Hindawi Advances in Meteorology Volume 2020, Article ID 5462040, 18 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5462040

Research Article Development of Stacked Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks with Numerical Solutions for Wind Velocity Predictions

Chih-Chiang Wei

Department of Marine Environmental Informatics and Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, National Ocean University, Keelung City, Taiwan

Correspondence should be addressed to Chih-Chiang Wei; [email protected]

Received 27 December 2019; Accepted 8 July 2020; Published 23 July 2020

Academic Editor: 'eodore Karacostas

Copyright © 2020 Chih-Chiang Wei. 'is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Taiwan, being located on a path in the west Pacific Ocean where often strike, is often affected by typhoons. 'e accompanying strong winds and torrential rains make typhoons particularly damaging in Taiwan. 'erefore, we aimed to establish an accurate wind speed prediction model for future typhoons, allowing for better preparation to mitigate a ’s toll on life and property. For more accurate wind speed predictions during a typhoon episode, we used cutting-edge machine learning techniques to construct a wind speed prediction model. To ensure model accuracy, we used, as variable input, simulated values from the Weather Research and Forecasting model of the numerical weather prediction system in addition to adopting deeper neural networks that can deepen neural network structures in the construction of estimation models. Our deeper neural networks comprise multilayer perceptron (MLP), deep recurrent neural networks (DRNNs), and stacked long short-term memory (LSTM). 'ese three model-structure types differ by their memory capacity: MLPs are model networks with no memory capacity, whereas DRNNs and stacked LSTM are model networks with memory capacity. A model structure with memory capacity can analyze time-series data and continue memorizing and learning along the time axis. 'e study area is northeastern Taiwan. Results showed that MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM prediction error rates increased with prediction time (1–6 hours). Comparing the three models revealed that model networks with memory capacity (DRNN and stacked LSTM) were more accurate than those without memory capacity. A further comparison of model networks with memory capacity revealed that stacked LSTM yielded slightly more accurate results than did DRNN. Additionally, we determined that in the construction of the wind speed prediction model, the use of numerically simulated values reduced the error rate approximately by 30%. 'ese results indicate that the inclusion of numerically simulated values in wind speed prediction models enhanced their prediction accuracy.

1. Introduction Taiwan even if the typhoon itself does not hit Taiwan. 'erefore, typhoons constitute a serious natural disaster in A typhoon is a severe natural disaster that affects tropical Taiwan. and subtropical coastal countries, and it occurs most fre- For example, the 2015 Typhoon Soudelor was the most quently in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Taiwan is to the destructive typhoon that occurred in Taiwan in recent east of the Eurasian Continent and at the western side of the history, with gust intensity exceeding 12 on the Beaufort Pacific Ocean; its climate is intermediate between tropical wind force scale (32.7 m/s). Its strong gusts caused wide- and subtropical climate. 'us, typhoons frequently occur in spread damage to infrastructure, affecting gas supply, power Taiwan, generally in summer and fall. Typhoons affecting and utilities, transportation and communication, and Taiwan typically develop at the sea surface southeast of weather radar stations. Electricity was cut off in approxi- Taiwan, and most typhoons are accompanied by torrential mately 4.5 million households simultaneously during Ty- rains and strong winds [1]. Such rain and wind add to the phoon Soudelor—the greatest recorded number in recent damage from typhoons, posing a great threat to the trans- history. 'e economic loss from the typhoon was estimated portation, economic, agricultural, and fishery activities in to be as high as US$76 million [2]. 2 Advances in Meteorology

