Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 \ ohm le YU. xl [Ill I si \ rrir Fewer funds 'Lectric car for fountain A.S. allocates interest only By Jeff Elder A.S. President Michael McLen- Daily staff writer nan said Tuesday night that Ringe After being asked to donate approached him last semester with $15,000 to help get SJSU's fountain the idea of renovating the fountain flowing again, the Associated Stu- with a senior class gift. dents voted Wednesday to donate the "Bob Ringe approached me back interest of a $6,(XX) A.S. account to during football season and said. 'We pay for maintenance of the fountain. want to do a senior class gift to get The fountain has been dry for two the fountain running.' He wanted to years, shut off by President Gail Ful- get a telemarketing drive going," lerton. who said a standing pool of McLennan said. water at the bottom of the fountain Dan McIntosh, director of aca- was a liability for the university. demic affairs and a senior who has which could be sued if a child worked to get the fountain flowing drowned there. again, presented the A.S. Board of This semester Bob Ringe, director Directors on Wednesday with a pro- of development and relations for posal to set aside $10.000 from the SJSU. has appeared at A.S. meet- A.S. general fund with which to fi- ings with a proposal supported by nance the fountains maintenance. Fullerton that the A.S. set aside It was first said our money funds to help redesign the fountain. would go to an account of Gail Ful- The remainder of the fountain's lemon's. We decided we would costs would be paid by gift front the rather keep the money with us." class of 1988. A telemarketing pro- McIntosh told the board. gram that could contact 8,500 se- The interest on SIOAXX) is about niors would be financed by alumni. $800 a year. the amount Mo Rinse told the A.S. on April 13 Quaytimi. director of facilities, de- that a $26.000 basic redesign of the velopment and operations. estimates fountain would reduce liability. but fountain maintenuce will cost. McIn- that a new "aesthetically pleasing" tosh said. design. perhaps based on a fountain "We don't have $10,000 in the Matthew E Durham Daily staff photographer in Los Gatos. would cost about general fund," Controller Victoria 'red Rich, a sophomore majoring in marketing and a member of Pi front of the Student t Mon. The electric car was built by Clarence $65,000. See FOUNTAIN, back page Kappa Alpha fraternity, climbs out of an electric car on display. in Eller, a member of the Electric Automobile .1ssociation. Professor says concern about toxic waste vital By Hazel t1 hitman will keep up with the new emphasis for engi- Montgomery said. "In a broad sense a hazardous maternal is occur due to an "inconvenience factor." as Daily staff writer neering planning for earthquakes. said Ex- He also said. "The California State Uni- any substance or mixture of substances hav- well as a feeling like. "I have known the Toxic waste disposal is described ecutive Vice President J. Handel Evans. % ersity system has not placed the same level ing properties capable of producing adverse rules in the past I perhaps live years ago). "cradle-to-the -grave" responsibility or SJSU Environmental Health offical Ron of emphasis on waste disposal that the Uni- effects on the health or safety of a human These new rules don't effect me." SJSU by Chemistry Professor Ruth Yaffe. Montgomery said, "(Our) record keeping is versity of California system has." being. the booklet states. Professor Yaffe said. "Hazardous materi- responsi- "SJSU must track the entire lifetime of burdensome. What we're attempting to do is U('-Berkeley employs 50 people to handle SJSU's one full -lime employee als information laws require compliance: waste disposal is Mike the chemicals (it uses). No longer can we le- send everything out for incineration. waste disposal: the UC-Davis Medical Cen- ble for hazardous these laws are here to stay. ' gally dispose of them in any way. We have "The major problem is (concern for) ter has 52. Lane. She continued. "Old storage methods are he deals with tight good new laws to an old problem." 2.000 little things instead of one big thing." Montgomery explained that he will work He explained that a problem long gone. We need to change people's disposal Yaffe said. Montgomery said. to change his next year's budget to better is a lack of awareness about waste minds about using less quantities of chemi-

Campus officials spoke about some of the He continued. "(SJSU spends) $55,000- handle campus waste disposal needs. problems. cals)." safety issues surrounding how SJSU will $60.(XX) annually Itir waste disposal. It is a SJSU established guidelines on how to "A professor on campus may feel that he comply with disposal issues at Monday's very expensive project." dispose its hazardous waste. These rules are understands the regulations and pour a chem- Yaffe said hospitals generate the largest Academic Senate meeting. SJSU currently has only one full-time per- outlined in a Hazard Communication Pro- ical down the drain." Lane said amounts of radioactive waste materials in the "I shudder to think of how this university son working on hazardous waste control. gram booklet. He added improper disposal of waste may course of diagnosing and treating disease 21 students Free pool usage won't coax Students face worries get chance to care some students back to campus over children's travel abroad \ \ ogler to provide personal identification, the director said. The By Jeff Elder "Matthew was born during fi- Daily staff writer Office of Admissions and