E-799 August 2003 Revised mJ I;1;_I-- Karnataka Urban Infrastructure DevoIeOl and Finance Corporation Public Disclosure Authorized Karnataka Water Supply Sanitation Sector Improvement Project T' Public Disclosure Authorized rMI ;fA D4. ~,s=w t;. Public Disclosure Authorized t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WluPaf -Ltd; Ass- s;,s*P-t 4¢wiA:^ t L ~~~~~~ >,_ L - .- 21! §, . -Ags20 } I - * A * B| *Y ae- * S * f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,> s Q ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.--t.- ...... ______________________ ~ ~~~~~L~~~~~~~~~L~~~L Public Disclosure Authorized Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation Karnataka Water Supply & Sanitation Sector Improvement Project Environmental Assessment of Demonstration Projects & Priority Investments in Hubli-Dharwad, Belgaum & Gulbarga Wilbur Smith Associat Wilbur Smith Associates Pvt. Ltd. No. 75,2nd Floor,1st Block, 14th Cross. RTNagar, Bangolore -560 032 Tel:+91 (80) 3543408. 3543413 Fcx: +91 (80)354 4265 E-mcl, wso,
[email protected] August 2OO0 KARNATAKA URB AN WATER AND SANITATION SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF DEMONSTRATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECIS & PRIORIT INVESTMENTS - DRA RErPoRT CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................ III LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................ IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................. V EXECUJTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................. 1................................ 1.1 BACKQROUND ................................................................