'erefore, we aimed to establish an accurate wind speed results to be explained in terms of physical relationships. prediction model for future typhoons, allowing for better NWP models simulate the atmosphere on user-defined grid preparation to mitigate a typhoon’s toll on life and property. scales as a moving fluid. 'rough several types of param- In this study, cutting-edge machine learning (ML) tech- eterizations, NWP models also account for the influence of niques were used to improve predictive accuracy. In general, subgrid physical processes on grid-resolved motions ML algorithms learn from a huge dataset, improving their [31, 32]. NWP models, such as the Weather Research and ability to identify patterns in the data. Specifically, ML in- Forecasting model (WRF), have been increasingly popular as volves creating algorithms to make prediction from sets of a low-cost alternative source of data for such assessments of unknown data. Given their ability to perform parameter climate parameters [33]. WRF offers a wide variety of adjustment and achieve optimization through self-learning, physical and dynamical elements to choose from; these el- neural network algorithms in ML are particularly powerful ements must be put together to form model configurations, [3]. Such algorithms have been extensively used in recent with which the model can be run [34]. However, because of wind speed prediction models, and these models are in- imperfect models and uncertain initial boundary atmo- creasingly data-driven due to developments in ML [4–11]. In spheric conditions, errors exist in the NWP output [35, 36]. the development of neural networks, multilayer perceptron Recent studies have applied the NWP model to typhoons (MLP) networks are a classic approach that are often used and tropical cyclones [37–39]. However, the prediction of and compared with other neural network models. For ex- severe meteorological phenomena (such as typhoons), ample, Wei [12] compared the accuracy of MLP with that of which result from a multiplicity of mutually interacting adaptive network-based fuzzy-inference-system neural multiscale processes, remains a major challenge for NWP networks in the construction of typhoon wind speed pre- systems [25, 40, 41]. 'ese models are typically unable to diction models. predict wind intensity with satisfactory accuracy, even at Deep learning has become possible due to the expo- short forecast times and a high horizontal resolution nential increase in computing power in recent years. 'is [42, 43]. Some studies have tried combining NWP with ML approach is the further derivation of multiple neural layers models to develop an integrated climate prediction model. from the original neural layers of a model. Such derivation For example, Zhao et al. [44] evaluated the performance and improves an algorithm’s ability to learn, better approxi- enhanced accuracy of a day-ahead wind-power forecasting mating the complex neural network structure of a human system. 'e system comprised artificial neural networks and being. For example, Hu et al. [13] formulated multilayer an NWP model. deep neural networks that were trained using data from Furthermore, to enhance the predictive accuracy of data-rich wind plants. 'ese networks extracted wind speed constructed ML models, other researchers have used nu- patterns, and the mapping was finely tuned using data from merically simulated results as input data for the construction newly constructed wind plants. Tiancheng et al. [14] pro- of ML models. For example, Zhao et al. [45] developed the posed a sandstorm prediction method that considered both ARIMAX model, where wind speed results from the WRF the effect of atmospheric movement and ground factors on simulation were chosen as an exogenous input variable. sandstorm occurrence, called improved naive Bayesian However, to the best of our knowledge, in the literature on convolutional neural network classification algorithm. short-term wind speed prediction for typhoons (or tropical In the field of neural networks, recurrent neural networks cyclones), numerically simulated values have seldom been (RNNs), which can analyze sequential (or time-series) data, used as an input variable for ML prediction models. have recently been developed [15–20]. RNNs are con- 'erefore, in relation to the construction of a ML-based nectionist models with the ability to selectively pass infor- wind speed prediction model, we evaluated the improve- mation across sequence steps while processing sequential data ments to predictive accuracy afforded by the use of nu- one element at a time [21]. 'erefore, RNNs are important, merically simulated values (by comparing between its use especially in the analysis of sequential data. A particular type and nonuse). of RNNs is long short-term memory (LSTM), a class of ar- 'erefore, our study has two primary aims: (1) develop tificial neural networks where connections between units an ML- and neural network-based wind speed prediction form a directed cycle [22] introduced the LSTM primarily to model and compare the predictive accuracy of various overcome the problem of diminishing gradients. LSTM neural network-based algorithms and (2) evaluate the im- creates an internal network state that allows it to exhibit provements to predictive accuracy afforded by the use of dynamic temporal behavior. Unlike feedforward neural numerical solutions obtained from NWP models (by networks, RNNs can use their internal memory to process comparing between its use and nonuse) in a typhoon-surface arbitrary sequences of input [23]. To model the time series of wind-speed prediction model. wind speed data, Byeon et al. [24] developed the LSTM for the prediction of typhoon wind speeds. Hence, feature en- 2. Methodology and Algorithms hancement from RNNs has been explored in wind prediction. 'e widespread application of ensembles in numerical Figure 1 illustrates the flow of the construction, involving weather prediction (NWP) has helped researchers improve NWP numerical solutions, of our neural network-based weather forecasts [25–30]. Numerical models can be used to typhoon wind-velocity prediction model. In the first stage, calculate all climate parameters through atmospheric dy- we collected data on the typhoon characteristics and ground namics and numerical methods, allowing for simulated wind speed of the research area’s historical typhoon events. Advances in Meteorology 3

Collect data associated with historical typhoon events Perform the wind field simulation of typhoons with an NWP numerical model Refine data of typhoon characteristics and surface wind speed observations Generate wind-speed simulation solutions

Preprocess the datasets and split data into training-validation and testing subsets

Conduct the neural networks-based wind speed prediction model using MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM

Predict wind speed using different neural networks-based prediction models

Evaluate the forecast accuracy in ML models using different neural networks-based algorithms

Evaluate of forecast accuracy in ML models using inputs with and without NWP numercial solutions

Verify the optimal neural networks-based wind velocity prediction models

Figure 1: Flowchart of neural network-based typhoon wind velocity prediction model using NWP numerical solutions.

In the second step, wind speed solutions were obtained from forecast accuracy of the stacked LSTM model was evaluated a wind field simulation of typhoons, involving an NWP against other neural networks. We also evaluated whether numerical model. In our study, we also employed a WRF forecast accuracy in ML-based models improved when NWP numerical model to simulate circulation distribution, thus numerical solutions were used as input. obtaining the wind speed values in the research area. Two datasets could be built, one comprising typhoon data and the other comprising wind simulation results from the NWP 2.1. Frameworks Underlying the Proposed Neural Networks. model. 'e datasets were split into testing and training- In this section, we describe the neural network-based ar- validation subsets. 'e training-validation set was used for chitectures, which used the MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM the learning of several ML-based wind velocity prediction algorithms, that were adopted for model construction. As models, and the testing set was used for the identification of illustrated in Figure 2(a), the MLP is a typical type of the optimal prediction model among these models. feedforward backpropagation neural network that uses 'e best model among a set of ML neural network-based processing units placed in the input, hidden, and output models, involving MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM, was layers [47–49]. Each unit (with an associated weight) in a determined. According to [46], real-time dynamics consti- layer is connected to the units in adjacent layers [50, 51]. In tute the most challenging aspect of wind speed forecasting. the study, to enhance learning efficacy—and by implication, We determined the stacked LSTM model to be the best for approximation, and prediction accuracy—we added hidden wind speed forecasting due to its appropriate handling of layers to a simple MLP neural network; the MLP was trained long- and short-term time dependency. In the final stage, the through backpropagation. Generally, the weight updates 4 Advances in Meteorology