Records will verify the infor Deity staff writer nals week." she says. "I had to It, Joe S. Kappia SJSU graduates can use the Rec Center pool for as motion and issue identification cards with appropriate On Wednesday. April 6. an un- take incompletes in five classes Daily staff writer identified male slipped into the They were very hard to make up. many years as they paid into it. But at least a few current time spans. Twenty -one SJSU students will students aren't planning on a post -graduate swim. Associated Students Council Barrett isn't sure how many graduates will 'Sometimes I get up at 4 leave campus this summer to study After a nine -month delay, the Recreation and Events frequent Chambers. He crept up behind the pool. he hopes it's not "an administrative am..'' Phillips says. ''icon get a in seven countries through the Cali- Center pool is set to open May 2. Since the 1982-83 but night- Vice President-elect Patricia Phil- mare.' If the comments of some lot of studying done before the fornia State Unisersity International school year, students have paid extra semester fees to students are indicative. lips and murmured in her ear. he won't lose any sleep. boys get up. Program. cover Rec Center costs, said Student Union Director Ron "Mom. can I have a dollar to go think it's a great idea.- said Barrett. Heidi DeLaTorre. a play video games?" On a is pica! do). Phillips The students. ssho w ill he away senior majoring in advertising. "(Buti it wouldn't he any or one year. w ill In spring 1984. the lees were increased to $38 per se- Phillips. one of SJSU's top stu- wakes up Anthony and four-year be study ing at uni- use for me.'' drops %ersities in Spain. mester. On Monday. Barrett said that SJSU graduates dent administrators, reached into old Matt at 6:30 a.m., and (iermany. Italy. Irance. the L'nited can use the pool for as long as they've paid Rec Center DeLaTorre said she won't travel from her home in her purse, grabbed a dollar, and off Anthony at Horace Mann El- Kingdom. Japan And Mexico. While tees. Menlo Park to use the pool. After attending SJSU for dismissed her 8-year-old son An- ementary School on Santa Clara study ing. they at Frances Gul- w ill be earning resident credits. "The first time we'll take them at face value." Bar- two semesters. however. she's glad to contribute to it. thony to the Student Union games Street, and Matt 10th rett said Tuesday. "Next time they come, they will have 'It's bettering the school,'' she said. "Otheru area so that she could continue as land Child Care Center on According to Nancy Winton. a card with their name on it." nobody would pay for it." chairperson of the university's Street. coordinator for the international pro- to Graduates using the pool for the first time will have See RE/WHO\ Ira ve N most important student body. "I have just enough time rani. a reception a ill he held in my make it to 7:30 class.' ' honor ot the selected participants of For Phillips and hundreds says Ihursday at 3 p.m in the Student work other SJSU students. and "The rest of my day is taken I 'nion Almaden Room The program Fraternity seeks a better image school are only part of every up with classes and study ing and w ill he graced with the presence oh weekday. Non-traditional stu- working for A.S.." Phillips say s. \ ly l'arabinec. CSU campus rela- dents must also find time to raise The State Department of Edit By I.isa Ostroski new recreation equipment. mg cotton and snow cones and tions coordinatiii trout I .ong Beach. candy children, and that can man cation. the A.S. and parents pay Daily staff writer Pi Kappa Alpha also participated their others working at the gaming The oblectise of the international to build a more post - a very full life. SIT CHILD. lok pagf In an effort with Sigma Chi and Theta Chi frater- ht )OtIts. See . /wee N live image for their organization. nities at Grace Baptist Community Tina Yee. a recreational therapy members of Pi Kappa Alpha frater- Center's fair on April 16. intern at the center, said the fraterni- nity have been getting involved in "The Fantasy Country Fair" is an ties' involvement worked out really campus events and providing service annual event for mentally retarded well -athletes to the surrounding community this and mentally ill adults. The frater- Pi Kappa Alpha's first project in reakfast honors scholar semester. members were assigned to nity dif- March was cleaning up the Spartan By Karen M. Derenzi On Saturday the fraternity will be ser% bth Ltut!, rerent areas at the event, some Sc,- GNI I AS Daily staff writer helping clean up the recreation area SJSU 's Athletics Department hon- 46 lauded for scholastic achie%ement at the Frances Gulland Children's ored 46 of its athletes Wednesday Center on campus. Karen Sheridan. I he hula rig is a complete list 01 Ke III r MI11.111111. human perliw- morning at the outstanding scholar - director of the center, said their du- the scholai athletes honored at mance Athlete breakfast. ties will include taking out the sand Wednesday 's program. Each athlete Women's basketball and old playground equipment. An athlete qualifies for this honor has maintained at least a 3.0 grade- Kris (iermonei undeclared by accumulating a 3.0 grade-point point average while at SJSU. Pam IvIcNelis: undeclared Sheridan is glad that the fraternity Average during his or her stay at Baseball: Football volunteered. She said she was sur- SJSU. said Karen Christensen. assis- Greg Banda administration of John Collins: administration of prised they had approached her tant sports information director. justice iustice about helping. "Considering