

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 No. 173 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- project a reality, one of the city’s most called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. consequential economic development pore (Mr. TONKO). f projects since the industrial revolu- f tion. His immense impact was known PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by all, which is why he was named Cit- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the izen of the Year in 2000. PRO TEMPORE gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JOYCE) come I hope we can honor Skip Ashooh’s The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- forward and lead the House in the legacy by continuing to work together fore the House the following commu- Pledge of Allegiance. to move Manchester and New Hamp- nication from the Speaker: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio led the Pledge of shire forward. WASHINGTON, DC, Allegiance as follows: I offer condolences to his wife, Gail, October 31, 2019. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the Ashooh family, friends, and all who I hereby appoint the Honorable PAUL United States of America, and to the Repub- knew him. TONKO to act as Speaker pro tempore on this lic for which it stands, one nation under God, May Skip’s memory be eternal. day. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. , f f Speaker of the House of Representatives. HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE f ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER OF U.S. ARMY SERGEANT THOM- PRAYER PRO TEMPORE AS COLE WALKER OF CONNEAUT, OHIO The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick The SPEAKER pro tempore. The J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: will entertain up to five requests (Mr. JOYCE of Ohio asked and was Dear God, we give You thanks for for 1-minute speeches on each side of given permission to address the House giving us another day. the aisle. for 1 minute.) We ask Your special blessing upon f Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. Madam Speaker, the Members of this people’s House. it is with a heavy heart that I rise to RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND honor the life and service of U.S. Army They face difficult decisions in difficult LEGACY OF ELIAS ‘‘SKIP’’ ASHOOH times, with many forces and interests Sergeant Thomas Cole Walker of demanding their attention. (Mr. PAPPAS asked and was given Conneaut, Ohio. Give them generosity to enter into permission to address the House for 1 Sergeant Walker, who enlisted after their work. May they serve You in the minute and to revise and extend his re- graduating from Conneaut High School work they do as You deserve; give of marks.) in 2016, was tragically killed on Octo- themselves and not count the cost; Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise ber 20 during a training exercise at fight for what is best for our Nation today on behalf of all Granite Staters Fort Stewart. and not count the political wounds; to recognize the life and legacy of Elias Just 22 years old, he had been award- toil until their work is done and not ‘‘Skip’’ Ashooh who passed away this ed the Army Good Conduct Medal, the seek to rest; and labor without seeking week. He embodied the spirit of the National Defense Service Medal, the any reward, other than knowing they Queen City and left this world too Korea Defense Service Medal, and the are doing Your will, and serving the soon. Army Service Ribbon. people of this great Nation. As a lifelong Manchester resident and His dedication to protecting this Na- Bless them, O God, and be with them Saint Anselm College alum, Skip dedi- tion was nothing short of heroic and and with us all this day and every day cated his career and life to bettering serves as an to us all. But to come. May all that is done be for his community. He was a successful Sergeant Walker was more than a pa- Your greater honor and glory. businessman, local leader, and philan- triot. He was also a son, a brother, and Amen. thropist who never gave up on the po- a husband. His loss is felt by many. f tential of Manchester and all its resi- Madam Speaker, please join me in dents. He was a community fixture who extending condolences to the friends, THE JOURNAL loved taking in the downtown area he fellow soldiers, and family of Sergeant The SPEAKER pro tempore. The helped revitalize. Walker, especially his wife, Taylor; his Chair has examined the Journal of the As chair of the Manchester Develop- brother, Jared; his sisters Payton, last day’s proceedings and announces ment Corporation, Skip was instru- Whitney, and Wendy; and his father, to the House his approval thereof. mental in making the civic center Thomas.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.000 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 I pray that the outpouring of support VENTURE ACADEMY: MOCK TRIAL PRESCRIPTION DRUGS from the Conneaut community will WORLD CHAMPIONS (Mr. CARBAJAL asked and was given help ease their sorrow during this dif- (Mr. MCNERNEY asked and was permission to address the House for 1 ficult time. I know this entire Chamber given permission to address the House minute and to revise and extend his re- joins me in thanking Sergeant Walker for 1 minute and to revise and extend marks.) for his service, honoring his life, and his remarks.) Mr. CARBAJAL. Madam Speaker, I praying for his family. Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise on behalf of the people of my dis- f rise today to congratulate a group of trict, ’s central coast, who LIMOUSINE SAFETY STANDARDS talented students in my district who are worried about healthcare and the recently earned the title of Mock Trial (Mr. TONKO asked and was given high cost of prescription drugs. World Champions. Earlier this month at home, I spoke permission to address the House for 1 Venture Academy’s mock trial team minute and to revise and extend his re- with people at retirement commu- was one of 38 teams that traveled to nities, town halls, and at their door- marks.) to compete for this honor in Mr. TONKO. Madam Speaker, this steps delivering food for Meals on the Empire Mock Trial World Cham- Wheels. Throughout these conversa- month marked the painful anniversary pionship. They successfully argued a of one fateful afternoon in Schoharie, tions, one thing was made clear: We fictional case involving a construction need to lower the cost of prescription New York, when 20 precious souls were company that was accused of failing to lost in the preventable crash of a lim- drugs. take proper safety precautions by por- I am proud the House passed H.R. 987 ousine that should never have been al- traying the prosecutors and defendants lowed on the road. to strengthen health protections and as well as the witnesses in the case. bring down drug costs. I am excited The families of those lost—many They ended up bringing back the top from my hometown of Amsterdam, that we are looking ahead to do more prize to Stockton. to ensure people never have to choose New York—the families of eight young This isn’t Venture Academy’s first people devastated by the Cutchogue between lifesaving medicine and put- big success. Last year the team placed ting food on the table. crash on Long Island in 2015, and fifth in the Empire contest, and for the countless others touched by these pre- That is why I cosponsored H.R. 3, the 6 years they have won first place Lower Drug Costs Now Act. When we ventable tragedies have raised their in the San Joaquin County mock trial voices to demand action. give the power to Medicare to nego- competition. tiate prices directly with drug compa- Last week we introduced bipartisan One day some of these students could nies and make these lower prices avail- legislation that answers their call. It is come here and stand at this podium, able to everyone, we all win. important, I believe, to respond to that putting their debate skills to work H.R. 3 gives power back to the pa- call and to that request. The SAFE while arguing for or against important tients. It is what people in my district Limos Act, the Take Unsafe Limos Off legislation. the Road Act, and the End the Limo So, Madam Speaker, please join me are working for, and I am proud to sup- Loophole Act have responded to them in congratulating Venture Academy’s port it. with great sensitivity. mock trial team, the Mock Trial World I thank my friend, ANTONIO DELGADO, Champions. f for joining me in sponsoring this life- f saving legislation, and I thank our col- IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY leagues on both sides of the aisle who PHONY IMPEACHMENT INQUIRIES (Mr. SPANO asked and was given per- have signed on in support. These com- (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 monsense measures will save lives and permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- ensure that this never happens to an- minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) other family. marks.) Mr. SPANO. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, I urge this body to Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, raise our Nation’s limousine safety today we will vote on a resolution that in strong opposition to the resolution standards without delay. will somehow try to legitimize the last that attempts to justify the sham im- peachment process that I have person- f 5 weeks’ worth of phony impeachment inquiries going on downstairs in a se- ally witnessed. The majority claims SKILLED NURSING SHORTAGE cure room. this resolution will ensure a ‘‘fair, (Mr. MCKINLEY asked and was given Instead of voting on and taking up open, and transparent process.’’ permission to address the House for 1 the issues that matter to the American Madam Speaker, do you want to minute.) people, we continue to chase this witch know how fair this process is? Mr. MCKINLEY. Madam Speaker, I hunt trying to take down the accom- The resolution names the Financial rise today to commend the House for plishments of our President, Donald J. Services Committee as part of the in- passing H.R. 728, the bipartisan Title Trump. Indeed, the economy we have, vestigation. Earlier this month, the VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthoriza- the low unemployment we have, and chairwoman of that committee said tion Act. the success we are having in the Middle that President Trump should be My wife, Mary, was a critical care East and other areas around the world ‘‘placed in solitary confinement.’’ nurse for over 45 years, and we could aren’t good enough. Further, Republicans will only be al- tell you firsthand the role that nurses When my colleagues on the other side lowed to subpoena witnesses with play in patient care. of the aisle admit that they probably Chairman SCHIFF’s approval, as deemed But America is facing a shortage of won’t win another election and they necessary to the investigation. skilled nurses. Our nursing workforce have to try to use the impeachment If we have learned anything from the in America is aging, and the average process to try to take the President investigation so far, we know the ma- age is 50 years old. By 2022 there will be down, that shows how phony this proc- jority does not think due process is 1 million nursing jobs open and avail- ess is. necessary. They don’t even think basic able. So to try today to pass a resolution fairness is necessary. We must find a way to encourage to somehow legitimize the last 5-plus A ‘‘yes’’ vote on this resolution today people to go into nursing. This bill weeks’ worth of work and, indeed, real- gives a stamp of approval to a process helps not only to recruit nurses but to ly 21⁄2 years’ worth of attacking this that has been damaged beyond all re- provide rural and underserved commu- President shows that this place has a pair and is a blatant and obvious coup nities a competitive way to attract and misplaced set of priorities. to unseat a sitting President of the keep talent. Instead of doing the work of the United States. I will not support a res- Madam Speaker, H.R. 728 is a step American people, they are using this as olution that promises an open and fair forward in addressing our Nation’s a political process to attack what we process without the basic, fundamental growing need for nurses. have all been able to accomplish. procedures necessary to ensure it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.003 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8683 b 0915 upon recognition by the chair for such pur- report required by this paragraph shall be pose under this paragraph during any hear- prepared in consultation with the chairs of AFFIRMING U.S. RECORD ON ing designated pursuant to paragraph (1), the the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform. (Ms. LEE of California asked and was Permanent Select Committee shall be per- SEC. 3. TRANSMISSION OF ADDITIONAL MATE- given permission to address the House mitted to question witnesses for equal speci- RIALS. for 1 minute and to revise and extend fied periods of longer than five minutes, as The chair of the Permanent Select Com- determined by the chair. The time available mittee or the chair of any other committee her remarks.) for each period of questioning under this Ms. LEE of California. Madam having custody of records or other materials paragraph shall be equal for the chair and relating to the inquiry referenced in the first Speaker, I rise today in strong support the ranking minority member. The chair section of this resolution is authorized, in of H. Res. 296, which is an important may confer recognition for multiple periods consultation with the ranking minority resolution affirming the United States of such questioning, but each period of ques- member, to transfer such records or mate- record on the Armenian genocide that tioning shall not exceed 90 minutes in the rials to the Committee on the Judiciary. aggregate. Only the chair and ranking mi- the House overwhelmingly passed on SEC. 4. IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY PROCEDURES IN Tuesday. This historic resolution nority member, or a Permanent Select Com- THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICI- mittee employee if yielded to by the chair or makes clear that our Nation unequivo- ARY. ranking minority member, may question (a) The House authorizes the Committee on cally recognizes the Armenian geno- witnesses during such periods of questioning. cide and encourages education and un- the Judiciary to conduct proceedings relat- At the conclusion of questioning pursuant to ing to the impeachment inquiry referenced derstanding of these tragic events. this paragraph, the committee shall proceed in the first section of this resolution pursu- Madam Speaker, the Armenian geno- with questioning under the five-minute rule ant to the procedures submitted for printing cide, the first genocide in the 20th cen- pursuant to clause 2(j)(2)(A) of rule XI. in the Congressional Record by the chair of tury, took place from 1915 to 1923. Dur- (3) To allow for full evaluation of minority the Committee on Rules, including such pro- ing this tragedy in history, 1.5 million witness requests, the ranking minority mem- cedures as to allow for the participation of Armenians were killed—men, women, ber may submit to the chair, in writing, any the President and his counsel. requests for witness testimony relevant to (b) The Committee on the Judiciary is au- and children. the investigation described in the first sec- I was privileged to visit Armenia ear- thorized to promulgate additional proce- tion of this resolution within 72 hours after dures as it deems necessary for the fair and lier this year and talk to many Arme- notice is given for the first hearing des- nians about this tragic history. We efficient conduct of committee hearings held ignated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such pursuant to this resolution, provided that request shall be accompanied by a detailed must remember and acknowledge the the additional procedures are not incon- written justification of the relevance of the lives that were taken and the pain that sistent with the procedures referenced in testimony of each requested witness to the was inflicted. We can neither forget the subsection (a), the Rules of the Committee, investigation described in the first section of atrocities that took place then, or and the Rules of the House. this resolution. (c)(1) The ranking minority member of the other examples of ethnic cleansing, nor (4)(A) The ranking minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary is authorized, allow them to continue. Permanent Select Committee is authorized, with the concurrence of the chair of the Madam Speaker, I am pleased that with the concurrence of the chair, to require, Committee on the Judiciary, to require, as the body passed this critical resolution as deemed necessary to the investigation— deemed necessary to the investigation— (i) by subpoena or otherwise— on Tuesday for constituents in my dis- (A) by subpoena or otherwise— trict, across the Nation, and the world. (I) the attendance and testimony of any person (including at a taking of a deposi- (i) the attendance and testimony of any f tion); and person (including at a taking of a deposi- tion); and DIRECTING CERTAIN COMMITTEES (II) the production of books, records, cor- respondence, memoranda, papers, and docu- (ii) the production of books, records, cor- TO CONTINUE ONGOING INVES- respondence, memoranda, papers, and docu- TIGATIONS INTO WHETHER SUF- ments; and (ii) by interrogatory, the furnishing of in- ments; and FICIENT GROUNDS EXIST FOR formation. (B) by interrogatory, the furnishing of in- THE IMPEACHMENT OF DONALD (B) In the case that the chair declines to formation. JOHN TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF concur in a proposed action of the ranking (2) In the case that the chair declines to THE UNITED STATES minority member pursuant to subparagraph concur in a proposed action of the ranking minority member pursuant to paragraph (1), Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, by (A), the ranking minority member shall have the right to refer to the committee for deci- the ranking minority member shall have the direction of the Committee on Rules, I sion the question whether such authority right to refer to the committee for decision call up H. Res. 660 and ask for its im- shall be so exercised and the chair shall con- the question whether such authority shall be mediate consideration. vene the committee promptly to render that so exercised and the chair shall convene the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- decision, subject to the notice procedures for committee promptly to render that decision, lows: a committee meeting under clause 2(g)(3)(A) subject to the notice procedures for a com- mittee meeting under clause 2(g)(3)(A) and H. RES. 660 and (B) of rule XI. (B) of rule XI. Resolved, That the Permanent Select Com- (C) Subpoenas and interrogatories so au- (3) Subpoenas and interrogatories so au- mittee on Intelligence and the Committees thorized may be signed by the ranking mi- thorized may be signed by the ranking mi- on Financial Services, Foreign Affairs, the nority member, and may be served by any nority member, and may be served by any Judiciary, Oversight and Reform, and Ways person designated by the ranking minority person designated by the ranking minority and Means, are directed to continue their on- member. member. going investigations as part of the existing (5) The chair is authorized to make pub- (d) The Committee on the Judiciary shall House of Representatives inquiry into licly available in electronic form the tran- report to the House of Representatives such whether sufficient grounds exist for the scripts of depositions conducted by the Per- resolutions, articles of impeachment, or House of Representatives to exercise its Con- manent Select Committee in furtherance of other recommendations as it deems proper. stitutional power to impeach Donald John the investigation described in the first sec- Trump, President of the United States of tion of this resolution, with appropriate The SPEAKER. The gentleman from America. redactions for classified and other sensitive Massachusetts is recognized for 1 hour. information. SEC. 2. OPEN AND TRANSPARENT INVESTIGATIVE Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, for PROCEEDINGS BY THE PERMANENT (6) The Permanent Select Committee is di- the purpose of debate only, I yield the SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTEL- rected to issue a report setting forth its find- LIGENCE. ings and any recommendations and append- customary 30 minutes to the gen- For the purpose of continuing the inves- ing any information and materials the Per- tleman from Oklahoma (Mr. COLE), tigation described in the first section of this manent Select Committee may deem appro- pending which I yield myself such time resolution, the Permanent Select Committee priate with respect to the investigation de- as I may consume. on Intelligence (referred to in this resolution scribed in the first section of this resolution. Let me say, Madam Speaker, I appre- as the ‘‘Permanent Select Committee’’) is The chair shall transmit such report and ap- ciate the professionalism that my authorized to conduct proceedings pursuant pendices, along with any supplemental, mi- friend from Oklahoma has dem- to this resolution as follows: nority, additional, or dissenting views filed onstrated throughout this process. We (1) The chair of the Permanent Select pursuant to clause 2(l) of rule XI, to the Committee shall designate an open hearing Committee on the Judiciary and make such don’t see eye to eye on this impeach- or hearings pursuant to this section. report publicly available in electronic form, ment inquiry, but he has always con- (2) Notwithstanding clause 2(j)(2) of rule XI with appropriate redactions to protect clas- ducted himself with integrity and de- of the Rules of the House of Representatives, sified and other sensitive information. The fended this institution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.006 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 During consideration of this resolu- Republicans have been a part of House immediately proceed to the con- tion, all time yielded is for the purpose every single proceeding conducted so sideration of H.R. 668 instead, which of debate only. far. Republicans conducting these provides for consideration of H. Res. GENERAL LEAVE depositions, along with their staffs, 660, under a rule. Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I have had an opportunity to question Madam Speaker, this would in no ask unanimous consent that all Mem- each and every witness. way prevent consideration of the reso- bers be given 5 legislative days to re- Now, Madam Speaker, we are enter- lution before us today; however, it vise and extend their remarks. ing the public-facing phase of this would provide us with an opportunity The SPEAKER. Is there objection to process, and I commend the investiga- for all Members to participate in the the request of the gentleman from Mas- tive committees and their staffs for the process. sachusetts? professional manner in which they My proposed rule would provide for 4 There was no objection. have conducted themselves. hours of general debate on H. Res. 660, Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, on I would also like to commend the allow for amendments under an open Wednesday afternoon, the Committee courageous public servants that have process, and provide for a motion to re- on Rules marked up and favorably re- bravely come forward to tell the truth. commit. ported H. Res. 660, directing certain Without their courage, this possible On an issue as important as this, committees to continue their ongoing wrongdoing would never have seen the Madam Speaker, 1 hour of debate on a investigations as part of the existing light of day. resolution written in the dark of night House of Representatives inquiry into The public should not be left in the and marked up in a process where no whether sufficient grounds exist for the dark. They should see the facts about Republican amendments were accepted House of Representatives to exercise the President’s conduct firsthand. is simply insufficient. its constitutional power to impeach That is why I introduced this resolu- Additionally, it would allow all Mem- Donald John Trump, President of the tion. It establishes the next steps of bers to offer amendments to improve United States of America. this inquiry, including establishing the the process to get to the truth, which I Madam Speaker, this is a sad day for procedure for public-facing hearings am sure is the goal of all my colleagues our country. Over 230 years ago, when conducted by the Intelligence Com- on both sides of the aisle. the Founders of our country wrote the mittee and the process for transferring Madam Speaker, with that, I would Constitution, they entrusted us with evidence to the Committee on the Ju- ask the chairman to accept my re- the gift of self-government, but they diciary. quest. knew the persistence of this gift was It is about transparency, and it is I yield to my friend. not assured. Mr. MCGOVERN. No, I do not. It may be taken for granted today, about due process for the President. REQUEST TO EXTEND DEBATE TIME but having just shaken off a tyrant, the Some on the other side will never be Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I ask Founders knew better. They under- satisfied with any process that uncov- unanimous consent that the debate stood that the very foundations of our ers the truth of what the President did. time on H. Res. 660 be expanded to 4 country are dependent on safeguarding Madam Speaker, none of us know hours so every Member could partici- against one branch of government en- whether or not President Trump will croaching on the others. That is what be impeached or convicted. Only the pate. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. the idea of checks and balances is all facts, and how we respond to them, will DEGETTE). The gentleman from Massa- about. dictate the outcome. But I truly be- Within that system, the Framers lieve that, 100 years from now, histo- chusetts has yielded all time for debate gave only this Congress the power, if rians will look back at this moment only. The gentleman from Massachu- need be, to impeach a President over and judge us by the decisions we make setts would have to yield for that re- possible wrongdoing. This fact—that no here today. quest. one is above the law—is what separates This moment calls for more than pol- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I want to this country from so many others. itics. It calls for people concerned not begin by echoing my friend’s words. It Because of its seriousness, the im- about the reactions of partisans today is a sad day for all of us, for me person- peachment process has been rarely but of the consequences of inaction ally, I am sure for all of my colleagues used for Presidents. For just the fourth decades from now. If we don’t hold this on the Rules Committee, and for the time in our Nation’s history, Congress President accountable, we could be institution as a whole. is now investigating whether to im- ceding our ability to hold any Presi- Today’s resolution sets forth a proc- peach a President of the United States. dent accountable. ess for impeaching the President of the Our authority to do so under Article II, At the end of the day, this resolution United States. It is not a fair process; Section 4 of the Constitution of the isn’t about . It isn’t it is not an open process; it is not a United States and the Rules of the about any of us. It is about our Con- transparent process; but, instead, it is House of Representatives is clear, and stitution. It is about our country. a limited and a closed process with a the courts have recently agreed. I urge my colleagues to not just preordained outcome. For all the disagreements I have with think about the political pressures of Impeachment of the President is one President Trump, for all of his policies, the moment. These will pass. Please of the most consequential acts that the his tweets, and his rhetoric that I deep- consider the heavy responsibility you House of Representatives can do, and it ly disagree with, I never wanted our have today to this institution, the Con- should only be done after the fullest country to reach this point. I do not stitution, and to our country. consideration. Yet, over the last take any pleasure in the need for this Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- month, without a vote and with only resolution. ance of my time. the Speaker’s say-so, committees have We are not here in some partisan ex- been engaged in a closed impeachment b 0930 ercise. We are here because the facts inquiry on what amounts to nothing compel us to be here. Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I thank more than a partisan fishing expedi- There is serious evidence that Presi- the gentleman from Massachusetts tion. dent Trump may have violated the (Mr. MCGOVERN) for yielding me the At least today the majority is admit- Constitution. This is about protecting customary 30 minutes, and I yield my- ting what we have known all along: our national security and safeguarding self such time as I may consume. that the House was not following an our elections. That is why the Intel- I want to begin by thanking my appropriate process for impeachment. ligence Committee has been gathering friend for his kind words and for the But I do not think the process we are evidence and hearing testimony. professionalism with which he handled setting forward in this resolution is a Like any investigation, reasonable last night’s hearing. fair one either. It is not fair to the confidentiality has been paramount. But before I begin, Madam Speaker, I President of the United States; it is Witnesses should not be able to coordi- would ask the chairman if he would not fair to the House of Representa- nate testimony in advance. The truth withdraw his resolution, at which time tives; and it is not fair to the American must be allowed to prevail. I will ask unanimous consent that the people.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.007 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8685 The process laid out in the resolution pushing since the very first days of the (b) Such authority of the committee may before us is different from the process 116th Congress. be exercised— used for both President Nixon in 1974 We can do better than that, Madam (1) by the chairman and the ranking mi- and President Clinton in 1998. Today’s Speaker. The Rules Committee should nority member acting jointly, or, if either resolution provides fewer process pro- have done better than this. But since declines to act, by the other acting alone, ex- tections and fewer protections for mi- the Rules Committee didn’t, the House cept that in the event either so declines, ei- nority rights than what we have seen must. ther shall have the right to refer to the com- Madam Speaker, I urge opposition to mittee for decision the question whether in previous impeachment efforts. such authority shall be so exercised and the At our markup yesterday, Repub- the measure, and I reserve the balance of my time. committee shall be convened promptly to licans tried to change that. We tried to render that decision, or offer constructive amendments that Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- (2) by the committee acting as a whole or made the process more fair, that would by subcommittee. give rights to the minority, that would sume. Let me just say, briefly, that this Subpoenas and interrogatories so author- give rights to the accused, and that resolution provides better protections ized may be issued over the signature of the would ensure due process for everyone. for the President than those Presidents chairman, or ranking minority member, or Republicans offered 17 amendments, Nixon and Clinton received. And just any member designated by either of them, and not one—not one, Madam Speak- like under Nixon and Clinton, in the and may be served by any person designated er—was accepted. Not one. Judiciary Committee, the President’s by the chairman, or ranking minority mem- We offered amendments that would ber, or any member designated by either of align the subpoena powers in this reso- counsel can submit additional testi- them. The chairman, or ranking minority lution with the subpoena powers used mony or evidence for the committee to member, or any member designated by ei- for President Clinton. consider. The President and his counsel ther of them (or, with respect to any deposi- Unlike the Clinton inquiry, today’s can attend all hearings and raise objec- tion, answer to interrogatory, or affidavit, resolution does not provide for coequal tions. They can question any witness. any person authorized by law to administer This is going beyond Nixon and Clin- oaths) may administer oaths to any witness. subpoena power. Instead, it grants the ton. This resolution allows the Presi- For the purposes of this section, ‘‘things’’ in- minority the right to subpoena wit- dent’s counsel to ask questions at the cludes, without limitation, books, records, nesses and materials only with the con- presentation of evidence. correspondence, logs, journals, memoran- currence of the chair, with no such lim- Under our procedures, the ranking dums, papers, documents, writings, draw- itation on the rights of the chair to minority members of the Judiciary ings, graphs, charts, photographs, reproduc- issue subpoenas. We offered amend- Committee and the Intelligence Com- tions, recordings, tapes, transcripts, print- outs, data compilations from which informa- ments that would change that, but the mittee may issue subpoenas if author- majority rejected each of them in turn. tion can be obtained (translated if necessary, ized by a committee vote. These are through detection devices into reasonably We offered an amendment that would the same subpoena powers that the allow all Members the right to fully ac- usable form), tangible objects, and other ranking minority member was given things of any kind. cess committee records. This is com- during Clinton and Nixon. mon sense. If you are doing something Our resolution allows for greater Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I as serious as impeaching the President, Member participation than under past also include in the RECORD H. Res. 803 then Members should have the right to impeachment procedures, including a from the 93rd Congress, the Nixon im- see what records the committee pro- robust process for the minority to pro- peachment inquiry resolution, which duced so that they will know what they pose witnesses and even issue sub- also contains the same minority sub- are voting on. Yet the majority re- poenas if authorized by committees. poena powers as this resolution. jected that. And let me just say, I think the fact Resolved, That the Committee on the Judi- We offered an amendment that would of the matter is I don’t think there is ciary, acting as a whole or by any sub- require the chairman of the Rules Com- any process that we can propose that committee thereof appointed by the chair- mittee to promulgate procedures to Republicans who prefer to circle the man for the purposes hereof and in accord- allow for the participation of the Presi- wagons around this President and pre- ance with the rules of the committee, is au- dent and his counsel in proceedings of vent us from getting to the truth would thorized and directed to investigate fully and the Intelligence Committee, the Over- accept. completely whether sufficient grounds exist sight and Reform Committee, and the Madam Speaker, I include in the for the House of Representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach Richard Foreign Affairs Committee. This right RECORD H. Res. 581 from the 105th Con- M. Nixon, President of the United States of was granted to President Clinton in gress, the Clinton impeachment in- America. The committee shall report to the 1998, yet it is not here. And the quiry resolution that contains the House of Representatives such resolutions, majority, again, rejected the amend- same minority subpoena powers as this articles of impeachment, or other rec- ment. resolution. ommendations as it deems proper. I think the difference is clear: To- Authorizing and directing the Committee Sec. 2. (a) For the purpose of making such day’s resolution fails to give the mi- on the Judiciary to investigate whether suf- investigation, the committee is authorized nority the same rights as were present ficient grounds exist for the impeachment of to require— during the Clinton impeachment, and William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States. (1) by subpena or otherwise— it fails to offer the same due process Resolved, That the Committee on the Judi- (A) the attendance and testimony of any protections that were given to Presi- ciary, acting as a whole or by any sub- person (including at a taking of a deposition dents Nixon and Clinton. committee thereof appointed by the chair- by counsel for the committee) ; and And, in the latter case, I note those man for the purposes hereof and in accord- (B) the production of such things; and rights were given by a Republican ance with the rules of the committee, is au- House to a Democratic President. To- thorized and directed to investigate fully and (2) by interrogatory, the furnishing of such completely whether sufficient grounds exist information; as it deems necessary to such day’s resolution shows a Democratic investigation. House failing to give these same pro- for the House of Representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach William tections to a Republican President. (b) Such authority of the committee may Jefferson Clinton, President of the United be exercised— Madam Speaker, the unfairness is States of America. The committee shall re- (1) by the chairman and the ranking mi- clear. This is not a fair process, nor port to the House of Representatives such nority member acting jointly, or, if either was it ever intended to be. It was pre- resolutions, articles of impeachment, or declines to act, by the other acting alone, ex- ordained from the beginning. other recommendations as it deems proper. SEC. 2. (a) For the purpose of making such cept that in the event either so declines, ei- Without due process and without a ther shall have the right to refer to the com- fair process that respects minority investigation, the committee is authorized to require— mittee for decision the question whether rights, I do not believe the American (1) by subpoena or otherwise— such authority shall be so exercised and the people will regard that process as le- (A) the attendance and testimony of any committee shall be convened promptly to gitimate. A legitimate process is one person (including at a taking of a deposition render that decision; or that offers protections for everyone in- by counsel for the committee); and (2) by the committee acting as a whole or (B) the production of such things; and volved. Without those protections, this (2) by interrogatory, the furnishing of such by subcommittee. will be seen as just another partisan information; as it deems necessary to such Subpenas and interrogatories so authorized exercise, one the majority has been investigation. may be issued over the signature of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:08 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.008 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 chairman, or ranking minority member, or atives, they have always intended to We have sworn a sacred oath to uphold any member designated by either of them, transform the Intelligence Committee and defend the Constitution of the and may be served by any person designated into the impeachment committee. United States against all enemies, for- by the chairman, or ranking minority mem- Every one of their actions, from the eign and domestic. We will honor our ber, or any member designated by either of them. The chairman, or ranking minority staff they hire to the Trump con- oath by countering all high crimes and member, or any member designated by ei- spiracy theories they investigate, their misdemeanors committed against the ther of them (or, with respect to any deposi- willful neglect of our basic oversight American people and our Constitution. tion, answer to interrogatory, or affidavit, duties, demonstrate that this has been Today’s resolution sets the table for any person authorized by law to administer their plan from day one. the next phase of the inquiry. This oaths) may administer oaths to any witness. And now this is further confirmed by phase includes open hearings, led by For the purposes of this section, ‘‘things’’ in- the adoption of these rules, which sim- the Intelligence Committee, to allow cludes, without limitation, books, records, ply give the House approval for the In- correspondence, logs, journals, memoran- the American people to hear from wit- dums, papers, documents, writings, draw- telligence Committee Democrats to nesses who have personal knowledge of ings, graphs, charts, photographs, reproduc- continue pursuing their bizarre obses- the President’s actions. Relevant mate- tions, recordings, tapes, transcripts, print- sion with overturning the results of the rials will then be transferred to the Ju- outs, data compilations from which informa- last Presidential election. diciary Committee so we may fulfill tion can be obtained (translated if necessary, Nevertheless, after spending 3 years our solemn and time-honored duty to through detection devices into reasonably trying to manufacture a crime they determine whether to recommend Arti- usable form), tangible objects, and other can attribute to President Trump, they cles of Impeachment. things of any kind. have come up empty. The majority has conducted hearings Sec. 3. For the purpose of making such in- First, they insisted that the Presi- vestigation, the committee, and any sub- up to this point in a scrupulously bi- committee thereof, are authorized to sit and dent is a Russian agent. Then they partisan way, giving professional staff act, without regard to clause 31 of rule XI of claimed he is a money launderer and a counsel for both the majority and the the Rules of the House of Representatives, tax cheat and a fraudulent business- minority precisely equal time to ques- during the present Congress at such times man. And now they have decided they tion witnesses and equal opportunities and places within or without the United don’t like the way he talks to foreign States, whether the House is meeting, has for members of the majority and the leaders. minority to question them, too. recessed, or has adjourned, and to hold such But they have no evidence and no ar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hearings, as it deems necessary. gument to support impeachment. All Sec. 4. Any funds made available to the time of the gentleman has expired. Committee on the Judiciary under House they have is the unconditional coopera- tion of the media to advance their pre- Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield the gen- Resolution 702 of the Ninety-third Congress, tleman from Maryland an additional 20 adopted November 15, 1973, or made available posterous narrative. for the purpose hereafter, may be expended If they had a real case, they wouldn’t seconds. for the purpose of carrying out the investiga- be wasting time spoon-feeding ridicu- Mr. RASKIN. We will afford the tion authorized and directed by this resolu- lous attacks that include defamation President all the due process protec- tion. and slander on both current and former tions that were afforded to his prede- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Republican staff of the Intelligence cessors in a similar situation. That in- yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Committee. cludes the ability to attend hearings, New Mexico (Mr. LUJA´ N), the Assistant What we are seeing among Demo- question witnesses, and submit evi- Speaker. crats on the Intelligence Committee dence. ´ Mr. LUJAN. Madam Speaker, I rise down in the SCIF right now is like a As recently as Friday, the Federal today in support of the resolution on cult. These are a group of people loy- courts have reaffirmed that the House the floor. ally following their leader as he is the sole judge of impeachment, and We are here today because of the rule bounces from one outlandish con- we set the rules here. These rules are of law. This resolution, the inquiry, is spiracy theory to another. fair and strong and will make sure that Congress upholding the oath we And the media are the cult followers, we can and we will defend the Constitu- pledged to the Constitution. permanently stationed outside the tion of the United States. We are here because of the President, committee spaces, pretending to take Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 his actions, his jeopardizing our na- everything seriously, because they, minutes to the gentleman from Ohio tional security for his own political too, support the goal of removing the (Mr. JORDAN), the distinguished rank- gain. President from office. ing member of the House Oversight We are here because we know the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Committee. and the President admit- time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, try- that President Trump used the Mr. COLE. I yield the gentleman ing to put a ribbon on a sham process power of the Presidency to pressure from California an additional 15 sec- doesn’t make it any less of a sham. and strong-arm the President of a for- onds to close. Never forget how this whole thing eign country for his political gain. He Mr. NUNES. After today, The House started. called it ‘‘a favor.’’ ‘‘Do us a favor,’’ he Intelligence Committee ceases to exist. Democrats are trying to impeach the said. But it wasn’t a favor. It was a co- Oversight is not being done, and we President of the United States 13 ordinated attempt to undermine the now have a full-fledged impeachment months before an election based on an rule of law. committee in the basement of the Cap- anonymous whistleblower with no Because of those actions, Congress is itol. firsthand knowledge, who has a bias compelled to be here to uphold the rule Think about that, America. against the President and who worked of law; to make sure hear Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I the truth; to say that no one, not even yield 1 minute to the gentleman from with Vice President Biden. a President, can abuse the system Maryland (Mr. RASKIN), a distinguished The day after the now famous phone without fair and just consequences. member of the Rules Committee. call between President Trump and Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, the President Zelensky, the so-called whis- minutes to the gentleman from Cali- House impeachment inquiry has dis- tleblower gets a readout from some- fornia (Mr. NUNES), the distinguished covered a substantial body of evidence body on that call, writes a memo. In ranking member of the House Intel- that the President of the United States the memo, he uses terms like ‘‘this call ligence Committee. has violated the Constitution by plac- was scary,’’ ‘‘frightening.’’ Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, we are ing his political interests above the in- But what does he do? He waits 18 not here to run a show trial in an effort terests of the country, thereby putting days before he files a complaint. to impeach the President of the United both our democracy and the Nation’s And who is the first person he goes to States. security in jeopardy. see, the first people he goes to see in It is clear that, since the Democrats In light of this evidence, the House of that 18-day timeframe? Chairman took control of the House of Represent- Representatives must fully investigate. SCHIFF’s staff. Chairman SCHIFF’s staff.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:08 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.014 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8687 Madam Speaker, 435 Members of Con- ‘‘I did not think it was proper to demand tionship with on track. At the direc- gress and only one individual, one that a foreign government investigate a U.S. tion of his superiors at the National Security Member of this body, knows who this citizen, and I was worried about the implica- Council, including John R. Bolton, then the person is who started this whole darn tions for the U.S. government’s support of national security adviser, Colonel Vindman Ukraine,’’ Colonel Vindman said in his state- drafted a memorandum in mid-August that crazy process: Chairman SCHIFF. ment. ‘‘I realized that if Ukraine pursued an sought to restart security aid that was being And what does this resolution do? It investigation into the Bidens and it withheld from Ukraine, but Mr. Trump re- gives him even more power to run this would likely be interpreted as a partisan fused to sign it, according to documents re- secret proceeding in a bunker in the play which would undoubtedly result in viewed by the Times. And he drafted a letter basement of the Capitol. Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has in May congratulating Mr. Zelensky on his thus far maintained.’’ inauguration, but Mr. Trump did not sign b 0945 Burisma Holdings is an energy company on that either, according to the documents. This resolution continues the unfair whose board Mr. Biden’s son served while his Colonel Vindman was concerned after he and partisan process. Just 2 days ago, 2 father was vice president. learned that the White House budget office days ago, we were prevented from hav- ‘‘This would all undermine U.S. national had taken the unusual step of withholding security,’’ Colonel Vindman added, referring ing the witness answer our questions in the $391 million package of security assist- to Mr. Trump’s comments in the call. ance for Ukraine that had been approved by one of these depositions. And this reso- The colonel, a Ukrainian-American immi- Congress. At least one previous witness has lution is going to give more power to grant who received a Purple Heart after testified that Mr. Trump directed that the the person who made that decision in being wounded in Iraq by a roadside bomb aid be frozen until he could secure a commit- the bunker in the basement of the Cap- and whose statement is full of references to ment from Mr. Zelensky to announce an in- itol. duty and patriotism, could be a more dif- vestigation of the Bidens. We have less than 13 months before ficult witness to dismiss than his civilian While Colonel Vindman’s concerns were the next election. Americans under- counterparts. shared by a number of other officials, some ‘‘I am a patriot,’’ Colonel Vindman plans stand that this is unfair. Americans of whom have already testified, he was in a to tell the investigators, ‘‘and it is my sa- unique position. Because he emigrated from get fairness. They instinctively know cred duty and honor to advance and defend Ukraine along with his family when he was this is an unfair and partisan process. our country irrespective of party or poli- a child and is fluent in Ukrainian and Rus- They will see how unfair and partisan tics.’’ sian, Ukrainian officials sought advice from it is today when the vote happens on He was to be interviewed privately on him about how to deal with Mr. Giuliani, the floor of this House. We can do a lot Tuesday by the House Intelligence, Foreign though they typically communicated in better than this. We can do a lot better Affairs and Oversight and Reform Commit- English. tees, in defiance of a White House edict not than this, and the American people see On two occasions, the colonel brought his to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry. concerns to John A. Eisenberg, the top law- through it. The colonel, who is represented by Michael yer at the National Security Council. The I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on this resolution, Volkov, a former federal prosecutor, declined first came on July 10. That day, senior and I thank the gentleman on the to comment for this article. American officials met with senior Ukrain- Rules Committee for his work and his In his testimony, Colonel Vindman plans ian officials at the White House, in a stormy leadership. to say that he is not the whistle-blower who meeting in which Mr. Bolton is said to have Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I initially reported Mr. Trump’s pressure cam- had a tense exchange with Mr. Sondland paign on Ukraine. But he will provide an ac- include in the RECORD a New York after the ambassador raised the matter of in- count that corroborates and fleshes out cru- vestigations he wanted Ukraine to under- Times article entitled ‘‘Army Officer cial elements in that complaint, which Who Heard Trump’s Ukraine Call Re- take. That meeting has been described in prompted Democrats to open their impeach- previous testimony in the impeachment in- ported Concerns’’ in which Colonel ment investigation. quiry. , an Army officer ‘‘I did convey certain concerns internally At a debriefing later that day attended by who was on the call, said, ‘‘I did not to national security officials in accordance the colonel, Mr. Sandland again urged think it was proper to demand that a with my decades of experience and training, Ukrainian officials to help with investiga- foreign government investigate a U.S. sense of duty, and obligation to operate tions into Mr. Trump’s political rivals. citizen,’’ and ‘‘This would all under- within the chain of command,’’ he plans to ‘‘Ambassador Sondland emphasized the im- say. mine U.S. national security.’’ portance that Ukraine deliver the investiga- He will testify that he watched with alarm tions into the 2016 election, the Bidens and [From , October 28, 2019] as ‘‘outside influencers’’ began pushing a Burisma,’’ Colonel Vindman said in his draft ARMY OFFICER WHO HEARD TRUMP’S UKRAINE ‘‘false narrative’’ about Ukraine that was statement. CALL REPORTED CONCERNS counter to the consensus view of American ‘‘I stated to Ambassador Sondland that his national security officials, and harmful to (By Danny Hakim) statements were inappropriate’’ and that the United States interests. According to docu- ‘‘request to investigate Biden and his son THE TOP UKRAINE EXPERT AT THE WHITE HOUSE ments reviewed by The Times on the eve of had nothing to do with national security, WILL TELL IMPEACHMENT INVESTIGATORS HE his congressional testimony, Colonel and that such investigations were not some- TWICE REPORTED CONCERNS ABOUT PRESI- Vindman was concerned as he discovered thing the N.S.C. was going to get involved in DENT TRUMP’S PRESSURE TACTICS ON that Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s or push,’’ he added. UKRAINE, ACTING OUT OF A ‘‘SENSE OF DUTY.’’ personal lawyer, was leading an effort to The colonel’s account echoed the testi- WASHINGTON—A White House national se- prod Kiev to investigate Mr. Biden’s son, and mony of Fiona Hill, one of his superiors, who curity official who is a decorated Iraq war to discredit efforts to investigate Mr. has previously testified behind closed doors veteran plans to tell House impeachment in- Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul that she and Mr. Bolton were angered by ef- vestigators on Tuesday that he heard Presi- Manafort, and his business dealings in forts to politicize the interactions with dent Trump appeal to Ukraine’s president to Ukraine. Ukraine. investigate one of his leading political ri- His account strongly suggests that he may The colonel said that after his confronta- vals, a request the aide considered so dam- have been among the aides the whistle-blow- tion with Mr. Sandland, ‘‘Dr. Hill then en- aging to American interests that he reported er referred to in his complaint when he wrote tered the room and asserted to Ambassador it to a superior. that White House officials had recounted the Sondland that his statements were inappro- Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman of the conversation between Mr. Trump and Mr. priate.’’ Army, the top Ukraine expert on the Na- Zelensky to him, and ‘‘were deeply disturbed Ms. Hill, the former senior director for Eu- tional Security Council, twice registered in- by what had transpired in the phone call.’’ ropean and Russian affairs, also reported the ternal objections about how Mr. Trump and Colonel Vindman did not interact directly incident to Mr. Eisenberg. his inner circle were treating Ukraine, out of with the president, but was present for a se- The colonel went to Mr. Eisenberg a couple what he called a ‘‘sense of duty,’’ he plans to ries of conversations that shed light on his of weeks later, after the president’s call with tell the inquiry, according to a draft of his pressure campaign on Ukraine. Mr. Zelensky. This time, the colonel was ac- opening statement obtained by The New He will also testify that he confronted Gor- companied by his identical twin brother, York Times. don D. Sondland, the United States ambas- Yevgeny, who is a lawyer on the National He will be the first White House official to sador to the European Union, the day the Security Council. testify who listened in on the July 25 tele- envoy spoke in a White House meeting with The picture painted by Colonel Vindman’s phone call between Mr. Trump and President Ukrainian officials about ‘‘Ukraine deliv- testimony has been echoed by several other of Ukraine that is at ering specific investigations in order to se- senior officials, including William B. Taylor the center of the impeachment inquiry, in cure the meeting with the president.’’ Jr., the top American diplomat in Ukraine, which Mr. Trump asked Mr. Zelensky to in- Even as he expressed alarm about the pres- who testified last week that multiple senior vestigate former Vice President Joseph R. sure campaign, the colonel and other offi- administration officials had told him that Biden Jr. cials worked to keep the United States rela- the president blocked security aid to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:06 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.012 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 Ukraine and would not meet with Mr. 72 bipartisan requests to view Ambas- and a cloud has fallen on this House. It Zelensky until he publicly pledged to inves- sador Volker’s transcript, but pursuant has been falling for 10 months, and it is tigate Mr. Trump’s political rivals. to rule XI, clause 2(e)(2), committee showing itself today. While the White House has urged witnesses What we are seeing is this: If the gen- subpoenaed by Congress not to participate in records are the property of the House, the impeachment inquiry, failing to comply and thus, Members of the House should tleman, who is a friend of mine from with a congressional subpoena would be a have access. the Rules Committee, would actually risky career move for an active-duty mili- Last night at the Rules Committee, have wanted to talk about whether tary officer. it was stated that perhaps Republicans these are the same rules as Clinton and As tensions grew over Ukraine policy, the were not requesting the information at Nixon, then we would have had a much White House appears to have frozen out Colo- the right time, so we have to ask: longer period of debate, because he nel Vindman. Since early August, he has When is the right time to ask to view knows and I know it is not. There are been excluded from a number of relevant meetings and events, including a diplomatic our own House records? Republicans re- similarities—some better, some not— trip to three countries under his purview: quested an authorizing vote, and now but they are not the same. Let’s get Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. we will have one. However, this process that out of the way first. Colonel Vindman said he had reported con- has not been open and transparent, and The problem I am having here is the cerns up his chain of command because he it diverts from precedent set in the two resolution before us today is not about believed he was obligated to do so. most recent Presidential impeachment transparency; it is about control. It is ‘‘On many occasions I have been told I investigations. As a result, this inves- not about fairness; it is about winning. should express my views and share my con- cerns with my chain of command and proper tigation will be conducted with no mi- It isn’t about following the facts. This authorities,’’ he said. ‘‘I believe that any nority input. resolution is about delivering results. good military officer should and would do A Presidential impeachment inves- You know how I know this? Because the same, thus providing his or her best ad- tigation is a national trauma. All the resolution gives no proper way for vice to leadership.’’ Members must take this constitu- how these abilities or transferring of Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I tionally vested power seriously, and documents from the Intelligence Com- yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Americans deserve to be represented in mittee to the Judiciary Committee South Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN), the ma- this process. Unfortunately, neither se- will happen. It doesn’t even give a jority whip. rious nor equal consideration, nor full timeframe. Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I access to records appear to be a cri- And I have heard a lot of discussion thank the gentleman for yielding me teria under which the Democrats are today about maybe we didn’t know how the time. willing to conduct this investigation. to properly ask last night in Rules Over the last month, the impeach- That is a shame, and it renders this Committee. I guarantee you, my staff ment inquiry has built a powerful body process a sham. and I know how to properly use rule XI of evidence around President Trump’s Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I 2(e) to ask for information, and we call with President Zelensky of yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman were told yesterday by one of the com- Ukraine when he told a foreign leader, from Pennsylvania (Ms. SCANLON), a mittees that we couldn’t have access to ‘‘I’d like you to do us a favor, though.’’ distinguished member of the Rules that because the Parliamentarian said We have learned so much about that Committee. we couldn’t. That is just false. It needs call and things that followed it because Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I to stop. some dedicated public servants have take no joy in contemplating the im- This House is developing and shred- demonstrated patriotism to this great peachment of a President because, in ding procedures every day. And if Mem- country by coming forward and testi- contemplating it, we must acknowl- bers on the minority or the majority fying and giving us the information as edge a threat to our Constitution and cannot have the rights that they are they know it. the values that bind us not only as given, then we are in a sad situation. These brave patriots, career dip- Members of Congress but as Americans. And, in fact, in the haste to put this lomats, have been called ‘‘radical We have tried to work within tradi- together they didn’t even exempt, as unelected bureaucrats.’’ They have tional means to get to the bottom of was done in Clinton and Nixon, the rule been called that by a group of people serious allegations of misconduct so XI 2(e). They didn’t exempt it out. who Thomas Paine would call summer that we can deliver the truth to the Even in those two impeachments, it soldiers and sunshine patriots. He American people. Committees have was known that maybe we don’t let warned us that these people will, in a called witnesses and requested evi- every Member come see this while this ‘‘crisis, shrink from the service of their dence, only to be stonewalled. The is going on. We didn’t even exempt it country; but he that stands by it now, President’s defenders have tried to dis- during this time. We were so hurried to deserves the love and thanks of man tract the American people by falsely impeach this President, we don’t really and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not claiming to have been excluded from give a darn about the rules. easily conquered; yet we have this con- the investigation while their stunts But here is my biggest concern: As solation with us, that the harder the and smears have hindered the constitu- ranking member of the Judiciary Com- conflict, the more glorious the tri- tional process. mittee, I have a question. We have been umph.’’ This resolution outlines ground rules here 200-plus years as a committee, and We are here today because brave, for the House as we move forward, our committee has been neutered. Our dedicated public servants and patriots granting the same or greater due proc- committee who handles impeach- are standing up for their country. ess rights to the President and the mi- ment—we are the reason in that com- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 nority as they themselves drafted when mittee; that is our jurisdiction—we minutes to the gentleman from they were in the majority. We will have been completely sidelined. Our (Mr. BURGESS), my good friend and fel- have open hearings. They can question chairman and others have been side- low member of the Rules Committee. witnesses. They can propose subpoenas. lined, so I have been sidelined. It is so Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I They can present evidence. bad that they had to have the Rules thank the gentleman for yielding. Yes- I am proud to sponsor this resolution. Committee write the Presidential due terday the Rules Committee reported Our Constitution requires it, and our process and give it to us. This is not an impeachment resolution that was democracy depends on it. right. hastily drafted without Republican Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The input with just 24 hours’ notice for re- minutes to the gentleman from Geor- time of the gentleman has expired. view. Last night we offered, on the Re- gia (Mr. COLLINS), my good friend and Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield publican side, 17 amendments. distinguished Republican ranking an additional 15 seconds to the gen- Unsurprisingly, none were adopted. member of the House Judiciary Com- tleman from Georgia (Mr. COLLINS). Despite assurances that all Members mittee. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam will have access to materials sup- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I do not know what happened porting the Articles of Impeachment, Speaker, no matter what is said by the to our committee, but we still exist. to date, Chairman SCHIFF has ignored other side today, this is a dark day, Due process only kicks in at Judiciary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.019 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8689 for the President. It does not kick in in Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I control executive branch. Our job is to the closed-door, secret hearings of thank Representative COLE for yield- ask difficult questions on behalf of the . This is a travesty. ing. American people. No one should vote for this. This is a This impeachment process is a total What we are doing right here is con- sad day. The curtain is coming down on sham. This resolution, which seeks to sistent with the words of James Madi- this House because the majority has no legitimize it, misleads the American son who, in Federalist 51, said the idea about process and procedure. They public. Section 2 of this bill is titled, House should be a rival to the execu- are simply after a President. ‘‘The Open and Transparent Investiga- tive branch. Why did Madison use the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I tive Proceedings by the Permanent Se- word ‘‘rival’’? The Founders didn’t get it. My friends on the other side of lect Committee on Intelligence,’’ but want a king. They didn’t want a dic- the aisle want to talk about process, the process set forth in this resolution tator. They didn’t want a monarch. process, process, but it is interesting is far from open and far from trans- They wanted a democracy, and that is that not one of them wants to talk parent. In fact, it is the exact opposite. exactly what we are defending right about the President’s conduct, and The resolution continues the closed- now. No one is above the law. that speaks volumes. door meetings that blocks entry to b 1000 Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to Members of Congress and prohibits the the gentleman from (Mr. HAS- President’s due process rights. And it Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 TINGS), another distinguished member merely authorizes, but does not re- minutes to the gentlewoman from Wy- of the Rules Committee. quire, Chairman SCHIFF to make tran- oming (Ms. CHENEY), my good friend, Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I scripts public. the distinguished Conference chair for thank Ranking Member COLE for the Last night Republicans offered 17 the Republican Party. manner in which you all are shep- amendments to add some fairness into Ms. CHENEY. Madam Speaker, I herding us through this difficult proc- the process, but Democrats rejected thank our Republican leader of the ess. them all. Rules Committee for yielding to me. Madam Speaker, it is time for the I had an amendment to ensure minor- Madam Speaker, we have heard a lot American people to see how the admin- ity witnesses could call an equal num- this morning already, a desire, a des- istration put our national security on ber of witnesses as the majority. Demo- peration almost, on the part of my col- the auction block in exchange for po- crats said no. leagues on the other side of the aisle litical favors. I had an amendment to require the that the Nation take this body seri- At the heart of this scandal is the Intel chairman to turn over excul- ously. They need to start acting like White House’s decision to slam the patory materials to the Judiciary Com- they take themselves seriously, Madam brakes on nearly $400 million of mili- mittee. Democrats shot it down. Speaker. tary aid for Ukraine, military aid for a I had an amendment to give ranking When we are here gathered, dis- vital partner, military aid that was members the same authority as the cussing this most grave and solemn ob- desperately needed to beat back Rus- chairman to submit materials to the ligation we have, addressing impeach- sian aggression, military aid that was Judiciary Committee. Democrats re- ment, we know, Madam Speaker, what key to our own national security and jected that, too. a serious process would look like. We essential in keeping an adversary at The process set forth by this resolu- have seen it before. We have seen Mem- bay. tion violates basic standards of fair- bers on both sides of this aisle in the We know what our Ukrainian friends ness. past when we have been engaged in the thought about this. They were horri- I urge opposition to this resolution. impeachment of a President act in a fied. The facts are clear. Our top na- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I way that is serious, reflects the dignity tional security experts viewed it as a yield myself 10 seconds. of this body, and reflects the impor- grave and dangerous mistake. And as The gentlewoman wants to talk tance of the Constitution. That is the we have seen time and time again from about a sham process; let’s talk about opposite, Madam Speaker, of what we the Trump administration, this deci- a sham process. have seen so far. sion played right into ’s Instead of respecting the constitu- No matter what my colleagues say hands. tional authority of the House of Rep- about this legislation, no matter what The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resentatives, the White House has ob- my colleagues say about the process time of the gentleman has expired. structed our investigation, ignored our they have been engaged in to date, it is Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I duly authorized subpoenas, withheld absolutely the case that it has been a yield an additional 20 seconds to the key documents, prevented witnesses secret process that has denied rights to gentleman from Florida (Mr. HAS- from testifying, and intimidated wit- the minority, that has involved leaking TINGS). nesses. They have tried to disparage selectively things that the majority Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I Members of Congress who are trying to would like to have leaked, in which support pushing ahead with this in- fulfill their responsibilities under the rights have absolutely been denied, and quiry because I swore an oath to defend Constitution of the United States. they cannot fix that. They cannot fix the Constitution against America’s en- Article I of the Constitution gives what has been a tainted record and a emies. The American people deserve the House the right to investigate the tainted process by now suddenly pre- the facts about how this abuse of power President, and we are taking our re- tending they are opening it up. betrayed our national security and put sponsibility seriously. Madam Speaker, let me say one other our country at risk. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to thing. Every time I hear my colleagues Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, before I the gentleman from New York (Mr. on the other side of the aisle talk proceed, I yield myself such time as I JEFFRIES), the chairman of the Demo- about efforts to somehow undermine may consume to quickly respond to my cratic Caucus. national security for political gain, I friend, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. JEFFRIES. Madam Speaker, the can’t help but think about what they We are debating process here because House impeachment inquiry is about are doing precisely this morning. that is what this is. This is a process abuse of power. It is about betrayal. It When we are facing the threats we resolution to impeach the President of is about corruption. It is about na- are facing as a Nation, my colleagues the United States. You didn’t accept a tional security. It is about the under- on the other side of the aisle—Speaker single amendment last night. You mining of our elections. It is about de- PELOSI, Chairman SCHIFF, and others— didn’t confer with us when you did it, fending our democracy for the people. take what is arguably the single most so that is why we are talking process. The House is a separate and coequal important national security committee It is an unfair process. branch of government. We don’t work in this body, the House Intelligence Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to for this President or any President. We Committee, and they tell the House In- the gentlewoman from Arizona (Mrs. work for the American people. We have telligence Committee: Turn away from LESKO), my good friend and fellow a constitutional responsibility to serve those threats. Do not focus on over- member of the Rules Committee. as a check and balance on an out-of- sight. Do not focus on the challenges

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.015 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 we face. Instead, we are going to con- It is secret. It is partisan. It is being Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 sume you in a political, partisan proc- conducted behind closed doors to hide minute to the gentleman from Texas ess to impeach the President of the information from the American people, (Mr. BABIN), my good friend. United States. all with one goal in mind: take down Mr. BABIN. Madam Speaker, what Madam Speaker, my colleagues on President Trump by any means nec- began with a rallying cry of, ‘‘We are the Democratic side of the aisle will be essary. going to impeach the ‘expletive de- held accountable by history for what I will not legitimize this unprece- leted,’ ’’ to a crowd of liberal activists they are doing. dented and unfair charade with this and young children by my colleague The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vote today. from Michigan on the very first day of time of the gentlewoman has expired. Speaker PELOSI and Chairman SCHIFF this new Congress is now the major- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield long ago abandoned the due process ity’s flagship initiative. What a shame, an additional 15 seconds to the gentle- and fairness that was guaranteed dur- and what a waste of time in the peo- woman. ing the Clinton impeachment. I know ple’s House. Ms. CHENEY. Madam Speaker, they because I was here in Congress for it. In my view, our President was doing will be held accountable by history for There is simply no cause for this im- his job, ensuring that if taxpayer dol- what they are doing. They have abso- peachment inquiry—none. It is shame- lars from my constituents and yours lutely no right to talk about threats to ful to create a constitutional crisis for were going to the other side of the this Nation if they are diverting the purely partisan reasons. world, that it would be paired with a full attention, resources, and focus of Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I commitment to crack down on corrup- the House Intelligence Committee onto yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from tion at all levels, no matter who some- a sham political process run by Chair- California (Mr. SCHIFF), the distin- one’s daddy is or what their political man SCHIFF and Speaker PELOSI. guished chairman of the Permanent Se- ambitions are. Madam Speaker, I urge my col- lect Committee on Intelligence. I think we all know that this was in- leagues to oppose this resolution. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise evitable. From the moment Donald J. Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I in strong support of H. Res. 660. Trump was elected, the ends of harass- yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman I rise in strong support, but I do not ment and impeachment have just been from Florida (Ms. SHALALA), a distin- take any pleasure in the events that waiting for the means, and they think guished member of the Rules Com- have made this process necessary. I that they have found them. They are mittee. rise in strong support of the resolution, wrong. Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, hav- but I do so with an understanding that There is, however, one small measure ing been through this before, I know the task before us is a solemn one. we can take as one House to bring a how painful impeachment investiga- How each Member of this Chamber shred of dignity to these disgraceful tions can be. I also know that I am not approaches the vote this morning, and proceedings. I can stand and be count- alone in saying that supporting this the days and weeks ahead, may be the ed. We can stand and be counted, one continuing inquiry is not a decision most important service as Members of by one, and announce our ‘‘yea’’ or that any of us makes lightly. Congress we will ever pay to the coun- ‘‘nay’’ with a vote by a call of the roll. None of us ever hoped to consider in- try and Constitution that we all love Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I vestigating our own President for com- and have pledged to defend. yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman promising our national security and For the past several weeks, the Intel- from California (Ms. PELOSI), the obstructing justice. Regardless of polit- ligence Committee, the Oversight and Speaker of the House. ical ideology, we all understand our Reform Committee, and the Foreign Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I constitutional duty. Affairs Committee have engaged in an thank the gentleman for yielding. It is with profound sadness and dis- intensive investigation. That work, I want to begin my remarks with appointment that we have to continue which has been conducted with equal some of the most beautiful words in this investigation. The accusations the opportunities for both parties to ques- our country’s history: ‘‘We the people House is investigating go straight to tion witnesses, has added a great deal of the United States, in order to form the heart of our Constitution. to our understanding of the President’s a more perfect union, establish justice, Our Constitution endows us with not conduct, as evident in the July 25 call ensure domestic tranquility, provide only the authority but also the duty to record and the events that both pre- for the common defense, promote the hold our colleagues in the Federal Gov- ceded and followed that call. general welfare, and secure the bless- ernment accountable if they fail to act That work has necessarily occurred ings of liberty to ourselves and our pos- in the best interest of our Nation. I behind closed doors because we have terity, do ordain and establish this don’t think anyone here believes that had the task of finding the facts our- Constitution of the United States of domestic politics should interfere with selves, without the benefit of the inves- America.’’ foreign policy. tigation that the Justice Department It goes on immediately to establish I hope we will all vote to continue declined to undertake. Article I, the legislative branch; Arti- this investigation simply so that we Despite attempts to obstruct, we cle II, the executive branch; Article III, can be clear on all the facts. More than have interviewed numerous witnesses the judiciary—the genius of the Con- anything, I am confident that all of us who have provided important testi- stitution, a , three possess a capacity for fairness and a mony about the efforts to secure polit- coequal branches of government to be a commitment to doing what is right for ical favors from Ukraine. We have re- check and balance on each other. the country we love. viewed text messages among key play- It is to that that we take the oath of Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 ers which show how securing political office. We gather here on that opening minute to the gentleman from Texas investigations was placed at the fore- day with our families gathered around (Mr. BRADY), my good friend, the dis- front of our foreign policy toward to proudly raise our hand to protect tinguished Republican ranking member Ukraine. and defend the Constitution of the on the House Ways and Means Com- This resolution sets the stage for the United States. And that is exactly mittee. next phase of our investigation, one in what we are doing today. Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, the im- which the American people will have Sadly, this is not any cause for any peachment and removal of the Presi- the opportunity to hear from the wit- glee or comfort. This is something that dent is a serious matter. At its heart, nesses firsthand. is very solemn, that is something pray- it lets a small, partisan group in Wash- We will continue to conduct this in- erful, and that we had to gather so ington overturn the will of the entire quiry with the seriousness of purpose much information to take us to this American people. that our task deserves, because it is next step. Above all, Americans believe in fair- our duty and because no one is above Again, this is a solemn occasion. No- ness and, when accused, the right to the law. body, I doubt anybody in this place or due process. This sham impeachment Madam Speaker, I urge passage of anybody that you know, who comes to offers neither. the resolution. Congress to take the oath of office

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.017 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8691 comes to Congress to impeach the b 1015 Mr. MCCAUL. Madam Speaker, I President of the United States unless But when we have a President who would also argue that Article I does his actions are jeopardizing our hon- says Article II says ‘‘I can do whatever not say you can do whatever you want oring our oath of office. I want,’’ that is in defiance of the sepa- to do. The Constitution says that, and I am grateful to our committee ration of powers. That is not what our our Founding Fathers said that, as chairs for all the careful and thought- Constitution says. well. ful investigation they have been doing What is at stake? Our democracy. Madam Speaker, for 38 days, I have as this inquiry has proceeded. What are we fighting for? Defending objected to this impeachment probe be- Today, the House takes the next step our democracy for the people. cause it denies due process, funda- forward, as we establish the procedures In the early days of our Revolution, mental transparency, and basic fair- for open hearings conducted by the Thomas Paine said, ‘‘The times have ness to Republicans, the White House, House Intelligence Committee so that found us.’’ The times found our Found- and the American people. the public can see the facts for them- ers to declare independence from a From day one, Democrats have ig- selves. monarchy, to fight a war of independ- nored the rules and 45 years of historic This resolution ensures trans- ence, to win, to write our founding doc- impeachment precedent. parency, advancing the public disclo- uments—and, thank God, they made Without any authorization, ADAM sure of deposition transcripts, and out- them amendable so that we can always SCHIFF has conducted a secret probe lining the procedure for the transfer of be expanding freedom. outside of his committee’s jurisdiction. evidence to the Judiciary Committee And the genius—again, the genius—of He has blocked us from calling our own to use in its proceedings. that Constitution was the separation of witnesses. His witnesses are being It enables effective public hearings, powers. Any usurping of that power is interviewed behind closed doors in the setting out procedures for the ques- a violation of our oath of office. most secretive room in the United tioning of witnesses, and continuing So, proudly, we all raised our hand to States Capitol. the precedent of giving the minority protect, defend, and support the Con- That is not democracy. the same rights in questioning wit- stitution of the United States. That is He has muzzled Republicans—I have nesses as the majority, which has been what this vote is about. been in the room—placing a gag order true at every step of this inquiry, de- Today, we think the times found our on depositions, while leaking cherry- spite what you might hear fomenting Founders. The times have found others picked facts to the press. He refuses to there. in the course of our history to protect even allow us to read the transcripts It provides the President and his our democracy and to keep our country without being babysat by a Democrat counsel opportunities to participate, united. staffer. including presenting his case, submit- The times have found each and every He has refused to let us hear from the ting requests for testimony, attending one of us in this room—and in our most important witness who brought hearings, raising objections to testi- country—to pay attention to how we this entire thing: the whistleblower. mony given, cross-examining wit- protect and defend the Constitution of He has barred White House counsel nesses, and more. the United States: honoring the vision from any participation. Contrary to what you may have of our Founders who declared independ- And now, 38 days into the Democrats’ heard today, we give more opportunity ence from a monarch and established a rush to impeachment, Speaker PELOSI to his case than was given to other country contrary to that principle; claims she wants to establish ‘‘rules’’ Presidents before. honoring the men and women in uni- and transparency. You cannot make Madam Speaker, I thank Chairman form who fight for our flag, for our your game fair by allowing the oppos- SCHIFF for making that point so clear- freedom, and for our democracy; and ing team onto the field at the 2-minute ly. honoring the aspirations of our chil- warning. These actions—this process, these dren so that no President, whoever he The bipartisan precedents from open hearings, seeking the truth and or she may be in the future, could de- Nixon and Clinton still must be fol- making it available to the American cide that Article II says they can do lowed, and they are not being followed people—will inform Congress on the whatever they want. under this resolution. White House very difficult decisions we will have to Again, let us honor our oath of office. counsel remains shut out of this proc- make in the future as to whether to Let us defend our democracy. Let us ess. This is unacceptable. impeach the President. have a good vote, today, and have clar- Only three times in our Nation’s his- That decision has not been made. ity—clarity—as to how we proceed, tory has Congress exercised its grave That is what the inquiry will inves- why we proceed, and, again, doing so in power of impeachment. tigate. Then, we can make the decision a way that honors the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers, in Federalist based on the truth. I don’t know why We must honor the Constitution in Paper No. 65, Alexander Hamilton the Republicans are afraid of the truth. how we do this; we must respect the in- warned us of abusing this power be- Every Member should support allow- stitution we serve; and we must heed cause they saw a future Congress abus- ing the American people to hear the the further words of our Founders, ‘‘e ing it. facts for themselves. That is really pluribus unum,’’ ‘‘out of many, one.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The what this vote is about. It is about the They didn’t know how many it would time of the gentleman has expired. truth. be or how different we would be, but Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield What is at stake? What is at stake in they knew that we needed to always be an additional 15 seconds to the gen- all of this is nothing less than our de- unifying. tleman from Texas. mocracy. Hopefully, as we go forward with this Mr. MCCAUL. They foresaw a Con- Madam Chair, I proudly stand next to with a clarity of purpose, a clarity of gress at one point in history abusing the flag, and I thank the gentleman procedure, a clarity of fact, and a clar- this process for partisan political gain. from New York for providing it for us. ity of truth—it is about the truth; it is Madam Speaker, instead of over- So many have fought and died for this about the Constitution—we will do so turning an entire election with a par- flag, which stands for our democracy. in a way that brings people together tisan weapon, we should just allow the When Benjamin Franklin came out of that is healing rather than dividing, American people to vote. Independence Hall—you have heard and that is how we will honor our oath Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I this over and over—on September 17, of office. am proud to yield 1 minute to the gen- 1787, the day our Constitution was Madam Speaker, I urge an ‘‘aye’’ tlewoman from California (Mrs. adopted, people said to him: ‘‘Dr. vote. TORRES), a distinguished member of Franklin, what do we have, a mon- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 the Rules Committee. archy or a republic?’’ As you know, he minutes to the distinguished gen- Mrs. TORRES of California. Madam said: ‘‘A republic, if you can keep it.’’ tleman from Texas (Mr. MCCAUL), my Speaker, I rise in strong support of H. If we can keep it. good friend and ranking Republican Res. 660. This Constitution is the blueprint for member on the House Foreign Affairs Madam Speaker, impeachment is not our Republic and not a monarchy. Committee. something that we take lightly, but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.018 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8692 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 when the President endangers our na- those who turn a blind eye while the When you look through this resolu- tional security, he gives us no other President pressures foreign actors to tion, in multiple places, it gives veto choice. interfere with our democracy. authority by the chair to literally re- We now know from Trump’s own call Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I reserve ject any witness who is brought for- record that he pressured a foreign gov- the balance of my time. ward by the minority. So no rights for ernment to interfere in our elections Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I the minority unless the chair so des- and investigate his political opponent. yield 1 minute to the gentleman from ignates. We now know that Trump potentially New York (Mr. MORELLE), another dis- In fact, in this resolution, it allows sought to apply leverage on Ukraine, tinguished member of the Rules Com- the chair to veto even the ability for first with a coveted White House meet- mittee. the President to have legal counsel in ing and, second, by withholding secu- Mr. MORELLE. Madam Speaker, I the room. If the chair chooses, at his rity assistance to fend off Russian ag- rise today in strong support of H. Res. whim, they can literally kick out the gression. 660. President’s legal counsel. Today’s resolution allows us to Madam Speaker, I am deeply trou- This is unprecedented. It is not only present these facts in a clear, profes- bled that this process has become nec- unprecedented, this is Soviet-style sional, and fair way. essary at all, but we have no choice. rules. Madam Speaker, I urge passage of H. We must continue to investigate Maybe in the you do Res. 660 so the American people can, alarming allegations of misconduct by things like this: where only you make too, learn the truth. the President, and we continue with a the rules, where you reject the ability Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 30 public process through which all Amer- for the person you are accusing to even seconds to the distinguished gentleman icans will have the ability to access be in the room to question what is from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS), my good and to assess the evidence. going on, for anybody else to call wit- friend. This has been and will continue to be nesses, when only one person has the Mr. BIGGS. Madam Speaker, I have a fair and sober inquiry. Members on right to call witnesses. heard today how much my colleagues both sides will continue to have the op- And as we saw just the other day, the on the other side wish to make this an portunity to question witnesses, seek chairman was literally directing the open and transparent process and ‘‘this evidence, and refute testimony pre- witness to not answer certain ques- is for we, the people.’’ I would really sented during these proceedings. In- tions by the Republicans. What kind of like to believe that. deed, the President will have strong fairness is that? Yet, after they introduced the resolu- protections as we weigh the evidence Maybe you think it is fairness if you tion, they have another full week of during our deliberations. can run roughshod over somebody be- hearings behind closed doors, and they Our only goal is uncovering the cause you have got the votes, but that have scheduled another full week of truth: Did the President pressure is not how impeachment was supposed hearings behind closed doors. Ukrainian leaders with the threat of to go. In fact, Alexander Hamilton If this is about transparency, then withholding critical military assist- himself, during the debate on the Con- open it up. If you want the American ance in order to serve his political in- stitution, in the Federalist Papers, people to see it, open it up. Give Mem- terests? Has the President endangered warned of days like this, that the bers access to the transcripts. Let the American interests abroad by engaging greatest danger is that the decision on media into the room. Let us partici- in domestic political intrigue? These impeachment ‘‘will be regulated more pate. Failing to do so denies trans- are serious issues, not of politics, but by the comparative strength of parties parency. of national security. than by the real demonstrations of in- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I This inquiry is our solemn obliga- nocence or guilt.’’ Alexander Hamilton am proud to yield 1 minute to the gen- tion, but it is our obligation, nonethe- warned about days like today. tleman from California (Mr. less. This is not what we should be doing, DESAULNIER), a distinguished member Madam Speaker, I urge my col- clearly, when you ask the American of the Rules Committee. leagues to join me in supporting this people, who know that they are paying Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I resolution so we may uphold our oath higher drug prices and they see that rise in strong support of this resolu- to the Constitution and preserve a there is legislation, bipartisan legisla- tion. transparent process on behalf of our tion, to lower drug prices that won’t Madam Speaker, from the very start Republic and the citizens it serves. come to this floor because of the in- of this inquiry, the White House has Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield 3 fatuation with impeachment. obstructed the House of Representa- minutes to the gentleman from Lou- We don’t even have a bill to formally tives. The White House has ignored isiana (Mr. SCALISE), the distinguished pay our troops and make sure they duly authorized subpoenas and has whip of the House Republican Con- have the tools they need to defend this tried to prevent witnesses from testi- ference and my good friend. country because there is such an in- fying. Mr. SCALISE. Madam Speaker, I fatuation with impeachment. The White House has also directed thank my colleague, Mr. COLE, for other agencies to do the same. The De- yielding. b 1030 partment of State, the Department of Madam Speaker, I rise in strong op- Madam Speaker, when you look Energy, the Department of Defense, position to this resolution. through this resolution, you see how and the Office of Management and Unfortunately, we have seen, since one-sided, how Soviet-style this is run- Budget all have refused to produce a the day that President Trump was in- ning. This is the United States of single document in response to valid augurated, some people who made it America. Don’t run a sham process, a subpoenas. public that they wanted to impeach tainted process like this resolution en- This is an unprecedented cover-up. him—not because there are high crimes sures. The White House and its defenders in and misdemeanors, which is the con- It ought to be rejected, and I think Congress have tried to justify it with stitutional standard, but just because you will see bipartisan rejection of this baseless procedural claims that con- they don’t agree with the results of the resolution. tradict the Constitution and historical 2016 election. Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I precedent. That, Madam Speaker, is not why yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from History will judge us all. you impeach a president. There is New York (Mr. NADLER), the distin- After today, there are no more ex- precedent. guished chairman of the Committee on cuses for those who want to focus on This has only happened three times the Judiciary. process instead of substance. After in the history of our country. Every Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I sup- today, there are no more excuses for time, it not only started with a full port this resolution because it is the those who want to ignore the facts in- vote of the House, but it also started solemn duty of the Congress to inves- stead of defending the Constitution. with actual fairness. We are not get- tigate the serious allegations against And there are no more excuses for ting that fairness today. the President.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.020 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8693 I support this resolution because it is death struggle with —was Ms. WATERS.—will continue in the indefensible for any official to demand blocked. manner outlined by H. Res. 660. I look an ally—one depending on our support The goal? Not some foreign policy forward to Democrats and Republicans in an existential struggle with Russia— priority; not an effort to make our alike—— investigate his or her political adver- country safer or stronger—quite the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The saries. opposite, as delaying these resources time of the gentlewoman has expired. I support this resolution because no hurt Ukraine and directly benefited The gentleman from Oklahoma is rec- person, Republican or Democrat, Vladimir Putin. ognized. should be permitted to jeopardize Why, then? To pressure a foreign gov- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I con- America’s security and reputation for ernment to interfere in our 2020 elec- tinue to reserve the balance of my self-serving political purposes. tions. It is what the Framers feared time. I support this resolution because if, most. Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I after a fair and thorough inquiry, the The President’s own words say it best yield 1 minute to the gentleman from allegations against President Trump from the record of the call with Presi- California (Mr. SWALWELL). are found to be true, they would rep- dent Zelensky as he sought the tools to Mr. SWALWELL of California. resent a profound offense against the push back against Russia. Mr. Trump’s Madam Speaker, ‘‘I would like you to Constitution and the people of this answer: ‘‘I would like you to do us a do us a favor, though.’’ country. favor, though.’’ President Trump said those 10 words I support this resolution because I Since that first damning piece of evi- on July 25 to Ukraine’s President be- believe it is the duty of this House to dence came to light, the Intelligence, fore asking Ukrainian President vindicate the Constitution and to make Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Com- Zelensky to investigate a potential po- it crystal clear to future Presidents mittees have worked to fill in the litical opponent. that such conduct, if proven, is an af- pieces of the puzzle, thanks to the For the past month, the Intelligence front to the great public trust placed in courage of public servants who obeyed Committee has led an investigation him or her. the law and testified, even in the face into what happened around that phone I support this resolution, not because of bullying and intimidation from the call. In this early investigative stage, I want the allegations to be true—they administration and of ugly, baseless we have heard powerful, corroborating sadden me deeply—but because, if they smears from the President’s allies. evidence that President Trump led an are true, the Constitution demands I condemn the shameful efforts to extortion shakedown scheme over the that we take action. identify and harass the whistleblower Ukrainians, leveraging $391 million of I support this resolution because it whose life may be jeopardized for com- taxpayer dollars to have a foreign lays the groundwork for open hearings. ing forward to tell the truth. power assist him in his upcoming cam- The House and the American public I salute all of those patriots, and I paign. Just as powerful as the evidence we must see all of the evidence for them- salute my fellow committee chairs Mr. heard is the courage of the people who selves. SCHIFF, Mrs. MALONEY, and the late Mr. I support this resolution because I Cummings— have come forward to provide it, know we must overcome this difficult The SPEAKER pro tempore. The defying lawless White House orders to moment for the Nation. This resolution time of the gentleman has expired. obstruct and, instead, adhering to law- is necessary to ensure that our con- Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I con- ful congressional subpoenas. The evidence, however, is not a con- stitutional order remains intact for fu- tinue to reserve the balance of my clusion. At this stage, we must move ture generations. time. now to a public process with due proc- I support this resolution because we Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I ess protections for the President to se- have no choice. yield 1 minute to the gentlewoman cure and test that evidence. Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I am from California (Ms. WATERS), the dis- When our Founders designed the Con- waiting for a speaker to come. I reserve tinguished chairwoman of the Com- stitution, they considered a lawless the balance of my time. mittee on Financial Services. President and how to hold that person Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Ms. WATERS. Madam Speaker, I accountable. James Madison said the yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from thank Chairman MCGOVERN for yield- Constitution needed a provision for de- New York (Mr. ENGEL), the distin- ing. fending the community against law- guished chairman of the Committee on I rise in support of H. Res. 660 and the lessness. Now we must solemnly em- Foreign Affairs. process that is set forth within it by bark upon this journey. Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I thank which the impeachment inquiry will The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the gentleman and rise to support mov- continue to be conducted. time of the gentleman has expired. ing forward to the next open phase of To be clear, contrary to what these Members are reminded to refrain this impeachment inquiry so that the desperate Republicans have claimed, from engaging in personalities toward American people can hear from wit- the Constitution imposes no require- the President. nesses, see the evidence, and under- ment that a procedural resolution, Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I would stand the troubling story of what has such as H. Res. 660, should be voted on like to inquire from my friend if he has taken place in this administration. by the House. Claiming otherwise is additional speakers. As chairman of the Foreign Affairs but a fabrication meant to distract Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, we Committee, my priorities are sup- from the mountain of growing evidence do. porting American diplomats and diplo- that demonstrates this President Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, in that macy, working with partners and al- abused his power for personal benefit. case, I reserve the balance of my time. lies, and ensuring that our foreign pol- However, while not necessary, this Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I icy advances America’s interests. resolution provides for impartial proce- yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from This administration has, unfortu- dures similar to those used during the Colorado (Mr. NEGUSE). nately, undermined all of those prior- past impeachment proceedings. Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, today ities since its first day. But in the last Because Republicans requested a for- is a serious and solemn day for our month, we have learned more and more mal procedural vote, I expect nothing country. The House’s impeachment in- about just how deep this goes. less than their full support for H. Res. quiry has exposed the truth and uncov- The facts are clear: The White House 660. Anything less would be shameful. ered significant evidence that the launched a shadow foreign policy that As chairwoman of the Financial President abused his power. circumvented and undermined our nor- Services Committee, we have been con- To honor the oath to defend the Con- mal diplomatic channels. ducting credible investigations into stitution that each of us took, we must A distinguished career ambassador the conduct of this administration. move forward with this impeachment was publicly smeared and pushed aside. And this work—— inquiry. As Thomas Jefferson once said Critical military aid for Ukraine, a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hundreds of years ago: ‘‘A sacred re- valued partner—locked in a life-or- time of the gentlewoman has expired. spect for the constitutional law is the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.023 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 vital principle, the sustaining energy chairman is instructed to, again, make 37 days and counting, they have run an of a free government.’’ the necessary redactions to protect any unprecedented, undemocratic, and un- Let us honor the Constitution and de- classified or sensitive information. In fair investigation. This resolution fend it today by voting ‘‘yes’’ on this contrast, the Democratic majority’s today only makes it worse. resolution. resolution lets the chairman choose I have heard Members on the other Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I con- what information he will share. side say they promise rights to the tinue to reserve the balance of my Finally, my amendment requires the President, but only if he does what time. Intelligence Committee’s records and they want. That is the equivalent of Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I reports, as well as any material re- saying in the First Amendment that yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from ceived from any other committee in- you have the right to the freedom of Pennsylvania (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE). volved, be made available at least 72 speech, but you can only say the words Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- hours prior to the Judiciary Com- I agree with. That is what you call due vania. Madam Speaker, I did not come mittee considering any Articles of Im- process, Madam Speaker. here to launch an impeachment proc- peachment or other recommendations. The amendment offered by my col- ess. However, the facts demand it. ‘‘A The resolution before us today does league, Mr. COLE, would help correct Republic, if you can keep it.’’ absolutely nothing to guarantee that some of the transparency concerns we What we decide today will say more the American people will see this vital have witnessed over the last few weeks. about us than it says about the con- information. But today is about more than the fair- duct of the President. The procedures my Democratic col- ness of the impeachment process. It is Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I con- leagues set up for this impeachment in- about the integrity of our electoral tinue to reserve the balance of my quiry are fundamentally unfair and process. Democrats are trying to im- time. fundamentally partisan. They reject peach the President because they are Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I due process. They reject minority scared they cannot defeat him at the yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from rights, and they reject adequate public ballot box. Those are not my words. Rhode Island (Mr. CICILLINE). disclosure. Those are the words from my col- Mr. CICILLINE. Madam Speaker, on The American people will not respect leagues on the other side of the aisle opening day, we take an oath of office. a process that is not fair, Madam who have offered impeachment three We take an oath not to a king, not to Speaker. I urge the House to reject this different times. a President, but to protect and defend measure, and I urge the House to insist This impeachment is not only an at- the Constitution. It is our solemn duty. on bipartisan procedures that respect tempt to undo the last election, it is an In fact, this resolution sets forth the the rights of the minority and the attempt to influence the next one as procedures for the next phase of our right of due process. well. impeachment inquiry. We know sub- Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to This is not what Democrats promised stantial evidence has been presented the gentleman from California (Mr. when they entered the majority 11 that the President abused his power, MCCARTHY), our distinguished Repub- months ago. In this Chamber, we heard undermined our national security, and lican leader. from our Speaker. While we all sat undermined the integrity of our elec- Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I here, we heard what the Speaker said tions. thank the gentleman for yielding. when she talked about words of opti- We are duty-bound to proceed. It is a Madam Speaker, elections have con- mism and cooperation. sad day, but not because Congress has sequences. Our fellow Americans used It was said that we would work to- the courage to stand up for our democ- their vote to choose who will work for gether to make America stronger, racy, but because the President’s con- them. So I ask you all a simple ques- more secure, and more prosperous. We duct has forced this action. tion—especially to my colleagues: Is were told our mission was to return I urge my colleagues to approve this that what is happening here today? power to the people. In fact, our new resolution. Are we gathered in these final mo- colleagues on the other side of the aisle Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I con- ments, before we depart for a week, to were sent to Washington with a man- tinue to reserve the balance of my fund our government or to pay our date to do just that. time. troops? So what has happened? Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Are we gathered today to approve a There is nothing like that today. am prepared to close for our side, so I new trade deal? Or are we gathered to Not long ago, Democrats recognized will yield to the gentleman. debate the critical national security that a partisan impeachment would Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield issues regarding China or Iran? put politics over people and harm our myself such time as I may consume. That answer would be unanimously Nation. Madam Speaker, if we defeat the pre- ‘‘no.’’ We are not working for the That exact same Speaker talked vious question, I will amend the resolu- American people. about cooperation and talked about tion to ensure transparency for the and promised the American people that b 1045 American people. they would be different if you trusted My amendment will do three very Those items would resemble the them with the majority. simple things: achievements of a productive Congress, Madam Speaker, you have failed in First, it will require the chairman of a Congress that truly works for the that promise. the Permanent Select Committee on people. That Speaker said: ‘‘Impeachment is Intelligence to publicly release the But do you know what this Congress so divisive to the country that unless transcripts of all depositions and inter- counts? there’s something so compelling and views in a timely manner to allow any This Congress’ record is more sub- overwhelming and bipartisan’’—the necessary redactions to protect classi- poenas than laws. That is the legacy. It word bipartisan—‘‘I don’t think we fied or sensitive information. is not just devoid of solutions for the should go down that path, because it My colleagues on the other side have American people; it is now abusing its divides the country.’’ been operating in secret and behind power to discredit democracy. What has changed since those words closed doors. They have been violating By using secret interviews and selec- have been spoken? standing House rules by preventing tive leaks to portray the President’s le- Alexander Hamilton wrote that: Members access to documents, let gitimate actions as an impeachable of- There will always be the greatest danger alone sharing anything with the people fense, Democrats are continuing their that the decision to use the impeachment who elected them to serve. permanent campaign to undermine his power would be driven by partisan animos- Second, my amendment requires the legitimacy. ities instead of real demonstrations of inno- Intelligence Committee chairman to For the last 3 years, they have pre- cence or guilt. transfer all records or materials, in- determined the President’s guilt, and This sham impeachment by Demo- cluding exculpatory records or mate- they have never accepted the voters’ crats has proven Hamilton right, and it rials, to the Judiciary Committee. The choice to make him President. So for betrays the Speaker’s own words.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.024 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8695 I know emotions are high. I know this President to account because it is And as the founding fathers crafted a docu- Members would even run for positions our job. We took an oath to do that. ment, which 230 years later, from 1789 to of chair simply on the fact that they In terms of our legislative accom- 2019, we can abide by, we choose the Con- would be a better chair for impeach- plishments, they are second to none. stitution. ment right after the election. But when When the Republicans were in the ma- When the Framers of our Constitution de- we all stood that day and listened to jority, they shut the government down. signed our government, they bifurcated power the words of the Speaker of coopera- Today the Education and Labor Com- between the federal and state governments, tion, we all raised our hand to uphold mittee just reported out the higher and divided power among the branches. the Constitution. education bill, we passed a bill to deal Indeed as the Framers debated ratification Tomorrow is November 1. We are 1 with gun violence, we passed the of the Constitution, they knew of the need to year away from an election, not just Dream Act, and we raised the min- remove an individual who breached the public for this House but for the highest office imum wage. We are working on a bill trust. of Presidency. to lower prescription drugs, and we James Madison of Virginia argued in favor Madam Speaker, why do you not passed a bill to protect our elections so of impeachment stating that some provision trust the people? Russia doesn’t interfere in our elec- was ‘‘indispensable’’ to defend the community Why do you not allow the people to tions ever again. against ‘‘the incapacity, negligence or perfidy have a voice? So, Madam Speaker, I want to say to of the chief Magistrate.’’ Why, in a process that America lends my colleagues that I am proud of the With a single executive, Madison argued, their voice to all of us, do you deny us process we are following here today unlike a legislature whose collective nature the opportunity to speak for them? that brought us this resolution. provided security, ‘‘loss of capacity or corrup- Has animosity risen that high? Madam Speaker, past Congresses tion was more within the compass of probable Has Hamilton been proven correct under the impeachments of Presidents events, and either of them might be fatal to again? Nixon and Clinton found it prudent to the Republic.’’ Madam Speaker, there is a moment have a resolution in place laying out They wrote Article I and vested in the Con- in time that you should rise to the oc- the path forward, and that is what we gress the capacity to make the laws. casion. This is that moment. This is are doing here today. They wrote Article II, and in the Executive This resolution before us today is the moment that history will write. vested the power to faithfully execute those based on precedent. It includes protec- History will ask you, Madam Speaker, laws. tions for President Trump. The Presi- when you cast this vote to justify Because the House enjoyed a natural supe- dent’s counsel is given the right to ask something that has gone on behind riority, as most representative of the passions questions when the evidence is pre- closed doors, I want you to ask the his- of the populace, the Framers vested in the sented. The rules here expressly pro- torian and answer the question: What House of Representatives the sole power of vide his counsel the chance to be in- do you know that happened there? impeachment, and made the Senate the vited to offer a concluding presen- Madam Speaker, have you read any- judges. tation. Neither of these things were thing that took place that you just jus- In Article II, they specified the standard by guaranteed to President Nixon or tified? which a president or any constitutional officer President Clinton. What do you believe the definition of is to be removed from office: for High Crimes It lays out a clear path forward so ‘‘due process’’ is? and Misdemeanors. that the American people know what What do you think the First Amend- It is against that backdrop that we debate to expect going forward. ment is, that you have the right to Madam Speaker, the obstruction this resolution. have a voice or only say the words that from this White House is unprece- In support this resolution because it protects you agree with? dented. It is stunning. We don’t know our interests, holds us responsible, protects Madam Speaker, you may get elected whether President Trump will be im- the American people and gives the president in a primary, but in a general election, peached, but the allegations are as se- ample opportunity to try to justify his conduct. you are elected to represent the people rious as it gets, endangering national In September, members of the House of of America, not to deny their voice. security for political gain. Representatives learned of a complaint filed This House is so much better than Madam Speaker, history is testing by a whistleblower within the Intelligence what is transforming today. I believe us, and I worry, based on what we have Community. everyone who runs for this office runs heard from the other side today, that The whistleblower alleged that on July 25, to solve a problem. But when you go some may be failing that test. 2019, in a telephone conversation with the back to the American public with the There are no kings and queens in President of Ukraine, the American President achievement of more subpoenas than America. That is what separates this sought to withhold foreign military aid from the laws, that is not why you ran. That is country from so many other nations. besieged and beleaguered nation of Ukraine not why we are here. No one is above the law. Let me repeat unless and until the Government of Ukraine That is why I agree with my col- that: No one is above the law. produced or manufactured produced political league, Mr. COLE, who believes in the Madam Speaker, I urge my col- dirt against a person he deemed his most for- power of the people and people before leagues to support this resolution. midable political rival. politics, that we believe and know we Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as a The allegation suggests an effort and intent can do better, that we believed the senior member of the House Judiciary Com- to extort the assistance of a foreign power to Speaker when she spoke about coopera- mittee and one of only 5 members and one of help the current president retain his office. tion, we believed her when she said three Democrats to serve on that House Judi- This is similar to the allegations surrounding that if you trusted them with the ma- ciary Committee during the impeachment of his 2016 election victory, which were at the jority then they would be different. 1998, I rise in strong support of the Rule gov- heart of the Special Counsel’s Report regard- Madam Speaker, I guess it is only fit- erning debate for H. Res. 660, as well as the ing Russian election interference. ting you take this vote on Halloween. underlying legislation—a resolution directing After the whistleblower’s details were made The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- committees to continue their ongoing inves- public, the White House engaged in a series bers are directed to address their re- tigations as part of the existing House of Rep- of untenable defenses, all designed to dis- marks to the Chair. resentatives inquiry into whether sufficient credit the courageous whistleblower’s account, The gentleman from Oklahoma has 1 grounds exist for the House of Representa- which the Intelligence Community Inspector minute remaining. tives to exercise the constitutional power, sole- General found credible. Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, I yield ly vested in the House of Representatives, to First, the White House indicated that the back the balance of my time. impeach Donald John Trump, the current whistleblower should not be trusted because it Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I President of the United States of America. referenced secondhand information, forgetting yield myself the balance of my time. This is a somber and solemn time. that much of the information in the Whistle- Let me assure the distinguished mi- Today we choose our beloved nation over blower’s complaint was corroborated by the nority leader that this Democratic ma- individual self-interest and a political party. White House itself. jority can legislate and also fulfill our We choose due process, regular order and Next, the White House claimed, without constitutional responsibilities to hold fairness. proof, that the whistleblower was a liar.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.026 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 Then, the White House spread a lie that it slide victory. The NSC proposed that Presi- The resolution is also prospective, as it re- was a ‘‘perfect’’ call between the two leaders. dent Trump call President Zelensky to con- lates to these hearings moving from secure in- Outrageously, the White House then gratulate him. On July 25, 2019, the call oc- telligence facilities to public view. H. Res. 660 curred. I listened in on the call in the Situa- claimed that Chairman ADAM SCHIFF is lying tion Room with colleagues from the NSC and also serves to enable effective public hearings and had helped the Whistleblower draft his the office of the Vice President. As the tran- as it permits staff counsels to question wit- complaint. script is in the public record, we are all nesses for up to 45 minutes. That was before the President said that the aware of what was said. I was concerned by This is consistent with precedent estab- whistleblower’s complaint is a lie made up by the call. I did not think it was proper to de- lished in 1998 of having staff counsel conduct the ‘‘Deep State.’’ mand that a foreign government investigate initial questioning, followed by Member ques- And that was before the President said that a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the tions, by Republicans used to question Inde- he made the call at ’s urging and implications for 6 the U.S. government’s sup- pendent Counsel Kenneth Starr in 1998. that the phone conversations with the Vice port of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine The resolution also continues the precedent pursued an investigation into the Bidens and President are more problematic than his. Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a of giving the minority the same rights to ques- The President and his last defenders are partisan play which would undoubtedly re- tion witnesses that was afforded the majority. now trying to denigrate the life and accom- sult in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support This has been true at every step of the in- plishments of Ambassador Bill Taylor, a grad- it has thus far maintained. This would all quiry. uate of the United States Military Academy at undermine U.S. national security. Following Additionally, H. Res. 660 also permits the West Point, and decorated soldier, and dis- the call, I again reported my concerns to President opportunities to participate in this in- missing him as a Never Trumper, as if that is NSC’s lead counsel. quiry, in a manner consistent with past partici- a demerit. Throughout the last five weeks, Congres- pation by Presidents. This past Tuesday, Lt. Colonel Alexander sional Republicans have presented a series of The resolution establishes opportunities for Vindman, a member of the National Security strawman arguments designed to deflect but the President or his counsel to participate in Council who immigrated from Ukraine when not delve into the very serious charges against impeachment proceedings held by the Com- he was three-years old and was dismissed by the President. mittee on the Judiciary, including to present the President as insufficiently loyal to him, be- Congressional Republicans’ claims that the his case and respond to evidence. fore one of the President’s acolytes suggested whistleblower complaint was hearsay are spe- The President can submit written requests Lt. Col. Vindman held a greater loyalty for cious because its contents have been inde- for additional testimony or other evidence. Ukraine over the United States. pendently and repeatedly confirmed. The President can attend hearings, includ- Lt. Col. Vindman has loyally served our Similarly, there is no merit to the claim that ing those held in executive session, raise an country and our Constitution. He was injured there was no quid pro quo when the evidence objection to testimony given and cross-exam- in the war in Iraq, for which he was awarded adduced to date confirms there was. ine witnesses. the Purple Heart. In their perverse logic, Congressional Re- But, if the President unlawfully refuses to It is thus fitting that when Lt. Col. Vindman publicans decried the lack of due process for cooperate with Congressional requests, the appeared to testify in this impeachment in- a man who once suggested that the Central Chair shall have the discretion to impose quiry, he did so wearing his Army class A uni- Park Five should be summarily executed for a sanctions to enforce appropriate remedies, in- form, and had inside his leg shrapnel from the crime for which they were later exonerated, cluding by denying specific requests by the attack that wounded him, and won him the and could shoot someone in broad daylight President or his counsel. commendation of his superior officers in the with impunity. H. Res. 660 explicates the procedure that Army. Despite these specious arguments, it is like- applies after testimony is adduced in the And when he began his testimony, he indi- ly that these process arguments are only HPSCI. cated just what service to this nation meant. made because the substance of the presi- H. Res. 660 directs the Committee on the He stated: dent’s allegations are utterly indefensible. Judiciary to review the evidence and, if nec- I have dedicated my entire professional life The American people and their elected rep- essary, to report Articles of Impeachment to to the United States of America. For more resentatives cannot be distracted; they are the House. than two decades, it has been my honor to paying close attention to the substantial Following the precedent of every modern serve as an officer in the United States wrongdoing emanating from this White House. impeachment inquiry, the Committee on the Army. As an infantry officer, I served mul- They know what the President, which is why Judiciary will decide whether Articles shall be tiple overseas tours, including South Korea a clear majority support impeachment and re- reported to the House. and Germany, and a deployment to Iraq for moval of this President. H. Res. 660 is important legislation that combat operations. In Iraq, I was wounded in As the House of Representatives continues an IED attack and awarded a Purple Heart. specifies the parameters and the terms this its impeachment inquiry, H. Res. 660 is an es- body will follow as it undergoes its solemn and An immigrant to this country, Lt. Col. pecially timely piece of legislation, which constitutional task. Vindman stated: squarely addresses the concerns of the Presi- It affords equal time to the Chairman and The privilege of serving my country is not dent’s most fervent supporters. Ranking Member to question witnesses and it only rooted in my military service, but also Specifically, this legislation reaffirms that the treats the President and his counsel fairly. in my personal history. I sit here, as a Lieu- six investigating committees—including the tenant Colonel in the United States Army, And, importantly, it lays out for the American an immigrant. My family fled the Soviet House Judiciary Committee, of which I am a people the manner in which this inquiry will Union when I was three and a half years old. senior member and which has exclusive juris- proceed to the House Judiciary Committee— Upon arriving in in 1979, my diction to draft Articles of Impeachment—an- the committee of jurisdiction for impeachment father worked multiple jobs to support us, nounced by Speaker NANCY PELOSI have been and where I will bring to bear my decades of all the while learning English at night. He engaged in an impeachment inquiry and di- experience on , including the les- stressed to us the importance of fully inte- rects them to continue their vital work. sons learned in the impeachment of 1998. grating into our adopted country. For many That we have been engaged in an ongoing Unlike that occasion, the allegations at the years, life was quite difficult. In spite of our impeachment inquiry was ratified by the Article challenging beginnings, my family worked to heart of this matter are serious, and damning build its own American dream. I have a deep III branch when Judge Beryl Howell, the Chief of the president’s conduct and fitness to serve appreciation for American values and ideals Judge for the United States District court for and his ability to safeguard our national secu- and the power of freedom. I am a patriot, and the District of Columbia, recently held that the rity. it is my sacred duty and honor to advance House is conducting an impeachment inquiry, These allegations represent a violation of and defend OUR country, irrespective of which does not require a formal floor vote. his oath, a betrayal of our national interests, a party or politics. Second, H. Res. 660 authorizes the House repudiation of Americans’ cherished Demo- When Lt. Col. Vindman testified, he spoke Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence cratic Values, and a violation of federal cam- of the horror he felt when he realized that our (HPSCI) to make public transcripts of recent paign finance laws. country’s national security apparatus was depositions with appropriate redactions made When the President stated that Article II being manipulated for the president’s personal for classified or other sensitive information. permits him to do whatever he wants, he was and political gain. This legislation, too, establishes procedures invoking a fear of Thomas Jefferson, the au- He stated in his testimony: for all investigating committees to transmit thor of the Declaration of Independence. On July 21, 2019, President Zelensky’s their evidence to the Committee on the Judici- As the author of one of our nation’s endur- party won Parliamentary elections in a land- ary for use in their proceedings. ing documents, Jefferson was well-versed with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.024 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8697 what troubles would merit the erosion of public [Roll No. 603] DesJarlais Kelly (MS) Rogers (KY) Diaz-Balart Kelly (PA) Rooney (FL) trust in its leaders. YEAS—231 After all, the Declaration of Independence Duncan King (IA) Rouzer Dunn King (NY) Roy was a list of grievances of a lawless King, who Adams Garcia (TX) O’Halleran Aguilar Golden Ocasio-Cortez Emmer Kinzinger Rutherford felt impunity. Allred Gomez Omar Estes Kustoff (TN) Scalise But, almost 50 years after the adoption of Amash Gonzalez (TX) Pallone Ferguson LaHood Schweikert the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jef- Axne Gottheimer Panetta Fitzpatrick LaMalfa Scott, Austin ferson wrote to another of our nation’s found- Barraga´ n Green, Al (TX) Pappas Fleischmann Lamborn Sensenbrenner Bass Grijalva Pascrell Flores Latta Shimkus ers: Nathaniel Macon. Fortenberry Lesko Beatty Haaland Payne Simpson In 1821, Jefferson wrote: ‘‘Our government Foxx (NC) Long Bera Harder (CA) Perlmutter Smith (MO) Fulcher Loudermilk is now taking so steady a course, as to shew Beyer Hastings Peters Smith (NE) Gaetz Lucas by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit, Bishop (GA) Hayes Phillips Gallagher Luetkemeyer Smith (NJ) Blumenauer Heck Pingree by consolidation first; and then corruption, it’s Gianforte Marchant Smucker Blunt Rochester Higgins (NY) Pocan necessary consequence.’’ Gibbs Marshall Spano Bonamici Hill (CA) Porter It is clear that the consolidation that Jeffer- Gohmert Massie Stauber Boyle, Brendan Himes Pressley Gonzalez (OH) Mast Stefanik son feared—and the corruption which he said F. Horn, Kendra S. Price (NC) Gooden McCarthy Steil would be its necessary consequence—has Brindisi Horsford Quigley Gosar McCaul Steube Brown (MD) Houlahan Raskin now been realized in the actions of this Presi- Granger McClintock Stewart Brownley (CA) Hoyer Rice (NY) dent. Graves (GA) McHenry Stivers Bustos Huffman Richmond We will not permit this to continue and we Butterfield Jackson Lee Graves (LA) McKinley Taylor Rose (NY) Graves (MO) Meadows Thompson (PA) will put a stop to it. Carbajal Jayapal Rouda ´ Green (TN) Meuser Thornberry The President will be held to account. H. Cardenas Jeffries Roybal-Allard Griffith Miller Tipton Res. 660 is the first step towards that account- Carson (IN) Johnson (GA) Ruiz Grothman Mitchell Turner Cartwright Johnson (TX) Ruppersberger ability, and I am proud to support it. Guest Moolenaar Upton The material previously referred to Case Kaptur Rush Casten (IL) Keating Guthrie Mooney (WV) Van Drew by Mr. COLE is as follows: Ryan Hagedorn Mullin Castor (FL) Kelly (IL) Sa´ nchez Wagner AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 660, AS REPORTED Castro (TX) Harris Murphy (NC) Kennedy Sarbanes Walberg Chu, Judy Hartzler Newhouse OFFERED BY MR. COLE Khanna Scanlon Walden Cicilline Kildee Hern, Kevin Norman In section 2, strike paragraph (5) and insert Schakowsky Walker Cisneros Kilmer Herrera Beutler Nunes the following: Schiff Walorski Clark (MA) Kim Higgins (LA) Olson (5) Not later than 15 days after the Perma- Schneider Waltz Clarke (NY) Kind Hill (AR) Palazzo Schrader Watkins nent Select Committee conducts a deposi- Clay Kirkpatrick Holding Palmer Schrier Weber (TX) tion or an interview in furtherance of the in- Cleaver Krishnamoorthi Hollingsworth Pence Scott (VA) Webster (FL) vestigation described in the first section of Clyburn Kuster (NH) Hudson Perry Scott, David Wenstrup this resolution, the chair shall make pub- Cohen Lamb Huizenga Peterson Serrano Westerman Connolly Langevin Hunter Posey licly available in electronic form the tran- Sewell (AL) Williams Cooper Larsen (WA) Hurd (TX) Ratcliffe script of such deposition or interview, with Shalala Wilson (SC) Correa Larson (CT) Johnson (LA) Reed appropriate redactions for classified and Sherman Wittman Costa Lawrence Johnson (OH) Reschenthaler other sensitive information. Sherrill Johnson (SD) Rice (SC) Womack In section 3, strike ‘‘is authorized’’ and in- Courtney Lawson (FL) Cox (CA) Lee (CA) Sires Jordan Riggleman Woodall sert ‘‘shall’’. Slotkin Joyce (OH) Roby Wright In section 3, strike ‘‘to transfer’’ and insert Craig Lee (NV) Crist Levin (CA) Smith (WA) Joyce (PA) Rodgers (WA) Yoho ‘‘transfer’’. Soto Katko Roe, David P. Young In section 3, insert after ‘‘records or mate- Crow Levin (MI) Cuellar Lewis Spanberger Keller Rogers (AL) Zeldin rials’’ the following: ‘‘, including exculpatory Cunningham Lieu, Ted Speier records or materials, with appropriate Davids (KS) Lipinski Stanton NOT VOTING—4 redactions for classified or other sensitive Davis (CA) Loebsack Stevens Hice (GA) Rose, John W. information,’’. Davis, Danny K. Lofgren Suozzi McEachin Timmons In section 4, strike subsection (d) and in- Dean Lowenthal Swalwell (CA) sert the following: DeFazio Lowey Takano ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE (d) In the case that the Committee on the DeGette Luja´ n Thompson (CA) Judiciary proceeds to consideration of a res- DeLauro Luria Thompson (MS) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during olution, article of impeachment, or other DelBene Lynch Titus the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- recommendation, the chair shall, at least 72 Delgado Malinowski Tlaib ing. hours prior to committee consideration, Demings Maloney, Tonko make available to the public, the report re- DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Torres (CA) Deutch Maloney, Sean Torres Small b 1119 ceived from the Permanent Select Com- (NM) mittee on Intelligence, and any and all Dingell Matsui Doggett McAdams Trahan Messrs. TURNER and VAN DREW records or materials, including exculpatory Doyle, Michael McBath Trone changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to records or materials, with appropriate F. McCollum Underwood ‘‘nay.’’ redactions for classified or other sensitive Engel McGovern Vargas information, that were transferred from the Escobar McNerney Veasey Miss RICE of New York changed her Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Eshoo Meeks Vela vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ or any other committee involved in the in- Espaillat Meng Vela´ zquez quiry referenced in the first section of this Evans Moore Visclosky So the previous question was ordered. resolution. Finkenauer Morelle Wasserman The result of the vote was announced Fletcher Moulton Schultz Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Foster Mucarsel-Powell Waters as above recorded. yield back the balance of my time, and Frankel Murphy (FL) Watson Coleman The SPEAKER. The question is on I move the previous question on the Fudge Nadler Welch the resolution. resolution. Gabbard Napolitano Wexton The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gallego Neal Wild The question was taken; and the Garamendi Neguse Wilson (FL) Speaker announced that the ayes ap- question is on ordering the previous Garcı´a (IL) Norcross Yarmuth question. peared to have it. The question was taken; and the NAYS—196 Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, on that I Speaker pro tempore announced that Abraham Bishop (NC) Carter (TX) demand the yeas and nays. the ayes appeared to have it. Aderholt Bishop (UT) Chabot The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. COLE. Madam Speaker, on that I Allen Bost Cheney demand the yeas and nays. Amodei Brady Cline The SPEAKER. This is a 5-minute The yeas and nays were ordered. Armstrong Brooks (AL) Cloud vote. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Arrington Brooks (IN) Cole Babin Buchanan Collins (GA) The vote was taken by electronic de- ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Bacon Buck Comer vice, and there were—yeas 232, nays will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Baird Bucshon Conaway 196, not voting 4, as follows: time for any electronic vote on the Balderson Budd Cook question of adoption of the resolution. Banks Burchett Crawford [Roll No. 604] The vote was taken by electronic de- Barr Burgess Crenshaw Bergman Byrne Curtis YEAS—232 vice, and there were—yeas 231, nays Biggs Calvert Davidson (OH) Adams Allred Axne 196, not voting 4, as follows: Bilirakis Carter (GA) Davis, Rodney Aguilar Amash Barraga´ n