V Predicted V Predicted t+i t+i Predicted Ht+i

Output layer Output layer Output layer

Dropout layer Dropout layer Hidden layer Activation fun Context ot Summing fun Hidden layer units layer c Recurrent t it f LSTM layer LSTM t Hidden layer Activation fun Summing fun Context Hidden layer units o layer t Recurrent Input layer ct i f Input layer layer LSTM t t

Inputs for wind velocity prediction Inputs for wind velocity prediction Input layer

Inputs for wind velocity prediction

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Architecture of (a) MLP, (b) DRNN, and (c) stacked LSTM neural networks. between layers are calculated in terms of the stochastic the first LSTM layer produces sequence vectors used as the gradient descent [52]. Specifically, input of the subsequent LSTM layer. Moreover, the LSTM zE layer receives feedback from its previous time step, thus Δw (t + 1) � βΔw (t) + η , ( ) ij ij zw 1 allowing for the capturing of data patterns. 'e dropout ij layer also excludes 10% of the neurons to avoid overfitting. 'e basic structure of LSTM, as illustrated in the LSTM where wij(t) is the weight set connecting layers i and j at time t, Δw is the weight correction, η is the learning rate, β is layer in Figure 2(c), comprises an input gate it, output gate ot, a momentum coefficient, and E is a cost function that in- forget gate ft, and memory cell ct. A single LSTM layer has a dicates the difference between the target and predicted second-order RNN architecture that excels at storing se- values. In particular, η and β are hyperparameters for quential short-term memories and retrieving them at many adjusting the spacing of weight correction. time steps later [55]. An LSTM network is identical to a As illustrated in Figure 2(b), the multilayers of the RNN standard RNN, with the exception of the summation units in structure comprise an input layer, multiple recurrent layers, the hidden layer being replaced by memory blocks [56]. and an output layer. When the length of recurrent layer is 1, Equations (2)–(6) describe how output values are updated at the framework is a simple RNN. Here, the recurrent network each step [22, 46, 57]. Specifically, is based on the networks developed by [53]. In the RNN, the ft � σ�Wf · xt + Uf · ht− + bf�, (2) hidden units are connected to context units; in the successive 1 time step, the units feed back into the hidden units. 'e i � W · x + U · h + b �, ( ) hidden state at any time step can contain information from t σ i t i t−1 i 3 an (almost) arbitrarily long context window [21]. 'e DRNN model framework has multiple recurrent layers before the ot � σ Wo · xt + Uo · ht−1 + bo�, (4) forwarding to a dropout layer and output layer at the final output. In this paper, the dropout layer excludes 10% of the ct � ft · ct−1 + it · σ Wc · xt + Uc · ht−1 + bc�, (5) neurons to avoid overfitting. A stacked LSTM architecture is defined as an LSTM ht � ot · σct �, (6) model that comprises multiple LSTM layers (Figure 2(c)). 'e stacked LSTM, also known as deep LSTM, was first where xt is the input vector; σ is the activation function; Wf, formulated by [54] and was applied to speech recognition Wi, Wo, Wc, Uf, Ui, Uo, and Uc are the weight vector terms; bf, problems. Similar to the framework underpinning the bi, bo, and bc are the corresponding bias terms; and ht and h−1 DRNN model, the stacked LSTM model uses multiple LSTM are the current and previous hidden vectors, respectively. layers that are stacked before the forwarding to a dropout In this study, because the function converges quickly and layer and output layer at the final output. In a stacked LSTM, has no problems with a vanishing gradient, we used the Advances in Meteorology 5