the practice time Darin Davis: business Richard Johnson: social sciences "It's incredible. I'm really and the playing time, that's a nice Eric Nelson: administration of jus- Bill Klutup: business pleased because there is so much tribute." said Sports Information Di- tice Spencer Smith: undeclared work to be done." she said. rector Lawrence Fan. "It's a differ- Donnie Rea: business See LIST. bark page In addition to the fraternity's staff, ent kind of time commitment be- cause it's very easy to leave school other volunteers include parents of ace mm pl i shed . ' W'hitcomh, who serves as SJSU's After practice and say 'I'm too tired the children that attend the center. He thanked Janet Redding. exec- graduate coordinator and Pacific Iii perform.' St. Paul Methodist church members utive director of the Alumni Asso- Coast Athletic Association represen- and some work study students. SJSU Athletics Director Randy ciation. for her help in co-sponsoring tative. added his congratulations be- The cleanup is the first step in a Hoffman kicked off the breakfast by the breakfast with the Spartan Foun- fore introducing the coaches who project, planned by the engineering telling the athletes he was "appre- dation. would hand out the certificates department, to landscape and build ciative and proud of what (they've) Master of Ceremonies Charles See ATHLETE. bit. A page

Page 2 Thursday, April 21, 1988/Spartan Daily

Out FORUM Insight

3_E).1\:_p_riYa\T Charlotte 9:).A:riff Klopp Published for the University There auto be a law. . . and the University Community by the Department of Journalism has eaten away at There is a necessary evil that and Mass Communications our pocketbooks from the time we first re- ceived our drivers license and will continue to Since 1934 do so probably until we die car insurance. Al- though once a good idea in common sense. it has moved well beyond an annoying monthly bill and into an unattainable mandate for many. Along with the benefit of traveling indepen- dently and at high speed comes a price to pay, and it doesn't come cheap anymore. Many would argue. it's not even reasonable. This insurance that Africa watches aries in personal premiums from zip code to zip code and discriminates against age. sex and smok- elections ing habits raises Californian's premiums about 12 U.S. percent a year. ohserers in ..11rn...1 and elsewhere are Unfortunately, there is no choice to these un- dosek Aatching the untolding political drama in limited fees that are legislatively backed. Yet in a the United States s% ith keen interest. Which way the society that is automotively driven, many citizens pendulum svs ings between the Democrats and the are forced to motor to school and work commit- Republicans at the Nov ember ballot will determine ments uninsured, breaking the law every time they. which direction Africa takes at the onset of the 21st turn the ignition and press the pedal. century. In California. 4 million motorists do not carry Since the attainment ol independence by Afri- car insurance. This scary statistic is an accident can countries from European colonial empires in about to happen. Instead ot society dealing with the 1960s. many of these people and their problems once they've col- these new nations lided themselves into court, the issue of affordable have turned to the car insurance should be addressed. If laws require United States to revi- drivers to carry coverage, then the insurers should talize their battered he monitored for fairness and fragile econ- Insurance companies cry that lawsuits are kill- omies from the ashes ing them, and that they must implement current of colonial exploita- rates to cover costs. Limits on lawsuits could solve tion. For the first two this problem and, therefore, force insurers to lower decades, there was a rates. tremendous increase In California. fraudulent claims total $500 mil- in bilateral and multi- lion to $2 billion a year. Fender-benders never cost lateral relations be- Letters to the Editor Joe S. SO much. And with the right lawyer. a simple pain tween African coun- in the neck could turn into a marketing opportunity tries and America. Kappia set up during wittier UPD doesn't nitpick regulations and striking an unsuspecting student to keep one in comfort for life. But that give-and- break in the Fourth Street Garage. I for the campus to ask why the UPD It's wonderful that we live in a democratic take relation was soon slicked. beginning in the Editor, too, was issued a citation two semes- wasn't "doing their jobs." country with sometimes limitless freedoms, but this late 70.. when American foreign policy in Africa This is in response to Richard Di ters ago for the same violation. Mr. Di Giacomo. you state that is one that needs to be kept under the hood. Cur- shifted from its original objective of nation-build- Giacomo's letter "Stop UPD nit- However. I do not agree with your you "are not sure what the cause of rently, when an accident occurs, a driver can sue ing to an ideological polarity between East and picking." Mr. Di Giacomo, you are statement that your friend was left this problem is... Well, let me give another for an unbounded amount. This unpredict- West. severely misinformed in several with no defense in Traffic Court. you a "secondary education." The ability causes insurance carriers to charge ex- The dawn of independence in Africa coincided areas of your letter and simply naive Your friend could have taken the purpose of UPD or any police de- tremely high bodily injury premiums. with the administration of the Democrats who in others. For; instance, the second