 14 00W 47.5000 -92.2333 WOS DLH UCOOP Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSTM5 AURORA 1E MN ST. LOUIS 47 31 30N 092 11 53W 47.5250 -92.1981 WOS DLH FIRST CREEK OTHER SCCM5 AURORA 3NE MN ST. LOUIS 47 31 25N 092 11 36W 47.5236 -92.1933 WOS DLH SECOND CREEK OTHER SLRM5 AURORA 3S MN ST. LOUIS 47 29 33N 092 14 18W 47.4925 -92.2382 WOS DLH ST. LOUIS RIVER NR AURORA GOES D55362D8 1387 AALM5 AUSTIN 2NE MN MOWER 43 40 12N 092 56 56W 43.6700 -92.9490 WOS ARX AUSTIN 2NE UCOOP 1222 ASNM5 AUSTIN 3S MN MOWER 43 38 11N 092 58 26W 43.6364 -92.9739 WOS ARX AUSTIN 3S AHOS ASTM5 AUSTIN MN MOWER 43 39 15N 092 58 26W 43.6542 -92.9739 WOS ARX AUSTIN WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY COOPAB 21-0355 1199 AUM AUSTIN MN MOWER 43 39 54N 092 56 00W 43.6650 -92.9333 WOS ARX AWOS AUNM5 AUSTIN 3S MN MOWER 43 37 24N 092 59 25W 43.6233 -92.9903 WOS ARX AUSTIN KAUS RADIO UCOOP AUSM5 AUSTIN 3N MN MOWER 43 42 00N 092 58 00W 43.7000 -92.9667 WOS ARX RAMSEY DAM UCOOP DOBM5 AUSTIN MN MOWER 43 40 00N 092 57 00W 43.6667 -92.9500 WOS ARX DOBBING CR UCOOP SASM5 AUSTIN MN MOWER 43 39 44N 092 57 08W 43.6623 -92.9522 WOS DMX AUSTIN SCHOOLNET AMOS 1200 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRCM5 AUSTIN MN MOWER 43 39 00N 092 59 00W 43.6500 -92.9833 WOS ARX TURTLE CREEK UCOOP AVCM5 AVOCA MN MURRAY 43 57 01N 095 38 37W 43.9503 -95.6436 WOS FSD UCOOP 1425 AVOM5 AVOCA 7E MN MURRAY 43 56 58N 095 30 25W 43.9494 -95.5069 WOS FSD AVOCA UCOOP WOS 1382 BABM5 BABBITT MN ST. LOUIS 47 42 44N 091 57 12W 47.7121 -91.9533 WOS DLH BABBITT COOPAB 21-0387 1481 BCHM5 BABBITT 3NW MN ST. LOUIS 47 44 26N 091 59 43W 47.7406 -91.9954 WOS DLH BABBITT CRN WLN08 GOES DD977332 1478 BISM5 BABBITT 9NE MN LAKE 47 48 58N 091 47 05W 47.8161 -91.7847 WOS DLH BIRCH LAKE OTHER BOBM5 BABBITT 6E MN ST. LOUIS 47 43 28N 091 48 51W 47.7245 -91.8142 WOS DLH CREEK AT BOB BAY NR BABBITT GOES 5534C54E 1430 DENM5 BABBITT 10E MN LAKE 47 44 08N 091 43 33W 47.7355 -91.7258 WOS DLH DENLEY CREEK NR BABBITT GOES D55321D2 1515 DKAM5 BABBITT MN ST. LOUIS 47 41 55N 091 52 06W 47.6986 -91.8683 WOS DLH DUNKA RIVER NR BABBITT GOES D552305E DRBM5 BABBITT 6SE MN ST. LOUIS 47 38 56N 091 50 57W 47.6489 -91.8492 WOS DLH DUNKA RIVER NR BABBITT, MINING RD OTHER 5534435A LCBM5 BABBITT 5ESE MN ST. LOUIS 47 39 58N 091 51 32W 47.6662 -91.8589 WOS DLH LANGLEY CREEK NR BABBITT OTHER 1525 Report Date: 09/20/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWSLI CITY AZRAN ST COUNTY LAT (DMS) LON(DMS) LAT(DD) LON(DD) STNTYPE WFO DETAIL PROGRAM PROGRAM ID ELEV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARM5 BABBITT 6S MN ST. LOUIS 47 37 09N 091 55 31W 47.6193 -91.9254 WOS DLH PARTRIDGE RIVER NR BABBITT OTHER 1575 PRBM5 BABBITT 5SSW MN ST. LOUIS 47 37 24N 091 58 08W 47.6232 -91.9689 WOS DLH PARTRIDGE RIVER NR BABBITT, DS PETERMITCHELL PITRD GOES D5513982 1591 PRTM5 BABBITT 7SSW MN ST.
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