ReLU activation function in the middle layers (the hidden, grid spacing for the coarser domain (118°E–126°E, recurrent, and LSTM layers) of the aforementioned three 21°N–29°N) was 15 km, and that of the finer domain models. 'e ReLU is defined as the positive part of its ar- (121°E–123°E, 24°N–26°N) was 3 km. Both domains had 32 gument; that is, f(x) � max (0, x), where x is the input to a vertical levels. 'is study used the WRF physical param- neuron. 'e ReLU function has been recently used to replace eters recommended by [59, 60]. 'ey studied the tracks and the sigmoid function in neural networks, resulting in good rainfall of typhoons that have invaded Taiwan in addition performance and fast training times [58]. Moreover, in these to other physical parameters, and they conducted wind proposed models, the input layers receive the observed and forecasts using the WRF model. 'ey determined the simulated meteorological values as their input. following physical parameters to be suitable for wind speed forecasts: with regard to the planetary layer, those from the 3. Study Area and Data Yonsei University (YSU) scheme; with regard to micro- physics, those from the WRF Single-Moment 5-Class Taiwan is located at the western Pacific Ocean, a region (WSM5) scheme; for cumulus parameterization, those frequently in the path of typhoons. Typhoons in Taiwan are from the Kain–Fritsch scheme; and with regard to long- often accompanied by torrential rains, which severely en- wave radiation, those from the Rapid Radiative Transfer danger life and property. 'us, more accurate regional wind Model scheme. speed prediction is needed to improve typhoon protection. After our simulation of a large number of typhoon In this study, we chose northeastern Taiwan as the study area events, the WRF model generated wind velocity simulations (Figure 3), wherein City and Yilan City are the two at eight ground gauge stations. In the verification of sub- major cities. sequent WRF wind outcomes, the output objective for the WRF model was the simulated wind value at an altitude of 10 m, because the ground gauge-station wind speed reached 3.1. Data from Gauge and Typhoon Weather Stations. the observation value at an altitude of 10 m. Figure 5 displays According to typhoon data from the Central Weather Bu- the scatter plot of the WRF model simulation values and reau (CWB), between 2000 and 2018, 29 typhoons have observed gauge-station values. According to Figure 5, sev- directly struck Taiwan (Table 1; 2003, 2011, and 2018 were eral observation stations (Keelung, Anbu, Yilan, and Su-ao) excluded from the table because typhoons did not directly have consistently higher wind speeds. 'ese higher wind affect Taiwan in those years). 'e tracks of these historical speeds are caused by their surrounding topographies—which typhoons are illustrated in Figure 4. 'ese typhoons can be cause them to face windwards—in conjunction with the classified according to the Saffir–Simpson wind scale anticlockwise circulatory flow characteristic of typhoons. depending on the intensity of their maximum sustained Pengjiayu Station is similar to the four stations. However, winds. A tropical storm has the wind speed range of being located on an island on the sea around northeastern 18–33 m/s, and category 1, 2, and 3 typhoons have the wind Taiwan, the station is directly affected only by a typhoon’s speed ranges of 33–43 m/s, 43–50 m/s, and 50–58 m/s, re- circulatory flow and not the station’s surrounding topog- spectively. In these collected typhoons, the numbers for the raphy; this station also records higher wind speed values. 'e category 1, 2, and 3 typhoons were 9, 5, and 8, respectively, Taipei, Banqiao, and Tamsui Stations are located within the and the number for the tropical storm was 7. Tamsui Basin and are thus fully enclosed by mountains. 'e data included two types of datasets: one on typhoon Because the circulatory flow of typhoons can be easily dynamic characteristics and another (comprising 2621 disrupted by the surrounding topography, the wind speed hourly records) on surface wind speed observations. Surface values observed at these stations are slightly lower. wind speed data were released by the CWB and measured For the four windward observation stations, wind speed from eight gauge stations: Anbu, Banqiao, Keelung, Pen- simulation values were lower and approximately equal to gjiayu, Su-ao, Taipei, Tamsui, and Yilan (Figure 3). In ad- actual values for high and low wind speeds, respectively. For dition, data on typhoon dynamics were released by the the three observation stations in the Tamsui Basin, wind CWB. 'e data comprised six variables: pressure at the speed simulation values were approximately equal to the typhoon center, latitude of the typhoon center, longitude of actual values, for all wind speeds. the typhoon center, typhoon radius (i.e., the distance from To evaluate the simulation outcomes, this study used the typhoon center for points with winds greater than 15.5 m/s), mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error moving speed of the typhoon, and maximum wind speed at (RMSE) that are defined as follows: the typhoon center. 1 n � � MAE � ��O − Y �, n i i 3.2. Data from Numerical Solutions. WRF model simula- i�1 �������������� tions using typhoon data were used to generate wind speed � (7) values at each meteorological station. To set the initial field 1 n and boundary conditions, we used data from the Final RMSE � � O − Y �2, n i i Operational Global Analysis dataset. 'e dataset is a part of i�1 the Global Data Assimilation System of the US Govern- ment’s National Center for Environmental Protection. 'e where Yi is the estimated value of record i, Oi is the ob- grid was set to be a two-domain nested grid. 'e horizontal servation of record i, and n is the total number of records. 6 Advances in Meteorology

Figure 3: Map of Taiwan’s northeastern region and the meteorological stations therein.