same course of action that I fol- partment, is to look out for the good launched humanitarian programs to raise the living paragraph of your letter states that lowed, which was to contest the cita- of all those concerned. Students on This is a year of politics, and not only will a standards of the socially -disadvantaged peoples on "ever since UPD officers were al- tion by completing a simple form at this campus should stop sniveling new president be voted into office, but end- the continent. Gradually. American foreign aid lowed to issue standard traffic cita- the Parking and Traffic Management about their own little problems and less bills and initiatives aimed at the insur- began to flow into the continent to construct infras- tions. . . ." You seem to imply that Office located in the Seventh Street start looking at the "big picture." ance industry are also being urgently introduced in tructural facilities and social amenities for the wel- this has been a recent occurence. Garage. Several days after complet- (Yes. I too have received, and paid. an effort to receive support. A measure to control tare of the people. The African governments in turn UPD has been authorized to issue ci- ing this form. I was notified by mail my share of parking and moving ci- car insurance premiums just hit the streets and sold their raw materials to America and through tations, like the SJPD, since 1972. that the citation had been reviewed tations.) Many students on this cam- could be a possible solution to this problem. this, they built stronger ties as the American sphere Further, in the same sentence you and found to he issued in poor pus are fairly' naive, and they are in The Polanco Initiative, authored by Assembly- ot influence became dominant. state that "they (UPD) have em- judgment. No one is ever left with for a rude awakening when they man Rich Polane. D -Los Angeles. would Unlit But different rays of sun began shining on Af- barked on an overzealous campaign no defense if they are in the right leave this protected campus environ- motor vehicle accident claims for non -economic rica when the Republicans occupied the White to use this power (to issue citations) (such as being involved in a medical ment and enter the real world. losses pain and suffering to 25 percent of House in the early 70, from Nixon to Ford. The to the fullest." I don't know a police or mechanical emergency.). Kevin Cassid ccomimic loss. It would also prohibit contingent high pace of decolowing Spanish and Portuguese department that doesn't use this The last example of this "over- Senior ties greater than 25 percent of economic losses. settlements, the remaining estiges of colonial oc- power to the fullest. When are the zealous campaign" is the most ludi- Administration ofJustict This measure would not apply in serious cases cupation hs then. was quickly dimmed by Ameri- students, as well as several faculty crous. You state that a friend of where permanent injuries or disfigurements occur can influence when she began financing guerrilla members on this campus, going to yours was issued a citation for cut- It is also exempt from survival or wrongful death movements as alternatives to legitimate freedom realize that the police department on ting through the Ninth Street lot to Professor responds action. fighters A similar fate met the independence of this campus is a real police depart- get to the ATM machines. You fur- Editor. These are drastic steps, and we should always Zimbabwe which was stalled until 1980. ment, not a security force. It may not ther state that he she was issued a Thank you for publishing John flinch at the possibility of further government inter The Republican agenda in Africa also dented a have the budget or size that other moving violation instead of "being Loera's critique of my interview on vention, but if insurance premiums don't fall back pronounced East-West confrontation as certain local departments have, but the offi- issued a warning or a parking capital punishment (March 21). in line with my modest income. I'm going to lose governments were tagged socialists. communists cers have the same statewide police ticket." I have two problems with I made it crystal clear in my inter- the freedom to hop in my car at a whim and shall be and the like There were frequent political instabili- powers that agencies such as SJPD your statement: 11 Do you not con- view that in lieu of death I prefer life forced to discover the wonderful world of public ties in regions where the Americans perceived com- or CHP have. sider two three foot -by -three foot imprisonment without the possibility transportation (which I hear isn't pretty, but that's munist infiltration. The likes of Ghana. Ethiopia. In regards to the incidents of "in- signs on either sides of a very narrow of parole or pardon. Hey. I don't another column). Mozambique. etc. can attest to that. justice' cited in the letter. I would opening to the lot stating "Do not want creeps like Charlie Manson or It's hard to say exactly what the effects of this Today. America and RI.1,1.1 compete in Africa. like to address each of them indiv 'd- enter as being fair warning? and 2) Richard Ramirez back on the streets. measure would be. Hov.ever, Consumers for not in building industries but building military ually. How can a person he issued a park- The issue is not whether we slay Lower Auto Insurance Rates have estimated that hardware for dictators who use same to destroy Since the parking citation issues ing citation when they are commit- murderers or free them. It is whether state general fund revenues