VerDate Sep 11 2014 17:07 Nov 05, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\OCTOBER\H31OC9.REC H31OC9 H8698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 Bass Gottheimer Omar Gianforte Lesko Scalise further consideration of the bill (H.R. Beatty Green, Al (TX) Pallone Gibbs Long Schweikert 823) to provide for the designation of Bera Grijalva Panetta Gohmert Loudermilk Scott, Austin Beyer Haaland Pappas Gonzalez (OH) Lucas Sensenbrenner certain wilderness areas, recreation Bishop (GA) Harder (CA) Pascrell Gooden Luetkemeyer Shimkus management areas, and conservation Blumenauer Hastings Payne Gosar Marchant Simpson areas in the State of Colorado, and for Blunt Rochester Hayes Pelosi Granger Marshall Smith (MO) other purposes, with Mr. AGUILAR (Act- Bonamici Heck Perlmutter Graves (GA) Massie Smith (NE) Graves (LA) Mast Boyle, Brendan Higgins (NY) Peters Smith (NJ) ing Chair) in the chair. F. Hill (CA) Phillips Graves (MO) McCarthy Smucker The Clerk read the title of the bill. Brindisi Himes Pingree Green (TN) McCaul Spano Brown (MD) Horn, Kendra S. Pocan Griffith McClintock The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Stauber Brownley (CA) Horsford Porter Grothman McHenry mittee of the Whole rose on Wednesday Bustos Houlahan Pressley Guest McKinley Stefanik October 30, 2019, a request for a re- Steil Butterfield Hoyer Price (NC) Guthrie Meadows corded vote on amendment No. 6 print- Carbajal Huffman Quigley Hagedorn Meuser Steube Ca´ rdenas Jackson Lee Raskin Harris Miller Stewart ed in part B of House Report 116–264 of- Carson (IN) Jayapal Rice (NY) Hartzler Mitchell Stivers fered by the gentleman from Colorado Cartwright Jeffries Richmond Hern, Kevin Moolenaar Taylor (Mr. CROW) had been postponed. Case Johnson (GA) Rose (NY) Herrera Beutler Mooney (WV) Thompson (PA) Casten (IL) Johnson (TX) Rouda Higgins (LA) Mullin Thornberry ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Castor (FL) Kaptur Roybal-Allard Hill (AR) Murphy (NC) Tipton The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Castro (TX) Keating Ruiz Holding Newhouse Turner clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Chu, Judy Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger Hollingsworth Norman Upton Cicilline Kennedy Rush Hudson Nunes Van Drew now resume on those amendments Cisneros Khanna Ryan Huizenga Olson Wagner printed in part B of House Report 116– Clark (MA) Kildee Sa´ nchez Hunter Palazzo Walberg 264 on which further proceedings were Clarke (NY) Kilmer Sarbanes Hurd (TX) Palmer Walden postponed, in the following order: Clay Kim Scanlon Johnson (LA) Pence Walker Cleaver Kind Schakowsky Johnson (OH) Perry Walorski Amendment No. 1 by Mr. CURTIS of Clyburn Kirkpatrick Schiff Johnson (SD) Peterson Waltz Utah. Jordan Posey Cohen Krishnamoorthi Schneider Watkins Connolly Kuster (NH) Joyce (OH) Ratcliffe Amendment No. 5 by Mr. TIPTON of Schrader Weber (TX) Cooper Lamb Schrier Joyce (PA) Reed Colorado. Webster (FL) Correa Langevin Scott (VA) Katko Reschenthaler Wenstrup Amendment No. 6 by Mr. CROW of Costa Larsen (WA) Scott, David Keller Rice (SC) Westerman Colorado. Courtney Larson (CT) Serrano Kelly (MS) Riggleman Cox (CA) Lawrence Sewell (AL) Kelly (PA) Roby Williams AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. CURTIS Wilson (SC) Craig Lawson (FL) Shalala King (IA) Rodgers (WA) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Crist Lee (CA) Sherman King (NY) Roe, David P. Wittman Crow Lee (NV) Sherrill Kinzinger Rogers (AL) Womack business is the demand for a recorded Cuellar Levin (CA) Sires Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Woodall vote on the amendment offered by the Cunningham Levin (MI) Slotkin LaHood Rooney (FL) Wright gentleman from Utah (Mr. CURTIS) on Davids (KS) Lewis Smith (WA) LaMalfa Rouzer Yoho Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Soto Lamborn Roy Young which further proceedings were post- Davis, Danny K. Lipinski Spanberger Latta Rutherford Zeldin poned and on which the noes prevailed Dean Loebsack Speier by voice vote. NOT VOTING—4 DeFazio Lofgren Stanton The Clerk will redesignate the DeGette Lowenthal Stevens Hice (GA) Rose, John W. DeLauro Lowey Suozzi McEachin Timmons amendment. DelBene Luja´ n Swalwell (CA) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Delgado Luria Takano b 1127 ment. Demings Lynch Thompson (CA) DeSaulnier Malinowski Thompson (MS) So the resolution was agreed to. RECORDED VOTE Deutch Maloney, Titus The result of the vote was announced The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Dingell Carolyn B. Tlaib as above recorded. has been demanded. Doggett Maloney, Sean Tonko A motion to reconsider was laid on Doyle, Michael Matsui Torres (CA) A recorded vote was ordered. F. McAdams Torres Small the table. The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Engel McBath (NM) f minute vote. Escobar McCollum Trahan Eshoo McGovern Trone REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE The vote was taken by electronic de- Espaillat McNerney Underwood FOR 1 MINUTE vice, and there were—ayes 180, noes 240, Evans Meeks Vargas not voting 17, as follows: Finkenauer Meng Veasey Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I re- [Roll No. 605] Fletcher Moore Vela quest permission to speak for 1 minute Foster Morelle Vela´ zquez AYES—180 Frankel Moulton Visclosky out of turn. Fudge Mucarsel-Powell Wasserman The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Abraham Cloud Graves (LA) Gabbard Murphy (FL) Schultz the request of the gentleman from Mis- Aderholt Cole Graves (MO) Gallego Nadler Waters Allen Collins (GA) Green (TN) Garamendi Napolitano Watson Coleman souri? Amodei Comer Griffith Garcı´a (IL) Neal Welch Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I Armstrong Conaway Grothman Garcia (TX) Neguse Wexton object. Arrington Cook Guest Babin Crawford Guthrie Golden Norcross Wild The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. Gomez O’Halleran Wilson (FL) Bacon Crenshaw Hagedorn Gonzalez (TX) Ocasio-Cortez Yarmuth f Baird Curtis Harris Balderson Davidson (OH) Hartzler NAYS—196 COLORADO OUTDOOR RECREATION Banks Davis, Rodney Hern, Kevin AND ECONOMY ACT Barr DesJarlais Herrera Beutler Abraham Brooks (IN) Crawford Bergman Diaz-Balart Higgins (LA) Aderholt Buchanan Crenshaw The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Biggs Duncan Hill (AR) Allen Buck Curtis DEGETTE). Pursuant to House Resolu- Bilirakis Dunn Holding Amodei Bucshon Davidson (OH) Bishop (NC) Emmer Hollingsworth Armstrong Budd Davis, Rodney tion 656 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- Bishop (UT) Estes Huizenga Arrington Burchett DesJarlais clares the House in the Committee of Bost Ferguson Hunter Babin Burgess Diaz-Balart the Whole House on the state of the Brady Fleischmann Hurd (TX) Bacon Byrne Duncan Brooks (AL) Flores Johnson (LA) Baird Calvert Dunn Union for the further consideration of Brooks (IN) Fortenberry Johnson (OH) Balderson Carter (GA) Emmer the bill, H.R. 823. Buchanan Foxx (NC) Johnson (SD) Banks Carter (TX) Estes Will the gentleman from California Buck Fulcher Jordan Barr Chabot Ferguson (Mr. AGUILAR) kindly take the chair. Bucshon Gaetz Joyce (OH) Bergman Cheney Fitzpatrick Budd Gallagher Joyce (PA) Biggs Cline Fleischmann b 1130 Burchett Gianforte Keller Bilirakis Cloud Flores Burgess Gibbs Kelly (MS) Bishop (NC) Cole Fortenberry IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Byrne Gonzalez (OH) Kelly (PA) Bishop (UT) Collins (GA) Foxx (NC) Accordingly, the House resolved Carter (GA) Gooden King (IA) Bost Comer Fulcher Chabot Gosar Kinzinger Brady Conaway Gaetz itself into the Committee of the Whole Cheney Granger Kustoff (TN) Brooks (AL) Cook Gallagher House on the for the Cline Graves (GA) LaHood

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.020 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8699 LaMalfa Olson Stauber Slotkin Tipton Veasey Murphy (NC) Rutherford Turner Lamborn Palazzo Steil Smith (NJ) Titus Vela Newhouse Scalise Upton Latta Palmer Steube Smith (WA) Tlaib Vela´ zquez Norman Schweikert Walden Lesko Pence Stewart Soto Tonko Visclosky Nunes Scott, Austin Walker Long Perry Stivers Spanberger Torres (CA) Wasserman Olson Sensenbrenner Walorski Loudermilk Posey Taylor Speier Torres Small Schultz Palazzo Shimkus Waltz Lucas Ratcliffe Thompson (PA) Stanton (NM) Waters Palmer Simpson Watkins Luetkemeyer Reed Thornberry Stefanik Trahan Watson Coleman Pence Smith (MO) Weber (TX) Stevens Trone Welch Marchant Reschenthaler Turner Perry Smith (NE) Webster (FL) Marshall Rice (SC) Walberg Suozzi Underwood Wexton Posey Smith (NJ) Wenstrup Massie Riggleman Walden Swalwell (CA) Upton Wild Ratcliffe Spano Westerman Mast Roby Walker Takano Van Drew Wilson (FL) Reed Stauber Williams McCarthy Rodgers (WA) Walorski Thompson (CA) Vargas Yarmuth Reschenthaler Stefanik McCaul Roe, David P. Waltz Rice (SC) Steil Wilson (SC) McClintock Rooney (FL) Watkins NOT VOTING—17 Riggleman Steube Wittman McHenry Rouzer Weber (TX) Beatty Hice (GA) Radewagen Roby Stewart Womack McKinley Roy Webster (FL) Carter (TX) Hudson Rogers (AL) Rodgers (WA) Stivers Woodall Meadows Rutherford Wenstrup Davis (CA) Lofgren Rose, John W. Roe, David P. Taylor Wright Meuser Scalise Westerman Gohmert Lowey Thompson (MS) Rogers (KY) Thompson (PA) Yoho Miller Schweikert Williams Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n McEachin Timmons Rouzer Thornberry Young Mitchell Scott, Austin Wilson (SC) (PR) Plaskett Wagner Roy Tipton Zeldin Moolenaar Sensenbrenner Wittman Mooney (WV) Shimkus Womack b 1135 NOES—231 Mullin Simpson Woodall ´ Murphy (NC) Smith (MO) Wright Adams Garcıa (IL) Neguse So the amendment was rejected. Aguilar Garcia (TX) Norcross Newhouse Smith (NE) Yoho The result of the vote was announced Norman Smucker Young Allred Golden Norton Nunes Spano Zeldin as above recorded. Axne Gomez O’Halleran Barraga´ n Gonzalez (TX) Ocasio-Cortez AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. TIPTON NOES—240 Bass Gottheimer Omar The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bera Green, Al (TX) Pallone Adams Finkenauer Maloney, business is the demand for a recorded Beyer Grijalva Panetta Aguilar Fitzpatrick Carolyn B. vote on the amendment offered by the Bishop (GA) Haaland Pappas Allred Fletcher Maloney, Sean Blumenauer Harder (CA) Pascrell Amash Foster Matsui gentleman from Colorado (Mr. TIPTON) Blunt Rochester Hastings Payne Axne Frankel McAdams on which further proceedings were Bonamici Hayes Perlmutter Barraga´ n Fudge McBath postponed and on which the noes pre- Boyle, Brendan Heck Peters Bass McCollum F. Higgins (NY) Gabbard vailed by voice vote. Peterson Bera Gallego McGovern Brindisi Hill (CA) Phillips Beyer Garamendi McNerney The Clerk will redesignate the Brown (MD) Himes Pingree Bishop (GA) Garcı´a (IL) Meeks amendment. Brownley (CA) Horn, Kendra S. Pocan Blumenauer Garcia (TX) Meng The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bustos Horsford Porter Blunt Rochester Golden Moore Butterfield Houlahan Pressley Bonamici Gomez Morelle ment. Carbajal Hoyer Price (NC) Boyle, Brendan Gonzalez (TX) Moulton RECORDED VOTE Ca´ rdenas Huffman Quigley F. Mucarsel-Powell Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Gottheimer The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Raskin Brindisi Green, Al (TX) Murphy (FL) Cartwright Jayapal Rice (NY) Brown (MD) Grijalva Nadler has been demanded. Case Jeffries Richmond Brownley (CA) Haaland Napolitano A recorded vote was ordered. Casten (IL) Johnson (GA) Rooney (FL) Bustos Harder (CA) Neal Castor (FL) Johnson (TX) Rose (NY) Butterfield Neguse The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Castro (TX) Kaptur Hastings minute vote. Rouda Calvert Hayes Norcross Chu, Judy Keating Roybal-Allard Carbajal Heck Norton The vote was taken by electronic de- Cicilline Kelly (IL) Ruiz ´ Cardenas Higgins (NY) O’Halleran vice, and there were—ayes 185, noes 231, Cisneros Kennedy Ruppersberger Carson (IN) Ocasio-Cortez Clark (MA) Khanna Hill (CA) Rush Cartwright Omar not voting 21, as follows: Clarke (NY) Kildee Himes Ryan Case Pallone Clay Kilmer Horn, Kendra S. [Roll No. 606] Sablan Casten (IL) Panetta Cleaver Kim Horsford San Nicolas Castor (FL) Pappas AYES—185 Clyburn Kind Houlahan Sa´ nchez Castro (TX) Pascrell Abraham Curtis Huizenga Cohen Kirkpatrick Hoyer Sarbanes Chu, Judy Payne Aderholt Davidson (OH) Hunter Connolly Krishnamoorthi Huffman Scanlon Cicilline Perlmutter Allen Davis, Rodney Hurd (TX) Cooper Kuster (NH) Jackson Lee Schakowsky Cisneros Peters Amash DesJarlais Johnson (LA) Correa Lamb Jayapal Schiff Clark (MA) Peterson Amodei Diaz-Balart Johnson (OH) Costa Langevin Jeffries Schneider Clarke (NY) Phillips Armstrong Duncan Johnson (SD) Courtney Larsen (WA) Johnson (GA) Schrader Clay Pingree Arrington Dunn Jordan Cox (CA) Larson (CT) Johnson (TX) Cleaver Pocan Babin Emmer Joyce (OH) Craig Lawrence Schrier Kaptur Clyburn Porter Bacon Estes Joyce (PA) Crist Lawson (FL) Scott (VA) Katko Cohen Pressley Baird Ferguson Katko Crow Lee (CA) Scott, David Keating Connolly Price (NC) Balderson Fleischmann Keller Cuellar Lee (NV) Serrano Cooper Kelly (IL) Quigley Banks Flores Kelly (MS) Cunningham Levin (CA) Sewell (AL) Correa Kennedy Raskin Barr Fortenberry Kelly (PA) Davids (KS) Levin (MI) Shalala Costa Khanna Rice (NY) Bergman Foxx (NC) King (IA) Davis, Danny K. Lewis Sherman Courtney Kildee Richmond Biggs Fulcher King (NY) Dean Lieu, Ted Sherrill Cox (CA) Kilmer Rogers (KY) Bilirakis Gaetz Kinzinger DeFazio Lipinski Slotkin Craig Kim Rose (NY) Bishop (UT) Gallagher Kustoff (TN) DeGette Loebsack Smith (WA) Crist Kind Rouda Bost Gianforte LaHood DeLauro Lowenthal Soto Crow King (NY) Roybal-Allard Brooks (AL) Gibbs LaMalfa DelBene Luja´ n Spanberger Cuellar Kirkpatrick Ruiz Brooks (IN) Gohmert Lamborn Delgado Luria Speier Cunningham Krishnamoorthi Ruppersberger Buchanan Gonzalez (OH) Latta Demings Lynch Stanton Davids (KS) Kuster (NH) Rush Buck Gooden Lesko DeSaulnier Malinowski Stevens Davis, Danny K. Lamb Ryan Bucshon Gosar Long Deutch Maloney, Suozzi Dean Langevin Sablan Budd Granger Loudermilk Dingell Carolyn B. Swalwell (CA) DeFazio Larsen (WA) San Nicolas Burchett Graves (GA) Lucas Doggett Maloney, Sean Takano DeGette Larson (CT) Sa´ nchez Burgess Graves (LA) Luetkemeyer Doyle, Michael Matsui Thompson (CA) DeLauro Lawrence Sarbanes Byrne Graves (MO) Marchant F. McAdams Titus DelBene Lawson (FL) Scanlon Calvert Green (TN) Marshall Engel McBath Tlaib Delgado Lee (CA) Schakowsky Carter (GA) Griffith Massie Escobar McCollum Tonko Demings Lee (NV) Schiff Carter (TX) Grothman Mast Eshoo McGovern Torres (CA) DeSaulnier Levin (CA) Schneider Chabot Guest McCarthy Espaillat McNerney Torres Small Deutch Levin (MI) Schrader Cheney Guthrie McCaul Evans Meeks (NM) Dingell Lewis Schrier Cline Hagedorn McClintock Finkenauer Meng Trahan Doggett Lieu, Ted Scott (VA) Cloud Harris McHenry Fitzpatrick Moore Trone Doyle, Michael Lipinski Scott, David Cole Hartzler McKinley Fletcher Morelle Underwood F. Loebsack Serrano Collins (GA) Hern, Kevin Meadows Foster Moulton Van Drew Engel Lowenthal Sewell (AL) Comer Herrera Beutler Meuser Frankel Mucarsel-Powell Vargas Escobar Luja´ n Shalala Conaway Higgins (LA) Miller Fudge Murphy (FL) Veasey Eshoo Luria Sherman Cook Hill (AR) Moolenaar Gabbard Nadler Vela Espaillat Lynch Sherrill Crawford Holding Mooney (WV) Gallego Napolitano Vela´ zquez Evans Malinowski Sires Crenshaw Hollingsworth Mullin Garamendi Neal Visclosky

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.022 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 Wasserman Watson Coleman Wild Eshoo LaMalfa Roby Womack Yarmuth Zeldin Schultz Welch Wilson (FL) Espaillat Lamb Rodgers (WA) Woodall Yoho Waters Wexton Yarmuth Estes Lamborn Roe, David P. Wright Young Evans Langevin Rogers (KY) NOT VOTING—21 Ferguson Larsen (WA) Rooney (FL) NOES—6 Beatty Lofgren Sires Finkenauer Larson (CT) Rose (NY) Amash Duncan Rice (SC) Bishop (NC) Lowey Smucker Fitzpatrick Latta Rouda Biggs Gosar Roy Brady McEachin Thompson (MS) Fleischmann Lawrence Rouzer NOT VOTING—21 Davis (CA) Mitchell Timmons Fletcher Lawson (FL) Roybal-Allard Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n Plaskett Wagner Flores Lee (CA) Ruiz Beatty Lofgren Sherrill (PR) Radewagen Walberg Fortenberry Lee (NV) Ruppersberger Brady Lowey Sires Hice (GA) Rogers (AL) Foster Lesko Rush Davis (CA) McEachin Thompson (MS) Hudson Rose, John W. Foxx (NC) Levin (CA) Rutherford Gonza´ lez-Colo´ n Mitchell Timmons Frankel Levin (MI) Ryan (PR) Plaskett ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Wagner Fudge Lewis Sablan Hice (GA) Radewagen Walberg The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Fulcher Lieu, Ted San Nicolas Himes Rogers (AL) There is 1 minute remaining. Gabbard Lipinski Sa´ nchez Hudson Rose, John W. Gaetz Loebsack Sarbanes Gallagher Long Scalise b 1149 b 1140 Gallego Loudermilk Scanlon So the amendment was rejected. Garamendi Lowenthal Schakowsky So the amendment was agreed to. The result of the vote was announced Garcı´a (IL) Lucas Schiff The result of the vote was announced Garcia (TX) Luetkemeyer Schneider as above recorded. as above recorded. Gianforte Luja´ n Schrader The Acting CHAIR (Ms. KELLY of Illi- Stated for: Gibbs Luria Schrier nois). There being no further amend- Mr. BISHOP of . Mr. Chair, I Gohmert Lynch Schweikert Golden Malinowski Scott (VA) ments, under the rule, the Committee was momentarily indisposed and unable to Gomez Maloney, Scott, Austin rises. cast my vote on this amendment. Carolyn B. Gonzalez (OH) Scott, David Accordingly, the Committee rose; Had I been present, I would have voted Gonzalez (TX) Maloney, Sean Sensenbrenner and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. ‘‘yea‘‘ on rollcall No. 606. Gooden Marchant Serrano Gottheimer Marshall Sewell (AL) AGUILAR) having assumed the chair, AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. CROW Granger Massie Shalala Ms. KELLY of , Acting Chair of Mast The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Graves (GA) Sherman the Committee of the Whole House on business is the demand for a recorded Graves (LA) Matsui Shimkus Graves (MO) McAdams Simpson the state of the Union, reported that vote on the amendment offered by the Green (TN) McBath Slotkin that Committee, having had under con- gentleman from Colorado (Mr. CROW) Green, Al (TX) McCarthy Smith (MO) sideration the bill (H.R. 823) to provide on which further proceedings were Griffith McCaul Smith (NE) Grijalva McClintock Smith (NJ) for the designation of certain wilder- postponed and on which the ayes pre- Grothman McCollum Smith (WA) ness areas, recreation management vailed by voice vote. Guest McGovern Smucker areas, and conservation areas in the The Clerk will redesignate the Guthrie McHenry Soto State of Colorado, and for other pur- amendment. Haaland McKinley Spanberger Hagedorn McNerney Spano poses, and, pursuant to House Resolu- The Clerk redesignated the amend- Harder (CA) Meadows Speier tion 656, she reported the bill, as ment. Harris Meeks Stanton amended by that resolution, back to RECORDED VOTE Hartzler Meng Stauber Hastings Meuser Stefanik the House with sundry further amend- The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Hayes Miller Steil ments adopted in the Committee of the has been demanded. Heck Moolenaar Steube Whole. A recorded vote was ordered. Hern, Kevin Mooney (WV) Stevens The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Herrera Beutler Moore Stewart The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Higgins (LA) Morelle Stivers the rule, the previous question is or- minute vote. Higgins (NY) Moulton Suozzi dered. The vote was taken by electronic de- Hill (AR) Mucarsel-Powell Swalwell (CA) Is a separate vote demanded on any vice, and there were—ayes 410, noes 6, Hill (CA) Mullin Takano Holding Murphy (FL) Taylor further amendment reported from the not voting 21, as follows: Hollingsworth Murphy (NC) Thompson (CA) Committee of the Whole? If not, the [Roll No. 607] Horn, Kendra S. Nadler Thompson (PA) Chair will put them en gros. Horsford Napolitano Thornberry The amendments were agreed to. AYES—410 Houlahan Neal Tipton Abraham Buck Cook Hoyer Neguse Titus PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES Adams Bucshon Cooper Huffman Newhouse Tlaib Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I have a Aderholt Budd Correa Huizenga Norcross Tonko Aguilar Burchett Costa Hunter Norman Torres (CA) parliamentary inquiry. Allen Burgess Courtney Hurd (TX) Norton Torres Small The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Allred Bustos Cox (CA) Jackson Lee Nunes (NM) tleman will state his parliamentary in- Amodei Butterfield Craig Jayapal O’Halleran Trahan quiry. Armstrong Byrne Crawford Jeffries Ocasio-Cortez Trone Arrington Calvert Crenshaw Johnson (GA) Olson Turner Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, when a Axne Carbajal Crist Johnson (LA) Omar Underwood Member of the minority rises to object Babin Ca´ rdenas Crow Johnson (OH) Palazzo Upton to a motion to lay on the table, the Bacon Carson (IN) Cuellar Johnson (SD) Pallone Van Drew Baird Carter (GA) Cunningham Johnson (TX) Palmer Vargas motion to reconsider to lay on the Balderson Carter (TX) Curtis Jordan Panetta Veasey table, whose discretion is it to recog- Banks Cartwright Davids (KS) Joyce (OH) Pappas Vela nize that standing Member making the Barr Case Davidson (OH) Joyce (PA) Pascrell Vela´ zquez objection? Barraga´ n Casten (IL) Davis, Danny K. Kaptur Payne Visclosky Bass Castor (FL) Davis, Rodney Katko Pence Walden The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Bera Castro (TX) Dean Keating Perlmutter Walker tleman is not making a proper par- Bergman Chabot DeFazio Keller Perry Walorski liamentary inquiry. Beyer Cheney DeGette Kelly (IL) Peters Waltz Bilirakis Chu, Judy DeLauro Kelly (MS) Peterson Wasserman Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I have a Bishop (GA) Cicilline DelBene Kelly (PA) Phillips Schultz parliamentary inquiry. Bishop (NC) Cisneros Delgado Kennedy Pingree Waters The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the Bishop (UT) Clark (MA) Demings Khanna Pocan Watkins gentlemen seek a recorded vote? Blumenauer Clarke (NY) DeSaulnier Kildee Porter Watson Coleman Blunt Rochester Clay DesJarlais Kilmer Posey Weber (TX) Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I seek a Bonamici Cleaver Deutch Kim Pressley Webster (FL) parliamentary inquiry. Bost Cline Diaz-Balart Kind Price (NC) Welch The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Boyle, Brendan Cloud Dingell King (IA) Quigley Wenstrup F. Clyburn Doggett King (NY) Raskin Westerman tleman will state his parliamentary in- Brindisi Cohen Doyle, Michael Kinzinger Ratcliffe Wexton quiry. Brooks (AL) Cole F. Kirkpatrick Reed Wild Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, when a Brooks (IN) Collins (GA) Dunn Krishnamoorthi Reschenthaler Williams Member of the minority party rises to Brown (MD) Comer Emmer Kuster (NH) Rice (NY) Wilson (FL) Brownley (CA) Conaway Engel Kustoff (TN) Richmond Wilson (SC) object to the motion to lay on the Buchanan Connolly Escobar LaHood Riggleman Wittman table, not to reconsider a resolution,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.026 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8701 whose discretion is it to recognize that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the So, in conversations with DOD, I standing Member making the objec- gentleman opposed to the bill? asked if they had any objections to the tion? Mr. TIPTON. Yes, in its current Colorado language that is laid out in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- form. the AP/1 handbook being codified. Sub- tleman is engaged in debate. The gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- sequently, in direct correspondence tleman is not recognized. tleman qualifies. The Clerk will report with my office on both May 13 and Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, that is a the motion to recommit. June 4 of this year, DOD both times parliamentary inquiry. That is abso- The Clerk read as follows: stated no objection to the codification. lutely a parliamentary inquiry. Mr. Tipton moves to recommit the bill The only way to be able to provide The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the H.R. 823 to the Committee on Natural Re- certainty for HAATS is to ensure the gentleman seek a recorded vote? sources with instructions to report the same implementation of the Colorado guid- Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I make a back to the House forthwith with the fol- ance by codifying that in this bill. parliamentary inquiry. lowing amendment: So, what is that guidance? Current The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- At the end of the bill, add the following: law requires DOD aircraft to be able to tleman will state his parliamentary in- TITLE V—EFFECT OF ACT fly at a minimum of 2,000 feet above quiry. SEC. 501. EFFECT OF ACT. designated wilderness areas. However, Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, under the Nothing in this Act or an amendment in Colorado, the terrain conditions rules, when a Member of the minority made by this Act restricts or precludes— make maintaining the 2,000-foot min- party rises to object to the motion to (1) any low-level overflight of military air- imum altitude challenging and dan- lay on the table the reconsideration of craft over any area subject to this Act or an gerous. a resolution, under the rules, whose ob- amendment made by this Act, including The Colorado guidance indicates that military overflights that can be seen, heard, if oxygen requirements, icing levels, ligation is it, or at whose discretion is or detected within such an area; that Member recognized, under the (2) flight testing or evaluation over an area engine power limitations, cloud clear- rules? described in paragraph (1); ance, or turbulence prevent the DOD The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- (3) the use or establishment of— aircrews from meeting the 2,000-foot re- tleman is not stating an inquiry about (A) any new unit of special use airspace quirement, the aircraft are authorized the pending proceedings. over an area described in paragraph (1); or to be able to deviate from the require- Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I make a (B) any military flight training or trans- ment to safely transit the wilderness parliamentary inquiry. portation over such an area; or areas. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the (4) military aircraft from deviating from You can see, clearly, why it is impor- gentleman seek a recorded vote? service level requirements if oxygen require- tant that the CORE Act includes provi- Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I make a ments, icing levels, engine power limita- sions to be able to codify the Colorado tions, cloud clearances, or turbulence pre- parliamentary inquiry. vent such aircraft from safely transiting an guidance. I do not understand the re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- area described in paragraph (1) while main- sistance of the majority to make this tleman will state his parliamentary in- taining such service level requirements. commonsense change to the bill. quiry. Mr. TIPTON (during the reading). Perhaps it is because some of my col- Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, at this Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent leagues remain supportive of other stage of House deliberations, what op- to dispense with the reading. pending wilderness legislation that, as tions do we have to reconsider the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there drafted, would, among other things, amendments or to consider the vote on objection to the request of the gen- have a direct and negative impact on HAATS, affecting aviators utilizing 71 the amendments on this bill? tleman from Colorado? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The landing zones amounting to 40 percent There was no objection. Chair finds that the gentleman is ref- of the HAATS training area. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- erencing a previous resolution that was Perhaps the rejection of this com- ant to the rule, the gentleman from adopted by the House. monsense idea thus far is yet another Colorado is recognized for 5 minutes in Mr. HARRIS. No, Mr. Speaker. I am example of the need to be able to reach support of his motion. referencing the piece of business that is out to all stakeholders and hear the Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, my dis- in front of the House right now. concerns and ideas from the district The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the trict is home to the High-Altitude most impacted by it, not allowing im- gentleman object to the amendments? Army National Guard Aviation Train- portant amendments even to be consid- Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I object to ing Site, or HAATS. It is both a privi- ered by this House. We let eight the amendments. lege and an honor representing the U.S. amendments, Mr. Speaker, sit in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the Department of Defense’s lone training Rules Committee, not allowing Mem- gentleman seek a recorded vote? site where special aviators in the Na- bers to be able to vote on them. These Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I have a tion’s Armed Forces and the militaries are voices from our communities in the parliamentary inquiry. What options of our foreign allies learn how to fly Third District directly impacted by the are available to a Member standing safely in mountainous, high-altitude bill. asking for recognition to seek a vote? environments. HAATS is a vital asset It is important to be able to seek The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the to our national security. broad community support outreach. gentleman seek a recorded vote on Proposed wilderness expansions in This is needed to be able to build true these amendments? That is the pending this bill around HAATS are creating consensus for a successful public lands matter before the House. concerns about the future of the site’s effort. Mr. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, this is a ability to be able to ensure military I will also note that calling up the parliamentary inquiry. readiness for the men and women who ghosts of past failed public lands pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the may be deployed in combat zones in posals that never had broad commu- gentleman seek a recorded vote? the Middle East. nity consensus or got off the ground to Mr. HARRIS. No. I actually seek an The sponsors of the CORE Act have begin with is not an adequate sub- answer to my first parliamentary in- indicated that their goal is to protect stitute for direct community outreach quiry, and you can have your choice HAATS. The DOD looks to the Colo- and consensus building, and also the which one the Chair wants to answer. rado-specific language of DOD’s flight compromise needed for a bipartisan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The guidance, as published in the DOD AP/ success story. It is an unfortunate question is on the engrossment and 1 handbook, with regard to how to op- missed opportunity in the House to be third reading of the bill. erate under the CORE Act. able to get it right. The bill was ordered to be engrossed While I appreciate the DOD’s guid- My good friend from Colorado’s and read a third time, and was read the ance, I know all too well that regu- sense-of-Congress amendment that was third time. latory changes do not provide cer- just adopted is a good message on MOTION TO RECOMMIT tainty. We cannot risk the guidance HAATS, but, after all, that is what a Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I have a being overturned by future administra- sense of Congress is: just a message motion to recommit at the desk. tions. with no legislative teeth.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:06 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.039 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 Given wilderness legislation being It is unfortunate that this motion to drafted, the Washington Nationals had considered by the House today con- recommit is not about any of those not yet played their first game in Na- cerning federally designated wilderness things: It is not about improving the tionals Park. in Colorado, HAATS needs more than bill; it is not about reaching consensus. Mr. Speaker, I would ask that we all just a good message. It deserves some- It is purely political, and here is why. vote against this motion to recommit thing codified in law. Just a few moments ago, over 400 and support our public lands. This MTR will do just that, at least Members in this Chamber voted in Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance in H.R. 823. We will be able to codify favor of an amendment offered by my of my time. this and ensure that nothing in this distinguished colleague from Colorado The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without bill will override the important Colo- (Mr. CROW), who bravely served in our objection, the previous question is or- rado guidance critical to the mission Armed Forces—fought for our country dered on the motion to recommit. and operation of HAATS and the safety in Afghanistan and Iraq—and he of- There was no objection. of our men and women in the United fered an amendment to stress the im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The States military. portance of Colorado’s Army National question is on the motion to recommit. Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of this Guard High Altitude Aviation Training motion to recommit that promotes our The question was taken; and the Site. national security, and I yield back the Speaker pro tempore announced that That measure passed unanimously— balance of my time. the noes appeared to have it. or almost unanimously; I guess seven Mr. NEGUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in RECORDED VOTE or eight folks voted against it—because opposition to the motion to recommit. Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I demand they recognized that the HAATS pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- a recorded vote. gram is something we must protect. tleman from Colorado is recognized for A recorded vote was ordered. But the truth of the matter is this 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. NEGUSE. Mr. Speaker, this bill bill already addresses the concerns of- fered by my colleague. ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair that we are considering today, the Col- will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum orado Outdoor Recreation and Econ- I will quote from the bill on page 37, time for any electronic vote on the omy Act, is about more than partisan subparagraph (f): ‘‘Military Over- question of passage. This is a 5-minute debate. This bill is about hiking; it is flights. Nothing in this title or an vote. about hunting; it is about fishing; it is amendment made by this title restricts about skiing—some of you all might or precludes any low-level overflight of The vote was taken by electronic de- not think I ski, but I do—it is about military aircraft over any area subject vice, and there were—ayes 199, noes 210, camping; and it is about a Colorado to this title or an amendment made by not voting 22, as follows: way of life and preserving our public this title. . . .’’ [Roll No. 608] lands. I could go on, but you also are going AYES—199 The experiences we have outdoors to have to take my word for it. Abraham Fortenberry Luetkemeyer with our loved ones bond us together. I have a letter from the Colorado Na- Aderholt Foxx (NC) Marchant And, for me, that was hiking with my Allen Fulcher Marshall tional Guard. As my colleague, Mr. Amash Gaetz Massie father in Rocky Mountain National CROW, said yesterday during floor de- Amodei Gallagher Mast Park. bate, we ought to listen to our troops, Armstrong Gianforte McAdams Yesterday, my wife called me to let to our commanders and what they have Arrington Gibbs McCarthy Axne Gohmert McCaul me know that our 1-year-old daughter told us: walked for the first time. I cannot wait Babin Golden McClintock It is through the diligent efforts of staff Bacon Gonzalez (OH) McHenry to go back to Colorado and be able to within the Department, the offices of the bill Baird Gooden McKinley hike with my daughter in the iconic sponsors, and the Department of Defense we Balderson Gosar Meadows public lands that are protected under Banks Gottheimer Meuser have mitigated prior concerns related to Barr Granger Miller this bill. military overflight over the potential wilder- Bergman Graves (GA) Moolenaar Ultimately, this bill is about ensur- ness areas identified in this bill, and I appre- Biggs Graves (LA) Mooney (WV) ing that we protect our most pristine ciate the efforts of Congressman NEGUSE and Bilirakis Graves (MO) Mullin and treasured places for generations yourself. Bishop (NC) Green (TN) Murphy (NC) long after we are gone. That is the es- Bishop (UT) Griffith Newhouse The letter from the Colorado Na- Bost Grothman Nunes sence of our service: leaving a better tional Guard concludes by thanking Brooks (AL) Guest Olson world for those who come next. the delegation for their effort to pre- Brooks (IN) Guthrie Palazzo As Teddy Roosevelt once said: ‘‘Here serve Colorado’s natural beauty and Buchanan Hagedorn Palmer is your country. Cherish these national Buck Harris Pence looking forward to the passage of this Bucshon Hartzler Perry wonders, cherish the natural resources, important legislation. Those are not Budd Hern, Kevin Porter cherish the history and the romance as my words, those are the words of the Burchett Herrera Beutler Posey Burgess Higgins (LA) Ratcliffe a sacred , for your children and Colorado National Guard. your children’s children. Do not let Byrne Hill (AR) Reed It is important for us not to lose Calvert Holding Reschenthaler selfish men or greedy interests skin sight of the bigger picture. The CORE Carter (GA) Hollingsworth Rice (SC) your country of its beauty, its riches, Carter (TX) Horn, Kendra S. Riggleman Act presents an opportunity for us to or its romance.’’ Chabot Houlahan Roby At the end of the day, we have an ob- come together to show that we can Cheney Huizenga Rodgers (WA) Cline Hunter Roe, David P. ligation to protect these public lands, still govern on issues that are so im- portant to all of our constituents. Cloud Hurd (TX) Rogers (KY) which is why I am so honored to lead Cole Johnson (LA) Rooney (FL) this bill. And I will just say that we While I may be new to Congress, Mr. Collins (GA) Johnson (OH) Rose (NY) have worked incredibly hard to make Speaker, the components of this bill Comer Johnson (SD) Rouzer Conaway Jordan Roy this bill something that our State can that we are slated to vote on in just a few short minutes are not new to this Cook Joyce (OH) Rutherford be proud of. Cox (CA) Joyce (PA) Scalise I am proud that the House has voted Congress: Crawford Katko Schweikert to accept two of my colleagues’ amend- Title I of this bill has been intro- Crenshaw Keller Scott, Austin duced for five straight Congresses; Curtis Kelly (MS) Sensenbrenner ments, because in Colorado we get Davidson (OH) Kelly (PA) Shimkus things done by collaboration and con- Title II of this bill dates back to 2009; Davis, Rodney King (IA) Simpson sensus. Local advocates have been asking for DesJarlais King (NY) Slotkin I am proud that every local jurisdic- the withdrawal of the Thompson Divide Diaz-Balart Kinzinger Smith (MO) Duncan Kustoff (TN) Smith (NE) tion impacted by a title of this bill sup- since 2010; Dunn LaHood Smith (NJ) ports those very same titles—Repub- Title IV of this bill was introduced in Emmer Lamb Smucker lican and Democrat. 2009. Estes Lamborn Spanberger I am proud that this bill has bipar- Mr. Speaker, these bills have been Ferguson Latta Spano Finkenauer Lesko Stauber tisan support back in the State of Colo- around since George W. was Fitzpatrick Long Stefanik rado. President. When those bills were being Fleischmann Lucas Steil

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.042 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8703 Steube Walden Wilson (SC) The result of the vote was announced Titus Upton Waters Stewart Walker Wittman as above recorded. Tlaib Van Drew Watson Coleman Stivers Walorski Womack Tonko Vargas Welch Taylor Waltz Woodall Stated for: Torres (CA) Veasey Wexton Thompson (PA) Watkins Wright Mr. FLORES. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Torres Small Vela Wild Thornberry Weber (TX) Yoho no. 608, I mistakenly voted no when I in- (NM) Vela´ zquez Wilson (FL) Tipton Webster (FL) Trahan Visclosky Young tended to vote yes. Yarmuth Turner Wenstrup Zeldin Trone Wasserman Upton Westerman The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Underwood Schultz Van Drew Williams KELLY of Illinois). The question is on NOES—182 NOES—210 the passage of the bill. Abraham Gonzalez (OH) Mullin Adams Garcia (TX) Ocasio-Cortez The question was taken; and the Aderholt Gooden Murphy (NC) Aguilar Gomez Omar Speaker pro tempore announced that Allen Gosar Newhouse Allred Gonzalez (TX) Pallone the ayes appeared to have it. Amash Granger Nunes Barraga´ n Green, Al (TX) Panetta Amodei Graves (GA) Olson Bass Grijalva Pappas RECORDED VOTE Armstrong Graves (LA) Palazzo Bera Haaland Pascrell Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Madam Speak- Arrington Graves (MO) Palmer Beyer Harder (CA) Payne er, I demand a recorded vote. Babin Green (TN) Pence Bishop (GA) Hastings Bacon Griffith Perlmutter A recorded vote was ordered. Perry Blumenauer Hayes Peters Baird Grothman Posey Blunt Rochester Heck Peterson The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Balderson Guest Ratcliffe Banks Guthrie Bonamici Higgins (NY) Phillips 5-minute vote. Reed Barr Hagedorn Boyle, Brendan Hill (CA) Pingree Reschenthaler F. Himes The vote was taken by electronic de- Bergman Harris Pocan Rice (SC) Brindisi Horsford vice, and there were—ayes 227, noes 182, Biggs Hartzler Pressley Riggleman Brown (MD) Hoyer Bilirakis Hern, Kevin Price (NC) not voting 22, as follows: Roby Brownley (CA) Huffman Bishop (NC) Herrera Beutler Quigley Rodgers (WA) Bustos Jackson Lee [Roll No. 609] Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Raskin Roe, David P. Butterfield Jayapal AYES—227 Bost Hill (AR) Rogers (KY) Carbajal Jeffries Rice (NY) Brooks (AL) Holding Adams Frankel Rouzer Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Richmond McNerney Brooks (IN) Hollingsworth Allred Fudge Roy Carson (IN) Johnson (TX) Rouda Meeks Buchanan Huizenga Axne Gabbard Rutherford Cartwright Kaptur Roybal-Allard Meng Buck Hunter Barraga´ n Gallego Scalise Case Keating Ruiz Moore Bucshon Hurd (TX) Bass Garamendi Schweikert Casten (IL) Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger Morelle Budd Johnson (LA) Bera Garcı´a (IL) Scott, Austin Castor (FL) Kennedy Rush Moulton Burchett Johnson (OH) Beyer Garcia (TX) Sensenbrenner Castro (TX) Khanna Ryan Mucarsel-Powell Burgess Johnson (SD) Bishop (GA) Golden Shimkus Chu, Judy Kildee Sa´ nchez Murphy (FL) Byrne Jordan Blumenauer Gomez Smith (MO) Cicilline Kilmer Sarbanes Nadler Calvert Joyce (OH) Blunt Rochester Gonzalez (TX) Smith (NE) Cisneros Kim Scanlon Napolitano Carter (GA) Joyce (PA) Bonamici Gottheimer Smucker Clark (MA) Kind Schakowsky Neal Carter (TX) Katko Boyle, Brendan Green, Al (TX) Spano Clarke (NY) Kirkpatrick Schiff Neguse Chabot Keller F. Grijalva Stauber Clay Krishnamoorthi Schneider Norcross Cheney Kelly (MS) Brindisi Haaland Stefanik Cleaver Kuster (NH) Schrader O’Halleran Cline Kelly (PA) Brown (MD) Harder (CA) Steil Clyburn Langevin Schrier Ocasio-Cortez Cloud King (IA) Brownley (CA) Hastings Omar Steube Cohen Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Cole King (NY) Bustos Hayes Pallone Stewart Connolly Larson (CT) Scott, David Collins (GA) Kinzinger Butterfield Heck Panetta Stivers Cooper Lawrence Serrano Comer Kustoff (TN) Carbajal Higgins (NY) Pappas Taylor Correa Lawson (FL) Sewell (AL) Conaway LaHood Ca´ rdenas Hill (CA) Costa Lee (CA) Pascrell Cook LaMalfa Thompson (PA) Shalala Carson (IN) Himes Courtney Lee (NV) Payne Crawford Lamborn Thornberry Sherman Cartwright Horn, Kendra S. Craig Levin (CA) Perlmutter Crenshaw Latta Tipton Smith (WA) Case Horsford Crist Levin (MI) Peters Curtis Lesko Turner Soto Casten (IL) Houlahan Crow Lewis Peterson Davidson (OH) Long Walden Speier Castor (FL) Hoyer Cuellar Lieu, Ted Phillips Davis, Rodney Lucas Walker Stanton Castro (TX) Huffman Cunningham Lipinski Pingree Diaz-Balart Luetkemeyer Walorski Stevens Chu, Judy Jackson Lee Davids (KS) Loebsack Pocan Duncan Marchant Waltz Suozzi Cicilline Jayapal Davis, Danny K. Lowenthal Porter Dunn Marshall Watkins Swalwell (CA) Cisneros Jeffries Dean Luja´ n Pressley Emmer Massie Weber (TX) Takano Clark (MA) Johnson (GA) DeFazio Luria Price (NC) Estes Mast Webster (FL) Thompson (CA) Clarke (NY) Johnson (TX) DeGette Lynch Quigley Ferguson McAdams Wenstrup Titus Clay Kaptur DeLauro Malinowski Raskin Fleischmann McCarthy Westerman Tlaib Cleaver Keating DelBene Maloney, Rice (NY) Flores McCaul Williams Tonko Clyburn Kelly (IL) Delgado Carolyn B. Richmond Fortenberry McClintock Wilson (SC) Torres (CA) Cohen Kennedy Demings Maloney, Sean Rooney (FL) Foxx (NC) McHenry Wittman Connolly Khanna DeSaulnier Matsui Torres Small Rose (NY) Fulcher McKinley Womack Cooper Kildee Deutch McBath (NM) Rouda Gaetz Meadows Woodall Correa Kilmer Dingell McCollum Trahan Roybal-Allard Gallagher Meuser Wright Costa Kim Doggett McGovern Trone Ruiz Gianforte Miller Yoho Courtney Kind Engel McNerney Underwood Ruppersberger Gibbs Moolenaar Young Cox (CA) Kirkpatrick Escobar Meeks Vargas Rush Gohmert Mooney (WV) Zeldin Craig Krishnamoorthi Eshoo Meng Veasey Ryan Crist Kuster (NH) ´ Espaillat Moore Vela Sanchez NOT VOTING—22 Crow Lamb Evans Morelle Vela´ zquez Sarbanes Aguilar Lofgren Sherrill Cuellar Langevin Scanlon Fletcher Moulton Visclosky Beatty Loudermilk Sires Cunningham Larsen (WA) Schakowsky Flores Mucarsel-Powell Wasserman Brady Lowey Thompson (MS) Davids (KS) Larson (CT) Foster Murphy (FL) Schultz Schiff Davis (CA) McEachin Davis, Danny K. Lawrence Timmons Frankel Nadler Waters Schneider DesJarlais Mitchell Dean Lawson (FL) Wagner Fudge Napolitano Watson Coleman Schrader Eshoo Norman DeFazio Lee (CA) Walberg Gabbard Neal Wexton Schrier Hice (GA) Rogers (AL) DeGette Lee (NV) Gallego Neguse Wild Scott (VA) Hudson Rose, John W. DeLauro Levin (CA) Garamendi Norcross Wilson (FL) Scott, David DelBene Levin (MI) Garcı´a (IL) O’Halleran Yarmuth Serrano b 1220 Delgado Lewis Sewell (AL) NOT VOTING—22 Demings Lieu, Ted Shalala So the bill was passed. DeSaulnier Lipinski Sherman The result of the vote was announced Beatty Lofgren Sherrill Deutch Loebsack Simpson Brady Loudermilk as above recorded. Sires Dingell Lowenthal Slotkin Davis (CA) Lowey Thompson (MS) Doggett Luja´ n Smith (NJ) A motion to reconsider was laid on Doyle, Michael McEachin Timmons Doyle, Michael Luria Smith (WA) the table. F. Mitchell Wagner F. Lynch Soto Hice (GA) Norman PERSONAL EXPLANATION Walberg Engel Malinowski Spanberger Hudson Rogers (AL) Welch Escobar Maloney, Speier Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I was un- LaMalfa Rose, John W. Espaillat Carolyn B. Stanton avoidably detained and missed a vote series. Evans Maloney, Sean Stevens Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ b 1214 Finkenauer Matsui Suozzi on rollcall No. 605, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 606, Fitzpatrick McBath Swalwell (CA) So the motion to recommit was re- Fletcher McCollum Takano ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 607, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. jected. Foster McGovern Thompson (CA) 608, and ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 609.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.029 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8704 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 PERSONAL EXPLANATION HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW team that moved from Montreal to be- Mr. HICE of Georgia. Madam Speaker. I Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I ask come the Nats. How appropriate. How was not present for the following votes due to unanimous consent that when the wonderful. the passing of my father. Had I been present, House adjourns today, it adjourn to I hope my colleagues will also join I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 603, meet at 1 p.m. tomorrow. me in congratulating this year’s most ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 604, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there valuable player. Very frankly, there 605, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 606, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall objection to the request of the gen- were a lot to choose from on the Wash- No. 607, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 608, and ‘‘nay’’ tleman from Maryland? ington Nats, who started out with a 19- on rollcall No. 609. There was no objection. wins-and-31-losses season. What an extraordinary achievement f f to come that far that quickly, to meet, PERMISSION TO INCLUDE AMEND- CONGRATULATING WASHINGTON arguably, as I said at the beginning, MENT TEXT IMMEDIATELY NATIONALS ON WINNING WORLD the best team in baseball, the PRIOR TO VOTE ON PREVIOUS SERIES Astros. QUESTION ON H. RES. 660 I also want to mention, as I said, the (Mr. HOYER asked and was given most valuable player. There were a lot Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I permission to address the House for 1 to choose from. Stephen Strasburg was ask unanimous consent that my col- minute.) recruited and signed by the Wash- league from the Rules Committee, Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, today ington Nationals some years ago as a Ranking Member COLE from Oklahoma, is a serious day. Last night was an ex- very young man. He pitched extraor- be permitted to insert the text of the traordinary night. dinarily, then got his elbow and had to amendment he would have offered had I rise for the millions of people who be operated on, a Tommy John oper- the House rejected the previous ques- live in the Washington metropolitan ation, they call it, and he has come tion on H. Res. 660, along with extra- area to congratulate and to exalt with back to be one of the best pitchers in neous material, into the RECORD imme- all of our region on the extraordinary the major leagues. He won three diately prior to the vote on ordering achievement of the Washington Na- games. What an extraordinary achieve- the previous question on H. Res. 660. tionals. ment. So let’s congratulate, as well as The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. This morning in Washington, the Stephen Strasburg, all the members of LEE of Nevada). Is there objection to heavens are crying tears of joy. In the team on this victory. the request of the gentlewoman from other words, it is raining. But there is To paraphrase the old poem: ‘‘Oh, Pennsylvania? no rain in any of our hearts or minds somewhere in this favored land the sun There was no objection. today. It may be raining, but the faces is shining bright; f of Nationals fans are shining with pride The band is playing somewhere, and and happiness. somewhere hearts are light; COMMUNICATION FROM THE For the first time in 95 years—we And somewhere men are laughing, CLERK OF THE HOUSE have waited a long time, Madam and somewhere children shout.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Speaker—the Major League Baseball Today, Madam Speaker, that some- fore the House the following commu- team from our Nation’s Capital is where is the Nation’s Capital. nication from the Clerk of the House of bringing home a World Series Cham- Congratulations, Nationals. We love Representatives: pionship. My colleague Ms. NORTON is you. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, here, being urged to put on a sweater, f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, over her pride. b 1230 Washington, DC, October 31, 2019. With the might of their bats and the Hon. NANCY PELOSI, lightness of their feet, the Nats pushed SOVIET-STYLE IMPEACHMENT The Speaker, House of Representatives, through to a hard-won victory in game (Mr. KELLER asked and was given Washington, DC. seven last night against the Houston DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the permission to address the House for 1 permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Astros—arguably, the best team in ei- minute.) of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- ther league this year—who won the Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, last tives, the Clerk received the following mes- most games. week I joined several dozen of my col- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Oc- While I congratulate the Houston leagues at the SCIF in protest of the tober 30, 2019, at 1:32 p.m.: Astros on an extraordinary season, secret impeachment inquiry. That the Senate passed S. 1678. they just didn’t count on the Wash- Seventy-five percent of the elected With best wishes, I am ington Nationals. Members of Congress have been shut Sincerely, But, today, the Houston Astros and out of this impeachment inquest. This LLOYD HORWICH, Legal Counsel. the Washington Nationals are in abso- whole inquiry is a sham led by the lute agreement. It is my understanding Speaker of this House and her impeach- f that they are sending a joint letter to ment czar, the chairman of the Perma- REMOVAL OF NAMES OF MEM- Major League Baseball, saying: ‘‘We nent Select Committee on Intelligence. BERS AS COSPONSORS OF H.R. want all of our games to be road games Their attempt today to try and open 2505 from now on.’’ these proceedings is nothing short of In case you didn’t get that, neither Soviet glasnost—a fake transparency Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. team won at home. They all won games that only leads to less participation, Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- on the road. The good news was, the more secrecy, and less due process. sent to remove Representatives WELCH, Washington Nationals had four games Madam Speaker, this is too little too KIRKPATRICK, TORRES SMALL of New in Houston, and the Astros had only late. You can’t unring the bell on this Mexico, and WESTERMAN from H.R. three games in Washington. sham process that is your high water- 2505. So there is joy in Washington this mark in seeking to undo the 2016 elec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there day. It is sustained by a spirit of cama- tion at all costs. objection to the request of the gentle- raderie and sportsmanship. Our Nats Case in point: while saying there will woman from Washington? grew strength from their dedicated be a resolution to try and bring trans- There was no objection. fans across this region, including, of parency to these proceedings, this in- f course, my district. quiry has continued to take deposi- We have been waiting a very long tions in secret. Democrats in this MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT time for this day, so I hope my col- Chamber have been acting like bank Messages in writing from the Presi- leagues will join me in congratulating robbers after they have tripped an dent of the United States was commu- the 2019 Nationals, led by their extraor- alarm and they are trying to shove as nicated to the House by Miss Kaitlyn dinary manager Dave Martinez, who much money in the bag as they can be- Roberts, on of his secretaries. played earlier in his career for the fore the police get there.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.033 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8705 We demand due process. impeachment, and made the Senate the It is thus fitting that when Lt. Col. Vindman f judges. appeared to testify in this impeachment in- In Article II, they specified the standard by quiry, he did so wearing his Army class A uni- LAW AND ORDER IMPEACHMENT which a president or any constitutional officer form, and had inside his leg shrapnel from the (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was is to be removed from office: for High Crimes attack that wounded him, and won him the given permission to address the House and Misdemeanors. commendation of his superior officers in the for 1 minute and to revise and extend It is against that backdrop that we debate Army. her remarks.) this resolution. And when he began his testimony, he indi- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I support this resolution because it protects cated just what service to this nation meant. this is a somber and solemn time. our interests, holds us responsible, protects He stated: I rise in support of H. Res. 660, a reso- the American people and gives the president I have dedicated my entire professional life lution establishing procedures for the ample opportunity to try to justify his conduct. to the United States of America. For more impeachment of the President. I do it In September, members of the House of than two decades, it has been my honor to with a heavy heart. Representatives learned of a complaint filed serve as an officer in the United States But today we choose our beloved Na- Army. As an infantry officer, I served mul- by a whistleblower within the Intelligence tiple overseas tours, including South Korea tion over individual self-interest and Community. and Germany, and a deployment to Iraq for political party. We choose due process, The whistleblower alleged that on July 25, combat operations. In Iraq, I was wounded in regular order, and fairness. We choose 2019, in a telephone conversation with the an IED attack and awarded a Purple Heart. this little document called the Con- President of Ukraine, the American President And immigrant to this country, Lt. Col. stitution, lasting for over 200 years. sought to withhold foreign military aid from the Vindman stated: We are reminded of the words of besieged and beleaguered nation of Ukraine The privilege of serving my country is not James Madison who argued in favor of unless and until the Government of Ukraine only rooted in my military service, but also impeachment, stating that some provi- produced or manufactured produced political in my personal history. I sit here, as a Lieu- sion was indispensable to defend the dirt against a person he deemed his most for- tenant Colonel in the United States Army, community against the incapacity or midable political rival. an immigrant. My family fled the Soviet negligence of the chief magistrate. The allegation suggests an effort and intent Union when I was three and a half years old. We do not do this in a rush, and we to extort the assistance of a foreign power to Upon arriving in New York City in 1979, my do not do it eagerly. father worked multiple jobs to support us, help the current president retain his office. all the while learning English at night. He We are reminded of Lieutenant Colo- This is similar to the allegations surrounding stressed to us the importance of fully inte- nel Vindman who came here at 3 years his 2016 election victory, which were at the grating into our adopted country. For many old. He said he had dedicated his entire heart of the Special Counsel’s Report regard- years, life was quite difficult. In spite of our professional life to the United States of ing Russian election interference. challenging beginnings, my family worked to America. And he said about the call After the whistleblower’s details were made build its own American dream. I have a deep that he was on: I realized that this was public, the White House engaged in a series appreciation for American values and ideals troubling, that if Ukraine pursued an of untenable defenses, all designed to dis- and the power of freedom. I am a patriot, and investigation into the Bidens, it would it is my sacred duty and honor to advance credit the courageous whistleblower’s account, and defend OUR country, irrespective of be heavy and wrong. I do not think it which the Intelligence Community Inspector party or politics. is proper to demand that a foreign gov- General found credible. When Lt. Col. Vindman testified, he spoke ernment investigate a U.S. citizen. First, the White House indicated that the of the horror he felt when he realized that our Again, we stand on the Constitution. whistleblower should not be trusted because it country’s national security apparatus was We must do it right and do it fairly. referenced secondhand information, forgetting being manipulated for the president’s personal This is a somber and solemn time. that much of the information in the Whistle- and political gain. Today we choose our beloved nation over blower’s complaint was corroborated by the He stated in his testimony: individual self-interest and a political party. White House itself. On July 21, 2019, President Zelenskyy’s We choose due process, regular order and Next, the White House claimed, without party won Parliamentary elections in a land- fairness. proof, that the whistleblower was a liar. slide victory. The NSC proposed that Presi- And as the founding fathers crafted a docu- Then, the White House spread a lie that it dent Trump call President Zelenskyy to con- ment, which 230 years later, from 1789 to was a ‘‘perfect’’ call between the two leaders. gratulate him. On July 25, 2019, the call oc- 2019, we can abide by, we choose the Con- Outrageously, the White House then curred. I listened in on the call in the Situa- stitution. claimed that Chairman Adam Schiff is lying tion Room with colleagues from the NSC and When the Framers of our Constitution de- and had helped the Whistleblower draft his the office of the Vice President. As the tran- signed our government, they bifurcated power complaint. script is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said. I was concerned by between the federal and state governments, That was before the President said that the the call. I did not think it was proper to de- and divided power among the branches. whistleblower’s complaint is a lie made up by mand that a foreign government investigate Indeed as the Framers debated ratification the ‘‘Deep State.’’ a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the of the Constitution, they knew of the need to And that was before the President said that implications for 6 the U.S. government’s sup- remove an individual who breached the public he made the call at Rick Perry’s urging and port of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine trust. that the phone conversations with the Vice pursued an investigation into the Bidens and James Madison of Virginia argued in favor President are more problematic than his. Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a of impeachment stating that some provision The President and his last defenders are partisan play which would undoubtedly re- sult in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support was ‘‘indispensable’’ to defend the community now trying to denigrate the life and accom- it has thus far maintained. This would all against ‘‘the incapacity, negligence or perfidy plishments of Ambassador Bill Taylor, a grad- undermine U.S. national security. Following of the chief Magistrate.’’ uate of the United States Military Academy at the call, I again reported my concerns to With a single executive, Madison argued, West Point, and decorated soldier, and dis- NSC’s lead counsel. unlike a legislature whose collective nature missing him as a Never Trumper, as if that is Throughout the last five weeks, Congres- provided security, ‘‘loss of capacity or corrup- a demerit. sional Republicans have presented a series of tion was more within the compass of probable This past Tuesday, Lt. Colonel Alexander strawman arguments designed to deflect but events, and either of them might be fatal to Vindman, a member of the National Security not delve into the very serious charges against the Republic.’’ Council who immigrated from Ukraine when the President. They wrote Article I and vested in the Con- he was three-years old and was dismissed by Congressional Republicans’ claims that the gress the capacity to make the laws. the President as insufficiently loyal to him, be- whistleblower complaint was hearsay are spe- They wrote Article II, and in the Executive fore one of the President’s acolytes suggested cious because its contents have been inde- vested the power to faithfully execute those Lt. Col. Vindman held a greater loyalty for pendently and repeatedly confirmed. laws. Ukraine over the United States. Similarly, there is no merit to the claim that Because the House enjoyed a natural supe- Lt. Col. Vindman has loyally served our there was no quid pro quo when the evidence riority, as most representative of the passions country and our Constitution. He was injured adduced to date confirms there was. of the populace, the Framers vested in the in the war in Iraq, for which he was awarded In their perverse logic, Congressional Re- House of Representatives the sole power of the Purple Heart. publicans decried the lack of due process for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:42 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.051 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 a man who once suggested that the Central Chair shall have the discretion to impose resentatives inquiry into whether sufficient Park Five should be summarily executed for a sanctions to enforce appropriate remedies, in- grounds exist for the House of Representa- crime for which they were later exonerated, cluding by denying specific requests by the tives to exercise the constitutional power, sole- and could shoot someone in broad daylight President or his counsel. ly vested in the House of Representatives, to with impunity. H. Res. 660 explicates the procedure that impeach Donald John Trump, the current Despite these specious arguments, it is like- applies after testimony is adduced in the President of the United States of America. ly that these process arguments are only HPSCI. f made because the substance of the presi- H. Res. 660 directs the Committee on the USMCA dent’s allegations are utterly indefensible. Judiciary to review the evidence and, if nec- The American people and their elected rep- essary, to report Articles of Impeachment to (Mr. COMER asked and was given resentatives cannot be distracted; they are the House. permission to address the House for 1 paying close attention to the substantial Following the precedent of every modern minute and to revise and extend his re- wrongdoing emanating from this White House. impeachment inquiry, the Committee on the marks.) They know what the President, which is why Judiciary will decide whether Articles shall be Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I rise a clear majority support impeachment and re- reported to the House. today to reiterate my support for the moval of this President. H. Res. 660 is important legislation that United States-Mexico-Canada Trade As the House of Representatives continues specifies the parameters and the terms this Agreement, a commonsense deal that its impeachment inquiry, H. Res. 660 is an es- body will follow as it undergoes its solemn and supports farmers and workers. However, USMCA sits unratified even pecially timely piece of legislation, which constitutional task. as President Trump, Mexico, and Can- squarely addresses the concerns of the Presi- It affords equal time to the Chairman and ada signed the agreement over a year dent’s most fervent supporters. Ranking Member to question witnesses and it ago. Each day that the USMCA is not Specifically, this legislation reaffirms that the treats the President and his counsel fairly. ratified, we are losing out on valuable six investigating committees—including the And, importantly, it lays out for the American jobs and opportunities. Speaker PELOSI House Judiciary Committee, of which I am a people the manner in which this inquiry will must get serious about bringing this senior member and which has exclusive juris- proceed to the House Judiciary Committee— legislation to a vote in Congress. diction to draft Articles of Impeachment—an- the committee of jurisdiction for impeach- My Republican colleagues and I are nounced by Speaker NANCY PELOSI have been ment—and where I will bring to bear my dec- ready to vote on the deal, but House engaged in an impeachment inquiry and di- ades of experience on Capitol Hill, including Democrats setting their sights on the rects them to continue their vital work. the lessons learned in the impeachment of baseless impeachment of the President That we have been engaged in an ongoing 1998. choose to neglect important opportuni- impeachment inquiry was ratified by the Article Unlike that occasion, the allegations at the ties like this. III branch when Judge Beryl Howell, the Chief heart of this matter are serious, and damning I just voted against an impeachment Judge for the United States District court for of the president’s conduct and fitness to serve resolution against the President when I the District of Columbia, recently held that the and his ability to safeguard our national secu- should be voting on issues like USMCA. House is conducting an impeachment inquiry, rity. I implore Speaker PELOSI to bring which does not require a formal floor vote. These allegations represent a violation of USMCA for a vote so we can finally de- Second, H. Res. 660 authorizes the House his oath, a betrayal of our national interests, a liver for American farmers and manu- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence repudiation of Americans’ cherished Demo- facturers. Let’s get back to what we (HPSCI) to make public transcripts of recent cratic Values, and a violation of federal cam- promised the American people we depositions with appropriate redactions made paign finance laws. would do. for classified or other sensitive information. When the President stated that Article II I hope that my colleagues across the This legislation, too, establishes procedures permits him to do whatever he wants, he was aisle can agree that expanding access for all investigating committees to transmit invoking a fear of Thomas Jefferson, the au- to markets, remaining competitive, their evidence to the Committee on the Judici- thor of the Declaration of Independence. and growing our economy is what is ary for use in their proceedings. As the author of one of our nation’s endur- best for Americans instead of engaging The resolution is also prospective, as it re- ing documents, Jefferson was well-versed with in political shams that do nothing to lates to these hearings moving from secure in- what troubles would merit the erosion of public move this country forward. telligence facilities to public view. H. Res. 660 trust in its leaders. f also serves to enable effective public hearings After all, the Declaration of Independence as it permits staff counsels to question wit- was a list of grievances of a lawless King, who SAN PEDRO PACKAGES FOR nesses for up to 45 minutes. felt impunity. PATRIOTS This is consistent with precedent estab- But, almost 50 years after the adoption of (Ms. BARRAGA´ N asked and was lished in 1998 of having staff counsel conduct the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jef- given permission to address the House initial questioning, followed by Member ques- ferson wrote to another of our nation’s found- for 1 minute and to revise and extend tions, by Republicans used to question Inde- ers: Nathaniel Macon. her remarks.) pendent Counsel Kenneth Starr in 1998. In 1821, Jefferson wrote: ‘‘Our government Ms. BARRAGA´ N. Madam Speaker, The resolution also continues the precedent is now taking so steady a course, as to shew currently military families who send of giving the minority the same rights to ques- by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit, all-important care packages to their tion witnesses that was afforded the majority. by consolidation first; and then corruption, it’s loved ones overseas have to pay some This has been true at every step of the in- necessary consequence.’’ postage. These families are already quiry. It is clear that the consolidation that Jeffer- paying a lot just by enduring the ab- Additionally, H. Res. 660 also permits the son feared—and the corruption which he said sence of their loved one. That is why I President opportunities to participate in this in- would be its necessary consequence—has am reintroducing the Military Care quiry, in a manner consistent with past partici- now been realized in the actions of this Presi- Package Program Act which would pation by Presidents. dent. waive these postal fees for family-sent The resolution establishes opportunities for We will not permit this to continue and we care packages. the President or his counsel to participate in will put a stop to it. In this spirit, I would like to take a impeachment proceedings held by the Com- The President will be held to account. moment to recognize an organization mittee on the Judiciary, including to present H. Res. 660 is the first step towards that ac- in my district called San Pedro’s Pack- his case and respond to evidence. countability. ages for Patriots. Packages for Patri- The President can submit written requests Madam Speaker, as a senior member of the ots have been sending care packages, for additional testimony or other evidence. House Judiciary Committee and one of only 5 letters, and comfort items to our The President can attend hearings, includ- members and one of three Democrats to Armed Forces members overseas since ing those held in executive session, raise an serve on that House Judiciary Committee dur- 2008. objection to testimony given and cross-exam- ing the impeachment of 1998, I rise in strong These packages symbolize love and ine witnesses. support of H. Res. 660, a resolution directing hope. For some soldiers, it truly means But, if the President unlawfully refuses to committees to continue their ongoing inves- the world. This amazing organization cooperate with Congressional requests, the tigations as part of the existing House of Rep- was started by San Pedro residents

