Cryogenic Liquid Containers
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Cryogenic Liquid Containers Cryogenic liquid containers, also referred All cryogenic liquids produce large vol- If liquid oxygen is released, an oxygen- to as liquid cylinders, are designed for the umes of gas when they vaporize. The enriched atmosphere could result. An oxy- reliable and economic transportation and expansion ratio is the amount of gas gen- gen-enriched atmosphere is dangerous storage of liquefied gases at cryogenic erated from a given amount of liquid. Table due to the increased potential for a fire to temperatures, typically colder than – 130ºF 1 shows the liquid-to-gas expansion ratios occur. Although oxygen itself is nonflam- (-90ºC). The products found in liquid con- for the common cryogenic fluids. If a suffi- mable, ordinary combustible materials will tainers are nitrogen, argon, oxygen, helium, cient amount of liquid is vaporized within a burn more vigorously. Materials that nor- carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. The con- closed container, it will produce enormous mally do not burn in air may burn in an tainers are double-walled, vacuum vessels pressures that could rupture the vessel. oxygen-enriched atmosphere. with multilayer insulation in the annular For this reason, cryogenic liquid containers space. The two primary advantages of a are protected with multiple pressure relief Elevator Transport liquid container are that it contains a large devices. Similarly, any system for the stor- Section to Be Modified please come back volume of gas at a relatively low pressure age and delivery of cryogenic liquids later. and it provides a source of cryogenic liq- should be carefully designed to avoid trap- uids which can be easily handled. ping cryogenic liquid at any point in the Cylinder Tipping or Damage Appendix Although these containers are well insulated, system by installing a relief device. Always keep liquid containers upright and heat will continuously leak into the product, If liquid nitrogen, argon or helium is acci- as near to their correct orientation as pos- due to the extremely large temperature dif- dentally released in a confined space, a sible during storage, transportation, and ference between the cryogenic liquid and dangerous oxygen-deficient atmosphere use. If a liquid container falls over, allow the ambient environment. The heat leak will could be created. Use and store liquid con- 15 minutes for the container to settle, and cause some vaporization to occur. Vaporized tainers in well ventilated areas. The assess its structural integrity before product, if not used, will collect in the vapor released gas will displace the oxygen con- approaching it. A minimum of two persons space above the liquid and build pressure— centration in the air. A small spill of liquid are required to return it to an upright posi- called the head pressure. Head pressure will will produce a large volume of gas which tion. They should utilize a mechanical lift- build in the container and periodically vent can, and will, change the conditions of the ing device (e.g., block and tackle, hoist, or via the pressure relief valve. Vaporization ambient environment in a confined space crane) secured to an overhead support, rates will vary and may be as low as 0.4% or very quickly. For example, a spill of one such as a portable tripod, capable of sup- as high as 3% of the container’s volume per cubic foot of liquid nitrogen will vaporize to porting the weight. Immediately notify the day. This is a normal and safe function of the 696 equivalent volumes of gas at 70ºF. An supplier of this situation. container. oxygen-deficient atmosphere can lead to The team should wear full face shields The user of any cryogenic liquid container rapid asphyxiation (suffocation). This can and gloves and return the container to the should be thoroughly familiar with the cause loss of consciousness and may upright position. Vent any excess pres- product and the mechanical workings of result in serious injury or death. Never enter sure. If there is no buildup of pressure or the container before using the product. an area where oxygen levels are below visible external damage, the container 19.5% without the use of supplied air. may be returned to service. Notify the General Safety Precautions supplier of the incident. The potential hazards for handling cryo- genic liquids, in addition to those observed for their respective gases, stem Table 1 from two properties: extremely cold tem- Expansion Ratios at 70ºF of Common Cryogenic Fluids (Liquid to Gas*) perature and the expansion ratio. Cryogenic Liquid Expansion Ratio The extremely cold temperatures of cryo- genic liquids can rapidly freeze human tis- Argon 1 to 841 sue. Leather or insulated gloves and other Helium 1 to 754 protective clothing should be worn when operating valves or when the potential Hydrogen 1 to 848 exists for