from the gross premi- their unarmed citizens. Recent statistics show that to the student with the SJSU disabled ting a moving violation? I'm sure we send them to their death or prison ums tax could be reduced by about $70 million III since 1981. American military assistance to Egypt. parking permit was issued on a city that most reasonable people would for life. 1988-89 and $120 million in 1989-90 the i ii si Sudan. Zaire and Liberia has increased more than street, chances are that the citation have no problem with your friend re- Secondly. it is incredibly naive to full year. 400 percent. The Russians too follow in the foot- was issued by a SJPD parking officer ceiving a citation for ignoring the use 17th century' John Locke as the Implementing this measure would also mean an steps of the Americans. As a result, war, hunger. and not a UPD parking officer. no-entry signs. The purpose of these sole moral example of an enlight- increase in state administrative costs by about $2 refugee problems and other artificial calamities Without actually seeing the citation. signs is not to cause problems. The ened government. Capital punish- million in the first year and about SI million an- have plagued the continent. I cannot state this for certain. How- purpose is 1) to protect the students ment was vigorously denounced by nually after that. It is against this background that political ana- ever, usually UPD officers will only walking there anytime. and 2) to ful- most of the French enlightenment These costs still don't match the excessive lysts in Africa are carefully watching the frog-jump issue parking citations on city streets fill the requirement with the city of thinkers. the Italian reformer Becca- amount of fraudulent claims received each year. political race in America. Whoever wins the elec- if the violation involves public safety San Jose for closing a street that ria and the English utilitarians Ben- Someone is addressing the problem. and whether tion will determine whether the poverty -stricken (i.e. blocking fire hydrants or park- there be no regular traffic on a closed tham and Mill. it's right or wrong it should be considered at least. and debt -riddled banana republics in Africa need a ing violations in red zones that block street. Thirdly, Jesus Christ himself If something is not done soon to curve these long spoon to dine with the White House or not. fire lanes or traffic lanes). Further- The only valid statement in the railed against "eye for an eye" in costs gone mad, one day when your child turns 16 This is not interpreted on racial lines but rather more. an SJSU student should know letter is that UPD officers are "just the sermon on the mount. Moreover, years of age. it won't he enough to pass the old the political philosophies of the Democrats and the that a parking permit issued by SJSU doing their jobs." It will take only the phrase "Vengence is mine saith family clunker on to him. It's going to take an in- Republicans with regards to their foreign policy in is only valid on SJSU lots. It's a one instance of an illegally parked the lord. I shall repay." tells us heritance from Aunt Edna to insure the little dar- Africa. Whatever may be the outcome. the African matter of common sense. car blocking a fireunit responding to plainly that we are forbidden to take ling. governments are resolved to remain non-alligned I do not disagree with your com- a fire or medical emergency, or one revenge into our own hands. The Charlotte Banta is the Associate Editor for while sucking the two breasts plaint regarding the special parking vehicle entering a restricted space outrageous hubris, the outrageous the Daily and is safe to smash into since she is pride, the outrageous morality of fully insured. However, if it is your fault and mere human beings deciding to snuff you're not insured, she will sue your grand- out life seems to me the crux of the mother if need he. Insight Out appears every issue. No matter how bloodthirsty. Thursday . sick or satanic these criminals get. we must not stoop to their level. The I LET YOU BORROW commandment "Thou shall not kill" applies to us. too. MY CAR AND YOU Great Britain. Canada, the Scan- dinavian countries and practically all Forum Policy WRECK IT UP!!! of Western Europe have abolished WHAT HAVE YOU the death penalty. In the United States, there are more than 2,000 on The Spartan Daily would like to hear GOT TO SAY? death row today and 33 are teen- agers. Not even Libya. South Africa from you our readers. or the U.S.S.R. applies the death penalty to its young people. There Your ideas, comments, criticisms and will come a time perhaps in 20 suggestions are encouraged. By listening years. perhaps in 40 years when we will look back at this decade in to our readers we can better serve the cam- x- shame and disbelief. pus community. Michael Rustigan Associate Professor Letters to the editor can be on any Administration of Justice topic, we prefer letters in reaction to re- Dear Ann . . . cent articles or about campus issues. Per- Editor, sonal attacks and letters in poor taste will Is there anything in this wide not be published. world that Dave Lanson enjoys? If so, please encourage him to Letters must bear the writer's name, write on such a subject. He is quite annoying and neg- major, phone number and class level. ative. Maybe his column can he replaced Deliver letters to the Daily office on CAW! ANGELO LOPEZ with Ann Landers. the second floor and GREG BE DA Lydia Zapata of Dwight Bentel Hall or Senior to the Student Union information desk. Liberal Studies t? Spartan Daily/Thursday, April 21, 1988 Pave 1 lily College janitor gives Super delegates don't back Jackson