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:42 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.036 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8707 Mike Walker and his wife, Shirley autonomy through collective financing safes. If we expand safe storage, we can Vojkovich. Together, along with their of energy infrastructure projects: the reduce accidental shootings by 73 per- group of dedicated volunteers, Pack- Three Seas Initiative. cent. ages for Patriots has shipped over This resolution makes clear U.S.’s It is not just accidental shootings. 16,000 care packages with over 200,000 strong support for the initiative and Over 75 percent of school shootings in- pounds of supplies to American service- encourages member nations to take ac- volve kids and teens having access to members deployed in Iraq and Afghani- tion on joint financing of future unsecured guns at home, and more stan. projects. Additionally, it encourages than 80 percent of guns used by youth I am sure every Member of this body the member nations to consider financ- in suicide attempts were kept in the would like to join me in applauding ing of clean energy projects as the home of a victim, a relative, or a their efforts in support of our service- world addresses our dire climate friend. members overseas. change crises. There is much more we need to do to In the face of increased Russian ag- f address gunfire, but this commonsense gression, the U.S. must play a leading bill is a step we can take to save lives. RECOGNIZING SERGEANT FIRST role in energy security in Europe, and CLASS BRYAN JENKINS I urge my colleagues to support this (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- important resolution. f mission to address the House for 1 f minute and to revise and extend his re- VOTERS ARE ANGRY AT MEDIA marks.) CONGRATULATING OWEN ALLEN (Mr. MOONEY of asked Mr. YOHO. Madam Speaker, Michel (Mr. WRIGHT asked and was given and was given permission to address de Montaigne once said: ‘‘Valor is sta- permission to address the House for 1 the House for 1 minute and to revise bility, not of legs and arms, but of minute.) and extend his remarks.) courage and the soul.’’ Mr. WRIGHT. Madam Speaker, 15 This quote describes Sergeant First years ago a future gridiron star named Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Class Bryan Jenkins of Gainesville, Owen Allen was born. He was born with Madam Speaker, a Rasmussen poll con- Florida, who tragically lost his life a gift, and that gift was superior ath- ducted on October 2 of 2019 found that during a military exercise last week in letic ability. a sky-high 69 percent of independent Georgia. At 15 he is already a standout run- voters were ‘‘angry’’ at the media, and Throughout his 18-year military ca- ning back for the Southlake Carroll over 60 percent of all voters share that reer, he has distinguished himself as a varsity football team. In last week’s anger. true patriot. Sergeant First Class Jen- game alone, he rushed more than 200 These voters are not upset at the kins has a long list of accomplish- yards and scored four touchdowns. media because they are balanced and ments. He went on two tours in Iraq Madam Speaker, Texans love com- fair, they are upset because the media and also earned 14 different military petition, we love champions, and we is biased and telling them what to awards. love winners. We find the best of all think—or not telling them at all. Our thoughts and prayers are with these things in high school football. If The results of this astounding poll his wife, Shana; his three children, you want to know why Texans are didn’t appear in the Nation’s largest Branson, Bryanna, and Delilah, as well crazy about those Friday night lights, newspapers or the most watched TV as the families of the other two col- look no further than Owen Allen. His news programs and was hardly men- leagues, Corporal Thomas Walker and performance on the field excites and tioned on social media. Private First Class Antonio Garcia who inspires. The media’s credibility is already at were also killed during this exercise. Running back Allen was just named a record low. The road back to credi- The impact that Sergeant First Class the -Fort Worth High School Of- bility for the media is to give the Jenkins had on those around him will fensive Player of the Week. But American people the truth and let not soon be forgotten. We thank him athleticism is only one of young Mr. them make up their own minds. for all the sacrifices he made for this Allen’s qualities. He is also a young great Nation. He truly was a man of man of great character, integrity, and f honor. decency. f As a Member of Congress, I congratu- late Mr. Allen and wish him many AMERICA’S GROWING AGING INTRODUCING THE THREE SEAS years of success as an athlete and as a POPULATION RESOLUTION human being. I have prayed God’s (Mr. TRONE asked and was given (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given blessings on him and his family. permission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 f minute and to revise and extend his re- minute.) marks.) Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS to introduce a resolution supporting (Mr. LEVIN of California asked and Mr. TRONE. Madam Speaker, today I the Three Seas Initiative to bolster en- was given permission to address the rise to praise the House for unani- ergy infrastructure security in Central House for 1 minute and to revise and mously passing the Dignity in Aging and Eastern Europe. I am pleased to extend his remarks.) Act. This act includes two bipartisan co-lead this bipartisan effort with the Mr. LEVIN of California. Madam bills that I led to respond to challenges ranking member of the House Foreign Speaker, every single day, eight kids facing a growing aging American popu- Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eur- are killed or injured by unintentional lation: social isolation and younger asia, Energy, and the Environment, shootings with guns found in the home. onset Alzheimer’s. ADAM KINZINGER. Last week a 9-year-old child acciden- As I heard from seniors and their Energy security is national security. tally shot their 4-year-old sibling in families in my district at my seniors For years, Russia has sought to under- the face at their home in Tennessee. workshop, we need to do more to sup- mine liberty and security in Europe by Earlier this year a 4-year-old boy in port caregivers, improve economic op- forcing Central and East European na- Oakland barely survived after acciden- portunities for older individuals, and tions into reliance on Russia for their tally shooting himself in the head with ensure Americans can age with dignity, energy needs. They do this through a gun he found under the pillow. security, and quality of life. This act projects including the Nord Stream 2 These accidental shootings are pre- does that. and TurkStream, Russian gas pipe- ventable. That is why I am introducing This week Democrats and Repub- lines. the Prevent Family Fire Act of 2019, a licans worked together in Washington Thankfully, 12 of our closest allies in bipartisan bill to reduce gun violence to pass the Dignity in Aging Act. That Central and Eastern Europe have band- by providing a modest tax credit to is a win for Congress, a win for seniors, ed together to increase their energy incentivize the sale of things like gun and a win for the American people.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.052 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 b 1245 CELEBRATING A DOUBLE WIN FOR The denial of the Armenian genocide D.C. has had contemporary consequences. I PASS LEGISLATION FOR THE (Ms. NORTON asked and was given have visited both Armenia and PEOPLE permission to address the House for 1 Nagorno-Karabakh. I saw that a Tur- key which denies genocide has no fear (Mr. CARTWRIGHT asked and was minute and to revise and extend her re- marks.) of committing it again. In fact, Turkey given permission to address the House has begun an ethnic cleansing of the for 1 minute.) Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, with the impeachment inquiry vote, the Syrian Kurds in northern Syria. Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Madam Speaker, I have long called for our government Congress exists to serve the American House made history today, but the Washington Nationals made unprece- to officially recognize the Armenian people by passing legislation that will genocide. I am an original cosponsor of protect their rights and promote their dented history just last night. Our D.C. Nats won the World Series H. Res. 296. welfare. The House has spoken with a clear for the very first time in American his- Since January of this year, House voice, breaking the silence, recognizing tory. Our Nats were the underdogs Democrats have been vigorously legis- the Armenian genocide. We call on the throughout the series, just like their lating for the people and have passed Senate and President Trump to do the hometown, the District of Columbia, more than 200 bills—200 bills—bills to same. has been for 218 years. secure a living wage for American We cannot allow history to repeat But hold on, America. We are about workers, bills to protect pensions and itself. to make it a double: Nats’ victory last fight discrimination in the workplace, night; House passage of H.R. 51, the f bills to expand access to healthcare D.C. statehood bill, during the 116th DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS and lower the cost of prescription Congress. MONTH drugs. We have passed bills to safe- Watch for how I make my friend, guard our elections, the bedrock of our (Mrs. LESKO asked and was given SHEILA JACKSON LEE, pay up on our bet permission to address the House for 1 democracy, from both foreign and do- against the Houston Astros. mestic interference. minute.) Go Nats! Long live D.C. statehood! Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I rise In contrast, the Republican-con- in observance of Domestic Violence trolled Senate has offered little but ob- f HONORING OUR VETERANS Awareness Month. struction and inaction. Their leader Over 25 years ago, I was in an abusive proudly calls himself the ‘‘grim reap- (Mr. GUEST asked and was given per- relationship with my ex-husband. I be- er’’ for laying waste to our 200 bills. mission to address the House for 1 came a single mother to a young So, I rise today to implore Senate minute and to revise and extend his re- daughter, working just to survive day lawmakers: Do your job. Take up these marks.) to day. I never dreamed in a million House-passed measures and start serv- Mr. GUEST. Madam Speaker, on Vet- years that I would be standing here be- ing the American people. erans Day, we remember the devotion fore you today as a Member of Con- of the brave men and women of the gress, speaking on the floor of the U.S. f military who have honorably served House of Representatives. But I not our Nation. Our veterans have fought only survived, I thrived. HONORING FIL BAKE SHOP DUR- to preserve this Nation, its ideals, de- I share my story in hopes of helping ING FILIPINO AMERICAN HERIT- mocracy, freedom, and prosperity. others. I hope they find strength in our AGE MONTH American veterans not only have efforts to acknowledge their suffering helped maintain the rights that were and recognize the many organizations (Mr. COX of California asked and was established by our Founding Fathers, given permission to address the House that exist to help them today. but they have also set an example of f for 1 minute.) enduring patriotism, returning home Mr. COX of California. Madam to become leaders in their commu- TERMINATION OF DESIGNATION Speaker, I rise today, on the last day of nities, States, and Nation. Back home, OF REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON AS Filipino American Heritage Month, to they have helped advance our country A BENEFICIARY SUB-SAHARAN honor the Fil Bake Shop in Delano, by embodying the American spirit of AFRICAN COUNTRY UNDER California, and to congratulate them hard work and preservation. AGOA—MESSAGE FROM THE on becoming the Delano Business of Today, we acknowledge these men PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED the Year. and women who have served our Nation STATES (H. DOC. NO. 116–77) Owner Tessie Patricio, or Aunty as members of our military. We thank The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Tess, and workers of the Fil Bake Shop them for their many contributions to fore the House the following message have been dedicated to hard work and our country. We remember in prayer from the President of the United unconditional love for their business those men and women who never re- States; which was read and referred to for nearly 30 years. As a result, Fil turned home from foreign soil. the Committee on Ways and Means and Bake Shop has become a staple of the f ordered to be printed: Delano community and a personal fa- To the Congress of the United States: vorite of mine. SPEAK OUT AGAINST GENOCIDE In accordance with section One-third of the 52,000 residents of (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given 506A(a)(3)(B) of the Trade Act of 1974, Delano are Filipino, and Fil Bake Shop permission to address the House for 1 as amended (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(3)(B)), I has been a steadfast supporter of our minute.) am providing notice of my intent to community in Delano and across the Ms. GABBARD. Madam Speaker, the terminate the designation of the Re- Pacific. history of the United States has been public of Cameroon (Cameroon) as a When the Philippines are struck by intertwined with that of the Armenian beneficiary sub-Saharan African coun- natural disasters, Fil Bake Shop sends people and the Armenian genocide. try under the African Growth and Op- care to the islands. They collect dona- It was American missionaries and portunity Act (AGOA). tions in times of disaster to support diplomats who let the world know that I am taking this step because I have families back in the Philippines, while the Ottoman Empire was attempting to determined that the Government of still providing the hardworking farm- cleanse itself of the Armenian and Cameroon currently engages in gross workers and families of Delano with Christian populations. The U.S. became violations of internationally recog- their delicious sweetbreads. home to many survivors. nized human rights, contravening the As this local gem is honored as Busi- Their experience inspired Raphael eligibility requirements of section 104 ness of the Year by the Delano Filipino Lemkin to create the term ‘‘genocide,’’ of the AGOA. community, I am proud to represent only to see his Jewish family suffer the Despite intensive engagement be- such a tremendous place in the 21st same fate at the hands of Nazi Ger- tween the United States and the Gov- District of California. many. ernment of Cameroon, Cameroon has

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.055 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8709 failed to address concerns regarding uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Texas I have been a prosecutor in front of persistent human rights violations (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- grand juries. I have been a judge who being committed by Cameroonian secu- utes as the designee of the minority impaneled grand juries, answered their rity forces. These violations include leader. questions, and dealt with issues that extrajudicial killings, arbitrary and Mr. GOHMERT. Madam Speaker, we arose over grand juries. I am quite fa- unlawful detention, and torture. had a vote today. Some would say it miliar with them. Accordingly, I intend to terminate was very important, but actually, it With a grand jury, every single per- the designation of Cameroon as a bene- didn’t do so much. In fact, it revoked son on the grand jury who is going to ficiary sub-Saharan African country some of our history, some of our prece- get a vote gets to hear every witness, under the AGOA as of January 1, 2020. dent, some of our rules to take an un- gets to ask any question they wish, and I will continue to assess whether the usual step toward supposed impeach- they could even send the prosecutor Government of Cameroon engages in ment. out of the grand jury if they wish. He gross violations of internationally rec- I still continue to be of the opinion is only there as an adviser. ognized human rights, in accordance that we will not end up having a vote But what we have had not only was a with the AGOA eligibility require- in this Chamber on whether or not to sham impeachment inquiry, but they ments. actually impeach President Trump be- actually had armed guards outside of DONALD J. TRUMP. cause if that happens, it goes to the the Sensitive Compartmented Informa- THE WHITE HOUSE, October 31, 2019. Senate. It gets slam-dunked down in tion Facility, the SCIF. They had f the Senate, both on the basis of a mas- armed guards with guns to try to keep sive failure of due process as well as no CONTINUATION OF NATIONAL us out, people like me, on the Judici- direct evidence of any wrongdoing, un- EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO ary Committee, who is fully author- less we are talking about someone who SUDAN—MESSAGE FROM THE ized, under the current rules, to sit in is a Democrat and has held the second- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED on any impeachment inquiry, partici- highest office before. But this is not STATES (H. DOC. NO. 116–78) pate, because the rules, through prece- due process. dent, have made clear it is the Judici- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- By the way, of course, once it gets to fore the House the following message ary Committee that does that. the Senate, they vote it down, and then The Speaker can’t just stand up and from the President of the United it ensures a repeat of 1996, where the States; which was read and, together say: ‘‘I am changing all the rules uni- current President is reelected. I am laterally’’—except for the fact that, in with the accompanying papers, referred sure my friends across the aisle don’t to the Committee on Foreign Affairs this case, that is exactly what hap- want to do that. pened. ‘‘Forget the rules. I am decree- and ordered to be printed: I am still of the opinion that I don’t ing these are the committees that will think we will end up with a vote to ac- To the Congress of the United States: do an investigation.’’ tually impeach or not impeach Presi- Section 202(d) of the National Emer- And I didn’t realize until we went dent Trump. We will see how that plays gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides into the SCIF, which I am authorized for the automatic termination of a na- out. But it is worth looking at prece- to do and which, under the rules, Judi- tional emergency unless, within 90 dent, as an old history major who has ciary having jurisdiction, I should have days before the anniversary date of its never quit studying history. a right to hear each one of those wit- declaration, the President publishes in If we look at the impeachment com- nesses. the and transmits to mittee authorizations in 1974 and 1998, Federal Register I didn’t know until we got in there, it the Congress a notice stating that the back then, when there was bipartisan turns out, Chairman SCHIFF, each time emergency is to continue in effect be- concern about due process, not just a witness was about to begin to speak yond the anniversary date. In accord- one-sided concern, the authorization by to the Intelligence Committee, the ance with this provision, I have sent to the House directed the Committee on committees, he would instruct, now, the Federal Register for publication the the Judiciary to investigate if there this is unclassified, so if a question is enclosed notice stating that the na- were sufficient grounds for impeach- asked that you think might end up re- tional emergency with respect to ment. vealing something classified, then you Sudan declared in Currently, though, the Speaker di- can just say you can’t answer, it might 13067 of November 3, 1997, is to continue rected six different committees, with in effect beyond November 3, 2019. the House Intelligence Committee at reveal classified information. It sounds to me like that was in- Despite recent positive develop- the forefront, to continue their ongo- struction, when the Republicans ask ments, the crisis constituted by the ac- ing investigations as part of what was you a question you don’t want to an- tions and policies of the Government of called an impeachment inquiry. Sudan that led to the declaration of a Regarding the subpoena power in 1974 swer, just say, well, it may reveal clas- national emergency in Executive Order and 1998, what was authorized in the sified information, and you don’t have 13067; the expansion of that emergency resolution back in the days when there to answer their questions. in Executive Order 13400 of April 26, was concern about due process and fair- Except that then we find out that, in 2006; and with respect to which addi- ness and ensuring justice would be the more recent depositions, the wit- tional steps were taken in Executive done, the resolution authorized both nesses were actually instructed not to Order 13412 of October 13, 2006, Execu- the chairman and the ranking member answer questions. Well, this metaphor of a grand jury tive Order 13761 of January 13, 2017, and of the Committee on the Judiciary to totally breaks down. It doesn’t apply. Executive Order 13804 of July 11, 2017, issue subpoenas acting jointly or uni- There has never been a grand jury has not been resolved. These actions laterally. and policies continue to pose an un- where one grand juror could tell the b 1300 usual and extraordinary threat to the witness you don’t have to answer these national security and foreign policy of If either the chairman or the ranking other grand jurors’ questions, and we the United States. Therefore, I have de- member declined to act, then the other are going to put armed guards where termined that it is necessary to con- had the right to refer the decision to people that are on the grand jury can’t tinue the national emergency declared the full committee. get in to hear the testimony if we don’t in Executive Order 13067, as expanded Currently, under what we voted on want to hear the testimony. by Executive Order 13400, with respect today, it authorized the chair of the In- Sure, they will have to vote at some to Sudan. telligence Committee, Chairman point, but we are going to put armed DONALD J. TRUMP. SCHIFF, and Judiciary Committee to guards to keep the biggest part of the THE WHITE HOUSE, October 31, 2019. issue subpoenas, but the authorization grand jury out of being able to see the f to the ranking member only is with the witnesses, to see their countenance as consent or approval of the chairman. It they answered questions. IMPEACHMENT: THEN AND NOW is incredible. It is why in military courts martial The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under I mean, basically, our friends have that I participated in, in Federal trials, the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- said, well, it is like a grand jury. Well, in State trials we have an aversion to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.037 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 having depositions. Yes, you have a lot to answer because, you see, they want Chairman—Democratic Chairman Ro- of depositions in civil trials. it to be a one-sided, non-due process, dino, from the Committee on the Judi- But in criminal trials, something as sham court. ciary. important as liberty—and I would sub- It is about to push this country to a See, that is the way it is supposed to mit, a President being thrown out that civil war if they were to get their wish- be done. That is the way it has been was duly elected is just as important. es. And if there is one thing I don’t done in the past, 1974, 1998. In such a case, you get to ask the ques- want to see in my lifetime, I don’t Under the rules that the Democrats tions, see the questions; you get to want to ever have participation in, it is passed earlier this year, in January, hear the answers; and you get to ob- a civil war. the rules say, if a rule is not specific serve the witnesses. It is important. Some historian—I don’t remember about a matter, then precedence is the Yet, under orders of the Speaker and who—said guns are only involved in the rule. That is the rule, and it has been Chairman SCHIFF, this so-called com- last phase of a civil war. What is going ignored repeatedly. parative grand jury kept the huge ma- on here has not protected the Constitu- So we voted today basically jority out of those hearings where we tion. It has not protected the institu- rubberstamping the secret Star Cham- could hear and see for ourselves. tions. It has not protected this little ber hearings, the one-sided questioning Now we find out, through the vote experiment in self-government. No. of the witnesses. Oh, we did hear today today, that, yes, the Judiciary Com- What it has done is put it all at risk Republicans have equal time to the mittee is ultimately going to get this because what some people in this body Democrats. It is just that Democrats from the Intelligence Committee. But don’t seem to understand is, when you could ask whatever they wanted and never in the history of this country set a precedent as dangerous as what get answers, and Republicans couldn’t. have we had such gross unfairness that we have been watching for the last 3 Impeachment in the past, when we one party would put armed guards with years, it won’t be me, but there will be have impeached Federal judges before, guns to prevent the duly authorized Republicans, if this isn’t stopped, there came through our Judiciary Com- people from being able to hear the wit- will be Republicans who will take the mittee, very bipartisan, because, even nesses and see them for themselves. precedent of what the Democrats have as recent as the last 10, 12 years, even Then, oh, we hear from this resolu- done here and use it against a Demo- ADAM SCHIFF realized, when you are tion today, we are going to send you cratic President, try to set him up and going to remove a Federal officer from the depositions after we get through create a coup. a position he is duly placed in, you doctoring and looking at and editing Like I say, it won’t be me, but that is have got to make sure you provide due the transcripts. We will send you those the way history works. When somebody process, and you allow buy-in on both sets a precedent, then eventually some- so you have the evidence you need. sides. That is not the kind of evidence that body also not concerned about due There was no buy-in today because, a coup should be based on. If we are process is going to try to mimic that even though there are some Repub- going to have what they are trying to and go one further. licans who are not big fans of the In 1974 and 1998, the committee pro- legalize as a coup, we ought to have a President, to put it mildly, they realize cedures during the Nixon and Clinton right to see each of those witnesses. this process is an outrage, and it is a impeachment processes, they included And the only potential use for the threat to our little experiment in self- the ability of the President’s counsel government. depositions should be impeachment of to attend all hearings, including those 1315 those witnesses, nothing else, not for in executive session; question any and b anything substantive. all witnesses called before the com- So an article comes out yesterday by The President’s attorneys, unlike in mittee; submit written questions for Paul Sperry, entitled: ‘‘The Beltway’s 1974 and 1998, were not allowed to be additional testimony; provide sum- ‘Whistleblower’ Furor Obsesses Over there or even see and hear the wit- maries of what he would propose to One Name.’’ nesses. So the references to this being show; and respond to evidence received To my knowledge, I have not ever a Star Chamber are not inappropriate. and testimony presented, either orally talked to this Paul Sperry with It is outrageous what has been going on or in writing, as determined by the RealClearInvestigations, but he brings for people who truly care about due committee. The President’s counsel out a name that has been bandied process. could also review all evidence obtained about on the internet. A lot of people Regarding the procedures now, the in the course of the impeachment in- are speculating this guy was the whis- Judiciary Committee must operate quiry. tleblower. pursuant to the procedures imposed by Not only has the President’s counsel Regardless of whether this guy is the the chairman of the Rules Committee. not been allowed to do any of those whistleblower or not, it is important to Well, previously, one of the oldest things that have been done in the past look at what has been going on with committees in the House of Represent- to ensure due process and fairness, him. Just forget about the claim he is atives, the Judiciary Committee, in even the rest of this voting body that a whistleblower; look at what he has prior impeachments made the rules for will have to vote on an impeachment been doing. the impeachment hearing. We didn’t were not allowed to see the witnesses, The more you find out, the more you have it dictated by the Rules Com- to hear the witnesses, to review the realize, wow, President Trump should mittee, no, because this is the Judici- transcript until after they are through have revoked clearances for prior po- ary Committee. These are people who working with the transcripts. tential conspirators long before he did. are supposed to have expertise in con- This resolution today, it bifurcates But then, in the article, it mentions stitutional issues. the impeachment, only allows the a 33-year-old—we already knew he was So when you have the committee President’s counsel to participate in a male, that he worked for Vice Presi- that has more expertise in constitu- Judiciary Committee proceedings. It dent Biden, this guy. He was held over tional issues, what did the majority provides no ability to participate in from the Obama White House. do? We don’t want the committee with the ongoing Intelligence Committee in- And one of the things that President the most expertise on constitutional vestigation. Obama was able to do so much better issues dealing with these constitu- If we presume that the procedures than President Trump was make sure tional issues. We want to put armed the Rules Committee has dictated to us that the people who worked in the guards outside a hearing and have it in on high allow the President’s counsel White House, in the CIA, in the DOJ, a Secret Compartmented Information to participate in Judiciary Committee the FBI, but especially in the White Facility. proceedings at all, they will only have House, in the Old Executive Office And we are not going to let the other access to documents transmitted to the Building for the Vice President, they side call their own witnesses so we get Judiciary Committee and not all the made much better certainty that ev- a fair picture of what actually went on, material obtained in the course of the erybody there was going to be loyal to and we are not even going to let them Intelligence Committee’s hearings. President Obama and Vice President ask questions we don’t want them to I just happen to have H. Res. 803 from Biden. They did a magnificent job of ask. We will instruct the witnesses not 1974 that involved—well, it was from that.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.059 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8711 So anybody who is held over—in fact, knows. The New York Times knows. litical bias. A CIA officer specializing I understand H. R. McMaster, great Congress knows. The White House in Russia and Ukraine,’’ this person, Obama Democrat loyalist that was knows. Even the President knows who ‘‘was detailed over to the National Se- working, continuing to work in the he is,’ said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA curity Council from the agency,’’ Trump administration, made clear that analyst and National Security Advisor meaning CIA, ‘‘in the summer of 2015, he didn’t want to hear any of his people to Trump, who has fielded dozens of working under Susan Rice, President ever say again that someone was an calls from the media. Obama’s national security adviser. He Obama holdover. I guess he didn’t want ‘‘Yet a rare hush swept across the Po- also worked closely with the former people outed in front of people loyal to tomac.’’ vice president.’’ the President as being loyal to Presi- You know, normally, The New York That is the same Susan Rice—accord- dent Obama. Times and , they ing to a book a few years after—accord- But McMaster also was a boss of this can’t wait to out a whistleblower, can’t ing to that book it reported that Sec- guy. He did work for Biden. He worked wait, don’t mind seeing them de- retary Clinton called her husband and for CIA Director John Brennan. stroyed. But you look at a real whistle- said, they are wanting me to go out Brennan, as the article said, was ‘‘a blower, not a fake one like we have there and say this attack in Benghazi vocal critic of Trump who helped ini- here, a real whistleblower with direct was all about a video. And the advice tiate the Russia ‘collusion’ investiga- information like Adam Lovinger, who, was, you know, you can’t be the one tion of the Trump campaign during the working in the Defense Department—I that goes on the Sunday shows because 2016 election.’’ didn’t know that this scheme went that nobody is going to buy that. Further, this guy ‘‘left his National far. So Susan Rice was picked to go out Security Council posting in the White But Lovinger is supposed to inves- and tell people the attack in Benghazi House’s West Wing in mid-2017. . . .’’ tigate improper payments by the De- was based on a video, when most every- This guy was working in the White fense Department, and he saw hundreds body, maybe not Susan Rice, but most House; Loved Brennan, loved of thousands of dollars being paid at people who had looked into it at all McMaster, and he is in President different times to a guy named Stefan knew it was not about a video at all. Trump’s White House and part of the Halper, who is a professor, and he And the Obama administration had National Security Council. They get to couldn’t see anything in return for all been warned repeatedly of the threat see everything that concerns anything the money. that was coming and didn’t give them on foreign policy and our own national Then we have this investigation the security they needed, nor did they security. about President Trump and find out allow anyone to go lift a finger to help But there were ‘‘concerns about neg- that, actually, Halper was getting paid the people at Benghazi. ative leaks to the media. He has since by the Defense Department to help set And I love hearing people on the other side say, oh, you investigated returned to CIA headquarters in Lang- up Trump campaign people so they Benghazi for so long and you had noth- ley, Virginia.’’ could use that information to go before ing. Yes, that is because the Obama ad- The article says: ‘‘ ‘He was accused of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ministration wouldn’t produce any- working against Trump and leaking court and get a warrant to spy on the thing that we asked for, the important against Trump,’ said a former NSC offi- Trump campaign. things we asked for. They covered cial, speaking on condition of anonym- Phenomenal. The Defense Depart- things up. Same on Fast and Furious, ity to discuss intelligence matters.’’ ment is paying a guy to help set up the and we didn’t have a Speaker on the Alas, this guy ‘‘huddled for ‘guid- Trump campaign before President Republican side that would allow us to ance’ with the staff of House Intel- Trump was ever elected so they could go to court and get those things re- ligence Committee Chairman ADAM get warrants to spy on the campaign. leased. SCHIFF, including former colleagues It is incredible. The article says, So the more important things that also held over from the Obama era ‘‘Trump supporters blame the con- got released were a result of Judicial whom SCHIFF’s office had recently re- spiracy of silence on a ‘corrupt’ and ‘bi- Watch, Tom Fitton’s folks going to cruited from the National Security ased’ media trying to protect the whis- court and getting the court order to Council.’’ tleblower from due scrutiny about his get things produced, but still there was This guy ‘‘worked with a Democratic political motives. They also complain so much that was not produced we National Committee operative who dug Democrats have falsely claimed that don’t know all the facts about what up the dirt on the Trump campaign exposing his identity would violate happened. during the 2016 election, inviting her whistleblower protections, even though By the way, I do know that Intel- into the White House for meetings, the relevant statute provides limited, ligence people lied to the Republican former White House colleagues said. not blanket, anonymity, and doesn’t chairman of Intelligence back then and The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a cover press disclosures. he never would wake up and realize it. Ukrainian American who supported ‘‘His Democrat attorneys meanwhile Because he reported to our Republican , led an effort to link have warned that outing him would put conference after Benghazi about 6 the Republican campaign to the Rus- him and his family ‘at risk of harm,’ months after, well, guys, some of you sian Government. ‘He knows her. He although the government security per- have asked me, isn’t there somebody at had her in the White House,’ said one sonnel have been assigned to protect Walter Reed that was injured? We keep former coworker. . . .’’ him.’’ hearing rumors. And Mike said, no, I ‘‘Documents confirm the DNC opposi- And I come back to the facts. There can tell you, there is no one who was tion researcher attended at least one are lots of people that have testified injured at Benghazi that is at Walter White House meeting with’’ this guy adversely to President Donald J. Reed. ‘‘in November 2015. She visited the Trump. As far as I know, they are all I couldn’t sit still anymore. It was in White House with a number of Ukrain- still living, breathing, and saying one of my trips to Walter Reed I met ian officials lobbying the Obama ad- nasty things about him. Their health is such a person. He was on the roof with ministration for aid to Ukraine.’’ not put in jeopardy in any way. Their Tyrone Woods and the other heroes. He And that is the aid we know we have personal safety is not a problem. had much of his leg blown off. And I seen, heard former Vice President Now, that is not true of some other had met him, and I honored his request Biden bragging: Hey, I am leaving in 6 people that have been in high positions for anonymity being out there. hours, and if they want this $1 billion, in this town where people end up dead But I couldn’t sit there and listen to then they are going to have to fire the in the morgue. I am not saying they the Republican chairman of Intel- prosecutor, who just happened to be in- caused it. I am just saying, if you are ligence perpetrating what he thought vestigating the gas company that was worried about outing some incident, was true but was not, and I knew it giving millions of dollars to his son. somebody, President Trump is not the wasn’t. I said, That is not true. He got The article says: ‘‘ ‘Everyone knows one you need to worry about. red faced and said, That is true. I said, who he’ ’’—the whistleblower—‘‘ ‘is. Fleitz said, ‘‘They’re hiding him. No, I had lunch with the one yesterday. CNN knows. The Washington Post They’re hiding him because of his po- He said, That is not true.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:23 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.060 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 And he told me later after the meet- actly hide his passion with respect to armed guards outside of it so that ing, I have talked to our intelligence what he thought was the right thing to other members of this grand jury can’t people, and they tell me that the guy do with Ukraine and Russia, and his get to see and hear the witnesses, it you must have seen, he is not at Walter views were at odds with the President’s really appears to be a march of those Reed, he comes there for physical ther- policies.’’’ who don’t like President Trump and apy. And I said, No, I can tell you the In May 2017, this guy went ‘‘ ‘outside are willing to in some cases val- building number and where his apart- his chain of command,’ according to a iant military service, a great career. ment is, and it adjoins the physical former NSC coworker, to send an email They are willing to have that tarnished therapy. It is right there on Walter alerting another agency that Trump and sullied by becoming Reed. happened to hold a meeting with Rus- gossipmongers. b 1330 sian diplomats in the Oval Office the For example, one person who appar- day after firing Comey, who led the ently had a great career in the Army, Anyway, he didn’t believe it. Trump-Russia investigation. The email William Taylor, I understand he was in I had emailed this great hero and also noted that Russian President the infantry for 6 years. I was at Fort didn’t hear from him for a couple of Vladimir Putin had phoned the Presi- Benning for 4 years, and I can tell you, weeks. He later emailed back that: dent a week earlier. Contents of the anybody who was a commander in the Gee, the strangest thing happened. I email appeared to have ended up in the infantry didn’t last any time at all if had the most painful surgery on my media, which reported Trump boasted he allowed gossipmongers, like he has leg. to the Russian officials about firing become, to come before him and say: He had numerous surgeries, but this Comey, whom he allegedly called Captain, Captain, I heard that some- was the most painful since half of it ‘crazy, a real nut job.’’’ body else heard something that was got blown off on that rooftop in In effect, this guy ‘‘helped generate said. Benghazi. He said: They medicated me the ‘Putin fired Comey’ narrative, ac- He would throw him out of the office: because of all the pain. That night, in cording to the research dossier making I am not going to be running a gossip the middle of the night, these guys the rounds in Congress.’’ column here. If somebody knows some- show up at our apartment there, and Anyway, it is a mess. thing directly, send them to me, but they moved my wife, my kids, all of us Now, one of the things about whistle- don’t you come in here being a immediately off the hospital property. blower protections, though, is if you gossipmonger. It doesn’t make sense. were to be prosecuted for committing a Well, now he has become the Well, it made sense to me because we crime, then the whistleblower status gossipmonger. ‘‘Well, I heard that had intelligence people that were cov- could be used to help hold off potential somebody else heard that they heard ering up the lie that they had told the prosecution. It is my understanding the President say. . . .’’ chairman of the Intelligence Com- that it would not likely win the day, I just come back to this, as someone mittee because he was a Republican but it could delay a prosecution. who had to sit and listen and evaluate chair. I bet they don’t lie like that to Say, hypothetically, you worked for evidence and make life and death deci- ADAM SCHIFF. somebody like Brennan, or say, hypo- sions in a courtroom, you analyze what Anyway, Federal records, according thetically, you worked for somebody kind of person this is before me as a to the article, show that Biden’s office like McMaster and Brennan, and you witness. If you have a witness before invited this guy ‘‘to an October 2016 helped come up with a conspiracy to you that is willing to try to destroy state luncheon the Vice President oust a duly-elected sitting President by and remove a President from office hosted for Italian Prime Minister alleging some conspiracy with Russia, who was duly elected under our Con- Matteo Renzi. Other invited guests in- and you found out that the Attorney stitution, and they are now willing to cluded Brennan, as well as then-FBI General and the U.S. attorney assigned use secondhand, thirdhand, fourth- Director James Comey and then-Na- to investigate the origins of the Russia hand gossip, it tells you they are not tional Intelligence Director James hoax were closing in on participants of the great person that they once were. Clapper.’’ your conspiracy. They are not the patriot they once Several U.S. officials told Well, if you had a really smart law- were. They are nothing but RealClearInvestigations that the invi- yer, he might just tell you, if you could gossipmongers. tation that was extended to this guy, get whistleblower status, if they start If you are going to be a fair arbiter of who was a relatively low-level GS–13 closing in on you, then we can start fil- truth and justice, it should dramati- Federal employee, ‘‘was unusual and ing motions to keep you out of that cally diminish your evaluation and signaled he was politically connected prosecution because if you are a whis- analysis of what they have to say. This inside the Obama White House.’’ tleblower, you are in a protected sta- is not a classy person. This is a Former White House officials said tus. It shouldn’t prevent the ultimate gossipmonger. this guy ‘‘worked on Ukrainian policy prosecution, but it could delay things That is what William Taylor became issues for Biden in 2015 and 2016, when for a while. for the Intelligence Committee, and the Vice President was President So it could make sense, if you are a that is what Vindman became. Obama’s ‘point man’ for Ukraine.’’ He coconspirator and trying to bring down Some have said: Oh, gee, Lieutenant is a Yale graduate, speaks Russian, a duly-elected President, that you Colonel Vindman, he is the ultimate Ukrainian, as well as Arabic. might want that whistleblower status. American. He even came in uniform. ‘‘He had been assigned to the NSC by The problem with that is—and this is Well, I was trained that if you are Brennan. He was held over into the a problem for a tainted inspector gen- going to say bad things about someone Trump administration and headed the eral who would protect such a whistle- in your chain of command, including Ukraine desk at the NSC,’’ under Presi- blower—if you are complaining, it has the Commander in Chief—because a lot dent Trump, ‘‘eventually transitioning to be, to get that status, somebody in of us were not happy with President into the West Wing, until June 2017. your chain of command. The President, Carter when I was at Fort Benning, but ‘He was moved over to the front office,’ we were told, is not in the whistle- we all knew you can’t say anything to temporarily fill a vacancy, said a blower’s chain of command because negative about President Carter, espe- former White House official, where he that is outside, the CIA. cially not in uniform. It doesn’t matter ‘saw everything, read everything.’’’ It has to be within that leadership if it is true. You can’t do it. The official added that it soon be- ladder, and the President is outside of He comes parading in, in his uniform, came clear among NSC staff that this that. So he wasn’t a real whistle- to try to take down a sitting President, guy ‘‘opposed the new Republican blower. Plus, a whistleblower has to and he uses gossip to do that. President’s foreign policies. ‘My recol- have direct evidence. We also have to wonder, okay, so lection . . . is that he was very smart What we have seen with this march whistleblower number one, this great and very passionate, particularly about of the gossipmongers, as it is best de- patriot, we are told—who he is not. He Ukraine and Russia. That was his scribed, that have been paraded into is a gossipmonger. Where did he get thing, Ukraine,’ he said. ‘He didn’t ex- the secret Star Chamber with the that information since he didn’t get it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.062 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8713 firsthand? He was not allowed to re- b 1345 Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- ceive information about those tele- There is a lot we don’t know here, ance of my time. phone calls the President made to the but this process has the possibility to f leader of another country, so somebody bring this Nation’s constitutional Re- violated the law by telling him. We RISE AND MAKE TOMORROW public to the brink of the end on our BETTER THAN TODAY don’t know who that was. Whoever it watch. was, Vindman or anybody else, there is This ought to be a bipartisan thing. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- a good chance they committed a crime. You can hate a President; you can dis- uary 3, 2019, the gentlewoman from That crime and all the surrounding agree with him; but let’s make sure California (Ms. HILL) is recognized for information about their crime should that we have due process so we don’t 60 minutes as the designee of the ma- be admissible in helping impeach and get drug into a third world status. analyze that witness’s testimony. You We know no country lasts forever, no jority leader. ought to be able to pursue it, but we country ever will. If we are going to GENERAL LEAVE are told, when Republicans were asking perpetuate this any further, we have Ms. HILL of California. Madam Colonel Vindman who he told about got to have some bipartisan concern Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that this, who did he transfer information for justice, for due process, for making all Members have 5 legislative days to to, they were shut down by the chair- sure that all of the protections to pro- revise and extend their remarks and in- man. tect against a Star Chamber-type thing clude extraneous material on the sub- That tells you the chairman must are not what we use here. Unfortu- ject of my Special Order. know what the answers were, and he The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there nately, that is what we have been see- didn’t want the Republicans to have objection to the request of the gentle- ing for nearly 3 years. them. It sounds to me like there is a woman from California? One of the things I was taught in law chance he committed a crime, and that There was no objection. school is what separates us is that we was being covered up. Otherwise, if you Ms. HILL of California. Madam don’t just take somebody and try to want due process, if you want a fair Speaker, this is the last speech that I find a crime. That is unconstitutional. process, if you want justice, then we will give from this floor as a Member of You have a crime that you find was have to hear the good, the bad, the Congress. I wasn’t ready for my time committed, and then you try to find ugly, so we can make a fair determina- here to come to an end so soon. It is a out who probably committed it. When tion. reality I am still grappling with, and I Every person elected as a Member of you get probable cause, you can get will be for a long time to come. Congress is going to have a right to them indicted, then you can have a I expected, or I at least hoped, to be vote on that impeachment, if it ever trial. here for as long as the voters of Cali- comes up, and we have a right to hear What we have seen clearly is that, fornia’s 25th District deemed me wor- the witnesses. Anything else is a sham. over 3 years ago, some people in Jus- thy of the honor of representing them. By the way, this Colonel Vindman, it tice, FBI, Intelligence, maybe Defense, I thought I could make a difference turns out, it has been published, he maybe somebody in the White House, here in making our community, our went to the stenographers. We had decided: Here is Donald J. Trump. Let’s great country, and the world a better heard previously from the President find a crime, whether he committed it place for generations to come. there were four stenographers who or not, that we can wrap around his I, like so many of my colleagues, ran take down everything. throat. for office because I believed that our Well, I have used court reporters my That is what we have been watching political system was broken, controlled whole adult life, and they miss a word happen. They found somebody. Now by the powerful and the wealthy, ignor- from time to time. I have had to fix let’s find a crime that we can allege. ing and failing the regular people that transcripts where they have missed The problem with this one about the it is supposed to serve. I came here to something. We have that problem here. quid pro quo, demanding something, give a voice to the unheard in the halls They are amazing. These stenographers they are going to have to prosecute of power. are absolutely incredible, but they Vice President . They are I wanted to show young people, queer miss a word from time to time. going to have to prosecute some U.S. people, working people, and imperfect But they have four. Apparently, we Senators who have sent letters that people that they belong here because are told, the reason is that they don’t have said: Gee, if you don’t do this or this is the people’s House. I fell short want to tape it so that no foreign lead- that, we are going to cut off funding to of that, and I am sorry. er has to worry about ever hearing his you. To every young person who saw own voice say things that he said in a Whoa, Joe Biden bragged about it: I themselves and their dreams reflected private conversation with the Presi- told him that, if you want this billion in me, I am sorry. dent of the United States. So they have dollars, you better fire that prosecutor. To those who felt like I gave them four stenographers so that they make They are going to have to prosecute hope in one of the darkest times in our sure they get exactly what was said. all of those people before they go after Nation’s history, I am sorry. And this guy Vindman goes to the President Trump, and he didn’t do any- To my family, my friends, my staff, stenographers and tells them: I want to thing nearly like he was accused of. my colleagues, my mentors, and to ev- get these words inserted in the tran- There is nothing wrong with a Presi- eryone who has supported and believed script, Burisma—the name of the gas dent saying to a foreign leader: Your in me, I am sorry. company they are trying to go after country apparently was involved in a To the thousands of people who spent President Trump and say he demanded conspiracy to affect our election. Could hours knocking on doors in the hot information on them. you help us out by giving us informa- summer Sun, who made countless Apparently, none of the stenog- tion about what happened? We just phone calls, and who sacrificed more raphers heard that. It sounds like not need to know. than I could ever know to give every- only is he a potential criminal for There is nothing wrong with it. thing they could in every possible way leaking information to people who And you look at the transcript not so that I could be here, I am so, so weren’t supposed to get it, but there is amended by somebody who was trying sorry. also potential there that this is part— to set up the President, but by four ste- And to every little girl who looked when you go to prove a conspiracy in nographers who were intent on having up to me, I hope that one day you can Federal court, you have to prove not everything in there that was said, and forgive me. only that you plotted but that there you see there was nothing wrong with The mistakes I made and the people was an overt act. His overt act of going this phone call. What was wrong was I have hurt that led to this moment to stenographers and trying to get the process of trying to commit a coup will haunt me for the rest of my life, words embedded into the transcript d’etat and take out a duly elected and I have to come to terms with that. that the President didn’t say could po- President. Ever since those images first came tentially be such an overt act in fur- It is time we wake up and we do what out, I barely left my bed. I have ig- therance of the conspiracy. is right for this country. nored all the calls and the texts. I went

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.064 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 to the darkest places that a mind can women who dare to take risks, who Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, I go, and I have shed more tears than I dare to step into this light, and who thank the gentleman for his leadership thought were possible. dare to be powerful. on the Budget Committee, and I thank I have hidden from the world because It might feel like they have won in him for his patriotism, his love of this I am terrified of facing the people that the short term, but they can’t in the country, and for his desire to do what I let down. But I made it through be- long term. We cannot let them. is right for our country, first and fore- cause the people who loved me most The way to overcome this setback is most. dragged me back into the light and re- for women to keep showing up, to keep Madam Speaker, today was a sad minded me that I was stronger than running for office, and to keep stepping day, I believe, for our country. We have that. up as leaders; because the more we got, now, round two of this phony im- To those of you who were by my side show up, the less power they have. peachment process. in my worst moments—you know who I am leaving, but we have men who It is purely political. It is not based you are—I love you. I am so grateful, have been credibly accused of inten- in facts, not based in the pursuit of and I will never forget. tional acts of sexual violence and re- truth and justice. There is no openness; And I am here today because so many main in boardrooms, on the Supreme there is no fairness; and there is, real- of the people I let down—people close Court, in this very body, and, worst of ly, no credibility. to me, supporters, colleagues, people I all, in the Oval Office. The American people are not buying have never even met—told me to stand So, the fight goes on to create the this bologna, not a single bit. back up and that, despite all of my change that every woman and girl in That is why we are seeing round two this country deserves. Here in the Halls faults, they still believed in me and of putting lipstick on a pig, as we say of Congress, the fight will go on with- they were still counting on me. And I in Texas. But, listen, the nature of this out me. realized that hiding away and dis- phony process is what it is, no matter appearing would be the one unforgiv- I trust so many of my colleagues to be strong on this front while I move on how you dress it up. able sin. It is sad because we are allowing this I will never shirk my responsibility to one of the many other battlefields, institution to be degraded. We are for this sudden ending to my time here, because we have an entire culture that making a mockery out of this Cham- but I have to say more because this is has to change, and we see it in stark ber, the serious business of this coun- bigger than me. clarity today: I am leaving now because of a double The forces of revenge by a bitter, try, and the serious nature of impeach- standard. jealous man, cyber exploitation and ment. I am leaving because I no longer sexual shaming that target our gender, I would say, first and foremost, that want to be used as a bargaining chip. and a large segment of society that the claim that this President has com- I am leaving because I didn’t want to fears and hates powerful women have mitted a high crime, treason, or im- be peddled by papers and blogs and combined to push a young woman out peachable offense is absurd, really. websites, used by shameless operatives of power and say that she doesn’t be- From the outset, I would say that for the dirtiest gutter politics that I long here; yet a man who brags about this is a baseless claim that only first- have ever seen and the rightwing media his sexual predation, who has had doz- hand knowledge, the only primary to drive clicks and expand their audi- ens of women come forward to accuse source of evidence, is his conversation ence by distributing intimate photos of him of sexual assault, who pushes poli- with President Zelensky. Unlike the me taken without my knowledge, let cies that are uniquely harmful to cherry-picked leaks from Chairman alone my consent, for the sexual enter- women, and who has filled the courts SCHIFF, he let it be known what he tainment of millions. with judges who proudly rule to de- said, what their conversation was I am leaving because of a prive women of the most fundamental about, in the full sunshine, for all the misogynistic culture that gleefully right to control their own bodies sits in public to see. consumed my naked pictures, capital- the highest office of the land. And it was clear that the President ized on my sexuality, and enabled my And so today, as my last vote, I voted not only didn’t have a quid pro quo, the abusive ex to continue that abuse, this on impeachment proceedings, not just President not only didn’t commit some time with the entire country watching. because of corruption, obstruction of impeachable offense, for heaven’s sake, I am leaving because of the thou- justice, or gross misconduct, but be- he was ensuring that taxpayer dollars, sands of vile, threatening emails, calls, cause of the deepest abuse of power, in- as the fiduciary, the chief fiduciary of and texts that made me fear for my life cluding the abuse of power over this country, weren’t going to be wast- and the lives of the people that I care women. ed or abused or misspent on anything about. Today, as my final act, I voted to except for what they were intended for Today is the first time I have left my move forward with the impeachment of and that every stone would be turned apartment since the photos taken Donald Trump on behalf of the women over to root out graft and corruption. without my consent were released, and of the United States of America. We b 1400 I am scared. will not stand down; we will not be bro- Now, that is not just appropriate; I am leaving because, for the sake of ken; and we will not be silenced. We that is to be commended for any chief my community, my staff, my family, will rise, and we will make tomorrow executive, especially for our President. and myself, I can’t allow this to con- better than today. tinue, because I have been told that Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- I think that this process is purely po- people were angry when I stood strong ance of my time for now, but not for- litical and aimed, again, not at truth after the first article was posted and ever. and justice, but at a distraction from what is not happening on trade, on pre- that they had hundreds more photos f and text messages that they would re- scription drugs, and a whole host of lease bit by bit until they broke me ISSUES OF THE DAY things that we have to address if we down to nothing, while they used my The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under are going to have a real impact on our faults and my past to distract from the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- fellow countrymen and move this coun- things that matter most. uary 3, 2019, the Chair recognizes the try forward. I am leaving because there is only gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. I think it is a distraction from the one investigation that deserves the at- GROTHMAN) for 30 minutes. socialist policies that have been ad- tention of this country, and that is the Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, it vanced through this Chamber that one that we voted on today. is an honor to be here on the floor of have no chance of having any real ef- Today, I ask you all to stand with me the House of Representatives this 502nd fect on mainstream America. and commit to creating a future where anniversary of Reformation Day. I think, ultimately, it is to discredit this no longer happens to women and Madam Speaker, prior to discussing this President; and instead of actually girls. immigration policy and the other doing battle for hearts and minds the Yes, I am stepping down, but I refuse issues of the day, I yield to the gen- old-fashioned way in the public squares to let this experience scare off other tleman from Texas (Mr. ARRINGTON). and at the ballot box, they are doing it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.066 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8715 by weaponizing this serious constitu- and a threat, unless we deal with it, him with. These are things that he has tional provision of impeachment. which will ultimately destroy our had to do on his own. Again, it is a sad day. But what I country, and that is the threat of ille- There are other things that he is try- would say in closing, to my dear friend gal immigration, of people flowing ing to do that Congress should be tak- from Wisconsin, is that it is one thing across the southern border. ing up, but isn’t. to take the oxygen out of this Chamber I have been at the southern border He has been trying to keep people for actually doing things that are three times this year to see for myself from coming into this country if they going to have a real impact and make what Border Patrol and other people in are a public charge. We have enough a real difference in the lives of our fel- charge of securing our border have to people who we are taking care of in our low Americans, it is one thing to take put up with, and I would like to say country—some through their own this President down yet another rabbit that they have done a tremendous job. fault, some through no fault of their hole, another Russian collusion hoax, Yesterday, in this building, while so own—on various welfare programs. but another thing to do irreparable many people were focused on the im- President Trump tried to say: Hey, harm to our democracy. peachment inquiry, we had a hearing in we will maybe take people who are The Presidency, how is it ever going the subcommittee of the Oversight and working. We will take people who want to be the same after this? How will a Reform Committee in which Ken to come here legally. But courts, in- President ever have a phone call with a Cuccinelli, the United States Citizen- cluding a prominent judge appointed foreign leader where they can have the ship and Immigration Services office by President Clinton, struck that candor that is necessary to build rela- head, and Matthew Albence, Acting Di- down. So President Trump was denied tionships and to do the people’s busi- rector of ICE, were testifying before the opportunity to prevent people from ness. our subcommittee. coming here who are going to be a pub- Madam Speaker, I say to my fellow It was interesting, the appalling com- lic charge. Americans: This isn’t about truth and ments that they had to put up with President Trump is still waiting—and justice. This is about fear and hate, from Members of this House, being I hope he does—to do something about hate for our President and for what he called white supremacists, just doing birthright citizenship, another situa- stands for, for his agenda, and fear that their job trying to secure the border. tion that I saw when I was on the bor- they can’t beat him at the ballot box, Those are the type of things that every der in which, obviously, America, being so they are going to do it by American should be aware of what is 1 of only 2 of the 40 wealthiest coun- weaponizing our congressional over- going on in this building. tries in the world to say, if you have a But I would like to update people on sight responsibility and abusing the child here, you get to be a citizen. the good job that President Trump has power of this great institution for their His Border Patrol has been acting been able to do in the last 6 months, political objectives. I say that is whol- with inadequate funding. They have why he has been able to do this job, and ly un-American. had, up until recently, 2,000 vacancies. the hatred which it has brought our For my children’s sake, they are They could use more people in addition President. to that. doing irreparable harm to not only the In May, over 145,000 people were proc- Presidency, but to all of our demo- We are in the process of building 500 essed trying to get into this country, miles of wall. It is not going to be cratic institutions. If you lose that, and we allowed over 100,000 people in you lose the ability to govern, Repub- enough. But we like to believe we are this country. going to be able to get that done by the lican or Democrat; you lose the ability About a year ago, there was a study to govern functionally for the Amer- end of December. put out by MIT and Yale which in- But, in any event, after doing all of ican people. creased the estimated number of people these actions, we have done a much What a sad day. History will judge in this country illegally from 10 to 11 better job—I would say the best job we cruelly those who participated in this million to 20 to 22 million people. That have had in years—of holding down the instead of doing it the old-fashioned is a lot of people. number of immigrants in this country. American way, from house to house in Obviously, we could not forever go Like I said, the sad thing is, largely, the neighborhoods, in the public on, May after May after May, in which this is President Trump acting on his squares, and at the ballot box. 100,000 people were allowed in this own while Congress tries to remove the God save our great country, and God country. immigration crisis from the headlines help us all if this political railroad job That, by the way, is in addition to by spending day after day talking and farce continues any longer. people who sneak in the country with- about impeachment, trying to chase I thank my friend from Wisconsin for out being detected because we have no some rumor down, or maybe somebody yielding to me. I am grateful for the wall and we have not adequately fund- operating under the guidance of a Con- opportunity. ed our Border Patrol. I think experts gressman making charges against God bless America, and go, West believe another 10,000 people probably President Trump. Texas. came in, at least 10,000 came into this But I will just ask the American pub- Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, I country in May undetected. lic to keep their eye on the ball, and thank the gentleman for his comments. Since that time, President Trump that ball is immigration. We cannot go I realized that a lot of what has been has reached agreements with Mexico, back to the days of 100,000 people being said here the last few days focuses on in part by threatening tariffs, in part allowed in this country every month. an impeachment inquiry, and one has by just general suasion, and we have We have to make sure that the poli- to ask oneself why we have so many reduced the number of people coming cies that President Trump has imple- people who have been wanting to try to into this country from over 100,000 in mented in the last 5 months continue impeachment President Trump imme- May to, I am told by the Border Patrol, to be implemented. diately. perhaps under 5,000 in September after We have to demand from Congress ac- It was, obviously, a very important processing 40,000 to 50,000. This is be- tion on the variety of things that they vote today, but it is the fourth vote I cause President Trump reached an should be doing instead of filling up the have taken, I believe, since President agreement with Mexico that they will press with stories on impeachment. Trump has been sworn in on impeach- hold asylum seekers down there. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- ment. So far, nothing has turned up. I He has reached out and reached ance of my time. don’t expect anything to turn up in the agreements or received help from Gua- f future. temala, Honduras, and El Salvador, in But I think one of the motivations addition to Mexico, in not only keeping SENATE BILL REFERRED for this impeachment inquiry is to more of their citizens there, but if peo- A bill of the Senate of the following keep other stories off the page, to keep ple try to leave other countries for asy- title was taken from the Speaker’s other stories out of the mainstream lum, more are being kept in places like table and, under the rule, referred as media. And that is why, today, I want Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras. follows: to address what I think is the biggest I want to point out, too, that this is S. 1678. An Act to express United States threat to America in the short term not something that Congress helped support for Taiwan’s diplomatic alliances

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC7.068 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8716 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 around the world; to the Committee on For- transmitting the Department’s final rule — partment of the Interior, transmitting the eign Affairs; in addition, to the Committee Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Agency’s final rule — Subsistence Manage- on Ways and Means for a period to be subse- Plants; Regulations for Interagency Coopera- ment Regulations for Public Lands in Alas- quently determined by the Speaker, in each tion [Docket No.: FWS-HQ-ES-2018-0009; ka-Cook Inlet Area Regulations [Docket No.: case for consideration of such provisions as FXES11140900000-189-FF09E300000; Docket FWS-R7-SM-2018-0003; FXFR13350700640-190- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee No.: 180207140-8140-01; 4500090023] (RIN: 0648- FF07J00000; FBMS# 4500133005] (RIN: 1018- concerned. BH41; 1018-BC87) received October 29, 2019, BB99) received October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. f pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- ADJOURNMENT mittee on Natural Resources. ural Resources. 2816. A letter from the National Species 2823. A letter from the Fish and Wildlife Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, I Status Assessment Team Lead, Fish and Administrator, Policy Lead, Wildlife and move that the House do now adjourn. Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Sport Fish Restoration Program, U.S. Fish The motion was agreed to; accord- transmitting the Department’s final rule — and Wildlife Service, Department of the Inte- ingly (at 2 o’clock and 10 minutes Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and rior, transmitting the Department’s final p.m.), under its previous order, the Plants; Endangered Species Status for rule — Financial Assistance: Wildlife Res- House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri- Barrens Topminnow [Docket No.: FWS-R4- toration, Sport Fish Restoration, Hunter day, November 1, 2019, at 1 p.m. ES-2017-0094; 4500030113] (RIN: 1018-BC52) re- Education and Safety [Docket No.: FWS-HQ- ceived October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. WSR-2017-0002; 91400-5110-POLI-7B; 91400-9410- f 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 POLI-7B] (RIN: 1018-BA33) received October EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Re- 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to ETC. sources. 2817. A letter from the Chief, Branch of the Committee on Natural Resources. Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Delisting and Foreign Species, Fish and 2824. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- communications were taken from the Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: transmitting the Department’s final rule — tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- 2810. A letter from the Director, Office of Plants; Removing the Kirtland’s Warbler porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- From the Federal List of Endangered and nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Threatened Wildlife [Docket No.: FWS-R3- Catcher Vessels Less Than 50 Feet Length tion’s final rule — Company-Run Stress ES-2018-0005; FXES11130900000] (RIN: 1018- Overall Using Hook-and-Line Gear in the Testing Requirements for FDIC-Supervised BC01) received October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alas- State Nonmember Banks and State Savings U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. ka [Docket No.: 180831813-9170-02] (RIN: 0648- Associations (RIN: 3064-AE84) received Octo- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- XY024) received October 30, 2019, pursuant to ber 30, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); ural Resources. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to 2818. A letter from the Chief, Branch of 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- the Committee on Financial Services. Delisting and Foreign Species, Fish and ural Resources. 2811. A letter from the Assistant Secretary Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 2825. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- for Export Administration, Bureau of Indus- transmitting the Department’s final rule — fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- try and Security, Department of Commerce, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- transmitting the Department’s final rule — Plants; Removal of the Monito Gecko porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- Restricting Additional Exports and Reex- (Sphaerodactylus micropithecus) From the nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod in the ports to Cuba [Docket No.: 191011-0062] (RIN: Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alas- 0694-AH90) received October 30, 2019, pursuant Wildlife [Docket No.: FWS-R4-ES-2017-0082; ka [Docket No.: 180831813-9170-02] (RIN: 0648- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, FXES11130900000C2-178-FF09E42000] (RIN: XY047) received October 30, 2019, pursuant to Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on 1018-BB76) received October 29, 2019, pursuant 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Foreign Affairs. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- 2812. A letter from the Wildlife Biologist, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department ural Resources. Natural Resources. 2826. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- of the Interior, transmitting the Depart- 2819. A letter from the Branch Chief, U.S. fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- ment’s Major final rule — Migratory Bird Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Hunting; Seasons and Bag and Possession tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Interior, transmitting the Department’s tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- Limits for Certain Migratory Game Birds final rule — Migratory Bird Hunting; Final [Docket No.: FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0030; porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- Frameworks for Migratory Bird Hunting nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Ves- FF09M21200-189-FXMB1231099BPP0] (RIN: Regulations [Docket No.: FWS-HQ-MB-2018- 1018-BD10) received October 29, 2019, pursuant sels Using Pot Gear in the Central Regu- 0030; FF09M21200-189-FXMB1231099BPP0] latory Area of the Gulf of Alaska [Docket to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, (RIN: 1018-BD10) received October 29, 2019, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on No.: 180831813-9170-02] (RIN: 0648-XY022) re- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ceived October 30, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Natural Resources. 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 2813. A letter from the Wildlife Biologist, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 mittee on Natural Resources. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Re- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department 2820. A letter from the Branch Chief, U.S. of the Interior, transmitting the Depart- sources. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the 2827. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- ment’s Major final rule — Migratory Bird Interior, transmitting the Department’s fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Hunting; Migratory Bird Hunting Regula- final rule — Migratory Bird Permits; Regula- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tions on Certain Federal Indian Reservations tions Concerning a Depredation Order [Dock- tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- and Ceded Lands for the 2019-20 Season et Number: FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0225; porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- [Docket No.: FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0030; FF09M29000-190-FXMB12320900000] (RIN: 1018- nomic Zone Off Alaska; Reallocation of Atka FF09M21200-189-FXMB1231099BPP0] (RIN: BB77) received October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 Mackerel in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Is- 1018-BD10) received October 29, 2019, pursuant U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. lands Management Area [Docket No.: to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- 180713633-9174-02] (RIN: 0648-XY040) received Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ural Resources. October 30, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Natural Resources. 2821. A letter from the Supervisory Regula- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 2814. A letter from the Chief, Branch of tions Specialist, Office of Subsistence Man- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Re- Delisting and Foreign Species, Fish and agement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, De- sources. Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, partment of the Interior, transmitting the 2828. A letter from the Director, Office of transmitting the Department’s final rule — Department’s final rule — Subsistence Man- Regulation Policy and Management, Office Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and agement Regulations for Public Lands in of the Secretary, Department of Veterans Af- Plants; Removing the Foskett Speckled Alaska-2019-20 and 2020-21 Subsistence Tak- fairs, transmitting the Department’s final Dace From the List of Endangered and ing of Fish Regulations [Docket No.: FWS- rule — Center for Innovation for Care and Threatened Wildlife [Docket No.: FWS-R1- R7-SM-2017-0096; FXFR13350700640-190- Payment (RIN: 2900-AQ56) received October ES-2017-0051; FXES11130900000-178- FF07J00000; FBMS #4500133004] (RIN: 1018- 30, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); FF09E42000] (RIN: 1018-BC09) received Octo- BC06) received October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to ber 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- 2829. A letter from the Director RMD, RD the Committee on Natural Resources. ural Resources. Innovation Center, Rural Development, De- 2815. A letter from the Chief, Branch of 2822. A letter from the Supervisory Regula- partment of Agriculture, transmitting the Listing Policy and Support, U.S. Fish and tions Specialist, Office of Subsistence Man- Department’s final rule — Rural Develop- Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, agement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, De- ment Environmental Regulation for Rural

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.039 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8717 Infrastructure [RUS-18-Agency-0005, RBS-18- veterans of employment opportunities, and partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other None-0029, RHS-18-None-0026] (RIN: 0572- for other purposes; to the Committee on purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- AC44) received October 30, 2019, pursuant to 5 Armed Services, and in addition to the Com- fairs. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs, for a period to By Mr. BUDD (for himself and Mr. 251; (110 Stat. 868); jointly to the Committees be subsequently determined by the Speaker, BISHOP of North Carolina): on Agriculture and Financial Services. in each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 4950. A bill to direct the Secretary of 2830. A letter from the Regulations Coordi- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Education to conduct a study on Federal nator, Department of Health and Human committee concerned. data collection related to student participa- Services, transmitting the Department’s By Mr. GOTTHEIMER (for himself and tion and performance in career and technical final rule — Administrative Simplification: Mr. FITZPATRICK): education programs, and for other purposes; Rescinding the Adoption of the Standard H.R. 4942. A bill to direct the Transpor- to the Committee on Education and Labor. Unique Health Plan Identifier and Other En- tation Security Administration to develop By Mr. CARTER of Texas: tity Identifier [CMS-0054-F] (RIN: 0938-AT42) and disseminate best practices for rental H.R. 4951. A bill to amend the Elementary received October 29, 2019, pursuant to 5 companies and dealers to report suspicious and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. behavior to law enforcement agencies at the strengthen school security; to the Com- mittee on Education and Labor. 251; (110 Stat. 868); jointly to the Committees point of sale of a covered rental vehicle to By Ms. CHENEY: on Energy and Commerce and Ways and prevent and mitigate acts of terrorism using H.R. 4952. A bill to direct the Secretary of motor vehicles, and for other purposes; to Means. Transportation to issue regulations to revise the Committee on Homeland Security. f title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to re- By Mrs. MURPHY of Florida (for her- quire an air carrier to permit eligible service REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON self and Mr. DIAZ-BALART): animals to accompany eligible veterans dur- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 4943. A bill to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to pro- ing travel, and for other purposes; to the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of vide that children who have relocated from Committee on Transportation and Infra- committees were delivered to the Clerk Puerto Rico to the States are fully consid- structure. for printing and reference to the proper ered for purposes of State allotments under By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois OLDING): the English Language Acquisition grants; to (for himself and Mr. H calendar, as follows: H.R. 4953. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- the Committee on Education and Labor. Mr. NADLER: Committee on the Judici- enue Code of 1986 to modify the tax rate for ary. H.R. 35. A bill to amend section 249 of By Mr. BURCHETT: excise tax on investment income of private H.R. 4944. A bill to require the Small Busi- title 18, United States Code, to specify lynch- foundations; to the Committee on Ways and ness Administration to issue licenses under ing as a hate crime act (Rept. 116–267). Re- Means. the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ferred to the Committee of the Whole House By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois: within particular time frames, and for other on the state of the Union. H.R. 4954. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- f enue Act of 1986 to strengthen the earned in- ness. come tax credit and expand eligibility for PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. GRIFFITH (for himself, Mr. childless individuals, homeless youth, and WELCH, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. SOTO, and qualified foster youth; to the Committee on Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Mr. LARSON of Connecticut): Ways and Means. H.R. 4945. A bill to amend title XVIII of the bills and resolutions of the following By Mr. ENGEL (for himself, Mr. GUTH- Social Security Act to exclude ventilators titles were introduced and severally re- RIE, Mr. SCHRADER, and Mr. HUDSON): ferred, as follows: from competitive acquisition programs H.R. 4955. A bill to amend the Federal under the Medicare program for 5years, and By Mrs. NAPOLITANO (for herself and Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to clarify the for other purposes; to the Committee on En- meaning of a new chemical entity; to the Mr. CISNEROS): ergy and Commerce, and in addition to the H.R. 4936. A bill to establish a grant pro- Committee on Energy and Commerce. Committee on Ways and Means, for a period By Ms. FOXX of North Carolina (for gram to provide temporary housing to home- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- less individuals, and for other purposes; to herself and Mrs. WAGNER): er, in each case for consideration of such pro- H.R. 4956. A bill to provide that the Execu- the Committee on Financial Services. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the tive order entitled ‘‘Establishing a White By Mr. SMUCKER: committee concerned. House Council on Eliminating Regulatory H.R. 4937. A bill to amend the Workforce By Mr. WELCH (for himself, Mr. GRIF- Barriers to Affordable Housing‘‘ shall have Innovation and Opportunity Act to make FITH, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. CARTER of the force and effect of law, and for other pur- permanent a grant program to promote and Georgia, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- assist in the reentry of justice-involved indi- CRAWFORD, Mr. WESTERMAN, Mr. ices. viduals into the workforce; to the Com- DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee, Mrs. ROD- By Mr. GALLEGO (for himself and Mr. mittee on Education and Labor. GERS of Washington, Mrs. AXNE, Mr. COOK): By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama (for her- ALLEN, and Mr. PETERSON): H.R. 4957. A bill to amend the Indian Child self, Mr. NUNES, Mr. WELCH, Mr. H.R. 4946. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Protection and Family Violence Prevention MULLIN, and Mr. BLUMENAUER): Social Security Act to ensure equal access of Act; to the Committee on Natural Resources. H.R. 4938. A bill to amend title XVIII to Medicare beneficiaries to community phar- By Mr. GOHMERT: strengthen ambulance services furnished macies in underserved areas as network H.R. 4958. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- under part B of the Medicare program; to the pharmacies under Medicare prescription enue Code of 1986 to tax bona fide residents Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in drug coverage, and for other purposes; to the of the District of Columbia in the same man- addition to the Committee on Ways and Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in ner as bona fide residents of possessions of Means, for a period to be subsequently deter- addition to the Committee on Ways and the United States; to the Committee on mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- Means, for a period to be subsequently deter- Ways and Means. sideration of such provisions as fall within mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- By Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma (for the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. sideration of such provisions as fall within himself, Mr. BANKS, Mr. NORMAN, Mr. By Mr. BACON (for himself and Mr. the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. MURPHY of North Carolina, Mr. CISNEROS): By Mr. BIGGS: KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. ROY, Mr. H.R. 4939. A bill to amend title 18, United H.R. 4947. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- MEUSER, Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana, States Code, to combat straw purchases of enue Code of 1986 to expand the deduction for Mr. GOODEN, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. firearms; to the Committee on the Judiciary. qualified business income, and for other pur- WOMACK, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. UPTON, By Mr. FLORES: poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. DAVIDSON of Ohio, Mr. JORDAN, H.R. 4940. A bill to require the Secretary of By Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina (for Mr. RESCHENTHALER, and Mr. GREEN the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- himself, Mr. BUDD, and Mr. MEAD- of Tennessee): tion of the 200th anniversary of the estab- OWS): H.R. 4959. A bill to amend the Congres- lishment of the Nation’s first statewide in- H.R. 4948. A bill to provide for the effective sional Budget and Impoundment Control Act vestigative law enforcement agency, the use of immigration detainers to enhance of 1974 to provide for cost estimates of major Ranger Division of the Texas Department of public safety; to the Committee on the Judi- legislation; to the Committee on Rules, and Public Safety; to the Committee on Finan- ciary. in addition to the Committee on the Budget, cial Services. By Mr. BOST (for himself, Mr. for a period to be subsequently determined By Mr. KIM (for himself, Mr. COOK, and CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. WALORSKI, Mr. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Mr. CISNEROS): RUTHERFORD, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. CAL- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- H.R. 4941. A bill to amend title 10, United VERT, and Ms. STEFANIK): risdiction of the committee concerned. States Code, to improve the Transition As- H.R. 4949. A bill to direct the Secretary of By Mr. HILL of Arkansas (for himself, sistance Program by allowing certain vet- Veterans Affairs to establish qualifications Mr. FOSTER, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mrs. erans’ service organizations to contact vet- for the human resources positions within the MURPHY of Florida, Mr. VEASEY, and erans regarding benefits and to better inform Veterans Health Administration of the De- Mr. CHABOT):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L31OC7.000 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 31, 2019 H.R. 4960. A bill to require the Secretary of store and protect the Chesapeake Bay water- cession in Tucson, Arizona, and calling for Commerce to conduct an assessment and shed, and for other purposes; to the Com- an end to migrant deaths along the United analysis relating to the decline in the busi- mittee on Natural Resources, and in addition States-Mexico border; to the Committee on ness formation rate in the United States; to to the Committee on Transportation and In- the Judiciary, and in addition to the Com- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. frastructure, for a period to be subsequently mittee on Homeland Security, for a period to By Mr. HUFFMAN (for himself, Ms. determined by the Speaker, in each case for be subsequently determined by the Speaker, TLAIB, and Ms. BARRAGA´ N): consideration of such provisions as fall with- in each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 4961. A bill to limit financial support in the jurisdiction of the committee con- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the for certain international energy projects; to cerned. committee concerned. the Committee on Appropriations, and in ad- By Mrs. TORRES of California (for her- By Mr. CLEAVER: dition to the Committees on Financial Serv- self, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. H. Res. 671. A resolution urging the United ices, and Foreign Affairs, for a period to be CARBAJAL, Mr. VARGAS, Mrs. WATSON Arab Emirates to immediately end any ac- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in COLEMAN, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. HAS- tivities enabling money laundering in viola- each case for consideration of such provi- TINGS, Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. LOWENTHAL, tion of United States sanctions against Iran; sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. KHANNA, Mr. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. committee concerned. CA´ RDENAS, and Mr. TAKANO): By Ms. KAPTUR (for herself, Mr. By Mr. KATKO (for himself and Miss H.R. 4968. A bill to provide for the basic KINZINGER, Mr. KEATING, Mr. SIRES, RICE of New York): needs of students at institutions of higher H.R. 4962. A bill to direct the Secretary of education; to the Committee on Education Mr. PENCE, Mr. GOODEN, Mr. COSTA, Education to award grants for cybersecurity and Labor. Mr. ROONEY of Florida, Mr. HUNTER, curriculum for secondary schools, and for By Ms. TORRES SMALL of New Mex- Mr. HARRIS, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. HECK, Mr. TURNER, Mr. QUIGLEY, and other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- ico (for herself, Mr. LUJA´ N, and Ms. Mr. PRICE of North Carolina): cation and Labor. HAALAND): By Mr. KATKO (for himself, Miss RICE H.R. 4969. A bill to name the Department of H. Res. 672. A resolution expressing support of New York, Mr. WALDEN, Mr. Veterans Affairs community-based out- of the Three Seas Initiative in its efforts to CORREA, and Mr. SOTO): patient clinic in Las Cruces, New Mexico, as increase energy independence and infrastruc- H.R. 4963. A bill to amend the Controlled the ‘‘Las Cruces Bataan Memorial Clinic‘‘; to ture connectivity thereby strengthening the Substances Act to clarify how controlled the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. United States and European national secu- substance analogues that are imported or of- By Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN: rity; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. fered for import are to be regulated, and for H.R. 4970. A bill to restrict the authority of By Mr. LARSEN of Washington (for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy the Attorney General to enter into contracts himself, Mrs. WAGNER, Ms. NORTON, and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- for Federal correctional facilities and com- Ms. MOORE, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, mittee on the Judiciary, for a period to be munity confinement facilities, and for other Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- NEWHOUSE, Mrs. LESKO, Mr. RUSH, each case for consideration of such provi- ary. Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the By Ms. WEXTON (for herself, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. ROUDA, Mr. PA- committee concerned. BEYER, Mr. CLINE, Mr. CONNOLLY, NETTA, and Ms. MENG): By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: Mrs. LURIA, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. H. Res. 673. A resolution expressing appre- H.R. 4964. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- RIGGLEMAN, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, ciation during ‘‘National Domestic Violence enue Code of 1986 to extend the employer and Ms. SPANBERGER): credit for paid family and medical leave, and H.R. 4971. A bill to designate the facility of Awareness Month‘‘ to all providers working for other purposes; to the Committee on the United States Postal Service located at tirelessly to educate communities, provide Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- 15 East Market Street in Leesburg, Virginia, shelter and assistance to victims, and end mittee on Education and Labor, for a period as the ‘‘Norman Duncan Post Office Build- the scourge of domestic violence; to the to be subsequently determined by the Speak- ing’’; to the Committee on Oversight and Re- Committee on Education and Labor. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- form. By Mrs. TORRES of California: visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the By Ms. GABBARD: H. Res. 674. A resolution expressing the committee concerned. H. Con. Res. 70. Concurrent resolution di- sense of the House of Representatives regard- By Mr. POCAN (for himself, Mr. recting the President pursuant to section ing the achievements of Edgar Ricardo ESPAILLAT, Mr. SIRES, Mr. CARSON of 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove Arjona Morales, in honor of Hispanic Herit- Indiana, Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, Ms. United States Armed Forces from hostilities age Month; to the Committee on Foreign Af- ESHOO, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. in the Syrian Arab Republic that have not fairs. LUJA´ N, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, been authorized by Congress; to the Com- By Mr. WALKER (for himself, Mr. Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Mrs. LAW- mittee on Foreign Affairs. BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. DESJARLAIS, RENCE, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, By Mr. HASTINGS (for himself and Mr. Mr. FULCHER, Mr. GAETZ, Mr. Mrs. AXNE, Mr. LAMB, Mr. KILDEE, BUCHANAN): MCCLINTOCK, Mr. MURPHY of North Mr. SOTO, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Geor- H. Con. Res. 71. Concurrent resolution urg- Carolina, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. GIBBS, gia, Ms. HAALAND, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. ing all nations to outlaw the dog and cat Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. RIGGLEMAN, KILMER, Mr. EVANS, Ms. NORTON, Ms. meat trade and to enforce existing laws Mr. DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. SLOTKIN, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. CISNEROS, against such trade; to the Committee on BANKS, Mr. CLOUD, Mr. HICE of Geor- Mr. SABLAN, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Com- gia, Mr. RUTHERFORD, Mr. WEBER of Mr. RASKIN, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. mittee on Agriculture, for a period to be sub- Texas, Mr. GUEST, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. CROW, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. MCGOVERN, sequently determined by the Speaker, in EMMER, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. MORELLE, Mr. each case for consideration of such provi- LAMALFA, Mr. WILSON of South Caro- SERRANO, Mr. VARGAS, Ms. ROYBAL- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the lina, Mr. SPANO, Mr. KELLY of Mis- ALLARD, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. committee concerned. sissippi, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. KEVIN HERN TAKANO, Mr. ROSE of New York, and By Mr. COLE: of Oklahoma, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. Mr. LOWENTHAL): H. Res. 668. A resolution providing for con- MARSHALL, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. KING of H.R. 4965. A bill to promote effective reg- sideration of the resolution (H.Res. 660) di- Iowa, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. DAVIDSON of istered apprenticeships, for skills, creden- recting certain committees to continue their Ohio, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. COMER, Mr. tials, and employment, and for other pur- ongoing investigations as part of the exist- JOHNSON of Louisiana, Mr. WRIGHT, poses; to the Committee on Education and ing House of Representatives inquiry into Mr. BABIN, Mr. GOODEN, and Mr. Labor. whether sufficient grounds exist for the MULLIN): By Ms. PRESSLEY: House of Representatives to exercise its Con- H.R. 4966. A bill to require the chief execu- stitutional power to impeach Donald John H. Res. 675. A resolution expressing the tive officers of global systemically impor- Trump, President of the United States of sense of the House of Representatives that tant bank holding companies to provide an- America, and for other purposes; to the Com- socialist proposals such as Medicare for All, nual testimony to Congress, and for other mittee on Rules. student loan forgiveness, and the Green New purposes; to the Committee on Financial By Mr. YARMUTH (for himself, Mr. Deal with a guaranteed job for all, are anti- Services. TAYLOR, Mr. LANGEVIN, and Ms. thetical to American foundational values of By Mr. SCOTT of Virginia (for himself, TITUS): self-responsibility and opportunity, and by Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. H. Res. 669. A resolution expressing support guaranteeing these programs as ‘‘rights’’, we CONNOLLY, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. for designation of the week of November 3 risk abandoning our actual rights; to the CARTWRIGHT, Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. NOR- through 9, 2019, as National Family Service Committee on Financial Services, and in ad- TON, Mrs. LURIA, Mr. RIGGLEMAN, Mr. Learning Week; to the Committee on Edu- dition to the Committee on the Judiciary, HOYER, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. TRONE, Ms. cation and Labor. for a period to be subsequently determined WEXTON, and Mr. BEYER): By Mr. GRIJALVA: by the Speaker, in each case for consider- H.R. 4967. A bill to authorize the Secretary H. Res. 670. A resolution commemorating ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- of the Interior to establish a program to re- the 30th annual event of the All Souls Pro- risdiction of the committee concerned.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L31OC7.100 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8719 PRIVATE BILLS AND United States; and nothing in this Constitu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- RESOLUTIONS tion shall be so construed as to Prejudice lation pursuant to the following: any Claims of the United States, or of any Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution: Under clause 3 of rule XII, particular State. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Miss RICE of New York introduced A By Mr. GRIFFITH: Cases whatsoever, over such District (not ex- bill (H.R. 4972) for the relief of Ted H.R. 4945. ceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession Simonson and Reoforce, Inc; which Congress has the power to enact this legis- of particular States, and the acceptance of was referred to the Committee on the lation pursuant to the following: Congress, become the Seat of the Govern- Judiciary. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power ment of the United States, and to exercise f granted to Congress under Article I, Section like Authority over all Places purchased by 8 of the United States Constitution. the Consent of the Legislature of the State CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. WELCH: in which the Same shall be, for the Erection STATEMENT H.R. 4946. of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Congress has the power to enact this legis- and other needful Buildings the Rules of the House of Representa- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18: The Con- H.R. 4959. tives, the following statements are sub- gress shall have Power To . . . make all Congress has the power to enact this legis- mitted regarding the specific powers Laws which shall be necessary and proper for lation pursuant to the following: granted to Congress in the Constitu- carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Article I, Section VIII of the United States tion to enact the accompanying bill or ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- Constitution joint resolution. stitution in the Government of the United By Mr. HILL of Arkansas: By Mrs. NAPOLITANO: States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 4960. H.R. 4936. thereof.. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. BIGGS: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4947. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. HUFFMAN: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4961. By Mr. SMUCKER: Article I of the U.S. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4937. By Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4948. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Clause 3 of section 8 of article 1 of the Con- lation pursuant to the following: Duties, Impost and Excises; to pay the Debts stitution. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution and provide for the common Defense and By Ms. SEWELL of Alabama: By Mr. BOST: general Welfare of the United States; but all H.R. 4938. H.R.. 4949. Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- throughout the United States. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: To regulate Article I, Sec. 8, Clause 18 Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Commerce with foreign Nations, and among By Mr. BACON: By Mr. BUDD: the several States, and with the Indian H.R. 4939. H.R. 4950. Tribes. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. KATKO: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4962. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Article I Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution, which gives Congress the By Mr. CARTER of Texas: lation pursuant to the following: power ‘‘to regulate commerce with foreign H.R. 4951. Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall nations, and among the several states, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, with the Indian tribes.’’ lation pursuant to the following: Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and By Mr. FLORES: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power provide for the common Defence and general H.R. 4940. granted to Congress under Article 1, Section Welfare of the has the power to enact this legis- 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution. By Mr. KATKO: lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. CHENEY: H.R. 4963. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Con- H.R. 4952. Congress has the power to enact this legis- stitution of the United States: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: The Congress shall have Power to coin lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 of the United States Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of Article I, Section 8 Constitution. foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois: By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: and Measures; H.R. 4953. H .R. 4964. By Mr. KIM: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4941. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I of the Constitution and its subse- The Congress enacts this bill pursuant to lation pursuant to the following: quent amendments and further clarified and Article I Section 8 of the United States Con- Article I, Section 8 interpreted by the Supreme Court of the stitution. By Mr. GOTTHEIMER: United States. By Mr. POCAN: H.R. 4942. By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois: H.R. 4965. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4954. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: section 8 of article I of the United States lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- Constitution. Article I of the Constitution and its subse- tion. By Mrs. MURPHY of Florida: quent amendments and further clarified and By Ms. PRESSLEY: H.R. 4943. interpreted by the Supreme Court of the H.R. 4966. Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. ENGEL: lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, which provides Con- H.R. 4955. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United gress with the power to regulate commerce Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Constitution among the several states, the power to pro- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. SCOTT of Virginia: mote the progress of science and the useful Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 4967. arts, and the power to make all laws nec- By Ms. FOXX of North Carolina: Congress has the power to enact this legis- essary and proper for carrying out the fore- H.R. 4956. lation pursuant to the following: going powers. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 By Mr. BURCHETT: lation pursuant to the following: By Mrs. TORRES of California: H.R. 4944. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 4968. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. GALLEGO: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4957. lation pursuant to the following: Article IV, Congress has the power to enact this legis- According to Article 1: Section 8: Clause Section 3, Clause 2. The Congress shall lation pursuant to the following: 18: of the United States Constitution, seen have Power to dispose of and make all need- Artile I, Section 8, Clause 18 below, this bill falls within the Constitu- ful Rules and Regulations respecting the By Mr. GOHMERT: tional Authority of the United States Con- Territory or other Property belonging to the H.R. 4958. gress.

