Toponymic System in Akmola Region

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Toponymic System in Akmola Region International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) ISSN: 2347-6389, Volume-2 Issue-4, March 2015 Toponymic System in Akmola Region G.T. Omarova, R.O. Tuksaitova, A.Sh. Albekova, Sh.S.Tleugazina Abstract- This work was devoted to toponymic system, which particular thinking, solidarity of social realm, this in express culture specific nature and language of generations. This particular is confirmed by availability at each area of its system depends on the area. It is important to know which remote toponymic models and some frequently observed strata of population are represented in the target region, which topobases’. The toponymic system combines multilingual language and professional groups they belonged to, which toponymic material in toponymic array characterized by religion they practiced as this may have a direct influence on toponymic systems formation. Geographical names are formed definite features [3, 55]. Further, the authors analyzing the based on models characterized by chronological and Crimea toponyms note that as a result of widespread geographical ordering. renaming it is hard to talk about the consistency of new names for the Crimea ‘the abrupt disturbance of systemacy Keywords - Region, Territory, Toponym, Toponymic System. as a result of change of population and widespread renaming is obvious, and not the gradual change in a single system [3, I. INTRODUCTION 57]. The toponymic system implies a collection of toponyms The Republic of Kazakhstan is a polyethnic country. Over a organized in a certain way for a given ethnos for a given long period of time the cultures and languages of different time and a given area’ [4, 146]. From the researches’ nations have been existed and developing here. It is about viewpoint the systemacy in toponymy is found in ordering our country that we can surely say that the cultures’ of topoobjects nomination principles, ways and means [5]. dialogue, intercultural consensus and tolerance towards The toponymic system was first introduced in the V. other cultures have been established. It is well known that Toporov’s article. Couples of names are given as an the language and culture of previous inhabitants remain in example of the toponymic system, which represent a binary the culture and language of succeeding generations. opposition (Large-Small, Old-New). This makes it possible Toponyms in any region shall be studied with account of to talk about the separate system ‘concentrations’ ‘in culture specific nature and language is expressed by. As has relatively neutral toponymic field’, and the gap between a been said, recently the interest in study of contact works range of system-organized toponyms’ [6, 11]. dedicated to language interaction problems has increased. The toponymic system depends on the area. Geographical ‘Language is the study aimed at the rehabilitation of names are formed based on models characterized by preceding linguistic and ethnical conditions, the search for chronological and geographical ordering. I. Mullonen notes methodologies objectifying the results received’ [1]. that the systemacy runs through all the toponymy linguistic For toponym experts it is important to know which remote levels. The most spectacular of them is the lexical level. strata of population are represented in the target region, to With the false diversity of toponyms their range is quite which language and professional groups they belonged to, limited. There are many iterative toponyms detected, at that which religion they practiced as this may have a direct the broader the territorial borders of the applied material the influence on toponymic systems formation. For many more iterations [7, 115]. onomatology researchers the issue is important of how high the level of geographical names adaptation to living II. DEVELOPMENT OF TOPONYMS conditions and awareness of the representatives of different national and cultural communities can be in establishing and Toponyms within a system enter into paradigmatic and functioning of these names through interaction of absolutely syntagmatic relations with each other. The nearest by area different languages and cultures, how positive the toponyms of the same class making a part of microsystems intercultural interaction can be between the representatives are usually opposed. of different nations and how it is expressed in establishing The geographical names adaptation process reflects the the toponymic system of any given nation [2]. Each area language interaction of co-existing nations of a certain with a certain number of toponyms, its administrative region. Here we consider the toponymic system in the divisions and borders forms its toponymic system. Akmola Region. Two toponymic systems interaction are According to A. Superanskaya the toponymic system characteristic of this region: Kazakh and Russian. From the implies ‘a known unity of toponyms of any given area very establishment the Akmola Region became a place of stipulated by the similarity of psychology of speech migration for the Russians coming from different corners of community inhabiting the area, Russia. Each migration wave ended in the local territory assimilation. The Slavic names occurred everywhere. A new Manuscript Received on March 2015. toposystem, which included the Slavic names, formed along Senior lecturer G.T.Omarova , Department of Kazakh and Russian with the Kazakh toposystem. languages, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. As it is known the toponymic systems form gradually, Prof. R.O.Tuksaitova , Department of Kazakh and Russian languages, influenced not only by local geographical conditions but an S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. ethnic composition of the territory, migration characteristics Associate prof.A.Sh.Albekova , Department of Kazakh and Russian and migrants origin places as well. languages, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Penetration of the Russians to the Ishim steppes started in Lecturer Sh.S.Tleugazina , Department of foreign languages, S.Seifullin the 15 th century. In 1752 General Kindermann constructed Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Astana, Kazakhstan. Published By: 1 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd. Toponymic System in Akmola Region redoubts from the Omsk fort to the Orenburg fort. The surnames. People were coming to these places to live for a redoubt places along the bitter and salty lakes were long time and therefore tried to preserve their culture, unsuccessful. That is why the line was named as the Bitter religion and holidays. This is evidenced by church names, line, which was of great importance in colonization of the such as Belotserkovka (‘White Church’) village, Ishim steppes. In 1830 Akmola (Akmolinsk) was Bogoslovka (‘the Word of God’) village, Popovka (‘Priest’) established, and in 1832 - the Akmola District. The centre of village. Some resettlement villages were named in honor of the district was the Akmola fortress (established in 1830) the Russian writers, e.g., Pushkin village. But this did not called the Akmola Cossack Stanitsa since 1845 and in 1862 remain on the modern map, but is mentioned in pre- it became a city. Initially the fortress was supposed to be revolutionary sources only. It should be noted that local built on the Nura River in the Akmola hole, at the distance geographical names remained in hydronyms and oronyms. of 30 versts from the modern city. The place turned out to be As for oikonyms the major part was renamed or existed in inconvenient; overflowing Nura and Ishim flooded an parallel with the Russian names. Thus, for a long period of enormous area. The construction was transferred to Ishim, time two interacting toponymic systems, i.e. Kazakh and Kara-Utkul hole, and the initial name remained as the fort’s Russian existed in the territory. one. In 1869 the city became a centre of Akmola County as The issues of languages interaction study based on part of Akmola Region established according to ‘Temporary toponymic material were investigated by A. Dulzon, B. Provision’ (approved on 21 October) on governance in Serebrennikov, A. Matveyev, V. Nikonov, A. Superanskaya, steppe region of the Orenburg and West-Siberian N. Labunets, among Kazakhstan linguists are V. Popova, O. Governorates General. Along with the mentioned Akmola Sultanyayev, G. Madiyeva, K. Rysbergnova, and М. County, the Akmola Region included such towns as Omsk, Diarova. Languages interaction in toponymy is studied in Petropavlovsk, Kokshetau and Sarysu (Atbassar in 1878). diachronic and synchronic terms. At diachronic study of the The administrative center of the region was Omsk [8]. toponymic material of a certain territory the substrate events In the description of ‘Akmola Region’ of 1916 it is said that are considered as a result of language assimilation. From ‘the Akmola County located on the south-eastern part of the synchronic point of view the toponymic systems functioning region and is the vastest of all counties. From the under bilingualism is considered. One of the crucial administrative point of view the Akmola County is divided objectives in solving the languages interaction issue at a into 5 areas. toponymic level is the study of the Russian adaptation [9]. In the third area the north-eastern part is represented by Let us consider the examples of Russian and Kazakh elevated hilly steppes split by ridges and mounds, and the toponyms based in Akmola Region. The toponym south-western part is
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