WASHINGTON IAN .h.sse committed. Gray is supporting Jackson. 111 black support. is among the um..., $1 million school Jackson's popularity in the Demo- Although Jackson is second in the Sen. Wyche Fowler, 1)-Ga., who mated. to cratic presidential primaries hasn't overall delegate race to Dukakis, he beat a Republican incumbent two "I haven't sensed any Associated Press the college library reading The translated into a single vote from the has zero. It can he a sensitive topic. years ago with the help of strong prejudice.'' Fowler said. An educated janitor who wore Wall Street Journal to follow the party delegates in the U.S. Senate. There’s a strong feeling that his lawyer's hand-me-downs and stock market." said Hummel's Pose the question "why" to a we've got to elect a president," said quizzed professors about eco- lawyer, Joseph Gompers of Democratic member of that all -white Sen. Max Baucus. 1)-Mont.. who is r.--- nomics has left up to SI million to Wheeling. group, and you'll get a look as committed to Dukakis. the college where he mopped Hummel, who retired in 1983, though you asked why it doesn't "We need to do all we can to Anniyersary Sale! floors for 30 years. spent little on himself, his lawyer snow here in July. come up with the best possible off EVERYTHING Lawrence R. Hummel, who said. It's not group racism, lawmakers slate." said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D- through April! died March 22 at age 82, had and analysts say. It's practical poli- N.M. He's uncommitted, but says "If you saw him and talked amassed a fortune in the stock tics. "Dukakis has certainly shown he with hint, noticed his demeanor market with knowledge gleaned "A member of Congress has to has support. That has to he a major and the way he dressed, you in pan from discussions with pro- look at it and see what's in it for factor." might confuse him fessors and from economics with, the only him," says Charles Cook, a column- Thomas Mann, who studies gov- word thing I can think of is. a classes he audited at Bethany ist and observer of internal congres- ernment at the Brookings Institution, bunt. College, his lawyer said. sional politics. says some senators may have con- He lived frugally while invest- "But he wasn't. He was a Senate Democrats send 43 dele- cluded that Jackson "has the capac- ing money from his wages and warm, compassionate person who gates to the party's national conven- ity to excite blocs of voters in prima- the sale of his share of his family cared about people," Gompers tion in Atlanta. They are among the ries but he'd have an extreme!) dairy farm in 1953. That year. said. so-called super delegates, who serve difficult time being elected in a gen- Hummel began working at the "I would give him some of my by virtue of their positions as party eral election." private college with an enroll- old clothes to wear. If I didn't, I leaders or elected officials. "I think you'd find any number of , ment of about 1t00 students in know he would never buy any for Of the 32 delegates picked in the members of the House and Senate northern West Virginia. himself." Senate so far. Michael Dukakis has embrace another black candidate," He knew the stock market in- The bequest astonished Be- nine; Sen. Albert Gore has five: Sen. Mann said, mentioning as an exam- side and out. He was always at thany officials. Paul Simon, who mothballed his ple an elected publ is. offiLial such as FOR A GREAT campaign, has two. and 16 are un- Rep. William II G,J III. SELECTION OF: FRAMES \ Ifslaraktsweat FUTONS Cocaine use shown to harm the unborn COVERS Studio Lounger PILLOWS 'pine frame 6" cotton futon 'easily converts from a couch, CINCINNATI (AP) Babies irritability and evidence of devel- The San Francisco study in Octo- placenta became detached. res,..irch FEATHERBEDS to a lounger, to a born to cocaine-abusing mothers suf- opmental disabilities, and 40 percent ber 1987 iny (dyed 10 infants born to ers said. bed. fer developmental difficulties and failed to respond to visual stimula- cocaine users. Mothers who had could ultimately wind up with im- tion during examinations. abused multiple drugs were excluded Neurology researchers on 'Tues- 1(408)293-3355 916 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose paired motor development, accord- Donna Ferrier, a neurologist at from the study so researchers could day also discussed an experimental south of Hwy. ing to a preliminary study. San Francisco General Hospital said, zero in on the effects of cocaine use treatment I'm Parkinson's dkease, in (3 blocks 280) California researchers announced "There is acute withdrawal in these only, officials said. which tissue i root a patient's adrenal the findings Tuesday during the 40th infants, and the symptoms they dis- The infants were examined be- gland is it ansplamed into the brain. annual ifleeting of the American play could raise the chances for im- tween the second and fourth days of Scientists say the treatment shows Academy of Neurology, a week- paired motor development." life. Four of the children were born promise. hut is ;kJ., rinpanied by the long session in Cincinnati attracting She urged that a number of medi- 511111111.111CIIIIS SPRING prematurely. Three required oxygen risks ot dual surgery qt. an estimated 4.000 neurologists cal centers join in a study of how co- and one was born when the mother's on an already .111111,2 1,01 lent A time for sunshine and from around the world. caine use affects unborn children, hair look The researchers at San Francisco and how such drug abuse can affect , color Make your General Hospital said infants born to the development of infants' bodily \ healthier with cellophane at cocaine-abusing mothers displayed systems. COMMAND ..,A PERFORMANCE. SpartaGuide Business Graduates: SpartaGuide is a daily calendar ing about drug abuse in the gay/les- lar SJSU student, faculty and she bian community. 