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Article 1: Section 8: Clause 18: To make all H.R. 1765: Mr. MCKINLEY. H.R. 3461: Mr. GOMEZ. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 1777: Ms. MENG. H.R. 3495: Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. KEVIN HERN of carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1923: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. Oklahoma, and Mrs. MCBATH. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- SERRANO, Mr. WELCH, Mr. LOWENTHAL, and H.R. 3497: Mr. STEIL, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. stitution in the Government of the United Ms. GARCIA of Texas. BACON, Mr. KIND, Mr. WENSTRUP, Ms. JACK- States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 2051: Mr. SUOZZI. SON LEE, Mr. GALLAGHER, and Mrs. LURIA. thereof. H.R. 2075: Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL. H.R. 3502: Mr. GREEN of Tennessee. By Ms. TORRES SMALL of New Mex- H.R. 2086: Mrs. LURIA. H.R. 3516: Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL. ico: H.R. 2117: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. H.R. 3584: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- H.R. 4969. H.R. 2147: Mr. KILDEE, Ms. MOORE, Mrs. homa and Mr. DEFAZIO. Congress has the power to enact this legis- LURIA, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, and Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 3598: Mr. CARBAJAL and Mr. GONZALEZ lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2210: Mr. SOTO. of Texas. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. H.R. 2222: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.R. 3637: Ms. BONAMICI. Constitution H.R. 2235: Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. H.R. 3654: Mrs. WALORSKI. By Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN: NORTON, Mr. LYNCH, and Mr. KELLY of Penn- H.R. 3657: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of H.R. 4970. sylvania. New York and Mr. BACON. ´ ´ Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2279: Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto H.R. 3708: Ms. SCHRIER. lation pursuant to the following: Rico, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. RUSH, Mr. NEGUSE, H.R. 3762: Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. Article I, Section 8 and Mr. KENNEDY. NEWHOUSE, and Mr. RUSH. By Ms. WEXTON: H.R. 2283: Mr. LEWIS. H.R. 3772: Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 4971. H.R. 2301: Mr. BACON. H.R. 3801: Ms. HAALAND. H.R. 2411: Ms. SPANBERGER and Mr. COMER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3814: Mr. WEBER of Texas. H.R. 2433: Mr. SIRES. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3836: Mr. GARAMENDI. H.R. 2498: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Article 1, Section 8, clause 7 H.R. 3910: Mr. HIGGINS of New York. H.R. 2501: Mr. SOTO. By Miss. RICE of New York: H.R. 3911: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 2521: Mr. SOTO, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, H.R. 4972. H.R. 3934: Mr. HICE of Georgia. Mr. BUCSHON, Ms. NORTON, and Mr. RODNEY Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3957: Mr. RICHMOND and Ms. MOORE. DAVIS of Illinois. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3961: Mr. TED LIEU of California. H.R. 2584: Mr. OLSON and Mr. HICE of Geor- H.R. 3969: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Article I, Section 8 gia. H.R. 4019: Mrs. DAVIS of California. H.R. 2645: Ms. JACKSON LEE. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 4065: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 2653: Mrs. AXNE. H.R. 4104: Mr. GRIJALVA. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2656: Ms. SLOTKIN. H.R. 4138: Mr. GALLAGHER. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2668: Mr. YOUNG and Ms. FINKENAUER. H.R. 4148: Mr. MEEKS. tions, as follows: H.R. 2693: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. H.R. 4162: Mr. MOOLENAAR. HOLDING, Mr. SMITH of Missouri, and Mr. H.R. 3: Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Ms. H.R. 4189: Ms. GARCIA of Texas. STEVENS, Mr. PERLMUTTER, and Ms. DAVIDS ARRINGTON. ´ ´ H.R. 4194: Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. SCHNEIDER, of Kansas. H.R. 2746: Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto Rico. and Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H.R. 35: Mr. NEGUSE. H.R. 4206: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. H.R. 2747: Ms. SPEIER and Mr. MICHAEL F. H.R. 40: Ms. DEGETTE. H.R. 4230: Ms. PINGREE. DOYLE of Pennsylvania. H.R. 180: Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. H.R. 4266: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 2788: Mr. AMODEI. H.R. 230: Mr. LEWIS. ARBANES H.R. 2802: Ms. FINKENAUER and Ms. SCHA- H.R. 4269: Mr. S . H.R. 566: Mr. SUOZZI. H.R. 4304: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. KOWSKY. H.R. 838: Mr. MEEKS and Mr. ROGERS of H.R. 4347: Mr. KIND. Kentucky. H.R. 2825: Mrs. WALORSKI. H.R. 2862: Mr. BALDERSON. H.R. 4426: Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. COOPER, Mr. H.R. 849: Mr. LANGEVIN and Mr. CASTEN of ´ H.R. 2867: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. CUELLAR, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. GARCIA of Illi- Illinois. H.R. 2985: Mr. NUNES and Mr. ROUDA. nois, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. LEE of H.R. 935: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- H.R. 2986: Mr. LEWIS and Mr. BLUMENAUER. California, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. sylvania and Mr. ROGERS of H.R. 2990: Mr. HICE of Georgia, Mr. DUNCAN, LUJA´ N, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. VELA, Mr. SHER- Kentucky. Mr. NORMAN, Ms. STEVENS, and Mr. DAVIDSON MAN, Mr. PASCRELL, Ms. SHALALA, Mr. H.R. 1043: Mr. CUNNINGHAM and Mr. JOHN- of Ohio. TRONE, and Ms. STEFANIK. SON of Ohio. H.R. 3048: Mr. SMITH of Missouri. H.R. 4438: Ms. LOFGREN. H.R. 1049: Mr. LYNCH. H.R. 3062: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 4524: Mr. PAPPAS. ASKIN H.R. 1092: Mr. R . H.R. 3080: Mr. BRINDISI and Ms. WATERS. H.R. 4540: Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 1110: Mr. WRIGHT. H.R. 3127: Mr. WELCH and Mr. SMITH of Ne- H.R. 4547: Mr. NEGUSE. H.R. 1133: Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ. braska. H.R. 4553: Mr. STEIL. H.R. 1155: Mr. PENCE. H.R. 3138: Mr. NORCROSS. H.R. 4607: Mr. GOMEZ. H.R. 1171: Mr. MEEKS. H.R. 3155: Mr. GAETZ, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. H.R. 4640: Ms. DELAURO. H.R. 1175: Mr. RICHMOND. WALTZ, Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mr. PERRY, Mr. H.R. 4665: Mr. WELCH. H.R. 1188: Mr. DOGGETT. COLLINS of Georgia, Mr. HURD of Texas, Mrs. H.R. 4681: Ms. NORTON. H.R. 1254: Ms. WEXTON. ROBY, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. KATKO, H.R. 4684: Ms. JACKSON LEE. H.R. 1257: Mr. RUTHERFORD. Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. REED, Mr. PENCE, Mr. H.R. 4691: Mr. SHERMAN. H.R. 1289: Ms. MATSUI. BISHOP of North Carolina, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. H.R. 4697: Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. H.R. 1309: Mr. RICHMOND and Mr. BISHOP of WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. KELLY of Mis- DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, and Mrs. BUSTOS. Georgia. sissippi, Mrs. LURIA, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. RICE H.R. 4707: Mr. KILMER. H.R. 1367: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia and Mr. of South Carolina, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. H.R. 4708: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. LEVIN of Michigan. BUCSHON, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. HOLDING, Mr. H.R. 4709: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. H.R. 1383: Mr. OLSON. ARMSTRONG, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. BUCHANAN, H.R. 4719: Ms. PINGREE. H.R. 1418: Mr. SCHRADER. and Mr. RESCHENTHALER. H.R. 4724: Mr. CICILLINE, Ms. LEE of Cali- H.R. 1468: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 3157: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. fornia, Ms. BASS, Mr. KHANNA, Ms. PINGREE, H.R. 1498: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. PERL- H.R. 3165: Mr. DOGGETT and Ms. STEVENS. and Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. MUTTER, Ms. SCANLON, Ms. DEAN, and Mr. H.R. 3166: Mrs. BUSTOS and Ms. ROYBAL- H.R. 4777: Mr. CA´ RDENAS. GRIJALVA. ALLARD. H.R. 4779: Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. H.R. 1528: Mr. TRONE. H.R. 3192: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 4782: Ms. TORRES SMALL of New Mex- H.R. 1652: Mr. SCHRADER, Mrs. AXNE, Mr. H.R. 3195: Ms. GARCIA of Texas and Ms. ico and Ms. SLOTKIN. CORREA, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. EVANS, BLUNT ROCHESTER. H.R. 4789: Mr. MEADOWS. and Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. H.R. 3212: Mr. TED LIEU of California and H.R. 4790: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- H.R. 1673: Mr. HARRIS. Mr. ESPAILLAT. homa. H.R. 1680: Ms. SCANLON, Mr. WOMACK, Mr. H.R. 3214: Mr. SOTO. H.R. 4807: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. FERGUSON, and Mr. BYRNE. H.R. 3224: Ms. MENG, Ms. GABBARD, Ms. H.R. 4823: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 1705: Mrs. LAWRENCE. Vela´ zquez, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. NEGUSE, Ms. TLAIB, and Ms. LEE of Cali- H.R. 1748: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. CROW, Mr. VIS- SPEIER, Mr. TAKANO, Ms. MOORE, Mr. fornia. CLOSKY, Mr. STAUBER, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. RUSH, Mr. RYAN, and Ms. NOR- H.R. 4890: Mr. RUSH, Ms. NORTON, Ms. VARGAS, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. TORRES TON. TLAIB, Ms. MOORE, and Mr. BLUMENAUER. SMALL of New Mexico, and Mr. KEATING. H.R. 3235: Mr. ROUDA. H.R. 4914: Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. H.R. 1754: Mr. LYNCH, Mrs. LURIA, Mr. H.R. 3250: Mr. VARGAS. H.R. 4924: Mr. CISNEROS, Mr. DESAULNIER, KIND, Ms. BASS, and Mr. LARSON of Con- H.R. 3328: Ms. TLAIB and Mrs. DAVIS of and Mr. SCHIFF. necticut. California. H.R. 4928: Mr. GRIJALVA.

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H.J. Res. 76: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. MEEKS, Mr. ZELDIN, Mr. AGUILAR, Mrs. H. Res. 649: Mr. LEWIS and Mr. GARCI´A of Il- H. Con. Res. 10: Mr. KEVIN HERN of Okla- NAPOLITANO, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. KENNEDY, linois. homa and Mr. STEUBE. Ms. BASS, Mrs. AXNE, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. H. Con. Res. 43: Mr. POCAN. THOMPSON of California, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, f H. Res. 54: Mr. SENSENBRENNER and Mr. Mrs. LURIA, Mrs. MCBATH, Ms. WILD, Ms. YOHO. SHALALA, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM H. Res. 250: Mr. PHILLIPS. CASTEN of Illinois, Mrs. FLETCHER, Ms. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. Res. 255: Mr. SCALISE and Mr. BANKS. DELBENE, Ms. BONAMICI, Ms. KENDRA S. HORN Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H. Res. 399: Mr. TONKO. of Oklahoma, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, Mr. were deleted from public bills and reso- H. Res. 517: Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. MALINOWSKI, and Mr. MCNERNEY. H. Res. 540: Ms. ESHOO, Mr. TED LIEU of H. Res. 621: Mr. LOWENTHAL. lutions, as follows: California, Ms. LEE of California, Ms. MCCOL- H. Res. 641: Ms. WILSON of Florida, Ms. H.R. 2505: Mr. WESTERMAN, Ms. TORRES LUM, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. OMAR, Ms. NORTON, Mr. ESPAILLAT, and Mr. SMALL of New Mexico, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, DEAN, Mr. CASE, Ms. SCHRIER, Mr. TRONE, GARCI´A of Illinois. and Mr. WELCH.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC7.011 H31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 No. 173 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was heart of ghoulish price-gouging. Sen- blows right up until the final innings of called to order by the President pro ator WYDEN and I are working to shut game seven. tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). down the pranks poisoning the drug For the first time ever, the away f supply chain. We need our fellow law- team won all seven games of the series. makers to step up and nail the coffin And now Stephen Strasburg, Max PRAYER shut on monstrous drug price in- Scherzer, Anthony Rendon, Juan Soto, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- creases. and the rest of the 2019 Nationals are fered the following prayer: One example that can’t masquerade bringing a World Series trophy here to Let us pray. as a next-generation drug is the 500- the Nation’s Capital for the first time Most High God, Your steadfast love percent increase for insulin, which since 1924. Back then, of course, the endures throughout the generations. helps Americans with diabetes regulate home team was officially the Wash- Your faithfulness sustains the seasons blood sugar. This medicine was discov- ington Senators, although still often of our earthly pilgrimage. You are wor- ered 100 years ago, about the time the called the Nationals. That is a distin- thy of our praise. first horror movie debuted. There is no guished name for a team. Infuse our lawmakers with reveren- rhyme or reason for the terrifying This squad has to be hands-down the tial awe, as they remember You are the price hikes spooking Americans. most athletic, most resilient, most one constituent they absolutely must The real horror story this Halloween team-spirited bunch of ballplayers cer- please. Because of You, they live and is what is preventing Congress from tainly this city has ever had. These re- move and breathe and have their being. doing its job. Big Pharma is spending a markable players; their manager, Dave Although they may plan, You alone de- frightening amount of money to kill Martinez; the Nationals’ front office; cide what will or will not prevail. May drug-pricing reforms. and the team’s owners, the Lerner fam- our Senators make You their refuge, Let’s fix the real injustice haunting ily—and I particularly want to men- their shelter in the time of storms. the American people, which is sticker tion Ted Lerner, the patriarch, who is And Lord, we thank You for the in- shock at the pharmacy counter. Every 94 years old. Many people thought he spiration of a stupendous World Series. Senator can be a superhero for Hal- might not be around to see the Wash- We pray in Your glorious Name. loween. All you have to do is join us to ington Nationals’ first championship, Amen. dig a grave for batty prescription drug but he was. He is a great owner, a great f prices. Ending Big Pharma’s pricing friend of the city, and it was fun to see PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tricks would be a real treat for Ameri- him after the game revel in this great The President pro tempore led the cans. accomplishment. They achieved, actu- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: I yield the floor. ally, a small miracle. For a couple of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I suggest the absence of a quorum. weeks, they gave us something that all United States of America, and to the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of Washington, DC, could unite lic for which it stands, one nation under God, clerk will call the roll. around—a miracle indeed. It is some- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The senior assistant legislative clerk thing we can use around here these The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. proceeded to call the roll. days. Congratulations to the cham- HYDE-SMITH). The Senator from Iowa. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, pions. Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I I ask unanimous consent that the order f for the quorum call be rescinded. ask unanimous consent to speak as in APPROPRIATIONS morning business for 90 seconds. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, objection, it is so ordered. f on another matter, later today we are f going to vote on something that should CONGRATULATING THE not be controversial: funding for our PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS WASHINGTON NATIONALS national defense, for supporting serv- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, icemembers and their families, for sus- today is Halloween. This may sound a to lead off, I would certainly be remiss taining American global leadership and little ‘‘candy corny,’’ but this Iowan not to congratulate the 2019 World Se- strategic edge. This vital priority is wants to talk about the scary prices of ries champions, the Washington Na- not something that can take a back prescription drugs. tionals. This year, our national pas- seat to partisan dysfunction. Since January, I have joined with bi- time came down to a dramatic finish. Our men and women in uniform don’t partisan forces to drive a stake in the The Nationals and the Astros traded get to go on sabbatical while they wait

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.000 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 for Congress to get its act together. Clinton signed it into law during the opposition to withdrawing U.S. forces They have to stay vigilant, remain in impeachment. from Syria, but I believe we need to be harm’s way, and stay at their posts. So if Democrats follow through on guided by our strategic interests, not Our military commanders don’t get their threat to filibuster the Defense emotions, as we seek to contain the to put critical overseas operations on funding later today, they will frankly damage of Turkey’s incursion, peel An- pause until Washington does its job. be making even the 1998 impeachment kara away from Moscow, and encour- Their objectives loom large whether or period look like a clinic—a clinic—in age better behavior at home and not we give them a predictable plan- bipartisan cooperation. abroad by Erdogan’s government. ning foundation. A Democratic filibuster of Defense I hope we will carefully consider all Russia, China, and Iran will certainly funding is not the vote the military of our options to achieve these impor- not take a water break if uncertainty families and military installations in tant objectives and carefully examine leaves our Nation flat-footed. They will their home States deserve. It is not the whether a broad mandatory sanctions keep growing their defense spending vote our commanders deserve, and it is bill is really the best solution. and seeking to expand their influence. not the vote our national security de- We should think carefully about I had hoped our Democratic friends serves. what specific effect we want sanctions to have, how Turkey will respond to would be able to put impeachment f aside long enough to at least fund the them, and how Russia or others may Department of Defense. We had heard IMPEACHMENT exploit growing tensions between public pronouncements from Speaker Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Washington and Ankara. PELOSI and my colleague the Demo- now, on a related matter, speaking of Before targeting an economy that is cratic leader that they intended to past precedent, I understand this morn- highly integrated with Europe’s econ- work with us on substantial legisla- ing House Democrats will finally cast omy, we should seek a better under- tion. If anything qualifies as substan- their first impeachment vote on an im- standing of the specific economic im- tial legislation, it is this. It meets the peachment resolution, which I under- pact that broad sanctions will have on Pentagon’s request for targeted invest- stand they are afraid to actually call the global economy, on our European ments in the U.S. military of the fu- an impeachment resolution. partners, and on American workers and ture. There are new resources for ex- As I mentioned yesterday, Demo- job creators. We should reflect on panded missile defense capabilities, crats’ draft does not even come close to whether we would be better off working trauma training, fleet maintenance, restoring the kinds of customary due in concert with European allies to and key partnerships with allies process rights and protections that shape Turkey’s behavior versus abrupt- around the world. past impeachment inquiries included, ly forcing European companies to cut But, alas, the Democratic leader an- either for President Trump or for their ties with Turkey through the threat of nounced at a press conference Tuesday own Republican colleagues in the mi- sanctions. Before using these kinds of policy that he plans to filibuster the annual nority. tools—the kinds we use against Iran funding for our Armed Forces. This Here is what their resolution an- and North Korea—against a democracy would put our colleagues across the nounced today. This is basically what of 80 million people, we should consider aisle in quite an unusual position. The it says: ‘‘No due process now . . . but the political impact that blunt sanc- same Democrats who have recently re- maybe some later . . . if we feel like tions will have on the Turkish people. discovered hawkish-sounding positions it.’’ It says: ‘‘No due process now . . . Will sanctions rally them to our cause on Syria and the Middle East are really but maybe some later . . . if we feel or to Erdogan’s? Would more targeted going to filibuster $745 million for the like it.’’ This is not a fair way to treat sanctions perhaps avoid some of these Counter-ISIS Train and Equip Fund, any American, and it certainly is no unintended consequences? These are for Iraq and for Syria, and filibuster all way to conduct something as grave as just some of the critical questions I the other broader funding of our Armed an impeachment process, which seeks hope our committees of jurisdiction Forces? Really? The same Democrats to overturn the American people’s and the administration are able to ex- whose latest effort to impeach the choice in a democratic election. amine before we act. President hinges on delayed military I hope the House of Representatives assistance to Ukraine are themselves— sees the light and steps away from f themselves—going to filibuster funding their unfair and arbitrary process. THE MIDDLE EAST for the exact same program, the f Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Ukraine Security Assistance Initia- TURKEY AND SYRIA now, on one final matter, I have spoken tive? Really? It looks like it. The at length in recent weeks about the Democratic Party is too busy impeach- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, protests in Hong Kong and the situa- ing President Trump for supposedly now, on another matter, many of us tion in Syria. I would like to close slow-walking assistance for Ukraine to have been concerned for some time today by recognizing other important fund the exact same program them- about the trajectory of our strategi- developments in the Middle East that, selves? cally important NATO ally Turkey regrettably, haven’t received much at- These are political gymnastics per- under the leadership of President tention. formed at an Olympic level—at an Erdogan. Massive protests are underway in Olympic level. The core message here Despite the hopes of the Obama ad- Lebanon and Iraq. Millions have taken is hard to miss: Our Democratic col- ministration and others that he would to the streets to demand more respon- leagues have a priority list. Picking be a model of Islamic democracy, sive, more transparent, and less sec- fights with the White House is priority Erdogan has instead used democracy to tarian governance, and an end to ramp- No. 1. And our men and women in uni- work toward undemocratic ends. Free- ant corruption. By all accounts, these form fall somewhat further down. dom of the press, secularism, and protests are cross-sectarian, directed It does not have to be this way. Even human rights have suffered under his at an entire class of political leaders in a time as politically charged as an rule, while corruption has flourished. who have behaved undemocratically impeachment inquiry, it doesn’t have Opposition to Erdogan is growing, but and unethically. to be this way. Back in 1998, just days the political space for Turks to express The protests are also directed at before the Republican House began its their opposition is shrinking. Iran. The Islamic Republic has long impeachment inquiry into President Obviously, in recent days, our con- sought, through proxies like Hezbollah Clinton, the House and the Senate cerns have centered on Turkey’s incur- and Iraqi militias, to undermine the passed a regular appropriations bill. sion into northeast Syria. We are sovereignty of Lebanon and Iraq. Now Then, some weeks later, even after angry about the damage Turkey has even Shiite communities that have the inquiry was underway, both Cham- caused for our local Kurdish partners typically been heavily influenced by bers were still able to pass more bills in Syria. Iran are demanding politicians rep- to address the fundamental business of I have spoken at length about my resent their interests instead of funding the government, and President concerns on Turkey’s incursion and my Tehran’s interests.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:00 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.002 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6311 Unsurprisingly, the Iranian regime is sume consideration of H.R. 3055, which vent and mitigate the introduction of pests reportedly involved in violently sup- the clerk will report. resulting from importing orchids in growing pressing peaceful protests in Lebanon, The senior assistant legislative clerk media. Iraq, Syria, and, of course, Iran itself. read as follows: AMENDMENT NO. 1088, AS MODIFIED The mullahs are showing the same fear A bill (H.R. 3055) making appropriations (Purpose: To provide appropriations for cen- as the Chinese Communist Party. They for the Departments of Commerce and Jus- ters of excellence at 1890 Institutions, with are afraid of citizens demanding reform tice, Science, and Related Agencies for the an offset) and speaking up for basic freedoms. fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and for other purposes. At the appropriate place in title VII of di- The United States should stand with vision B, insert the following: Pending: the protesters. SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated The administration should use the Shelby amendment No. 948, in the nature $3,000,000 to carry out section 1673(d) of the tools at its disposal to expose corrup- of a substitute. Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade McConnell (for Shelby) amendment No. Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 5926(d)). tion and foreign interference in these 950, to make a technical correction. nations, impose consequences for vio- (b) The amount made available under the AMENDMENT NOS. 953, 1023, 1037, 1088, AS MODI- heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY’’ in title lent crackdowns on peaceful protests, FIED, 1099, 1121, 1133, 1143, 1149, 1161, 1163, 1217, 1223, I for necessary expenses of the Office of the and work with the Lebanese and Iraqi 1224, 951, 1077, 1094, 1129, 1146, 1150, 1234, 1025, 1079, Secretary shall be reduced by $3,000,000, leaders who are committed to doing 1081, 1151, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1182, 1193, 1199, 1211, 1215, which shall be derived by reducing the right by their people. 1220, 1227, 956, 1002, 1005, 1010, 1061, 1062, 1114, 1130, amount provided under that heading for De- 1214, AND 1235 EN BLOC TO AMENDMENT NO. 948 f partmental Administration by $3,000,000. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant AMENDMENT NO. 1121 to the order of yesterday, the 45 AMENDMENT NO. 1099 Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, amendments listed in the order are (Purpose: To increase the appropriation for for the information of the Senate, in considered and agreed to en bloc and the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance the managers’ package of amendments the motions to reconsider are consid- Network, with an offset) that was announced last night, amend- ered made and laid upon the table. At the appropriate place in title VII of di- ment No. 1121 was misidentified as a The amendments (Nos. 953, 1023, 1037, vision B, insert the following: Murkowski amendment. It is actually 1088 As Modified, 1099, 1121, 1133, 1143, SEC. 7ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other an amendment by Senator WHITEHOUSE 1149, 1161, 1163, 1217, 1223, 1224, 951, 1077, provision of this Act, the amount made that Senator MURKOWSKI cosponsored. 1094, 1129, 1146, 1150, 1234, 1025, 1079, 1081, available under the heading ‘‘EXTENSION AC- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Duly 1151, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1182, 1193, 1199, 1211, TIVITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘NATIONAL IN- noted. 1215, 1220, 1227, 956, 1002, 1005, 1010, 1061, STITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICULTURAL PRO- f 1062, 1114, 1130, 1214, 1235) to Amend- GRAMS’’ in title I shall be increased by ment No. 948 were agreed to en bloc as MEASURE PLACED ON THE $5,000,000, which shall be used by increasing follows: CALENDAR—S. 2755 by that amount the amount specified for the AMENDMENT NO. 953 Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, (Purpose: To provide for the availability of in the table titled ‘‘National Institute of I understand there is a bill at the desk funds for Agricultural Research Service re- Food and Agriculture, Extension Activities’’ due for a second reading. search facilities to provide public access) in the report accompanying this Act. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The On page 129, line 4, strike the period at the (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of clerk will read the title of the bill for end and insert ‘‘: Provided further, That this Act, the amount made available for the the second time. amounts made available under this heading Office of the Chief Financial Officer under The senior assistant legislative clerk may be used to provide public access to a the heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL read as follows: river at a research facility of the Agricul- OFFICER’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- A bill (S. 2755) to require a report on the tural Research Service.’’. duced by $5,000,000. plan to secure the enduring defeat of the Is- AMENDMENT NO. 1023 lamic State of Iraq and Syria. (Purpose: To amend provisions relating to AMENDMENT NO. 1121 Mr. MCCONNELL. In order to place the rental assistance program of the Rural (Purpose: To set aside funding for the ocean the bill on the calendar under the pro- Housing Service) agriculture working group) On page 155, line 10, insert after ‘‘one-year visions of rule XIV, I would object to On page 122, line 19, insert ‘‘: Provided fur- period:’’ the following: ‘‘Provided further, further proceedings. ther, That of the funds made available under that upon request by an owner of a project The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- this heading, $3,000,000 shall be made avail- financed by an existing loan under section able to the Office of the Secretary to carry tion having been heard, the bill will be 514 or 515 of the Act, the Secretary may out the duties of the working group estab- placed on the calendar. renew the rental assistance agreement for a lished under section 770 of the Agriculture, f period of 20 years or until the term of such Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- loan has expired, subject to annual appro- tration, and Related Agencies Appropria- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME priations:’’. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under On page 156, line 4, strike ‘‘third proviso’’ tions Act, 2019 (Public Law 116–6; 133 Stat. 89)’’ before the period at the end. the previous order, the leadership time and insert ‘‘fourth proviso’’. is reserved. AMENDMENT NO. 1037 AMENDMENT NO. 1133 f (Purpose: To require a study on the eco- (Purpose: To provide funding for the new be- nomic and environmental impacts of im- ginning for Tribal students program, with CONCLUSION OF MORNING porting orchids in growing media) an offset) BUSINESS At the appropriate place in title VII of di- At the appropriate place in title VII of di- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning vision B, insert the following: vision B, insert the following: SEC. 7ll. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than business is closed. SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated 180 days after the date of enactment of this $5,000,000 to carry out section 1450 of the Na- f Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall sub- tional Agricultural Research, Extension, and mit to Congress a report that describes the COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222e). economic and environmental impacts of im- AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- porting orchids in growing media. (b) REQUIREMENTS.—The report under sub- this Act, the amount provided under the ISTRATION, INTERIOR, ENVIRON- section (a) shall include— heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND FA- MENT, MILITARY CONSTRUC- (1) a description of— CILITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- TION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, (A) the economic impact of importing or- TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- TRANSPORTATION, AND HOUSING chids in growing media on a State-by-State duced by $5,000,000. AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AP- basis, with data collected from local growers; AMENDMENT NO. 1143 and PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2020—Re- (Purpose: To increase the appropriation for sumed (B) any incidents of pests detected on or- chids imported with growing media; and rural decentralized water systems) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under (2) an analysis with respect to the addi- On page 164, line 21, strike ‘‘$1,500,000’’ and the previous order, the Senate will re- tional resources that are necessary to pre- insert ‘‘$3,000,000’’.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.004 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019

AMENDMENT NO. 1149 AMENDMENT NO. 1223 AMENDMENT NO. 1129 (Purpose: To require that the Secretary of (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Agri- (Purpose: To provide funding for the Office of Commerce use amounts appropriated or culture to prioritize maintenance and staff Urban Agriculture and Innovative Produc- otherwise made available for the Bureau of needs relating to assistance provided by tion, with an offset) the Rural Housing Service) Industry and Security for operations and At the appropriate place in title VII of di- administration to publish and submit to At the appropriate place in title VII of di- vision B, insert the following: Congress a report on the findings of the in- vision B, insert the following: vestigation into the effect on national se- SEC. 7ll. In providing assistance under SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated curity of imports of automobiles and auto- title V of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. $5,000,000 to carry out section 222 of the De- motive parts) partment of Agriculture Reorganization Act 1471 et seq.) using amounts made available At the appropriate place in title I of divi- under title III, the Secretary of Agriculture of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 6923). sion A, insert the following: shall prioritize the maintenance needs for (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of SEC. lll. Not later than one day after rural housing facilities and staff needs, this Act, the amount provided under the the date of the enactment of this Act, using which shall include prioritizing— heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND FA- amounts appropriated or otherwise made (1) oversight of aging rental housing pro- CILITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- available in this title for the Bureau of In- gram properties with capital repair needs; TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- dustry and Security for operations and ad- (2) the needs of staff overseeing the Rural duced by $6,000,000. ministration, the Secretary of Commerce Housing Service and field staff conducting shall— housing inspections; and AMENDMENT NO. 1224 (1) publish in the Federal Register the re- (3) enforcement against property owners port on the findings of the investigation into when those owners fail to make necessary re- (Purpose: To provide funding for pilot the effect on national security of imports of pairs. projects to address food insecurity, with an automobiles and automotive parts that the offset) AMENDMENT NO. 1161 Secretary initiated on May 23, 2018, under section 232(b) of the Trade Expansion Act of (Purpose: To increase the appropriation for On page 223, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: 1962 (19 U.S.C. 1862(b)), as required under the distance learning and telemedicine paragraph (3)(B) of that section; and program, with an offset) SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated (2) submit to Congress any portion of the At the appropiate place in title VII of divi- $2,000,000 to carry out section 30 of the Food report that contains classified information, sion B, insert the following: and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2036d). which may be viewed only by Members of SEC. 7ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of Congress and their staff with appropriate se- provision of this Act, the amount appro- this Act, the amount provided under the curity clearances. priated under this Act to the Rural Utilities heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND FA- AMENDMENT NO. 1146 Service under the heading ‘‘DISTANCE LEARN- CILITIES’’ under the heading ‘‘AGRICUL- (Purpose: To require the Drug Enforcement ING, TELEMEDICINE, AND BROADBAND PRO- TURAL PROGRAMS’’ in title I shall be re- Administration to continue to establish GRAM’’ for grants for telemedicine and dis- duced by $2,000,000. and utilize data collection and sharing tance learning services in rural areas shall agreements in order to properly estimate be increased by $1,000,000. AMENDMENT NO. 951 rates of overdose deaths and overall public health impact related to certain controlled (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of (Purpose: To require the Attorney General to substances, for the purpose of determining this Act, the amount appropriated under this report to Congress on, and establish a diversion and establishing annual opioid Act to the Department of Agriculture under deadline for, the implementation of the production quotas) the heading ‘‘AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS AND Ashanti Alert Act of 2018) FACILITIES’’ shall be reduced by $1,000,000. On page 38, line 18, strike ‘‘expenses’’ and AMENDMENT NO. 1163 At the appropriate place in division A, in- insert the following: ‘‘expenses: Provided, sert the following: That, using amounts made available under (Purpose: To provide funding for the emer- this heading, the Drug Enforcement Admin- SEC. lll. Not later than 30 days after the gency and transitional pet shelter and istration shall continue to establish and uti- date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney housing assistance grant program, with an lize data collection and sharing agreements General shall submit to Congress a report offset) with other Federal agencies and continue to that— At the appropriate place in title VII of di- consider other sources of information to (1) details the progress of the implementa- vision B, insert the following: properly assess the estimated rates of over- tion of the Ashanti Alert Act of 2018 (Public dose deaths and abuse and the overall public SEC. 7ll. (a) There is appropriated Law 115–401; 132 Stat. 5336) and the amend- $3,000,000 to carry out the emergency and health impact regarding covered controlled ments made by that Act; and substances as required under section 306(i) of transitional pet shelter and housing assist- (2) establishes a deadline for full imple- ance grant program established under sec- the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. mentation of that Act and the amendments 826(i)), and shall report to the Committee on tion 12502(b) of the Agriculture Improvement made by that Act, which shall be not later Act of 2018 (34 U.S.C. 20127). Appropriations of the Senate not later than than 90 days after the date of enactment of 30 days after the date of enactment of this (b) The amount made available under the this Act. Act regarding the establishment and utiliza- heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY’’ in title tion of such data collection and sharing AMENDMENT NO. 1077 I for necessary expenses of the Office of the agreements’’. Secretary shall be reduced by $3,000,000, (Purpose: To make $10,000,000 available for which shall be derived by reducing the AMENDMENT NO. 1150 the SelectUSA program) amount provided under that heading for De- (Purpose: To increase funding for the COPS partmental Administration by $3,000,000. On page 5, line 19, insert ‘‘Provided further, Office Anti-Methamphetamine Task Forces grant program) AMENDMENT NO. 1217 That, of the amounts provided under this heading, up to $10,000,000 shall be available At the appropriate place in title II of divi- (Purpose: To provide funding for States im- for the SelectUSA program:’’ after ‘‘activi- sion A, insert the following: pacted by Eastern equine encephalitis, SEC. ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other ties:’’. with an offset) provision of this Act, the total amount made At the appropriate place in title VII of di- AMENDMENT NO. 1094 available under the heading ‘‘COMMUNITY ORI- ENTED POLICING SERVICES PROGRAMS (INCLUD- vision B, insert the following: (Purpose: To require the Administrator of ING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)’’ under the heading SEC. 7ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ‘‘COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING SERVICES’’ provision of this Act, the amount appro- ministration submit to Congress a report under the heading ‘‘DEPARTMENT OF JUS- priated under the heading ‘‘SALARIES AND EX- on existing supercomputing capacity and TICE’’ in this title shall be increased by PENSES’’ under the heading ‘‘ANIMAL AND needs of the Administration) $1,000,000, which shall be used by increasing PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE’’ in title by that amount the amount specified in I shall be increased by $1,000,000, to remain On page 17, line 7, before the period, insert paragraph (3) under such headings for com- available until expended, which shall be for the following: ‘‘Provided further, That the Ad- petitive grants to State law enforcement surveillance, testing, prevention, and re- ministrator of the National Oceanic and At- agencies in States with high seizures of pre- search relating to Eastern equine encepha- mospheric Administration submit to Con- cursor chemicals, finished methamphet- litis in impacted States. gress a report on existing supercomputing amine, laboratories, and laboratory dump (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of capacity and needs of the Administration seizures. this Act, the amount appropriated under this and on the incremental improvement to (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of Act to the Department of Agriculture under operational weather forecasts that would re- this Act, the total amount made available the heading ‘‘OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL sult from a significant investment in addi- for necessary expenses for information shar- OFFICER’’ shall be reduced by $1,000,000. tional compute capacity’’. ing technology under the heading ‘‘JUSTICE

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.004 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6313

INFORMATION SHARING TECHNOLOGY (INCLUDING shall submit to Congress and post on the days after the date of enactment of this Act, TRANSFER OF FUNDS)’’ under the heading website of the Office of Management and the Director of the United States Holocaust ‘‘GENERAL ADMINISTRATION’’ under the head- Budget a report on each project funded by an Memorial Museum shall submit to the Com- ing ‘‘DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE’’ in this agency that is appropriated funds under this mittee on Appropriations of the Senate and title shall be decreased by $1,000,000. division— the Committee on Appropriations of the AMENDMENT NO. 1234 (1) that is more than 5 years behind sched- House of Representatives a report that de- ule; or (Purpose: To require the Attorney General to scribes the efforts of the United States Holo- (2) for which the amount spent on the submit a report on the enforcement of ani- caust Memorial Museum to support memory project is not less than $1,000,000,000 more mal welfare laws) and a range of educational programs relating than the original cost estimate for the to the Holocaust, including the collection At the appropriate place in title II of divi- project. and usage of historical documentation, such sion A, insert the following: (b) Each report submitted and posted under as survivor testimony.’’. SEC. 2ll. Not later than 90 days after the subsection (a) shall include, for each project AMENDMENT NO. 1160 date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney included in the report— General shall submit a report to the Com- (1) a brief description of the project, in- (Purpose: To set aside funds for certain Lake mittee on Appropriations and the Committee cluding— Tahoe restoration activities) on the Judiciary of the Senate detailing the (A) the purpose of the project; On page 230, line 18, insert ‘‘, of which efforts of the Department of Justice to com- (B) each location in which the project is $4,088,000 shall be for activities under section bat and enforce animal fighting and animal carried out; 5(d)(2) of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act welfare statutes, which shall include— (C) the year in which the project was initi- (Public Law 106–506; 114 Stat. 2353; 130 Stat. (1) a break down of the number of per- ated; 1786)’’ after ‘‘2021’’. sonnel dedicated to animal welfare crimes on (D) the Federal share of the total cost of AMENDMENT NO. 1162 a full-time basis, including their respective the project; and (Purpose: To require a study of law departmental component; (E) each primary contractor, subcon- enforcement staffing needs of Indian Tribes) (2) a list of all cases involving animal wel- tractor, grant recipient, and subgrantee re- At the end of title I of division C, add the fare crimes that the Department of Justice cipient of the project; following: has prosecuted since 2014; (2) an explanation of any change to the (3) a list of investigations that were re- original scope of the project, including by LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORTING ferred to the Department of Justice that the addition or narrowing of the initial re- SEC. 1ll. The Bureau of Indian Affairs have been delayed or declined to be pros- quirements of the project; shall conduct a study to identify the law en- ecuted by the Department of Justice and the (3) the original expected date for comple- forcement staffing needs of Indian Tribes, reason for any deferral or declination; and tion of the project; which shall include— (4) a qualitative description of how the De- (4) the current expected date for comple- (1) a detailed analysis, by Indian Tribe, of partment of Justice coordinates the efforts tion of the project; law enforcement hiring impediments and of the Department with other governmental (5) the original cost estimate for the challenges; partners to ensure proper enforcement of project, as adjusted to reflect increases in (2) a strategy on how to recruit and train animal welfare laws. the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Con- law enforcement officers and fill law enforce- AMENDMENT NO. 1025 sumers, as published by the Bureau of Labor ment vacancies; and (Purpose: To require a Bureau of Indian Af- Statistics; (3) a proposed strategy that could be used fairs report analyzing the facilities invest- (6) the current cost estimate for the to address the impediments and challenges ments required to improve direct service project, as adjusted to reflect increases in identified in paragraph (1). and tribally operated detention and public the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Con- AMENDMENT NO. 1182 safety facilities in Indian country) sumers, as published by the Bureau of Labor (Purpose: To increase money appropriated On page 253, line 2, strike ‘‘costs:’’ and in- Statistics; for Geographic Programs, with an offset) (7) an explanation for a delay in comple- sert the following: ‘‘costs: Provided further, At the appropriate place in title IV of divi- tion or increase in the original cost estimate That not later than 120 days after the date of sion C, insert the following: for the project; and enactment of this Act, the Director of the GEOGRAPHIC PROGRAMS Bureau of Indian Affairs shall submit to the (8) the amount of and rationale for any SEC. 4ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other Committee on Appropriations of the Senate award, incentive fee, or other type of bonus, provision of this division, the amount made and the Committee on Appropriations of the if any, awarded for the project. available for Geographic Programs under the House of Representatives a report describing AMENDMENT NO. 1151 heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS AND the facilities investments required to im- (Purpose: To increase funding for the con- MANAGEMENT’’ under the heading ‘‘ENVI- prove the direct service and tribally oper- struction of high priority water and waste- RONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY’’ ated detention and public safety facilities in water facilities on the United States-Mex- under title II shall be increased by 3 percent, Indian country that are in poor condition, ico Border, with an offset) and the amount made available for each Geo- including associated cost estimates:’’. At the appropriate place in title IV of divi- graphic Program described in the report ac- sion C, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 1079 companying this Act shall be increased by 3 (Purpose: To prohibit bogus bonus payments UNITED STATES-MEXICO BORDER PROGRAM percent. to contractors) SEC. 4ll. (a) Notwithstanding any other (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of In division C, insert after section 429 the provision of this division, funds made avail- this division, the amount authorized to be following: able under the heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL transferred under the fourth paragraph SEC. 430. Notwithstanding any other provi- PROGRAMS AND MANAGEMENT’’ under the under the heading ‘‘ADMINISTRATIVE PROVI- sion of this Act, none of the funds appro- heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SIONS—ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY’’ priated or otherwise made available by this AGENCY’’ under title II shall be reduced by under the heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL Act may be used to pay award or incentive $5,489,000, which shall be reduced from PROTECTION AGENCY’’ under title II shall fees for contractor performance that has amounts for Operations and Administration be increased by the additional amount made been judged to be below satisfactory per- as described in the report accompanying this available for the Great Lakes Restoration Act. formance or for performance that does not Initiative under subsection (a). (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of meet the basic requirements of a contract, this division, the amount made available unless the Agency determines that any such this division, funds made available under the under the heading ‘‘STATE AND TRIBAL AS- deviations are due to unforeseeable events, heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS AND SISTANCE GRANTS’’ under the heading ‘‘ENVI- ANAGEMENT’’ under the heading ‘‘ENVI- government-driven scope changes, or are not RONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY’’ M significant within the overall scope of the under title II shall be increased by $5,489,000. RONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY’’ project and/or program and unless such (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of under title II for operations and administra- awards or incentive fees are consistent with this division, the amount made available tion, as specified in the report accompanying 16.401(e)(2) of the FAR. under paragraph (2) under the heading this Act, shall be reduced by an amount AMENDMENT NO. 1081 ‘‘STATE AND TRIBAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS’’ equal to the total amount additionally ap- propriated for Geographic Programs under (Purpose: To require the Director of the Of- under the heading ‘‘ENVIRONMENTAL subsection (a). fice of Management and Budget to submit PROTECTION AGENCY’’ under title II shall to Congress a report on projects that are be increased by $5,489,000. AMENDMENT NO. 1193 over budget and behind schedule) AMENDMENT NO. 1159 (Purpose: To make available funds for the At the appropriate place in division C, in- (Purpose: To provide for a report on certain Smithsonian Latino Center) sert the following: programs of the United States Holocaust On page 338, line 22, after the semicolon in- SEC. ll. (a) Not later than 1 year after Memorial Museum) sert the following: ‘‘Provided further, That of the date of enactment of this Act, the Direc- On page 346, line 14, strike the period and the funds appropriated herein, not less than tor of the Office of Management and Budget insert ‘‘: Provided, That, not later than 120 $4,292,000 shall be made available for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.001 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 Smithsonian Latino Center and related ini- (2) describes, for each program identified Transportation and Infrastructure of the tiative.’’. under paragraph (1), the spending level for House of Representatives a report on efforts AMENDMENT NO. 1199 that program during each of the 20 fiscal by the Department of Transportation to en- (Purpose: To set aside funds for the Partner- years preceding the year in which the report gage with local communities, metropolitan ship Wild and Scenic Rivers program) is submitted. planning organizations, and regional trans- (c) REQUIRED COORDINATION.—In conducting portation commissions on advancing data On page 238, line 5, strike the period and the study under subsection (b), the Comp- and intelligent transportation systems tech- insert the following ‘‘: Provided further, That, troller General of the United States shall co- nologies and other smart cities solutions. of the funds made available under this head- ordinate with the outdoor recreation indus- AMENDMENT NO. 1062 ing, $3,576,000 shall be made available for the try, nongovernmental organizations, the Bu- (Purpose: To prohibit the use of funds to ter- Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers program reau of Economic Analysis of the Depart- minate the ITS program advisory com- and similarly managed rivers.’’. ment of Commerce, and other interested mittee) AMENDMENT NO. 1211 stakeholders. (Purpose: To set aside funds for the 400 Years (d) REPORT.—Not later 240 days after the At the appropriate place in title II of Divi- of African-American History Commission) date of enactment of this Act, the Comp- sion D, insert the following: SEC. ll. None of the funds made available On page 238, line 5, strike the period and troller General of the United States shall by this Act shall be used to terminate the In- insert the following: ‘‘: Provided further, submit to the appropriate committees of telligent Transportation System Program That, notwithstanding sections 7(b), 8, and 9 Congress a report that describes the results Advisory Committee established under sec- of the 400 Years of African-American History of the study conducted under subsection (b). tion 5305(h) of SAFETEA–LU (23 U.S.C. 512 Commission Act (36 U.S.C. note prec. 101; AMENDMENT NO. 956 note; Public Law 109–59). Public Law 115–102), of the amount made (Purpose: To require the Secretary of Hous- available under this heading, $500,000 shall be ing and Urban Development to provide AMENDMENT NO. 1114 provided to the 400 Years of African-Amer- Congress with recommendations and asso- (Purpose: To improve the bill) ican History Commission for expenditure on ciated costs for future research on rental On page 482, line 10, strike the period and activities authorized by that Act through payment insurance) insert ‘‘: Provided further, That of the funds July 1, 2021.’’. At the appropriate place in title II of divi- made available under this paragraph, not AMENDMENT NO. 1215 sion D, insert the following: less than $1,000,000 shall be available to sup- (Purpose: To require a report on the status of SEC. 2ll. The Secretary of Housing and port utilization, outreach, and capacity the Four Forest Restoration Initiative) Urban Development shall include in the building with tribes and tribal housing orga- On page 311, line 2, insert ‘‘Provided further, budget materials submitted to Congress in nization for the Tribal HUD-VASH pro- That not later than 90 days after the date of support of the budget of the President sub- gram.’’. enactment of this Act, the Chief of the For- mitted under section 1105 of title 31, United AMENDMENT NO. 1130 States Code, for fiscal year 2021, rec- est Service shall submit to the Committees (Purpose: To provide a sense of Congress re- ommendations and any associated costs for on Appropriations and Natural Resources of lating to preserving manufactured home future research on insurance models de- the House of Representatives and the Com- communities) signed to reduce evictions or expand access mittees on Appropriations and Energy and At the appropriate place in title II of divi- Natural Resources of the Senate a report de- to rental opportunities for tenants, such as rental payment insurance. sion D, insert the following: tailing the status of efforts to accelerate for- SEC. 2ll. It is the sense of Congress AMENDMENT NO. 1002 est ecosystem restoration under the Four that— Forest Restoration Initiative:’’ after (Purpose: To make a technical correction) (1) more than 17,000,000 people live in man- ‘‘7303(f):’’. On page 489, line 17, strike ‘‘$2,761,00,000’’ ufactured homes and benefit from high-qual- AMENDMENT NO. 1220 and insert ‘‘$2,761,000,000’’. ity affordable homes which provide stability; (Purpose: To make available funds for the AMENDMENT NO. 1005 (2) owners of manufactured homes have Women’s History Initiative) (Purpose: To express the sense of Congress) disproportionately low-income households, and in 2013, the median annual household in- On page 338, line 22, at the appropriate At the appropriate place in title I of divi- come for living in manufactured housing was place insert the following: ‘‘Provided further, sion D, insert the following: That of the funds appropriated herein, not $28,400; SEC. ll. SENSE OF CONGRESS. (3) approximately 75 percent of manufac- less than $3,700,000 shall be made available It is the sense of Congress that the Admin- for the Women’s History Initiative.’’. tured home households earn less than $50,000 istrator of the Federal Aviation Administra- per year; AMENDMENT NO. 1227 tion, as part of ongoing efforts to review reg- (4) more than 10 percent of veterans in the (Purpose: To provide for a Government Ac- ulations regarding the emergency medical United States live in manufactured homes; countability Office study on outdoor recre- equipment carried by passenger airlines, (5) in late 1990, manufactured housing rep- ation) should continue to prioritize the demands of resented 2⁄3 of the new affordable housing At the appropriate place in title I of divi- our nation’s growing opioid epidemic and produced in the United States and remains a sion C, insert the following: take timely action to issue additional guid- significant source of unsubsidized affordable SEC. 1lll. GAO STUDY ON OUTDOOR RECRE- ance to air carriers to ensure the expeditious housing in the United States; ATION. inclusion of opioid antagonists in emergency (6) in 2015, the average cost per square foot (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: medical kits. for a new manufactured home was 48 dollars, (1) COVERED AGENCY.—The term ‘‘covered AMENDMENT NO. 1010 less than half of the cost per square foot for agency’’ means— (Purpose: To ensure funding for the FAA a new-site built, structure-only home, which (A) the Department of Agriculture; remote tower pilot program) was $101; (B) the Department of the Interior; On page 383, line 10, insert the following (7) in 2009, 43 percent of all new homes that (C) the Corps of Engineers; after ‘‘Budget’’ : ‘‘Provided further, That of sold for less than $150,000 were manufactured (D) the National Marine Fisheries Service; the amounts made available for Enterprise, homes; and Concept Development, Human Factors, and (8) manufactured homes account for 23 per- (E) the Office of National Marine Sanc- Demonstration, not less than $9,500,000 shall cent of new home sales under $200,000; tuaries of the National Oceanic and Atmos- be available for the remote tower pilot pro- (9) more than 50,000 manufactured home pheric Administration. gram as authorized by section 161 of the FAA communities, also referred to as ‘‘mobile (2) OUTDOOR RECREATION.—The term ‘‘out- Reauthorization Act of 2018 (49 U.S.C. 47104 home parks’’, exist throughout the United door recreation’’ means all recreational ac- note)’’. States; tivities undertaken for pleasure that— (10) more than 2,900,000 manufactured AMENDMENT NO. 1061 (A) generally involve some level of inten- homes are placed in manufactured home tional physical exertion; and (Purpose: To require a report on engagement communities; (B) occur in nature-based environments with local interests relating to intelligent (11) manufactured home communities pro- outdoors. transportation systems technologies and vide critical affordable housing, but receive (b) STUDY REQUIRED.—The Comptroller smart cities solutions) very little Federal, State, or local funds to General of the United States shall conduct a At the appropriate place, insert the fol- subsidize the cost of manufactured homes; study that— lowing: (12) manufactured home owners in such (1) identifies each program carried out by a SEC. lll. Not later than 90 days after the communities may own the home, but they do covered agency that directly impacts the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary not own the land under the home, which outdoor recreation sector, including each of Transportation shall submit to the Com- leaves the home owners vulnerable to rent program that affects the management and mittees on Appropriations, Commerce, increases, arbitrary rule enforcement, and in conservation of, and access to, the land, Science, and Transportation, and Environ- the case of a manufactured home community waters, and natural resources of the Unites ment and Public Works of the Senate and owner converting the land to some other use, States; and the Committees on Appropriations and community closure;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.002 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6315 (13) an eviction or closure of a manufac- ing the welcome-home ceremony for ing, but it also means getting that tured home community is very disruptive to 112 members of the South Dakota Na- funding to them in a timely fashion. It a resident who may be unable to pay the tional Guard. These men and women, means passing regular order appropria- thousands of dollars it takes to move the who serve in the 147th Forward Support tions bills instead of forcing our mili- manufactured home or find a new location for the manufactured home; Company or the Bravo Battery of the tary to rely on temporary funding (14) in an effort to preserve a crucial source 1–147th Field Artillery Battalion, were measures that leave the military in of affordable housing within the past two deployed to Europe as part of Atlantic doubt about funding levels and unable decades, a national network of housing pro- Resolve, a partnership with our allies to start important new projects. viders has helped residents purchase and own in Eastern and Central Europe devel- Getting military funding approved in the land under the manufactured home com- oped in response to Russia’s invasion of a timely manner is a priority for me munity, and manage the manufactured home Crimea in 2014. and for a lot of my colleagues here in community; The Atlantic Resolve allows U.S. and the Senate. Chairman SHELBY, the (15) nationwide, there are more than 1,000 stable, permanent ownership cooperatives or allied forces to build strong working chairman of the Senate Appropriations nonprofit-owned developments in more than relationships and to hone their ability Committee, worked hard this year to a dozen States; to conduct operations. Members of ensure that we could bring the Defense (16) members of manufactured home com- Bravo Battery and the 147th Forward appropriations bill to the floor in a munities continue to own such homes indi- Support Company spent most of the timely fashion, but Senate Democrats vidually, own an equal share of the land be- year in Europe working with partner have so far blocked Senate consider- neath the entire manufactured home com- forces. They participated in two multi- ation of this important legislation. munity, participate in the governing of the national exercises and brought artil- Their refusal to allow the Senate to community, and elect a board of directors who make major decisions within the manu- lery to Germany and Hungary. move forward on funding has left the factured home community by a democratic These soldiers finally got home last military in limbo, unable to fully fund vote; weekend, but they didn’t leave Atlan- 2020 priorities and to move ahead on (17) in , more than 30 per- tic Resolve without South Dakota sup- key projects for the future. cent of manufactured home communities are port. Other members of the 147th For- Later today, Democrats will have an- owned by residents; ward Support Company and Alpha Bat- other chance to move forward with the (18) resident-owned cooperatives and non- tery of the 1–147th Field Artillery Bat- Defense appropriations bill and to get profit owned communities have also flour- talion head for Europe in September. our military the resources that it ished in Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Is- Other South Dakota-based military land, Washington, Oregon, and Minnesota; needs. I am hoping that they will have (19) nationwide, only 2 percent of all manu- members—airmen from Ellsworth Air a change of heart and decide that fund- factured home communities are resident or Force Base—also deployed abroad re- ing our military is more important nonprofit-owned; cently. than the partisan games they have (20) when the owner of a manufactured Four B–1 bombers from the 34th and been playing. Our military members home community or his or her heirs sell the 37th Bomb Squadrons at Ellsworth are waiting on that funding. Their abil- community to the highest bidder, it can re- made a flying trip to Saudi Arabia late ity to do their jobs is being jeopardized sult in displacement for dozens and some- this month to support the U.S. mili- times hundreds of families; and by Democrats’ continued blockade of tary presence there. The bombers flew Defense appropriations. (21) Congress should endeavor to protect directly from South Dakota to Saudi residents of manufactured home commu- We live in peace and safety every sin- nities by encouraging the owners of those Arabia, refueling six times in midair, gle day because of the men and women properties to sell them to nonprofit organi- once again demonstrating the incred- of the U.S. military. It is not a new zations or to the residents themselves to own ible capability of this aircraft and of sentiment, but it bears repeating be- cooperatively. our Ellsworth airmen. cause it is too easy to forget that we AMENDMENT NO. 1214 Atlantic Resolve, the B–1 mission, would not be enjoying the freedoms (Purpose: To provide for a veterans pilot the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al- and benefits that we enjoy without the training competitive grant program) Baghdadi during a raid conducted by constant vigilance of our men and At the appropriate place under the heading U.S. troops—they are all a reminder of women in uniform. The least—the very ‘‘OPERATIONS’’ under the heading ‘‘FEDERAL the vital work that our military mem- least—that we can do in return is to AVIATION ADMINISTRATION’’ in title I of divi- bers are doing. make sure that they have every re- sion D, insert the following: ‘‘Provided fur- A lot of military missions don’t ther, That of the funds appropriated under source they need to do their jobs and to make a big splash in the news. We come home safely. this heading, not less than $5,000,000 shall be don’t hear a lot about everything that I strongly urge my Democratic col- used for a veterans pilot training competi- our men and women are doing on a tive grant program.’’. leagues to vote yes on moving forward daily basis. We don’t hear details of all AMENDMENT NO. 1235 with the Defense appropriations bill the operations: the joint exercises with later today and to send a loud and (Purpose: To provide additional funding for our allies, the countless training evo- the family unification program of the De- clear message to the American mili- lutions, the never-ending aircraft and partment of Housing and Urban Develop- tary that we are going to ensure here vehicle maintenance, the hours watch- ment) in the Congress that you have the re- ing radar systems for contacts, the At the appropriate place in paragraph (2) sources, the training, the weapons sys- endless logistical work to support under the heading ‘‘TENANT-BASED RENTAL tems, the equipment, and everything troops in the field, the painstaking ASSISTANCE’’ under the heading ‘‘PUBLIC AND that you need to keep Americans safe INDIAN HOUSING’’ in title II of division D, in- weeks and months of intelligence gath- each and every single day. sert the following: ‘‘the family unification ering for a single mission. I suggest the absence of a quorum. program under section 8(x) of the Act,’’. Every hour of every day, members of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- the U.S. military are on duty working sence of a quorum. to keep the peace and to ensure the se- clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The curity of our Nation. As Members of The senior assistant legislative clerk clerk will call the roll. Congress, we have no greater obliga- proceeded to call the roll. The senior assistant legislative clerk tion than to ensure that our troops Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask proceeded to call the roll. have the resources they need. We owe unanimous consent that the order for Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask it to the men and women who get up the quorum call be rescinded. unanimous consent that the order for each day willing to lay down their lives The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the quorum call be rescinded. for us, and we owe it to every man, objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without woman, and child we represent because AMENDMENT NO. 1143 CORRECTION objection, it is so ordered. the safety of our country depends upon Mr. THUNE. Madam President, for The majority whip is recognized. the strength of our military. the information of the Senate, in the H.R. 3055 Ensuring that our troops have the re- managers’ package of amendments Mr. THUNE. Madam President, last sources they need obviously means en- that was just agreed to, amendment weekend, I had the privilege of attend- suring that they have adequate fund- No. 1143 was misidentified as a Capito

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.005 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 amendment. It is actually an amend- bipartisan efforts to advance S. 2520, the I yield the floor. Transportation, Housing and Urban Develop- ment by Senator JONES that Senator RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER CAPITO cosponsored. ment, and Related Agencies (THUD) Appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Duly priations Act, 2020. Although S. 2520 includes many critical investments for public trans- Democratic leader is recognized. noted. portation, it reduces total funding for public APPROPRIATIONS Mr. THUNE. I yield the floor. transportation by $457 million compared to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 enacted levels. As Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, ator from Arizona. you continue working together on the bill, today we come to an inflection point in AMENDMENT NO. 1141 we strongly urge you to increase investment the appropriations process this year. Ms. MCSALLY. Madam President, I in public transportation and permanently Leader MCCONNELL has scheduled a rise today in strong support of my block the impending $1.2 billion across-the- vote on the Defense appropriations bill, board cut to transit formula funds. amendment with the Senator from Ala- Infrastructure investment is critical for which comes with a certain irony. A bama, Mr. JONES, to this domestic our nation’s economic growth and now is the bill that is supposed to provide re- spending package. time to invest more, not less, in public sources for our troops and their fami- Our amendment will permanently transportation. Increased investment will lies actually steals money from them block an impending $1.2 billion cut to provide the necessary resources to begin to and puts it toward a border wall that Federal investments and Federal trans- address the more than $90 billion state-of- President Trump promised Mexico good-repair backlog in our nation’s transit would pay for. portation. Without our legislative ac- systems and meet the mobility demands of tion to block this cut, public transit growing communities. Democrats will not vote to proceed agencies across the country will suffer In addition, we urge you to include a provi- to a bill that steals money from our a 12-percent across-the-board cut. sion in the bill permanently blocking the im- troops and their families. Republicans These cuts will be devastating to all of pending 12 percent across-the-board cut to know it is a nonstarter. Yet Leader each public transit agency throughout the our communities. MCCONNELL has scheduled a show vote Transit funds in my home State in country. We greatly appreciate your leader- ship in ensuring that the Continuing Appro- this afternoon to demonstrate some- Arizona are critically important to our priations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116–59, Division A) thing that everyone already knows: quickly growing communities. Mari- included a provision temporarily preventing There is nowhere close to the necessary copa County was the fastest growing this cut, but further and immediate action is votes in the Senate for President county in the United States last year, needed to ensure that this harmful provision Trump’s border wall and, of course, and cities such as Flagstaff and Tucson does not take effect in FY 2020. there is not in the House. So this is are also attracting more jobs and more Americans ride public transportation 10 just a show vote. families. Our State continues to have billion times a year, and every trip meets a need or provides an opportunity. It gets peo- Leader MCCONNELL, a few weeks ago, to meet the demands of our expanding ple to work, their doctors, local businesses, got on the floor and railed against cities and towns, and that is true from and schools. It is a lifeline that connects show votes. He said: I only want to put Phoenix to Flagstaff and all through- communities. We urge you to support in- things on the floor that are going to out the State. creased investment in public transportation pass. But we all know this ain’t pass- Our amendment would block more for critical projects in small, medium, and ing. I understand memories in politics large communities across the nation. than $15.4 million in cuts to Arizona can be short, but the exercise we will transit agencies. These cuts could re- In summary, as you continue working to- gether on the Senate THUD Appropriations go through today is absurd, even by sult in drastically reduced services, in- bill, we strongly urge you to increase invest- those low standards. cluding those for low-income individ- ment in public transportation and perma- Senate Republicans, by pursuing a uals and individuals with disabilities, nently block the impending $1.2 billion partisan process, by doing President and reduce funds necessary to mod- across-the-board cut to transit formula funds. Trump’s bidding on the wall—they ernize bus and rail fleets, as well as know he is wrong, most of them. They slow construction of news stations and Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, are just so afraid of him they just say shelters. American Public Transportation Associa- ‘‘Yes, sir’’ whenever he proposes an ab- A broad coalition of over 30 associa- tion, Amalgamated Transit Union; American surd idea. They repeat the same failed tions—including the American Public Association of State Highway and Transpor- strategy that led to the longest shut- Transportation Association, the Asso- tation Officials; American Concrete Pipe As- down in our Nation’s history. I warned ciated General Contractors of America, sociation; American Council of Engineering Leader MCCONNELL and our Republican and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce— Companies; American Planning Association; American Road & Transportation Builders friends that if they continue down this support our efforts and this amend- path, they will lead us straight to an- ment to block these cuts. Association; American Society of Civil Engi- neers; Associated General Contractors of other government shutdown, and their Madam President, I ask unanimous America; Association of Equipment Manu- party and President Trump will shoul- consent to have printed in the RECORD facturers; Association of Metropolitan Plan- der the responsibility. The last time, a copy of a letter from the 32 national ning Organizations; The Bus Coalition; Com- they had to retreat from that position associations urging Congress to sup- munity Transportation Association of Amer- after the longest shutdown in history port our amendment. ica; Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute; with their tails between their legs. There being no objection, the mate- The Intelligent Transportation Society of Isn’t history teaching them anything? rial was ordered to be printed in the America; International Union of Operating Engineers; National Asphalt Pavement Asso- We know it will not teach President RECORD, as follows: ciation. Trump much, but we would hope the OCTOBER 22, 2019. National Association of City Transpor- Hon. RICHARD C. SHELBY, Republicans in the Senate would have tation Officials; National Association of Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. more sense. Counties; National Association of Regional Senate, Washington, DC. Councils; National League of Cities; Na- Instead of standing up and defending Hon. SUSAN M. COLLINS, tional Precast Concrete Association; Na- their own position that they want the Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, Sub- tional Ready Mixed Concrete Association; money for the wall—however indefen- committee on Transportation, Housing and Natural Resources Defense Council; National sible in my judgment—Senate Repub- Urban Development, and Related Agencies, Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association; Port- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. licans have resorted to bogus attacks land Cement Association; Railway Supply Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, against Democrats. Senate Republicans Institute; Transport Workers Union; Trans- Vice Chairman, Committee on Appropriations accuse Democrats of delaying a pay portation for America; Transportation U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. raise for our troops, even though, first, Trades Department, AFL-CIO; United States Hon. JACK REED, Chamber of Commerce; The United States the pay raise is strongly bipartisan, Ranking Member, Committee on Appropriations, Conference of Mayors. and, more important, the standing law Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing Ms. MCSALLY. Madam President, I of the land dictates it will go into ef- and Urban Development, and Related Agen- fect regardless of whether we pass the cies, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. urge my colleagues to join Senator DEAR CHAIRMAN SHELBY, VICE CHAIRMAN JONES from Alabama and me in sup- Defense appropriations. LEAHY, CHAIRMAN COLLINS, AND RANKING porting this important bipartisan Our Republican friends are so des- MEMBER REED: We greatly appreciate your amendment. perate to divert attention from their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:11 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.006 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6317 holding up these bills for President publican colleagues have tried to kick vent because of circumstances totally Trump’s wall that they come up with up as much dust as possible to distract outside of their control. completely false arguments, such as or detract from the facts of the case be- The time has come for Congress to the statement that if we don’t pass cause they know the reality will be bring relief to these working families. this, the troops will not get a pay damaging to the President if these Members on both sides of the aisle have raise. facts prove to be true. been working on legislation that would Yesterday, Leader MCCONNELL and Last week, roughly 40 Republicans provide relief to these underfunded President Trump repeated a slightly stormed the secure facility in the Cap- pensions. Just 2 months ago, the House less specific but even more outrageous itol in a fit of staged protest, even passed the Butch Lewis Act, which I charge, claiming that Democrats are though one-third of them were already proudly support and which would pro- not supporting the fight against ISIS allowed to participate in the hearings vide immediate relief to critical and due to the disagreement on appropria- that were taking place. declining pension plans, but Leader tions. Hello. Who was it who abandoned In the Senate, my colleague Senator MCCONNELL has inexplicably refused to our Kurdish friends who led the fight GRAHAM, a veteran of the House im- take action on this bipartisan legisla- against ISIS? Not the Democrats in the peachment process, put together a res- tion—another tombstone in his legisla- Senate, not even the Republicans in olution of trumped-up charges that the tive graveyard. the Senate—it was President Trump. House process was unfair, all of which Leader MCCONNELL and the Repub- President Trump’s reckless decision have been thoroughly debunked as mis- lican majority are turning their backs to greenlight President Erdogan’s inva- leading or baseless. Again, it is an at- on hard-working middle-class Ameri- sion of northern Syria left hundreds of tempt by our Republican friends to do cans who need their pensions. They hardened ISIS fighters out of jail and, Donald Trump’s bidding no matter how could be robbed of them through no according to most experts, set a course false, reckless, or harmful that bidding fault of their own. I hope the news this for a likely resurgence of ISIS. But in- is. week magnifies the consequences of stead of blaming President Trump—al- Meanwhile, the White House and its Republican inaction. though some of them did early on— allies in the Congress and the media President Trump has claimed to be a they are trying to switch the blame. It have leveled shameful attacks against champion for American workers, but is a typical tactic that Leader MCCON- the witnesses in the House inquiry, under his Presidency, working Ameri- NELL is using with more and more regu- questioning the loyalties of a U.S. cans have slipped further and further larity, but like his previous attempts, Army lieutenant colonel and Purple behind. Now, for millions of hard-work- it fails. Heart recipient and calling the whistle- ing Americans, a secure retirement is We were briefed yesterday by senior blower a treasonous spy. That is des- also at risk. If the President were truly administration officials, and they ac- picable. a champion for working Americans, knowledged the fallout in the wake of Worse still, reports suggest that Re- now is the time for him to show some the President’s decision and the need publicans on the House committee and leadership by urging Leader MCCON- to pick up the pieces of what was their members of their staffs are conducting NELL and his Republicans in the Senate strategy to defeat ISIS. a vicious campaign to deliberately dis- to work with Democrats to protect The majority leader and I have been close or cause to be disclosed the iden- these pension plans. working together on legislation requir- tity of the whistleblower, placing that I yield the floor. ing specific plans and reports from the courageous individual’s safety and that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- administration on the ISIS threat. I of his or her family in jeopardy. ator from Montana. hope it will receive some action on the We are supposed to be engaging with REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN floor soon. Let’s cut the nonsense that the facts of the case on the merits. We Mr. TESTER. Madam President, I Democrats don’t support the troops or have a solemn constitutional duty to have a number of things I want to talk the fight against ISIS. It is not true. It do so. Even the President himself has about today. On Monday of this week, is laughable, and it ain’t going to said he would ‘‘rather go into the de- we lost a fine lady in Kay Hagan. It is stick. So instead of this bunk, Leader tails of the case rather than the proc- very difficult for me to put into words MCCONNELL and my Republican friends, ess.’’ my admiration for the Senator from roll up your sleeves and work with us My Republican friends in Congress North Carolina, but the fact is, Kay to get something done. should stick to the facts, quit the par- was the kind of person who, the first Democrats and Republicans have tisan theatrics, quit the politics of time you met her, had the ability to been working through a package of ap- blame, and quit trying to harm the calm the situation down. propriations bills, as is clear in the very serious patriots whose lives and When she was running in 2008, I went bills we are voting on. Where there is safety might be in danger. This is a to North Carolina, and she had an agreement, we can move forward. This time to put country over party and ex- event at a farm. I think it was a hog week has shown the Senate can effi- amine the facts—only the facts. operation, if my memory serves me ciently work through these bills, and PENSIONS correctly. I had a chance to meet her we have a bipartisan buy-in. That is Madam President, finally, on pen- for the first time. She was somebody how Democrats want to proceed on the sions, this week, Murray Energy, which who you knew, if she were able to get remainder of the bills. employed over 5,000 people, has filed into this body, would be successful. Republican friends, work with us as for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, putting Well, in 2008, she won that election. you did on these four bills to come up thousands of hard-working Americans She came here, and she made a dif- with bipartisan bills, and we can get at risk of losing their pensions. Forty ference. She made a difference for them done. percent of Murray’s employees are rep- working families, small businesses, and IMPEACHMENT resented by either the United Mine family farm agriculture. Mr. President, on impeachment, at Workers or the Seafarers International I just want to express my condo- least a dozen witnesses have testified Union. Murray faces over $8 billion in lences to her husband Chip, her kids in Congress as part of the House’s im- pension obligations, of which over $2 and grandkids, and let them know she peachment inquiry. The facts that are billion are unfunded and under threat. was very loved by all in this body. already in the public record are trou- This is only the latest example of the HEALTHCARE bling and require further investigation. danger facing millions of Americans Madam President, I also want to rise The Founders greatly feared foreign with pensions from construction, min- today and speak on behalf of the thou- interference in our elections. Here, we ing, truck driving, bakeries, and other sands of Montanans who have pre- have a President who allegedly used industries. existing conditions or struggle with the powers of his office to pressure or These workers did nothing wrong. the cost of prescription drugs. coerce a foreign leader to investigate a They saved up little by little, week by Even with the ’s domestic political rival. The matter at week, expecting to retire with security protections, many of these folks strug- hand is serious; both parties must treat and dignity, but their pension plans are gle to afford their medical bills, their it as such. But already some of our Re- sadly now at risk of becoming insol- copays at the pharmacy counter and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.008 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 the local doctors’ offices. Instead of last 15 years, well, too bad. Done noth- This coordinated sabotage of our working to fix these problems, this ad- ing. No checks and balances. healthcare system by this administra- ministration—the Trump administra- The President asked for other coun- tion and this body is unacceptable, and tion—has issued a rule that brings us tries to come in and influence our elec- our children deserve better. I am not back to the dark ages by letting insur- tions, and it seems like the Senate is going to sit here and tell you that the ance companies discriminate against just fine with that. The greatest coun- Affordable Care Act was perfect. I said working families across Montana and try in the world is going to let other from day one that we needed to work this country. countries determine who is elected to together to make improvements and The Affordable Care Act guaranteed our elected offices in this country, build upon the successes that were in health coverage for all Americans. It whether it be the Presidency, the Sen- that bill. required health insurance companies to ate, or any of us. The ACA allowed States like Mon- issue policies to folks regardless of Now, we can’t even pass a budget. We tana to pass Expansion. That whether they had preexisting condi- continue to kick the can down the insured more than 90,000 Montanans in tions. The Trump administration is road. We do have a vote on the Defense the process and helped greatly toward chipping away at these laws, and they bill, which by the way, this body is keeping our small hospitals open. are tossing these protections out the going to allow the President, if the ma- It helped millions of Montanans with window so that big insurance can make jority leader has his way, to take any preexisting conditions rest easy at big bucks. amount of money they want out of that night knowing that they were not Health insurance companies across Defense bill and put it into a wall—a going to be kicked off their plans be- this country are flooding the market wall that costs $25 million to $35 mil- cause of that preexisting condition or with junk plans. They are called junk lion a mile—and we are not even talk- hit an annual cap on care. All of that is plans because they are cheap insurance ing about expenses down the road for gone. Americans have spoken clearly. that are junk. When you think you upkeep. They want more access to afford- have health insurance and you get So we just deal with continuing reso- ability, not less. When my colleagues sick, it is not there. lutions—more uncertainty, more un- on the other side of the aisle attempted Trust me, I know firsthand how this certainty for families, more uncer- to repeal the ACA a couple of years works. When I was 9 years old, I lost tainty for business. So right now, we ago, folks all across this country stood three fingers in a meat grinder, and my are standing by letting funding for our up and said: No. folks thought they had insurance. They schools, our roads, our hospitals run But here we are again, watching the didn’t because they had bought a junk out, leaving families across this coun- majority and the Trump administra- plan. They ended up paying every dime try—especially in rural America and tion pushing plans to rip away afford- States like Montana—without re- for the surgeries related to my left able health insurance from hard- sources to be able to do the job. hand out of their pockets—money they working Americans. I would encourage And that is exactly the case for com- my colleagues to join together in work- didn’t have. munity health centers in this country. These plans tell folks they have in- ing and find a bipartisan solution to These facilities provide lifesaving care surance, but, truthfully, they don’t. improve our healthcare system. We to nearly one-tenth of people in Mon- They have less coverage, and they need to reduce health insurance pre- tana, running 65 healthcare clinics don’t even cover the most essential miums and out-of-pocket costs. We across our State. They don’t even know need to crack down on skyrocketing health benefits. if they are going to have funding come Need prescription drugs? You can get prescription drugs, and we need to ex- November 21st when the continuing them, but it’s going to cost you. Mater- pand insurance to more Americans. We resolution we passed expires. nity care? Sorry, the plan doesn’t cover How can we expect these places to need to make sure that when people that. Mental health? You would not get stay open, let alone recruit and retain put their hard-earned money on the that coverage in your wildest dreams. staff, when they don’t even know if line to buy an insurance policy, that it These insurers will tell you that you they are going to be around in another is not junk. are getting a great deal, but the truth month? What do I say to folks when CONGRATULATING THE WASHINGTON NATIONALS of the matter is your pocketbook is their own community health clinics Mr. President, now, on a lighter sub- going to pay the price. God forbid if like Hardin, or Libby, or Haver—these ject. Back in my early years on the you ever get in a situation where you communities rely on these health clin- farm, I would come in on Wednesday need to use it. ics to keep their communities healthy. night and there would be baseball night What we see is insurance companies And quite frankly, because we can’t sit in Canada. I got to watch the Montreal lining their pockets and selling plans down and negotiate and come up with Expos for a couple of decades play some that do nothing. And the majority long-term funding agreements, they pretty darned good baseball. They leader is working to make it easier for potentially are going to be out of busi- didn’t win, but they were very enter- them to do it, all by blocking reason- ness. taining. able, bipartisan bills to improve the But the uncertainty for families That franchise moved to Washington, ACA and make healthcare more afford- doesn’t start there. The number of kids DC, I think in 2006, the same year I got able to working families and small who don’t have insurance has gone up elected to the . So businesses around this country. since this administration started its consequently, I got to watch the Nats The Senate was established by our war on healthcare. Kids in Montana are and be entertained by them again—oc- Founders as the greatest deliberative getting the worst of it. The number of casionally, even in person. body in the world to be a check and kids in my State without insurance Last night, they did the impossible. balance on the Office of the Presi- went up 25 percent between 2016 and After being 19 and 31, I believe around dency, the executive branch. That sim- 2018. the 23rd, 24th of May of this year, they ply is not occurring right now. Let me say that again. The number ripped off a hundred games and won the I mean take a look at the tariff situ- of kids in the State of Montana with- World Series. I just want to congratu- ation. The President puts on tariffs in out insurance went up 25 percent be- late them on that feat and look for- a knee-jerk reaction, doesn’t bring any tween 2016 and 2018. That is the fifth ward to a repeat next season. of our allies along. We are seeing small highest percentage jump in the United Mr. President, I yield the floor. businesses and family farm agriculture States. There are places worse. The The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. literally being put to the point of being kids being hit hardest are the kids that SCOTT of Florida). The Senator from put out of business, and this body lets are in the most vulnerable groups. New Hampshire. him do it. A couple of weeks ago, the They are in Indian Country, which con- REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN President said: You know what, we are tinues to have the highest uninsured Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I rise pulling our troops out of northern rate in this country. These young folks to honor the life and legacy of my Syria, and to hell with our allies. are our future leaders. They are our friend and former colleague, Senator The Kurds, who have been fighting next generation. We are not doing our Kay Hagan of North Carolina. There with us, fighting as partners for the job. We are failing them. have been several eloquent tributes to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.009 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6319 Kay. I am sure we will hear many more during her first Senate race, Kay didn’t us in the Senate, but by so many of her in the days to come. They all note her miss a beat. She responded imme- constituents whom she represented in profound grace, her fighting spirit, her diately with an ad that set the record North Carolina. charm, and of course, I agree with all straight. She demonstrated to her sup- I want to again extend my deepest of those remarks. porters and to her detractors alike condolences to the Hagan family and to I want to especially extend my very what she was made of. the State of North Carolina. sincere condolences to her husband, I have fond memories of our calls Thank you, Mr. President. Chip; to her children, Jeanette, Tilden, when we were both up for reelection in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and Carrie; and to her father Joe. 2014. Kay would call and buck me up. I ator from New Mexico. The news of her death on Monday was remember she called me after her last Mr. UDALL. Mr. President, I just deeply felt here in the Senate. Kay and debate to say she was finished. She want to follow on the comments by my I were in the same class of freshmen didn’t have to do any more debates. good friend Senator SHAHEEN with re- Senators. We came in, in 2008, and as Since I was still looking at having to gard to Kay Hagan. We came to the the only two women in that class, we do two of them, she was very encour- Senate together with Senator SHA- became fast friends. But of course, it aging to me. HEEN. We were all in that class of 2008. wasn’t hard to make friends with Kay With Kay, the glass was always half It was a big class. We traveled exten- Hagan. She never met a stranger. She full. When she arrived in the Senate, it sively with Kay Hagan. We got to know had contagious optimism and joy, and didn’t take long for her to make her her very well. she drew everyone in with her smile mark on the issues of greatest impor- It was really good to hear—I talked and kindness. tance to North Carolina and the Na- to her husband Chip on the phone. We Kay was first in the Senate, not as a tion. She applied her skills as a prag- call him Chip; he is Charles. He told me Senator, but as an intern, where she matic legislator, which were honed in that up to the very last, she was ex- had the job of operating the elevators. the North Carolina Senate, and she got tremely busy. They were traveling Of course, those were the days when to work on the pressing issues of the around North Carolina. They were women Senators were few, and they day. doing things. She actually had a very were often appointed to fill temporary She fought tirelessly for jobs and the special visit with Vice President Biden vacancies. So I am sure it was a very economic well-being of her constitu- before she passed away. powerful moment when Kay took the ents. She was a champion of small Our heart goes out to the whole fam- elevator here in the Capitol for the businesses, for expanding rural ily—to the three children. We very first time as a United States Senator, broadband, for developing regional in- much miss her and will miss her a lot. only the second woman from her State, frastructure. She helped pass the his- We missed her a lot in the Senate. We North Carolina, to do that. toric reforms to Wall Street following are going to miss her. Kay and I often compared notes the financial crisis because she served I will put in a more extensive state- about our new roles as Senators. We on the Banking Committee. ment about Kay Hagan. talked about our families and the chal- We worked together, along with the AMENDMENT NO. 1209 lenges of commuting to and from DC. I rest of the members of the class of 2008, Mr. President, I rise to oppose the remember Kay showing me and the to try and improve the Affordable Care Lee amendment and efforts to under- other women in the Senate pictures of Act as it was being drafted. Kay took a mine the Land and Water Conservation her daughters’ weddings and beaming tough vote in favor of the ACA, but she Fund. This amendment would prohibit with excitement. She was so tremen- did it because she knew it was going to the Department of Interior from using dously proud of her children and so ap- help her constituents get insurance land and water conservation funds to preciated the support she received from coverage and healthcare and that it acquire Federal lands and waters. them and from Chip during her cam- would provide protections for millions The underlying bill actually in- paigns for public office. of Americans. creases funding for the Land and Water Of course, in addition to her char- Kay and I served together on the Conservation Fund by $30 million, and acter, Kay had boundless energy. Grow- Armed Services Committee in the Sen- it does so with deep bipartisan support ing up, she studied ballet, and she as- ate. She fought for our servicemem- from a majority of Senators. The cru- pired to be a professional dancer. And I bers, for their families, and for improv- cial point here is that this bill passed remember she told me about her ing the defense of our nation. Kay’s the Appropriations Committee 31 to 0, ‘‘magic bag’’ that she took with her ev- husband, father, and brother all served so this is a broadly supported program erywhere, so she could exercise in the their country in uniform. The chal- and a broadly supported bill. I urge the morning. It carried a yoga mat and ev- lenges that servicemembers and mili- Senate to send another strong message erything else she needed to exercise. tary families face were always top of today to support the LWCF. She recommended that I get one, and mind for Kay. There are many bipartisan land-ac- of course, I was never quite energetic In my office here in the Capitol, quisition priorities that are funded by enough to do that. there is a photo of me and Kay. It is on this bill. They include things like funds In addition to yoga, Kay loved early our first trip to Afghanistan. We had to improve access to the Aravaipa Can- morning runs, Pilates, and swimming. only been in the Senate about 5 months yon in Arizona; preserve wildlife habi- It was that swimming that brought at that point. We were smiling from tat in the Everglades Headwaters and Kay some early ‘‘notoriety.’’ I use that ear to ear, even though it was over 100 St. Marks Refuges in Florida, I would term in quotes because Kay wanted to degrees, we were wearing body armor, let the Presiding Officer know. There is use the Senator’s swimming pool in the and we were in a helicopter with the also money to protect the Palo Alto mornings, but when she first got here, doors open heading to a Forward Oper- Battlefield in Texas and other historic there was a sign on the door that said ating Base. battlefield sites, as well as funds to ex- it was for men only. What we learned, We were smiling because we were so pand the El Malpais National Monu- after Kay did a little bit of inves- excited and because it was always so ment in my home State of New Mexico. tigating, was it was because some of fun to travel with Kay. There wasn’t a These are just a few of the projects the male Senators were not interested better partner than Kay for these trips. that our constituents back home are in wearing appropriate swimming at- She was diligent. She was inquisitive. expecting the Department to fund. tire when they swam. She always held herself with grace and They would all be stopped in their Well, Kay put a quick stop to that, kindness and resolve. That was her tracks if this amendment were adopt- and it wasn’t long before all of the men trademark. ed. were wearing swim trunks, and Kay Serving her country and her beloved We need LWCF to establish better ac- was swimming laps in the pool with home State in the United States Sen- cess for Americans to their own public them. ate was a profound honor for Kay, as it lands. This program works with private That was Kay. She was incredibly is for all of us. I feel fortunate to have landowners and willing sellers to con- kind, but she was also tough. When she known and worked alongside her. She tinue to protect special places for gen- was falsely accused of being an atheist will be dearly missed, not just by all of erations to come. I know a bipartisan

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.011 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 majority of this body understands that, ment, AFL-CIO, United States Chamber of ernment owns two-thirds of the land. and I ask my colleagues to stand with Commerce, The United States Conference of Notice, by the way, that in every State me to defeat this amendment. Mayors, American Road & Transportation east of Colorado, the Federal Govern- I yield the floor. Builders Association (co-chair), Associated ment owns less than 15 percent of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- General Contractors of America (co-chair), land—in most States, significantly ator from Rhode Island. Transport Workers Union, American Coal Ash Association, American Concrete Pave- less. In every State west of Colorado, AMENDMENT NO. 1141 ment Association, American Concrete Pipe the Federal Government owns more Mr. REED. Mr. President, I rise to Association, American Council of Engineer- than 15 percent of the land, and in speak in favor of the Jones amendment ing Companies, American Subcontractors many cases, a whole lot more than 15 No. 1141, cosponsored by Senator Association, American Iron and Steel Insti- percent. MCSALLY of Arizona. I want to thank tute, American Society of Civil Engineers, The sheer volume of land that it the Senator from Alabama for filing American Traffic Safety Services Associa- owns is nothing short of staggering. In this important amendment to preserve tion, Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Asso- fact, the Federal Government owns 640 transit funding at the levels authorized ciation, Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming As- million acres of land. This is a total sociation, Associated Equipment Distribu- larger than the entireties of France, by Congress under the FAST Act. tors, Association of Equipment Manufactur- Without this amendment, transit agen- ers. Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy, the cies across the country will face a 12- Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, percent cut. A cut of this magnitude International Slurry Surfacing Association, and the Netherlands combined. That is would be devastating, particularly for International Association of Bridge, Struc- how much land the Federal Govern- smaller agencies that rely on Federal tural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron ment owns just in America. funding to meet their annual operating Workers, International Union of Operating With such a vast estate, it is no won- expenses and to carry out necessary Engineers, Laborers-Employers Cooperation der that there is currently a $19.38 bil- and Education Trust, Laborers’ Inter- maintenance. Without this funding, lion maintenance backlog on those national Union of North America, National lands. Of that backlog, $11.92 billion is communities would be forced to scale Asphalt Pavement Association, National As- back capital projects and bus acquisi- sociation of Surety Bond Producers, Na- on lands owned and managed by just tions, and reduce services, eliminating tional Electrical Contractors Association, the National Park Service. In fact, a major mobility option for many of National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, there are National Park Service back- our constituents, including seniors and National Steel Bridge Alliance, National logs in every single State in the coun- persons with disabilities. Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, Na- try, as this map demonstrates. At a time when the transit industry tional Utility Contractors Association, Port- I see here that the question is not faces a $90 billion state of good repair land Cement Association, Precast/ whether a particular State has a Na- backlog, we should be increasing tran- Prestressed Concrete Institute, The Road In- tional Park Service backlog within its formation Program, United Brotherhood of State; the question is, How much? In sit investments in order to preserve Carpenters and Joiners of America. these critical transportation systems. some States, it is very severe. In some Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask that These cuts would reverse the progress States, it is significant but not yet se- my colleagues join me and Senator we have made over the last 2 years due vere. But there is a National Park COLLINS in supporting this amendment. to the budget agreement that allowed Service maintenance backlog in every I would also like to take this oppor- single State. for desperately needed investments in tunity to thank the staff members who infrastructure. We must prevent any Many of my colleagues—especially actually made this Transportation, those from the Midwest, as this map degradation of funding for our transit Housing and Urban Development—T- systems and instead help these agen- shows—don’t have a whole lot of Fed- HUD—bill possible. They did extraor- cies modernize their fleets. eral land in their States. They have a dinary work. We all recognize that it is This amendment is supported by over whole lot less Federal land to main- 63 associations, including the National their efforts that make these difficult tain, and therefore they have less of a League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of and complicated legislative initiatives maintenance backlog. They should Mayors, and the U.S. Chamber of Com- possible. On the majority staff, I thank thank their lucky stars for that. That merce. Clare Doherty, Jason Woolwine, Rajat is a position to be envied. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Mathur, Gus Maples, Courtney Young, On one end of the spectrum, there is sent that the list of the supporting or- and LaShawnda Smith. On my staff, I a $1.3 million backlog on National Park ganizations be printed in the RECORD. particularly want to thank Dabney Service properties in . The There being no objection, the mate- Hegg, Christina Monroe, Jessi Axe, and backlog for the parks in Rhode Island rial was ordered to be printed in the Elisabeth Coats. is just under $1 million. But at the RECORD, as follows: I think I speak for all of my col- other end of the spectrum, California American Public Transportation Associa- leagues when I salute all the staff alone has a whopping $1.8 billion main- tion, Amalgamated Transit Union, American members who make this legislation tenance backlog just on its national Association of State Highway and Transpor- possible. parks alone. That is in just one State. tation Officials, American Concrete Pipe As- I yield the floor. What does that mean? That means the sociation, American Council of Engineering The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- damage from wildfires, ill-kept roads Companies, American Planning Association, ator from Utah. and trails, and neglected facilities have American Road & Transportation Builders AMENDMENT NO. 1209 actually kept citizens from accessing Association, American Society of Civil Engi- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, there is no neers, Associated General Contractors of our national treasures—national treas- America, Association of Equipment Manu- doubt that we are blessed with beau- ures like Yosemite and Yellowstone, facturers, Association of Metropolitan Plan- tiful, useful, and productive lands in our and the Grand Can- ning Organizations, The Bus Coalition, Com- our Nation. And there is no doubt that yon. Visitors who come from far and munity Transportation Association of Amer- some of them should be preserved as wide to see them are either unable to ica, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, what they are, which happen to be na- see them at all, or perhaps they make The Intelligent Transportation Society of tional treasures. But, unfortunately, it, but they don’t have a good experi- America, International Union of Operating the Federal Government owns far too Engineers, National Asphalt Pavement Asso- ence when they do. All the while, ciation, National Association of City Trans- much land. It owns far more of these Washington continues to purchase ever portation Officials, National Association of Federal public lands than it should own more land, so the maintenance backlog Counties, National Association of Regional and far more of these lands than it can continues to grow. Councils, National League of Cities, Na- possibly take care of. This must not continue. This stag- tional Precast Concrete Association, Na- Let’s take a look at this map, for ex- gering, stunning maintenance backlog tional Ready Mixed Concrete Association, ample. This shows in red the land that on the Federal land that we own—the Natural Resources Defense Council, National is owned by the Federal Government in Federal land that is more than all of Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association, Port- parts of the United States. The Federal land Cement Association, Railway Supply the long list of European countries I Institute. Government owns most of the land. mentioned just a minute ago—can’t Transport Workers Union, Transportation This is certainly the case in my home continue. If we continue on this path, for America, Transportation Trades Depart- State of Utah, where the Federal Gov- we will only do greater disservice to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:56 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.015 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6321 our citizens and to the lands them- The legislative clerk read as follows: NOT VOTING—7 selves. The Senator from Utah [Mr. LEE] proposes Bennet Isakson Warren That is why I have introduced an an amendment numbered 1209 to amendment Booker Klobuchar amendment that would stop the Fed- No. 948. Harris Sanders eral Government’s use of taxpayer dol- Mr. LEE. I ask unanimous consent The amendment (No. 1209) was re- lars to acquire more lands in the next that the reading of the amendment be jected. year. Specifically, it would prevent the dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- money currently going to the Land and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ator from Alabama. Water Conservation Fund, the Range objection, it is so ordered. AMENDMENT NO. 1141, AS MODIFIED, TO Improvement Funds, the Fish and (The amendment is printed in the AMENDMENT NO. 948 Wildlife Service, and the National Park RECORD of October 28, 2019, under ‘‘Text Mr. JONES. Madam President, under Service from being used to acquire new of Amendments.’’) the previous order, I call up amend- lands that the Federal Government Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask unani- ment No. 1141, as modified. cannot properly care for. mous consent that there now be 2 min- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The It is important, when describing a utes of debate between each vote in clerk will report. piece of legislation—in this case, an this series and that all votes after the The legislative clerk read as follows: amendment to another piece of legisla- first be 10 minutes in length. The Senator from Alabama [Mr. JONES], tion—to explain both what it does and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for himself and Ms. MCSALLY, proposes an amendment numbered 1141 to amendment what it does not do. Let me be very objection, it is so ordered. clear in telling you what this amend- No. 948. VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 1209 TO AMENDMENT Mr. JONES. Madam President, I ask ment does not do. This amendment NO. 948 would not reduce the dollar amount unanimous consent that the reading of The question is on agreeing to the the amendment be dispensed with. being given to any of these programs— Lee amendment No. 1209. not one of them, not by one dollar. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask for the would simply reauthorize the money to objection, it is so ordered. yeas and nays. ensure that it is being used to care for The amendment is as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a the lands we already own and lands (Purpose: To prohibit the implementation of sufficient second? that need to be cared for so des- the ‘‘Rostenkowski Test’’ with respect to There appears to be a sufficient sec- perately. the Mass Transit Account of the Highway ond. While some of my colleagues may Trust Fund) The clerk will call the roll. disagree with me and may believe that At the appropriate place in title I of divi- we should continue growing the Fed- The legislative clerk called the roll. sion E, insert the following: SEC. 1ll. None of the funds made avail- eral estate, I ask that, at least for this Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is necessarily absent: the Senator from able by this Act or any other Act may be year, we think of our current lands and used to adjust apportionments or withhold our existing national parks and that Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the funds from apportionments pursuant to sec- we think of those States where there tion 9503(e)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code are a lot of them and States where the Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), of 1986. maintenance backlog is especially the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Mr. JONES. Madam President, I rise staggering. These lands won’t be na- BOOKER), the Senator from California in support of the amendment offered by tional treasures for everyone if we (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Min- myself and my friend from Arizona, don’t, can’t, or simply won’t properly nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator Senator MCSALLY. care for them. from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), and the This amendment would permanently If we continue in this pattern of ne- Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. WAR- block an impending $1.2 billion in cuts glect, there will be treasures for no REN) are necessarily absent. to the Federal public transportation one. If we continue with this pattern of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. investment. These cuts will affect neglect, we will continue to inflict sig- FISCHER). Are there any other Sen- every one of our States—every one—in- nificant environmental harm that, in ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? cluding 7 million in my home State of addition to being stunning in and of The result was announced—yeas 29, Alabama. itself, may, in some cases, be difficult nays 64, as follows: Without this legislation to block or impossible to reverse. [Rollcall Vote No. 339 Leg.] what is known as the ‘‘Rostenkowski If you support the environment, if YEAS—29 Test,’’ every public transit agency will you want to protect the environment Barrasso Hawley Rounds suffer a 12-percent across-the-board cut and the natural wonders and beauties Braun Inhofe Rubio to transit formula grants this year. For with which this land has been blessed, Cassidy Johnson Sasse many transit agencies, particularly Cornyn Kennedy if you want to protect our national Scott (FL) these smaller transit agencies that Crapo Lankford Sullivan treasures, then you should vote for this Cruz Lee Thune serve rural States such as mine, these amendment. Enzi Moran Tillis cuts could be devastating. These cuts Voting against this amendment Ernst Paul Toomey Fischer Risch would reduce services that are so im- Wicker means you are willing to have the glut- Grassley Romney portant to the community, for in- tonous Federal Government continue stance, services for low-income people NAYS—64 to acquire more land, even while it re- and services to those who have disabil- fuses to and professes itself to be ut- Alexander Gardner Peters ities. Baldwin Gillibrand Portman terly incapable of maintaining the land Blackburn Graham Reed These cuts would reduce funds for it has. Blumenthal Hassan Roberts important bus and rail efforts to mod- For now, at the very least, we ought Blunt Heinrich Rosen ernize our transportation. Boozman Hirono Schatz to ensure that these lands are safe and Brown Hoeven The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- accessible for generations to come. Our Schumer Burr Hyde-Smith Scott (SC) ator has used 1 minute. Cantwell Jones lands, our citizens, and our environ- Shaheen Mr. JONES. I yield the floor. Capito Kaine ment deserve nothing less. Shelby The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Cardin King Sinema AMENDMENT NO. 1209 TO AMENDMENT NO. 948 Carper Leahy ator from Arizona. (Purpose: To prohibit the expenditure Casey Manchin Smith Ms. MCSALLY. Madam President, I Stabenow of certain amounts from the Land and Collins Markey rise in strong support of my amend- Coons McConnell Tester Water Conservation Fund for land ac- Cortez Masto McSally Udall ment with Senator JONES from Ala- quisition.) Cotton Menendez Van Hollen bama. As he said, this is a very impor- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I call up my Cramer Merkley Warner tant amendment to block $1.2 billion in amendment No. 1209. Daines Murkowski Whitehouse cuts to these transit agencies that are Duckworth Murphy Wyden The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Durbin Murray Young impacting every single one of our clerk will report. Feinstein Perdue States. Across Arizona, this is millions

