Field Nats News No.219 Newsletter of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria Inc. Editors: Joan Broadberry 9846 1218 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn Vic 3130 Dr Noel Schleiger 9435 8408 Telephone/Fax 9877 9860 Understanding Our Natural World Patron: Governor of Victoria Est. 1880 Reg. No. A0033611X email:
[email protected] Office Hours: Monday and Tuesday 9 am-4 pm. May 2012 A reminder: all nominations for Council From the President need to be received by 2 pm on Friday 4th May, in accordance with our Consti- Deadline for the June issue Hi members, Easter is now over and I tution. Nomination form p14. of FNN, 220, will be Tuesday hope that the Easter Bilby paid you a visit 1st May at 10 am. FNN will rather than its European counterpart, the Finally, can someone shed some light go to the printers on 8th May Rabbit. Well, April shaped up to be eve- on what these caterpillars are? They and Collation will be on 15th rything they say about the weather in have been denuding the Callistemon in starting 10—10.30 am. Melbourne, ‘.. if you don’t like it, wait 5 my garden for the past two years but I minutes’, with days in the high 20’s and have not been able to identify them. others in the low teens. Surely it is a sign John Harris of things to come with winter on the way. The capture and handling of all President The Fungi Group forays are kicking off animals on FNCV field trips is again and may it be a great season for all done strictly in accordance with you mycophiles (not sure if .