4:30 p.m., S.U. We're Looking for organkations. hems may he .vab Almaden Room. Call 263-2312 for mined on farms in the Daily (Wire, information. People Who Want Dwight Bente, Hall Room 208, hut Tau Delta Phi: "Soviet Union Fire- will not he accepted over the phone. side Glasnost." 7:30 p.m.. S.U. The deadline for the next day's Loma Prieta Room. Call 730-8903. to Make a Difference. Off paper is noon. 50% Asian American Spring Festival: Pacific Rim Film Festival. 10:30 If you're going to be a recent Business Graduate who ANY CELLOPHANE a.m. and 2:30 p.m.. Camera 3. Call would like to be involved in directing technology's with any full service haircut Amnesty International: Meeting. 924-5750 for information. future, consider a career at National Semiconductor Regional Directors of Amnesty will A.S. Leisure Services: Intramural in the Customer Service, Purchasing (Buyer) or be speaking. 7 p.m. Art Building tennis tournament sign-ups. 8-5 Material Planning areas. Available Monday through Thursday 139. For information call 277-8225. p.m.. Student Activities Office. For With or Wrthout An Appointment Department of Math & Computer information, call 924-5966. At National, you can steer the course of your own career, from training to advancement, backed by the Science: Speaker: The fundamental I RUYAN. theorem of algebra. 4 p.m. Duncan resources of a Fortune 500 Company. Opportunities Not good with any other discount Hall 416. For information call 924- Economics Students' Association: are available at our Corporate Headquarters in the 5120. Walter Williams, author of books heart of Silicon Valley. Expires 4-28-88 Marketing Club: Maui Raffle concerning minority economic is

Drawing. Noon. Art Quad. sues, will speak at 9:30 a.m. Morris Learn how you can make a difference at National. Dailey Auditorium. Please send your resume, indicating area of interest Career Planning and Placement: Students Affiliate of the American to National Semiconductor, College Relations, Dept. Co-op Orientation. 12:30 pun. S.U. NSCR, P.O. Almaden Room. Chemical Society: Pizza lecture Box 793, Mountain View, CA 94042. with Dr. Bob Shaw. 1:30 p.m. Dun- We are an equal opportunity employer. Command Physics Department: "Muon Spin can Hall 505. Rotation and RF Cavity Mea- SUNNYVALE surements on High-T Superconduc- SJSU Tennis Club: Meeting, 2-5 Performance. Sunnyvale Town Center tors." with Dr. Wayne Cooke. 1 p.m. South Campus Tennis Court STYLING SALONS (408) 245-2746 p.m. Science Building 258. For information, call 293-2451. M National Christian Science Organization: Theatre Department: Last chance to sign up for 84th Kaucher Compe- PALO ALTO MILPITAS SILVER CREEK Testimony meeting. 3:30 p.m. S.U. Semiconductor Town and Country Calaveras Plaza Silver Creek Plaza Pacheco Room. tition. 12:30 p.m., Hugh Gillis Hall. (415) 329-8040 (408) 263-4357 (408) 270-1550 SJSU Vovinam Viet Vo Dan Club: SAACS: student chemistry so- Vietnamese martial art session ciety.) Pizza lecture by Bob Shaw II 5:30-6:45 p.m. Spartan Comptes n Duncan 11:111 505 209. Everyone is welcome. SATURDAY Alpha Lambda Delta: Bake sale. 9 Chinese Student Association: front of Student a.m.-3 p.m. in nic at Happy Hallow Zoo and Kelly Union. Park. Meet at 10 a.m. at ATM ma Mu Alpha Gamma: "Magazine chine on Ninth Street. For informa Day Mi.' ' 9 ant -3 p.m. Student lion. call 287-4310.

Union. Math and Computer Science De- Re-entry Advisory: Drop-in sup- partments: Speech by Art Dekleine port group. 2-3:30 p.m. S.U. Pa- "The Fundamental Theorem of Al- checo Room. gebra." 1 p.m., Duncan Hall 416 Gay and Lesbian Alliance: Meet- For information, call 924-5120.

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Gallo I any Jackson Jan Jones 1)0n 1 11,, Chen., Penn Rosernsrie Smith Melanie W1(1.1, Village) Man., f tIm' Hon (even Kenitra I tide (Next to Country (408) 243-8454 Santa Clara Page 4 Thursday, April 21, 1988/Spartan Daily Pretzel Logic Uncommercial 'Rainbow' shines a Bliss, Miyata star in excellcent show Richard By Laura M. I.ukas Motroni Daily staff writer A full house at the Music Building Concert Hall en- joyed the world premiere performance of "The Emerald PMRC: no. Rock: Oh, yes! Rainbow." Carmen Dragon Scholarship winner John Bliss' composition. Tuesday night. think, but Look. I don't know what you kids The SJSU Carmen Dragon Memorial Scholarship for me the 1988 Presidential election has been Concert, funded by Chevron USA. featured the work of one hell of a downer. scholarship recipients Bliss and Vernon Miyata, flutist Not only are there no candidates intelligent Teresa Orozco and the SJSU Symphony. enough to be an effective president, but one person Bliss, who won the Carmen Dragon Memorial Schol- has gotten so politically strong, freedom of speech arship Award for Composition in 1987. began work on and expression seems greatly threaten. what was to become "The Emerald Rainbow" seven It ain't Michael Dukakis nor George "Once-a- nionths ago. wimp, alw ays-a-w imp’ Bush or even the Rev. "'Emerald Rainbow' is a change of style for me," Jesse Don’t-get-me-wrong. Some-of-my-best- Bliss said. "I came out of jazz and pop composition." friends-are-Jews'. Jackson. The person who will he Bliss received the Carmen Dragon