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.016 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 of dollars, a 12-percent cut in every AMENDMENT NO. 950 WITHDRAWN Rajat Mathur, LaShawnda Smith, Jason State, and we are going to stop that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Woolwine, Courtney Young, Valerie Hutton, from happening here today. the previous order, amendment No. 950 Elmer Barnes, Penny Myles, Karin Thames, As Senator JONES mentioned, this is was withdrawn. Bob Putnam, Jenny Winkler, Christy impacting people of low income, of dis- Amendment No. 948, as amended, is Greene, George Castro Mr. LEAHY. I yield the floor, and I abilities, and in rural communities agreed to. urge an aye vote. across the board. A broad coalition of The cloture motion on H.R. 3055 is The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill over 30 associations—including the withdrawn. having been read the third time, the American Public Transportation Asso- The bill was ordered to be engrossed ciation, Associated General Contrac- for a third reading and was read the question is, Shall the bill, as amended, tors of America, and the U.S. Chamber third time. pass? Mr. LEAHY. I ask for the yeas and of Commerce—support our efforts The PRESIDING OFFICER. There today to block these cuts. will now be 2 minutes of debate equally nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a I urge our colleagues to please join us divided. and vote for our amendment. The Senator from Vermont. sufficient second? I yield the floor. Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I see There appears to be a sufficient sec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The my friend, the senior Senator from ond. question is on agreeing to the amend- Alabama, on the floor. I want to offer The clerk will call the roll. The senior assistant legislative clerk ment. my praise for him because we are going called the roll. Mr. THUNE. Madam President, I ask to vote on final passage of the fiscal Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is for the yeas and nays. year 2020 Senate Commerce, Justice, necessarily absent: the Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a and Science appropriations bill, the Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). sufficient second? Agriculture appropriations bill, the In- There appears to be a sufficient sec- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the terior appropriations bill, and the ond. Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), Transportation, Housing and Urban De- The clerk will call the roll. Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), velopment appropriations bill. I urge The bill clerk called the roll. Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS), all Members to vote aye. Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- These are good, bipartisan bills. They necessarily absent: the Senator from BUCHAR), Senator from Vermont (Mr. show that despite whatever political Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON). SANDERS) and Senator from Massachu- atmosphere we operate in, the Appro- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the setts (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily ab- priations Committee can put partisan Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), sent. politics aside and do our work on be- the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there half of the American people. BOOKER), the Senator from California any other Senators in the Chamber de- These bills make responsible invest- (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Min- siring to vote? ments that build on what we were able nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator The result was announced—yeas 84, to accomplish in fiscal year 2019 while from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), and the nays 9, as follows: Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. WAR- strongly rejecting the shortsighted [Rollcall Vote No. 341 Leg.] REN) are necessarily absent. cuts the Trump administration pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there posed. They back up our commitment YEAS—84 any other Senators in the Chamber de- to invest in rural communities and Alexander Gardner Peters Baldwin Gillibrand Portman siring to vote? farms, law enforcement, and the envi- Barrasso Graham Reed The result was announced—yeas 82, ronment. Blumenthal Grassley Risch nays 11, as follows: We have reached this point because Blunt Hassan Roberts [Rollcall Vote No. 340 Leg.] we worked together quietly during eve- Boozman Hawley Romney Brown Heinrich Rosen YEAS—82 nings and weekends to get it done. I Burr Hirono Rounds Alexander Gardner Portman want to thank the chairs and the rank- Cantwell Hoeven Rubio Baldwin Gillibrand Reed ing members of the subcommittees for Capito Hyde-Smith Schatz Cardin Inhofe Schumer Barrasso Graham Risch their work: Senators HOEVEN and Blumenthal Grassley Carper Jones Scott (SC) Roberts MERKLEY, Senators MURKOWSKI and Blunt Hassan Rosen Casey Kaine Shaheen Cassidy Kennedy Shelby Boozman Hawley Rounds UDALL, Senators COLLINS and REED, Collins King Sinema Brown Heinrich Rubio and Senators MORAN and SHAHEEN. Coons Lankford Smith Burr Hirono Schatz I have often said that Senators are Cantwell Hoeven Cornyn Leahy Stabenow Schumer Capito Hyde-Smith merely constitutional impediments to Cortez Masto Manchin Sullivan Scott (SC) Cardin Inhofe their staff, and Senator SHELBY and I Cotton Markey Tester Shaheen Carper Johnson are lucky to have such a staff. They Cramer McConnell Thune Casey Jones Shelby Crapo McSally Tillis Cassidy Kaine Sinema have worked very long days and nights. Daines Menendez Udall Collins Kennedy Smith I ask unanimous consent to have Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen Coons King Stabenow printed in the RECORD the list of the Durbin Moran Warner Cornyn Leahy Sullivan staff, both Republicans and Democrats, Enzi Murkowski Whitehouse Cortez Masto Manchin Tester Ernst Murphy Wicker Cotton Markey Thune who deserve our thanks. Feinstein Murray Wyden Cramer McConnell Tillis There being no objection, the material was Fischer Perdue Young ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as fol- Crapo McSally Udall NAYS—9 Daines Menendez Van Hollen lows: Duckworth Merkley Blackburn Johnson Sasse Warner VICE CHAIRMAN LEAHY LIST FOR H.R. 3055 Durbin Moran Braun Lee Scott (FL) Whitehouse (MINIBUS #2) STAFF FOR THE RECORD Enzi Murkowski Wicker Cruz Paul Toomey Ernst Murphy Wyden Charles Kieffer, Chanda Betourney, Jessica Feinstein NOT VOTING—7 Murray Young Berry, Jay Tilton, Hannah Chauvin, Olivia Fischer Peters Matthews, Dianne Nellor, Jean Toal Eisen, Bennet Isakson Warren NAYS—11 Rachael Taylor, Dabney Hegg, Adrienne Booker Klobuchar Wojciechowski, Bob Ross, Teri Curtin, Jen- Harris Sanders Blackburn Lee Sasse Braun Paul Scott (FL) nifer Eskra, Blaise Sheridan, Elisabeth The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Cruz Perdue Toomey Coats, Ryan Hunt, Melissa Zimmerman, vote, the yeas are 84, the nays are 9. Lankford Romney Faisal Amin, Jessi Axe, Christina Monroe, The 60-vote threshold having been Shannon Hines, Jonathan Graffeo, David NOT VOTING—7 achieved, the bill, as amended, is Adkins, Margaret Pritchard, Morgan Ulmer, Bennet Isakson Warren Hamilton Bloom, Emy Lesofski, Clare passed. Booker Klobuchar Doherty, Patrick Carroll, Elizabeth Dent, The bill (H.R. 3055), as amended, was Harris Sanders Anna Lanier Fischer, Amber Beck, Allen passed, as follows: The amendment (No. 1141), as modi- Cutler, Matt Womble, Sydney Crawford, (The bill will be printed in a future fied, was agreed to. Lucas Agnew, Nona McCoy, Gus Maples, edition of the RECORD.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:13 Nov 13, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\OCTOBER\S31OC9.REC S31OC9 abonner on DSK9F5VC42PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6323 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bill. I was therefore very pleased that other immigration bill that has been ator from Utah. we were able to sit down and work out considered in this body in recent years. f an agreement to address those con- The reason for that is that it is focused cerns, while keeping the bill narrow on a single, serious, solvable problem LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN and focused on the immediate problem that I think we can all agree needs to SERVICES, EDUCATION, DE- that it is trying to solve. That is elimi- be solved. FENSE, STATE, FOREIGN OPER- nating the country of origin discrimi- Whatever other reforms you think ATIONS, AND ENERGY AND nation in our employment green card might need to be made to our immigra- WATER DEVELOPMENT APPRO- system. I thank Senator GRASSLEY for tion system, with good reason, we can PRIATIONS ACT, 2020—Motion to working with me on that. all agree that America should not treat Proceed The process by which I have tried to immigrants differently based on their Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask advance this bill through Congress has country of origin. There is no reason unanimous consent that the Senate re- been open, transparent, and straight- for this bill to become yet another cas- sume consideration on the motion to forward. I have sought and continue to ualty to the polarized, partisan divi- proceed on H.R. 2740. seek unanimous consent to pass the sions that plague immigration policy. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there bill on the floor. If any Member has I look forward to working with Sen- objection? raised concern about the bill, I have ator DURBIN to resolve the concerns he Without objection, it is so ordered. been willing to work with them quick- may have about this bill. I reiterate The Clerk will report the bill by ly and in good faith to address their that, once again, this is a narrowly fo- title. concerns. cused bill, one that focuses on a simple The senior assistant legislative clerk That is why, after reaching an agree- but long-standing problem, a problem read as follows: ment with Senator GRASSLEY, I also that subjects some immigrants to A bill (H.R. 2740) making appropriations worked with other Members to resolve needlessly lengthy delays for no reason for the Departments of Labor, Health and their concerns. For much of the past other than their country of origin. This Human Services, and Education, and related few months, I simply didn’t know who, is from a bygone era that we shouldn’t agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- if anyone else on the Democratic side be perpetuating in this country. tember 30, 2020, and for other purposes. of the aisle, might have had concerns We need to fix the problem. The Fair- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- with the bill. We were told that there ness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act ator from Utah. might be holds on the Democratic hot- would do that, and I encourage all of FAIRNESS FOR HIGH-SKILLED IMMIGRANTS ACT line, but we were not told who exactly my colleagues to join me. We are al- Mr. LEE. Madam President, I would might be holding the bill, and no one most there, but we need to get it over like to speak briefly about an issue im- approached me with objections. the finish line. portant to me, about an issue impor- I certainly had no reason to think Thank you, Mr. President. tant to many Americans, and I would that Senator DURBIN would have con- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. like to speak briefly about Senator cerns with the bill. As I have explained YOUNG). The Senator from Georgia. DURBIN’s recent request for a hearing before, he was a leading cosponsor of H.R. 2740 concerning the Fairness for High- the bill in a previous Congress. What is Mr. PERDUE. Mr. President, I rise to Skilled Immigrants Act. more, the only substantial difference talk about the vote we are going to The Fairness for High-Skilled Immi- between the bill he supported and the have in just a few minutes to appro- grants Act is a bill that many Senators bill I put forward in this Congress is priate our first appropriations bill for have worked for, for nearly a decade, the addition of the amendment that I this fiscal year, which, by the way, we and it has long been a top priority of negotiated with Senator GRASSLEY, are already in the first month of our mine. I have introduced this bill in which is drawn almost entirely from new fiscal year. every single Congress, ever since I was provisions of the Durbin-Grassley H1–B We are under a continuing resolu- first elected to the Senate back in 2010. reform bill. tion, which we have talked about ad During that time, it has been a sub- In September, I learned that Senator nauseam in this body and how dam- ject of widespread debate and discus- DURBIN did in fact have concerns about aging that is to our military and how sion. There has been a period of time in the bill in this Congress. As I have with expensive it is over the long run. I had which a lot of people have learned a lot other Members and as I have expressed breakfast with one of our Secretaries about this area. The debate and the the willingness to do with other Mem- in the DOD today, and he told me that discussion has occurred both on the bers, I am ready and willing to work just in the Navy alone, a continuing Hill and off throughout the with Senator DURBIN in good faith to resolution this year would cost the United States. quickly and reasonably resolve any ob- Navy almost $5 billion. That is $50 bil- Other Members, including Senator jection he may have, while preserving lion just in one service over the next SCHUMER, have sought to pass the bill, the bipartisan support that this bill decade. We can do better than this. as I am doing. Whether that passage has long enjoyed and that it deserves I want to praise Senator SHELBY and occurs by unanimous consent or to enjoy. Senator LEAHY, the ranking member through some other form matters less As I have said before, I don’t believe and the chairman of the Appropria- to me than that we get it passed, but that any further factual development tions Committee. They have done their we do need to get it passed. This year, concerning this bill is necessary. In- job. The subcommittee chairman and we have come closer to making this deed at this point, I believe a hearing ranking members have done their jobs. important and bipartisan reform a re- can serve no purpose other than to We are ready to vote on these bills, and ality, closer than we have ever come delay speedy action on this important it comes down to just an obstructionist before at any point over the nearly dec- reform and jeopardize our ability to act issue about funding the wall versus ade that this has gotten a lot of atten- before the end of the year. funding our military. tion. For that reason, I do not support Just last weekend, President Trump In early July, the House of Rep- Senator DURBIN’s calls for a public announced that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, resentatives passed the bill on the Sus- hearing. Every day that we delay ac- the leader of ISIS, had been taken off pension Calendar by a wide bipartisan tion on this bill is another day that the battlefield by his own hand, I supermajority vote of 365 to 65. Around suffering experienced by immigrants might say. This is a win not just for that time, I negotiated an agreement stuck in the green-card backlog con- our country but for the world in this with Senator GRASSLEY to help ad- tinues and indeed intensifies. That is fight against terrorism. vance the bill by adding provisions precisely why I will continue to work As we now know, the world has got- drawn from the Durbin-Grassley H–1B to pass this bill at the earliest possible ten to be very dangerous—maybe the reform bill. date. most dangerous in my lifetime—with Senator GRASSLEY has for many The Fairness for High-Skilled Immi- five threats across five domains. We years, openly and publicly, made it grants Act arguably has wider and are worried now about places like known that he had concerns with the more bipartisan support than any China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.019 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 as well as the asymmetric threat of tisan support and consistent funding to age we see that it does to the efforts of terrorism around the world in over five achieve this bigger mission. That is freedom by our friends abroad. There is domains—air, land and sea, and now we just one of them in one domain. We no bigger responsibility we can have have to worry about cyber and space as have others across the world. With an than to support our men and women in well. ever-growing military capacity in uniform who put their lives on the line Let’s just take a moment and realize China alone, we have to get serious every day. The best testament of that that without a strong military, this about how we fund, consistently, our is this example we just saw of a success Special Operations op over the week- U.S. military effort. in Syria, very close to the Turkish bor- end would not have been possible. Our Yet, as I stand here today, we are der, pulled off through places where intelligence community, our special under a continuing resolution, which Russians and Syrian Government and operators, our military personnel, all we know handcuffs our own military Syrian rebels and Turkish soldiers the supply people, all the people in- and adds hundreds of billions of dollars were all in the general vicinity. We volved in supporting these people at over the next decade to the cost of pulled off a miraculous victory for free- the tip of the sphere came to bear and funding our military. We have a CR dom in the world. Now it is our job to brought us a victory this week over the right now that has us actually spend- fund defense and get on with that. I No. 1 terrorist in the world. ing $4 billion that the Department of highly suggest that we take that very Everybody in America should be cele- Defense has already identified that seriously. brating this incredible achievement by they don’t want to spend. Yet because I yield the floor. our military. Rather than celebrating, of continuing resolution rules, they The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- however, our friends across the aisle have to keep spending against these ob- ator from Vermont. are trying to change the subject in solete programs and wasting that $4 Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today, many ways. One way is in the U.S. billion. the Senate is going to vote on whether House with the hypocritical approach In addition, we are sitting here at the to invoke cloture on the motion to pro- we are seeing right now of denying due end of October, the first month of the ceed to a package of appropriations process to our President and having a fiscal year, and we have not even final- bills that will include the Senate De- vote this week that is a real mockery ized the authorization for our defense fense appropriations bill, and the Sen- of the process in itself. There is no because of not being able to work this ate Labor, Health and Human Services, guarantee of due process to the Presi- out with the House. and Education (Labor-HHS) appropria- dent in this resolution. We have to do that and get to fund- tions bill. There are many things in these bills I believe the Democrats just don’t ing right away to fund our military. that I support, but I am going to understand how President Trump got Our men and women in uniform are the strongly urge all Senators to vote no. I elected, and they hate it so much, they best that we have in America, and we am disappointed that the majority will not even let him have this win rel- owe it to them to not drop the ball in leadership has taken this step. They ative to taking a major terrorist off this eleventh hour to show them that bowed to demands by President Trump, the battlefield. we have their backs. They can do the and that is continuing to delay funding We must never forget how depraved job, but only if we fund them. for our troops. this gentleman was and their ideology This is a travesty, and right now it is They insist on including in this bill really is. These ISIS thugs have been a broken down into partisan politics, not authority for President Trump to raid scourge on that part of the world, and over defending our country. It puts our American tax dollars from our military they are not going away, by the way. national security at risk. and their families. President Trump Since 2014, ISIS has beheaded two I will give us just one little piece of wants to raid that money to pay for his American journalists, James Foley and data here to close this out. Over the wall, after he had given his solemn Steven Sotloff. Let us never forget that last 50 years, we disinvested in our word that Mexico would pay for it, and these things occurred. They forced military by at least 25 percent three that is not acceptable. Because he can- women into sex , including 26- different times under three Democratic not keep his word, he has already raid- year-old Kayla Mueller, a humani- Presidents. That is just historical fact; ed $6.2 billion from the Department of tarian worker who went there to try to that is not a partisan observation. We Defense this year alone for his border do good who was later killed. did it in 1976 to 1980; we did it in the wall. These are the people, under al- 1990s; we did it in the last administra- He did all of that without congres- Baghdadi’s leadership, who set fire to a tion over 8 years. We disinvested in the sional approval of either Republicans Jordanian pilot—a captured pilot—vio- military by at least 25 percent. or Democrats. He diverted $2.6 billion lating the rules of war. They put him We saw the travesty that the mili- from the fiscal year 2019 Defense Ap- in a cage, poured gasoline on him, and tary had in terms of readiness in Janu- propriations Act. Then he took another lit him on fire alive. These are the peo- ary 1, 2017. We saw how bad our readi- $3.6 billion from military construction ple who lined up 21 Coptic Christians ness was when two-thirds of our elite projects for his southern border wall. on a beach in Libya and beheaded them Strike Fighters, FA–18s, in the Navy That money came from projects that in front of a video. They crucified could not fly. Only 3 of our 58 Army would have improved the lives of our Christians across the Middle East for brigades could go to war that night. It troops and their families: military years. was a terrible position to be in. Under schools, childcare centers, and im- Al-Baghdadi inspired all of these new leadership, we have gotten that proved training facilities, many of atrocities. His death brings justice to readiness back, but now we have to re- which have been damaged by hurri- these countless victims. The fight is build the military that has been burned canes and other natural disasters. not over yet. We have taken out the up over the last 20 years fighting ter- On this side, we oppose this bill be- leadership. We denied them the terri- rorism. cause we are fighting to protect funds torial caliphate. We are now moving to The challenge we have before us right that are meant for the women and men protect the oil so these people will be now is to do our No. 1 job, and that is of our military and their families. We denied resources so they cannot recon- to fund and appropriate the Federal oppose this bill because we stand with stitute again. These people will not go Government. Of that, discretionary those patriotic Americans, and we away. The ideology has not died. We spending is what this is all about. It is refuse to place the President’s failed have just taken their caliphate away. only $1.3 trillion of the $4.6 trillion the campaign promises on their backs. We have to continue to do that. Federal Government will totally spend That alone should convince every The current strategy has not changed this year, but of that, the military, the Member of this Chamber to oppose this in Syria. The President has said this VA, and all domestic discretionary pro- package. Yet the Labor-HHS appropria- publicly. The Chairman of the Joint grams make up $1.3 trillion. tions bill that is tied to this Defense Chiefs of Staff said it publicly. We are I am advocating today that we take bill also shortchanges the domestic pri- there to defeat ISIS. We are there to our responsibility seriously to fund our orities of the American people by steal- protect Iraq, deter Iran, and support military because of the growing ing even more money to pay for Presi- our friends in Israel, but we need bipar- threats around the world and the dam- dent Trump’s vanity wall.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.022 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6325 If all things were equal, the Labor- Senate Democrats are actually oppos- do. They have come to expect that HHS appropriations bill—our largest ing this package. We will not stand their elected leaders will fail to exe- domestic funding bill—would receive a idly by as President Trump continues cute the most fundamental of their du- 3-percent increase in fiscal year 2020, to rob our military families—using ties—funding the government. They but the Republican bill provides less them as his personal piggy bank—for a don’t deserve failure, and they cer- than a 1-percent increase for Labor- failed campaign promise that he can- tainly shouldn’t expect it. They de- HHS, while the Department of Home- not keep. We will not stand idly by as serve our gratitude, and they deserve land Security’s appropriations bill re- the domestic priorities of the Amer- our unwavering commitment. ceives a 7-percent increase to cover the ican people are shortchanged to pay for The best way to demonstrate that cost of the President’s demand for his some unnecessary monument to the gratitude and commitment, I believe, wall. It doesn’t add up to me, and it President’s ego along our southern bor- is by passing an appropriations bill doesn’t add up to most Americans, who der. that gives our military what it needs. broadly oppose President Trump’s wall. We have been down this road before. Our men and women in uniform should If, in the House and Senate, we were Just last month, the Republican lead- never find themselves on the battle- to have an up-or-down vote on the wall, ership failed to get the votes that were field, wondering if they will be able to I suspect it would fail. So now, they necessary to move these bills, but I support their families back home. They are trying to do it through a backdoor think it is prudent to remind everyone should never wonder if their training way—a shortsighted cash grab directed that this entire strategy has been tried needs, support requirements, or mis- by President Trump. This is a bill that before. It failed before, and it will fail sion objectives will be held hostage by fails to cover even the annual costs of again—that strategy being the wall partisan bickering in the Congress. inflation in public health, Head Start, over everything, that strategy being They should never wonder why Amer- ica’s adversaries are doubling down on childcare, special education, veterans’ the wall at all costs no matter how their military investments while training grants, and dozens of other much damage it does to our veterans, programs that are relied upon by the America is sitting idle. no matter how much damage it does to I believe the United States must American people. He will cut the vet- our military families, and no matter erans programs and he will cut the maintain its edge over our adversaries. how much damage it does to American China is escalating its defense spend- childcare programs to pay for this wall. children. It is a strategy of a wall and I am also disappointed by the willful ing, which we all know. Yet America’s a campaign promise over the American spread of misinformation by President military is operating under a con- people. Trump and the Republican leadership tinuing resolution. That means that That same strategy drove the coun- regarding our opposition to this bill. our military is having to face tomor- try into the longest government shut- They have baselessly accused the row’s threats with yesterday’s funding down in American history earlier this Democrats of blocking a 3.1-percent levels. That means that our military’s year that cost the taxpayers billions of pay raise for our troops by our oppos- planning and operations are weighed dollars, and they got absolutely noth- ing this package. That is ridiculous. down with uncertainty. Regardless of the action we take in ing in return. Incidentally, that was That should be unacceptable to all of this Chamber, the men and women of when the Republicans controlled both us, on both sides of the aisle, in the our military will see a raise in Janu- Chambers of Congress, and they still U.S. Senate. We have an opportunity to ary. No matter what we do, they are allowed this shutdown. So, if you think change that today by voting to proceed going to get that raise. This well-de- this failed Republican strategy will to the fiscal year 2020 Defense appro- served raise is based on a statutory for- work on the second go-around, I have a priations bill. What are we talking mula that does not need to be author- fence for you to paint back at my home about here? We are talking about $695 ized by the legislation before us. In in Vermont. billion in total defense funding. That is fact, neither the House nor the Senate Everyone here knows there is only national security for the United States Defense appropriations bills contain one real path forward to our reaching of America. That is an increase of any provision that is related to a pay agreement on bipartisan bills, and I be- about $20 billion over last year’s level. raise. Reaching a bipartisan-bicameral lieve it is time we reached that agree- This increased funding, among other consensus on a $693 billion Defense ap- ment. I have tremendous respect for things, would provide a 3.1-percent pay propriations bill is hard enough with- my good friend Chairman SHELBY. increase for our men and women in uni- out there being the willful and irre- Look at the bills we just passed over- form—the largest in 10 years. Believe sponsible spreading of misinformation. whelmingly. That is because Senator me, they need it. It would continue the This campaign of misinformation SHELBY and I were able to sit down and development of the world’s most ad- does not stop there. The Republican work on these bills, put them together, vanced weapons systems, and we will leadership has even accused the Senate and do them in a bipartisan way. I have need them. It would increase our in- Democrats of holding up aid to told the Secretary of Defense and oth- vestments in hypersonics, 5G tech- Ukraine. That would be laughable if it ers that we still have time to do that nology, artificial intelligence, missile were not for the real-world con- on the Defense appropriations bill. We defense, and cyber security, and we sequences we are seeing play out in can do it. need that. I believe all of this is abso- Ukraine today. It is the Republicans When we come back next week, we lutely essential to maintaining Amer- who are holding both military funding should try again. Let the grownups in ica’s strategic advantage over our main and Ukraine aid hostage to President both parties in this body work on it. adversaries and competitors—China Trump’s vanity wall. It is the Repub- We will get it done, but the clock is and Russia. We had better not lose licans who refuse to bring a bill to the ticking. It is really time to stop the po- sight of that here in the Senate. floor unless Congress enables President litical maneuverings and to stop the Unfortunately, at the moment, my Trump to continue stealing funds from sloganeering. Let’s do real work. Democratic colleagues seem more fo- our troops and our military families to I yield the floor. cused on scoring political points than pay for the wall that he gave his sol- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ensuring that our military has the cer- emn word that Mexico would pay for. ator from Alabama. tainty and the funding it needs to The Senate Democrats have long ad- Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise in counter our adversaries. They have vocated for aid to Ukraine. We insisted the U.S. Senate to fight for America’s said they will not allow us to fund our it be included in the fiscal year 2020 ap- military. military here in the Senate until the propriations bills, and we will continue This past week, our Special Forces funding levels for all 12 appropriations to do so because it is the right thing to eliminated the leader of ISIS and his bills are agreed to with the House. If do. Since 2015, I have personally sup- likely successor. Their accomplish- that defies most Americans’ senses of ported more than $3.3 billion in aid for ments should remind all of us that our how our government works and what is Ukraine. That is a level that far ex- brave troops always carry out their du- most important, it should. ceeds the President’s request. ties no matter what the circumstances. My Democratic colleagues want to These baseless accusations are mere- They shouldn’t expect anything dif- press the pause button here in the Sen- ly attempts to distract from why the ferent from the U.S. Congress. Yet they ate. I don’t agree with that. I believe

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.024 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 that we must complete our work, and I proceed to H.R. 2740, an act making ap- LEGISLATIVE SESSION believe that most of the Democrats propriations for the Departments of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I want to get this done. Labor, Health and Human Services, move to proceed to legislative session. Foremost, we should certainly com- and Education, and related agencies for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The plete our work on the Defense bill. the fiscal year ending September 30, question is on agreeing to the motion. Funding America’s military should be 2020, and for other purposes, shall be The motion was agreed to. our priority. It should come first here brought to a close? f in the Senate. Our men and women in The yeas and nays are mandatory uniform don’t get to hit the pause but- under the rule. EXECUTIVE SESSION ton, as we do. They don’t get to shirk The clerk will call the roll. their duties, and neither does Congress. The bill clerk called the roll. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR We cannot afford additional delay. Our Mr. THUNE. The following Senators service men and women—those troops Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I are necessarily absent: the Senator whom we have entrusted to keep us move to proceed to executive session to from Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) and the safe and protect our democracy, our consider Calendar No. 355. Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN). country, and our allies—cannot afford The PRESIDING OFFICER. The additional delay. We must not kick the Further, if present and voting, the question is on agreeing to the motion. can down the road when it comes to Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) The motion was agreed to. America’s security and America’s mili- would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tary. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the clerk will report the nomination. Let’s come together. We have done Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), The senior assistant legislative clerk this. Senator LEAHY and I worked to- the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. read the nomination of David Austin gether last year, and for the first time BOOKER), the Senator from California Tapp, of Kentucky, to be a Judge of the in years, we met the deadline. We can (Ms. HARRIS), the Senator from Min- United States Court of Federal Claims do this again. We need the green light nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator for a term of fifteen years. here. We need to provide the resources from Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), and the CLOTURE MOTION that are necessary to maintain the Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. WAR- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, greatest fighting force the world has REN) are necessarily absent. there is a cloture motion at the desk. ever known. We should never be second The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- to anybody else. Let’s show our troops any other Senators in the Chamber de- ture motion having been presented that we can actually get our work done siring to vote? under rule XXII, the Chair directs the here, that we actually care about The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 51, clerk to read the motion. them. nays 41, as follows: The senior assistant legislative clerk I suggest the absence of a quorum. [Rollcall Vote No. 342 Leg.] read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The CLOTURE MOTION YEAS—51 clerk will call the roll. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- The bill clerk proceeded to call the Alexander Ernst Peters ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Barrasso Fischer Portman roll. Blackburn Gardner Risch Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Blunt Graham Roberts move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- unanimous consent that the order for Boozman Grassley Romney nation of David Austin Tapp, of Kentucky, the quorum call be rescinded. Braun Hawley Rounds to be a Judge of the United States Court of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Burr Hoeven Rubio Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years. Capito Hyde-Smith Sasse Tim Scott, Roger F. Wicker, John objection, it is so ordered. Cassidy Inhofe Scott (FL) Thune, Mike Rounds, , Collins Johnson Scott (SC) Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mike Braun, Rich- yield back all time. Cornyn Jones Shelby Cotton Kennedy Sullivan ard Burr, Thom Tillis, John Boozman, I ask unanimous consent that the Cramer Lankford Thune John Hoeven, David Perdue, Kevin vote start now. Crapo Lee Tillis Cramer, John Barrasso, Michael B. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Cruz McSally Toomey Enzi, , Mitch McCon- objection? Daines Murkowski Wicker nell. Enzi Perdue Young Without objection, it is so ordered. f NAYS—41 CLOTURE MOTION LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Baldwin Heinrich Rosen to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Blumenthal Hirono Schatz Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Senate the pending cloture motion, Brown Kaine Schumer move to proceed to legislative session. Cantwell King Shaheen The PRESIDING OFFICER. The which the clerk will state. Cardin Leahy Sinema question is on agreeing to the motion. The legislative clerk read as follows: Carper Manchin Smith Casey Markey CLOTURE MOTION Stabenow The motion was agreed to. Coons McConnell Tester f We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Cortez Masto Menendez Udall ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen EXECUTIVE SESSION Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Durbin Murphy Warner move to bring to a close debate on the mo- Feinstein Murray Gillibrand Paul Whitehouse tion to proceed to Calendar No. 140, H.R. Wyden EXECUTIVE CALENDAR 2740, a bill making appropriations for the De- Hassan Reed partments of Labor, Health and Human Serv- NOT VOTING—8 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ices, and Education, and related agencies for move to proceed to executive session to Bennet Isakson Sanders the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and Booker Klobuchar Warren consider Calendar No. 463. for other purposes. Harris Moran The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Richard C. Shelby, Mike Crapo, John question is on agreeing to the motion. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Cornyn, Roy Blunt, Thom Tillis, Shel- The motion was agreed to. vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 41. ley Moore Capito, Roger F. Wicker, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Lisa Murkowski, Mike Rounds, Pat Three-fifths of the Senators having not Roberts, John Boozman, , clerk will report the nomination. voted in the affirmative, the motion is The senior assistant legislative clerk Rick Scott, John Barrasso, Kevin not agreed to. Cramer, Richard Burr, Mitch McCon- read the nomination of Danielle J. nell. The majority leader. Hunsaker, of Oregon, to be United The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- MOTION TO RECONSIDER States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Cir- imous consent, the mandatory quorum Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I cuit. call has been waived. enter a motion to reconsider the vote. CLOTURE MOTION The question is, Is it the sense of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Senate that debate on the motion to tion is entered. send a cloture motion to the desk.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.025 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6327 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- The motion was agreed to. The senior assistant legislative clerk ture motion having been presented f read as follows: under rule XXII, the Chair directs the CLOTURE MOTION EXECUTIVE SESSION clerk to read the motion. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- The senior assistant legislative clerk ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the read as follows: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby CLOTURE MOTION move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I nation of Jennifer Philpott Wilson, of Penn- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- sylvania, to be United States District Judge ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the move to proceed to executive session to for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby consider Calendar No. 458. Mitch McConnell, John Boozman, John move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Pat Roberts, Mike nation of Danielle J. Hunsaker, of Oregon, to question is on agreeing to the motion. Rounds, Thom Tillis, Roger F. Wicker, be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth The motion was agreed to. Cindy Hyde-Smith, Kevin Cramer, Circuit. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The John Hoeven, Rob Portman, Dan Sul- John Thune, Thom Tillis, Chuck Grass- clerk will report the nomination. livan, Chuck Grassley, Richard Burr, ley, Mike Crapo, James E. Risch, Cindy The senior assistant legislative clerk John Thune, Roy Blunt. Hyde-Smith, Mike Rounds, , Shelley Moore Capito, John read the nomination of Lee Philip Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Boozman, Tom Cotton, John Cornyn, Rudofsky, of Arkansas, to be United ask unanimous consent the mandatory Joni Ernst, Roy Blunt, Roger F. States District Judge for the Eastern quorum calls for the cloture motions Wicker, Jerry Moran, Mitch McCon- District of Arkansas. be waived. nell. CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- LEGISLATIVE SESSION send a cloture motion to the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- ator from Arkansas. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ture motion having been presented f move to proceed to legislative session. under rule XXII, the Chair directs the LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk to read the motion. question is on agreeing to the motion. The senior assistant legislative clerk The motion was agreed to. read as follows: MORNING BUSINESS f CLOTURE MOTION Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask EXECUTIVE SESSION We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- unanimous consent that the Senate ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business, with Sen- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- nation of Lee Philip Rudofsky, of Arkansas, ators permitted to speak therein for up Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to be United States District Judge for the to 10 minutes each. move to proceed to executive session to Eastern District of Arkansas. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without consider Calendar No. 464. Richard C. Shelby, Mike Crapo, John objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cornyn, Roy Blunt, Thom Tillis, Shel- (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the question is on agreeing to the motion. ley Moore Capito, Roger F. Wicker, following statement was ordered to be Lisa Murkowski, Mike Rounds, Pat The motion was agreed to. printed in the RECORD.) Roberts, John Boozman, Marco Rubio, ∑ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Rick Scott, John Barrasso, Kevin Ms. HARRIS. Mr. President, on Octo- clerk will report the nomination. Cramer, Richard Burr, Mitch McCon- ber 30, 2019, I was not present for the The senior assistant legislative clerk nell. vote on S.J. Res. 52, providing for con- read the nomination of William Joseph f gressional disapproval under chapter 8 Nardini, of Connecticut, to be United of title 5, United States Code, of the States Circuit Judge for the Second LEGISLATIVE SESSION rule submitted by the Secretary of the Circuit. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Treasury and the Secretary of Health CLOTURE MOTION move to proceed to legislative session. and Human Services relating to ‘‘State Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Relief and Empowerment Waivers.’’ If I send a cloture motion to the desk. question is on agreeing to the motion. were present, I would have voted yes.∑ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- The motion was agreed to. f ture motion having been presented f VOTE EXPLANATION under rule XXII, the Chair directs the EXECUTIVE SESSION clerk to read the motion. Mr. BRAUN. Mr. President, today I The senior assistant legislative clerk voted against amendment No. 1141. I read as follows: EXECUTIVE CALENDAR would like to take an opportunity to CLOTURE MOTION explain my position. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I In September 2019, the Treasury De- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- move to proceed to executive session to partment reported, in accordance with ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the consider Calendar No. 365. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Federal laws, that the highway trust move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fund’s mass transit account had an un- nation of William Joseph Nardini, of Con- question is on agreeing to the motion. funded authorization of $27 billion but necticut, to be United States Circuit Judge The motion was agreed to. only estimated $26 billion in revenue to for the Second Circuit. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The be collected over the next 4 years. In John Thune, Thom Tillis, Chuck Grass- clerk will report the nomination. other words, the account was expected ley, Mike Crapo, James E. Risch, Cindy The senior assistant legislative clerk to take on more than $1 billion in obli- Hyde-Smith, Mike Rounds, Lindsey read the nomination of Jennifer gations than it would be able to collect Graham, Mitch McConnell, John Booz- Philpott Wilson, of Pennsylvania, to be man, Tom Cotton, John Cornyn, Joni in revenue. Ernst, Roy Blunt, Roger F. Wicker, United States District Judge for the Instead of correcting the problem, Jerry Moran, Shelley Moore Capito. Middle District of Pennsylvania. the Jones amendment ignored it, pre- f CLOTURE MOTION venting Treasury from implementing Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I the law to bring the mass transit ac- LEGISLATIVE SESSION send a cloture motion to the desk. count back into balance. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Since I joined this body in January, I move to proceed to legislative session. ture motion having been presented have repeatedly noted my concern for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The under rule XXII, the Chair directs the our nearly $1 trillion annual budget question is on agreeing to the motion. clerk to read the motion. deficit and our more than $22 trillion

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.030 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 Federal debt. Washington is broken. veterans’ caregivers, Kay was always her first speeches as a Senator without We do not have the money to finance there for our servicemembers. realizing media was present. When the even the most basic functions of our Kay was also a breath of fresh air in press started calling around to various government: infrastructure and our na- the Senate. There were only 15 women offices asking about the ‘‘men only’’ tional defense. serving in the Senate when she came to Senate pool, some were quick to push Today’s vote was an example of the Washington in January 2009. When she back on Kay’s claim, so Kay asked consequences we may face when Con- first arrived, she soon learned that the them to meet her down at the pool to gress lets these serious financial issues Senate pool was only open to men. She see for themselves. Within a day, the languish. We cannot continue to ignore thought that was wrong and got the sign was changed to ‘‘Co-Ed Aquatic these problems. We cannot continue to rules changed. She was a firm believer Facility: Please Dress Appropriately.’’ pretend our fiscal problems are solved in equality and making the changes As it turned out, four male Senators by waving away protections placed by you want to see in the world. had been swimming naked. But because prior Congresses. No matter how big or small the issue, of Kay Hagan, now all Senators can I believe that Congress must fix this Kay always tried to help the people of enjoy the pool, and everyone wears problem and bring our trust funds into North Carolina. Just a few months ago, ‘‘appropriate attire’’. long-term solvency. When the Environ- she made one of her last public appear- That is what I loved about working ment and Public Works Committee ap- ances at a groundbreaking for a new with Kay. She always looked out for proved our highway bill in July, I en- air traffic control tower at Piedmont her colleagues. And so when Kay left sured the bill contained language stat- Triad International Airport. When she the Senate, the women Senators had a ing our intent to do just that. was first elected to the Senate, she special farewell party for her next to Today, Congress was lucky—we could toured the old air traffic control tower the pool. push our spending problem off to an- at Piedmont and learned that a project Kay’s drive to get things done came other day. One day soon, we will not be to replace it was stalled in Washington. in part from her family. Born in so lucky. Kay took on the project and fought for Shelby, NC, as the second of three chil- f funding to finally get it moving for- dren and the only daughter, Kay once ward. It is through her work and dili- remarked ‘‘being the girl in the middle REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN gence that the tower is being built . . . I had to fight for everything I Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I today. got.’’ would like to say a few words in mem- From reproductive rights to vet- And fight she did, rising from an in- ory of my good friend and former col- erans’ healthcare to transportation in- ternship in the U.S. Capitol in the league Kay Hagan, who passed away frastructure, you could always count 1970s, where she operated the elevators this week. on Kay to deliver. She will be missed for U.S. Senators, to eventually becom- One of the hardest aspects of this by many for her warmth and devotion ing a Senator herself. In between, Kay work in the Senate is the loss of a col- to public service. served as State senator for 10 years and league. So my thoughts are with Sen- I send my deepest condolences to her was named as one of North Carolina’s ator Hagan’s family and friends in this husband, Charles ‘‘Chip’’, and her three ‘‘Ten Most Effective Senators’’ three difficult time. children, Jeanette, Tilden, and Carrie. terms in a row. I recall well her 6 years here with (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the My friend, former Vice President both deep respect and friendship. following statement was ordered to be Walter Mondale, once told me that In the time we served in this body to- printed in the RECORD.) when elected officials gain power, they gether, I was able to get to know Kay f ‘‘either grow or they swell.’’ Kay was a very well, and I can honestly say I am Senator who grew. lucky to call her a friend. She was al- REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN Kay was one bright yellow ray of sun- ways kind and a positive face and ∑ Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, shine for everyone she touched—the worked hard for her constituents and today I rise to honor and pay tribute to Senate, her beloved State of North the Nation. my good friend Senator Kay Hagan. Carolina, her friends, and her family. Kay was a dedicated public servant When I think of Kay, I will always As she struggled with her illness the who served North Carolinians for 16 think of joy, as reflected by the bright last few years, her loving husband, years. She got her start in politics in colors she used to love wearing. Re- Chip, and their family were always at the 1970s when she interned right here gardless of how things could get at her side. I encourage everyone to look in the Senate. As an elevator operator times, her wonderful spirit would make up at the Sun and think of Kay.∑ during her internship, she brushed it all seem better. f shoulders with some of the biggest You could always count on Kay to names of the day. Kay later described look out for people, whether it was re- REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN the experience as ‘‘infectious,’’ and it storing a program to pay tuition for Mr. UDALL. Mr. President, today I inspired her own political ambitions. Active-Duty servicemembers, estab- rise to pay tribute to former Senator In 1998, that political career took her lishing stronger protections for victims Kay Hagan, who left us this week, to the North Carolina State Senate. It of domestic violence, or passing the much too early, at the age of 66. Kay didn’t take long for Kay’s talents to be Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to stop and I entered the Senate together, in noticed. She rose through the ranks pay discrimination. 2009. Our class of freshman Democratic quickly and became cochair of the Kay made history. She was the first Senators was very close, and I spent a budget committee. woman Democratic Senator from lot of time with Kay. She was warm Her trademark pragmatism and focus North Carolina and the State’s second and vivacious and 100 percent com- on problem solving served her well in woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate. mitted to her home State of North that position. Her hard work earned I have always thought that the women Carolina. her a ranking as one of the top 10 most of the Senate work harder, work to- Kay was the first woman Democratic influential members in the State sen- gether, and get things done. Kay was Senator elected from North Carolina, ate. definitely one of those women. and she beat a formidable incumbent. In 2008 Kay won a race that brought In fact Kay, in her inimitable way, By the time she entered the Senate, her here, to the U.S. Senate, where her summed it up best when she said, she had already gained a reputation in passion and focus continued to distin- ‘‘There are only two types of senators: her State as a leader and a fighter, guish her. Kay was a fierce advocate those who’d spend all day on their hair having served in the State senate for 10 for her State, using her position on the . . . and the women senators.’’ years. Armed Service Committee to help Kay loved to swim, and when she ar- Kay was a woman of great strength, North Carolina’s military families. rived as a new Senator in 2009, she went grace, and accomplishment. She was a Whether it was asking the tough ques- down to the Senate pool only to find a lawyer, a banker, a legislator, a moth- tions on water contamination at mili- sign outside that said ‘‘Men Only’’—a er of three, and grandmother of five. tary bases or mustering support for fact that she mentioned during one of Kay came to the Senate to get things

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.052 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6329 done for North Carolina and the Na- After 10 years in the North Carolina Every year, visitors and new resi- tion. To be effective, she worked across Senate, she won election to the United dents discover the beauty of our State, the aisle to find solutions to the every- States Senate and served her home with its distinct geographic regions. A day problems facing Americans. When State with dignity. Even in the face of young Theodore Roosevelt’s years of she entered the Senate, she said, ‘‘We one of the most expensive and chal- ranching in the North Dakota Badlands have a Congress now that is kind of di- lenging election campaigns in this greatly influenced his conservation vided, and I want to be one of the ones body’s history, Senator Hagan re- policies as our Nation’s 26th President. that helps bring people together.’’ mained focused first and foremost on North Dakota has been regarded the Kay was a woman of principle. She how to find common ground in this birthplace of conservation as Roo- was a key vote in support of the Af- Chamber and the ways she could de- sevelt, who was known as the Con- fordable Care Act—that resulted in liver for her constituents in North servation President, established vast millions of Americans gaining access Carolina. protections for wildlife and public to health care. She stood in favor of I am particularly grateful for the lands through new national forests, choice for women, gay marriage, equal model that Senator Hagan set as the bird reserves, game preserves, national pay for women, the Violence Against cochair of the Congressional Sports- parks, and national monuments. He Women Act, and expanding background men’s Caucus. In that role, she worked said, ‘‘I would not have been President checks on gun sales. hard to forge bipartisan consensus had it not been for my experience in She was a fierce defender of military around a comprehensive package of North Dakota.’’ families, of which there are so many in bills to increase public access for hunt- My State can often be found at the North Carolina, and served on the ing and fishing and to extend impor- top of quality of life rankings in Amer- Armed Services Committee. In hear- tant fish and wildlife conservation pro- ica, largely due to the strong sense of ings, she pressed the Army on the un- grams. community engagement and social sup- explained deaths of 11 infants at Fort Julie and I are keeping her husband, port present from border to border. Bragg and pushed for full disclosure of Chip; their three children, Jeanette, I speak for all North Dakotans in the documents related to contaminated Tilden, and Carrie; and all of their pride we have for what our State has drinking water at Camp Lejeune. And grandchildren in our hearts. We will all given to the Nation and world in our before many others, she supported miss Kay. first 130 years, but, in true North Da- women serving in combat zones. ‘‘Any- Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I first kota spirit, I believe most would agree body’s who qualified should be able to met Kay Hagan at a People magazine with me that we are just getting start- photoshoot for the Senate’s ‘‘Leading serve,’’ she said. ed and the best is yet to come. Happy Ladies’’ after I was elected in 2012. I ap- Kay fought for the ‘‘little guy.’’ She Birthday, North Dakota. preciated how warm and welcoming she used her banking expertise to fight f against payday lending. She wanted a was towards me. I have fond memories fairer minimum wage, so families can of working with Kay on the Senate TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH R. BRITTON Armed Services Committee, and we support themselves. She supported job Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, it is forged a partnership through our lead- creation and small business. ‘‘For me an honor to recognize the years of dedi- ership roles on the Emerging Threats in North Carolina, it’s jobs, jobs, jobs,’’ cation and service of my friend and de- and Capabilities Subcommittee. parting chief of staff, Joseph R. she said. My deepest sympathies are with her She understood that big money in Britton. family during this difficult time. politics was drowning the voice of reg- Joe has served as my chief of staff for ular Americans and that access to the f more than 4 years and has managed my ballot box is being blocked. After her NORTH DAKOTA Senate office in a professional and pur- Senate loss, Kay went on to serve as Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, I rise poseful manner. He has overseen my resident fellow at the Institute of Poli- today to mark the 130th birthday of the team with incredible leadership and tics at with a focus State of North Dakota. On November 2, has consistently motivated us all to on money in politics and voting rights, 1889, President Benjamin Harrison work hard and make a difference for saying, ‘‘We need to encourage young signed the documents turning Dakota New Mexicans each and every day. folks across the country to go exercise Territory into two States, North Da- Joe’s career on Capitol Hill began in their constitutional right to vote. It is kota and South Dakota. In the 13 dec- 2003, when he served as a legislative as- something that our Constitution gives ades since then, the people of North sistant for U.S. Senator Ben Nelson us, but not enough people exercise it.’’ Dakota hive embraced the many oppor- from his home State of Nebraska. He Kay wanted to inspire young people— tunities and challenges of living in the then served as legislative director and especially young women—to vote, to be geographic center of North America. deputy chief of staff in the office of informed, to run for office. Kay did in- God has blessed us with abundant U.S. Senator MARK UDALL. He also spire. And she leaves us with a legacy natural resources, and with hard work served as a senior adviser to former of integrity, commitment, and civility. and innovation, North Dakotans have U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom I was proud to be her colleague, but I fed the world and fueled our Nation. We Vilsack before coming to my office in was even more proud to be her friend, are top producers of wheat, sunflowers, 2015. He brought with him passion and and I send my heartfelt condolences to dry edible beans, navy and pinto beans, expertise in healthcare, public lands, her family. canola, flaxseed, and honey. Our ranch- budget, and appropriations policy. Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, it is ers raise 1.7 million beef cattle—or al- As chief of staff, Joe has led both our with deep sadness that I remember and most three head of cattle for every Washington, DC, and New Mexico of- recognize the life of former U.S. Sen- North Dakotan. fices in Albuquerque, Roswell, Las ator Kay Hagan of North Carolina. As the Nation’s second largest pro- Cruces, Farmington, and Santa Fe. Joe I am grateful that I had the privilege ducer of oil in the country, we are one visited every corner of our State. It is to serve with Senator Hagan here in of the reasons the United States be- a testament to his dedication to main- the United States Senate. Her ap- comes closer every year to being en- taining strong working relationships proach to her job was something we ergy independent. As one of the coun- that New Mexicans know that they can would all do well to learn from. Kay try’s top 10 coal-producing States, our count on our office to be reliable, ac- was a model of civility, optimism, and lignite reserves have an 800-year sup- cessible, and in their corner. Joe took selfless service to the State she loved. ply. Before there were Federal rec- the time to learn about New Mexico Early in her life, Kay served as a lamation laws, North Dakota was en- and understand our rich history, our Capitol Hill intern for her uncle, Sen- forcing its own, and our air quality has thriving culture, and the complex, ator Lawton Chiles of Florida. Her du- been ranked at among the best in the pressing issues we face in the Land of ties included operating the Senators- Nation. We proudly embrace an ‘‘all of Enchantment. Throughout his service, only elevator. In time, she would go on the above’’ energy policy that, in addi- Joe has shared my mission and drive to to prove that she belonged on that ele- tion to oil and coal, supports produc- solve problems and find ways to make vator, too. tion of wind and biofuels. a difference for New Mexicans.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.054 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 I recognize that Joe couldn’t be ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS tion. She recognized that she could be where he is or who he is today without of service to her community and want- the love and support of his family. For ed to use her skill sets to help. She has her support of him and constant dedi- TRIBUTE TO MARGARET ST. CLAIR demonstrated the love she has for her cation, I thank his wife, Katie. I would PLASTINO community and demonstrated how to also like to recognize Joe and Katie’s ∑ Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, I rise treat each patient in a manner that re- children, Louise and Jamey, for light- today to honor a true inspiration from flects their dignity as a person. Mar- ing up their parent’s lives. We all look my home State of Idaho, Margaret St. garet is selfless and the type of indi- forward to seeing them grow up in the Clair Plastino. Likely the oldest living vidual who makes her community and years ahead. registered nurse in Idaho, Margaret has Idaho such a special place. There is no On behalf of the American people, the truly used her 102 years on this earth one more deserving to be honored. people of the State of New Mexico, and to improve the health of those in her Today, I express appreciation on be- on behalf of my team that Joe has so community. Because of this lifetime of half of countless individuals from the ably led for the past 4 years, I thank service, she is being honored on Mon- great State of Idaho, impacted by him for his service. While I am sad to day, November 4, 2019, by her fellow Margaret’s selfless service. She’s truly see him go, I know that he will con- nurses at the Idaho Nurses Recognition an extraordinary citizen who didn’t tinue to make a difference in the lives Dinner cosponsored by the Idaho Cen- just see providing healthcare as a pro- of everyone he meets. Joe has been ter for Nursing, Nurse Leaders of fession but as a calling. I join her col- doing that from his first day on Capitol Idaho, and the American Nurses Asso- leagues in honoring her lifetime of Hill. ciation of Idaho. This is a well-deserved service.∑ I ask my colleagues in the United honor, as Margaret spent the majority f States Senate to join me in recognizing of her life improving healthcare in HONOR FLIGHT NEVADA the dedicated service of my chief of Idaho. staff, Joseph R. Britton. Margaret was born in Utah in 1917 to ∑ Ms. ROSEN. Mr. President, I rise f Edwin St. Clair and Evelyn Borrow be- today with great pride to recognize a group of national heroes as they have TRIBUTE TO EVANN BERRY fore she and her family moved to Shel- ley, ID. She has remained in eastern embarked on their Honor Flight from Mrs. HYDE-SMITH. Mr. President, I Idaho ever since, helping her commu- Nevada to Washington, DC. Nevada is am pleased to commend Evann Berry nity and serving as a positive influence home to over 225,000 veterans, and I am for her contributions and dedicated in the lives of those she encounters. glad that we are able to honor 41 of service as a member of my personal of- Margaret graduated from the Idaho these brave individuals today. These fice staff. courageous men and women served in A native of Jackson, MS, Evann Falls LDS Hospital School of Nursing in 1939 and was hired by Bonneville our military and sacrificed so much to earned her bachelor of science in bio- defend our freedoms and values. To- logical engineering at Bagley College County as county nurse in 1942. Begin- day’s honor flight includes individuals of Engineering at Mississippi State ning her career during the Great De- who served in the Army, Marine Corps, University. After her college tenure, pression, Margaret not only provided Navy, Air Force, and the Coast Guard. Evann began her professional career by much needed medical care, she also As we welcome them to the Nation’s serving as an emerging leader scholar provided emotional support and com- Capital, let us remember that these for the Congressional Black Caucus fort to patients. She treated each pa- men and women put their lives on the Foundation, followed by an internship tient with the devotion and care that line to answer our country’s call to with the office of the late U.S. Senator were central to her character. duty, and let us strive to emulate the Thad Cochran. In May 2016, Evann was Margaret married her husband, Ben greatness that they have so selflessly hired as a full-time staff member for Plastino, in 1948, and they were blessed Senator Cochran, where she easily with three daughters. She began a new displayed. I would like to begin with honoring proved how indispensable her talents full-time role raising their family in individuals who served in the United were for serving the good constituents 1952. Although she was no longer spend- States Army. Mr. Glenn Christman, 93, of Mississippi. Following Senator Coch- ing her days caring for patients as a who served in the Army from 1944–1960, ran’s retirement, Evann maintained a full-time nurse, Margaret continued to spanning World War II and Korea. He model work ethic within my office that help provide healthcare to the commu- was a soldier in the Special Forces, as has proven to be a testament to her nity where she could, including admin- well as a paratrooper, and attained the good character. istering important vaccines. She even- Evann’s contributions throughout tually returned to the nursing profes- highest enlisted rank of sergeant her tenure have been invaluable to the sion, becoming the first home health major. He was shot nine times through- legislative functions of not just my of- nurse in southeastern Idaho. After she out his service and was awarded both fice but my predecessor’s office as well, retired, she maintained active in the the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. and her insightful input will be missed. field and volunteered in various roles Mr. Vincent Cimino, 86, who served in I, along with the rest of my office, have for the next 25 years. the Army from 1953–1955 during the Ko- benefitted from Evann’s knowledge and There are countless stories that illus- rean war. He was a soldier stationed in experience. Her personal qualities are trate Margaret’s devotion as a nurse. Germany as a clerk typist, responsible impeccable. She is a hard-working, Many of these have been shared in for making dog tags for his battalion. courteous, and intelligent young local and State newspapers recently Mr. Donald Davis, 85, who served in the woman, who has a strong sense of re- and there are certainly more to be Army from 1954–1956 during the Korean sponsibility, good judgment, and a shared amongst her friends, family, war. He was a soldier in the Quarter- pleasant demeanor that makes her an and community. Such instances in- master Corps. Mr. Alfred Fiel, 90, who easy person to like. clude Margaret’s decision to admin- served in the Army during the Korean Mr. President, Mississippi and our ister tetanus shots to those affected by war. He was stationed in Frankfurt, Nation have been well-served by the the Teton Dam collapse in 1976. She Germany, and served as a supply clerk diligence, dedication, and commitment also cared for children of a struggling for the military police. Mr. Ronald to excellence Evann provided on a family when she found out they did not Fortmeyer, 87, who served in the Army daily basis. She has put forth her best have sufficient food in their household. during the Korean war from 1952–1954. efforts to reflect credit on me, our It is heartening to hear stories such as He was a private first c1ass serving as State, and the U.S. Senate and has these and I hope they will continue to an infantry soldier on the 38th parallel. been successful in doing so. I will miss spread and inspire more individuals to Mr. Charles Nola, 82, who served during Evann’s good counsel. She has my ap- do as Margaret has. the Korean and Cold wars. He was a preciation and gratitude for the nota- Margaret went in all soldier stationed in Germany, as well ble job she has done in the Senate. I that she did to ensure the best care was as in the U.S. working as a senior wish Evann in her future administered to her community. She movement specialist. Mr. William endeavors. did not do this for accolades or atten- Sanchanko, 92, who served in the Army

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.056 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6331 during World War II. He was stationed land. Mr. Donald Furlong, 85, who is my distinct privilege to honor their in Manila, Philippines, serving as a served during the Vietnam war as part service today and welcome them to the military policeman. Mr. Michael Stem, of a 22-year career from 1953–1975. He Nation’s Capital.∑ 82, who served in the Army from 1961– was stationed in North and Eng- f 1968 during the Vietnam war. He was a land as an aircraft maintenance crew chief warrant officer 2, and was award- chief on the Recon Bomber 47. Mr. Skip MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ed the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Gruber, 81, who served during the Viet- A message from the President of the The second group of individuals I nam war in the Air Force and Army United States was communicated to would like to honor today are those working as an aircraft electronics re- the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his that served in the United States Ma- pairman. He was awarded the Bronze secretaries. rine Corps. Mr. Jerome ‘‘Jerry’’ Star. Mr. Min Hiu Hen, 79, who served Gardberg, 82, served 32 years as a ma- during the Vietnam war in the Air f rine, a career that spanned both the Force and Army as a transportation of- EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED ficer and pilot. He was shot down on Vietnam and Cold wars, as a commu- As in executive session the Presiding his 318th combat mission and awarded nications officer. Mr. John Jesse, 83, Officer laid before the Senate a mes- the Distinguished Flying Cross and who served in the Marines from 1954– sage from the President of the United Purple Heart. Senior Airman Robert 1962, working in helicopter warfare de- States submitting a nomination which Kundel, 75, who served during the Viet- velopment, and rising to the rank of was referred to the Committee on For- sergeant before separating from the nam war from 1963–1967 refueling air- craft. Private First Class Luis eign Relations. Marine Corps. (The message received today is print- The third group of individuals I Maldonado, 92, who served during ed at the end of the Senate pro- would like to honor today are those World War II in both the Army and Air ceedings.) that served in the United States Navy. Force, his career spanning from 1946– Mr. Anthony Barbaro, 85, who served 1949. He worked in the hangar storage f department and guarded prisoners during the Korean war and was sta- PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES tioned in the United States, Phil- waiting to be repatriated. Airman First ippines, and Japan. He was a crew chief Class Ralph Reggans, 84, who served aboard the USS Boxer. Mr. Eugene during the Korean war in the Army and REPORT RELATIVE TO THE CON- ‘‘Frenchy’’ Bousquet, 84, who served Air Force from 1950–1960 as a combat TINUATION OF THE NATIONAL during the Korean and Vietnam wars engineer. Senior Master Sergeant EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO and spent 22 years in the Navy as an Fredrick Marshall Stilt Sr., 93, who SUDAN AS DECLARED IN EXECU- served during the second World War, as electrician and instructor. Mr. Kenneth TIVE ORDER 13067 OF NOVEMBER well as the Korean and Vietnam wars Knudson, 81, who served during the 3, 1997—PM 34 Vietnam war as part of a Navy career in both the Army and Air Force as a The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- that spanned from 1960–1980. He was a casualty} reporting assistant. He fore the Senate the following message line and naval security group officer, earned the Bronze Star Medal for his from the President of the United and attained the rank of lieutenant service during the Tripoli Evacuation of 1967. Master Sergeant Fredrick Mar- States, together with an accompanying commander. Mr. Gerald May, 86, who shall Stilt Jr., 72, who served during report; which was referred to the Com- served from 1951–1955 during the Ko- the Vietnam war in the Army and Air mittee on Banking, Housing, and rean war. Seaman First Class David Force. During his 20-year career, he Urban Affairs: Miller, 92, who served during World worked in radio communications. Mr. War II aboard the USS Breton. Fireman To the Congress of the United States: Lloyd Tatro, 87, who served during the Second Class Daniel Nall, 93, who Section 202(d) of the National Emer- Korean and Vietnam wars. During his served during World War II from 1944– gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides career that spanned from 1950–1970, he for the automatic termination of a na- 1945 as a motor machinist mate. Mr. worked in radar support directing B–52 tional emergency unless, within 90 Larry ‘‘Nick’’ Nicolai, 82, who was sta- bombers to their targets. Mr. Rollie days before the anniversary date of its tioned in the South Pacific during the Tatro, 85, who served during the Ko- declaration, the President publishes in Korean war as an electrician’s mate rean and Vietnam wars. During his ca- the Federal Register and transmits to aboard the USS Prestige and the USS reer that spanned from 1952–1975, he the Congress a notice stating that the Mattaponi. Seaman Abraham Sabori, worked as a baker and supervisor. Mr. emergency is to continue in effect be- 86, who served from 1951–1954 during the William ‘‘Bing’’ Tatro, 83, who served yond the anniversary date. In accord- Korean war. Mr. Donald Van De Steeg, during the Korean and Vietnam wars, 96, who served during World War II he was a navigator technician on B–52 ance with this provision, I have sent to from 1943–1946 in the 7th Fleet under bombers for 13 years. Major Francis the Federal Register for publication the Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid. Walls, 89, who served during the Ko- enclosed notice stating that the na- Torpedoman First Class Marvin Wear, rean, Vietnam, and Cold wars as part of tional emergency with respect to 84, who served during both the Korean a military career that spanned from Sudan declared in Executive Order and Vietnam wars aboard destroyers 1948–1973. He worked in aircraft main- 13067 of November 3, 1997, is to continue and submarines as part of a Navy ca- tenance and was awarded the Bronze in effect beyond November 3, 2019. reer that spanned from 1952–1972. Petty Star. Senior Master Sergeant Richard Despite recent positive develop- Officer First Class Patricia Whitlock, Wellington, 84, who served from 1954– ments, the crisis constituted by the ac- who served in Desert Storm during a 1974 as an electrician, including during tions and policies of the Government of career that spanned from 1978–1996 in the Vietnam war, in both the Navy and Sudan that led to the declaration of a which she worked as a mess specialist Air Force. Mr. Clifford ‘‘Yank’’ Wiltse, national emergency in Executive Order career counselor, and metal craftsmith. who served during the Korean war from 13067; the expansion of that emergency The fourth group of individuals I 1952–1956. He worked in the Strategic in Executive Order 13400 of April 26, would like to honor today are those Air Command and the Military Trans- 2006; and with respect to which addi- that served in the United States Air port Service. tional steps were taken in Executive Force. Colonel Mack Boone, 90, who Finally, I would like to honor Mr. Order 13412 of October 13, 2006, Execu- served 25 years of intermittent service Bernard Pachter, 92, who served in the tive Order 13761 of January 13, 2017, and of Reserve and Active Duty from 1949– Coast Guard from 1945–1948. With his Executive Order 13804 of July 11, 2017, 1989. He was a B–26 Navigator, com- service starting towards the end of has not been resolved. These actions mander of Class A Unit,and was award- World War II in the Pacific, he was a and policies continue to pose an un- ed the Distinguished Flying Cross and working medic in Guam, lwo Jima, and usual and extraordinary threat to the four Air Medals. Ms. Anne Bousquet, Ulithi, and earned the rank of hospital national security and foreign policy of 84, who served during the Korean war corpsman second class. the United States. Therefore, I have de- from 1953–1957. She worked in commu- Our Nation owes a debt of gratitude termined that it is necessary to con- nications at and in Eng- to all of these men and women, and it tinue the national emergency declared

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:00 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.046 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 in Executive Order 13067, as expanded Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- EC–3088. A communication from the Policy by Executive Order 13400, with respect nounced that the House has passed the Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Fi- to Sudan. following bill, in which it requests the nancial Protection, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Truth DONALD J. TRUMP. concurrence of the Senate: in Lending (Regulation Z)’’ ((RIN7100–AF60) THE WHITE HOUSE, October 31, 2019. H.R. 823. An act to provide for the designa- (Docket No. R–1677)) received in the Office of f tion of certain wilderness areas, recreation the President of the Senate on October 30, management areas, and conservation areas 2019; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, TRANSMITTING NOTIFICATION OF in the State of Colorado, and for other pur- and Urban Affairs. THE PRESIDENT’S INTENT TO poses. EC–3089. A communication from the Sec- TERMINATE THE DESIGNATION retary of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to f OF THE REPUBLIC OF CAM- law, a report entitled ‘‘Report on the Utiliza- EROON AS A BENEFICIARY SUB- MEASURES REFERRED tion of Federal Technology for Fiscal Years SAHARAN AFRICAN COUNTRY 2016 and 2017’’; to the Committee on Energy The following bills were read the first and Natural Resources. UNDER THE AFRICAN GROWTH and the second times by unanimous EC–3090. A communication from the Super- AND OPPORTUNITY ACT (AGOA)— consent, and referred as indicated: visory Regulations Specialist, Fish and Wild- PM 35 H.R. 823. An act to provide for the designa- life Service, Department of the Interior, The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- tion of certain wilderness areas, recreation transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Subsistence Management management areas, and conservation areas fore the Senate the following message Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska— in the State of Colorado, and for other pur- from the President of the United 2019–20 and 2020–21 Subsistence Taking of poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- States; which was referred to the Com- Fish Regulations’’ (RIN1018–BC06) received ural Resources. mittee on Finance: in the Office of the President of the Senate H.R. 1373. An act to protect, for current on October 29, 2019; to the Committee on En- To the Congress of the United States: and future generations, the watershed, eco- ergy and Natural Resources. In accordance with section system, and cultural heritage of the Grand EC–3091. A communication from the Super- 506A(a)(3)(B) of the Trade Act of 1974, Canyon region in the State of Arizona, and visory Regulations Specialist, Fish and Wild- as amended (19 U.S.C. 2466a(a)(3)(B)), I for other purposes; to the Committee on En- life Service, Department of the Interior, am providing notice of my intent to ergy and Natural Resources. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of H.R. 2181. An act to provide for the with- terminate the designation of the Re- a rule entitled ‘‘Subsistence Management drawal and protection of certain Federal Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska— public of Cameroon (Cameroon) as a land in the State of New Mexico; to the Com- Cook Inlet Area Regulations’’ (RIN1018– beneficiary sub-Saharan African coun- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. BB99) received in the Office of the President try under the African Growth and Op- f of the Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Com- portunity Act (AGOA). mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. I am taking this step because I have MEASURES PLACED ON THE EC–3092. A communication from the Assist- determined that the Government of CALENDAR ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of Cameroon currently engages in gross The following bill was read the sec- Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the violations of internationally recog- ond time, and placed on the calendar: report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to the nized human rights, contravening the S. 2755. A bill to require a report on the Office of Hearings and Appeals Procedural eligibility requirements of section 104 plan to secure the enduring defeat of the Is- Regulations’’ ((RIN1903–AA10) (10 CFR Part of the AGOA. lamic State of Iraq and Syria. 1003)) received in the Office of the President Despite intensive engagement be- of the Senate on October 30, 2019; to the Com- f tween the United States and the Gov- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. EC–3093. A communication from the Wild- ernment of Cameroon, Cameroon has EXECUTIVE AND OTHER life Biologist, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- failed to address concerns regarding COMMUNICATIONS partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- persistent human rights violations The following communications were suant to law, the report of a rule entitled being committed by Cameroonian secu- laid before the Senate, together with ‘‘Migratory Bird Hunting; Migratory Bird rity forces. These violations include accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Hunting Regulations on Certain Federal In- extrajudicial killings, arbitrary and dian Reservations and Ceded Lands for the uments, and were referred as indicated: 2019–20 Season’’ (RIN1018–BD07) received in unlawful detention, and torture. EC–3084. A communication from the Chief the Office of the President of the Senate on Accordingly, I intend to terminate of the Law Enforcement Division, Depart- October 29, 2019; to the Committee on Envi- the designation of Cameroon as a bene- ment of the Army, Department of Defense, ronment and Public Works. ficiary sub-Saharan African country transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–3094. A communication from the under the AGOA as of January 1, 2020. a rule entitled ‘‘Military Police Investiga- Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- I will continue to assess whether the tion’’ ((RIN0702–AB01) (32 CFR Part 637)) re- partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- Government of Cameroon engages in ceived in the Office of the President of the suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Committee ‘‘Migratory Bird Hunting; Final Frameworks gross violations of internationally rec- for Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations’’ ognized human rights, in accordance on Armed Services. EC–3085. A communication from the Sec- (RIN1018–BD10) received in the Office of the with the AGOA eligibility require- retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- President of the Senate on October 29, 2019; ments. ant to law, a six-month periodic report on to the Committee on Environment and Pub- DONALD J. TRUMP. the national emergency that was declared in lic Works. EC–3095. A communication from the THE WHITE HOUSE, October 31, 2019. Executive Order 13851 of November 27, 2018, Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- with respect to Nicaragua; to the Committee f partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. suant to law, the report of a rule entitled MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE EC–3086. A communication from the Policy ‘‘Migratory Bird Permits; Regulations Con- At 10:23 a.m., a message from the Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Fi- cerning a Depredation Order’’ (RIN1018–BB77) House of Representatives, delivered by nancial Protection, transmitting, pursuant received in the Office of the President of the Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Con- Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Committee sumer Leasing (Regulation M)’’ ((RIN7100– on Environment and Public Works. announced that the House has passed AF59) (Docket No. R–1676)) received in the the following bills, in which it requests EC–3096. A communication from the Wild- Office of the President of the Senate on Oc- life Biologist, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- the concurrence of the Senate: tober 30, 2019; to the Committee on Banking, partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- H.R. 1373. An act to protect, for current Housing, and Urban Affairs. suant to law, the report of a rule entitled and future generations, the watershed, eco- EC–3087. A communication from the Policy ‘‘Migratory Bird Hunting; Seasons and Bag system, and cultural heritage of the Grand Associate Director, Bureau of Consumer Fi- and Possession Limits for Certain Migratory Canyon region in the State of Arizona, and nancial Protection, transmitting, pursuant Game Birds’’ (RIN1018–BD10) received in the for other purposes. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Ap- Office of the President of the Senate on Oc- H.R. 2181. An act to provide for the with- praisals for Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans tober 29, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- drawal and protection of certain Federal Exemption Threshold’’ ((RIN7100–AF61) ment and Public Works. land in the State of New Mexico. (Docket No. R–1678)) received in the Office of EC–3097. A communication from the the President of the Senate on October 30, Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- At 4:31 p.m., a message from the 2019; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- House of Representatives, delivered by and Urban Affairs. suant to law, the report of a rule entitled

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.029 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6333 ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 2766. A bill to support and expand civic Plants; Regulations for Interagency Coopera- JOINT RESOLUTIONS engagement and political leadership of ado- tion (Delay of Effective Date)’’ (RIN1018– lescent girls around the world, and other BC87) received in the Office of the President The following bills and joint resolu- purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- of the Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Com- tions were introduced, read the first tions. mittee on Environment and Public Works. and second times by unanimous con- By Mr. JONES (for himself and Mr. EC–3098. A communication from the sent, and referred as indicated: SCOTT of Florida): Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- By Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. S. 2767. A bill to amend the Federal Water partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- PETERS): Pollution Control Act to establish a pilot suant to law, the report of a rule entitled S. 2756. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- competitive grant program for improving ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and enue Code of 1986 to facilitate program-re- the sharing of water quality data, and for Plants; Removing the Foskett Speckled lated investments by private foundations; to other purposes; to the Committee on Envi- Dace from the List of Endangered and the Committee on Finance. ronment and Public Works. Threatened Wildlife’’ (RIN1018–BC09) re- By Mr. LANKFORD (for himself, Ms. By Mr. CARPER: ceived in the Office of the President of the HASSAN, Mr. RUBIO, and Mr. INHOFE): S. 2768. A bill to amend title 49, United Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Committee S. 2757. A bill to waive the imposition of a States Code, to prohibit smoking on Amtrak on Environment and Public Works. civil fine for certain first-time paperwork trains; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–3099. A communication from the Fish violations by small business concerns; to the Science, and Transportation. and Wildlife Administrator, Fish and Wild- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself and Mr. life Service, Department of the Interior, ernmental Affairs. PETERS): transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of By Mr. HAWLEY (for himself, Mr. S. 2769. A bill to eliminate or modify cer- a rule entitled ‘‘Financial Assistance: Wild- SCOTT of Florida, and Mr. CORNYN): tain Federal agency reporting requirements, life Restoration, Sport Fish Restoration, S. 2758. A bill to impose sanctions under and for other purposes; to the Committee on Hunter Education and Safety’’ (RIN1018– the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Ac- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- BA33) received in the Office of the President countability Act to combat the suppression fairs. of the Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Com- of the freedoms of speech, association, as- f mittee on Environment and Public Works. sembly, procession, and demonstration of the EC–3100. A communication from the people of Hong Kong, and for other purposes; SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and SENATE RESOLUTIONS partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- Urban Affairs. The following concurrent resolutions suant to law, the report of a rule entitled By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Ms. and Senate resolutions were read, and ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and HASSAN): Plants; Removal of the Monito Gecko S. 2759. A bill to require the United States referred (or acted upon), as indicated: (Sphaerodactylus micropithecus) from the Postal Service to designate a single, unique By Mr. TESTER: Federal List of Endangered and Threatened ZIP code for Swanzey, New Hampshire; to S. Res. 391. A resolution reaffirming a Wildlife’’ (RIN1018–BB76) received in the Of- the Committee on Homeland Security and strong commitment to the U.S. producers fice of the President of the Senate on Octo- Governmental Affairs. and American-made commodities; to the ber 29, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- By Mr. CASEY: Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ment and Public Works. S. 2760. A bill to amend the Richard B. Rus- Forestry. EC–3101. A communication from the sell National School Lunch Act to enhance By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. Branch Chief, Fish and Wildlife Service, De- direct certification under the school lunch MARKEY, Mr. GARDNER, Ms. HIRONO, partment of the Interior, transmitting, pur- program; to the Committee on Agriculture, Mr. YOUNG, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Nutrition, and Forestry. S. Res. 392. A resolution recognizing the ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and By Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. importance of the Young Southeast Asian Plants; Removing the Kirtland’s Warbler MURPHY): Leaders Initiative to the relationship be- from the Federal List of Endangered and S. 2761. A bill to amend the Elementary tween the United States and the member Threatened Wildlife’’ (RIN1018–BC01) re- and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to pro- states of the Association of Southeast Asian ceived in the Office of the President of the vide that children who have relocated from Nations and to advancing the policy of the Senate on October 29, 2019; to the Committee Puerto Rico to the States are fully consid- United States in the Indo-Pacific region; to on Environment and Public Works. ered for purposes of State allotments under the Committee on Foreign Relations. EC–3102. A communication from the Na- the English Language Acquisition grants; to By Mr. YOUNG (for himself and Mr. tional Species Status Assessment Team the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, CARDIN): Lead, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department and Pensions. S. Res. 393. A resolution recognizing the of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to By Ms. COLLINS: historical, cultural, and religious signifi- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endan- S. 2762. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- cance of the 550th birthday of Guru Nanak gered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; enue Code of 1986 to increase the limitation and the contributions and sacrifices made by Endangered Species Status for Barrens on the amount individuals filing jointly can Sikhs of the United States; to the Com- Topminnow’’ (RIN1018–BC52) received in the deduct for certain State and local taxes; to mittee on the Judiciary. Office of the President of the Senate on Oc- the Committee on Finance. By Mr. COTTON (for himself, Mr. GRA- tober 29, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. HAM, Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. BRAUN): ment and Public Works. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MORAN, Mrs. S. Res. 394. A resolution honoring the BLACKBURN, and Mr. WARNER): members of the military and intelligence f S. 2763. A bill to require that internet plat- community who carried out the mission that forms give users the option to engage with a killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and for other EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF platform without being manipulated by algo- purposes; considered and agreed to. COMMITTEE rithms driver by user-specific data; to the By Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. Committee on Commerce, Science, and BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. LEAHY): The following executive reports of Transportation. S. Res. 395. A resolution recognizing the nominations were submitted: By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Ms. 40th anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis, By Mr. GRAHAM for the Committee on the ERNST, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN): and for other purposes; to the Committee on Judiciary. S. 2764. A bill to amend the Controlled Sub- Foreign Relations. Sarah E. Pitlyk, of Missouri, to be United stances Act to clarify how controlled sub- By Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mrs. States District Judge for the Eastern Dis- stance analogues that are imported or of- HYDE-SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and trict of Missouri. fered for import are to be regulated, and for Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina): Richard Earnest Myers II, of North Caro- other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- S. Res. 396. A resolution designating Octo- lina, to be United States District Judge for diciary. ber 2019 as ‘‘National Health Literacy the Eastern District of North Carolina. By Mr. ENZI (for himself, Mr. WHITE- Month’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Daniel Mack Traynor, of North Dakota, to HOUSE, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. be United States District Judge for the Dis- CRAPO, Mr. KING, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. DAINES): trict of North Dakota. COONS, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. S. Res. 397. A resolution celebrating the Jodi W. Dishman, of Oklahoma, to be JOHNSON, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. KENNEDY, 25th anniversary of the passage of the Mike United States District Judge for the Western Mr. CRAMER, and Mr. BRAUN): Mansfield Fellowship Act creating the Mike District of Oklahoma. S. 2765. A bill to improve Federal fiscal Mansfield Fellowship Program; to the Com- controls and the congressional budget proc- mittee on Foreign Relations. (Nominations without an asterisk ess; to the Committee on the Budget. By Mr. JONES: were reported with the recommenda- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mr. S. Res. 398. A resolution recognizing the tion that they be confirmed.) CARDIN): National Peanut Festival held annually in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.027 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 Dothan, Alabama, and the importance of the Health Awareness Month’’; to the Committee ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to require peanut industry in the State of Alabama and on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. that group and individual health insur- the United States; to the Committee on Ag- f ance coverage and group health plans riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. provide coverage for treatment of a By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. HEIN- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS congenital anomaly or birth defect. RICH, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. S. 206 CORNYN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. ROBERTS, S. 878 At the request of Mr. TESTER, the Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ENZI, Mr. UDALL, At the request of Mr. COTTON, the Mr. CRAMER, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. names of the Senator from Arizona name of the Senator from Missouri MORAN, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. ROUNDS, (Ms. SINEMA) and the Senator from (Mr. HAWLEY) was added as a cosponsor Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. THUNE, Mr. BEN- Delaware (Mr. COONS) were added as co- of S. 878, a bill to foster security in NET, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. sponsors of S. 206, a bill to award a Taiwan, and for other purposes. INHOFE, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. WHITE- Congressional Gold Medal to the fe- S. 880 HOUSE, and Ms. SMITH): male telephone operators of the Army At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the S. Res. 399. A resolution designating No- Signal Corps, known as the ‘‘Hello vember 2, 2019, as ‘‘National Bison Day’’; names of the Senator from Minnesota considered and agreed to. Girls’’. (Ms. SMITH) and the Senator from Cali- By Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. S. 283 fornia (Ms. HARRIS) were added as co- CARDIN, Mr. BRAUN, Ms. CANTWELL, At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the sponsors of S. 880, a bill to provide out- Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. COONS, Mr. RISCH, name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. reach and reporting on comprehensive Ms. HIRONO, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. SINEMA) was added as a cosponsor of S. Alzheimer’s disease care planning serv- DUCKWORTH, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. ROSEN, 283, a bill to amend title XVIII of the ices furnished under the Medicare pro- Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Social Security Act to improve access gram. Mr. GARDNER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CRAPO, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. to, and utilization of, bone mass meas- S. 1007 KING, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. urement benefits under part B of the At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the BLACKBURN, Ms. SINEMA, Mrs. FISCH- Medicare program by establishing a name of the Senator from Louisiana ER, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. SCOTT of South minimum payment amount under such (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a cospon- Carolina, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. ERNST, Mr. part for bone mass measurement. sor of S. 1007, a bill to amend the Horse PERDUE, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. DAINES, S. 377 Protection Act to designate additional Mr. WICKER, Mr. ROMNEY, Mr. ENZI, At the request of Mr. BROWN, the unlawful acts under the Act, strength- Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. en penalties for violations of the Act, HAWLEY, Mr. LANKFORD, Mrs. HYDE- name of the Senator from Massachu- SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. PETERS, Mr. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- improve Department of Agriculture en- HOEVEN, and Ms. MCSALLY): sponsor of S. 377, a bill to amend title forcement of the Act, and for other S. Res. 400. A resolution recognizing Octo- XVIII of the Social Security Act to re- purposes. ber 2019 as ‘‘National Women’s Small Busi- quire the Secretary of Health and S. 1123 ness Month’’; considered and agreed to. Human Services to negotiate prices of At the request of Mr. COONS, the By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Ms. MUR- prescription drugs furnished under part names of the Senator from Rhode Is- KOWSKI, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CANTWELL, land (Mr. REED) and the Senator from Mr. CARDIN, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. D of the Medicare program. New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) were added as DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. HARRIS, S. 386 Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLO- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name cosponsors of S. 1123, a bill to transfer BUCHAR, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. MUR- of the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. and limit Executive Branch authority to suspend or restrict the entry of a RAY, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. VAN BLUMENTHAL) was added as a cosponsor HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. SAND- of S. 386, a bill to amend the Immigra- class of aliens. ERS): S. 1218 S. Res. 401. A resolution recognizing the tion and Nationality Act to eliminate At the request of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, month of October 2019 as Filipino American the per-country numerical limitation History Month and celebrating the history for employment-based immigrants, to the name of the Senator from Massa- and culture of Filipino Americans and their increase the per-country numerical chusetts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a immense contributions to the United States; limitation for family-sponsored immi- cosponsor of S. 1218, a bill to require considered and agreed to. grants, and for other purposes. the review of the service of certain By Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. members of the Armed Forces during S. 457 PORTMAN): World War I to determine if such mem- S. Res. 402. A resolution honoring the life, At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the bers should be awarded the Medal of work, and legacy of Toni Morrison; consid- name of the Senator from New Hamp- Honor, to authorize the award of the ered and agreed to. shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- Medal of Honor based on the results of By Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Ms. COL- sponsor of S. 457, a bill to require that the review, and for other purposes. LINS, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. PERDUE): $1 coins issued during 2019 honor Presi- S. Res. 403. A resolution designating Octo- S. 1235 dent George H.W. Bush and to direct ber 2019 as ‘‘National Farm to School At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, Month’’; considered and agreed to. the Secretary of the Treasury to issue the names of the Senator from New bullion coins during 2019 in honor of By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. COL- Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) and the Senator . LINS, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. from New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ) were MARKEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. S. 500 added as cosponsors of S. 1235, a bill to UDALL, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. SHA- At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the require the Secretary of the Treasury HEEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. DURBIN, name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Mr. REED, Mr. COONS, Mr. BENNET, to mint coins in commemoration of OUNG Mr. BOOKER, Ms. WARREN, Mr. LEAHY, Y ) was added as a cosponsor of S. ratification of the 19th Amendment to Mr. BROWN, Mr. CARPER, Ms. STABE- 500, a bill to amend title 54, United the Constitution of the United States, NOW, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. KAINE, Mrs. States Code, to establish, fund, and giving women in the United States the FEINSTEIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. HAR- provide for the use of amounts in a Na- right to vote. RIS, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. tional Park Service Legacy Restora- S. 1257 MURPHY, Ms. SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, tion Fund to address the maintenance At the request of Mr. CRAMER, the Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WARNER, and Ms. backlog of the National Park Service, name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. HASSAN): S. Res. 404. A resolution expressing the and for other purposes. CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. sense of the Senate that the United States S. 560 1257, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- should work in cooperation with the inter- At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the enue Code of 1986 to expand tax-free national community and continue to exer- names of the Senator from Massachu- distributions from individual retire- cise global leadership to address the causes setts (Ms. WARREN) and the Senator ment accounts to include rollovers for and effects of , and for other from Mississippi (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) charitable life-income plans for chari- purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- were added as cosponsors of S. 560, a table purposes. tions. By Mr. GRASSLEY: bill to amend the Public Health Serv- S. 1294 S. Res. 405. A resolution expressing support ice Act, the Employee Retirement In- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the for the designation of October as ‘‘Brain come Security Act of 1974, and the In- name of the Senator from Wisconsin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.021 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6335 (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) was added sor of S. 1294, a bill to require Federal 1782, a bill to add suicide prevention re- as a cosponsor of S. 2248, a bill to agencies with jurisdiction over sources to school identification cards. amend title 10, United States Code, to broadband deployment to enter into an S. 1812 redesignate and expand the Troops-to- interagency agreement related to cer- At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the Teachers Program, and for other pur- tain types of funding for broadband de- name of the Senator from California poses. ployment. (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor S. 2254 S. 1590 of S. 1812, a bill to authorize the Ad- At the request of Mr. BROWN, the At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the ministrator of the Environmental Pro- name of the Senator from New York name of the Senator from New Jersey tection Agency to conduct research on (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor wildfire smoke, and for other purposes. sponsor of S. 2254, a bill to amend the of S. 1590, a bill to amend the State De- S. 1813 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create partment Basic Authorities Act of 1956 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the a Pension Rehabilitation Trust Fund, to authorize rewards for thwarting name of the Senator from California to establish a Pension Rehabilitation wildlife trafficking linked to (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor Administration within the Department transnational organized crime, and for of S. 1813, a bill to amend the Robert T. of the Treasury to make loans to mul- other purposes. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emer- tiemployer defined benefit plans, and S. 1601 gency Assistance Act to provide wild- for other purposes. At the request of Mr. WICKER, the fire smoke mitigation assistance to S. 2491 names of the Senator from Arizona States and units of local government, (Ms. MCSALLY), the Senator from Mas- and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. UDALL, the name of the Senator from Delaware sachusetts (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator S. 1814 from California (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), the (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the of S. 2491, a bill to terminate certain Senator from Minnesota (Ms. SMITH), name of the Senator from California the Senator from New York (Mrs. rules issued by the Secretary of the In- (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor terior and the Secretary of Commerce GILLIBRAND) and the Senator from Ohio of S. 1814, a bill to authorize the Presi- (Mr. BROWN) were added as cosponsors relating to endangered and threatened dent to declare a smoke emergency, species, and for other purposes. of S. 1601, a bill to direct the Secretary and for other purposes. of Transportation to issue a rule re- S. 2570 S. 1815 quiring all new passenger motor vehi- At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the cles to be equipped with a child safety name of the Senator from California name of the Senator from Montana alert system, and for other purposes. (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor S. 1657 of S. 1815, a bill to establish an occupa- of S. 2570, a bill to award a Congres- At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the tional safety and health standard to sional Gold Medal to Greg LeMond in names of the Senator from Indiana protect farmworkers from wildfire recognition of his service to the United (Mr. BRAUN) and the Senator from smoke, and for other purposes. States as an athlete, activist, role Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) were added as model, and community leader. cosponsors of S. 1657, a bill to provide S. 1838 S. 2603 assistance to combat the escalating At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the burden of Lyme disease and other tick name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the and vector-borne diseases and dis- MCSALLY) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from Connecticut orders. S. 1838, a bill to amend the Hong Kong (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- Policy Act of 1992, and for other pur- sponsor of S. 2603, a bill to amend the S. 1703 poses. Immigration and Nationality Act to At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the end the immigrant visa backlog, and name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. S. 2026 for other purposes. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the sor of S. 1703, a bill to amend the Inter- name of the Senator from Montana S. 2641 nal Revenue Code of 1986 to reform the (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. RISCH, the low-income housing credit, and for of S. 2026, a bill to amend the Richard names of the Senator from Michigan other purposes. B. Russell National School Lunch Act (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from S. 1757 to reauthorize the farm to school pro- Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) were added as At the request of Ms. ERNST, the gram, and for other purposes. cosponsors of S. 2641, a bill to promote name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. S. 2179 United States national security and MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the prevent the resurgence of ISIS, and for of S. 1757, a bill to award a Congres- name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. other purposes. sional Gold Medal, collectively, to the PORTMAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2671 S. 2179, a bill to amend the Older Amer- United States Army Rangers Veterans At the request of Ms. DUCKWORTH, of World War II in recognition of their icans Act of 1965 to provide social serv- her name was added as a cosponsor of extraordinary service during World ice agencies with the resources to pro- S. 2671, a bill to build safer, thriving War II. vide services to meet the urgent needs communities, and save lives by invest- S. 1781 of Holocaust survivors to age in place ing in effective violence reduction ini- At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the with dignity, comfort, security, and tiatives. quality of life. name of the Senator from South Da- At the request of Mr. CASEY, his kota (Mr. ROUNDS) was added as a co- S. 2246 name was added as a cosponsor of S. sponsor of S. 1781, a bill to authorize At the request of Mr. MORAN, the 2671, supra. appropriations for the Department of name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. S. 2680 State for fiscal years 2020 through 2022 CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- to provide assistance to El Salvador, sor of S. 2246, a bill to amend titles At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the , and Honduras through bi- XVIII and XIX of the Social Security name of the Senator from Mississippi lateral compacts to increase protection Act to provide equal coverage of in (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor of women and children in their homes vitro specific IgE tests and of S. 2680, a bill to impose sanctions and communities and reduce female percutaneous tests for allergies under with respect to foreign support for Pal- homicides, domestic violence, and sex- the Medicare and Medicaid programs, estinian terrorism, and for other pur- ual assault. and for other purposes. poses. S. 1782 S. 2248 S. 2690 At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the At the request of Mr. SCOTT of South At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. Carolina, the name of the Senator from name of the Senator from Oklahoma