contact with product or exposed Nitrogen 1 to 696 cold piping. This includes long cuffless pants, long-sleeved shirt, safety glasses, Oxygen 1 to 861 and full face shield. *For Example, 1 cubic foot of liquid argon will create 841 cubic feet of gaseous argon at 70ºF A 17 Appendix Container damage may create a hazardous tion. If this is not possible, monitoring of Liquid Withdrawal: condition and may not be immediately evi- the area for oxygen concentration is essen- Note: For liquid use requirements, the dent. If the container rapidly builds pressure tial. Storage areas, in addition to being well container should normally be specified or shows any signs of malfunction, vent it ventilated, should be secure and protected with the 22 psig relief valve. Minimizing carefully into a well ventilated, safe area. from the weather. Containers should be the pressure reduces the product loss Call your supplier for further instructions. stored away from air intakes, high traffic due to flash-off. areas, floor drains, and other underground Connect a transfer line from the liquid valve openings. The escaping cold gas will be Handling and Storage to the user’s system or vessel being filled. Liquid containers are supplied in different heavier than the surrounding air and will Open the liquid valve to obtain the desired sizes. A typical 180-liter unit weighs accumulate in low-lying areas. rate of flow. Close the liquid valve when approximately 260 pounds (118 kg) when finished. To prevent back-contamination in empty and as much as 774 pounds (351 Operation the container, all valves should be closed kg) when filled with liquid argon. Due to Caution: Before use, always confirm that when the container has been emptied. their weight and bulkiness, care must be the CGA fittings are appropriate for the taken when handling and storing liquid product identified on the cylinder label. If If high withdrawal rates require additional containers. Mechanical handling devices a mismatch appears, do not attempt to pressure, open the pressure building should always be used to move them if use the container. Contact your supplier valve only until the required pressure is they are not already equipped with wheels. for assistance immediately. obtained, then close the valve. (This fea- ture is not available on 22 psig containers Cryogenic liquid containers are available equipped for liquid withdrawal only.) Handling in a variety of designs, to allow for a vari- Liquid containers must only be unloaded ety of product withdrawal modes. Most Caution: Always wear a full face shield and from or loaded onto a delivery vehicle by containers allow either gas or liquid with- gloves when transferring liquid product. Appendix means of a crane, fork truck, or a power- drawal, although some allow for only gas Transfer of liquid at pressures higher than assisted tailgate. Liquid containers may be or liquid withdrawal. Users must be famil- 22 psig into open vessels such as small moved using a forklift if they are secured on iar with the type of container they are dewars can lead to excessive splashing of a pallet, in a cradle, or some other device using for their application and must the product, which may come in contact designed for this purpose. When the con- ensure that the proper connections for with the operator or nearby personnel. tainer is removed from a pallet, it should that container are in place. Care should be exercised to avoid skin or only be moved using a specially designed other tissue contact with any cold surface. four-wheel handcart. Liquid containers Gas Withdrawal: Always read product labels before using. should only be transported in an upright To withdraw gas from the container, connect position and should never be laid on their the inlet of a suitable pressure regulator or Container Design side. Never roll these containers on their control valve to the gas withdrawal valve, In order to safely withdraw gas or cryo- side. and the outlet of the regulator or valve to the genic liquid from a liquid container, it is Liquid containers equipped with wheels system receiving the gas. Open the with- important to be familiar with the container should always be moved by pushing the drawal and the pressure building valves until design and proper functioning of the com- container, never pulling it. This reduces the container pressure reaches the desired ponents. Low-pressure liquid containers the possibility of the container falling on pressure, for example, 125 psig. At this are designed for cryogenic liquid with- you or a coworker, in the event it becomes point you may begin withdrawing gas. drawal only, whereas high-pressure liquid unstable. Caution: When withdrawing gas from the containers provide economic, efficient Storage container, the capacity of the internal gaseous withdrawal in addition to liquid vaporizer can be exceeded. If gas is with- Liquid containers should always be stored withdrawal.