Table 1: Typhoons affecting the study area from 2000 to 2017 (29 120°E 130°E 140°E 150°E 160°E 40°N incidents). Year Typhoon Period (UTC) 2000 Kai-Tak 6–10 Jul 2001 Toraji 28–31 Jul 30°N 2001 Nari 10–20 Sep 2002 Nakri 9–11 Jul 2004 Mindulle 29 Jun–3 Jul 2004 Aere 23–26 Aug 20°N 2004 Haima 12-13 Sep 2004 Nock-Ten 24–26 Oct 2005 Haitang 17–19 Jul 2005 Longwang 1-2 Oct 2006 Bilis 12–14 Jul 10°N 2007 Sepat 16–19 Aug 2007 Krosa 5–8 Oct 2008 Kalmaegi 16–19 Jul Figure 4: Tracks of historical typhoon incidents that affected 2008 Fung-Wong 27–29 Jul Taiwan. 2008 Sinlaku 10–16 Sep 2008 Jangmi 27–30 Sep 2009 Morakot 6–9 Aug 2010 Namtheun 30-31 Aug lowest error values; their MAE and RMSE values 2012 Saola 30 Jul–3 Aug had errors in the ranges of 1.092–1.362 m/s and 2013 Soulik 10–14 Jul 2013 Trami 16–22 Aug 1.422–1.654 m/s, respectively. 2013 Kong-Rey 27–30 Aug 2014 Matmo 21–23 Jul 4. Modeling 2014 Fung-Wong 19–22 Sep 2015 Soudelor 6–9 Aug We used ML-based models to construct our wind speed 2015 Dujuan 25–29 Sep prediction model for our study area. Observation stations 2016 Megi 25–28 Sep at Taipei and Yilan were chosen as the test location. When 2017 Nesat 26–30 Jul constructing the model, the attribute data entered into the model included data on typhoon dynamics, data from ground meteorological observation stations, and data 'e performance of the estimation indicators (MAE and obtained from the aforementioned simulation. In this RMSE) in terms of errors is presented in Figure 6. 'e study, we performed data splitting for all typhoon epi- estimation indicators for the Pengjiayu Station had the sodes. Our training-validation set comprised data on 23 highest error values (MAE � 3.547 m/s and RMSE � 5.139 m/s), typhoon episodes between 2000 and 2013 (2093 records in followed by those of the four observation stations (Keel- total); our testing set comprised data on six typhoon ung, Anbu, Yilan, and Su-ao) facing windward—their episodes between 2014 and 2017 (528 records in total). MAE and RMSE values had errors in the ranges Model training and validation were performed through 1.623–2.020 m/s and 2.405–2.728 m/s, respectively. 'e 10-fold cross-validation, in which the training set was estimation indicators for the three observation stations divided into 10 subsamples, one of which was retained for (Taipei, Banqiao, and Tamsui) in the Tamsui Basin had the model verification, and the other nine were used for model Advances in Meteorology 7

13 28 55 12 26 11 24 50 10 22 45 ) )

–1 9 20 ) 40 –1 –1 8 18 35 7 16 30 6 14 5 12 25 4 10 20 Simulation (m·s Simulation

Simulation (m·s Simulation 8 3 (m·s Simulation 15 y = 0.653x + 2.0423 6 2 2 R = 0.5337 4 y = 0.4348x + 2.7207 10 y = 0.4401x + 3.7208 1 2 R2 = 0.5456 5 R2 = 0.7781 0 0 012345678910111213 Pengjiayu 0 024681012141618 20 22 24 26 28 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 –1 –1 Observation (m·s ) Observation (m·s ) Observation (m·s–1) (g) (h) (a) 16 15 14 26 13 24 12 22 )

–1 11 20

10 ) 9 –1 18 8 16 7 14 6 12 5

Simulation (m·s Simulation 10 4 8 3 y = 0.626x + 1.5413 (m·s Simulation 6 2 R2 = 0.6214 1 4 y = 0.4039x + 2.5521 0 2 R2 161415131211109876543210 = 0.6099 –1 0 Observation (m·s ) 0 246 8101214 16 18 20 22 24 26 (f) Observation (m·s–1) 14 (b) 13 12 28 11 26 ) 10 –1 24 9 22 8 ) 20 7 –1 18 6 16 5 14 Simulation (m·s Simulation 4 12 3 y = 0.5563x + 1.7758 10 2 2 35 R = 0.5677 (m·s Simulation 8 1 6 0 30 4 y = 0.4428x + 1.84 14131211109876543210 2 –1 2 R = 0.6311 Observation (m·s ) ) 25 –1 0 (e) 0 246 8101214 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 20 Observation (m·s–1) (c) 15

Simulation (m·s Simulation 10

5 y = 0.3963x + 2.3769 R2 = 0.6873 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Observation (m·s–1) (d) Figure 5: Scatterplots depicting observations vs. WRF simulations at eight stations: (a) Pengjiayu, (b) Keelung, (c) Yilan, (d) Su-ao, (e) Banqiao, (f) Taipei, (g) Tamsui, and (h) Anbu. training. In the verification process, each subsample must 'ese hyperparameters were evaluated through trial be verified. and error. First, the number of neurons in a middle layer As mentioned in Section 2.1, multilayer neural networks was adjusted from 10 to 100 until the curves of the RMSE were used to construct our ML neural network-based of the RMSE errors were approximated. 'e middle layers models. We used the adaptive moment estimation optimi- of the MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM models are the zation algorithm (also known as the Adam optimizer) to hidden, recurrent, and LSTM layers, respectively. Sub- optimize the momentum and learning rate [61]. Generally, sequently, the prediction errors corresponding to the the Adam optimizer is more broadly applied in neural minimum RMSE were obtained in the form of the optimal networks [62–64]. 'e Adam optimizer can be used instead solution for the number of neurons in the middle layer. of the classical stochastic gradient descent procedure to When the lead time was 1 h, for the Taipei Station, the iteratively update network weights based on training data. optimal numbers of neurons were 30, 50, and 50 for the We also calibrated the hyperparameters, specifically, the MLP, DRNN, and LSTM models, respectively; for the number of neurons in a middle layer and the length of the Yilan Station, those numbers for the three models were 40, middle layers in the MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM 30, and 30, respectively (Figures 7(a) and 8(a)). Subse- models. quently, we calibrated the length of the middle layers in 8 Advances in Meteorology





Errors (m/s) Errors 2


0 Pengjiayu Keelung Anbu Yilan Su-ao Taipei Banqiao Tamsui Station MAE RMSE Figure 6: Simulation performance in terms of prediction errors.

