A G E N D A Public Safety Committee Thursday, April 8, 2021 7:00 PM - Russ Parker Hall The public is encouraged to remotely "attend" its Public Safety Committee meeting by tuning into the live stream via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Attendees can participate in a variety of ways including: 1. Submit comments or questions using the Chat feature. Comments will be monitored during the meeting and read into the record by village staff at the appropriate time. 2. Make public comments during the "Comments from the Audience" section as noted on the agenda. 3. Submit comments or questions in advance of the meeting by emailing
[email protected] Please use the email subject line: April 8th PSC Meeting Comment/Question. Viewers who wish to join the meeting live can do so using the link and meeting information below. Please note: The meeting is password protected; participants must enter the password listed below. Be advised all telephone numbers and participant names will be visible to the public. +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) https://zoom.us/j/91934610954?pwd=N2tKOC9DUk9IekxZK0ZFOXVMcTR0UT09 Meeting ID: 919 3461 0954 Password: 521389 CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 11, 2021 NEW BUSINESS 1. Recommendation to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 15, Chapter 157, Section 157.02 of the Schaumburg Village Code Regarding Local Amendments to the 2015 International Fire Code (Repealing Section 907.3.3 of the 2015 International Fire Code) 2. Recommendation to Approve Purchase of Situational Awareness Hardware, Software, and Licensing for Real-time Information Center 3. Fire Alarm Monitoring Update - Informational 4.