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.035 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 (Mr. LANKFORD) was added as a cospon- H.R. 3055, a bill making appropriations H.R. 3055, a bill making appropriations sor of S. 2690, a bill to reduce mass vio- for the Departments of Commerce and for the Departments of Commerce and lence, strengthen mental health col- Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Justice, Science, and Related Agencies laboration in communities, improve for the fiscal year ending September 30, for the fiscal year ending September 30, school safety, and for other purposes. 2020, and for other purposes. 2020, and for other purposes. S. 2695 AMENDMENT NO. 1099 AMENDMENT NO. 1193 At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. names of the Senator from Michigan name of the Senator from Massachu- GRASSLEY) and the Senator from Kan- (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- sas (Mr. MORAN) were added as cospon- Ohio (Mr. BROWN) were added as co- sponsor of amendment No. 1193 pro- sors of S. 2695, a bill to authorize the sponsors of amendment No. 1099 pro- posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- Secretary of Agriculture to provide for posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- priations for the Departments of Com- the defense of United States agri- priations for the Departments of Com- merce and Justice, Science, and Re- culture and food through the National merce and Justice, Science, and Re- lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, and for lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2020, and for other other purposes. ing September 30, 2020, and for other purposes. S. 2710 purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 1223 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the AMENDMENT NO. 1114 At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the name of the Senator from Michigan name of the Senator from Maryland At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Massachu- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor of amendment No. 1223 proposed to sponsor of S. 2710, a bill to prohibit the setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- commercial export of covered muni- sponsor of amendment No. 1114 pro- H.R. 3055, a bill making appropriations tions items to the Hong Kong Police posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- for the Departments of Commerce and Force. priations for the Departments of Com- Justice, Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, S. 2722 merce and Justice, Science, and Re- 2020, and for other purposes. At the request of Ms. ERNST, the lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- name of the Senator from Montana ing September 30, 2020, and for other f (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor purposes. STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED of S. 2722, a bill to prohibit agencies AMENDMENT NO. 1122 BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS from using Federal funds for publicity At the request of Mr. HEINRICH, the By Ms. COLLINS: or propaganda purposes, and for other name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. S. 2762. A bill to amend the Internal purposes. MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the S. 2740 of amendment No. 1122 intended to be limitation on the amount individuals At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making ap- filing jointly can deduct for certain name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. propriations for the Departments of State and local taxes; to the Com- BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. Commerce and Justice, Science, and mittee on Finance. 2740, a bill to amend the Federal Food, Related Agencies for the fiscal year Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise Drug, and Cosmetic Act to clarify the ending September 30, 2020, and for to introduce a bill to ensure that the regulatory framework with respect to other purposes. treatment of the State and Local Prop- certain nonprescription drugs that are AMENDMENT NO. 1130 erty Tax deduction, also known as the marketed without an approved new At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the ‘‘SALT deduction,’’ does not unfairly drug application, and for other pur- name of the Senator from Massachu- penalize married taxpayers. The SALT poses. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- Deduction Fairness Act would elimi- S. RES. 150 sponsor of amendment No. 1130 pro- nate the marriage penalty imposed by At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the name posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- the current $10,000 cap on SALT by of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ROMNEY) priations for the Departments of Com- doubling this amount for married fil- was added as a cosponsor of S. Res. 150, merce and Justice, Science, and Re- ers. a resolution expressing the sense of the lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- The SALT deduction has been in the Senate that it is the policy of the ing September 30, 2020, and for other tax code since 1913 when the income United States to commemorate the Ar- purposes. tax was first established and is in- tended to prevent double taxation. The menian Genocide through official rec- AMENDMENT NO. 1135 original Senate tax reform bill in 2017 ognition and remembrance. At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the would have eliminated the deduction S. RES. 376 name of the Senator from California altogether. During the consideration of At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, I fought to name of the Senator from New Hamp- of amendment No. 1135 intended to be keep the SALT deduction in the Fed- shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- proposed to H.R. 3055, a bill making ap- eral tax code because of the incredible sponsor of S. Res. 376, a resolution em- propriations for the Departments of tax burden a complete elimination of phasizing the importance of a career, Commerce and Justice, Science, and this deduction would have imposed on nonpartisan Foreign Service of the Related Agencies for the fiscal year American taxpayers, many of whom United States. ending September 30, 2020, and for pay high taxes on everything from other purposes. AMENDMENT NO. 1005 their incomes to their vehicles. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the AMENDMENT NO. 1163 My amendment, which was adopted name of the Senator from Connecticut At the request of Ms. MCSALLY, the by the Senate, retained the SALT de- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Michigan duction for up to $10,000 in State and sponsor of amendment No. 1005 pro- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor local taxes such as State income taxes, posed to H.R. 3055, a bill making appro- of amendment No. 1163 proposed to local property taxes, and vehicle excise priations for the Departments of Com- H.R. 3055, a bill making appropriations taxes. This was especially important to merce and Justice, Science, and Re- for the Departments of Commerce and families living in high-tax states like lated Agencies for the fiscal year end- Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Maine, which not only has one of our ing September 30, 2020, and for other for the fiscal year ending September 30, Nation’s highest tax burdens, but also purposes. 2020, and for other purposes. a relatively low per household in- AMENDMENT NO. 1088 AMENDMENT NO. 1182 come—approximately $6,300 below the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the At the request of Mr. PETERS, the U.S average. Maintaining the deduc- name of the Senator from California name of the Senator from Wisconsin tion provided important tax relief for (Ms. HARRIS) was added as a cosponsor (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- those hard-working Mainers who con- of amendment No. 1088 proposed to sor of amendment No. 1182 proposed to tinued to itemize.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:00 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.037 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6337 But a basic unfairness still exists in (A) is capable of connecting to the inter- an algorithmic ranking system used by a the tax code that penalizes married net, either directly or indirectly through a covered internet platform if— couples. Currently, individual tax- network, to communicate information at the (i) the only user-specific data (including payers can deduct up to $10,000 in State direction of an individual; and inferences about the user) that the system (B) has computer processing capabilities uses is information relating to the age of the and local taxes. If two people marry, for collecting, sending, receiving, or ana- user; and however, the deduction remains at lyzing data. (ii) such information is only used to re- $10,000. As a result, a couple could be fi- (4) COVERED INTERNET PLATFORM.— strict a user’s access to content on the basis nancially better off not getting mar- (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘covered inter- that the individual is not old enough to ac- ried when it comes to the current net platform’’ means any public-facing cess such content. SALT deduction. website, internet application, or mobile ap- (7) SEARCH SYNDICATION CONTRACT; UP- This legislation very simply would plication, including a social network site, STREAM PROVIDER; DOWNSTREAM PROVIDER.— video sharing service, search engine, or con- (A) SEARCH SYNDICATION CONTRACT.—The remove the marriage penalty by dou- tent aggregation service. bling the SALT deduction from $10,000 term ‘‘search syndication contract’’ means a (B) EXCLUSIONS.—Such term shall not in- contract or subcontract for the sale, license, to $20,000 for joint filers. This straight- clude a platform that— or other right to access an index of web forward change would remove a bias (i) is wholly owned, controlled, and oper- pages on the internet for the purpose of oper- against marriage from the tax code. ated by a person that— ating an internet search engine. And, most important, it would help (I) for the most recent 6-month period, did (B) UPSTREAM PROVIDER.—The term ‘‘up- make the dream of home ownership a not employ more than 500 employees; stream provider’’ means, with respect to a reality for married couples. (II) for the most recent 3-year period, aver- search syndication contract, the person that aged less than $50,000,000 in annual gross re- grants access to an index of web pages on the The National Association of Realtors ceipts; and recently wrote to me about the impor- internet to a downstream provider under the (III) collects or processes on an annual contract. tance of eliminating this marriage pen- basis the personal data of less than 1,000,000 (C) DOWNSTREAM PROVIDER.—The term alty, stating, ‘‘Homeownership has individuals; or ‘‘downstream provider’’ means, with respect long been a vital part of the American (ii) is operated for the sole purpose of con- to a search syndication contract, the person Dream. Research shows that an over- ducting research that is not made for profit that receives access to an index of web pages whelming majority of current renters either directly or indirectly. on the internet from an upstream provider aspire to own a home, and we know (5) INPUT-TRANSPARENT ALGORITHM.— under such contract. (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘input-trans- (8) USER-SPECIFIC DATA.—The term ‘‘user- that our Nation’s faith in homeowner- parent algorithm’’ means an algorithmic ship has persisted through the Great specific data’’ means information relating to ranking system that does not use the user- an individual or a specific connected device Recession. For well over a century, our specific data of a user to determine the order that would not necessarily be true of every tax system has helped American fami- or manner that information is furnished to individual or device. lies in reaching this Dream.’’ such user on a covered internet platform, un- Mr. President, we should not unfairly less the user-specific data is expressly pro- SEC. 3. REQUIREMENT TO ALLOW USERS TO SEE penalize American taxpayers for being vided to the platform by the user for such UNMANIPULATED CONTENT ON purpose. INTERNET PLATFORMS. married. This common sense legisla- (B) INCLUSION OF AGE-APPROPRIATE CONTENT (a) IN GENERAL.—Beginning on the date tion will fix this undue burden who are FILTERS.—Such term shall include an algo- penalized for their filing status. that is 1 year after the date of enactment of rithmic ranking system that uses user-spe- this Act, it shall be unlawful— cific data to determine whether a user is old By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. (1) for any person to operate a covered enough to access age-restricted content on a internet platform that uses an opaque algo- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MORAN, Mrs. covered internet platform, provided that the rithm unless the person complies with the BLACKBURN, and Mr. WARNER): system otherwise meets the requirements of requirements of subsection (b); or S. 2763. A bill to require that internet subparagraph (A). (2) for any upstream provider to grant ac- ATA PROVIDED FOR EXPRESS PURPOSE platforms give users the option to en- (C) D cess to an index of web pages on the internet OF INTERACTION WITH PLATFORM.—For pur- gage with a platform without being under a search syndication contract that poses of subparagraph (A), user-specific data does not comply with the requirements of manipulated by algorithms driver by that is provided by a user for the express subsection (c). user-specific data; to the Committee on purpose of determining the order or manner Commerce, Science, and Transpor- that information is furnished to a user on a (b) OPAQUE ALGORITHM REQUIREMENTS.— tation. covered internet platform— (1) IN GENERAL.—The requirements of this Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask (i) shall include user-supplied search subsection with respect to a person that op- unanimous consent that the text of the terms, filters, speech patterns (if provided erates a covered internet platform that uses bill be printed in the RECORD. for the purpose of enabling the platform to an opaque algorithm are the following: There being no objection, the text of accept spoken input or selecting the lan- (A) The person provides notice to users of the bill was ordered to be printed in guage in which the user interacts with the the platform that the platform uses an platform), saved preferences, and the user’s opaque algorithm that makes inferences the RECORD, as follows: current geographical location; based on user-specific data to select the con- S. 2763 (ii) shall include data supplied to the plat- tent the user sees. Such notice shall be pre- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- form by the user that expresses the user’s de- sented in a clear, conspicuous manner on the resentatives of the United States of America in sire that information be furnished to them, platform whenever the user interacts with Congress assembled, such as the social media profiles the user fol- an opaque algorithm for the first time, and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. lows, the video channels the user subscribes may be a one-time notice that can be dis- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Filter Bub- to, or other sources of content on the plat- missed by the user. ble Transparency Act’’. form the user follows; (B) The person makes available a version SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. (iii) shall not include the history of the of the platform that uses an input-trans- In this Act: user’s connected device, including the user’s parent algorithm and enables users to easily (1) ALGORITHMIC RANKING SYSTEM.—The history of web searches and browsing, geo- switch between the version of the platform term ‘‘algorithmic ranking system’’ means a graphical locations, physical activity, device that uses an opaque algorithm and the computational process, including one derived interaction, and financial transactions; and version of the platform that uses the input- from algorithmic decision-making, machine (iv) shall not include inferences about the transparent algorithm by selecting a promi- learning, statistical analysis, or other data user or the user’s connected device, without nently placed icon, which shall be displayed processing or artificial intelligence tech- regard to whether such inferences are based wherever the user interacts with an opaque niques, used to determine the order or man- on data described in clause (i). algorithm. ner that a set of information is provided to (6) OPAQUE ALGORITHM.— (2) NONAPPLICATION TO CERTAIN DOWN- a user on a covered internet platform, in- (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘opaque algo- STREAM PROVIDERS.—Paragraph (1) shall not cluding the ranking of search results, the rithm’’ means an algorithmic ranking sys- apply with respect to an internet search en- provision of content recommendations, the tem that determines the order or manner gine if— display of social media posts, or any other that information is furnished to a user on a (A) the search engine is operated by a method of automated content selection. covered internet platform based, in whole or downstream provider with fewer than 1,000 (2) COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ part, on user-specific data that was not ex- employees; and means the Federal Trade Commission. pressly provided by the user to the platform (B) the search engine uses an index of web (3) CONNECTED DEVICE.—The term ‘‘con- for such purpose. pages on the internet to which such provider nected device’’ means a physical object (B) EXCEPTION FOR AGE-APPROPRIATE CON- received access under a search syndication that— TENT FILTERS.—Such term shall not include contract.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.041 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 (c) SEARCH SYNDICATION CONTRACT RE- gress has taken steps to combat this SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS QUIREMENT.—The requirements of this sub- issue with new laws, including the section with respect to a search syndication Women, Peace, and Security Act and contract are that— the Women’s Entrepreneurship and SENATE RESOLUTION 391—RE- (1) as part of the contract, the upstream provider makes available to the downstream Economic Empowerment Act. The AFFIRMING A STRONG COMMIT- provider the same input-transparent algo- Girls LEAD Act will complement these MENT TO THE U.S. PRODUCERS rithm used by the upstream provider for pur- efforts by specifically addressing the AND AMERICAN-MADE COMMOD- poses of complying with subsection (b)(1)(B); civic involvement and leadership of ad- ITIES and olescent girls, an area where there is Mr. TESTER submitted the following (2) the upstream provider does not impose currently a gap in U.S. foreign assist- any additional costs, degraded quality, re- resolution; which was referred to the ance programing. The United States Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, duced speed, or other constraint on the func- can help foster a pipeline of adolescent tioning of such algorithm when used by the and Forestry. girls who will aspire to assume leader- downstream provider to operate an internet S. RES. 391 ship roles in their communities. search engine relative to the performance of Whereas the U.S. farmers and ranchers such algorithm when used by the upstream Adolescence is a pivotal time in a girl’s life that brings about significant raise the best meat in the world; provider to operate an internet search en- Whereas Americans should have the right gine. physical, emotional, and social to knowingly buy made in America products; SEC. 4. ENFORCEMENT BY FEDERAL TRADE COM- changes. Yet, according to UNESCO, Whereas American farmers, ranchers, MISSION. 132 million adolescent girls between workers and consumers benefit from trans- (a) UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRAC- the age of 6 and 17 are not enrolled in parency on the origin of food; TICES.—A violation of this Act by an oper- school. As reported by UNICEF, more Whereas Congress overwhelmingly sup- ator of a covered internet platform shall be than 150 million girls will marry as ported Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) in treated as a violation of a rule defining an the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of unfair or deceptive act or practice prescribed children by 2030. It is vitally important that girls and young women in child- 2008 (Public Law 110–246; 122 Stat. 1651) be- under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade cause 87 percent of consumers want to know Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B)). hood are empowered, and that we in- the country of origin of their meat; (b) POWERS OF COMMISSION.— vest in their leadership potential early Whereas in 2015, Congress repealed the (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in so that they can develop pathways to Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) law for paragraph (3), the Federal Trade Commission positions of political leadership and beef and pork, reducing the competitive ad- shall enforce this Act in the same manner, vantage of products born, raised, and slaugh- by the same means, and with the same juris- civic engagement. tered in the U.S.; diction, powers, and duties as though all ap- The Girls LEAD Act would combat Whereas there is no standardized definition plicable terms and provisions of the Federal these terrible statistics by making it of the term ‘‘truth in labeling’’, Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) the policy of the United States to pro- disadvantaging American producers; were incorporated into and made a part of mote and ensure that all adolescents Whereas Congress supports American prod- this Act. are able to fully participate in society, ucts, and consumers deserve the right to (2) PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES.—Except as and are specifically able to exercise know where their food comes from; provided in paragraph (3), any person who their civil and political rights in their Whereas the United States has the highest violates this Act shall be subject to the pen- communities and countries. We know phytosanitary standards in the world while alties and entitled to the privileges and im- other countries place less emphasis on food munities provided in the Federal Trade Com- that women’s political participation safety; mission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.). results in tangible change for democ- Whereas foreign commodities, like beef (3) COMMON CARRIERS AND NONPROFIT ORGA- racies and the United States must con- and pork, are misleadingly labeled ‘‘Product NIZATIONS.—Notwithstanding section 4, tinue to be a leader in this arena. of USA’’ if they are processed or packed in 5(a)(2), or 6 of the Federal Trade Commission Specifically, our legislation would di- the United States; Act (15 U.S.C. 44, 45(a)(2), 46) or any jurisdic- rect the Department of State and the Whereas technological advancements make tional limitation of the Commission, the U.S. Agency for International Develop- it possible to accurately and efficiently iden- Commission shall also enforce this Act, in ment to implement a strategy that tify the origin of beef and pork without cost- the same manner provided in paragraphs (1) strengthens adolescent girls’ participa- ly segregation of imported and domestic and (2) of this paragraph, with respect to— commodities; (A) common carriers subject to the Com- tion in democracy and governance. Whereas this gives producers and con- munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) This strategy would include U.S. for- sumers the ability to identify true American and Acts amendatory thereof and supple- eign assistance programs that focus on products from foreign imported meat; and mentary thereto; and increasing adolescent girls’ civic and Whereas Country-of-Origin labeling is good (B) organizations not organized to carry on political knowledge, advocacy, leader- for farmers, ranchers, workers, and packers, business for their own profit or that of their ship, and research skills, while address- because it allows them to identify their members. ing the common barriers that can pre- products as born and raised in the United (4) AUTHORITY PRESERVED.—Nothing in this clude their participation. The bill States: Now, therefore, be it Act shall be construed to limit the authority Resolved, That the Senate supports legisla- of the Commission under any other provision would require that this strategy be de- tion to reinstate Country-of-Origin labeling of law. veloped in consultation with civil soci- ety, including the participation of ado- for pork and beef to allow consumers to By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and lescent girls. make an informed and free choice about where their food comes from. Mr. CARDIN): As a senior member of the Senate Ap- S. 2766. A bill to support and expand propriations Committee, for years I f civic engagement and political leader- have pushed to set aside resources in ship of adolescent girls around the the annual State Department funding SENATE RESOLUTION 392—RECOG- world, and other purposes; to the Com- bill for women’s leadership and polit- NIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF mittee on Foreign Relations. ical participation programs, and I have THE YOUNG SOUTHEAST ASIAN Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today I seen first-hand the positive effects of LEADERS INITIATIVE TO THE am pleased to be joined by my friend greater political involvement on the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE and colleague from Maryland, Senator part of women here in the United UNITED STATES AND THE MEM- BER STATES OF THE ASSOCIA- CARDIN, to introduce the Girls Leader- States. I believe our Nation can and ship, Engagement, and Advocacy in De- must continue its leadership role in TION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NA- velopment, or Girls LEAD, Act. Our empowering women and girls world- TIONS AND TO ADVANCING THE legislation would support and expand wide, and turning more attention to POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES civic engagement and political leader- the civic engagement of adolescent IN THE INDO-PACIFIC REGION ship of adolescent girls around the girls will help advance that mission. Mr. MERKLEY (for himself, Mr. world. I urge my colleagues to join me and MARKEY, Mr. GARDNER, Ms. HIRONO, Despite comprising over 50 percent of Senator CARDIN in supporting the Girls Mr. YOUNG, and Ms. DUCKWORTH) sub- the world’s population, women are LEAD Act, which will help to improve mitted the following resolution; which underrepresented at all levels of public and create a more secure world now was referred to the Committee on For- sector decision-making. Recently, Con- and in the future. eign Relations.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.032 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6339

S. RES. 392 Resolved, That the Senate— since the initial arrival of Sikhs in the Whereas the Young Southeast Asian Lead- (1) celebrates the partnership of the United United States in the late 1800s; ers Initiative (YSEALI) was created in 2013 States with young leaders in Southeast Asia; Whereas Sikhs of the United States pursue to build a cadre of emerging leaders in mem- (2) recognizes the importance of the Young diverse professions that add to the social, ber states of the Association of Southeast Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative cultural, and economic vibrancy of the Asian Nations (ASEAN) with the goal of fos- (YSEALI) in— United States, including— tering regional cooperation and partnership (A) advancing the soft power of the United (1) by serving as members of the Armed with the United States; States in Southeast Asia; and Forces; and Whereas YSEALI is composed of influen- (B) promoting human rights, democracy, (2) by making significant contributions to tial young leaders who are between 18 and 35 and good governance in the Indo-Pacific re- agriculture, information technology, other years of age from ASEAN countries (Brunei, gion; technology, small businesses, the hospitality Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malay- (3) emphasizes the key role of YSEALI in— industry, trucking, and medicine; sia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, (A) strengthening the relationship of the Whereas Sikhs of the United States served and Vietnam) and Timor-Leste who are mak- United States with the member states of the in the United States military during the ing a difference in their communities, coun- Association of Southeast Asian Nations World Wars; tries, and the region; (ASEAN); and Whereas Sikhs stand for— Whereas 65 percent of the population of the (B) elevating the profile and standing of (1) equality of gender; ASEAN region is under 35 years of age, and the United States as a main partner in the (2) equality of race; and these 400,000,000 youth will determine the fu- region; (3) freedom of faith; ture of the region for decades to come; (4) stresses the importance of YSEALI in Whereas Hoosier Sikhs are 1 of the fastest Whereas YSEALI aims to further strength- building leadership capacity among civil so- growing business communities in Indiana; en the enduring partnership between the ciety in ASEAN member states and across Whereas Sikhs of the United States distin- United States and ASEAN; Southeast Asia; and guish themselves by fostering respect among Whereas YSEALI encourages its leaders to (5) encourages the Department of State to all people through faith and service; partner with each other and the United promote the YSEALI program to the max- Whereas Sikhism preaches a message of de- States Government to address common chal- imum extent possible as a valuable tool to votion, truthful living, equality of mankind, lenges, including economic growth, sustain- advance mutually beneficial cooperation and social justice; able development, education, and civic en- with partners in the Indo-Pacific region. Whereas the Senate is committed to pro- gagement; viding education to the people of the United f Whereas YSEALI academic and profes- States about— sional exchange programs in the United SENATE RESOLUTION 393—RECOG- (1) the religions of the world; States allow visiting leaders to experience (2) the value of religious diversity; NIZING THE HISTORICAL, CUL- (3) tolerance grounded in the principles of the culture and values of the United States TURAL, AND RELIGIOUS SIGNIFI- first-hand, while establishing personal and the First Amendment to the Constitution of professional ties to experts, institutions, or- CANCE OF THE 550TH BIRTHDAY the United States; ganizations, companies, and local govern- OF GURU NANAK AND THE CON- (4) a culture of mutual understanding; and ments in the United States; TRIBUTIONS AND SACRIFICES (5) the importance of reducing violence; Whereas YSEALI exchange visitors, upon MADE BY SIKHS OF THE UNITED and returning to their countries, help promote a STATES Whereas the Senate seeks to further diver- positive understanding of the United States; sity in the Senate community and afford all Whereas YSEALI allows United States ex- Mr. YOUNG (for himself and Mr. people of the United States the opportunity perts to visit ASEAN countries to share CARDIN) submitted the following reso- to better understand, recognize, and appre- their expertise and work with YSEALI alum- lution; which was referred to the Com- ciate the rich history and shared experiences ni on projects that advance common goals; mittee on the Judiciary. of Sikhs of the United States: Now, there- fore, be it Whereas YSEALI programs in the Indo-Pa- S. RES. 393 cific region build the capacity of civil soci- Resolved, That the Senate— ety in the fields of human rights, good gov- Whereas Sikhs have been living in the (1) recognizes— ernance, anti-corruption and transparency, United States for more than 120 years; (A) the historical, cultural, and religious social entrepreneurship, and media literacy, Whereas, during the early 20th century, significance of the 550th birthday of Guru which are key to the Indo-Pacific efforts of thousands of Sikhs of the United States Nanak; the United States Government; worked on farms, in lumber mills and mines, (B) the contributions and sacrifices made Whereas YSEALI programming increases and on the Oregon, Pacific, and Eastern Rail- by Sikhs of the United States; and the visibility of the United States in the road; (C) the discrimination that Sikhs of the Indo-Pacific region; Whereas Sikhism is a monotheistic reli- United States have faced in the United Whereas, in 5 years, YSEALI has grown gion and the fifth largest religion in the States and around the world; and into a thriving community of more than world, with— (2) expresses respect for all Sikhs who 5,000 alumni and more than 140,000 virtual (1) more than 25,000,000 Sikhs worldwide; practice their faith. network participants; and f Whereas YSEALI alumni are already dis- (2) almost 1,000,000 Sikhs in the United tinguishing themselves as influential gov- States; SENATE RESOLUTION 394—HON- ernment officials, entrepreneurs, human Whereas 2019 is the year of the 550th birth- ORING THE MEMBERS OF THE rights activists, journalists, social entre- day of Guru Nanak, the first of 10 gurus and MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE preneurs, and educators; founders of Sikhism; COMMUNITY WHO CARRIED OUT Whereas outstanding YSEALI alumni in- Whereas the Gurpurab of Guru Nanak— THE MISSION THAT KILLED ABU (1) is 1 of the most important dates on the clude 2 Malaysian cabinet ministers and a BAKR AL-BAGHDADI, AND FOR Pulitzer Prize-winning Burmese journalist Sikh calendar; and imprisoned for investigating human rights (2) is celebrated across the United States OTHER PURPOSES violations against the Rohingya; and worldwide; Mr. COTTON (for himself, Mr. GRA- Whereas YSEALI alumni are valuable part- Whereas Vaisakhi, which is 1 of the most HAM, Mr. CRUZ, and Mr. BRAUN) sub- ners to embassies and agencies of the United historically significant days of the year for mitted the following resolution; which Sikhs— States overseas; was considered and agreed to. Whereas the Asia Reassurance Initiative (1) is celebrated on April 14; and Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–409; 132 Stat. 5387) (2) is the day on which Guru Gobind Singh S. RES. 394 (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘ARIA’’) em- Ji, the 10th Guru of Sikhism, created the Whereas the world’s number one wanted phasized the importance of ASEAN to the Warrior Saint tradition of the volunteer sol- terrorist, Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri, United States and supported the elevation of dier known as ‘‘Khalsa’’; also referred to by his nom de guerre Abu the relationship between the United States Whereas the Sikh place of worship is Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed after years of and ASEAN to a strategic partnership; and known as Gurdwara Sahib, and there are relentless pursuit by the United States; Whereas ARIA authorized $25,000,000 to be more than 500 Gurdwaras Sahib across the Whereas President Donald J. Trump stat- appropriated for each of fiscal years 2019 United States; ed, ‘‘Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been through 2023 to support Indo-Pacific young Whereas a hallmark of Sikh values and the top national security priority of my Ad- leaders initiatives, including YSEALI, the tradition is the community kitchen in every ministration,’’ and ‘‘The world is now a ASEAN Youth Volunteers Program, and Gurdwara, known as the ‘‘Langar’’, where much safer place.’’; other people-to-people exchange programs food is served, for free, to all visitors to the Whereas, on October 26, 2019, members of that focus on building the capacity of democ- Gurdwara regardless of faith, religion, or the United States Special Operations Com- racy, human rights, and good governance ac- background; mand flawlessly executed a daring and com- tivists in the Indo-Pacific region: Now, Whereas Sikh men and women have con- plex nighttime raid coordinated with numer- therefore, be it tributed to the society of the United States ous partners to assault the compound in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.044 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was residing, tims of State Sponsored Terrorism Act (34 (3) recommends that health care providers ultimately leading to his demise; U.S.C. 20144) and the creation of the United deliver health services in a clear and com- Whereas Secretary of Defense States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism prehensive manner; and said of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Fund; and (4) encourages all interested parties to pro- ‘‘This is a devastating blow. This is not just Whereas, 40 years after its founding, the Is- mote the importance of health literacy. their leader, it’s their founder. He was an in- lamic Republic of Iran continues to promul- spirational leader in many ways. He formed gate a culture of fear, oppression, and vio- f ISIS in 2014, he led to establishing the phys- lence as one of the leading state sponsors of SENATE RESOLUTION 397—CELE- ical caliphate throughout the region, so this terrorism: Now, therefore, be it BRATING THE 25TH ANNIVER- is a major blow to them.’’; and Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas, although all members of the raid (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the SARY OF THE PASSAGE OF THE force were able to return to a safe location Iran Hostage Crisis; MIKE MANSFIELD FELLOWSHIP following the operation, two service mem- (2) honors the suffering of the Iran Hos- ACT CREATING THE MIKE MANS- bers suffered minor injuries and one military tages and their families during the Iran Hos- FIELD FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM tage Crisis, as well as the sacrifices made by working dog was also injured: Now, there- Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mr. fore, be it those who attempted to rescue the hostages; Resolved, That the Senate— and DAINES) submitted the following reso- (1) declares that the death of Abu Bakr al- (3) supports the designation of a national lution; which was referred to the Com- Baghdadi represents a measure of justice and day of remembrance on November 4, 2019, for mittee on Foreign Relations. relief for the innumerable victims of ISIS; the Iran Hostage Crisis. S. RES. 397 (2) commends the men and women and f Whereas the distinguished tenure of Mike military working dogs of the United States SENATE RESOLUTION 396—DESIG- Mansfield as Majority Leader of the Senate Armed Forces and the United States intel- spanned 16 years, making him the longest ligence community for their flawless plan NATING OCTOBER 2019 AS ‘‘NA- serving Majority Leader in the history of the and execution to capture or kill the ISIS TIONAL HEALTH LITERACY Senate; leader; MONTH’’ Whereas Mike Mansfield served as the (3) commends the President for ordering United States Ambassador to Japan from the successful operation to locate and elimi- Mr. MURPHY (for himself, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. 1977 to 1988, the longest tenure of any United nate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; States ambassador anywhere in the world; (4) recognizes the support from our allies SCOTT of South Carolina) submitted the following resolution; which was re- Whereas, while serving as Ambassador, and partners, including the Syrian Kurds, for Mike Mansfield was fond of reminding the assisting with executing this daring raid; ferred to the Committee on the Judici- people of the United States and Japan that and ary. the ‘‘U.S.-Japan relationship is the most im- (5) reaffirms its commitment to disrupting, S. RES. 396 portant bilateral relationship in the world, dismantling, and defeating ISIS and affili- Whereas health literacy is the degree to bar none’’; ated radical Islamic terrorist organizations which individuals can obtain and understand Whereas, in 1994, through the Mike Mans- around the world that threaten United basic health information in order to make field Fellowship Act (Public Law 103–236; 108 States national security, eliminating safe informed health decisions; Stat. 428), Congress authorized the Mike havens for terrorists, and bringing terrorists Whereas, according to the latest national Mansfield Fellowship Program to build a to justice. assessment of health literacy, a majority of corps of Federal Government employees (in f adults have intermediate health literacy, this preamble referred to as ‘‘Mansfield Fel- SENATE RESOLUTION 395—RECOG- while more than 75,000,000 adults have basic lows’’) knowledgeable about the language, culture, economy, and politics of Japan, so NIZING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY or below basic health literacy; Whereas language and cultural differences as to enhance mutual cooperation and under- OF THE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS, can affect health literacy and thereby lower standing between the United States and AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES effective health communication between pro- Japan; Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. viders and patients; Whereas the Bureau of Educational and BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. LEAHY) sub- Whereas, according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Department of State mitted the following resolution; which Healthcare Research and Quality, low health provides financial support to make possible was referred to the Committee on For- literacy is associated with higher rates of the deployment of Mansfield Fellows and their families to Japan, and the Government eign Relations. emergency care use, increased hospitaliza- tions, and, among seniors, higher mortality; of Japan provides generous in-kind support, S. RES. 395 Whereas the Agency for Healthcare Re- including a 2-month home-stay and language Whereas, on November 4, 1979, 66 United search and Quality also found that low training; States diplomats, military personnel, and ci- health literacy can be associated with a lack Whereas the first cohort of Mansfield Fel- vilians were taken hostage from the United of medication adherence; lows, recruited from across the Federal Gov- States Embassy in Tehran by the Govern- Whereas experts estimate that the annual ernment, began their service in Japan on ment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in what cost of low health literacy to the United September 1, 1996; became known as the Iran Hostage Crisis; States economy is between $106,000,000,000 Whereas the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Whereas 13 of the 66 American hostages and $238,000,000,000; Program has created a robust network of of- were released by November 20, 1979; Whereas mental health literacy may lead ficials from the Governments of the United Whereas 8 members of the United States to better outcomes for individuals with men- States and Japan with deep understanding of Armed Forces died in an attempt to rescue tal disorders, particularly individuals with the economic, political, and strategic dimen- the hostages on April 25, 1980; suicidal ideation, either by facilitating early sions of the United States-Japan relation- Whereas another American hostage was re- help-seeking by those individuals or helping ship who work together to advance the mu- leased on July 11, 1980, after 250 days in cap- others identify early signs of mental dis- tual interests of the United States and tivity; orders and seek help on behalf of those indi- Japan; Whereas, after 444 days in captivity, the re- viduals; Whereas Mansfield Fellows have served in maining 52 hostages were released on Janu- Whereas health literacy can assist in pre- 52 ministries and agencies of the Govern- ary 20, 1981, with the signing of the Algiers venting disease and illness, increasing life ment of Japan, dozens of Diet offices, and Accords; expectancy, improving patient care and out- more than a dozen private sector companies Whereas the Iran Hostages were subjected comes, and reducing health care costs; and nongovernmental organizations in to mock executions and other forms of phys- Whereas, in 2010, the Department of Health Japan; ical and emotional torture at the hands of and Human Services issued a National Ac- Whereas alumni of the Mike Mansfield Fel- the Government of the Islamic Republic of tion Plan to Improve Health Literacy that lowship Program are currently employed Iran; establishes 7 goals; and throughout the Federal Government, includ- Whereas the Iran Hostages and their fami- Whereas advocacy organizations have rec- ing the House of Representatives and the lies still suffer from the events of the Iran ognized the month of October as ‘‘National Senate, the Departments of State, Com- Hostage Crisis; Health Literacy Month’’ to increase aware- merce, Defense, Energy, Transportation, and Whereas the Algiers Accords prevented the ness about the importance of making health the Treasury, the Office of the United States Iran Hostages from taking legal action to information easy to understand: Now, there- Trade Representative, the Federal Aviation pursue compensation from the Islamic Re- fore, be it Administration, and the Federal Bureau of public of Iran for their time in captivity; Resolved, That the Senate— Investigation, as well as serving in the Whereas many of the Iran Hostages and (1) designates October 2019 as ‘‘National Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps; their families finally became eligible to re- Health Literacy Month’’; Whereas, every day, Mansfield Fellows are ceive compensation through the enactment (2) encourages individuals to assess and im- drawing on their experience to enhance in 2015 of the Justice for United States Vic- prove their health knowledge and literacy; United States-Japan bilateral relations and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.044 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6341 to strengthen United States-Japan coopera- Whereas, in the early 1900s, demand for Mr. THUNE, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BRAUN, tion around the world to tackle common peanuts grew due to advances in harvesting Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. INHOFE, Mrs. HYDE- global challenges; and production methods that made peanuts SMITH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Ms. Whereas, on April 29, 2015, the Prime Min- and peanut products more easily available; SMITH) submitted the following resolu- ister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, declared before a Whereas Dr. Carver recommended peanuts Joint Session of the United States Congress as a crop to rival the top commercial posi- tion; which was considered and agreed that the United States and Japan have tion of Southern cotton, following the near to: forged ‘‘an alliance of hope’’ resting on a destruction of the cotton crop due to the boll S. RES. 399 foundation of shared democratic values and weevil; Whereas on May 9, 2016, the North Amer- common interests; and Whereas, in 1938, the first National Peanut ican bison was adopted as the national mam- Whereas the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Festival was held in Dothan, Alabama; mal of the United States; Program has been a cornerstone of United Whereas, as a result of his instrumental Whereas bison are considered a historical States-Japan cooperation and has made im- work in promoting the peanut in the symbol of the United States; portant contributions to strengthening secu- Wiregrass area of the State of Alabama, Dr. Whereas bison were integrally linked with rity, economic, and cultural ties between the Carver was invited to serve as the first guest the economic and spiritual lives of many In- 2 allies: Now, therefore, be it speaker at the National Peanut Festival; dian Tribes through trade and sacred cere- Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas 2 awards were established at the monies; (1) celebrates the 25th anniversary of the first National Peanut Festival— Whereas there are more than 60 Indian passage of the Mike Mansfield Fellowship (1) the Miss Peanut Award, first won by Act (Public Law 103–236; 108 Stat. 428) cre- Tribes participating in the InterTribal Buf- Elizabeth Johnson from Headland, Alabama; falo Council, which is a Tribal organization ating the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Pro- and gram; incorporated pursuant to section 17 of the (2) the Volunteer of the Year Award, Act of June 18, 1934 (commonly known as the (2) remembers the contributions of Senator named in honor of the first president of the Mike Mansfield and his wife Maureen to the ‘‘Indian Reorganization Act’’) (25 U.S.C. National Peanut Festival, Harry P. Hall, and 5124); United States Senate and to the United awarded annually since its establishment; States-Japan alliance; Whereas numerous members of Indian (3) thanks more than 150 alumni of the Whereas the National Peanut Festival has Tribes are involved in bison restoration on Mike Mansfield Fellowship Program for become an established event over the past 81 Tribal land; bringing the expertise garnered during their years and became a nonprofit organization in Whereas members of Indian Tribes have a time in Japan back to the United States 1952 through a resolution passed by the local combined herd of bison on more than Government to advance the interests of the chamber of commerce; 1,000,000 acres of Tribal land; United States; Whereas, in 1996, the statue of Dr. Carver Whereas bison can play an important role (4) conveys its appreciation to the people in Dothan, Alabama, was dedicated to honor in improving the types of grasses found in of Japan for the warm welcome they have the famed peanut pioneer and first guest landscapes to the benefit of grasslands; given to each class of Mansfield Fellows; speaker at the National Peanut Festival; Whereas bison hold significant economic (5) commends the Government of Japan for Whereas, in 2010, the National Peanut Fes- value for private producers and rural com- opening its doors to Mansfield Fellows and tival moved to its current location at the munities; for providing steadfast and generous support fairgrounds on US Highway 231 South in Whereas, as of 2017, the Department of Ag- to the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Program; Dothan, Alabama; riculture estimates that 182,780 head of bison and Whereas peanuts remain a significant cash were under the stewardship of private pro- (6) encourages the Bureau of Educational crop grown in the United States that is val- ducers, creating jobs and contributing to the and Cultural Affairs of the Department of ued at more than $1,000,000,000 per year; food security of the United States by pro- State and the Government of Japan to sus- Whereas children and adults in the United viding a sustainable and healthy meat tain their support for the Mike Mansfield States consume an average of 6 pounds of source; Fellowship Program, which in turn strength- peanut products, including snack nuts and Whereas a bison has been depicted on the ens the ‘‘alliance of hope’’ and the important candy, per person each year; official seal of the Department of the Inte- work of the program to further peace, sta- Whereas, each year, individuals in the rior since 1912; bility, and prosperity in the world. United States consume approximately Whereas a bison is portrayed on 2 State 133,000,000 metric tons of peanut oil, a high- flags; f quality cooking oil; Whereas the bison has been adopted by 3 SENATE RESOLUTION 398—RECOG- Whereas approximately half of all peanuts States as the official mammal or animal of NIZING THE NATIONAL PEANUT grown in the United States originate within those States; FESTIVAL HELD ANNUALLY IN a 100-mile radius of Dothan, Alabama; and Whereas the nickel played an im- Whereas, in 2018, peanut farmers in Ala- portant role in modernizing the currency of DOTHAN, ALABAMA, AND THE bama, of which there are close to 900— the United States; IMPORTANCE OF THE PEANUT (1) produced runner peanuts, the variety of Whereas several sports teams have the INDUSTRY IN THE STATE OF peanut that makes up 80 percent of all pea- bison as a mascot, which highlights the ALABAMA AND THE UNITED nut production in the United States; iconic significance of bison in the United STATES (2) harvested 189,000 acres of peanuts; and States; (3) produced 400,000,000 pounds of peanuts Mr. JONES submitted the following Whereas a small group of ranchers helped valued at approximately $118,000,000: Now, save bison from extinction in the late 1800s resolution; which was referred to the therefore, be it by gathering the remaining bison of the di- Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate minished herds; and Forestry: that the National Peanut Festival held in Whereas on December 8, 1905, William S. RES. 398 Dothan, Alabama, is of remarkable impor- Hornaday, Theodore Roosevelt, and others Whereas Dr. George Washington Carver, an tance to the State of Alabama, the United formed the American Bison Society in re- African-American scientist, inventor, educa- States, and the peanut industry due to— sponse to the near extinction of bison in the tor, and former slave— (1) the attendance of approximately 200,000 United States; (1) proposed the planting of peanuts and fairgoers over the course of a 10-day event; Whereas on October 11, 1907, the American soybeans to restore nitrogen to soil left bar- (2) the economic impact of the National Bison Society sent 15 captive-bred bison ren from cotton production; Peanut Festival to the town of Dothan, Ala- from the New York Zoological Park, now (2) invented more than 300 products made bama; and known as the ‘‘Bronx Zoo’’, to the first big from peanuts; and (3) the celebration in the National Peanut game refuge in the United States, now (3) became the first guest speaker in the Festival of one of the most important, use- known as the ‘‘Wichita Mountains Wildlife history of the National Peanut Festival; ful, and well-loved cash crops in the United Refuge’’; Whereas the Incas of Peru began culti- States. Whereas, in 2005, the American Bison Soci- vating peanuts as early as 1500 B.C., and pea- f ety was reestablished, bringing together nuts were spread from South America to bison ranchers, managers from Indian Spain, Asia, and Africa; SENATE RESOLUTION 399—DESIG- Tribes, Federal and State agencies, con- Whereas, in the 1700s, Africans were the NATING NOVEMBER 2, 2019, AS servation organizations, and natural and so- first to introduce peanuts to North Ameri- ‘‘NATIONAL BISON DAY’’ cial scientists from the United States, Can- cans; Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. HEIN- ada, and Mexico to create a vision for the Whereas, beginning in the early 1800s, the North American bison in the 21st century; RICH, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. TESTER, Mr. steady growth of peanut production allowed Whereas there are bison herds in national peanuts to transition from being a food pri- CORNYN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. ROBERTS, wildlife refuges, national parks, and national marily for livestock and the poor to a high- Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ENZI, Mr. UDALL, Mr. forests, and on other Federal land; protein and well-liked source of food for sol- CRAMER, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. MORAN, Mr. Whereas there are bison in State-managed diers during the Civil War; SCHUMER, Mr. ROUNDS, Ms. BALDWIN, herds across 11 States;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.044 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 Whereas private, public, and Tribal bison entrepreneurs to the small business commu- as a result of the Immigration Act of 1990 leaders are working together to continue nity; (Public Law 101–649; 104 Stat. 4978), which bison restoration throughout North Amer- (4) supports and encourages young women was signed into law by President George ica; entrepreneurs to pursue their passions and H.W. Bush on November 29, 1990; Whereas there is a growing effort to cele- create more start-up businesses; Whereas, on February 17, 2009, President brate and officially recognize the historical, (5) recognizes the importance of creating signed into law the American cultural, and economic significance of the policies that promote a business-friendly en- Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub- North American bison to the heritage of the vironment for small business owners that is lic Law 111–5; 123 Stat. 115), which estab- United States; and free of unnecessary and burdensome regula- lished the Filipino Veterans Equity Com- Whereas members of Indian Tribes, bison tions and red tape; and pensation Fund to compensate Filipino producers, conservationists, sportsmen, edu- (6) supports efforts to— World War II veterans for their service to the cators, and other public and private partners (A) encourage consumers to shop locally; United States; have celebrated the annual National Bison and Whereas, since June 8, 2016, the Filipino Day since 2012 and are committed to con- (B) increase awareness of the value of lo- World War II Veterans Parole Program has tinuing this tradition annually on the first cally-owned small businesses and the impact allowed Filipino World War II veterans and Saturday of November: Now, therefore, be it of women-owned small businesses on the certain family members to be reunited more Resolved, That the Senate— economy of the United States. expeditiously than the immigrant visa proc- (1) designates November 2, 2019, the first f ess allowed at that time, but, on August 2, Saturday of November, as ‘‘National Bison 2019, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Day’’; and SENATE RESOLUTION 401—RECOG- Services announced its intention to termi- (2) encourages the people of the United NIZING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER nate the program; States to observe the day with appropriate 2019 AS FILIPINO AMERICAN HIS- Whereas, on December 14, 2016, President ceremonies and activities. TORY MONTH AND CELEBRATING Barack Obama signed into law the Filipino f THE HISTORY AND CULTURE OF Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–265; 130 SENATE RESOLUTION 400—RECOG- FILIPINO AMERICANS AND THEIR IMMENSE CONTRIBUTIONS TO Stat. 1376) to award Filipino veterans who NIZING OCTOBER 2019 AS ‘‘NA- fought alongside troops of the United States TIONAL WOMEN’S SMALL BUSI- THE UNITED STATES in World War II the highest civilian honor NESS MONTH’’ Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Ms. MUR- bestowed by Congress; Whereas, on October 25, 2017, the Congres- Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. CARDIN, KOWSKI, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CANTWELL, sional Gold Medal was presented to Filipino Mr. BRAUN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. GRASS- Mr. CARDIN, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. World War II veterans in Emancipation Hall LEY, Mr. COONS, Mr. RISCH, Ms. HIRONO, DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. HARRIS, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLO- in the Capitol Building, a recognition for Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mrs. which the veterans had waited for more than BUCHAR, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. MURRAY, CAPITO, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SCOTT of Flor- 70 years; ida, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. VAN HOL- Whereas Filipino Americans have received WYDEN, Mr. CRAPO, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, LEN, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. SANDERS) the Congressional Medal of Honor, the high- Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. KING, Ms. COLLINS, submitted the following resolution; est award for valor in action against an Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. which was considered and agreed to: enemy force that may be bestowed on an in- SINEMA, Mrs. FISCHER, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. S. RES. 401 dividual serving in the Armed Forces, and continue to demonstrate a commendable SCOTT of South Carolina, Mr. YOUNG, Whereas the earliest documented Filipino sense of patriotism and honor in the Armed Ms. ERNST, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. ROBERTS, presence in the continental United States Forces; Mr. DAINES, Mr. WICKER, Mr. ROMNEY, was October 18, 1587, when the first ‘‘Luzones Indios’’ arrived in Morro Bay, California, on Whereas the late Thelma Garcia Mr. ENZI, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ALEXANDER, board the Nuestra Sen˜ ora de Esperanza, a Buchholdt, born in Claveria, Cagayan, on the Mr. HAWLEY, Mr. LANKFORD, Mrs. Manila-built galleon ship; island of Luzon in the Philippines— HYDE-SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. PETERS, Whereas the Filipino American National (1) moved with her family to Alaska in Mr. HOEVEN, and Ms. MCSALLY) sub- Historical Society recognizes 1763 as the year 1965; mitted the following resolution; which in which the first permanent Filipino settle- (2) was elected to the House of Representa- was considered and agreed to: ment in the United States was established in tives of Alaska in 1974; S. RES. 400 St. Malo, Louisiana; (3) was the first Filipino woman elected to a State legislature; and Whereas the National Women’s Business Whereas the recognition of the first perma- (4) authored a comprehensive history book Council has declared October 2019 ‘‘National nent Filipino settlement in the United entitled ‘‘Filipinos in Alaska: 1788–1958’’; Women’s Small Business Month’’; States adds a new perspective to the history Whereas Filipino American farmworkers Whereas there are more than 12,900,000 of the United States by bringing attention to and labor leaders, such as Philip Vera Cruz women-owned small businesses in the United the economic, cultural, social, and other no- and Larry Itliong, played an integral role in States; table contributions made by Filipino Ameri- the multiethnic United Farm Workers move- Whereas women-owned small businesses cans to the development of the United ment, alongside Cesar Cha´ vez, Dolores generate $1,900,000,000,000 in total receipts, States; Huerta, and other Latino workers; which is a 21 percent increase since 2014; Whereas the Filipino American community Whereas Filipino Americans play an inte- Whereas the growth rate for women-owned is the third largest Asian American and Pa- gral role in the healthcare system of the employer firms is more than double the cific Islander group in the United States, United States as nurses, doctors, and other growth rate of all other small businesses; with a population of approximately 4,000,000; medical professionals; Whereas, in comparison to 2014, there are Whereas, from the Civil War to the Iraq Whereas Filipino Americans have contrib- nearly 2,250,000 additional women-owned em- and Afghanistan conflicts, Filipinos and Fili- uted greatly to music, dance, literature, edu- ployer firms and nearly 700,000 additional pino Americans have a longstanding history cation, business, journalism, sports, fashion, jobs; of serving in the Armed Forces of the United politics, government, science, technology, Whereas Congress continues to support the States; the fine arts, and other fields that enrich the National Women’s Business Council and its Whereas more than 250,000 Filipinos fought United States; focus on alleviating obstacles women face as under the United States flag during World Whereas, as mandated in the mission state- business owners and entrepreneurs; War II to protect and defend the United ment of the Filipino American National His- Whereas the celebration of ‘‘National States in the Pacific theater; torical Society, efforts should continue to Women’s Small Business Month’’ would— Whereas a guarantee to pay back the serv- (1) honor women small business owners and ice of Filipinos through veterans benefits promote the study of Filipino American his- women entrepreneurs; and was reversed by the First Supplemental Sur- tory and culture because the roles of Filipino (2) recognize the significance of the con- plus Appropriation Rescission Act, 1946 (Pub- Americans and other people of color have tributions of women to the small business lic Law 79–301; 60 Stat. 6) and the Second largely been overlooked in the writing, community: Now, therefore, be it Supplemental Surplus Appropriation Rescis- teaching, and learning of the history of the Resolved, That the Senate— sion Act, 1946 (Public Law 79–391; 60 Stat. United States; (1) recognizes October 2019 as ‘‘National 221), which provided that the wartime service Whereas it is imperative for Filipino Women’s Small Business Month’’; of members of the Commonwealth Army of American youth to have positive role models (2) honors the vital role of women small the Philippines and the new Philippine to instill— business owners and women entrepreneurs in Scouts shall not be deemed to have been ac- (1) the significance of education, com- the United States during ‘‘National Women’s tive service and, therefore, those members plemented by the richness of Filipino Amer- Small Business Month’’; did not qualify for certain benefits; ican ethnicity; and (3) recognizes the significant contributions Whereas 26,000 Filipino World War II vet- (2) the value of the Filipino American leg- of women small business owners and women erans were granted United States citizenship acy; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.045 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6343 Whereas it is essential to promote the un- Whereas, in 1979, Toni Morrison was award- Whereas, in 1993, Toni Morrison— derstanding, education, and appreciation of ed the Barnard Medal of Distinction from (1) received the honor of Commandeur de the history and culture of Filipino Ameri- Barnard College in New York City; l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, a prestigious cans in the United States: Now, therefore, be Whereas, from 1979 to 1980, Toni Morrison award for distinguished contributions to it was a Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at French and world culture; Resolved, That the Senate— Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New (2) became the first African-American (1) recognizes the celebration of Filipino York; woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature American History Month in October 2019 as— Whereas, in 1980, Toni Morrison was ap- for being an author ‘‘who in novels charac- (A) a testament to the advancement of Fil- pointed by President Jimmy Carter to serve terized by visionary force and poetic import, ipino Americans; on the National Council on the Arts, a posi- gives life to an essential aspect of American (B) a time to reflect on and remember the tion Morrison held through 1987; reality’’; many notable contributions that Filipino Whereas, in 1981— (3) wrote the lyrics for the song cycle Americans have made to the United States; (1) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Tar Baby’’ ‘‘Honey and Rue’’ with composer Andre´ and by Toni Morrison; and Previn for Kathleen Battle, a work commis- (C) a time to renew efforts toward the re- (2) Toni Morrison— sioned by Carnegie Hall; and search and examination of history and cul- (A) was elected to the American Acad- (4) founded the Princeton Atelier, a studio ture so as to provide an opportunity for all emy of Arts and Letters; and arts program at Princeton University that people of the United States to learn more (B) received the Langston Hughes Award brings together students and visiting artists about Filipino Americans and to appreciate from the City College of New York in New to explore the collaborative creative process; the historic contributions of Filipino Ameri- York City; Whereas, in 1994, Toni Morrison— cans to the United States; and Whereas, in 1983, ‘‘Recitatif’’, the only (1) received— (2) urges the people of the United States to short story by Toni Morrison, was published (A) the Condorcet Medal from the Ecole observe Filipino American History Month in ‘‘Confirmations: An Anthology of African Normale Supe´rierue in Paris, France; and with appropriate programs and activities. American Women Writers’’; (B) the Pearl Buck Award from the Pearl Whereas, from 1983 to 1984, Toni Morrison Buck Foundation; f was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at (2) held the International Condorcet Chair SENATE RESOLUTION 402—HON- Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New at the Ecole Normale Supe´rieure and the ORING THE LIFE, WORK, AND Jersey; College de France in Paris, France; and LEGACY OF TONI MORRISON Whereas, from 1984 to 1989, Toni Morrison (3) wrote lyrics for ‘‘Four Songs’’ with was the Schweitzer Professor of the Human- composer Andre´ Previn, which was per- Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. ities, College of the Humanities and Fine formed by Sylvia McNair at Carnegie Hall; PORTMAN) submitted the following res- Arts, at State University of New York in Al- Whereas, in 1996, Toni Morrison— olution; which was considered and bany, New York; (1) was awarded the National Book Foun- agreed to: Whereas, in 1985, Toni Morrison joined the dation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters in New York City; S. RES. 402 board of trustees of the New York Public Li- brary; (2) was named the Jefferson Lecturer in Whereas Toni Morrison, born Chloe Ardelia Whereas, in 1986, Toni Morrison wrote the Humanities by the National Endowment Wofford on February 18, 1931, in Lorain, ‘‘Dreaming Emmett’’, an unpublished play for the Humanities; and Ohio, to George Wofford and Ramah Willis commissioned by the New York State Writ- (3) delivered the keynote address at the Wofford, was a pioneering novelist, writer, ers Institute, for which Morrison received 250th Anniversary Convocation of Princeton editor, and professor; the New York State ’s Arts Award University; Whereas Toni Morrison graduated from Lo- the same year; Whereas, in 1997, Toni Morrison— rain High School in Lorain, Ohio, with hon- Whereas, in 1987, Knopf published the novel (1) co-edited ‘‘Birth of a Nation’hood: Gaze, ors in 1949; ‘‘Beloved’’ by Toni Morrison, a portrait of a Script, and Spectacle in the O.J. Simpson Whereas, in 1953, Toni Morrison graduated woman haunted by the legacy of slavery in Case’’, a collection of essays on the O.J. from Howard University in Washington, post-Civil War Ohio, for which Morrison re- Simpson case published by Pantheon; and D.C., with a bachelor of arts degree in ceived the Anisfield Wolf Book Award in (2) wrote the lyrics for ‘‘Sweet Talk’’ with English and a minor in Classics; Race Relations in 1988; composer Richard Danielpour, which was Whereas, in 1955, Toni Morrison graduated Whereas, in 1988, Toni Morrison— performed by Jessye Norman at Carnegie from Cornell University in Ithaca, New (1) won the Pulitzer Prize for ‘‘Beloved’’; Hall; York, with a master of arts degree in (2) received, for ‘‘Beloved’’— Whereas, from 1997 to 2003, Toni Morrison English; (A) the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award; was the A.D. White Professor-At-Large at Whereas, in 1955, Toni Morrison became a (B) the Melcher Book Award; and Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; professor at Texas Southern University in (C) the Elmer Holmes Bobst Award for Whereas, in 1998— Houston, Texas; Fiction; (1) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Paradise’’ Whereas, from 1957 to 1964, Toni Morrison (3) received the Ohioana Career Medal by Toni Morrison; and taught at Howard University in Washington, Award; and (2) Toni Morrison wrote the lyrics for D.C.; (4) delivered the Robert C. Tanner Lecture ‘‘Spirits in the Well’’ with composer Richard Whereas, from 1965 to 1968, Toni Morrison on Human Values at the University of Michi- Danielpour, which was performed by Jessye was a senior editor with textbook publisher gan; Norman at Avery Fisher Hall; L.W. Singer in Syracuse, New York; Whereas, from 1989 to 2006, Toni Morrison Whereas, in 1998— Whereas, from 1968 to 1983, Toni Morrison was the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the (1) the audio book ‘‘Beloved’’, which was was the first African-American woman sen- Council of the Humanities at Princeton Uni- recorded by Toni Morrison, received a ior editor in the history of Random House, versity in Princeton, New Jersey, where she Grammy nomination for Best Spoken Word Inc., in New York City; was recognized with emeritus status in 2006; Album; and Whereas, in 1970, Holt, Rhinehart and Win- Whereas, in 1990, Toni Morrison delivered— (2) Toni Morrison delivered— ston published ‘‘The Bluest Eye’’, the first (1) the Massey Lectures at Harvard Univer- (A) the Moffitt Lecture at Princeton Uni- novel by Toni Morrison; sity; versity; and Whereas, in 1973, Knopf published the novel (2) the first Chazen Lecture at the Univer- (B) the Berliner Lektionen at the The- ‘‘Sula’’ by Toni Morrison; sity of Wisconsin; ater Berlin; Whereas, in 1975, Toni Morrison received (3) a Charter Lecture at the University of Whereas, in 1999, Toni Morrison— the Ohioana Book Award for ‘‘Sula’’, which Georgia; and (1) received the Ohioana Book Award for was also nominated for the American Book (4) the Clark Lectures at Trinity College in Fiction; and Award; Cambridge, England; (2) co-authored with her son, Slade Morri- Whereas, from 1975 to 1977, Toni Morrison Whereas, in 1991, Toni Morrison was award- son, ‘‘The Big Box’’, which was published by was a visiting professor at in ed the Rosenberger Medal at the University Hyperion; New Haven, Connecticut; of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois; Whereas, in 2000, Toni Morrison— Whereas, in 1977, Knopf published the novel Whereas, in 1992— (1) wrote the lyrics for ‘‘woman.life.song’’ ‘‘Song of Solomon’’ by Toni Morrison, which (1) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Jazz’’ by with composer Judith Weir, which was per- was chosen as a Book-of-the-Month selection Toni Morrison; formed by Jessye Norman at Carnegie Hall; the same year; (2) Pantheon published ‘‘Race-ing Justice, and Whereas, in 1978, Toni Morrison received, En-gendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, (2) was awarded the National Humanities for ‘‘Song of Solomon’’— Clarence Thomas, and the Construction of Medal; (1) the National Book Critics Circle Award; Social Reality’’, a collection edited by Toni Whereas, in 2001, Toni Morrison— (2) the American Academy and Institute of Morrison; and (1) received— Arts and Letters Award; (3) Harvard University Press published (A) the Pell Award for Lifetime Achieve- (3) the Oscar Micheaux Award; and ‘‘Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Lit- ment in the Arts; and (4) the Cleveland Arts Prize for Literature; erary Imagination’’ by Toni Morrison; (B) the Cavore Prize in Turin, Italy;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.045 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019

(2) was honored at the Fete du Livre orga- (1) Toni Morrison was the Charles E. Nor- S. RES. 403 nized by Les Ecritures Croise´es at the Cite´ ton Professor at Harvard University in Cam- Whereas farm to school programs of vary- du Livre in Aix-en-Provence, France; and bridge, Massachusetts; ing scale operate in nearly 43,000 schools (3) delivered a lecture at a lecture series (2) the American Academy of Arts and across the United States; sponsored by the Secretary Sciences awarded Toni Morrison the Emer- Whereas farm to school programs connect General; son-Thoreau Medal for ‘‘her distinguished schools and local farms in order to— Whereas, in 2002, Toni Morrison— achievement in the field of literature’’; and (1) serve nutritious meals in school cafe- (1) delivered the Alexander Lectures at the (3) Toni Morrison received the PEN/Saul terias; and University of Toronto; and Bellow Award for Achievement in American (2) support local farmers, ranchers, and (2) wrote the libretto for ‘‘Margaret Gar- Fiction; fishermen; ner’’ with composer Richard Danielpour, an Whereas, in 2017— Whereas farm to school programs include opera that was co-commissioned by— (1) Harvard University Press published experiential education components that can (A) the Michigan Opera Theatre; ‘‘The Origin of Others’’ by Toni Morrison, lead to permanent improvements in the diets (B) the Cincinnati Opera; and which was based on the Charles Eliot Norton of children, both in school and at home; (C) the Opera Company of Philadelphia; Lectures presented by Morrison at Harvard Whereas farm to school programs facilitate Whereas, in 2003— University in 2016; the purchase of local food for school meals; (1) Toni Morrison received the Docteur (2) Toni Morrison delivered the keynote Whereas farm to school programs can ben- Honoris Causa from the Ecole Normale address at the Princeton Slavery Project efit small and mid-sized agricultural pro- Supe´rieure in Paris, France; and Symposium; and ducers by providing access to consistent (2) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Love’’ by (3) Princeton University dedicated the markets; Toni Morrison; naming of Morrison Hall in honor of Toni Whereas farm to school programs can be Whereas, in 2004, Toni Morrison— Morrison, who was the Robert F. Goheen (1) delivered the Amnesty International particularly important for beginning or so- Professor in the Humanities, Emeritus, at cially disadvantaged farmers, as schools pro- Lecture in Edinburgh, Scotland; Princeton University; (2) received the ‘‘Arts and Communities’’ vide a consistent and secure customer base; Whereas, in 2019— Whereas farm to school programs can ben- award from the Academy of Culture in Paris, (1) Knopf published ‘‘The Source of Self- France; and efit local economies; Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Whereas for every $1 spent on local foods in (3) received the Image Award for Out- Meditations’’ by Toni Morrison; and standing Literary Work in Fiction from the schools, up to an additional $2 circulates in (2) the American Academy of Arts and Let- the local economy; National Association for the Advancement of ters awarded Toni Morrison a Gold Medal for Colored People; Whereas data from the Centers for Disease distinguished achievement in the field of lit- Control and Prevention shows that only 7 Whereas, in 2005, Toni Morrison— erature; (1) received— percent of children consume the rec- Whereas the invaluable contributions of (A) the Du Bois Medal from the W.E.B. ommended amount of vegetables; Toni Morrison to literature in the United DuBois Institute in Cambridge, Massachu- Whereas communities with high levels of States during a career that spanned more setts; and poverty have less access to fresh fruits and than 5 decades will inform generations of au- (B) the Coretta Scott King Award from vegetables than higher income communities; thors, scholars, teachers, and students in the the American Library Association; and Whereas the increased consumption of United States and around the world; and (2) was awarded a doctor of letters from fresh fruits and vegetables is 1 of 6 major Whereas, on August 5, 2019, at the age of 88, Oxford University in Oxford, England; strategies to prevent and control obesity, ac- Toni Morrison died, leaving a legacy of a vi- Whereas, in 2006— cording to the Centers for Disease Control sionary literature that— (1) the New York Times rated ‘‘Beloved’’ and Prevention; (1) is extraordinary for the freshness of its by Toni Morrison as the ‘‘Best Work of Whereas studies have demonstrated that narrative strategies and procedures; and American Fiction of the Last 25 Years’’; and children in schools with an active farm to (2) Toni Morrison— (2) is dedicated to dramatizing the complex school program increase their average con- (A) through the ‘‘Grand Invite´’’ program humanity and art of Black people: Now, sumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by 1 of the Muse´e du Louvre in Paris, France, therefore, be it or more servings per day; was the Guest Curator of the Muse´e du Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas farm to school programs— Louvre; and (1) extends heartfelt sympathy to the fam- (1) are popular among children; (B) was named a Life Trustee of the New ily of Toni Morrison on the occasion of her (2) can increase interest in school meal York Public Library; death; programs; and Whereas, in 2007, Toni Morrison was award- (2) recognizes Toni Morrison as— (3) can decrease food waste; and ed— (A) one of the most formidable scholars, Whereas October 2019 would be an appro- (1) the Docteur Honoris Causa from the educators, and authors of the United States; priate month to designate as ‘‘National Universite´ Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV in and Farm to School Month’’: Now, therefore, be Paris, France; and (B) a writer of the stature of other great it (2) the Radcliffe Institute Medal from the literary figures of the United States, such Resolved, That the Senate— Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at as— (1) designates October 2019 as ‘‘National Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachu- (i) Nathaniel Hawthorne; Farm to School Month’’; setts; (ii) Ralph Waldo Emerson; (2) recognizes support for policy improve- Whereas, in 2008, Knopf published the novel (iii) Herman Melville; ments to farm to school programs in legisla- ‘‘A Mercy’’ by Toni Morrison; (iv) Walt Whitman; tion reauthorizing child nutrition programs; Whereas, in 2010, Toni Morrison received (v) Mark Twain; and (3) encourages schools and local edu- the Chevalier Ordre National de la L′egion (vi) William Faulkner; cational agencies to use local farm products d’honneur, the highest national order of (3) honors the life of Toni Morrison and the in meals; and merit in France; achievements of Toni Morrison in human- (4) encourages schools, farmers and farm Whereas, in 2011, Toni Morrison wrote the ities and literature; and groups, local businesses, nonprofit institu- play ‘‘Desdemona’’, which premiered in Vi- (4) expresses deep appreciation for the ex- tions, churches, cities, State governments, enna, Austria; ceptional and vital work of Toni Morrison, and other local groups to raise awareness of Whereas, in 2012— including— farm to school efforts in their communities. (A) the vehemence of the work; (1) Toni Morrison delivered the Ingersoll f Lecture at the Harvard Divinity School in (B) the uncensored exploration of race in Cambridge, Massachusetts; the United States that the work presented; SENATE RESOLUTION 404—EX- (2) Knopf published the novel ‘‘Home’’ by and PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Toni Morrison; and (C) the enduring impact the work has had, SENATE THAT THE UNITED (3) President Barack Obama awarded the and will continue to have, on the United States. STATES SHOULD WORK IN CO- Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest OPERATION WITH THE INTER- civilian honor of the United States, to Toni f Morrison for her literary work and legacy as NATIONAL COMMUNITY AND ‘‘one of our nation’s most celebrated novel- SENATE RESOLUTION 403—DESIG- CONTINUE TO EXERCISE GLOBAL ists’’; NATING OCTOBER 2019 AS ‘‘NA- LEADERSHIP TO ADDRESS THE Whereas, in 2014, Toni Morrison received TIONAL FARM TO SCHOOL CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CLI- the Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement MONTH’’ MATE CHANGE, AND FOR OTHER Award from the National Book Critics Cir- PURPOSES cle; Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Ms. COL- Whereas, in 2015, Knopf published the novel LINS, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. PERDUE) sub- Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. COL- ‘‘God Help the Child’’ by Toni Morrison; mitted the following resolution; which LINS, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. Whereas, in 2016— was considered and agreed to: MARKEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. UDALL,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.045 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6345 Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. sions output by 2030 and increase the use of existing problems, such as poverty, social GILLIBRAND, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. REED, Mr. non-fossil fuels to 20 percent of its overall tensions, environmental degradation, inef- COONS, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. energy portfolio by 2030; fectual leadership, and weak political insti- Whereas, under the United States- tutions, that threaten domestic stability in WARREN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. BROWN, Mr. Joint Announcement on Climate and Clean a number of countries; and CARPER, Ms. STABENOW, Ms. HIRONO, Energy of January 2015, the two countries (2) identifies four general areas of climate- Mr. KAINE, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. KLO- pledged to increase cooperation on clean en- related risks: persistently recurring condi- BUCHAR, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. ergy financing and development and India tions such as flooding, drought, and higher MERKLEY, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. SMITH, Mr. committed to phase out use of temperatures; more frequent and more se- VAN HOLLEN, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WAR- hydrofluorocarbons and increase promotion vere extreme weather events; sea level rise NER, and Ms. HASSAN) submitted the of energy efficiency tools and reaffirmed its and temperature changes; and decreases in following resolution; which was re- commitment to add 100 gigawatts of solar ca- Arctic ice cover, type, and thickness; ferred to the Committee on Foreign pacity by 2022; Whereas the Director of National Relations: Whereas small island states, whose people Intelligence’s 2017 Global Trends Report de- are among the most vulnerable to climate termined that— S. RES. 404 change, are threatened with partial or vir- (1) changes in the climate will produce Whereas the consensus among climatolo- tually total inundation by imminent rises in more extreme weather events and put great- gists and scientists studying the effects of sea level and increased intensity and fre- er stress on humans and critical systems, in- atmospheric change, including the Intergov- quency of storms; cluding oceans, freshwater, and biodiversity; ernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Na- Whereas United States international lead- (2) these changes, in turn, will have direct tional Academy of Science, the United ership on the global stage throughout the and indirect social, economic, political, and States Geological Survey, the National Oce- United Nations Framework Convention on security effects; and anic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Change’s 21st Conference of Parties (3) extreme weather can trigger crop fail- (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space process resulted in unprecedented inter- ures, wildfires, energy blackouts, infrastruc- Administration (NASA), and other agencies national cooperation and engagement on the ture breakdown, supply chain breakdowns, within the United States Global Change Re- development of the Paris Agreement; migration, and infectious disease outbreaks, search Program, have determined that the Whereas the Paris Agreement received and will be more pronounced as people con- impact of climate change will include wide- consensus approval from the more than 190 centrate in climate vulnerable locations, spread effects on health and welfare, includ- delegates to the United Nations Framework such as cities, coastal areas, and water- ing increased outbreaks from waterborne dis- Convention on Climate Change’s 21st Con- stressed regions; eases, more droughts, diminished agricul- ference of Parties; Whereas the Department of Agriculture tural production, severe storms and floods, Whereas the Paris Agreement reached its has determined that climate change is likely heat waves, wildfires, and a substantial rise thresholds for entry into force faster than to diminish continued progress on global in global sea levels; any other multilateral international agree- food security through production disruptions Whereas the objective of the 1992 United ment of comparable size and scope; that lead to local availability limitations Nations Framework Convention on Climate Whereas, as of the date of introduction of and price increases, interrupted transport Change (UNFCCC) is to stabilize greenhouse this resolution, 187 of the 197 parties to the conduits, and diminished food safety, among gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a other causes; level that will prevent dangerous human in- Paris Agreement have officially joined the agreement, demonstrating the urgency and Whereas, according to the World Bank, ap- terference with the climate system; proximately 1,600,000,000 people currently Whereas, under the UNFCCC, the United importance the global community places on addressing climate change; live in countries and regions with absolute States is obligated to report its progress on water scarcity and the number is expected to reducing emissions; Whereas studies conducted by the NASA Earth Observatory determined that as the rise to 2,800,000,000 people by 2025 due to the Whereas the Senate provided its advice and effects of climate change; consent to the UNFCCC by division, with oceans have warmed, polar ice has melted and porous landmasses have subsided, global Whereas a 2018 special report of the Inter- two-thirds of Senators present voting in the governmental Panel on Climate Change on affirmative, on October 7, 1992; mean sea level has risen by 8 inches (20 cen- timeters) since 1870, and the rate of sea level the impacts of global warming of 1.5 degrees Whereas, in 2011, at the 17th Conference of Celsius above pre-industrial levels and re- the Parties (COP 17) to the UNFCCC in Dur- rise is faster now than at any time in the past 2,000 years, having doubled in the past lated global greenhouse gas emission path- ban, , parties agreed to nego- ways found with ‘‘high confidence’’, in the tiate an agreement by the end of 2015 to re- two decades, putting 55 to 60 percent of United States citizens who live in counties context of strengthening the global response duce emissions in the post-2020 period; to the threat of climate change, sustainable Whereas the UNFCCC calls on parties to touching the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Great Lakes at risk development, and efforts to eradicate pov- submit intended nationally determined con- erty, that— tributions outlining voluntary individual from the effects of sea level rise; Whereas the Department of Defense has (1) human activities are estimated to have targets for emissions reductions by the time caused approximately 1.0 degree Celsius of parties convened in Paris on November 30, identified climate change as a ‘‘threat multi- plier’’ that will increase global instability global warming above pre-industrial levels, 2015, for the 21st Conference of the Parties with a likely range of 0.8 degrees Celsius to (COP 21) to the UNFCCC; and conflict, with the potential to increase terrorism; 1.2 degrees Celsius; Whereas, prior to completing the multilat- (2) global warming is likely to reach 1.5 de- Whereas the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Re- eral Paris Agreement on international co- grees Celsius between 2030 and 2052 if global view states that ‘‘[t]he impacts of climate operation to address climate change, done at warming continues to increase at the cur- change may increase the frequency, scale, Paris December 12, 2015, 187 nations, rep- rent rate; and resenting more than 97 percent of global and complexity of future missions, including (3) climate-related risks for natural and greenhouse gas emissions, voluntarily sub- defense support to civil authorities, while at human systems are higher for global warm- mitted nationally determined goals and the same time undermining the capacity of ing of 1.5 degrees Celsius than at present, but plans to reduce their greenhouse gas pollu- our domestic installations to support train- lower than at 2 degrees Celsius; and ing activities,’’ and notes that— tion; Whereas the Fourth National Climate As- Whereas, according to research and data (1) climate change may exacerbate water scarcity and lead to sharp increases in food sessment (NCA4) completed in November analysis conducted independently by NOAA, 2018, developed by the United States Global NASA, the Met Office Hadley Centre for Cli- costs; (2) the pressures caused by climate change Change Research Program, in collaboration mate Science and Services of the United will influence resource competition while and cooperation with 13 Federal agencies, Kingdom, the Japan Meteorological Agency, placing additional burdens on economies, so- ‘‘to advance understanding of the changing and Berkeley Earth, each of the years 2014 cieties, and governance institutions around Earth system and maximize efficiencies in through 2018 rank among the five warmest the world; and Federal global change research’’— years on record; (3) these effects are threat multipliers that (1) concludes that— Whereas, according to NASA, 18 of the 19 will aggravate stressors abroad such as pov- (A) the evidence of human-caused cli- warmest years on record have occurred since erty, environmental degradation, political mate change is overwhelming and con- 2000; instability, and social tensions—conditions tinues to strengthen; Whereas, according to NOAA, 2019 will that can enable terrorist activity and other (B) the impacts of climate change are in- likely be the second warmest year on record, forms of violence; tensifying across the United States; making the last six years the warmest years Whereas the Department of Defense report, (C) climate-related threats to the phys- on record; ‘‘National Security Implications of Climate- ical, social, and economic well-being of the Whereas the United States-China Joint An- Related Risks and a Changing Climate’’— United States are rising; and nouncement on Climate Change of November (1) states that global climate change will (D) ‘‘[t]he impacts and costs of climate 2014 included a United States goal to reduce have wide-ranging implications for United change are already being felt in the United its emissions by 26–28 percent below 2005 lev- States national security interests over the States, and changes in the likelihood or se- els by 2025 and a Chinese goal to peak emis- foreseeable future because it will aggravate verity of some recent extreme weather

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.043 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019

events can now be attributed with increas- a stroke, that disrupts the normal function COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, ingly higher confidence to human-caused of the brain often is linked to a lifetime of AND PENSIONS warming’’; and cognitive and behavioral challenges; The Committee on Health, Edu- (2) includes summary findings that— Whereas millions of individuals in the cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- (A) the quality and quantity of water United States struggle with challenges ized to meet during the session of the available for use by people and ecosystems caused by a traumatic brain injury, stroke, across the United States are being affected or mental health conditions; Senate on Thursday, October 31, 2019, by climate change, increasing risks and Whereas hundreds of thousands of members at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing. costs to agriculture, energy production, in- and veterans of the Armed Forces have been COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND dustry, recreation, and the environment; diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS (B) impacts from climate change on ex- millions more have been diagnosed with The Committee on Homeland Secu- treme weather and climate-related events, post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of air quality, and the transmission of disease rity and Governmental Affairs is au- their service, which can lead to persistent thorized to meet during the session of through insects and pests, food, and water challenges for those members and veterans increasingly threaten the health and well- and their families; the Senate on Thursday, October 31, being of the people of the United States, Whereas approximately 1 in 5 people in the 2019, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. particularly vulnerable populations; United States struggle with behavioral COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY (C) climate change increasingly threat- health disorders each year, but a majority of The Committee on the Judiciary is ens the livelihoods, economies, health, and those people do not seek treatment for their cultural identities of indigenous commu- authorized to meet during the session condition, often due to the stigma associated of the Senate on Thursday, October 31, nities by disrupting interconnected social, with doing so; physical, and ecological systems; Whereas early and adequate access to care, 2019, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing (D) the aging and deteriorating infra- such as imaging technology that can identify following nominations: Halil Suleyman structure of the United States is further areas of the brain that have been com- Ozerden, of Mississippi, to be United stressed by increases in heavy precipita- promised, promotes health and can greatly States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Cir- tion events, coastal flooding, heat, increase the overall quality of life of many cuit, Steven J. Menashi, to be United wildfires, and other extreme events, as well individuals in the United States; States Circuit Judge for the Second as changes to average precipitation and Whereas grassroots organizations such as temperature; and Circuit, Jodi W. Dishman, to be United Brain Health Now of Iowa and Mental Health States District Judge for the Western (E) without adaptation, climate change Connecticut, which are dedicated to ending will continue to degrade infrastructure the stigma of mental illness, have called for District of Oklahoma, Richard Earnest performance over the rest of the century, every individual in the United States to Myers II, to be United States District with the potential for cascading impacts treat health conditions affecting the brain Judge for the Eastern District of North that threaten the economy, national secu- with the same regard and care as physical Carolina, Sarah E. Pitlyk, to be United rity, and essential services of the United illnesses, such as heart disease; and States District Judge for the Eastern States and the health and well-being of the Whereas it is important to educate the District of Missouri, Daniel Mack United States people: Now, therefore, be it public on the incidence and prevalence of Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Traynor, to be United States District brain injury and disease and to support the Judge for the District of North Dakota, that the United States should— needs of those who are injured: Now, there- (1) work in cooperation with the inter- fore, be it Barbara Lagoa and Robert J. Luck, national community and continue to exer- Resolved, That the Senate— both of Florida, both to be a United cise global leadership in our shared respon- (1) supports the designation of October as States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh sibilities, including holding parties account- ‘‘Brain Health Awareness Month’’; and Circuit, Sylvia Carreno-Coll, to be able for meeting their commitments, and ad- (2) encourages all individuals in the United United States District Judge for the dress the causes and effects of climate States to use Brain Health Awareness Month District of Puerto Rico, John M. Galla- change; as an opportunity to promote greater accept- (2) remain party to the Paris Agreement gher, to be United States District ance of and support for individuals living Judge for the Eastern District of Penn- and the UNFCCC; with diseases or injuries affecting the brain. (3) reassert strong leadership in imple- sylvania, and Sherri A. Lydon, to be menting the Paris Agreement; f United States District Judge for the (4) as acknowledged in the Nationally De- District of South Carolina. termined Contribution submitted by the AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE United States to the UNFCCC in 2015, take MEET action to substantially accelerate the cur- The Select Committee on Intel- rent pace of greenhouse gas emission reduc- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ligence is authorized to meet during tions in order to achieve, or surpass, the have 5 requests for committees to meet the session of the Senate on Thursday, emissions reduction target of the United during today’s session of the Senate. October 31, 2019, at 2 p.m., to conduct a States; They have the approval of the Majority closed briefing. (5) ensure that the development of the poli- and Minority leaders. f cies and procedures prescribed by the Paris Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph Agreement achieve maximum benefits for 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR the United States; and (6) implement its commitments under the ate, the following committees are au- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC. thorized to meet during today’s session unanimous consent that floor privi- f of the Senate: leges be granted to Tessa Silverman, a COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS member of my staff, during today’s ses- SENATE RESOLUTION 405—EX- The Committee on Foreign Relations sion of the Senate. PRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE is authorized to meet during the ses- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DESIGNATION OF OCTOBER AS sion of the Senate on Thursday, Octo- objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘BRAIN HEALTH AWARENESS ber 31, 2019, at 10 a.m., to conduct a MONTH’’ f hearing on the following nominations: Mr. GRASSLEY submitted the fol- Andeliz N. Castille, of New York, to be HONORING THE MEMBERS OF THE lowing resolution; which was referred United States Alternate Executive Di- MILITARY AND INTELLIGENCE to the Committee on Health, Edu- rector of the Inter-American Develop- COMMUNITY WHO CARRIED OUT cation, Labor, and Pensions ment Bank, Alma L. Golden, of Texas, THE MISSION THAT KILLED ABU S. RES. 405 to be an Assistant Administrator of the BAKR AL-BAGHDADI Whereas millions of individuals in the United States Agency for International Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, last United States suffer from behavioral health Development, and Peter M. Haymond, weekend, elite U.S. Special Operations conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the forces embarked on a daring and dan- post-traumatic stress disorder, or a trau- Lao People’s Democratic Republic, gerous mission to locate and kill or matic brain injury or acquired brain injury Alina L. Romanowski, of Illinois, to be capture the terrorist leader of ISIS, that disrupts the normal function of the brain; Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Whereas a serious behavioral health condi- and Leslie Meredith Tsou, of Virginia, These soldiers knew that Baghdadi’s tion, such as schizophrenia, or a traumatic to be Ambassador to the Sultanate of compound was well guarded by radical brain injury or acquired brain injury, such as Oman, all of the Department of State. Islamic terrorists who placed little