1.30 1.30

1.25 1.25

1.20 1.20

1.15 1.15 RMSE (m/s) RMSE (m/s) 1.10 1.10

1.05 1.05 10 203040 5060 7080 90 100 21 345 6 798 10


(a) (b)

Figure 7: Sensitivity of model parameters on the Taipei gauge: (a) number of neurons in a middle layer and (b) length of middle layers.

2.10 2.10

2.00 2.00

1.90 1.90

1.80 1.80

1.70 1.70 RMSE (m/s) RMSE (m/s) 1.60 1.60

1.50 1.50 10 20 30 40 50 60 7080 90 100 21 345 6 79 8 10


(a) (b)

Figure 8: Sensitivity of model parameters on the Yilan gauge: (a) number of neurons in a middle layer and (b) length of middle layers. the networks, adjusting them to be between 1 and 10 the three models were 7, 6, and 5, respectively layers. For the Taipei Station, the optimal lengths of the (Figures 7(b) and 8(b)). middle layers were 7, 5, and 4 for the MLP, DRNN, and Using the aforementioned method, we conducted pa- LSTM models, respectively; for the Yilan Station, those for rameter testing for the prediction models. Tests were Advances in Meteorology 9

1.8 3.0 1.5 2.5 1.2 2.0 0.9 1.5 RMSE (m/s) RMSE RMSE (m/s) RMSE 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) MLP MLP DRNN DRNN Stacked LSTM Stacked LSTM

(a) (b)

Figure 9: Performance levels of neural network-based predictions for lead times between 1 and 6 h using a training-validation set for the (a) Taipei Station and (b) Yilan Station.

18 Typhoon Soudelor 16 Megi Nesat Dujuan 14 Matmo Fung-Wong 12 10 8 6 Wind speed (m/s) 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM (a) 18 Typhoon Soudelor 16 Megi Nesat Dujuan 14 Matmo Fung-Wong 12 10 8 6 Wind speed (m/s) 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM (b) Figure 10: Continued. 10 Advances in Meteorology

18 Typhoon Soudelor Megi Nesat 16 Dujuan 14 Matmo Fung-Wong 12 10 8 6 Wind speed (m/s) 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM (c)

Figure 10: Predicted results of typhoons (2014–2017) in the testing set on the Taipei gauge for the lead times of (a) 1 h, (b) 3 h, and (c) 6 h.

32 Dujuan 30 Typhoon Soudelor 28 Megi Nesat 26 24 Matmo Fung-Wong 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Wind speed (m/s) 8 6 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM

(a) 32 Dujuan Soudelor 30 28 Nesat 26 24 Matmo Fung-Wong 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Wind speed (m/s) 8 6 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM

(b) Figure 11: Continued. Advances in Meteorology 11

32 30 Typhoon Soudelor Dujuan 28 Megi Nesat 26 24 Matmo Fung-Wong 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Wind speed (m/s) 8 6 4 2 0 1 25 49 73 97 121 145 169 193 217 241 265 289 313 337 361 385 409 433 457 481 505 Time series (h) OBS DRNN MLP Stacked LSTM


Figure 11: Predicted results of testing typhoons (2014–2017) on the Yilan gauge for the lead times of (a) 1 h, (b) 3 h, and (c) 6 h.

2.0 3.0 1.8 1.6 2.5 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.0 MAE (m/s) 0.6 (m/s) RMSE 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 1 234 56 1 234 56 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) MLP MLP DRNN DRNN Stacked LSTM Stacked LSTM

(a) (b) 1.2 3.5 3.0 1.0 2.5 0.8 2.0 0.6

MAPE 1.5 0.4 RMSPE 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 1 23 54 6 1 234 56 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) MLP MLP DRNN DRNN Stacked LSTM Stacked LSTM

(c) (d)

Figure 12: Performance measures at lead times from 1 to 6 h on the Taipei gauge: (a) MAE, (b) RMSE, (c) MAPE, and (d) RMSPE. 12 Advances in Meteorology

2.7 2.4 3.5 2.1 3.0 1.8 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.2 1.5 0.9 MAE (m/s) RMSE (m/s) RMSE 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 1 234 56 1 234 56 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) MLP MLP DRNN DRNN Stacked LSTM Stacked LSTM

(a) (b) 1.6 5.0 1.4 4.5 4.0 1.2 3.5 1.0 3.0 0.8 2.5

MAPE 2.0 0.6 RMSPE 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 1 234 56 1 234 56 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) MLP MLP DRNN DRNN Stacked LSTM Stacked LSTM

(c) (d)

