Bellona Report Volume 3 - 2001 The Arctic Nuclear Challenge Nils Bøhmer Aleksandr Nikitin Igor Kudrik Thomas Nilsen Michael H. McGovern Andrey Zolotkov Published by: The Bellona Foundation Norway: Murmansk: P.O. Box 2141, Grünerløkka P.O. Box 4310 NO-0505 Oslo, 183038 Murmansk Norway Russia
[email protected] [email protected] St. Petersburg USA P.O. Box 4 P.O. Box 53060, NW 191 023 St. Petersburg Washington, DC 20009 Russia USA
[email protected] [email protected] This report is also available in Russian. Copying of the report, or part of the report, is permitted when source is stated (Source: Bellona). Photos:Thomas Nilsen, Nils Bøhmer,Igor Kudrik, Bellona, The Northern fleet Museum (archive), Aleksandr Raube, Tomaz Kizney, Knut Bry,Andrey Zolotkov, Scanpix,Victor Tereshkin and Den norsk-russiske ekspertgruppen for undersøkelser av radioaktiv forurensning i de nordlige områder. Keywords: Nuclear waste, radioactive contamination, The publication of this report is sponsored by: nuclear submarines, nuclear icebreakers, Kola nuclear power plant, the Russian Northern fleet, Murmansk Danish Environmental Protection Agency Shipping Company. United States Environmental Protection Agency Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ISBN 82-993138-9-9 ISSN 0806-3451 Aspelin-Ramm Gruppen AS Color Line Layout: PUNA/
[email protected] Eksportutvalget for fisk Printing: Nikolai Olsens Trykk AS. Fjellstad Holding AS GlaxoSmithKline AS Although the information in this document has been Gro Harlem Brundtlands Miljøstiftelse funded in part by the United States Environmental Hydrolift Marine AS Protection Agency under assistance agreement X828201- Norges Råfisklag 01-0 to Bellona USA, it may not necessarily reflect the Norwegian Russian Trade AS views of the Agency and no official endorsment should be Sigval Bergesen d.y og Hustru Nanki’s Almennyttige Stiftelse inferred.