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.043 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6347 value on their own lives. They knew I am deeply saddened to be among the devoted to her husband Chip and their the compound was booby-trapped and many who will miss her profoundly. three children, Tilden, Jeanette, and that Baghdadi kept innocent children Kay knew from a young age that her Carrie, and all of her loved ones. as human shields to protect himself destiny was in politics, starting when Her brother-in-law, Henry Hagan, is a against attack. she worked here as an intern. She often fellow Baltimorean, and he has told me Nevertheless, these soldiers carried recalled operating the Senate elevators over the years how Kay truly was the out their mission fearlessly and flaw- in the 1970s. She would watch the Na- Sun around which the entire family or- lessly. They breached the compound, tion’s leaders and influencers pass by, bited. She was a source of gravity and eliminated Baghdadi’s Praetorian including her maternal uncle, then- life for them, as she was for so many Guard, and then cornered the terrorist Senator Lawton Chiles from Florida. people who were lucky enough to know leader in a dead end, underground tun- She would dream of riding those ele- her. nel. vators herself as an elected official. May her gravity continue to ground Baghdadi chose the coward’s way Kay worked incredibly hard to us, and may her light continue to out, detonating a suicide vest, even achieve that dream. She earned her BA warm and guide us. I wish all of Kay’s though he was surrounded by his own degree from Florida State University family and friends comfort during this children. True to form, he was as evil and her JD from Wake Forest Univer- difficult time. in the final moments of his life as he sity School of Law. Before Kay began I yield the floor. had been throughout it. her political career, she worked in fi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Now Baghdadi is dead, thanks to the nancial services and became a vice ator from Florida. brave men and women of the U.S. president of North Carolina National f Armed Forces and our canines too. Bank, which is now part of Bank of HEALTHCARE There is no other Nation on Earth America. whose military could have carried out In 1998, she was elected to the North Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Mr. President, this raid, and the American people Carolina State Senate, where her tal- what we heard this week from my ought to be proud of them. ent in setting the State’s budget and Democratic colleagues on healthcare is To commemorate their stunning suc- her devotion to her constituents earned more of the same—more fearmongering cess, Senator GRAHAM and I have a res- her a spot among North Carolina’s and more misinformation. olution to honor the leaders and mem- ‘‘Ten Most Effective Senators’’ 3 years The issue this week is about what is bers of the military intelligence com- in a row. Then, in 2008, she became a called 1332 waivers. These waivers munity who made it possible and to U.S. Senator in a historic election. Kay allow States flexibility in how they im- commend the President for his decisive was North Carolina’s second female plement healthcare programs. It is a leadership in ordering the raid. Senator ever and its first Democratic simple concept. Every State is dif- Therefore, Mr. President, I ask unan- female senator. ferent. Every State should have the imous consent the Senate proceed to From the moment Kay arrived in the flexibility to design their healthcare the consideration of S. Res. 394 sub- Senate, she concerned herself with how programs and regulations in a way to mitted earlier today. to use her platform to clear the way for best meet the needs of their citizens. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The other people, especially other women, As a former Governor I know how im- clerk will report the resolution by to achieve their ambitions. The very portant this is. Top-down, one-size-fits- title. first bill she cosponsored was the Lilly all Federal healthcare programs in- The senior assistant legislative clerk Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which created crease costs and aren’t the way to best read as follows: a fairer system for filing claims of pay serve the needs of the American people. A resolution (S. Res. 394) honoring the discrimination. She also worked with Even the Democrats realized that when members of the military and intelligence Senator SCHUMER to open the Senate they passed ObamaCare. They created community who carried out the mission that swimming pool to female Senators for the 1332 waiver for State innovation. killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and for other the first time. As Governor, I used a similar waiver purposes. Where Kay saw injustice and where authority, an 1115 Medicaid waiver to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there she saw indignity, she saw opportuni- reform our Medicaid system and transi- objection to proceeding to the meas- ties to make the world a better place. tion it from a fee-for-service to a man- ure? She was committed to fighting for any- aged care system. This resulted in There being no objection, the Senate one who needed her help. She was a lower costs to taxpayers and better proceeded to consider the resolution. fierce advocate for servicemembers, service and access for Florida fami- Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask veterans, and military families. Both lies—a win-win. unanimous consent the resolution be her father and brother served in the These waivers work, and if you be- agreed to; the preamble be agreed to; U.S. Navy. She also spent much of her lieve in States’ rights, these waivers and that the motions to reconsider be Senate career campaigning to improve are the way to give States the oppor- considered made and laid upon the education, financial literacy, and job tunity to provide better healthcare to table with no intervening action or de- training for underserved communities. their citizens. But here is the problem: bate. She rallied people to these causes—not The Democrats don’t believe in States’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without with strong-arming or with steam- rights or allowing State taxpayers and objection, it is so ordered. rolling but with cleverness and com- citizens any flexibility to provide bet- The resolution (S. Res. 394) was passion and coalition-building. ter healthcare services to their citi- agreed to. Kay was the type of legislator who zens. The Democrats want these top- The preamble was agreed to. dug into issues that made a real dif- down, one-size-fits-all Federal pro- (The resolution, with its preamble, is ference in people’s lives, even if they grams. If there is choice and flexi- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- weren’t necessarily headline-grabbing. bility, they want to restrict it. It is mitted Resolutions.’’) I had the honor of working alongside how Big Government works, and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Kay in the Senate Small Business Com- Democrats love Big Government, re- ator from Maryland. mittee for 4 years, and I watched her strictive mandates, and socialism. f tirelessly create economic opportunity When the Democrats are not attack- for North Carolinians and all Ameri- ing Republicans for trying to dismantle REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN cans. The programs and policies we ObamaCare, the Democrats turn Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I stand spearheaded there may not have made around to their supporters and talk here today to mourn the loss of Kay front page news, but Kay knew she was about their efforts to replace Hagan. Kay was a warm, kind person making a difference for entrepreneur- ObamaCare. with a wonderful sense of humor, and ship opportunities in our country. They don’t want to keep ObamaCare she was an inspiring public servant. I The only thing to rival Kay’s dedica- programs as they are. They know feel fortunate to have been her friend tion to her constituents was her dedi- ObamaCare is not working. They want and colleague here in the U.S. Senate. cation to her family. Kay was endlessly to replace it with Medicare for All,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.039 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 which would be the biggest expansion your doctor, and every family will save American people should know what is of government healthcare in history. $2,500. ObamaCare only benefited hos- happening right now in this body. By some estimates, Medicare for All pitals, insurance companies, and the Unfortunately, it is deja vu all over would cost more than $30 trillion over pharmaceutical industry. That is why again on the Defense appropriations 10 years. This one program would dou- they originally supported it. But for bill. Now, I enjoy my bipartisan work. ble the Federal budget and would re- the average American, millions lost Some of the best friends I have made quire massive tax increases on each their insurance and their doctors, pre- here in the Senate have been on the and every man, woman, and child in miums skyrocketed, deductibles sky- other side of the aisle, but there are America. rocketed. The result is that while more also principled disagreements on key Right now, we collect $3 trillion in people have healthcare insurance, issues between some of the parties Federal revenue. Medicare for All fewer people have access to healthcare. here. One of them is whether we fully would require everyone’s Federal taxes Now they want to double down with support our military and national de- to more than double. Coincidentally, Medicare for All. fense and if we make that support a the Congressional Budget Office has so There are three problems with our priority, not a political football, which far been unable to do an official score current healthcare system, all caused is what we just witnessed on the Sen- of the Medicare for All bill. I have by government: cost, cost, and cost. ate floor. asked the sponsor of the bill, the junior None of the Democrats’ proposals Now, I know all of my colleagues are Senator from Vermont, who happens to would do a thing to address the cost of patriotic. I have no doubt about that— be the ranking member of the Senate healthcare. Their proposals only make all 100. We all love our country. Yet, in Budget Committee, to join me in re- the problem worse. Keep that in mind our looking at history over the decades questing the CBO score for his bill. So as you listen to the Democrats’ and also just in the past few years, it far, crickets. fearmongering on healthcare. They certainly leaves one with the impres- Why wouldn’t the Senator want a have to misrepresent information be- sion and the strong conclusion that my score of his bill? It is because the cause they can’t defend their own posi- colleagues on the other side of the aisle Democrats don’t want you to know tion. support our military when it is conven- how much it would cost. They don’t The American people don’t want and ient but have much higher priorities want you to know how many people can’t afford Medicare for All. We need for which they are ready and willing to would lose the employer-sponsored to reduce healthcare costs and provide undermine military funding, readiness, healthcare they have and like. They a safety net for those who cannot af- and support for our troops who keep us don’t want you to know how much ford their healthcare, not create a Fed- safe. taxes would have to go up. eral Government-organized healthcare To put this in context, we just voted Medicare for All is the Democrats’ market, which causes healthcare costs to get on the Defense appropriations dream: every American on a govern- to skyrocket. bill, which is the bill that funds our ment-run healthcare program, every Giving flexibility to the States is an military. We had a budget agreement American reliant on the Federal Gov- easy way to increase access and quality several months ago that did that. We ernment for their healthcare. Any ef- of care for the American people. So, of just took up a previous appropriations fort to undermine this goal is anath- course, Democrats oppose that—except bill. The plan in the Senate was to go ema to them. from the bill on appropriations that we So this week they are going after 1332 for the Democratic Governors who are just passed to the Defense bill. That waivers and claiming they somehow doing it every day. undermine protections for people with If you needed any more evidence of was the plan. Lo and behold, my col- preexisting conditions. The Senate how out of touch Washington Demo- leagues on the other side of the aisle Democratic leader claimed yesterday crats have become, look no further said: No. We are going to filibuster the that these waivers are an effort to than their criticism and their vote funding for our military. That is what ‘‘sabotage healthcare for millions.’’ against Democratic Governors for sup- just happened. I find that statement interesting. I porting good policies that make sense. America, media, please understand wonder what Democratic Governor Enough with the misrepresentations, that this is what just happened. of Colorado thinks of the enough with the nonsense, enough with As I mentioned with regard to my Democratic leader’s claim that he is the fearmongering. The American peo- colleagues on the other side of the trying to sabotage healthcare. His ple deserve better. aisle, this priority for the military State used these 1332 waivers to offer Let’s work together to lower the cost isn’t always there. I also mentioned healthcare plans to best meet the needs of healthcare so that all taxpayers can decades. If you look at the national of Coloradans. They have seen pre- get the care they need at a price they Presidential level over the past four miums go down by 16 percent. can afford. decades during which a Democratic I wonder what Democratic Governor I suggest the absence of a quorum. President has been in power—think John Carney of Delaware would say? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The about it: President Carter, President His State also used this waiver and has clerk will call the roll. Clinton, President Obama—what has seen premiums drop by 13 percent. The senior assistant legislative clerk happened? Defense spending has been I wonder what Democratic Governor proceeded to call the roll. cut dramatically every time, and the Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island would Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask readiness and morale of our military say? Premiums in her State have gone unanimous consent that the order for forces has plummeted. That is a fact. down 6 percent since they got their 1332 the quorum call be rescinded. I chair the Armed Services Sub- waiver. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. committee on Readiness and Manage- Contrary to the misinformation from BRAUN). Without objection, it is so or- ment Support. From 2010 to 2015, de- the Democratic leader, these waivers dered. fense spending for our military de- do not eliminate protections for people f clined by 25 percent, which was Presi- with preexisting conditions. These core dent Obama’s second term, and we are H.R. 2740 protections, which I strongly support, still digging out of the hole we dug for remain unchanged. Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I our military with regard to readiness. This is personal to me. My brother want to say a few words this afternoon Let me give you a couple of examples. grew up with a preexisting condition, about the funding of our military, the In 2015, when I first got to the Sen- and my mother had to drive 200 miles support for our troops, and what just ate, 3 out of 58 brigade combat teams to a charity hospital just to get treat- happened on the U.S. Senate floor be- in the U.S. Army were at the tier 1 ment for him. The Democrats are mis- cause it is a pretty sad exercise that, level of readiness that we expect. representing the facts about 1332 waiv- unfortunately, happens way too often Think about that. The men and women ers because they realize they are losing in this body. I know it can be confusing who joined the Army who were ready the argument. to the people who are watching in the to fight were in 3 out of the 58 brigade Remember the ObamaCare promise: Gallery and on TV, but I want to ex- combat teams. The brigade combat You can keep your insurance plan, plain what just happened because the team is the 5,000-man building block of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.040 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6349 the Army, but over half of the Marine have higher priorities than funding our fense appropriations, but there was an- Corps naval aviation couldn’t fly in troops and the national security of our other filibuster. Amazing. I still 2015. Think about that. In terms of Nation—and I am not sure there are haven’t heard an explanation from any- training for all pilots in the military, many higher priorities than that, not body on the other side as to why they the flight times plummeted to, I think in my view, anyway—they turn to are doing it, but I will tell you this: It it was, about 8 hours a month. holding hostage defense spending by is clear to me that supporting our My very first challenge in 2015 was filibustering the funding of our mili- troops and military readiness are not part of this Obama drawdown of the tary. their priorities. military. Right when I got here, they That is just what happened a couple Here are just a few items in the bill had announced that they were going to of hours ago—actually, an hour ago— that was just filibustered: a 31⁄2-percent cut an additional 50,000 U.S. Army Ac- here on the Senate floor. Their friends pay raise. For the Army, there is full tive-Duty troops. This was in 2015. This in the press don’t report on it, but it support for the 58 brigade combat was only 4 years ago. Again, national happens all the time. This puts lives at teams I mentioned that were in such a security challenges are growing in the risk, and this undermines our military. low state of readiness. By the way, it is world, and 4 years ago, the Obama ad- By the way, the members of the mili- increasing. I think the number is close ministration cut the Army by an addi- tary see this. The press might not re- to 25 brigade combat teams now that tional 50,000 Active-Duty troops. This port on it, but our Nation’s troops and we have been funding the military at included a very important unit for the their families watch. tier 1 levels. Included is support for the Army that happened to be in my State, I said it happens all the time. Let me Navy’s carrier strike groups, amphib- the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th In- give you a couple of examples. ious-ready groups for the Marines and fantry Division—a 5,000-man Airborne In 2015 and in 2016, when the minority Navy, and Navy and Marine aviation brigade combat team. It was the only was led by Harry Reid, of Nevada, he units. It funds the maximum amount of airborne, Arctic-trained unit in the en- filibustered the Defense appropriations flying and training for our Air Force tire Asia-Pacific, in the entire Arctic. bill seven times. Again, the media pilots, which has been such a problem It was on the chopping block to go. didn’t report on it. I am a colonel in in terms of readiness. There is a huge We fought that. I fought that. It was the Marine Corps Reserves, and I boost to missile defense, most of which an issue I put hundreds of hours into trained with the Marine Corps Forces is based in the great State of Alaska, with my team. I put a hold on the Sec- Special Operations Command. I re- and it appropriates the funding to buy retary of the Army’s confirmation. I member being out, training with these 96 F–35s in fiscal year 2020. These are put a hold on the Chief of Staff of the marines, many of whom are now going the most sophisticated fifth-generation Army’s confirmation to finally get off to the Middle East—to Syria, Iraq, fighters. Two squadrons of F–35s will be their attention that this was a bad idea Afghanistan. Yet what was going on in coming to my State soon—this is fund- for America’s national security. We the Senate was that the minority lead- ing for that—to compete with China won that fight, but the other 40,000 Ac- er, Harry Reid, was blocking the fund- and Russia. tive-Duty troops whom the Obama ad- ing of the troops. These are just a few of the particu- ministration decided to get rid of are I get it, that one leader of the Demo- lars, but what do these numbers really gone, and we are still rebuilding from cratic Party was doing that, but what amount to? A better paid, better that. really shocked me back then was why equipped, and more lethal military Make no mistake, if one of my col- all of the colleagues on his side fol- force. leagues who is running for President— lowed suit to do that. I still can’t un- That is what the American people my colleague from Massachusetts or derstand it, especially the colleagues want from us. It doesn’t matter party— my colleague from Vermont—gets who have a significant military pres- Democrat, Republican—or region— elected next year, defense spending is ence in their States, like in my State, South, North, Alaska, Florida—the going to plummet. That is just the way the great State of Alaska. people want this. The troops want this. it is. During that time, I went to the ma- Their families want this. Go look at some of the versions of jority leader, Leader MCCONNELL, and We have troops in harm’s way right the Green New Deal for which they are asked him to keep bringing this bill to now all around the world. Yesterday, advocating. It is not just about shut- the floor. Let’s debate it. Let’s talk almost every one of the Members of ting down resource development. Some about it. Let’s see if the American peo- this body—all 100 Senators—went to a of the versions of that legislation, of ple understand what is happening, top secret briefing about the raid that that idea, say we are going to cut de- which I think they did. As we kept killed the ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi. We fense spending up to 50 percent. That is bringing this up to the minority leader were able to actually see some of the in the legislation. of the U.S. Senate, many of us came video of the remarkable profes- So that is at the national level. down here and asked the questions: sionalism, courage, and dedication of What about what has been going on Why are you doing this? Do you not our military Special Forces who went in the U.S. Senate? think the American people understand? in there at great risk to their lives and I have been here for almost 5 years. Do you not think the troops under- took out this ruthless, brutal, dan- One of the big reasons I ran for the stand? Come down to the Senate floor gerous terrorist. Senate was to stop the gutting of our and explain why you are not supporting We owe these and our other military military and to take care of our troops. the funding of our troops and their members and their families such a I mentioned that from 2010 to 2015, families and military readiness. huge debt of gratitude and certainly readiness plummeted and that defense Unfortunately, he never did that. the support of the Congress of the spending plummeted, but we have That was a couple of years ago, and it United States. turned that around. In this Congress, is deja vu all over again today. I was honestly thinking this morn- with the Republicans in control and We tried to bring the Defense appro- ing: How can any Senator who wit- with a Republican in the White House, priations bill to the floor in Sep- nessed that yesterday—and I think all we have turned that around. tember, before the end of the fiscal 100 were there—come to the floor this Now we are rebuilding our military, year, but my colleagues on the other afternoon and filibuster the funding for and a lot of my Democratic colleagues side filibustered. What does that mean? our military? Well, a bunch of them have supported this. I want to give It means they didn’t want to vote on it, just did. them credit. They realized the Obama and they didn’t want to deal with it so I don’t know why, but as far as I can cuts were very harmful to our readi- they didn’t let us vote and get the 60 tell, since I have been in the Senate— ness, to our military, and to their fam- votes to get on the bill. going on 5 years—that is the ninth fili- ilies. There has been bipartisan support Now we are a month into the new fis- buster of defense spending in the appro- for rebuilding our military, but—and cal year, and as we just saw on the priations for our military and their this is a big ‘‘but’’—this has been a big floor, we finished another appropria- families that my colleagues on the struggle. Why? Every time my col- tions bill that had strong bipartisan Democratic side of this body have leagues on the other side of the aisle support. The plan was to then go to De- done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.041 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 Let me repeat that. Nine times in the Second, Kay was a fighter. We all NOMINATION OF LAWRENCE last 41⁄2 years, there has been this exer- knew that. Growing up between two VANDYKE cise to hold our military hostage for brothers probably contributed to that. Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Madam Presi- some other political priority by deny- I have two brothers myself, and I can dent, I rise today in opposition to the ing them funding—nine times. attest to the fact that it toughens you nomination of Lawrence VanDyke to I checked, and since I have been here, up. serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for there has been no bill—no bill—filibus- We saw that spark every day on the the Ninth Circuit. tered more by my colleagues on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Kay had a Mr. VanDyke fits neatly into this ad- other side of the aisle than the bill deep and abiding sense of justice, and ministration’s pattern of picking Fed- that would fund our military. she stood up for North Carolina fami- eral judges for our circuit courts of ap- Think about that. Think about that lies every single day, even when it peal without meaningful input from for a minute. This is the bill, when wasn’t easy and even when she paid a home State Senators. The President they want to leverage some other issue political price for it. continues to select ideologically ex- that has nothing to do with national She stood up for expanding treme nominees like Mr. VanDyke, and security, that they pick out and they healthcare and protecting the rights of the White House is putting forward filibuster—nine times in the last 4 North Carolina women and families. people without enough experience for years. That same fighting spirit kept her the momentous roles they have been I think it is shameful. It is politics going through her own grueling health chosen to serve. pure and simple, certainly driven by challenges. Mr. VanDyke has been nominated to the extreme left of their party, many I had the chance to visit with her a fill a Nevada seat on the Ninth Circuit of whom have not focused on the na- couple of years ago when she was re- even though he is not a Nevadan. He tional security of our country and sup- ceiving treatment at a rehabilitation didn’t grow up in my State. He doesn’t porting our troops. They are trying to hospital in Georgia. She was working appear to own property there. He leverage funding for our troops to gain so hard to recover her ability to move doesn’t seem to have family ties. And political concessions on other issues. and to talk, but one thing hadn’t he was an active member of the Nevada Here is the bottom line: The men and changed—that spark in her eyes. State bar for only 2 years. women who serve in the military don’t I know I speak for all of us when I Senator ROSEN and I engaged with deserve this. I wish the press would say that Kay’s grace and endurance the White House to put forward highly write about it. Don’t hold your breath over the past 3 years were incredibly respected Nevadans with bipartisan on that. inspiring. support, but our suggestions were sum- For my part, I am going to continue Finally, when I think of Kay, I think marily ignored because the White to come down here, as I have done be- of kindness. In a city full of sharp House was laser-focused on Mr. Van- fore on this very issue, and say: Look, words and even sharper elbows, Kay Dyke. if there is one thing we should be fo- was unfailingly optimistic and an abso- I want to be clear. The administra- cused on, it is supporting our military lute joy to work with. tion did not meaningfully consult and funding them and their families to I know that even my Republican col- about this nomination with Nevada make them ready, to make them le- leagues would agree with me and join Senators, and the result is a poor thal, to enable them to protect our in our sorrow over her loss. nominee. First and foremost, I am extremely country. Kay and I happened to have daugh- concerned about the effect that Law- If there is one bill in the Congress ters who were getting married around rence VanDyke’s lifetime appointment that we shouldn’t have filibustered the same time, and as many of you would have on women’s reproductive nine times in the last 4 years, it is this know, mothers of brides love to talk rights in America. As Montana’s solic- one. But that is what just happened. about wedding plans and to share itor general, Mr. VanDyke supported I hope more Americans see this. Call photos about the big day, and we an Arizona ban. In an amicus your Senators who voted no today and shared a lot of photos. tell them you don’t agree with that brief in Horne v. Isaacson, he con- I will never forget the way her face vote. You do not agree with that vote. tended that the constitutional right to would always light up whenever she I guarantee you, the men and women choose should be revisited. He also de- talked about her family. She was so who serve our country don’t either, and fended a Montana law that made it proud of each and every one of them, they would appreciate if you would harder for young women in that State and they were proud of her too. weigh in on their behalf. to seek an abortion, and he advocated In her final floor speech, Kay shared I yield the floor. for letting corporations sidestep their one of her guiding principles, a para- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- obligations to provide insurance cov- phrase of Luke 12:48: To whom much is ator from Michigan. erage for contraception. given, much is expected. f Based on this record, I fear that, as a This Chamber and this country are Federal judge, Mr. VanDyke would REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN better for having known Senator Kay limit women’s health choices in Ne- Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I Hagan. She lived by that principle. She vada and throughout the country, in- rise today to pay tribute to a woman gave us so much, and she gave it with cluding their access to birth control. who was more than just our colleague. her whole heart. His record on LGBTQ rights is also She was our friend, and I am missing Knowing Kay was a gift, and I feel so dismal. Mr. VanDyke has ties to two my friend today. fortunate to have been able to call her ideologically extreme, anti-LGBTQ When I think about Senator Kay my friend. My deepest condolences are groups that the Southern Poverty Law Hagan, I remember a lot of things. with her husband Chip and their chil- Center has designated as hate groups. First was her deep dedication to public dren and their extended family and Those are the Alliance Defending Free- service. From the moment she woke up many, many friends and her beloved dom and the . until the sun set behind her beloved State of North Carolina. These ties are hardly surprising given Blue Ridge Mountains, Kay was fo- I yield the floor. that Mr. VanDyke has opposed gay cused on serving the people of North I suggest the absence of a quorum. rights since law school, when he wrote Carolina and the State she loved so The PRESIDING OFFICER. The an article for the Harvard Law Record. much. clerk will call the roll. This is that article: ‘‘One student’s re- It was such an honor working with The bill clerk proceeded to call the sponse to ‘A Response to Glendon.’ ’’ It her, especially on behalf of North Caro- roll. is dated March 11, 2004, by Lawrence lina’s farmers, small towns, and rural Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, VanDyke. In this article, he promotes communities that she loved so much. I ask unanimous consent that the order the truth that same-sex marriage She was passionate about the health of for the quorum call be rescinded. would hurt families, children, and soci- the land and the people who live and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ety. This is that article, and this is his work on it. objection, it is so ordered. quote—clearly not only his writing but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.043 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6351 his intent and thoughts behind what we who will apply the law to the facts in Our Federal courts make decisions have fought for in this country for an unbiased way—something Mr. Van- every day that affect consumers, immi- LGBTQ rights in America for the last Dyke has proved unwilling to do. grants, small businesses, not to men- 10 years. What he says is, ‘‘What is Finally, Mr. VanDyke’s professional tion our right to equal treatment, edu- quite settled, however, is that children qualifications are simply insufficient. cation, and healthcare. As such, our on average fare best in stable, two par- He has very little trial and litigation Federal judges must be serious, fair- ent families. This, combined with the experience. When he served as Montana minded, and nonpartisan. We want correlative evidence of the decline in solicitor general, his colleagues raised women and men on the Federal bench the family unit in Scandinavia, where serious concerns about his work ethic who will look at the facts of a case, de facto same-sex marriage has been and legal skills. When he ran for the apply the law, and work hard to reach around for about a decade, does provide Montana Supreme Court, six retired a just result regardless of who the par- ample reason for concern that same-sex judges of that court described him as ties are in front of them. The Federal marriage will hurt families and con- ‘‘unqualified.’’ bench must reflect our country in all sequentially children and society.’’ As you heard at the confirmation its diversity of experience and back- Those are his own words. hearings yesterday, the American Bar ground. As solicitor general of Montana, he Association, which provides ratings for Even though the Constitution gives also strongly criticized LGBTQ anti- judicial nominees, gave him a rating of the President the power to nominate discrimination laws and worked to ‘‘not qualified.’’ That is worth repeat- Federal judges, it also requires the ad- carve out religious exemptions to ing. The ABA—the American Bar Asso- vice and consent of the Senate, and his- them. When signing Montana on to an ciation—spoke with 60 lawyers and torically the President consults with amicus brief arguing that a photog- judges across 4 States and concluded home state Senators when there is a raphy company could refuse to photo- that he wasn’t suitable for a position vacancy. As the representatives to our graph a same-sex wedding, Mr. Van- as a judge on the court of appeals. The States, we are better equipped to iden- Dyke described the case, which is people with the objections are his tify qualified lawyers and judges to Elaine Photography v. Willock, as im- former colleagues. serve on the Federal bench who have portant because it would establish that As far as records show, not a single done good work and who have good rep- Federal judicial nominee has been ap- ‘‘gay rights cannot always trump reli- utations in our home communities. pointed to the Federal bench who was gious liberty.’’ We have numerous qualified, non- What you have here is an email, lacking both a ‘‘qualified’’ or ‘‘well partisan individuals working in the Ne- while he was a solicitor general in qualified’’ ABA rating and the approval vada legal community who would make Montana, talking about why this case of the nominee’s home state Senators. excellent additions to the Ninth Cir- was important and why it was impor- If confirmed, Mr. VanDyke would be cuit. There are a number of amazing the very first Federal judge who was tant that they sign on to the amicus Nevada lawyers whom Senator CORTEZ judged not qualified and whose blue brief. These are his arguments, his MASTO and I would have gladly consid- slips were not returned by their home statements in an email. He said: ‘‘This ered supporting for a seat on this pres- State Senators. I don’t think that is a is an important case because there is a tigious court. We have litigators, mag- precedent this Chamber should be fairly obvious collision course between istrate judges, law professors, prosecu- proud of. tors, public defenders, and existing dis- religious freedom and gay rights, and The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is this case (because it is an extreme the last stop for cases that affect Ne- trict court judges with stellar reputa- case) could be very important in estab- vada before they reach the Supreme tions from the State, lawyers and lishing that gay rights cannot always Court. It is vital that Ninth Circuit judges from Nevada. They know our trump religious liberty.’’ These are his nominees know the State of Nevada State, and they have respected non- own words in an email from Montana and its issues. partisan records. But the White House when he was solicitor general. This nominee lived in the Silver didn’t nominate any of these individ- Throughout his career, he has weak- State for a total of 4 years before mov- uals for the Ninth Circuit. Instead, the ened environmental protections and ing to Washington to work at the De- President nominated Lawrence Van- standards, as well. Mr. VanDyke has partment of Justice, where he is cur- Dyke, a Washington, DC, lawyer. He argued in favor of fossil fuel drilling rently. In Nevada, we welcome new- wasn’t born in Nevada. He didn’t grow and supported reviving the Keystone comers, but usually they stay in our up in Nevada. He didn’t go to school in Pipeline, ignoring the voices of con- communities. Mr. VanDyke didn’t. Nevada. He doesn’t live in Nevada now. servationists and Native communities. Rather than continue to serve Nevad- Mr. VanDyke, a Montana native who His actions do not protect our air and ans, he left for a plum job in Wash- ran for office there and also worked in water, nor do they recognize the im- ington and is now lobbying for a life- Texas, came to Nevada for a job a few pacts of climate change or safeguard time appointment on the Federal years ago, in 2015. When the person he endangered species, including the bench. This isn’t someone who serves worked for lost a political race in 2018, iconic sage-grouse. In fact, as solicitor the needs of Nevadans. This isn’t some- Mr. VanDyke quickly sold the house he general of Nevada, Mr. VanDyke chal- one who knows Nevada or its issues. briefly owned in Nevada and moved to lenged the Republican Governor he This is a career political operative who Virginia to work in Washington, DC, served. He actively worked against is looking for a guaranteed paycheck. and as of last week, by his own admis- Governor Brian Sandoval’s bipartisan For all of these reasons, I do not be- sion, he hasn’t even been back to Ne- agreement to protect my State’s native lieve Lawrence VanDyke deserves a vada since then. species. Mr. VanDyke’s opposition to lifetime appointment to one of the He is a DC lawyer and a failed polit- land use restrictions to protect sage- highest courts in the land, which han- ical candidate from Montana who grouse was so extreme that Governor dles 70,000 critical cases each year. He shares this White House’s extreme po- Sandoval said publicly that Mr. is not the right person in whose hands litical views. They are imposing him on VanDyke’s position ‘‘did not represent to leave Americans’ reproductive free- Nevada despite the fact that we have so the State of Nevada, the governor, or dom, their fundamental civil rights, many qualified people in our own State any state agencies.’’ and their claim to a free and healthy who enjoy broad support across the po- With that background, clearly he environment. litical spectrum. should not sit on a court with jurisdic- I yield the floor. Nevada has a vibrant community, tion over the West—home to nearly 75 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and we take pride in knowing each percent of public lands in the Nation. ator from Nevada. other, respecting each other, and most In the areas of reproductive rights, Ms. ROSEN. Mr. President, I rise importantly, putting partisan politics LGBTQ protections, and the environ- today to join my friend and colleague aside when it comes to working to- ment, Mr. VanDyke’s nomination is so Senator CORTEZ MASTO in opposing the gether for the betterment of our State. troubling because it is clear that he nomination of Lawrence VanDyke to So if someone is a good judge or law- puts his ideology above the law. This the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in yer, if they are honest and they have a vacancy should be filled with a judge Nevada. good reputation professionally, if they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.045 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 are civil in court and have a respectful Mr. VanDyke’s past work is offset by the last summer. They blocked the bill be- demeanor, you will usually hear the assessments of interviewees that Mr. Van- cause, frankly, they don’t want Presi- same things about that person from ev- Dyke is . . . lazy, an ideologue, and lacking dent Trump to have any sort of wins eryone. in knowledge of the day-to-day practice in- here, even when it undermines our na- cluding procedural rules. There was a theme These are the types of people who that the nominee lacks humility, has an ‘‘en- tional security. should be Federal judges: people who titlement’’ temperament, does not have an It was a remarkable show of prior- treat everyone fairly and with respect, open mind, and does not always have a com- ities. Their animosity toward the who are smart, who are fair, and who mitment to being candid and truthful. President exceeded their desire to see follow the facts to get a just result. Surely you agree, no matter who is funding flow to the men and women in After reviewing Mr. VanDyke’s in the White House or who controls the uniform and to defend the Nation. We record and meeting with him privately Senate, you would want the Federal could have provided our troops with and watching his testimony before the judges in your States to come from and the largest pay raise in a decade. We Judiciary Committee yesterday, I have reflect your communities. You would could have sent vital funding to our arrived at the determination that Mr. want to trust these judges to be fair to military as they battle looming threats VanDyke does not fit that mold. your constituents and not use cases to around the world. We could have put Mr. VanDyke spent a lot of time in advance their own ideological agenda, the appropriations process back on our meeting talking about how the role and you would want your judges to be, track and restored the basic func- of a Federal judge is simply to apply at a minimum, qualified to serve on tioning of Congress. But, no, our Demo- the law and not to try to change it. His the bench. cratic colleagues chose to put politics record clearly shows otherwise. I oppose the nomination of Mr. Van- ahead of any of that. With our only options being a gov- How do we know this? Because before Dyke, and if it is withdrawn or voted ernment shutdown or a short-term coming to Nevada, Mr. VanDyke down, I will be ready that day to work funding bill, we chose the lesser of two worked for the Montana attorney gen- with this White House on finding nomi- evils. But it is still evil in the sense eral. Many of his emails from that time nees from Nevada who are qualified and that it is much less than we should be are public. They show he used that gov- fair and nonpartisan. The people of my doing to serve the Nation and serve our ernment office, where his job was to de- home State of Nevada, particularly constituents. We pushed the deadline, fend the laws of Montana—instead, today, on Nevada Day, deserve nothing what he chose to do is advance his own and we kicked the can down the road less. to November 21. We hoped our col- personal ideological agenda, even when I yield the floor. leagues on the other side of the aisle it was against his State’s interests. At The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- would have a change of heart, but now least in one instance, he signed the ator from Texas. they have proved us wrong. State of Montana onto a brief without f even bothering to read it. Democrats have blocked money for Among the briefs Mr. VanDyke LEGISLATION the military again and again. This is signed in his home State of Montana Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, the end beginning to feel like ‘‘Groundhog during his tenure as solicitor general of the fiscal year for the U.S. Govern- Day.’’ They continue choosing to put was one asking the Supreme Court to ment came and went without a new their ongoing feud with the President strike down Roe v. Wade and all of the funding bill in place. It was a big dis- before our most important responsi- reproductive cases that followed Roe. appointment because this summer I bility as a Congress: to provide for the common defense. When it comes to a woman’s right to thought we had reached an agreement As if we needed to be reminded of the make her decisions about her own on a 2-year budget package designed to importance of our strong military, ear- body, Mr. VanDyke’s views and actions make the appropriations process much lier this week, our highly skilled Spe- are far outside the mainstream, and simpler and eliminate the uncertainty cial Forces troops took out the leader they are far out of step with the views that comes from continuing resolu- of ISIS, one of the most feared and dan- of the people of Nevada. tions and stop-start funding for govern- gerous terrorist leaders in the world. I am also concerned about the com- ment agencies. That terrorist is no longer a threat, ments Mr. VanDyke has made about We agreed to topline funding for de- thanks to the men and women of our LGBTQ Americans. In 2004, Mr. Van- fense and nondefense spending. It was a military—Special Forces, in particular. Dyke wrote that there is ‘‘ample rea- big deal. There was also a promise not It was a tremendous victory for the son for concern that same-sex marriage to derail the process with poison pill United States and for our allies and un- will hurt families, and consequentially policy riders, and we got it done with derscored the need for us to continue children and society.’’ plenty of time to spare. to support our troops by funding the The LGBTQ community is at a crit- I remember at the time thinking, Defense bill. For our forces to continue ical point in its fight for equality. This hey, maybe we can help restore some fighting and risking death and injury term, the Supreme Court is considering regular order and put the function itself while defeating evil in every cor- whether employers in the United back in Congress rather than the dys- ner of the world, they need our support, States can fire an individual merely for function. But, unfortunately, politics and there is no more tangible way to being gay or transgender. When the got in the way. When the time came demonstrate that support than for Con- next case on LGBTQ rights comes up last month to make good on the prom- gress to pass this funding bill. for judicial consideration, it could ises that were made during that 2-year We also know, because of the need to come before Lawrence VanDyke. budget cap deal, Senate Democrats plan, they need stability. They need a If that isn’t enough, here is one more blocked a bill to fund our national de- long-term funding bill and not just to thing to consider. The American Bar fense. You heard me right. Senate stop-start, kick the can down the road Association has, by a substantial ma- Democrats blocked the appropriations a few weeks, and then come back and jority, rated Mr. VanDyke as unquali- for our national defense. refight the same fights over and over fied. For a lifetime appointment, we If there is one thing we should make and over again. That is really a pa- should always strive for a candidate a priority here in Washington, DC, it is thetic response to our duty to help sup- who is very qualified. No, they gave us protecting our country, keeping our port our men and women in uniform. Lawrence VanDyke, who was rated men and women in uniform adequately They need the unwavering support of ‘‘not qualified.’’ trained with the equipment and the re- every man and woman in this Chamber. Why did the ABA make this deter- sources they need in order to fight and But, right now, our Democratic col- mination? Well, I will let the ABA’s win the Nation’s wars, and, even bet- leagues seem content just to say no, to words speak for themselves. Based on ter, to prevent a war from being fought get in the way, and to block this fund- interviews with 60 individuals who in the first place. ing. Will they pay any price for doing have worked with Mr. VanDyke over But our Democratic colleagues sim- that? I don’t know. They don’t seem to the years, including more than 40 law- ply blocked it. It wasn’t a disagree- really particularly care. yers and over a dozen judges, this is ment over the amount. No, it was I have no doubt that this obstruction what the ABA said. something they had already agreed to is tied to the obsession that the House

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.046 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6353 of Representatives has to remove gamesmanship in the House. After The senior assistant legislative clerk President Trump from office. We have months of refusing to act on this bill, proceeded to call the roll. heard over and over again from our we sent it over—I think it was in May. Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I ask Democratic colleagues that impeach- They did nothing for a long time, and unanimous consent that the order for ment will not interfere with their abil- they allowed the Debbie Smith Act to the quorum call be rescinded. ity to legislate and to get work done, expire. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without but their actions speak louder than When something as noncontroversial objection, it is so ordered. words. as reducing the rape kit backlog gets Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I am While I think the decision to block politicized, you know you are in trou- here on a sad note and then on a defense funding is the most egregious ble. Well, I was finally glad to see last happier note as well. I am going to try example so far, it is far from the only week that the House changed its tune, to tie the two together. one. The extent to which they will go thanks to a lot of pressure both from f to try to defeat and slow down and im- within and without, because their re- REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN pede the President and anything he fusal to reauthorize the Debbie Smith might be able to point to as a victory— Act and this critical rape kit backlog Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I have here is another example. funding was indefensible. So I am hope- been privileged to serve, and this my It has been more than a year since ful we can get that bill to the Presi- 19th year here in the U.S. Senate. A the landmark trade agreement between dent’s desk now after this long and un- long time ago, I served as a naval offi- Mexico and Canada was announced, but necessary delay. cer in the Vietnam war and as later we are still waiting for Speaker PELOSI We all knew that the Democratic ob- State treasurer, Congressman, Gov- to show the green light and pass the session with removing the President ernor of Delaware, and now I serve as USMCA and send it to the Senate, from office began before he was inaugu- U.S. Senator. I have had the privilege where I am sure it will pass over- rated, but no one expected it to get of serving with literally hundreds of whelmingly. This agreement will pro- this far out of hand or for the dysfunc- people here, in the House, as Governor, vide billions of dollars in economic tion to be so pervasive. Their impeach- and certainly in the Navy and the growth, new jobs here at home, and at-any-cost attitude has now brought armed services during the Vietnam greater stability for our economy, but the work of Congress to a screeching war. we haven’t been able to reap those ben- halt. Legislation is collecting cobwebs Among my all-time favorite col- efits because the agreement is being in the corner while our Democratic col- leagues of all of those, whether it was stalled in the House. leagues are conducting secret hearings in the military service, the State of Well, why is that? Well, it could be behind closed doors in an effort to re- Delaware, or here in Congress, one of because they are obsessed with and pre- verse the 2016 election. my all-time favorite people to serve occupied with impeachment, and they While they are continuing this cha- with was a woman from North Caro- can’t seem to get anything else done. rade here in Washington, their con- lina, from a place called Shelby. The Speaker claims progress is being stituents are likely wondering what it My wife is from North Carolina, from made, but it has been the same song is their elected representatives are a place called Boone. Her family is and dance for months with nothing to doing to make their lives better at from North Carolina. She has her fa- show for it. home. Are they passing bills to bring ther down there. Boone is up in the In the Senate, unfortunately, things down drug prices, like the bill I have mountains. She has sisters. She has aren’t a lot different. A bill I intro- with Senator BLUMENTHAL? Are they sisters in Raleigh, and some of her fam- duced with our Democratic colleague, trying to strengthen the economy by ily has actually lived in Shelby, NC. improving trading relationships among Senator BLUMENTHAL from Con- There was a woman born there on necticut, to reduce drug prices, has Mexico, Canada and the United States? May 26, 1953, named Kay Hagan. I don’t gotten caught in the crosshairs of this Are they passing legislation to support know that she was born Kay Hagan, partisan fighting too. This bill has our men and women in the military? but she became Kay Hagan, and maybe I am sad to say that for our Demo- broad bipartisan support. It would that was after getting married. But she cratic colleagues, the answer to each of lower Federal spending by more than was the daughter of a homemaker those questions is no—no time for one-half billion dollars in over 10 years. named Jeanette, and her dad had a tire tackling the big problems but plenty of business. Later, he worked as a real es- It would also save consumers out-of- time for the politics of trying to re- tate broker. Apparently, politics was in pocket costs for prescription drugs. move the President from office, 1 year According to , the Demo- her blood. Her dad also served as before the next general election. cratic leader is blocking the bill, de- mayor, later on, of Lakeland, FL. That Speaker PELOSI knows this is going spite the fact that folks in both parties to divide the country, and it is going to was where Kay Hagan spent most of in Congress, as well as the President, occupy everyone’s attention here in her childhood. have said that they are eager to pass Washington, DC, until it is concluded, Lakeland, FL, is near to me because legislation to reduce drug prices. The and she also knows that the likelihood it is the spring training camp for the Democratic leader will not let it come of getting 66 votes in the Senate to Detroit Tigers. I have been a Detroit to the floor. convict the President and to remove Tigers fan since I was 9 years old. So it To me, this is the greatest example him is incredibly unlikely. It has never has been a while. For the people watch- of our dysfunction here: When the happened in our Nation’s history, even ing the World Series, three of the best President is for something, when though President Nixon did resign. No pitchers in baseball used to pitch for Democrats are for something, when Re- previous President who has been im- my Tigers. They went through training publicans are for something, when the peached has actually been convicted camp in Lakeland and ended up with House is for something, when the Sen- and removed from office. other teams that took them into the ate is for something, we still can’t The inability to separate their obses- World Series. seem to get it done. That is a hard one sion with the President from their du- Kay was not around to watch any of to explain. Sadly, the list doesn’t stop ties here in Congress should be embar- those former Tigers pitch because she there. rassing. passed away just about 3 days ago. Here is another example. Earlier this Impeachment may consume the news Her uncle was a former Governor of year, the Senate unanimously—unani- cycle, but it shouldn’t stop all of us Florida, with whom I served. Lawton mously—passed a bill I introduced to from working together in the best in- Chiles was one of the sweetest, best reauthorize the Debbie Smith Act. This terests of our constituents and the guys I have ever known. He served here program supplies funding to State and American people. I hope our Demo- in the U.S. Senate for many years— local crime labs to test DNA, or foren- cratic colleagues will reconsider. sort of a centrist Democrat. He was be- sic evidence, and to reduce the rape kit I yield the floor. loved in his State and beloved here as backlog. It is about as nonpartisan an I suggest the absence of a quorum. well. issue as they come. Unfortunately, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Both Kay’s dad and her brother that didn’t make it immune from the clerk will call the roll. served in the U.S. Navy. I did 23 years

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.048 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 in all, Active Duty and Reserve, in the her husband, Bob. Both of them actu- reasons that she was able to fight this Navy, and I treasure those days. ally served here in the Senate, Bob and disease and fight it off as long as she Apparently, Kay also spent summers Elizabeth Dole. Elizabeth is from North did. There is a gym here that used to on her grandparents’ farm. They had a Carolina. be little. It is a little bigger that it farm not in North Carolina but in a We were fond of her, and when the used to be. The one in the House is place called Chesterfield in South two of them ran against each other, it much bigger; they have a lot more peo- Carolina. Chesterfield used to be a to- was tough, but stuff like that happens. ple. bacco brand, It was called Chesterfield. Kay won, and she came here and served But they have a little swimming pool She spent summers on her grand- for 6 years until 2015. at the gym here, and I have never used parents’ farm in Chesterfield, SC, and She left the Senate in 2014. She was it. For years, it was just men only. In there she helped to string tobacco and defeated by THOM TILLIS, who serves fact, for years there was not even an harvest watermelons. here today. She lost by, I think, less opportunity for women in the Senate I grew up in Danville, VA, the world’s than 50,000 votes, so it was a close vote. to actually have a fitness center to biggest tobacco market. The kids in After her term ended in the Senate, she work out. She changed that. She led my classes at school—the really cool went on to work as a fellow at the Har- the fight to change that. I think when kids, apparently—strung tobacco and vard Institute of Politics and a senior she lost her race in 2014 and the women probably havested watermelons, as policy consultant at a law firm, Akin in the Senate threw her a goodbye well, as Kay did. Gump. party, they did it at the pool and in the She graduated from Lakeland High She died October 28 of this year, 3 fitness center down in the basement of School in 1971 and went on to Florida days ago, of encephalitis caused by a the Russell building. State University and received her JD virus she contracted from a tick bite, In the 1970s, she was an intern in the from Wake Forest Law School in 1978. and it is something that happened in Capitol—and we have some pages here. Her husband Chip, whom she mar- 2016, and it was 3 years later that she I don’t think she was ever a page, but ried, I think, in 1977, was a trans- finally died, which is very, very sad. later she was an intern. She became an actions lawyer. She raised her family She was the second female Senator elevator operator. I am not sure if in Greensboro, NC. If you go 30 or 40 from North Carolina—first female Harry Reid, who was our majority lead- miles north of Greensboro, you are in Democrat to be elected from North er and minority leader here, he was an Virginia, and that is where I grew up, Carolina to the Senate, the first female elevator operator, but there was sort of in Danville, VA. Democrat. She served, while she was a pecking order, starting with pages at When I first met her, we kind of here, on a number of committees. I did a very young age and interns later on, talked about her background in the not have the pleasure of serving with and then they become an elevator oper- Navy and her father, and we talked her at the same time. She was on ator and have some other jobs here and about Lakeland, FL, and my affinity Armed Services. There is a lot of mili- then go off to do amazing things with for the Detroit Tigers, who have tary in North Carolina, especially the their life. trained there for decades. We talked Marines there on the East Coast. And she certainly did that. She was about her raising her family in Greens- But she was on the Banking Com- operating an elevator here in the Sen- boro. I spent a lot of my childhood in mittee. She joined the committee after ate that carried Senators, including Danville, just north of Greensboro. I left to be a member of the Finance her uncle Lawton Chiles, who I men- I told her a story about going to Committee. She served on the Health, tioned earlier. Greensboro with my dad, as a kid, and Education, Labor, and Pension Com- Joe Biden visited Kay Hagan in we got ourselves a hunting dog from mittee and Small Business and Entre- North Carolina the day before her Greensboro, where she raised her fam- preneurship. death—that would have been 4 days ily. In 6 years, you vote on a lot of ago—and what Joe said of Kay is that She leaves behind three kids—Jea- amendments, you vote on a lot of bills, she was a crucial partner in passing the nette, who was named after her moth- you offer a lot of bills and amend- Affordable Care Act and the stimulus er, Tilden, and Carrie. She also is a ments. She did all of that, and I just package which got us off of our back grandmother of five grandchildren wanted to focus on one thing that she when we were going through the worst whom she loved and adored. supported and worked on. She was a recession since the Great Depression. Before she got into politics she person who believed that we have a Joe said that ‘‘She was a crucial part- worked in the financial industry. She moral obligation to the least of these ner’’ in passing the Affordable Care became vice president of what was then in our society. Matthew 25 speaks to a Act, which passed by one vote, and she North Carolina National Bank and moral obligation—when people are was that one vote. I think she was went on to become today part of Bank hungry, what we should do about it, probably prouder of that vote than of America. when they are naked or thirsty, what anything that she did when she served She worked as a campaign manager are our obligations, regardless of our here. for a guy named Jim Hunt. Jim Hunt faith. I want to segue from Kay, but before was Governor for 8 years. In North Matthew 25 states: When I was hun- I do, she was always interested in fig- Carolina, you can be Governor for 8 gry, did you feed me? When I was uring out the right things to do, not years, and you have to step down, or naked, did you clothe me? When I was what was easy or expedient. She was you can come back and be elected thirsty, did you give me drink? When I always asking what is the right thing again. He was elected for another 8 was sick or in prison, did you visit me? to do. I remember her being here and years. She worked for Jim Hunt, a When I was a stranger in your land, did other Senators—Democrats and Repub- great education Governor, who always you walk with me? licans—and we were trying to figure surrounded himself with just the best And she answered all of those ques- out what to do on a particular issue. people in the world. I treasured serving tions: Yes, yes, yes. She would always say: What is the as a Governor with him and his friend- She was somebody that thought we right thing to do? ship, and the fact that she had been his had moral obligations for the least of She was one of those people who had campaign manager endeared her to me. these, but since we didn’t have unlim- deep faith, and she believed not only do She was first elected to office, I ited amounts of money, we just we have a moral obligation to the least think, when she was elected to the couldn’t waste our money, and we had of these, but she thought that we ought North Carolina General Assembly, not to spend it effectively. She believed to treat other people the way we want- as a State representative but she was that we should not just give a person a ed to be treated, and that is the Golden elected as a State senator. She served, fish and feed them for a day, but teach Rule. I think, five terms, representing Guil- a person to fish and they would feed As it turns out, about a week ago, I ford County down in North Carolina. themselves for a lifetime. was invited to worship in a Hindu wor- She ran for the Senate in 2008 against She was a fitness buff. I love to work ship service in Delaware with a con- Elizabeth Dole, another person for out, and my wife loves to work out, and gregation of a thousand people, and I whom I had great affection, as I did for she did too. I think that is one of the was reminded there that the Golden

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.049 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6355 Rule—to treat other people the way we change and every State should have to introduce competition and, we hope, want to be treated—is part of every the ability to set up the purchasing a cycle that will allow more people to major religion, the Golden Rule. I do pool in their State. People who didn’t get better coverage for a lower price. not care if you are Catholic, I do not have coverage could get their coverage So, Kay Hagan, we miss you, and we care if you are a Jew, I do not care if in the exchanges. considered it a privilege to have served you are a Muslim, Hindu, some form of Neither one was turned into law, but with you here. Something good has the Golden Rule is right there. She was about 10, 12 years later, the new Gov- come out of something very difficult. a big proponent of the Golden Rule, ernor of Massachusetts, , The passage of the Affordable Care Act and that was the work of her life. took the idea of the exchanges and in- was hard. It has been hard finding a She was also one of those people who troduced the Mitt Romney Care so that way forward since then, but I think focused on excellence in everything she the people in his State would have the better days lie ahead, and market did. She was committed to doing things opportunity to sign up for the coverage forces are starting to work, and that is well and wanted to be surrounded by in their exchange. a good thing. staff that did things well. When thing We wrote the Affordable Care Act, we And with that, I will yield the floor. would go well for her and she would do did it, and we took good ideas from all The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- a good job, she would always give cred- over the country and all over the world jority leader. it to her team. When her team would to provide healthcare to people that f fall short, she was not one of those peo- was affordable. One of the ideas that EXECUTIVE SESSION ple who blamed the team; she blamed we stole to put in the Affordable Care herself. Act was Governor Romney’s idea of the Another thing I would say is she just exchanges. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR didn’t give up. She was tenacious—not And you know what? It was a good very tall, not tall in stature, but, boy, idea. It was a good idea. The first few Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I was she tenacious. She showed this es- years of RomneyCare in Massachu- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- pecially by the way she fought for her setts, they did a pretty good job of ex- ate proceed to executive session for life to the very end 3 days ago. tending coverage. They did not do such consideration of Calendar Nos. 468 I want to talk just a little about her a good job initially on affordability, through 477 and all nominations on the vote on the Affordable Care Act and and they kept trying, and they finally Secretary’s desk in the Air Force, why she thought it was the right thing figured it out—competition in the mar- Army, Marine Corps, and Navy; that to do. Matthew 25 does not say any- ketplace, in the exchange, and more in- the nominations be confirmed; that the thing about: I was lame and you gave surance companies providing, partici- motions to reconsider be considered me healthcare or access to healthcare. pating, and this worked well. We found made and laid upon the table with no My own source of healthcare was the in the first 2 years that the Affordable intervening action or debate; that no hospital, what did you do about it? Care Act was standing up the ex- further motions be in order; that any That doesn’t say that in the New Tes- changes 7, 8, or 9 years ago that it was statements related to the nominations tament. a challenge. It was difficult. be printed in the RECORD; that the But I think the implication is clear. What has happened now is the insur- President be immediately notified of We have an obligation—I think a moral ers are starting to figure it out. They the Senate’s action, and the Senate obligation to try to make sure every- priced too high. The States have come then resume legislative session. body has access to healthcare and, up with ways to buy down the risks for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without hopefully, to affordable healthcare. the insurers and to make a number of objection, it is so ordered. That is what we tried to do with the States’ health insurance in the ex- The nominations considered and con- Affordable Care Act, and that is why changes more affordable, so that more firmed are as follows: she supported it. people can actually afford that help. IN THE ARMY Sometimes people think the Afford- I would just close this here. The ma- The following named officers for appoint- able Care Act is just the exchanges, jority leader is standing here waiting ment to the grade indicated in the United just the marketplaces. Every State has to speak, so I will just close if I can by States Army under title 10, U.S.C., section an exchange or marketplace that is saying after a number of years seeing 624: there. It is sort of like a purchasing the cost of healthcare coverages in ex- To be brigadier general pool for healthcare that people can be- changes across the country go up, up, Col. Andrew C. Hilmes come a part of. If they don’t work for up—sometimes by double-digit rates— IN THE AIR FORCE an employer who provides healthcare, the insurance companies were trying to The following named officer for appoint- that is issued by the employer, and figure out how to price health insur- ment in the to the they are not old enough for Medicare ance for people who have not had grade indicated while assigned to a position or their income level is too high to health insurance for years. It took of importance and responsibility under title allow them to participate in Medicaid them several years to figure it out, but 10, U.S.C., section 601: and, in those cases, they have to find they finally, for the most part, have. To be lieutenant general some way to get access to healthcare. The cost of healthcare in exchanges Maj. Gen. James B. Hecker Back in 1993, the Republican Senator doesn’t go up by double-digit rates any- IN THE NAVY from Rhode Island, John Chafee—who more. the following named officer for appoint- is also a Navy guy, later Secretary of In fact, we have 20 or more States ment in the United States Navy to the grade the Navy—he introduced legislation now where the cost of healthcare cov- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: here in the Senate in 1993 as a Repub- erage in the exchange is only going up To be rear admiral (lower half) lican response to something Hillary a couple of percentage points, maybe Gregory C. Huffman Clinton was doing during her husband’s less. In a half-dozen States, the cost of The following named officer for appoint- administration that was working to healthcare in the exchanges is actually ment in the grade indicated while serving as find ways to make sure that everybody going down. In the State of Delaware, Surgeon General of the Navy under title 10 had access to healthcare in this coun- when the exchanges open up tomorrow, U.S.C., section 8077: try. the people will sign up for the To be rear admiral We worked on something called healthcare exchange in Delaware, the Rear Adm. Bruce L. Gillingham HillaryCare, and the Republicans ridi- price will not be going up next year. It IN THE ARMY culed her efforts and those around her. will be going down by 19 percent. There The following named officer for appoint- She said basically in response: What is are six other States where the con- ment in the United States Army to the grade your idea? What is your idea? sumer experience is similar, and that is indicated while assigned to a position of im- The response was by Senator Chafee, encouraging. portance and responsibility under title 10, joined by 22 or 23 Republican Senators, A lot more insurance companies are U.S.C., section 601: and part of what they came up with is offering coverage in the States, 23 last To be lieutenant general that every State should have an ex- year and 45 this year—and that is going Maj. Gen Mark C. Schwartz

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:28 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.050 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 The following named Army National Guard SCOTT J. RUMISEK, which nominations which nominations were received by the Sen- of the United States officer for appointment were received by the Senate and appeared in ate and appeared in the Congressional in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indi- the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. Record of October 15, 2019. cated under title 10, U.S.C., sections 12203 IN THE ARMY PN1199 ARMY nominations (8) beginning MATTHEW W. CASPARI, and ending GLEN and 12211: PN1119 ARMY nomination of Timothy M. To be brigadier general E. TEMPLETON, which nominations were Donelson, which was received by the Senate received by the Senate and appeared in the Col. Karl Konzelman and appeared in the Congressional Record of Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. The following named officer for appoint- September 19, 2019. PN1200 ARMY nomination of Kenneth J. ment in the United States Army to the grade PN1120 ARMY nomination of Cesar A. Biskner, which was received by the Senate indicated while assigned to a position of im- Patino, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of portance and responsibility under title 10, and appeared in the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. U.S.C., section 601: September 19, 2019. PN1201 ARMY nominations (7) beginning PN1121 ARMY nomination of John J. To be lieutenant general NAVARI N. CAMERON, and ending JUAN A. Vogel, which was received by the Senate and VILLATORO, which nominations were re- Maj. Gen. Randy A. George appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the The following named officer for appoint- tember 19, 2019. Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. ment in the United States Army to the grade PN1122 ARMY nomination of Lance A. PN1202 ARMY nomination of Deleno M. indicated while assigned to a position of im- Brown, which was received by the Senate Harper, Jr., which was received by the Sen- portance and responsibility under title 10, and appeared in the Congressional Record of ate and appeared in the Congressional U.S.C. section 601. September 19, 2019. Record of October 15, 2019. To be lieutenant general PN1123 ARMY nomination of Gregory J. PN1203 ARMY nomination of James M. Hirschey, which was received by the Senate McCandless, which was received by the Sen- Maj. Gen. Edwin J. Deedrick, Jr. and appeared in the Congressional Record of ate and appeared in the Congressional The following named officer for appoint- September 19, 2019. Record of October 15, 2019. ment in the United States Army to the grade NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S PN1204 ARMY nomination of Jens K. indicated while assigned to a position of im- DESK Pederson, which was received by the Senate portance—and responsibility under title 10, PN1124 ARMY nomination of Michael C. and appeared in the Congressional Record of U.S.C., section 601. Haith, which was received by the Senate and October 15, 2019. PN1207 ARMY nominations (2) beginning To be lieutenant general appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- GRECO E. CARRERAS, and ending PAUL E. Gen. James E. Rainey tember 19, 2019. GEBHARDT, which nominations were re- IN THE NAVY PN1125 ARMY nomination of Christopher 0. Dorsey, which was received by the Senate ceived by the Senate and appeared in the The following named officer for appoint- and appeared in the Congressional Record of Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. ment in The United States Navy to the grade PN1208 ARMY nomination of James H. September 19, 2019. indicated while assigned to a position of im- Feaster, which was received by the Senate PN1126 ARMY nomination of Galen portance and responsibility under title 10, and appeared in the Congressional Record of Cipperly, which was received by the Senate U.S.C., section 601: October 15, 2019. and appeared in the Congressional Record of To be admiral PN1209 ARMY nomination of Christa M. September 19, 2019. Chewar, which was received by the Senate PN1127 ARMY nomination of Wayne J. Vice Adm. Charles A. Richard and appeared in the Congressional Record of Harsha, which was received by the Senate NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S October 15, 2019. DESK and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1210 ARMY nomination of Erik A. Er- September 19, 2019. IN THE AIR FORCE nest, which was received by the Senate and PN1128 ARMY nominations (12) beginning appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- PN1112 AIR FORCE nomination of David B. PAULA A. BOICE, and ending CHUNAE ZOH, Martin, which was received by the Senate tober 15, 2019. which nominations were received by the Sen- PN1211 ARMY nomination of Joshua D. and appeared in the Congressional Record of ate and appeared in the Congressional Helsel, which was received by the Senate and September 19, 2019. Record of September 19, 2019. appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- PN1113 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- PN1189 ARMY nomination of Brian E. tober 15, 2019. ning MATTHEW W. STYLES, and ending Burk, which was received by the Senate and PN1212 ARMY nomination of Scott T. LINDSEY P. DAVIS, which nominations appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- McCartney, which was received by the Sen- were received by the Senate and appeared in tober 15, 2019. ate and appeared in the Congressional the Congressional Record of September 19, PN1190 ARMY nomination of Rhianna K. Record of October 15, 2019. 2019. Riggs, which was received by the Senate and PN1213 ARMY nomination of Broderick L. PN1114 AIR FORCE nomination of Shayla appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- Gardner, which was received by the Senate A. Canty-Smith, which was received by the tober 15, 2019. and appeared in the Congressional Record of Senate and appeared in the Congressional PN1191 ARMY nomination of Fatima H. October 15, 2019. Record of September 19, 2019. Khan, which was received by the Senate and PN1214 ARMY nomination of Kara S. PN1116 AIR FORCE nominations (15) begin- appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- Krulewicz, which was received by the Senate ning TRAVIS M. ALLEN, and ending CHRIS- tober 15, 2019. and appeared in the Congressional Record of TOPHER D. UNDERWOOD, II, which nomi- PN1192 ARMY nomination of Demetrius E. October 15, 2019. nations were received by the Senate and ap- Walton, which was received by the Senate PN1215 ARMY nomination of Tatchie O. peared in the Congressional Record of Sep- and appeared in the Congressional Record of Manso, which was received by the Senate tember 19, 2019. October 15, 2019. and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1118 AIR FORCE nomination of Brandon PN1193 ARMY nominations (12) beginning October 15, 2019. R. Burden, which was received by the Senate GREGORY B. BATDORFF, and ending ERIC PN1216 ARMY nomination of Eduardo and appeared in the Congressional Record of W. WIDMAR, which nominations were re- Olvera, which was received by the Senate September 19, 2019. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the and appeared in the Congressional Record of PN1184 AIR FORCE nominations (4) begin- Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. October 15, 2019. ning STEVEN D. GRESSWELL, and ending PN1194 ARMY nominations (3) beginning PN1217 ARMY nomination of Francisco TESSA L. WINTERTON, which nominations JOSEPH A. BURTON, and ending RONALD Rincon, which was received by the Senate were received by the Senate and appeared in C. VICARS, which nominations were re- and appeared in the Congressional Record of the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the October 15, 2019. PN1185 AIR FORCE nomination of Jason Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. PN1218 ARMY nomination of Wallace W. M. Zhao, which was received by the Senate PN1195 ARMY nomination of Eric L. Rollins, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of Rahman, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. and appeared in the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. PN1186 AIR FORCE nomination of Samuel October 15, 2019. PN1219 ARMY nomination of Taylor S. H. Bridges, which was received by the Senate PN1196 ARMY nomination of Guadalupe Schenck, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of Resendez, Jr., which was received by the and appeared in the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. Senate and appeared in the Congressional October 15, 2019. PN1187 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- Record of October 15, 2019. PN1220 ARMY nomination of William D. ning TIMOTHY J. CURRY, and ending RYAN PN1197 ARMY nomination of Katrina A. Swenson, which was received by the Senate J. GARLOW, which nominations were re- Parlow, which was received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional Record of ceived by the Senate and appeared in the and appeared in the Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. Congressional Record of October 15, 2019. October 15, 2019. IN THE MARINE CORPS PN1188 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- PN1198 ARMY nominations (44) beginning PN1147 MARINE CORPS nomination of ning BRIAN P. BERLAKOVICH, and ending LESLIE E. AKINS, and ending D014484, James M. Stephens, which was received by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:28 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.060 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6357 the Senate and appeared in the Congres- PN1146 NAVY nominations (49) beginning The preamble was agreed to. sional Record of September 19, 2019. GARRETT L. ADAMS, and ending IRIS P. (The resolution, with its preamble, is PN1148 MARINE CORPS nomination of WOOD, which nominations were received by printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- Carlos T. Jackson, which was received by the the Senate and appeared in the Congres- mitted Resolutions.’’) Senate and appeared in the Congressional sional Record of September 19, 2019. Record of September 19, 2019. PN1222 NAVY nomination of Joseph L. f IN THE NAVY Coffey, which was received by the Senate and NATIONAL FARM TO SCHOOL PN1129 NAVY nomination of Michael J. appeared in the Congressional Record of Oc- MONTH Tagaloa, which was received by the Senate tober 15, 2019. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I and appeared in the Congressional Record of f September 19, 2019. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- PN1130 NAVY nomination of Patcho N. LEGISLATIVE SESSION ate proceed to the consideration of S. Santiago, which was received by the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Res. 403, submitted earlier today. and appeared in the Congressional Record of ate will now resume legislative session. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The September 19, 2019. clerk will read the resolution by title. PN1131 NAVY nomination of Bryan A. f The senior assistant legislative clerk Boldon, which was received by the Senate read as follows: and appeared in the Congressional Record of RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY A resolution (S. Res. 403) designating Octo- September 19, 2019. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ber 2019 as ‘‘National Farm to School PN1132 NAVY nomination of Michael D. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Cribbs, which was received by the Senate and Month’’. ate now proceed to the en bloc consid- appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- There being no objection, the Senate eration of the following Senate resolu- tember 19, 2019. proceeded to consider the resolution. tions, which were submitted earlier PN1133 NAVY nomination of Brackery L. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today I Battle, which was received by the Senate and today: S. Res. 399, S. Res. 400, and S. am proud to honor the contributions of appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- Res. 401. farm to school programs around the tember 19, 2019. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without country by introducing a resolution PN1134 NAVY nomination of Joel D. objection, it is so ordered. Myers, which was received by the Senate and that designates October as ‘‘National There being no objection, the Senate appeared in the Congressional Record of Sep- Farm to School Month.’’ I am glad proceeded to consider the resolutions tember 19, 2019. Senators COLLINS, BROWN, and PERDUE en bloc. PN1135 NAVY nominations (108) beginning joined me in introducing this resolu- BRYAN M. ALLRED, and ending KENDRA Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tion. M. YATES, which nominations were received ask unanimous consent that the reso- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Under a provision I authored in the lutions be agreed to, the preambles be 2010 Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act, sional Record of September 19, 2019. agreed to, and the motions to recon- PN1136 NAVY nominations (138) beginning farm to school programs across the sider be considered made and laid upon MARIO D. ADAME, and ending ANTHONY country have thrived. Grants have been M. YOUNG, which nominations were re- the table, all en bloc. awarded in all 50 States and the Dis- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without trict of Columbia to support programs Congressional Record of September 19, 2019. objection, it is so ordered. in more than 43,000 schools. We have PN1137 NAVY nominations (1117) beginning The resolutions (S. Res. 399, S. Res. learned that one of the best ways to WILLIAM H. ABBITT, and ending RUBEN B. 400, S. Res. 401) were agreed to. ZWEIBAN, which nominations were received help students make healthy choices is The preambles were agreed to. to teach them about their food and how by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- (The resolutions, with their pre- sional Record of September 19, 2019. it is grown. Making that connection PN1138 NAVY nominations (30) beginning ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD makes a difference. KELLY W. AGHA, and ending AMY L. under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) We all know that hungry children YOUNGER, which nominations were received f cannot learn. Studies have shown that by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- healthy nutrition in a young person’s sional Record of September 19, 2019. HONORING THE LIFE, WORK, AND PN1139 NAVY nominations (39) beginning LEGACY OF TONI MORRISON diet is crucial to cognitive ability and KWADWO S. AGYEPONG, and ending better health in the long run. Food in- SHAUN E. WILLIAMS, which nominations Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I security and obesity rates are still too were received by the Senate and appeared in ask unanimous consent that the Sen- high in this country, resulting in poor the Congressional Record of September 19, ate proceed to the consideration of S. health and learning and behavioral dif- 2019. Res. 402, which was submitted earlier ficulties at school. The school meal PN1140 NAVY nominations (6) beginning today. program has made tremendous strides BRADLEY E. CHERRY, and ending NEIL W. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without in recent years to ensure not only that WHITESELL, which nominations were re- objection, it is so ordered. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the children have access to meals through- Congressional Record of September 19, 2019. The clerk will report the resolution out the school day but that those PN1141 NAVY nominations (15) beginning by title. meals are nutritious. The Farm to HERNAN R. BORJA, and ending BRIAN E. The senior assistant legislative clerk School Program has given children and YEE, which nominations were received by read as follows: schools across the country the tools to the Senate and appeared in the Congres- A resolution (S. Res. 402) honoring the life, craft farm-fresh, healthy, and delicious sional Record of September 19, 2019. work, and legacy of Toni Morrison. PN1142 NAVY nominations (15) beginning meals that students enjoy. BENJAMIN T. ANDERSON, and ending There being no objection, the Senate In Vermont, I have seen firsthand MATTHEW A. STROUP, which nominations proceeded to consider the resolution. how farm to school efforts have better were received by the Senate and appeared in Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I connected children with the food in the Congressional Record of September 19, know of no further debate on the reso- their cafeteria. Students participate in 2019. lution. school gardens, sustainability projects, PN1143 NAVY nominations (16) beginning The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there and taste tests for new school menu NICK AVILA, and ending ATHANASIOS R. further debate? items. Earlier this month, I was glad to VARVOUTIS, which nominations were re- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Hearing none, the question is on visit St. Albans, VT, to announce Congressional Record of September 19, 2019. adoption of the resolution. grants that will enhance classroom PN1144 NAVY nominations (17) beginning The resolution (S. Res. 402) was curriculum to help children become fa- MICHAEL ADAMSKI, JR., and ending AUS- agreed to. miliar with local food and how to eat TIN C. WEST, which nominations were re- Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous healthfully. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the consent that the preamble be agreed to Ensuring children have enough food Congressional Record of September 19, 2019. and the motions to reconsider be con- to eat is an issue that unites us all. PN1145 NAVY nominations (60) beginning JASON C. ABELL, and ending JAMES M. sidered made and laid upon the table There is simply no excuse that in the ZWEIFEL, which nominations were received with no intervening action or debate. wealthiest, most powerful Nation on by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Earth, people go hungry. Small sional Record of September 19, 2019. objection, it is so ordered. changes in eating habits by children

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.061 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 will result in lifelong health benefits A resolution (S. Res. 345) supporting the I rarely use the word ‘‘delightful’’ to for generations to come. The Farm to goals and ideals of National Cybersecurity describe people, but Kay was a delight- School Program empowers children and Awareness Month to raise awareness about, ful woman. She was a friend to so their families to make healthy choices and enhance the state of, cybersecurity in many of us, and she was a good col- the United States. now and in the future. I am glad all league in the Senate. Senators joined us in recognizing the There being no objection, the com- We had an opportunity to work to- importance of this program and recog- mittee was discharged, and the Senate gether on different legislative matters, nizing October 2019 as National Farm proceeded to consider the resolution. whether it was initiatives I was leading Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous to School Month. on mineral security or initiatives she consent that the resolution be agreed Mr. MCCONNELL. I know of no fur- was working on with regard to small ther debate on the measure. to, the preamble be agreed to, and the business and HUBZones, but the one The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there motions to reconsider be considered area we really did connect on for a cou- is no further debate, the question is on made and laid upon the table. ple years was what we were trying to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without agreeing to the resolution. do with our sportsmen’s bill. objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 403) was We were successful in passing that The resolution (S. Res. 345) was agreed to. through the Senate a couple years ago, agreed to. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous but we worked on this back in 2014, and consent that the preamble be agreed to The preamble was agreed to. (The resolution, with its preamble, is it gave us an opportunity, as two and that the motions to reconsider be women from States where hunting and printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- considered made and laid upon the mitted Resolutions.’’) fishing and being engaged with the out- table with no intervening action or de- doors is something that Alaskans and bate. f North Carolinians do and enjoy. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ORDERS FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER shared stories. We shared just discus- objection, it is so ordered. 4, 2019, AND TUESDAY, NOVEM- sion about how we were able to reach The preamble was agreed to. BER 5, 2019 common ground. We figured if these (The resolution, with its preamble, is Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I two women from these two parts of the printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- ask unanimous consent that when the country could figure this out and make mitted Resolutions.’’) Senate completes its business today, it it happen, that would really be a good f adjourn to then convene for pro forma day, a positive day. WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE CENTENNIAL session only, with no business being Well, it didn’t happen at that par- COMMEMORATIVE COIN ACT conducted, on Monday November 4, at 1 ticular time, but I am pleased to say we were successful some years later, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I p.m. I further ask that when the Sen- and I think much of that was due, in ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ate adjourns on Monday, November 4, it next convene at 10 a.m., Tuesday, part, to the good work of Kay Hagan. ate proceed to the immediate consider- I know there have been references to ation of H.R. 2423, which was received November 5, and that following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be her legislative work, to her quality as from the House. a woman and a leader. My heart is real- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The expired, the Journal of proceedings be ly with the Hagan family, with her clerk will report the bill by title. approved to date, the time for the two husband, Chip, and her extended family The senior assistant legislative clerk leaders be reserved for their use later who truly loved her and were very pro- read as follows: in the day, morning business be closed, and the Senate proceed to executive tective of her in so many ways. I know A bill (H.R. 2423) to require the Secretary their loss is a significant one. of the Treasury to mint coins in commemo- session and resume consideration of ration of ratification of the 19th Amendment the Tapp nomination; further, notwith- I want them all to know that this to the Constitution of the United States, giv- standing the provisions of rule XXII, Senator from Alaska shares that love, ing women in the United States the right to the cloture motions filed during to- shares that loss for a woman who vote. day’s session ripen at 2:15 p.m. Tues- served us all well. I wanted to make There being no objection, the Senate day, November 5; finally, that the Sen- sure that my comments were included proceeded to consider the bill. ate recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 among the many who have spoken on Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous p.m. to allow for the weekly conference Kay’s life. consent that the bill be considered read meetings. f a third time and passed and that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SAVANNA’S ACT motion to reconsider be considered objection, it is so ordered. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I made and laid upon the table. f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without want to speak to another matter this objection, it is so ordered. ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT afternoon, a matter that as I think The bill (H.R. 2423) was ordered to a Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if about my tenure in the Senate and third reading, was read the third time, there is no further business to come be- those initiatives I have been engaged and passed. fore the Senate, I ask the Senate stand with that have really touched me in a f adjourned under the previous order fol- way that make me want to work all lowing the remarks of Senator MUR- that much harder because it is so chal- SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND KOWSKI. lenging, it is so difficult, and in many, IDEALS OF NATIONAL CYBERSE- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- many ways, it is so dark that anything CURITY AWARENESS MONTH TO ator from Alaska. I can do to shine a light on it, I will do RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT, AND f so. ENHANCE THE STATE OF, CY- I came to the Senate floor 2 years BERSECURITY IN THE UNITED REMEMBERING KAY HAGAN ago, joined by my former colleague STATES Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I from North Dakota, Senator Heidi Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I know that several of my colleagues Heitkamp. Heidi was on the floor ask unanimous consent that the Com- have had an opportunity to take to the speaking about a bill she had intro- mittee on Commerce, Science, and floor this week and today to speak to duced, Savanna’s Act, but together we Transportation be discharged from fur- the memory of a woman, a Senator, were really working to speak to the ur- ther consideration and the Senate now and a friend—certainly a friend of gency of addressing this epidemic, if proceed to S. Res. 345. mine—former Senator Kay Hagan from you will, this growing number of miss- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the State of North Carolina. ing and murdered Native women across clerk will report the resolution by Kay was one of those women whom America. title. you naturally gravitated to. She was The awful truth in this country is The senior assistant legislative clerk kind. She was generous in her southern that Native women are victims of vio- read as follows: manner and in her charm. lence in unprecedented proportions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.059 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6359 When I say unprecedented, I will give learned through the news of a video Of those, 282 were confirmed murdered, you some of Alaska’s numbers just to cartridge that had been found on a 127 were confirmed missing, and 98 kind of put it into perspective. street, and what was revealed was a cases are still listed in an unknown This month, October, is Domestic Vi- tape of torture and abuse of a Native status. These cases exist across 71 olence Awareness Month, and so in woman. urban areas selected for the study— many of the communities in States That tape ultimately led to the ar- from Baltimore to Orlando in the east across the country, we have been fo- rest of this same man who is accused of coast and all the way up to the North cused on these issues of domestic vio- killing Veronica. That video showed Slope in the community of Utqiagvik. lence and what more we can do to ad- the torture and the murder of 30-year- According to the report, Anchorage dress these issues of concern and safe- old Kathleen Jo Henry. She was origi- was among the top 10 cities identified ty. nally from a very small village, the vil- in this study, coming in at No. 3, with Well, on October 1, the first day of lage of Eek. 21 cases of missing and murdered indig- this month where we are raising this These are stories of women. We read enous girls. Overall, Alaska was the awareness, the headlines in the State’s about what they have experienced, fourth highest State in the Nation with largest newspaper stated that the rate what they have endured, and we think 52 cases. Keep in mind that these are of rape in the State of Alaska was up 11 about their families who no longer just the cases that have actually been percent between 2017 and 2018—an 11- have these women in their lives. You reported. percent increase in 1 year. just can’t view them in the abstract as Making sure that we are under- We are a State where, unfortunately, statistics. What are we doing to re- standing the extent of the problem and Alaska Native women are 21⁄2 times spond to them as women, women who the issues we are dealing with, the more likely to be a victim of domestic are vulnerable and are being preyed spotlight we are shining on the issue of violence. In Tribal villages and Native upon? What are we doing to act, to murdered indigenous women is grow- communities, domestic violence rates help? ing, but we need to answer those ques- are up to 10 times higher than the rest I mentioned this is Domestic Vio- tions so we can move from awareness of the Nation—10 times higher. lence Awareness Month. In Alaska, we to action. So think about as bad as it is in areas have started calling it Domestic Vio- What are we doing? How are we that you are in, in our Tribal villages lence Action Month. Going from aware- doing? We are keenly focused—I am, and some of the Native communities, ness to action is really the key because certainly, keenly focused—on what we these rates are staggering. I am here to tell you, in Alaska, we are can do to improve public safety in In 2015, it was estimated that 40 per- very aware of how severe the problem Alaska. As shocking as many of these cent of sex trafficking victims were of violence against Native women is— statistics are that I have shared with Native Americans. Now, I know 2015 whether it is domestic violence, an as- you, what we know is that in far too was a few years ago, but 40 percent of sault, to them being trafficked and many communities in our State we the victims who have been sex traf- murdered. We know the statistics. lack law enforcement presence. These ficked were Native Americans. When I am talking with Alaskans are remote communities. These are The rate of sexual violence victimiza- about what we are seeing with missing small communities, maybe 300 people. tion among Alaska Native women is at and murdered indigenous women, the When you don’t have law enforcement, least seven times greater than non-Na- subject of trafficking keeps coming when there is nobody there who can ad- tive females in the State. So think into every conversation because that minister justice, who can be the law, it about that. There is an unprecedented is, seemingly, what is happening to so is a safe place for bad people to go and level of victimization, of assault, of vi- many who unfortunately go missing. do bad things. olence, of murder that is experienced There are far, far, far too many sto- What we do to address this is on all by Alaska Native women. ries that we then hear they were traf- of us. So as we are looking at public These are statistics that really ficked and then ultimately murdered. safety in rural Alaska, I reminded At- should shock the conscience. I know This nexus is what is really fright- torney General Barr when he partici- they shock mine. I have been exposed ening. pated in a video conference at the Alas- to them for so many years, but it con- I mentioned the data and under- ka Federation of Natives convention a tinues to shock. standing what it is that we know and couple of weeks ago—he made the com- We all know these are not just statis- what we don’t know—how big is the ment that we want to make sure we tics. These are mothers, these are sis- problem, what is happening with our have public safety throughout Alaska ters, these are aunts, these are cousins, Native women that they are being vic- and that a woman shouldn’t have to these are friends, and these are women timized to the extent and to the level move to the city to feel safe, and I had who are being violated at rates that we see. We are beginning to make some to remind him—that in the cities, un- are unacceptable anywhere in any progress. We are beginning to gather fortunately, we are not seeing the level State. more data and understanding. of safety that we would seek. Now, I mentioned that some of the There is a lot we know we have to But we are making some headway, statistics are old, and that is part of learn, but one thing that has become and I want to share with colleagues the problem, trying to understand clear is that these crimes are perme- what we have just done in this Interior what it is that we don’t know, so we ating cities across America. They are appropriations bill that we moved need to get updated data, but what in the cities, but they are also in our through in the full Senate just this isn’t old—and, unfortunately, seem- small, remote, and rural communities. afternoon, and I thank colleagues for ingly, every day we get new statistics There is really no geographic bound- that support. that are added to what we have already ary that we are talking about here. Ini- For the first time, we are directing known. tially, we had thought the problem of real dollars to prioritize the crisis of It was just last week family and missing and murdered indigenous missing and murdered indigenous friends packed an Anchorage court- women and girls was primarily a prob- women. We have included a specific room for the arraignment of a man who lem on the remote Indian reservations, focus there within the Interior approps had been charged with murdering 52- but we had some good, strong reporting bill for FY 2020. We provide funding to year-old Veronica Abouchuk. She was a from the Seattle-based Urban Indian address the crisis with support for cold Native woman originally from the vil- Health Institute. We learned a lot case investigations, equipment, train- lage of St. Michael. She had been in there about the gaps in the data. We ing, and background checks. This will Anchorage for a period of time. She learned that the number of Native be an effort where we will work with had been reported missing earlier this women who go missing in urban cen- the Department of Justice, with the year, and then she was found dead near ters is as significant as those who go BIA, with the administration, with the the Old Glenn Highway in April. missing on reservations or in rural State, and with the Tribes. It was just a few weeks ago now— areas. We also encourage the Indian Health maybe about 3 weeks ago—the Alaska In fact, last year there were 507 cases Service to look at programs that can community was just horrified as we of Native women killed in urban areas. help educate community health aides

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.057 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019 on trauma informed care, which also pretty impressive. It is about 15 feet hub community. It is important that includes collecting medical evidence. high. But, again, it is a white qaspeq, we both understand the scope of the Through the CJS approps bill that we with the portraits, the sketches, of problem and address coordination be- passed, we build upon efforts to address these women. tween our State, our Federal, and our the high rates of violence that are ex- In the center is the face of not a Tribal governments. That is what Sa- perienced in far too many Alaskan woman but a young girl, Ashley John- vanna’s Act and this counterpart legis- communities. son Barr. She was a 10-year-old girl lation, the Not Invisible Act, do to- We have been advocating for the larg- who was kidnapped and killed in gether. est possible Victims of Crime Act fund Kotzebue last year. I reintroduced Savanna’s Act with set aside for Native communities that Being at Ashley’s memorial services Senator CORTEZ MASTO earlier this disproportionately face violence and with the entire community of year. This was an effort where I was have oftentimes extremely limited ac- Kotzebue—it probably felt like the proud to carry the torch for Senator cess to service. whole region—grieving the loss of that Heitkamp, who has truly been a leader We also secured significant funding child in that brutal and awful murder on this issue. Our bill combats the epi- for the Violence Against Women Pre- in her home was something that never demic of murdered and missing Native vention and Prosecution Programs, and leaves you. women and girls by improving the Fed- for State and local law enforcement On one sleeve of the qaspeq is eral Government’s response to address- and Tribal assistance, we provide addi- sketched the face of Sophie Sergei. ing the crisis. Savanna’s Act increases tional resources, as well as resourcing Sophie was killed in 1993. She was at coordination among all levels of law for the COPS, or the Community Ori- the University of Alaska Fairbanks in enforcement, increases data collection ented Policing Services Program, one of the dorms. Her case was cold for in information sharing, and empowers which is an initiative to increase the 25 years. For 25 years, her family had Tribal governments with the resources number of police officers and ensure no idea who brutally killed her and left they need in cases involving missing they are properly trained. her in a bathtub of blood in a campus and murdered indigenous women and So I think we are making some head- dorm room. That case broke loose with girls wherever they occurred. way on the appropriations side, but I some DNA testing not too many This second bill that I mentioned, think we know there is more that we months ago. Her family is hoping that with Senator CORTEZ MASTO, is the Not can do. We know there is more that we one day there will be justice for their Invisible Act. What we have seen for must do. daughter, but the faces on that qaspeq far too long is that Native families and I thank Attorney General Barr, who represent way too many lives lost. communities mourn the loss of family came up to the State of Alaska in May Some of what we are facing in Alas- members, sometimes with the resolu- at the invitation of Senator SULLIVAN ka, when it comes to public safety, is tion of their cases of a murdered sister and myself and many of our leaders the lack of public safety in rural areas or a missing loved one, but often the around the State, including our Tribal and an inability to ensure that people cases remain unsolved. leaders, and he was able to sit down at are safe in their homes. When you look As I mentioned earlier, we were roundtables in Anchorage and was able at the statistics that we have, when shocked in Alaska by the case of Kath- to get up to Fort Yukon, on the Yukon you look at the issues you face, some- leen Jo Henry and the related case of River, and come down to Bethel and to times you have to say: Maybe the way Veronica Abouchuk. But what is just go out to the small village of we have been doing things for this long as shocking is that the Abouchuk fam- Napakiak, a community of about 350 just isn’t working out in these areas. ily has already—already—experienced people. Maybe there needs to be a different dy- the loss of one of their sisters, Martha Following his visit, he was so struck namic. Toms, who was killed in 2005 and whose by what he had heard and what he had I recently introduced what we are case is still unsolved. So they have had seen, and truly what he felt in his calling the Alaska Tribal Public Safety tragedy compounded upon tragedy. heart, that he moved forward with a Empowerment Act. It builds on a legis- These bills, Savanna’s Act and the designation of a public safety emer- lative provision that Congressman Not Invisible Act, attempt to bring the gency in the State of Alaska. He has YOUNG has introduced. It is a pilot for issue of violence against Native women been working with us to help specifi- Alaska Tribes to address violence and the ongoing epidemic of missing cally address how we can make these against Native women. In that bill, we and murdered Indians to the attention rural communities safer and what we empower Tribes to exercise domestic of the Nation. These families have can be doing with everything from violence criminal jurisdiction on a faced unspeakable loss and, until re- training to basic infrastructure. It is pilot basis, similar to what we did in cently, have felt almost invisible, frus- something we are working collabo- VAWA 2013 for those in Indian Country. trated, and really just let down by this ratively on. We allow Tribes to assume local con- system—the complex system that was We are also seeing so many individ- trol over local public safety matters. supposed to protect them. uals, organizations, and communities We cannot deny safety or justice to an But to truly honor the memory of really speaking up about this issue. individual based on jurisdictional Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind and ac- Again, it is like the data. If you don’t issues. This addresses one critical knowledge her family’s loss, we have to know it, you can’t respond to it. If the piece, and that is the Tribal empower- close the jurisdictional loopholes that stories aren’t shared, as hard and awful ment. criminals exploit. We have to improve as they are, it is difficult to know how There is another very important ele- the coordination among law enforce- we respond. There are so many who are ment, and that is coordination among ment at all levels of government, and speaking up in different ways to bring law enforcement agencies. I hear way we have to provide the necessary re- light to the fact that so many Native too often from Alaskans who tell me sources. women have not received justice. that they don’t actually count a miss- The Not Invisible Act designates an There is a woman by the name of ing Native woman as missing because official in BIA to coordinate violent Amber Webb that I met when I was in the last time anybody saw her, she met crime prevention efforts across Federal Fairbanks for the AFN conference. She somebody, she left a village, she went agencies. It also establishes a commis- has created this really powerful visual to Anchorage, and nobody really heard sion of local, Tribal, and Federal stake- symbol to honor missing and murdered of her again. But what we know is that holders to make recommendations to women. She sketched the faces of more one of the most vulnerable times for the Department of the Interior and the than 200 missing and murdered indige- these young women is the transition Department of Justice on how to com- nous women from across North Amer- from a village to a hub community or bat this epidemic of disappearances, ica. She sketched them on a giant to a city. We have heard from law en- homicides, violent crimes, and traf- white qaspeq. Qaspeq is the traditional forcement that Native people, espe- ficking of Native Americans and Alas- garb of a woman. She chose the qaspeq cially these young Native girls, are tar- ka Natives. because it symbolizes the adaptability geted by traffickers when they first ar- We know we have a trust responsi- and the strength of Native women. It is rive in Anchorage or Fairbanks or a bility to our Native people, but also we


VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.060 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2019


VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A31OC6.016 S31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1381 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING JAMES I. MOORMAN, 660, which moves us away from historic Bortles and Noah Heaney for receiving the OHIO VETERANS HALL OF FAME precedent and, instead, enacts unique con- Golden Mayor’s Award for Excellence. INDUCTEE straints on Members of Congress who are in Brandon Bortles & Noah Heaney both Gold- the Minority during this impeachment inquiry. en residents, own competing restaurants: HON. JIM JORDAN In the resolution for the President Clinton im- Brandon owns Abejas, and Noah co-owns peachment inquiry, the House Majority pro- Miners Saloon. Instead of focusing on com- OF OHIO vided strong, bipartisan checks and balances peting for customers, Brandon and Noah de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES regarding subpoena authority. These were the cided to work together to bring more diverse Thursday, October 31, 2019 same checks and balances afforded to Con- dining options to downtown Golden. This col- gress during the President Nixon impeach- Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, the Ohio laboration has already brought us Sur Mesa ment inquiry. Veterans Hall of Fame will hold a ceremony in Taqueria, which opened inside Tributary Food However, H. Res. 660 removes Ranking Dublin on November 7 to mark the induction Hall in September, and will soon bring us Members’ traditional co-equal subpoena of its 2019 class. I am honored to commend Nosu Ramen across the street. Together, power. Members of the Minority also lose the to the House one of these inductees: James Brandon and Noah are making an enormous traditional right to refer to the committee ques- I. Moorman of Sidney. contribution to Golden’s economy, our culinary tions on whether subpoenas can be exercised options, our social gathering places, and our Mr. Moorman’s life and career are a model unilaterally by the Chairman. sense of community. for all who would commit themselves to public For a process as important and consequen- service. After his time in the Air Force, he I congratulate Brandon and Noah for receiv- tial as an impeachment inquiry, my constitu- joined the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, ing this well-deserved honor by Mayor Mar- ents in the Sixth District of Tennessee, and where as Jail Administrator he spearheaded jorie Sloan. I thank them for their contributions the American people, deserve better. They de- the planning and design of a new 172-bed fa- to our community. serve fairness. They deserve transparency. H. cility. He was recognized by the Law Enforce- Res. 660 gives our constituents neither. f ment Association of Shelby County as the 1978 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. f PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. Moorman is a life member of the Amer- RECOGNIZING WILLIAM ican Legion, AMVETS, Disabled American STILLERMAN HON. JARED HUFFMAN Veterans, Catholic War Veterans, and Vietnam OF CALIFORNIA Veterans of America. For six years, he was a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member of the Shelby County Veterans Serv- HON. VIRGINIA FOXX ice Commission. OF NORTH CAROLINA Thursday, October 31, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He played a key role in helping neighboring Mr. HUFFMAN. Madam Speaker, I regret Logan County establish its own Vets to DC Thursday, October 31, 2019 that due to a crisis of ongoing power outages Program, coordinating veterans’ trips to Wash- Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam and wildfires in California’s 2nd District, I was ington to visit their memorials on the National Speaker, I rise to recognize William Stillerman unable to cast the following votes. Had I been Mall at no cost to them. of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for his out- present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call Madam Speaker, selection for the Hall of standing tenure as President and CEO of Bap- 585, YEA on Roll Call 586, YEA on Roll Call Fame is a high honor accorded to no more tist Retirement Homes. Throughout his 34 587, YEA on Roll Call 588, YEA on Roll Call than twenty Ohioans each year. To be consid- years of exceptional leadership, Baptist Retire- 589, YEA on Roll Call 590, YEA on Roll Call ered, individuals must not only serve our na- ment Homes has been a pillar of effective 591, and YEA on Roll Call 592. tion honorably in the military but also reflect care and compassion for the elderly in North f the high value of service to others in their Carolina communities. post-military careers. The foundation he started now totals forty PERSONAL EXPLANATION I am pleased to join in the accolades for million dollars, helping to serve the Homes’ James Moorman and his outstanding record of over 500 residents and expand the reach of its HON. JERRY McNERNEY service as he is inducted into the Ohio Vet- services for homebound seniors. OF CALIFORNIA erans Hall of Fame. Seeing such a successful local initiative to f provide seniors access affordable prescrip- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions, comfortable housing, meals, companion- Thursday, October 31, 2019 PERSONAL EXPLANATION ship and many other needs is truly inspiring, Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, had I and I’m proud to represent the person who been present, I would have voted YEA on Roll HON. JOHN W. ROSE embodies its powerful driving force. Call No. 440. OF TENNESSEE Now that Mr. Stillerman himself is retiring, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wish him the very best and thank him for his f incredible work and dedication in serving retir- Thursday, October 31, 2019 ees in our state. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. JOHN W. ROSE of Tennessee. Madam f Speaker, on Thursday, October 31, I was un- HON. TIM RYAN able to vote on the day’s legislation due to a BRANDON BORTLES AND NOAH OF OHIO HEANEY family emergency. Because of this unplanned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES absence, I missed seven Roll Call votes. Im- portantly, I was not present to cast my vote on HON. ED PERLMUTTER Thursday, October 31, 2019 Roll Call No. 604 on the passage of House OF COLORADO Mr. RYAN. Madam Speaker, on June 18, Resolution 660 (H. Res. 660). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2019, I was unable to attend the vote on the Had I been present to vote on H. Res. 660, Lesko Amendment to the House Appropria- I would have voted ‘‘No.’’ Thursday, October 31, 2019 tions Package. Had I been present for the I find it incredibly disappointing that the Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise vote, I would have voted NO on this vote (Roll House of Representatives took up H. Res. today to recognize and applaud Brandon Call No. 324).