Figure 13: Performance measures at lead times from 1 to 6 h on the Yilan gauge: (a) MAE, (b) RMSE, (c) MAPE, and (d) RMSPE. conducted using the training-validation set at six hourly lead the Yilan Station were between 9.9 m/s (Fung-Wong) and times between 1 and 6 h. 'e RMSE performance values (for 26.8 m/s (Soudelor). As mentioned, the windward Yilan all lead times) for the three models are presented in Figure 9. Station is more susceptible to the circular flow of the 'e stacked LSTM model outperformed the MLP and typhoon, unlike the Taipei Station, which is shielded by DRNN models for all lead times and for both the Taipei and the mountains of the Tamsui Basin. 'erefore, wind speed Yilan Stations. We further tested and fine-tuned these was consistently higher at the Yilan station. models using the testing set to confirm the accuracy and Figures 10(a)–10(c) illustrate the prediction results for the feasibility of each model. Taipei Station at the lead times of 1, 3, and 6 h, respec- tively; for all prediction models, prediction accuracy was 5. Evaluation inversely related to the lead time. 'e data for the Yilan Station exhibited a similar trend (Figures 11(a)−11(c)). 5.1. Predictions of Forecasting Horizons. We tested and Such a situation is not atypical for prediction models. evaluated the MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM models Intuitively, the further a model predicts into the future, using the testing set. 'e testing set comprised data the harder it is to obtain useful, real-time features for (measured at the Yilin and Taipei Stations) on six typhoon prediction. 'erefore, to evaluate predictive accuracy, we episodes that occurred between 2014 and 2017. Figures 10 used the error evaluation indicators to quantify each and 11 illustrate the time-series charts of the simulated model’s rate of error in predicting the subsequent hour’s and observed wind speed values for these typhoon epi- wind speed. sodes. 'e six typhoon episodes were Matmo in 2014, To compute term-by-term comparisons of the relative Fung-Wong in 2014, Soudelor in 2015, Dujuan in 2015, error in the prediction with respect to the actual value of the Megi in 2016, and Nesat in 2017. According to variable, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and Figure 10(a), the maximum observed wind speeds for the root mean square percentage error (RMSPE) were calculated. Taipei Station were between 7.8 m/s (Fung-Wong) and MAPE and RMSPE can be calculated using the following 14.9 m/s (Soudelor). According to Figure 11(a), those for formulae: Advances in Meteorology 13

Table 2: Average performance measures of absolute error terms (MAE and RMSE) and relative error terms (MAPE and RMSPE) for 1–6 h predictions. Station Measure MLP DRNN Stacked LSTM MAE (m/s) 1.241 1.070 0.928 RMSE (m/s) 1.666 1.439 1.228 Taipei MAPE 0.730 0.599 0.560 RMSPE 2.129 1.764 1.593 MAE (m/s) 1.863 1.714 1.528 RMSE (m/s) 2.680 2.489 2.185 Yilan MAPE 1.151 0.974 0.927 RMSPE 3.643 3.030 2.847

2.0 3.0 1.8 1.6 2.5 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.0 1.5 0.8 MAE (m/s) 0.6 (m/s) RMSE 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) With WRF simulation With WRF simulation Without WRF simulation Without WRF simulation (a) (b) 3.5 1.2 3.0 1.0 2.5 0.8 2.0 0.6 1.5 MAPE RMSPE 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) With WRF simulation With WRF simulation Without WRF simulation Without WRF simulation (c) (d)

Figure 14: Performance measures of predictive accuracy for the use and nonuse of WRF simulation values on the Taipei gauge: (a) MAE, (b) RMSE, (c) MAPE, and (d) RMSPE.

n � � 1 �O − Y � Generally, MAPE is used to express the MAE as a MAPE � �� i i�, n � O � percentage of the observations. MAPE is an unbiased sta- i�1 i tistic for measuring the predictive capability of a model [65]. ��������������� � (8) RMSPE has the same properties as the RMSE but is 1 n O − Y 2 expressed as a percentage [66]. RMSPE � � �i i � . n O Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the performance of each i�1 i model in terms of the four error indicators (MAE, RMSE, 14 Advances in Meteorology

3.5 4.5 3.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.0 MAE (m/s) 1.0 (m/s) RMSE 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) With WRF simulation With WRF simulation Without WRF simulation Without WRF simulation (a) (b) 2.0 1.8 5.5 1.6 5.0 1.4 4.5 4.0 1.2 3.5 1.0 3.0

MAPE 0.8 2.5 RMSPE 0.6 2.0 0.4 1.5 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) With WRF simulation With WRF simulation Without WRF simulation Without WRF simulation (c) (d)

Figure 15: Performance measures of predictive accuracy for the use and nonuse of WRF simulation values on the Yilan gauge: (a) MAE, (b) RMSE, (c) MAPE, and (d) RMSPE.

MAPE, and RMSPE) for all lead times and for both Taipei network unit that can memorize numerical values of and Yilan Stations. For the MLP model, the error rate was different time lengths (to determine the quantity of useful steeply and positively related to the lead time. However, for information). Additionally, a gate in the LSTM blocks can the DRNN and stacked LSTM models, this relation was help determine if the input is important enough to be positive but slighter. To explain the results using the RMSPE remembered and if the input can be exported as outputs. error as an example, the RMSPE error increased as the lead Because the data involved in wind speed prediction are time increased. For the Taipei Station and for any given lead sequential, the decision on how far back the retention of time, the MLP model exhibited the steepest increase in error, memory data should go becomes consequential for pre- followed by the DRNN and RMSPE models. Specifically, dictive accuracy. By contrast, because the MLP model has when the lead time increased from 1 to 6 h, RMSPE in- no memory capacity, its predictions are based on limited creased from 1.494 to 2.616, from 1.386 to 2.181, and from and currently available information, thus decreasing its 1.205 to 2.030 for the MLP, DRNN, and stacked LSTM predictive accuracy. For the DRNN model, although it can models, respectively. Similar results were obtained for the receive memory information from long ago, the lack of a Yilan Station. When the lead time increased from 1 to 6 h, gate filter system can cause the receiving of too much (i.e., RMSPE increased from 3.391 to 4.142, from 2.409 to 3.613, overly long) memory information, potentially under- and from 2.127 to 3.457 for the MLP, DRNN, and stacked mining predictive accuracy. LSTM models, respectively. Table 2 presents the average measurement values of the four error indicators for all lead times. In terms of the two 5.2. Evaluation of Forecast Efficiency with and without Nu- unbiased statistical indicators, MAPE and RMSPE, the merical Solutions. We evaluated whether the use of WRF stacked LSTM and MLP models exhibited the most and simulation values as input affects the model’s accuracy in least favorable performance, respectively. Stacked LSTM’s predicting wind speed. We focused on the stacked LSTM superiority is attributable to its model structure. Specif- model because it was the best performing model. Figures 14 ically, LSTM is a neural network that contains LSTM and 15 illustrate the performance of the stacked LSTM blocks. LSTM blocks can be described as a type of smart model in terms of the four error indicators (MAE, RMSE, Advances in Meteorology 15

45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 (%) (%) 20 20 MAE MAE

IR 15 IR 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 123456 123456 Lead time (h) Lead time (h) Taipei Station Taipei Station Yilan Station Yilan Station

(a) (b)

Figure 16: Improvement rate of predictive accuracy in terms of MAE and RMSE, comparing the use and nonuse of WRF simulation values for the Taipei and Yilan Stations.

MAPE, and RMSPE) for all lead times. We compared 6. Conclusions forecast efficiency with and without WRF simulated values. Data for the Taipei and Yilan stations are presented in To accurately predict the wind speed of future typhoons, we Figures 14 and 15, respectively. constructed a typhoon wind speed prediction model using We determined that the use of WRF simulation values as cutting-edge ML techniques. RNNs have been recently input increased the model’s predictive accuracy. 'erefore, developed as a type of neural network that can analyze the use of numerically simulated values as a part of the input sequential data. 'e structure of such networks facilitates the data aids in the reduction of predictive error. effective processing of wind speed-relevant climate data over We define the improvement rates for the MAE and an extended period. 'at is, the structure imbues RNN RMSE (denoted IRMAE and IRRMSE, respectively) as follows: models with long-term memory capacity. 'erefore, such networks are suitable for predicting typhoon wind speeds. MAEwith − MAEwithout� LSTM is a type of RNN that allows the user to decide the IRMAE � , MAEwithout memory time’s length. Additionally, LSTM gives users the (9) option to filter output results, increasing LSTM’s predictive RMSE − RMSE � accuracy. According to current developments in deep � with without , IRRMSE learning, learning performance is enhanced when the layers RMSEwithout of neural networks are deepened. 'erefore, we used deep where MAEwith and MAEwithout are the MAE results on the learning neural networks in this study. Additionally, we use and nonuse of WRF simulation values, respectively, and compared the performance of three types of RNNs—MLP, RMSEwith and RMSEwithout are the RMSE results on the use DRNN, and stacked LSTM—in predicting wind speed and nonuse of the WRF simulation values, respectively. values. 'ese three types of model structure differ by their Figure 16 details the improvement rates for the Taipei memory capacity: MLPs are model networks with no and Yilan Stations for all lead times. For the Taipei Station, memory capacity, whereas DRNNs and stacked LSTM are IRMAE ranged between 25.5% and 29.7%, and IRRMSE ranged model networks with memory capacity. between 27.0% and 30.8%. For the Yilan Station, IRMAE We chose northeastern Taiwan as the study area, and the ranged between 26.4% and 36.3%, and IRRMSE ranged be- observation stations at Taipei and Yilan were selected as the tween 28.4% and 35.7%. Generally, the average IRMAE (for all study subjects. 'e results indicated that for both the Taipei lead times) was 27.3% and 30.3% for the Taipei and Yilan and Yilan Stations and for the MLP, DRNN, and stacked Stations, respectively, and the average IRRMSE (for all lead LSTM models, prediction error is positively related to the times) was 28.7% and 31.1% for the Taipei and Yilan Stations, prediction lead time (of which there were six, one for each respectively. For both the Taipei and Yilan Stations, im- hour between 1 and 6 h). In other words, the lead time is provement was demonstrated in predictive accuracy, al- inversely related to predictive accuracy. Model networks though the improvement rate was higher for the Yilan with memory capacity (DRNN and stacked LSTM) are more Station. 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