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K31OC8.001 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 HONORING SERGEANT DAVID the Yucaipa-Calimesa School District and on In addition to its role as a leading health CHAMBERS AS SOLDIER OF THE the Nominating Committee for the California care provider, AltaMed leads advocacy efforts YEAR School Boards Education Association. to protect critical safety net programs and ex- Jane’s devotion to her students and edu- pand access to services in order to grow HON. ROGER WILLIAMS cation was unshakable. On behalf of Califor- healthier communities. This is made possible nia’s 36th Congressional District, we join to- OF TEXAS through strong partnerships with elected offi- gether with her loved ones to grieve her loss. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cials and community organizations. AltaMed’s Jane’s valuable contributions will be felt for advocacy includes championing California’s Thursday, October 31, 2019 generations to come, and her memory will live historic Health for All Kids Act (SB 4) which Mr. WILLIAMS. Madam Speaker, I would on in the hearts of the countless lives she granted an estimated 170,000 undocumented like to take this time to congratulate Sergeant touched. children access to health care coverage under David Chambers from Troop C, 1st Squadron, f Medi-Cal. AltaMed has also advocated to pro- 3rd Calvary Regiment on being named 2019 CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- tect vital federal funding for community health Soldier of the Year in the Army’s Best Warrior SARY OF ALTAMED HEALTH centers. Competition. SERVICES CORPORATION With a commitment to social justice and the The annual competition tests soldiers phys- understanding that health centers play a sig- ically and mentally, as they compete in urban nificant role in helping to achieve health eq- warfare simulations, fitness challenges, warrior HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD uity, AltaMed launched the AltaMed Institute OF CALIFORNIA tasks, written exams and formal board inter- for Health Equity in 2017. Through innovation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES views. education, research, and community engage- Sergeant Chambers represented the Brave Thursday, October 31, 2019 ment, the institute works to inform and support Rifles, Fort Hood, III Corps and United States Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I the elimination of health disparities that dis- Army Forces Command with the highest honor rise today to congratulate AltaMed Health proportionately affect racial and ethnic minori- and integrity. Services Corporation on its 50th anniversary. ties. He also represents the very best of Amer- Over the past half-century, AltaMed has be- In 2018, AltaMed launched a first-of-its-kind ica, and we should all look to his example of come a leader in delivering quality health care effort to mobilize low-propensity voters to patriotism, selflessness and dedication. and empowering communities, and stands make their voices heard at the ballot box in Fort Hood, or ‘The Great Place,’ is one of today as one of America’s largest independent the brand-new ‘‘My Vote, My Health’’ cam- the largest military installations in the world, federally qualified health centers. paign. Drawing on best practices from Get Out where soldiers like Sergeant Chambers rep- When AltaMed was founded in 1969 as the The Vote research, and leveraging organiza- resent the gold standard for the United States East LA Barrio Free Clinic, it relied entirely on tion and community assets, AltaMed worked to Army. grants and donations. The clinic provided criti- inform, motivate, and mobilize patients and The men and women who are stationed cally needed care to predominantly Latino and employees to protect access to their there truly remind us of what it means to be underserved individuals and families who had healthcare services through the power of their an American. little to no access to medical services. vote. AltaMed’s effort resulted in increases in Madam Speaker, on behalf of the 25th Dis- Today, AltaMed is California’s premier com- voter participation of as much as 432 percent trict of Texas, I want to thank Sergeant Cham- munity health network, encompassing more in some of the hardest-to-reach voter pre- bers for his service, and congratulate him on than 50 service delivery sites throughout Los cincts. receiving this prestigious award. Angeles and Orange Counties, and staffed by On November 8, 2019, AltaMed will com- May God bless the United States of Amer- a culturally and linguistically competent work- memorate its 50th anniversary. Madam ica, and those who fight for our freedom. force of more than 3,000 employees. It pro- Speaker, I ask my colleagues to please join f vides care to more than 300,000 individuals me in congratulating AltaMed on achieving this and families in one million annual patient en- historic milestone as an exceptional health HONORING THE LIFE OF JANE counters. In addition, AltaMed has expanded care leader, advancing quality care for Latino, DUNDAS SMITH beyond primary care to deliver a full con- multi-ethnic, and underserved communities in tinuum of care that includes pediatrics, dental Los Angeles and Orange Counties. HON. RAUL RUIZ care, women’s health, senior services, youth f OF CALIFORNIA services, and HIV/ AIDS services. To this day, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AltaMed is committed to providing quality care PERSONAL EXPLANATION without exception and working to address Thursday, October 31, 2019 health disparities in our communities. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Mr. RUIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to recog- In 1982, AltaMed began offering senior OF CALIFORNIA nize the life and legacy of my constituent, services by opening its first Adult Day Health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jane Dundas Smith—a dedicated educator Care Center in East Los Angeles, providing who uplifted and inspired her students. Jane medical and rehabilitative care to older adults. Thursday, October 31, 2019 was an extraordinary leader both inside and In 1996, AltaMed made the transition to PACE Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I was unable outside the classroom who sought to better (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), to be present during roll call vote number 596 the lives of students in our communities and a world-class managed-care program that due to a meeting with constituents. I would across the country. uses a unique team-based approach to pro- like the record to reflect how I would have After graduating from the University of Cali- vide frail older adults with medical, social, nu- voted: on roll call vote number 596, I would fornia Davis, Jane began her career as a tritional, and rehabilitation services. This pro- have voted NO. ninth-grade English teacher at Vallejo Unified gram makes it possible for those who meet f School District. From there, she launched a nursing home eligibility requirements to remain more than 30-year career in education—even- at home, enjoying the comfort and reassur- CONGRATULATING HENRY tually supporting educational programs for the ance of familiar surroundings while receiving DESROSIERS ON HIS RETIREMENT largest county in the nation in the San the care they need. AltaMed currently serves Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools nearly 2,700 older adults at eight PACE loca- HON. DANIEL MEUSER office. tions in Los Angeles County. OF PENNSYLVANIA Jane’s passion for improving the lives of With the passing of the Affordable Care Act IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others through education extended beyond the in 2010, more than 20 million uninsured Amer- classroom. As a consultant and education icans gained access to comprehensive health Thursday, October 31, 2019 specialist, she worked with school districts coverage. AltaMed led widespread efforts Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, it is with across the country, designing programs to through its service delivery sites to enroll and great respect and honor that I rise today to support underserved schools and commu- provide resources to newly eligible individuals, recognize the retirement of Henry Desrosiers nities. becoming Covered California’s top certified after many years of service to our nation and Even after her retirement, Jane continued to enrollment entity for several years in a row, community. shape the lives of students in our commu- and earning a grant through the state’s Navi- Mr. Desrosiers has been a leader in the Jim nities, serving on the Board of Education in gator Program. Thorpe community and has a long history of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.004 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1383 service to our Commonwealth and nation. Mr. In 2017, diabetes contributed to the death of Marjorie Sloan. I thank them for their contribu- Desrosiers was born in Naugatuck, Con- 277,000 Americans—and was the primary tions to our community. necticut and enlisted in the U.S. Air Force death for 85,000 of those individuals. f shortly after graduating from high school. Dur- That same year diagnosed diabetes cost the ing his four years of service, Mr. Desrosiers United States an estimated $327 billion—in- IN HONOR OF FRANCIS W. served as a law enforcement specialist in cluding $237 billion in direct medical costs and O’BRIEN, ON THE OCCASION OF countries around the world, including in Japan $90 billion in productivity losses. HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY and the Philippines, earning both the Good Diabetes drugs, including insulin and oral Conduct Medal and the National Defense medications that regulate blood sugar levels, HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH Service Medal. play a critical role in helping people with dia- OF MASSACHUSETTS After serving our country, Mr. Desrosiers re- betes manage their condition and reduce the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES turned home to serve and protect his commu- risk of diabetes-related health complications. Thursday, October 31, 2019 nity as a police officer for over 25 years, being After the Democrats took control of the promoted to sergeant before his retirement in House in January we got to work on a report Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I rise today in 2003. Furthering his dedication to serve, Mr. on the high cost of insulin and we determined honor of Norfolk County Commissioner Desrosiers joined Carbon County as the Direc- that the Americans’ with diabetes are in crisis. Francis W. O’Brien, in recognition of his over tor of Veterans’ Affairs in 2008. Following a Even though analog insulin has been on the sixty-five years of dedicated public service, on decade of dutiful service to Carbon County’s market for nearly 30 years, it has no meaning- behalf of the Town of Dedham and Norfolk veterans, Mr. Desrosiers will retire later this ful generic competition. County. year. Over the past two decades, manufacturers The son of Annie and John O’Brien, Fran is On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- have systematically and dramatically raised the youngest of seven children. A true son of tives and the citizens of Pennsylvania’s Ninth the prices of their insulin products by more East Dedham, Fran was born in 1929 and Congressional District, I ask my colleagues to than tenfold—often in lockstep. spent his entire childhood and young adult life join me in congratulating Mr. Desrosiers on his These prices dwarf manufacturing costs. at 236 Bussey Street in East Dedham. Fran retirement and thank him for his many years One study found manufacturers could attended the Avery Elementary School and of brave and honorable service. charge as little as $7 to $11 per month for in- graduated from Dedham High School in 1949. f sulin and still make a profit. While in high school, Fran excelled in football, In recent years, the high prices of diabetes baseball and was the captain of the hockey PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF DRUG drugs have placed a tremendous strain on dia- team. He went on to play semi-pro football for DISCOUNTS AND REAL-TIME betes patients as well as the federal govern- the Canton Town Club and St. Mary’s of BENEFICIARY DRUG COST ACT ment, which provides diabetes medications to Brookline. In 1951, Fran enlisted in the United States Navy during the Korean War era and SPEECH OF more than 43 million Medicare beneficiaries. These high prices lead many people to ra- served honorably until he was discharged in HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE tion or stop taking their medications, which 1953. OF TEXAS can result in serious health complications and On January 20, 1951, Fran had the tremen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES even death, as the Energy and Commerce dous good fortune to marry his longtime high Monday, October 28, 2019 Committee heard in direct testimony earlier school sweetheart and classmate, Nancy Ken- this year. nedy, at St. Mary’s Church in Dedham. They Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise were blessed with four children, Francis M., in strong support of H.R. 2115, the ‘‘Public The prices of diabetes medications—and in- sulin in particular—are far higher in the United Marlene, Jacqueline, and Cynthia as well as Disclosure of Drug Discounts Act.’’ seven grandchildren: David, William, Jeffrey, H.R. 2115 requires the Centers for Medicare States than they are overseas, in part be- Gregory, Amanda, and twins Patrick and & Medicaid Services (CMS) to publish certain cause certain federal programs lack the au- Sean. He is also the proud greatgrandfather to payment information regarding pharmacy ben- thority to negotiate directly with drug manufac- Annabelle, Sophia, Evan and Aiden. efit managers (PBMs) and prescription drugs. turers. Fran began his career in public service at Specifically, the CMS must publish certain Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds in information, as reported by PBMs, relating to join me in supporting H.R. 2115 to require the Dedham as a photostat operator, soon after generic dispensing rates, drug discounts and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to being discharged from the Navy. From 1953 to rebates, and payments between PBMs, health publish necessary payment information re- 1958, he was employed by Whiting’s Milk plans, and pharmacies, in accordance with garding pharmacy benefit managers and pre- Company as a milkman. Fran served his com- specified confidentiality requirements. scription drugs. Commercially available drug pricing com- f munity as a Dedham firefighter, joining the de- parison platforms can, at no cost, help pa- partment in 1958. During this time, Fran also FIGHTING HUNGER AT MINES tients find the lowest price for their medica- owned and operated O’Bie’s Variety store in tions at their local pharmacy. East Dedham. Always one to help those in Such platforms should be integrated, to the HON. ED PERLMUTTER need, there were countless times Fran allowed maximum extent possible, in the health care OF COLORADO customers to purchase necessary items such delivery ecosystem, while also protecting pa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as bread or milk on credit, knowing full well they would be unable to pay him back. tient privacy. Thursday, October 31, 2019 The Health Insurance Portability and Ac- Madam Speaker, Fran ran for public office countability Act of 1996 provides data privacy Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise becoming the first firefighter in the Town of and security provisions for safeguarding sen- today to recognize and applaud Fighting Hun- Dedham to serve on its Board of Selectman. sitive health care information. ger at Mines for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Fran proudly served as a Selectman from H.R. 2115 will provide patients with access Gold Mine Award for Excellence. 1962 to 1976; he also served the Town of to drug prices information while also protecting Fighting Hunger at Mines is a unique cam- Dedham as a Town Meeting member, a mem- patient health privacy. pus group that is dedicated to improving the ber of the Board of Recreation and a member Pharmacy benefit managers should work to physical and mental health of students at of the Board of Assessors. He instantly con- disclose generic and brand name drug prices Mines and the Golden community. Their pro- nected with the citizens of Dedham and con- to such platforms to ensure that patients can gramming addresses food insecurity that’s tinued to serve as Selectman for more than benefit from the lowest possible price available pervasive on college campuses, while raising twelve years. Subsequently, he was hired at to them; and overall drug prices can be re- awareness to local food resources and edu- the M.B.T.A. as Liaison of Governmental Af- duced as more educated purchasing decisions cating students on healthy eating habits. By fairs. His compassion and understanding have are made based on price transparency. working with the Golden Backpack Program, earned him the deep and abiding respect of Diabetes is a life-threatening disease that GoFarm and other partners, Fighting Hunger the residents in the cities and towns all over disproportionately affects communities of at Mines distributes healthy food to nearly 150 the state. color. students each week and has made a substan- Fran continued with the M.B.T.A. until his Diabetes is associated with serious health tial difference on campus and in Golden. retirement in 1993. In 2002, he was appointed, problems, including heart disease and stroke, I congratulate Fighting Hunger at Mines for then elected, as a Norfolk County Commis- kidney failure, and blindness. receiving this well-deserved honor by Mayor sioner, serving on a threeperson board. In

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.008 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 subsequent years, he has been elected to the Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Dr. Wersel has a long and storied career serve as Chairman by his fellow commis- Act. caring for our nation’s veterans, and she sioners. Through his friendship and profes- Had I been present, I would have voted knows what it means to pay the ultimate sac- sional relationships with judges, clerk mag- NAY on Roll Call No. 597. rifice. She is the widow of Lieutenant Colonel istrates and clerks of court throughout Norfolk f Richard Wersel, Jr. of the United States Ma- County, Fran helped institute physical changes rine Corps. Lieutenant Colonel Wersel served and improvements to Norfolk County court RECOGNIZING THE STRONG HIS- two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom TORY OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL IN houses. and unfortunately died just one week after re- AMERICA On February 16, 2017, Fran lost the love of turning home from Iraq. Dr. Wersel grew from his life, Nancy, after a long battle with Parkin- this tragedy and not only continued to help son’s disease and the onset of Alzheimer’s. HON. RODNEY DAVIS veterans through her role at Walter Reed Tragically, 19 months later, he lost his beloved OF ILLINOIS Medical Center, but also as an advocate for daughter, Marlene, suddenly on September IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gold Star Families. 15, 2018, after her longtime fight with multiple infectious diseases. Thursday, October 31, 2019 Dr. Wersel holds a Doctorate of Audiology As Fran reaches the proud age of 90 years Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Madam from the School of Audiology-Salus University. old, he remains living independently in Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the She is also a graduate of the Defense Lan- Dedham, with his son, daughters and grand- 150th anniversary of the first ever college foot- guage Institute (DLI), Monterey, CA and holds children close by his side for support. Not sur- ball game played between Rutgers and a language certificate in Spanish. She earned prisingly, you’ll find him still helping people, Princeton in 1869. Just twenty-one years later, a Masters and a Bachelor’s Degree in Com- still caring for the town he loves, and still de- the Big Ten university in my district, the Uni- municative Disorders (Audiology) from San voted and loyal to his family and friends. versity of Illinois, would field its first football Diego State University. Madam Speaker, Francis W. O’Brien epito- game in 1890. Dr. Wersel currently works full time as an mizes the definition of a truly dedicated public Since those days, college football has be- servant. His life-long vocation of service to his come one of our nation’s most beloved pas- audiologist at Walter Reed National Military community is on constant display as he con- times. Today, it’s enjoyed by millions of Ameri- Medical Center and is designated as a pres- tinues to honorably serve the Town of cans and the sport has grown immensely with tigious Master Clinician. In addition to caring Dedham. I urge my colleagues, and all who nearly 80,000 student-athletes taking to the for the active-duty military, retirees, and their know Fran, to wish him the best on his 90th field every fall. families, she provides hearing health care for birthday. In many ways, it is a game that embodies members of Congress, including myself. f the spirit of what makes us great as a country. Over the past 30 years as an audiologist As Americans, we have a determination to she provided hearing care support to service EDUCATING MEDICAL PROFES- succeed; we believe in teamwork; we embrace members, retirees and their families at Camp SIONALS AND OPTIMIZING our individual roles as we work together to- Pendleton, CA; Twentynine Palms, CA, Nellis WORKFORCE EFFICIENCY AND ward a common goal bigger than ourselves. Air Force Base, Fort Brag NC, Camp Lejeune READINESS FOR HEALTH ACT OF Over the last 150 years, we’ve seen college NC, Fort Dietrick MD, Fort Belvoir VA, Walter 2019 football players become U.S. Presidents, Reed National Military Medical Center Be- Rhodes Scholars, actors, activists, CEOs, suc- thesda. But her service to our nation’s vet- SPEECH OF cessful entrepreneurs, academics, and yes— even elected officials. erans goes beyond her role as an audiologist. HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY So today we recognize the strong history of Shortly after her husband’s passing in 2005, OF ILLINOIS college football in our nation: the games, the Dr. Wersel discovered she was not eligible for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teams, the rivalries, and the memories. My the newly enhanced survivor benefits. She Monday, October 28, 2019 family and I are longtime fans of college foot- subsequently became instrumental in chang- ball, and I am proud to celebrate 150 years of ing the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I am its history today. and Death Gratuity so that all active duty wid- grateful to Representatives GREGORIO KILILI f CAMACHO SABLAN, STEVE STIVERS, KENNY ows are now eligible for enhanced benefits. Today, she is considered a subject matter ex- MARCHANT, WILLIAM KEATING, ZOE LOFGREN, PERSONAL EXPLANATION and LAUREN UNDERWOOD for their support of pert on Military Survivor Benefits and has tes- H.R. 2781, the Educating Medical Profes- tified before this body twenty times on the sionals and Optimizing Workforce Efficiency HON. RICHARD HUDSON subject. OF NORTH CAROLINA and Readiness (EMPOWER) for Health Act. In addition to her work on survivor benefits, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES They wanted to cosponsor this bill but were she is a member of the Gold Star Wives of unable to be added in time. Thursday, October 31, 2019 America (GSW) Public Relations; past chair of When H.R. 2781 passes the Senate and is Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I was un- the GSW Government Relations Committee, signed into law, we will increase the diversity avoidably detained and missed a vote series. President and founder of Arlington Gold Star of our health care workforce, improve geri- Had I been present, I would have voted yea Wives; military survivor advisor for the ‘‘Got atrics education and training to address gaps on Roll Call No. 593; yea on Roll Call No. Your Back Network’’; is an active participant in in caregiving and health care for older adults, 594; yea on Roll Call No. 595; yea on Roll the VA/DoD Survivor Forum, and founder of, and grow the critical pediatric health care Call No. 596; nay on Roll Call No. 597; yea on and advisor to the Surviving Spouses Support workforce. I look forward to working with my Roll Call No. 598; yea on Roll Call No. 599; colleagues as we continue our efforts to make Group II MEF, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. yea on Roll Call No. 600; yea on Roll Call No. She was a local representative for the Na- sure health care is more equitable and acces- 601; and nay on Roll Call No. 602. sible for our constituents. tional Military Family Association and was a f volunteer for the Tragedy Assistance Program f for Survivors (TAPS) and Military Officers As- RECOGNIZING THE WORK OF DR. sociation of America. PERSONAL EXPLANATION VIVIANNE CISNEROS WERSEL Dr. Wersel has devoted her career and her HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO HON. BILLY LONG life to caring for our nation’s veterans and ad- vocating for Gold Star Families. In recognition OF MISSISSIPPI OF MISSOURI of her work and her much-deserved retire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment, I will be flying a flag over the United Thursday, October 31, 2019 Thursday, October 31, 2019 States Capitol in her honor. Madam Speaker, Mr. PALAZZO. Madam Speaker, on Mr. LONG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to I ask that you and the rest of this chamber join Wednesday, October 30, 2019 due to a busi- recognize the retirement of Dr. Vivianne me in congratulating Dr. Wersel on a job well ness call I was unable to vote on H.R. 2181, Cisneros Wersel. done.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.010 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1385 CONGRATULATING SERGEANT ‘‘We Serve’’, the Lions Club offers their serv- stability. Individuals and families need to feel CARL COATS ON HIS RETIRE- ices to anyone that needs help with a project. safe when they leave their homes and go to MENT FROM THE POLICE DE- With over 8,000 hours of volunteer service in work. PARTMENT OF GRAPEVINE, 2019, the Golden Lions continue to make a The steps that Prime Minister Modi and the TEXAS positive impact within the community. From Parliament have taken are needed, they’re constructing public bathrooms and pavilions to good for the long-term stability of the region, HON. KENNY MARCHANT providing eyeglasses and scholarships to and they should be applauded. OF TEXAS school children; where there’s a need, there’s f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a Lion. Through funding efforts, engaging vol- FULL UTILIZATION OF THE HARBOR unteers in community projects, and supporting MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND ACT Thursday, October 31, 2019 local schools and students, the Lions Club has Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise committed to making the City of Golden a bet- SPEECH OF today to congratulate Sergeant Carl Coats on ter place to live, work, and play. his well-earned retirement from the Grapevine I congratulate the Golden Lions Club for re- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE OF TEXAS Police Department. After twenty-five years of ceiving this well-deserved honor by Mayor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicated service, Carl has distinguished him- Marjorie Sloan. I thank them for their contribu- self as a respected member of the Grapevine tions to our community. Monday, October 28, 2019 police force. f Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Beginning his career with the United States today in strong support of H.R. 2440 the ‘‘The Marine Corps, Carl attained the rank of Ser- COMMENDING PRIME MINISTER Full Utilization of the Harbor Maintenance geant and served as a Marine Security Guard NARENDRA MODI AND THE IN- Trust Fund Act.’’ at the American Embassies in Prague, DIAN PARLIAMENT FOR PRO- In 1986, Congress enacted the Harbor Czechoslovakia and Quito, Ecuador. MOTING STABILITY IN JAMMU Maintenance Tax to recover the operation and Transitioning to law enforcement in 1990, Carl AND KASHMIR maintenance dredging costs for federally-au- served four years as a correctional officer with thorized ports from maritime shippers. the Cooke County Sheriffs Department in HON. GEORGE HOLDING This is a direct levy on importers and do- Gainesville, Texas. In addition to that experi- OF NORTH CAROLINA mestic shippers using coastal or inland ports ence, he graduated from the police academy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and is typically passed along to U.S. tax- payers on the purchase of imported goods. and subsequently became Deputy Sheriff. Thursday, October 31, 2019 In 1994, Carl joined the Grapevine Police These revenues are deposited in the Harbor Department where he has devotedly served as Mr. HOLDING. Madam Speaker, I rise today Maintenance Trust Fund within the Treasury Patrol Officer, Detective, CID Sergeant and to discuss the situation in Jammu and Kash- Department, from which Congress appro- Patrol Sergeant. As evidence of his dedication mir. priates funds to the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- to professional development, Carl is a grad- As we all have seen, the Indian parliament neers for harbor maintenance dredging. uate of the School of Police Supervision passed legislation last month changing the According to the Army Corps of Engineers, through the Institute for Law Enforcement. status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. navigation channels at our nation’s 59 busiest Through rigorous instruction, Carl has also ob- They modified provisions that were an obsta- ports are available less than 35 percent of the tained his Master Peace Officer’s License- the cle to economic development and promoted a time. The American Society of Civil Engineers es- highest level of its kind. sense of separatism. timates that our nation’s ports and harbors will Carl’s colleagues, supervisors and commu- Up until recently, Kashmir had been gov- need additional investment of $15.8 billion be- nity members have expressed their deepest erned by Article 370, which was an outdated tween now and 2020 just to meet the de- appreciation for his accomplished service. provision of law that the Indian constitution mands of larger and heavier ships that will use Specializing in child protection and physical recognized as ‘‘temporary.’’ the Panama Canal. abuse investigation, Carl has earned twenty- Article 370 might have worked well for those H.R. 2440 ensures that the Harbor Mainte- four commendations to date. In 1999, Carl re- with political connections, but it denied eco- nance Trust Fund is used for its intended pur- ceived the Life Saving Award for his rescue of nomic opportunities for the people. pose—the maintenance of federally-authorized a five-year-old autistic child from a swimming I also created a polarizing environment that was exploited politically. During the past dec- harbors. pool. The following year, he developed a mul- This will enable the Army Corps of Engi- tidisciplinary team approach to investigate ades, thousands of people lost their lives due to terrorist attacks. Several groups based in neers to dredge all federal harbors to ensure shaken baby syndrome. Carl also received the that they are to their constructed widths and 2002 Advocate of the Year Award from the Pakistan were able to conduct cross-border terrorism that wreaked havoc on individuals depths. Tarrant County Crime Prevention Resource The act also provides critical federal fund- Center, honoring his efforts in promoting safe- and families, and led to a morbid economy. The Modi government had to make a deci- ing—$34 billion—for infrastructure investment ty for women and children in the community. for our coastal and inland harbors over the Madam Speaker, it is an honor to recognize sion on whether to continue with the old policy or to pursue progress by changing the region’s next decade. the excellence of Carl’s work which has re- The bill achieves this task without raising legal status. peatedly been commended as an invaluable taxes. asset to both the City and the Grapevine Po- Madam Speaker, the people of Jammu and This bill also authorizes the expenditure of lice Department. His legacy will leave a lasting Kashmir deserve better and Prime Minister the expected $25.5 billion in new revenue over mark. I ask all my distinguished colleagues to Modi was right to take bold steps to address the next decade, for our critical port harbor join me in recognizing Sergeant Carl Coats for this situation. Changes to the status of Jammu needs. his numerous years of service. and Kashmir passed Parliament by a two- And, the bill authorizes the appropriation of f thirds majority, which highlights the consensus additional funds for harbor maintenance on the need for this reform. needs. THE GOLDEN LIONS CLUB Even with these changes, those seeking to As is clear, the need to ensure that this cause disruption have continued to promote port, and similar such ports, stay open and op- HON. ED PERLMUTTER violence. erating as much as practical is vital. OF COLORADO Pakistan-based terror groups have recently The failure to do so can impact employ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES floated posters warning common citizens ment, the economy, and the livelihoods of against venturing out, going to work, and vis- countless individuals and businesses. Thursday, October 31, 2019 iting public places. The groups have continued Ports are uniquely vulnerable to any number Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise to engage in cross-border terrorism and have of disturbances, including those produced by today to recognize and applaud the Golden attacked civilians and children. These militant weather, abuses by those who utilize the Lions Club for receiving the Golden Mayor’s groups have also attacked migrant workers ports, and naturally-occurring wear-and-tear to Award for Excellence. and those who are involved in the apple busi- the ports. The Golden Lions Club has been serving ness, which is the chief crop of Kashmir. One such example of this naturally-occur- the Golden community since 1942. Standing Madam Speaker, in order for Jammu and ring phenomena which requires remedial ef- behind the International Lions Club motto of Kashmir to flourish, there must be peace and forts is dredging.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.016 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 According to the National Oceanic and At- earning an undergraduate degree in forestry. Member of Congress and I am proud to call mospheric Administration, dredging is the act Her 41-year professional career saw her serve him a friend. I cannot think of anyone that of removing silt and other material from the in a variety of conservation and land manage- brings a stronger personal commitment to bottom of bodies of water. ment roles, including as supervisor of Ottawa those in our society that have been over- NOAA goes further to explain that dredging National Forest. looked. To Herbie and his wife Grace Taylor, is a routine necessity in waterways around the As Superintendent of Isle Royale, Phyllis I want to wish them all the best in their future world because sedimentation gradually fills oversaw significant improvements to the oper- endeavors and say thank you on behalf of the channels and harbors. ations and management of the park, including United States of America. In the aggregate, this filling of channels and the implementation of a solar power system, f harbors can prevent the movement of vessels. invasive species control, and most recently, Dredging increases the depth of navigation the reintroduction of the Gray Wolf to the is- GOLDEN UNITED channels, and thus plays a vital role in the na- land. This endeavor has required intensive ec- tion’s economy. ological work and cooperation between the HON. ED PERLMUTTER The Port of Houston is one of the largest in National Parks Service, Michigan Department OF COLORADO the world. of Natural Resources, USDA, and the State IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Houston region is the country’s top University of New York. Thanks in part to her Thursday, October 31, 2019 area for exports and the area surrounding the leadership, the species introduction is well on Port of Houston is home to the largest petro- its way to long-term success, with 17 wolves Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise chemical manufacturing complex in the West- currently calling the island home. today to recognize and applaud the Golden ern Hemisphere. Madam Speaker, it’s my honor to congratu- United for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Award Due to its strategically advantageous loca- late Phyllis Green for her decades of service for Excellence. tion, the ingenuity of the 200 private compa- and her retirement as Superintendent of Isle Golden United is a non-partisan, resident- nies that constitute the Greater Port of Hous- Royale National Park. Michiganders can take driven effort to engage Golden area commu- ton, the Port of Houston is the number one great pride in knowing the First District is nity members across all walks of life to find port in foreignwaterborne tonnage. home to such a dedicated individual. On be- common ground and act with respect and dig- And the most recent available statistics sup- half of my constituents, I wish Phyllis all the nity in strengthening the community. Golden port the primacy of the Port of Houston. best in her future endeavors. United launched in 2017, gathering residents of different backgrounds and asking them to The Greater Port of Houston complex is f ranked sixth among U.S. container ports by identify shared values and initial actions. Their size, and is the largest gulf coast container IN RECOGNITION OF HERBIE mission continued through community forums, port—handling 69 percent of U.S. Gulf Coast FLORES rallies, annual events, task forces, supporting container traffic—and is the largest Texas other community events, and most recently, port, with 45 percent market share by ton- HON. RICHARD E. NEAL hosting a Candidate Forum for the upcoming election. This organization is an example of nage, and 96 percent market share in con- OF MASSACHUSETTS democracy in action ‘‘of the people, and for tainers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the people.’’ To wit, more than 200 million short tons of Thursday, October 31, 2019 international cargo were handled in 2018 I congratulate Golden United for receiving alone. Mr. NEAL. Madam Speaker, I would like to this well-deserved honor by Mayor Marjorie As such, this redounds to the benefit of the take this opportunity to recognize Mr. Sloan. I thank them for their contributions to economy. Heriberto ‘‘Herbie’’ Flores, my constituent from our community. Nationally, the greater port supports 3.2 mil- western Massachusetts, who recently received f the prestigious Pynchon Award. The Pynchon lion jobs, boasts more than $801.9 billion in PERSONAL EXPLANATION economic value and produces $38.1 billion in Award, which is named after the founder of tax revenue. Springfield, Massachusetts is given to those As a Senior Member of the House Home- individuals who have made exceptional con- HON. JODY B. HICE land Security Committee, with a significant tributions to their community. This award is a OF GEORGIA global port near my congressional district, I testament to Herbie’s hard work, dedication, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will work tirelessly towards enactment of this and exemplary character. Thursday, October 31, 2019 legislation. Originally from Puerto Rico, Herbie grew up Mr. HICE of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I That is why I urge all Members to join me harvesting tobacco for a $1.25 an hour. After was not present for the following votes due to in voting for H.R. 2440. leaving the island, Herbie proudly served our the passing of my father. f country with distinction in the United States Had I been present, I would have voted Army during the war in Vietnam. Through this NAY on Roll Call No. 585; YEA on Roll Call RECOGNIZING PHYLLIS GREEN experience he learned firsthand of the plight No. 586; NAY on Roll Call No. 587; NAY on FOR HER RETIREMENT AS SU- and hardship of poverty and decided to dedi- Roll Call No. 588; NAY on Roll Call No. 589; PERINTENDENT OF ISLE ROYALE cate his life to helping those less fortunate in NAY on Roll Call No. 590; YEA on Roll Call NATIONAL PARK our community. No. 591; YEA on Roll Call No. 592; YEA on Herbie is very well known for his many lead- Roll Call No. 593; YEA on Roll Call No. 594; HON. JACK BERGMAN ership roles and non-profit work in Springfield YEA on Roll Call No. 595; YEA on Roll Call OF MICHIGAN and throughout New England. He is the found- No. 596; NAY on Roll Call No. 597; YEA on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er of the New England Farm Worker’s Council, Roll Call No. 598; YEA on Roll Call No. 599; a nonprofit human services agency dedicated Thursday, October 31, 2019 YEA on Roll Call No. 600; YEA on Roll Call to improving the quality of life for low-income No. 601; and NAY on Roll Call No. 602. Mr. BERGMAN. Madam Speaker, it’s my workers through education, job training, and f honor to recognize Phyllis Green for her retire- living assistance. In addition, Herbie also ment as Superintendent of Isle Royale Na- served as the President of Brightwood Devel- IN RECOGNITION OF COMMANDER tional Park. Through her decades of leader- opment Corporation which provides housing JUSTIN GOSS ship and commitment to our natural heritage, and development opportunities to Springfield’s Phyllis has become an indispensable part of North End. Also, Herbie has served as the HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Michigan’s First District. Chairman of Partners for Community, which OF VIRGINIA A U.P. native, Phyllis grew up surrounded works around New England to provide em- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by some of the most pristine natural land- ployment and other social services to popu- scapes our country has to offer. It should lations with special needs. Thursday, October 31, 2019 therefore not be surprising that she found her Once again, Madam Speaker, I am proud of Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise in calling for conservation work at a young age. Herbie for receiving the Pynchon Award and recognition of Commander Justin D. Goss, In high school, she led multiple clubs dedi- for being an exemplary pillar of our commu- United States Navy. After 20 years of dedi- cated to environmental conservation before at- nity. I have had the pleasure of knowing and cated service to our great nation, today marks tending Michigan Technological University and working alongside Herbie as Mayor and as a his retirement from active duty.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.018 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1387 Commander Goss grew up in Fairfax, VA, to work on behalf of our courageous Vietnam In 1996, Father Paul entered the Office of and graduated from the College of William and veterans, servicemembers, and military fami- Admission and Financial Aid, eventually rising Mary in Williamsburg, VA. He earned his com- lies who have given so much for our country. to the position of dean. It was in this role that mission from Officer Candidate School in May we honor and celebrate all our soldiers, he developed a strong commitment to helping 2000. As a Surface Warfare Officer, he served and may God bless the United States of students obtain financial aid. Under Father on USS The Sullivans (DDG–68), USS Zephyr America. Taylor’s leadership as Executive Vice Presi- (PC–8), USS Stout (DDG–55), and in Riverine f dent, St. Vincent College launched the For- Squadron ONE. He was also assigned as an ward, Always Forward campaign. This $100 exchange officer with the Royal Navy where MARJORIE SLOAN million-dollar campaign seeks to strengthen he served aboard HMS Marlborough (F233) the endowment, as well as expand financial and HMS York (D98). HON. ED PERLMUTTER aid opportunities and enrich academic pro- Following his lateral transfer into the Foreign OF COLORADO grams. On July 1, 2019, Father Taylor be- Area Officer community, Goss was assigned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came President of St. Vincent, and I know that as the Chief, Office of Security Cooperation, at Thursday, October 31, 2019 under his leadership, the college will continue the United States Embassy in Dakar, Senegal. to excel in providing American students with Additionally, he served on staff positions at Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise an education that sets them up for future suc- U.S. Africa Command and the Navy’s Military today to recognize and applaud Mayor Mar- cess. jorie Sloan for her many years of service to Personnel, Plans, and Policy Directorate. Madam Speaker, throughout his career, Fa- Commander Goss’ final tour of duty was the City of Golden. Marjorie Sloan has dutifully served as the ther Taylor has demonstrated a remarkable serving as the Deputy Director of the Navy’s commitment to education, his Catholic faith, House of Representatives Liaison Office (LA– 37th Mayor for the City of Golden for eight years, and as the first female mayor elected and St. Vincent College. Please join me in 4) where he was instrumental in developing recognizing and congratulating the 18th Presi- and fostering key relationships between De- by the citizens since Golden became a Home Rule City. dent of Saint Vincent College, Father Paul partment of the Navy officials, members of Taylor. Congress and their personal and professional Before she was elected as mayor, Marjorie staffs. represented Golden’s District One as a city councilor for four years. Marjorie, her husband f Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in Dendy, and their children have lived in Golden thanking Commander Goss, his wife Suzanne CELEBRATING THE 75TH ANNIVER- for decades. In addition to her roles on City and his children Thomas, Orla, Arthur, Wilfred, SARY OF THE LEELANAU CON- Council, Marjorie also served as Planning and Agnes for their incredible sacrifices, devo- SERVATION DISTRICT Commission chair, Foothills Art Center board tion, and service to our nation; words cannot president, Golden Urban Renewal Authority express our gratitude. We wish them well as board member, volunteer, parent, neighbor, they embark on a new adventure together. HON. JACK BERGMAN and all-around general Golden Ambassador. f Mayor Marjorie Sloan’s legacy of leadership, OF MICHIGAN HONORING VIETNAM VETERANS vision, and trailblazing on behalf of the city will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not soon be forgotten. I extend my deepest Thursday, October 31, 2019 HON. ANN M. KUSTER thanks and appreciation to Mayor Sloan for her service and commitment to our community Mr. BERGMAN. Madam Speaker, it’s my OF NEW HAMPSHIRE and her service to the people of Golden, Colo- honor to recognize the Leelanau Conservation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rado. District as they celebrate their 75th Anniver- Thursday, October 31, 2019 f sary. Through its dedication to responsible natural resources management, land con- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Madam RECOGNIZING THE 18TH PRESI- servation, and a healthy environment, the Speaker, I rise today to honor the brave Amer- DENT OF SAINT VINCENT COL- Leelanau Conservation District has become an icans who served our country during the Viet- LEGE, FATHER PAUL TAYLOR nam Era. The courage, patriotism, and her- indispensable part of Michigan’s First District. oism that our servicemembers displayed when HON. GUY RESCHENTHALER As an avid outdoorsman, I recognize the im- faced with the danger of serving in the Viet- portance protecting our wildlife and natural re- OF PENNSYLVANIA nam War speaks to the character and strength sources through effective conservation. In that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of these individuals and our nation. endeavor, the Leelanau Conservation District I am honored to be a part of the Vietnam Thursday, October 31, 2019 has been invaluable to Northern Michigan. War Commemorative Committee. The brave Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Madam Speaker, it First organized in 1943, the District works to men and women who served our nation during is a great honor to congratulate Father Paul promote the wise use of our natural resources the Vietnam War set aside their ambitions, left Taylor upon his inauguration as the 18th through information and technical assistance their families, and risked their lives for our President of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, to those throughout Leelanau County. From country. This project is a token of our gratitude Pennsylvania. promoting healthy forests and responsible for their selfless service and steadfast, unwav- Father Taylor graduated from St. Vincent hunting, to fighting invasive species and pre- ering devotion to our nation and the American College in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts de- venting soil erosion, their work has been crit- people. The legacy of all those who served gree in mathematics. He went on to earn a ical for the people of Michigan’s First District. during the conflict remains an inspiration to Master of Divinity degree from Saint Vincent Our region is home to some of the most pris- our nation. To the families of our Seminary in 1993 and a Master of Arts degree tine natural landscapes in the country. I’m servicemembers who stood by faithfully as in Mathematics from Duke University in 1993. grateful for the Leelanau Conservation Dis- your loved ones departed to defend our free- Father Taylor attended Boston College for his trict’s efforts to ensure that future generations doms overseas, I offer my sincere gratitude for Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration, can enjoy the same natural beauty we so your shared commitment to duty and service. graduating in 1998 after presenting his dis- deeply treasure. I will continue to work each day to serve all sertation ‘‘Boniface Wimmer and the Begin- Madam Speaker, it’s my honor to congratu- those who have served us so valiantly. Our ning of American Benedictine Education.’’ late the Leelanau Conservation District for 75 veterans have made incredible sacrifices in Father Taylor returned to St. Vincent Col- years of service. Michiganders can take im- honor of our nation. It is a debt we can never lege in 1987 in order to dedicate his life to mense pride in knowing that the First District repay, and one we can never forget. It is es- Benedictine education. He made his simple is home to such a trusted organization working sential that we provide all our veterans with profession of monastic vows in 1988 and his to promote environmental and ecological the care and support they so richly deserve. solemn profession of vows in 1991. Father health. On behalf of my constituents, I wish As the Representative for New Hampshire’s Taylor was ordained as a priest on June 6, the Leelanau Conservation District all the best Second Congressional District, I will continue 1992 in Saint Vincent’s Archabbey Basilica. in its future endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.022 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 IN REMEMBRANCE OF JOHN CON- of most of the seminal moments in American John Conyers served on the Judiciary Com- YERS, TIRELESS FIGHTER FOR political history, such as working to enact into mittee that investigated Watergate and voted JUSTICE AND EQUALITY, CHAIR- law this partial list of landmark legislation: articles of impeachment against President MAN OF HOUSE COMMITTEES ON Voting Rights of 1965 Richard Nixon in August 1974. OVERSIGHT AND ON THE JUDICI- Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Medi- John Conyers marched in the historic March ARY, FOUNDING MEMBER OF care) from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, with Dr. CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS, Fair Housing Act of 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr., and later employed MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM Clean Air Act civil rights legend Rosa Parks in his congres- MICHIGAN FOR 53 YEARS, MEN- Clean Water Act sional office until her retirement in 1988. TOR, BELOVED COLLEAGUE, AND Help America Vote Act DEAR FRIEND Affordable Care Act John Conyers was loved by his constituents, Dodd-Frank Act regularly winning reelection with 80 percent of HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE American Act With Disabilities Act the vote or more. OF TEXAS Assault Weapons Ban John Conyers is one of the 13 founding Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members of the Congressional Black Caucus Drug Kingpins Act in 1971, which has worked diligently to Thursday, October 31, 2019 Fair Chance Act strengthen African-American lawmakers’ ability Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise Elementary and Secondary Education Act to address the legislative concerns of African in remembrance of Chairman John Conyers, Social Security Amendments of 1965 (in- American and minority citizens and has now Jr., the tireless Fighter for Justice and Equal- cluding Medicaid and Medicare) increased to 55 members in the House and ity, Chairman of House Committees on Over- Voting Rights Act of 1965 Senate, including myself. Housing and Urban Development Act of sight and on the Judiciary, Founding Member While in Congress, John Conyers chaired 1965 of Congressional Black Caucus, Member of the prestigious House Judiciary Committee National Foundation on the Arts and the Hu- Congress From Michigan For 53 years, my from 1989 to 1995 and Oversight from 2007 to manities Act mentor, a beloved colleague, and dear friend 2011, the first African American to hold these Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 who died on Sunday, October 27, 2019, at his coveted positions. home in Detroit, Michigan at the age of 90. Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Amend- Madam Speaker, John Conyers, Jr. was a ments Throughout his career, John Conyers used statesman and strong supporter of equality, Freedom of Information Act his influence to push civil rights; in 1968, only economic and social justice, civil rights, and Child Nutrition Act days after the assassination of the Rev. Dr. human dignity for all. National Historic Preservation Act Martin Luther King, Jr., Chairman Conyers John Conyers, Jr. was born May 16, 1929 National Wildlife Refuge System Administra- began a long and ultimately successful effort in Highland Park, Michigan to Lucille Janice tion Act to make Dr. King’s birthday a national holiday, and John Conyers, Sr., a union organizer in Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act which was enacted in 1983. the automotive industry and an international Cuban Adjustment Act John Conyers also cosponsored and worked representative with the United Auto Workers. Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 tirelessly to pass the Anti-Apartheid Act of After graduation from Northwestern High Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1986, which help topple South Africa’s system School, John Conyers dutifully served his 1967 of apartheid and free Nelson Mandela from country in the Michigan National Guard from Bilingual Education Act prison. 1948 to 1950, the U.S. Army from 1950 to Civil Rights Act of 1968 In the 101st Congress, John Conyers intro- 1954, and the U.S. Army Reserves from 1954 Consumer Credit Protection Act duced legislation to study the issue of repara- to 1957, serving during the Korean War and National Trails System Act tions for slavery and was the original sponsor as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- Gun Control Act of 1968 of H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and De- neers where he was awarded combat and National Environmental Policy Act velop Reparation Proposals for African-Ameri- merit citations. Organized Crime Control Act, including the Following his military service, John Conyers Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organiza- cans Act. earned his Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor tions Act (‘‘RICO’’) I am proud to have assumed principal spon- from Wayne State University and was admit- Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1970 sorship of this piece of landmark legislative ted to the Michigan State Bar. National Cancer Act proposal and continuing the fight for justice. Chairman Conyers began his legislative ca- Federal Election Campaign Act John Conyers was dedicated to justice for reer on the staff of the late Congressman Equal Employment Opportunity Act all, he supported legislation to generate the John Dingell and during this time he also War Powers Resolution Justice Department’s national study on police served as counsel to several Detroit-area Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act brutality. labor unions and was referee for Michigan’s District of Columbia Home Rule Act workmen’s compensation department. Endangered Species Act John Conyers was opposed to the imposi- In 1964, John Conyers was first elected to Congressional Budget and Impoundment tion of the death penalty and began a series represent the First Congressional District of Control Act of 1974 of hearings on police brutality. Michigan and was reelected to the succeeding Legal Services Corporation Act As Judiciary Committee Chairman, John 90th Congress and the following 15 Con- Employee Retirement Income Security Act Conyers also worked to create and enlarge gresses until he retired on December 5, 2017. (ERISA) federal death benefits for police officers and On the retirement of Congressman John Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preven- firefighters who died in the line of duty. Dingell at the end of the 113th Congress in tion Act of 1974 Madam Speaker, John Conyers dedicated December 2015, John Conyers became the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 his life to serving his constituents and the citi- longest-serving member of the United States National Mass Transportation Assistance zens of the United States; his persistence for Congress, serving as Dean of the House from Act justice and his fight for equal rights is a testa- January 3, 2015 until December 2017. Safe Drinking Water Act ment to his character. Madam Speaker, John Conyers was also Privacy Act of 1974 the third longest-serving member of the House Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Chairman John Conyers will live forever in in history and the sixth longest-serving mem- Copyright Act of 1976 the hearts of the people of Detroit, his state of ber of Congress in history; the second-longest Federal Land Policy and Management Act Michigan, and the United States. serving member of either the House or Senate Resource Conservation and Recovery Act John Conyers was a legislative lion whose in Michigan history, trailing only his former Water Resources Development Act of 1976 presence will forever be missed, and we all boss, Congressman Dingell; and was the last National Forest Management Act mourn his loss and extend our deepest sym- member of the large Democratic freshman The proposal to expand Medicare to all, a pathies to his wife Monica, his children, and class of 1964 to serve in the House of Rep- political idea gaining increasing popularity family and friends who loved him so dearly, resentatives. daily, was first introduced by John Conyers in my deepest sympathies go out to and I hope In the more than half century he served in 2003 as the United States National Health In- you find consolation in the certain knowledge Congress, John Conyers was at the forefront surance Act. that John is now resting peacefully.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.026 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1389 OUTSTANDING SERVICE OF MS. Since she consistently refuses to step into school and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, BRENDA JONES the limelight, I was particularly proud when the 3rd Marines, Echo Company, 2nd Platoon. He public, her peers, and colleagues began to was deployed to Iraq in 2006, and on January HON. JOHN LEWIS pay tribute to this dynamic woman. In 2010, 18, 2007 he was injured by an Improvised Ex- OF GEORGIA Brenda earned the prestigious Theodore C. plosive Device. His severe injuries left him a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sorenson Speechwriting Award. In 2012, we blind double amputee. Matthew persevered worked together on a book, Across that and learned to overcome and adapt from his Thursday, October 31, 2019 Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change, injuries. Matthew became the first blind ampu- Mr. LEWIS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to and we won the NAACP Image Award for Out- tee in history to re-enlist in the Marine Corps recognize Ms. Brenda Jones, who served as standing Literary Work/Biography for her work in 2010. On behalf of a grateful nation, I thank my communications director for over 15 years. in translating the philosophy and doctrines that him for his service, his sacrifice, and his patri- Ms. Jones came with a strong recommenda- inspired the foot soldiers of the Civil Rights otism. tion from my special assistant and had a re- Movement into advice for a new generation. A Matthew Bradford is a very determined indi- sume and perspective that was unique to the few years later, the National Journal honored vidual. After his service with the Marine Corps United States House of Representatives. From Ms. Jones as one of the 20 Most Powerful ended, he married his ‘‘Warrior Princess’’ the very first moment we met, I realized how Women on Capitol Hill in 2015, and the Sten- Amanda. Together they have three children. fortunate I was to find Brenda. nis Center for Public Leadership selected her Through hard work and determination, Mat- Brenda Jones is a proud, native Washing- as a senior fellow in the 114th, Congress. thew graduated from the University of Ken- tonian with a passion for social justice, history, Somehow Brenda always found time to tucky. Matthew has found his purpose in moti- and the arts. She studied the Civil Rights mentor aspiring professionals and build net- vating and encouraging others to overcome Movement, understood the challenges we works of kindred souls. In 2013, she founded difficult obstacles. He spends a great deal of faced, and dedicated her life to the work that the Capitol Hill Writers Workshop to develop time speaking to groups and individuals and remains. This vantage point provided a unique the skills and art of professionals in a com- participating in challenging athletic events perspective and comprehension of the com- munal space. Brenda also served her commu- such as marathons, skydiving, surfing, hunt- plicated matters facing my congressional dis- nities—whether as a commissioner on the Hu- ing, and climbing 7000 feet up Mt. Rainier. trict in Metro Atlanta and my work here in the manities Council of Washington, D.C., in advi- Matthew came to work in the Sixth Congres- United States Congress. sory capacities for the Sustained Dialogue, sional District office in the spring of 2017, Before coming to Capitol Hill, Ms. Jones Inc. and the John C. Stennis Center for Public serving first as a college intern, then as a Na- worked in media as a researcher for ABC Service, or on the Committee of Visitors for tional Security Fellow, and lastly as the Vet- News’ Washington, D.C. Bureau, a writer and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Gov- erans Outreach Coordinator. In his work in the assistant editor at WTOP-AM News Radio, ernment. She also shared her expertise with district office, Matthew has been a strong ad- and a radio specialist of international activities the Democratic National Committee for na- vocate for veterans. He worked with our Vet- for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. tional conventions and our former colleague’s, erans Coalition and it has grown tremendously She later transitioned to public relations where Rep. John Barrow, inaugural campaign. For under his leadership. Matthew has worked on she honed her skills in developing media strat- years, this steady stream of colleagues, many outreach initiatives, including a egies, coordinating national book tours for civil mentees, and people with whom she con- Facebook page, and has worked diligently to and women rights luminaries, and launching nected across the country and around the improve the lives of America’s veterans. His public education campaigns. world became a permanent part of Brenda’s work with veterans has made quite a dif- One of the things that I most appreciate extended circle. ference. His passion, his humor, and his de- about Brenda is her constant commitment to In this day and time when Congress can termination will be greatly missed. education—whether in life or academia. I be- feel more transactional than communal, Bren- Matthew has earned many honors, including lieve that her centenarian father, Mr. Robert L. da was the nucleus of the Team Lewis family. the Purple Heart Medal, the George Van Davis and her late mother, Mrs. Myrtle Mac Shortly before joining my office, Brenda lost Cleve Military Leadership Award, the Gary (Bowers) Davis, planted these seeds of excel- her beloved husband Dr. Martin Wilson Jones, Sinise Hope for the Warriors Award, and in- lence, and in Brenda they bloomed. As a M.D., and I often felt that she took care of us duction into the Kentucky Veterans Hall of graduate of National Cathedral School, Indi- with the selfless passion and dedication that Fame. He was also invited by President ana University Bloomington, and Columbia he showed her. If you were feeling down and Trump to attend the 2018 State of the Union University’s Graduate School of Journalism, out, we could always trust that Brenda has Address. In his position in the Sixth District of- Brenda returned to Harvard University to earn natural teas, organic tips, and an astrological fice, he has earned the respect of all his co- another master’s degree in Public Administra- analysis to soothe your mind, body, and soul. workers and of all the constituents with whom tion, where she received the Gertrude Manley She was often a comfort and confidante dur- he interacted. He leaves a lasting legacy as a Fellowship in recognition of her outstanding ing our darkest days and hours. servant leader. leadership skills. For 15 years, Ms. Jones fiercely and un- I am honored to call Matthew a loyal and Ms. Jones invested her astute expertise and equivocally advocated for me, my constituents, trusted friend. I wish him all the best as he intellectualism in the United States House of and my work in Congress. It was an honor to moves on to other interests. I thank Corporal Representatives. She brought life to her vision know that I had this trusted senior advisor and Bradford for his friendship, his tireless work on and took the role of communications director seasoned communications professional in my behalf of the people of the Sixth District, and to new heights as she funneled depth and dig- corner. Although I will miss having Ms. Brenda his outstanding service to our country. nity into her work. Those, who know me, un- Jones by my side, I wish her happiness as f derstand that I have a clear style—make it she transitions to exciting new opportunities simple, make it plain. When Brenda joined my and inevitable success. WACHS office, she made my words sing—in press re- f leases, interviews, on the House Floor, in HON. ED PERLMUTTER book forwards, in op-eds, and in speeches IN HONOR OF MATTHEW OF COLORADO BRADFORD across the country and around the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, Brenda quickly became the conscience of my office. For 15 years, she HON. ANDY BARR Thursday, October 31, 2019 humbly and selflessly worked day in and day OF KENTUCKY Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise out to channel every ounce of her knowledge IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize and applaud Chad Wachs and experience into creating new methods of for receiving the Golden Mayor’s Award for communicating and mastering unchartered ter- Thursday, October 31, 2019 Excellence. ritory. Ms. Jones created a national and inter- Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Chad Wachs launched AU Wireless in 2015 national strategy to tell the story of my work in honor the life of a unique and special man, with a handful of neighbors to see if he could the Civil Rights Movement, as a Member of Corporal (Ret.) Matthew Bradford. Matthew is create a low-cost community broadband sys- Congress, as a representative of Georgia’s stepping down as Veterans Outreach Coordi- tem. Their proof-of-concept has since grown Fifth Congressional District, and as a legis- nator in my District office. into a full-fledged co-op with more than 300 lator, who found a way to get in the way—and Matthew enlisted in the United States Ma- members using the service all over town. AU get things done. rine Corps when he graduated from high Wireless works with community partners like

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31OC8.027 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 the American Mountaineering Center and they tors, has accomplished all of this while serving I thank him for his contributions to our commu- are helping to bring broadband into lower-in- as a full-time firefighter in another jurisdiction nity. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize come households in Golden. Because there and as a volunteer with the Golden Fire De- and applaud Fighting Hunger at Mines for re- are no shareholders, subscriber fees go back partment. ceiving the Golden Mayor’s Gold Mine Award into the network. Chad, along with the board I congratulate Chad Wachs for receiving this for Excellence. of directors, one employee, and three contrac- well-deserved honor by Mayor Marjorie Sloan.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:21 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31OC8.009 E31OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS Thursday, October 31, 2019 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate passed H.R. 3055, Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, as amended. Senate tion for the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Net- Chamber Action work, with an offset. Pages S6311–15 Routine Proceedings, pages S6309–S6362 McConnell (for Whitehouse) Amendment No. Measures Introduced: Fourteen bills and fifteen 1121 (to Amendment No. 948), to set aside funding resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. for the ocean agriculture working group. 2756–2769, and S. Res. 391–405. Pages S6333–34 Pages S6311–15 Measures Passed: McConnell (for Thune/Hoeven) Amendment No. 1133 (to Amendment No. 948), to provide funding Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural for the new beginning for Tribal students program, Development, Food and Drug Administration, In- terior, Environment, Transportation, and Housing with an offset. Pages S6311–15 and Urban Development Appropriations Act: By McConnell (for Jones) Amendment No. 1143 (to 84 yeas to 9 nays (Vote No. 341), Senate passed Amendment No. 948), to increase the appropriation H.R. 3055, making appropriations for the Depart- for rural decentralized water systems. Pages S6311–15 ments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Re- McConnell (for Smith) Amendment No. 1149 (to lated Agencies for the fiscal year ending September Amendment No. 948), to require the Secretary of 30, 2020, by the order of the Senate of Wednesday, Agriculture to prioritize maintenance and staff needs October 30, 2019, 60 Senators having voted in the relating to assistance provided by the Rural Housing affirmative, after taking action on the following Service. Pages S6311–15 amendments proposed thereto: Pages S6311–22 McConnell (for Rosen/Fischer) Amendment No. Adopted: 1161 (to Amendment No. 948), to increase the ap- McConnell (for Tester) Amendment No. 953 (to propriation for the distance learning and telemedi- Amendment No. 948), to provide for the availability cine program, with an offset. Pages S6311–15 of funds for Agricultural Research Service research McConnell (for McSally/Gillibrand) Amendment facilities to provide public access. Pages S6311–15 No. 1163 (to Amendment No. 948), to provide McConnell (for Smith) Amendment No. 1023 (to funding for the emergency and transitional pet shel- Amendment No. 948), to amend provisions relating ter and housing assistance grant program, with an to the rental assistance program of the Rural Hous- offset. Pages S6311–15 ing Service. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Reed) Amendment No. 1217 (to McConnell (for Hirono) Amendment No. 1037 (to Amendment No. 948), to require a study on the Amendment No. 948), to provide funding for States economic and environmental impacts of importing impacted by Eastern equine encephalitis, with an off- set. Pages S6311–15 orchids in growing media. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Brown/Jones) Modified Amend- McConnell (for Stabenow) Amendment No. 1223 ment No. 1088 (to Amendment No. 948), to pro- (to Amendment No. 948), to provide funding for vide appropriations for centers of excellence at 1890 the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Pro- Institutions, with an offset. Pages S6311–15 duction, with an offset. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Baldwin) Amendment No. 1099 McConnell (for Cornyn/Booker) Amendment No. (to Amendment No. 948), to increase the appropria- 1224 (to Amendment No. 948), to provide funding D1191

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:37 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D31OC9.REC D31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST D1192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 31, 2019 for pilot projects to address food insecurity, with an Congress a report on projects that are over budget offset. Pages S6311–15 and behind schedule. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Warner) Amendment No. 951 (to McConnell (for Cornyn/Sinema) Amendment No. Amendment No. 948), to require the Attorney Gen- 1151 (to Amendment No. 948), to increase funding eral to report to Congress on, and establish a dead- for the construction of high priority water and line for, the implementation of the Ashanti Alert wastewater facilities on the United States-Mexico Act of 2018. Pages S6311–15 Border, with an offset. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Capito/Schatz) Amendment No. McConnell (for Cardin) Amendment No. 1159 (to 1077 (to Amendment No. 948), to make Amendment No. 948), to provide for a report on $10,000,000 available for the SelectUSA program. certain programs of the United States Holocaust Me- Pages S6311–15 morial Museum. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Cantwell) Amendment No. 1094 McConnell (for Rosen) Amendment No. 1160 (to (to Amendment No. 948), to require the Adminis- Amendment No. 948), to set aside funds for certain trator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Lake Tahoe restoration activities. Pages S6311–15 ministration submit to Congress a report on existing McConnell (for Thune/Udall) Amendment No. supercomputing capacity and needs of the Adminis- 1162 (to Amendment No. 948), to require a study tration. Pages S6311–15 of law enforcement staffing needs of Indian Tribes. McConnell (for Toomey) Amendment No. 1129 Pages S6311–15 (to Amendment No. 948), to require that the Sec- McConnell (for Peters/Portman) Amendment No. retary of Commerce use amounts appropriated or 1182 (to Amendment No. 948), to increase money otherwise made available for the Bureau of Industry appropriated for Geographic Programs, with an off- and Security for operations and administration to set. Pages S6311–15 publish and submit to Congress a report on the find- McConnell (for Cornyn) Amendment No. 1193 ings of the investigation into the effect on national (to Amendment No. 948), to make available funds security of imports of automobiles and automotive for the Smithsonian Latino Center. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Menendez) Amendment No. 1199 parts. Pages S6311–15 (to Amendment No. 948), to set aside funds for the McConnell (for Durbin/Kennedy) Amendment Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers program. No. 1146 (to Amendment No. 948), to require the Pages S6311–15 Drug Enforcement Administration to continue to es- McConnell (for Blunt/Kaine) Amendment No. tablish and utilize data collection and sharing agree- 1211 (to Amendment No. 948), to set aside funds ments in order to properly estimate rates of overdose for the 400 Years of African-American History Com- deaths and overall public health impact related to mission. Pages S6311–15 certain controlled substances, for the purpose of de- McConnell (for McSally/Sinema) Amendment No. termining diversion and establishing annual opioid 1215 (to Amendment No. 948), to require a report production quotas. Pages S6311–15 on the status of the Four Forest Restoration Initia- McConnell (for Gardner) Amendment No. 1150 tive. Pages S6311–15 (to Amendment No. 948), to increase funding for McConnell (for Collins/Feinstein) Amendment No. the COPS Office Anti-Methamphetamine Task 1220 (to Amendment No. 948), to make available Forces grant program. Pages S6311–15 funds for the Women’s History Initiative. McConnell (for McSally) Amendment No. 1234 Pages S6311–15 (to Amendment No. 948), to require the Attorney McConnell (for Schumer/Bennet) Amendment No. General to submit a report on the enforcement of 1227 (to Amendment No. 948), to provide for a animal welfare laws. Pages S6311–15 Government Accountability Office study on outdoor McConnell (for Sinema) Amendment No. 1025 (to recreation. Pages S6311–15 Amendment No. 948), to require a Bureau of Indian McConnell (for Hassan/Van Hollen) Amendment Affairs report analyzing the facilities investments re- No. 956 (to Amendment No. 948), to require the quired to improve direct service and tribally oper- Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to ated detention and public safety facilities in Indian provide Congress with recommendations and associ- Country. Pages S6311–15 ated costs for future research on rental payment in- McConnell (for Ernst) Amendment No. 1079 (to surance. Pages S6311–15 Amendment No. 948), to prohibit bogus payments McConnell (for Collins/Reed) Amendment No. to contractors. Pages S6311–15 1002 (to Amendment No. 948), to make a technical McConnell (for Ernst) Amendment No. 1081 (to correction. Pages S6311–15 Amendment No. 948), to require the Director of the McConnell (for Shaheen) Amendment No. 1005 Office of Management and Budget to submit to (to Amendment No. 948), to express the sense of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:37 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D31OC9.REC D31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1193 Congress relating to the Federal Aviation Adminis- honoring the members of the military and intel- tration and regulations regarding the emergency ligence community who carried out the mission that medical equipment carried by passenger airlines. killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Pages S6346–47 Pages S6311–15 National Bison Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. McConnell (for Kaine) Amendment No. 1010 (to 399, designating November 2, 2019, as ‘‘National Amendment No. 948), to ensure funding for the Bison Day’’. Page S6357 FAA remote tower pilot program. Pages S6311–15 McConnell (for Cortez Masto) Amendment No. National Women’s Small Business Month: Sen- 1061 (to Amendment No. 948), to require a report ate agreed to S. Res. 400, recognizing October 2019 on engagement with local interests relating to intel- as ‘‘National Women’s Small Business Month’’. ligent transportation systems technologies and smart Page S6357 cities solutions. Pages S6311–15 Filipino American History Month: Senate agreed McConnell (for Cortez Masto) Amendment No. to S. Res. 401, recognizing the month of October 1062 (to Amendment No. 948), to prohibit the use 2019 as Filipino American History Month and cele- of funds to terminate the ITS program advisory com- brating the history and culture of Filipino Americans mittee. Pages S6311–15 and their immense contributions to the United McConnell (for Heinrich) Amendment No. 1114 States. Page S6357 (to Amendment No. 948), relating to funding for the Tribal HUD–VASH program. Pages S6311–15 Honoring the Life of Toni Morrison: Senate McConnell (for Shaheen) Amendment No. 1130 agreed to S. Res. 402, honoring the life, work, and (to Amendment No. 948), to provide a sense of Con- legacy of Toni Morrison. Page S6357 gress relating to preserving manufactured home com- National Farm to School Month: Senate agreed to munities. Pages S6311–15 S. Res. 403, designating October 2019 as ‘‘National McConnell (for Hoeven/Baldwin) Amendment No. Farm to School Month’’. Pages S6357–58 1214 (to Amendment No. 948), to provide for a vet- erans pilot training competitive grant program. Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Pages S6311–15 Coin Act: Senate passed H.R. 2423, to require the McConnell (for Portman) Amendment No. 1235 Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in com- (to Amendment No. 948), to provide additional memoration of ratification of the 19th Amendment funding for the family unification program of the to the Constitution of the United States, giving Department of Housing and Urban Development. women in the United States the right to vote. Pages S6311–15 Page S6358 By 82 yeas to 11 nays (Vote No. 340), Jones/ National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Com- McSally Modified Amendment No. 1141 (to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Amendment No. 948), to prohibit the implementa- was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. tion of the ‘‘Rostenkowski Test’’ with respect to the 345, supporting the goals and ideals of National Cy- Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund. bersecurity Awareness Month to raise awareness Pages S6316, S6321 about, and enhance the state of, cybersecurity in the Shelby Amendment No. 948, in the nature of a United States, and the resolution was then agreed to. substitute. Pages S6311–22 Page S6358 Rejected: By 29 yeas to 64 nays (Vote No. 339), Lee Measures Considered: Amendment No. 1209 (to Amendment No. 948), to Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, prohibit the expenditure of certain amounts from the Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy Land and Water Conservation Fund for land acquisi- and Water Development Appropriations Act: tion. Page S6321 Senate resumed consideration of the motion to pro- Withdrawn: ceed to consideration of H.R. 2740, making appro- McConnell (for Shelby) Amendment No. 950, to priations for the Departments of Labor, Health and make a technical correction. Pages S6311, S6322 Human Services, and Education, and related agencies During consideration of this measure today, Senate for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020. also took the following action: Pages S6323–26 Pursuant to the order of Wednesday, October 30, During consideration of this measure today, Senate 2019, the motion to invoke cloture on the bill was also took the following action: withdrawn. Page S6322 By 51 yeas to 41 nays (Vote No. 342), three-fifths Honoring the Members of the Military and In- of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having telligence Community: Senate agreed to S. Res. 394, voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:37 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D31OC9.REC D31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST D1194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 31, 2019 to close further debate on the motion to proceed to Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- consideration of the bill. Page S6326 ate took the following action: Subsequently, Senator McConnell entered a mo- Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Legisla- tion to reconsider the vote by which cloture was not tive Session. Page S6326 invoked on the motion to proceed to consideration Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- of the bill. Page S6326 tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S6326 Messages from the President: Senate received the Nardini Nomination—Cloture: Senate began con- following messages from the President of the United sideration of the nomination of William Joseph States: Nardini, of Connecticut, to be United States Circuit Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to Judge for the Second Circuit. Page S6327 the continuation of the national emergency with re- A motion was entered to close further debate on spect to Sudan as declared in Executive Order 13067 the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- of November 3, 1997; which was referred to the sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Senate, a vote on cloture will occur upon disposition (PM–34) Pages S6331–32 of the nomination of Danielle J. Hunsaker, of Or- Transmitting, pursuant to law, notification of the egon, to be United States Circuit Judge for the President’s intent to terminate the designation of the Ninth Circuit. Page S6327 Republic of Cameroon as a beneficiary sub-Saharan Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- African country under the African Growth and Op- ate took the following action: portunity Act (AGOA); which was referred to the Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Legisla- Committee on Finance. (PM–35) Page S6332 tive Session. Page S6327 Tapp Nomination—Cloture: Senate began consid- Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- eration of the nomination of David Austin Tapp, of tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S6327 Kentucky, to be a Judge of the United States Court Rudofsky Nomination—Cloture: Senate began of Federal Claims. Page S6326 consideration of the nomination of Lee Philip A motion was entered to close further debate on Rudofsky, to be United States District Judge for the the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- Eastern District of Arkansas. Page S6327 sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the A motion was entered to close further debate on Senate, and pursuant to the unanimous-consent the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- agreement of Thursday, October 31, 2019, a vote on sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the cloture will occur at 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- Senate, a vote on cloture will occur upon disposition ber 5, 2019. Page S6326 of the nomination of William Joseph Nardini, of Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- Connecticut, to be United States Circuit Judge for ate took the following action: the Second Circuit. Page S6237 Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S6326 ate took the following action: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Legisla- viding that Senate resume consideration of the nomi- tive Session. Page S6327 nation at approximately 10 a.m., on Tuesday, No- Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- vember 5, 2019; and that notwithstanding the pro- tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S6327 visions of Rule XXII, the cloture motions filed dur- Wilson Nomination—Cloture: Senate began ing the session of Thursday, October 31, 2019 ripen consideration of the nomination of Jennifer Philpott at 2:15 p.m., on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Wilson, to be United States District Judge for the Page S6358 Middle District of Pennsylvania. Page S6327 Hunsaker Nomination—Cloture: Senate began A motion was entered to close further debate on consideration of the nomination of Danielle J. the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- Hunsaker, of Oregon, to be United States Circuit sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Judge for the Ninth Circuit. Page S6326 Senate, a vote on cloture will occur upon disposition A motion was entered to close further debate on of the nomination of Lee Philip Rudofsky, to be the nomination, and, in accordance with the provi- United States District Judge for the Eastern District sions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the of Arkansas. Page S6327 Senate, a vote on cloture will occur upon disposition Prior to the consideration of this nomination, Sen- of the nomination of David Austin Tapp, of Ken- ate took the following action: tucky, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Legisla- Federal Claims. Pages S6326–27 tive Session. Page S6327

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:37 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D31OC9.REC D31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST October 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1195 Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to Execu- Partnerships, Bureau of Land Management, Depart- tive Session to consider the nomination. Page S6327 ment of the Interior; Aaron Bannon, National Out- Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- door Leadership School, Lander, Wyoming; Lee lowing nominations: Davis, Oregon State University, Portland, on behalf 1 Air Force nomination in the rank of general. of the Outdoor Recreation Economy Initiative; and 6 Army nominations in the rank of general. Brendan McGuire, Vail Resorts, Broomfield, Colo- 3 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. rado, on behalf of the National Ski Areas Associa- Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine tion. Corps, and Navy. Pages S6355–57, S6361–62 NOMINATIONS Nomination Received: Senate received the fol- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded lowing nomination: a hearing to examine the nominations of Andeliz N. Stephen E. Biegun, of Michigan, to be Deputy Castillo, of New York, to be United States Alternate Secretary of State. Page S6361 Executive Director of the Inter-American Develop- Messages from the House: Page S6332 ment Bank, Alma L. Golden, of Texas, to be an As- Measures Referred: Page S6332 sistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, and Peter M. Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S6332 Haymond, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Lao Executive Communications: Pages S6332–33 People’s Democratic Republic, Alina L. Executive Reports of Committees: Page S6333 Romanowski, of Illinois, to be Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, and Leslie Meredith Tsou, of Vir- Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6334–36 ginia, to be Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: all of the Department of State, after the nominees Pages S6336–46 testified and answered questions in their own behalf. Additional Statements: Pages S6330–31 5G Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6346 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Privileges of the Floor: Page S6346 fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine Record Votes: Four record votes were taken today. supply chain security, global competitiveness, and (Total—342) Pages S6321, S6326 5G, after receiving testimony from Christopher Krebs, Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Se- Adjournment: Senate convened at 10 a.m. and ad- curity Agency, Department of Homeland Security; journed at 5:48 p.m., until 1 p.m. on Monday, No- Diane Rinaldo, Acting Assistant Secretary for Com- vember 4, 2019. (For Senate’s program, see the re- munications and Information, National Tele- marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on communications and Information Administration, page S6358.) Department of Commerce; Robert L. Strayer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cyber and Inter- Committee Meetings national Communications and Information Policy; and Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner, Federal (Committees not listed did not meet) Communications Commission. OUTDOOR RECREATION LEGISLATION BUSINESS MEETING Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: concluded a hearing to examine S. 1665, to modify Committee ordered favorably reported the following the procedures for issuing special recreation permits business items: for certain public land units, S. 1723, to amend the S. 1657, to provide assistance to combat the esca- Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act lating burden of Lyme disease and other tick and of 1996 to provide for the establishment of a Ski vector-borne diseases and disorders, with an amend- Area Fee Retention Account, and S. 1967, to pro- ment in the nature of a substitute; mote innovative approaches to outdoor recreation on S. 2619, to amend the Public Health Service Act Federal land and to increase opportunities for col- to reauthorize the Healthy Start program, with an laboration with non-Federal partners, after receiving amendment in the nature of a substitute; testimony from Chris French, Deputy Chief, Na- S. 1399, to amend title VIII of the Public Health tional Forest System, Forest Service, Department of Services Act to revise and extend nursing workforce Agriculture; Nikki Haskett, Acting Assistant Direc- development programs, with an amendment in the tor for National Conservation Lands and Community nature of a substitute;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:37 Nov 01, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D31OC9.REC D31OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with DIGEST D1196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 31, 2019 S. 995, to amend title XXIX of the Public Health BUSINESS MEETING Service Act to reauthorize the program under such Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favor- title relating to lifespan respite care, with an amend- ably reported the following business items: ment in the nature of a substitute; S. 2511, to amend title 40, United States Code, S. 1130, to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide the Marshal of the Supreme Court of the to improve the health of children and help better United States and Supreme Court Police with the understand and enhance awareness about unexpected authority to protect the Chief Justice of the United sudden death in early life, with an amendment in States, any Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, the nature of a substitute; and other individuals in any location, with an S. 1608, to provide for the publication by the Sec- amendment in the nature of a substitute; and retary of Health and Human Services of physical ac- The nominations of Jodi W. Dishman, to be tivity recommendations for Americans, with an United States District Judge for the Western Dis- amendment in the nature of a substitute; trict of Oklahoma, Richard Earnest Myers II, to be S. 2629, to amend the Public Health Service Act United States District Judge for the Eastern District with respect to the Public Health Service Corps, of North Carolina, Sarah E. Pitlyk, to be United with an amendment in the nature of a substitute; States District Judge for the Eastern District of Mis- and souri, and Daniel Mack Traynor, to be United States S. 2740, to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and District Judge for the District of North Dakota. Cosmetic Act to clarify the regulatory framework INTELLIGENCE with respect to certain nonprescription drugs that Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in are marketed without an approved new drug applica- closed session to receive a briefing on certain intel- tion. ligence matters from officials of the intelligence community. h House of Representatives Chamber Action of America, by a yea-and-nay vote of 232 yeas to Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 36 pub- 196 nays, Roll No. 604, after the previous question lic bills, H.R. 4936–4971; 1 private bill, H.R. was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 231 yeas to 4972; and 10 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 70–71; and 196 nays, Roll No. 603. Pages H8683–98 H. Res. 668–675, were introduced. Pages H8717–19 Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act: Additional Cosponsors: Pages H8720–21 The House passed H.R. 823, to provide for the des- Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: ignation of certain wilderness areas, recreation man- H.R. 35, to amend section 249 of title 18, United agement areas, and conservation areas in the State of States Code, to specify lynching as a hate crime act Colorado, by a recorded vote of 227 ayes to 182 (H. Rept. 116–267). Page H8717 noes, Roll No. 609. Consideration began yesterday, Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein she Octobe 30th. Pages H8698–H8704 appointed Representative Tonko to act as Speaker Rejected the Tipton motion to recommit the bill pro tempore for today. Page H8681 to the Committee on Natural Resources with in- Directing certain committees to continue their structions to report the same back to the House ongoing investigations as part of the existing forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of House of Representatives inquiry into whether 199 ayes to 210 noes, Roll No. 608. Pages H8701–03 sufficient grounds exist for the House of Rep- Agreed to: resentatives to exercise its Constitutional power Crow amendment (No. 6 printed in part B of H. to impeach Donald John Trump, President of Rept. 116–264) that was debated on October 30th the United States of America: The House agreed that reaffirms the critical importance of Federal pub- to H. Res. 660, directing certain committees to con- lic lands to the Colorado High-Altitude Army Na- tinue their ongoing investigations as part of the ex- tional Guard Aviation Training Site (‘‘HAATS’’) (by isting House of Representatives inquiry into whether a recorded vote of 410 ayes to 6 noes, Roll No. sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representa- 607). Page H8700 tives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States

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Rejected: fordability Act’’. H.R. 4674 was ordered reported, as Curtis amendment (No. 1 printed in part B of H. amended. Rept. 116–264) that was debated on October 30th that sought to state that this bill shall not apply to MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES any lands or waters within the Third Congressional Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee con- District of Colorado (by a recorded vote of 180 ayes cluded a markup on H.R. 4458, the ‘‘Cybersecurity to 240 noes, Roll No. 605); and Pages H8698–99 and Financial System Resilience Act’’; H.R. 4634, Tipton amendment (No. 5 printed in part B of H. the ‘‘Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthoriza- Rept. 116–264) that was debated on October 30th tion Act of 2019’’; H.R. 4841, the ‘‘Prudential Reg- that sought to limit lands being transferred from ulator Oversight Act’’; H.R. 4863, the ‘‘United Forest Service to National Park Service based on States Export Finance Agency Act of 2019’’; a reso- management under a current memorandum of under- lution electing minority members to the taskforces standing (by a recorded vote of 185 ayes to 231 on the Committee on Financial Services; and a reso- noes, Roll No. 606). Pages H8699–H8700 lution electing minority members to the subcommit- H. Res. 656, the rule providing for consideration tees of the Committee on Financial Services. Resolu- of the bills (H.R. 823), (H.R. 1373), and (H.R. tions electing minority members to the taskforces 2181) was agreed to Tuesday, October 29th. and subcommittees were agreed to. H.R. 4458, H.R. 4634, H.R. 4841, and H.R. 4863 were ordered re- Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that ported, as amended. when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet at 1 p.m. tomorrow, November 1st. MEMBERS’ DAY Presidential Messages: Read a message from the Committee on Homeland Security: Full Committee held President wherein he notified Congress of the termi- a hearing entitled ‘‘Members’ Day’’. nation of the designation of the Republic of Cam- eroon as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country CONGRESS AND THE FRANK: BRINGING under the African Growth and Opportunity Act—re- CONGRESSIONAL MAILING STANDARDS ferred to the Committee on Ways and Means and or- INTO THE 21ST CENTURY dered to be printed (H. Doc. 116–77). Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress: Full Pages H8708–09 Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Congress and Read a message from the President wherein he no- the Frank: Bringing Congressional Mailing Standards tified Congress that the national emergency declared into the 21st Century’’. Testimony was heard from with respect to Sudan is to continue in effect beyond Representatives Davis of California and Rodney November 3, 2019—referred to the Committee on Davis of Illinois; and public witnesses. Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed (H. Doc. 116–78). Page H8709 Joint Meetings Senate Referral: S. 1678 was referred to the Com- TURKEY’S POLICY AT HOME AND ABROAD mittee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Ways and Means. Pages H8715–16 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Com- mission concluded a hearing to examine the human Senate Message: Message received from the Senate toll of Turkey’s policy at home and abroad, after re- by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the ceiving testimony from Henri J. Barkey, Lehigh House today appears on page H8704. University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Eric Schwartz, Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and Refugees International, Merve Tahiroglu, Project on five recorded votes developed during the proceedings Middle East Democracy, and Gonul Tol, Middle of today and appear on pages H8697, H8697–98, East Institute, all of Washington, D.C.; and Talip H8698–99, H8699–H8700, H8700, H8702–03, Kucukcan, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey and H8703. There were no quorum calls. f Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- journed at 2:10 p.m. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2019 (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee Meetings Senate MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE No meetings/hearings scheduled. Committee on Education and Labor: Full Committee House concluded a markup on H.R. 4674, the ‘‘College Af- No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 p.m., Monday, November 4 1 p.m., Friday, November 1

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Friday: House will meet in Pro Forma ses- session. sion at 1 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1383, E1385, E1388 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E1381, E1383, E1385, E1386, Jordan, Jim, Ohio, E1381 E1387, E1389 Barr, Andy, Ky., E1389 Kuster, Ann M., N.H., E1387 Reschenthaler, Guy, Pa., E1387 Bergman, Jack, Mich., E1386, E1387 Lewis, John, Ga., E1389 Rose, John W., Tenn., E1381 Davis, Rodney, Ill., E1384 Long, Billy, Mo., E1384 Roybal-Allard, Lucille, Calif., E1382 Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E1382 Lynch, Stephen F., Mass., E1383 Ruiz, Raul, Calif., E1382 Foxx, Virginia, N.C., E1381 Marchant, Kenny, Tex., E1385 Hice, Jody B., Ga., E1386 McNerney, Jerry, Calif., E1381 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E1381 Holding, George, N.C., E1385 Meuser, Daniel, Pa., E1382 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E1384 Hudson, Richard, N.C., E1384 Neal, Richard E., Mass., E1386 Williams, Roger, Tex., E1382 Huffman, Jared, Calif., E1381 Palazzo, Steven M., Miss., E1384 Wittman, Robert J., Va., E1386

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