Scholarship using a greater threat in years to come is Senator Al Gore. his past work in jazz and computer composition that won But this article is not an attack on Al Gore's sad him the 1986 Stephen G. Wozniak Achievement Award show mg as a senator. but his is tie. Tipper Gore. lor computer music innovation. He had to do a great deal There's little doubt that Tipper is the "dragon of research in contemporary classical style, "The Emer- lady" of Congress. With a cunning mind and a ald Rainbow's" style, in order to "break new ground. ruthless is ill she has become one of the most pow- His efforts resulted in a dramatic piece with a sinewy erful women in Washington. harmony that leans more toward artistic than commercial If you think this wilier is holding a grudge music style. against Tipper Gore's group. the Parents Music Re- "Art is considered a more sophisticated style that re- source Center )PMR(' or short) who have de- quires more patience from the audience," Bliss ex- Ron Green, Daily staff photographer manded record companies put ratings on rock re- plained. "les much less melodic." A more commercial cords. you're damn right. style is recognized through its harmony, he said. Musical director Dr. Robert Sayre conducts Tuesday's night performance of the San Jose State Symphony. True. the Gores did ifleet with the so-called Music director and conductor Robert Sayre said Accompaning the orchestra is flutist Teresa Orozco performing Concerto in C minor for nue by Mozart. powerful dudes of the entertainment world, but "The Emerald Rainbow" is an aristic piece. but that hearing it inside my head," Bliss said. the recognition he felt it deserved. According to Sayre, they only did it for political reasons. Bliss' artistic "ideas are audible." than Rainbow" has "a lot of 'Marche Slave' is very Russian the whole idea be- In fact, since the meeting. Tipper's determin- Bliss describes "The Emerald Rainbow," whose Sayre said "The Emerald ’ added that the musicians who it. It's unfortunate a lot of Tschaikovsky's pieces ation for a ’rock 'n' roll -free America** has now name was derived from the Bible's Revelation, as a lot good musical ideas." He hind up 'pop.' " gone beyond ratings. of "interweaving texture." performed the piece enjoyed it. ended also performed Peter Ilich Also featured at the concert was flutist Teresa In a recent interview with a Nashville-based The texture is created by staggered entrances of in- The symphony musicians Slave" under the talents of Orozco. who performed solo parts in Wolfgang Am- music monthly Metro, Tipper was asked about the struments throughout the piece and an ostinato (a repeti- Tschaikovsky's "Marche of the Carmen Dragon Schol- adeus Mozart's "Concerto in G Major for Flute and Or- Jello Biafra obscenity. trial I former lead singer of tive motif) dominated by an eerie vibraphone. Miyata, the 1986 recipient chestra." Orozco, a master's degree candidate at SJSU, the great punk hand Fhe Dead Kennedys was arship Award in Conducting. Bliss said that his work started out as a piece for a the award the first year it was has won many competitive awards for her work and now charged is ith "distribution of harmful materials to Miyata, who received small ensemble, but grew to accommodate a I4-piece even though the Monterey Symphony. minors.. due to an insert from (Inc of their albums. offered, chose to conduct "Marche Slave" plays with chamber orchestra with double string parts. "an old war horse. Sayre expressed his admiration for both the featured Biafra was later aquitted). Her response was (dig he refers to it as A difficult time for Bliss came in working with Sayre that it's considered 'pop' and is over- artists and the symphony. He said that "The Emerald this), "We PMR(') have nothing to do with that. I "It's a shame to interpret the piece the way he created it to sound. is a particularly difficult piece and the musi- mean, I'd like to take credit for it. played." he said. "It's a fine piece." Rainbow" gave the piece did job with it. This imerv ieis shows that not only the "agree- "Hearing the music with instruments is different And powerful. Miyata's conducting cians a great ment'. is ith the members of the entertainment field is a. .1 he, hut proves what Tipper Gore really lk ants. complete censorship of . No longer pleased is itli ratings. the PMRC wants to Film delivers inspiration to audience censor nick musicians they feel publish "obscene lv rivs.' and perhaps put them behind bars. So much It) Jim Hart His students' intereq overcomes the for freedom and democracy. Daily staff writer conflict of difficult home lives and peer's get something straight once and for all. "Stand and Deliver," transforms the pressure. The PNIRC's proposed rating system on rock re- mundane subject of high school classes Studying is unpopular. and students are cords is not onlv stupid, hut IMPOSSIBLE. First M- into an original movie that offers inspira- beaten up if they are seen walking across all. there are over 550 different record labels that tion to the audience. campus with a text book. publish some form of rock music. Since there are so Los Angeles Times 1984 newspaper One of Escalante's students, Angel. manv record labels, that means there are hundreds clips sparked the imagination of the play- portrayed by Lou Diamond Phillips of albums released every year V. ith literally thou- wrights, who developed the script two (Ritchie Valens of "La Bamba") hides sands ot songs to rate. years later. several math books in different locations Since there are so many songs needing a rating In the movie the audience follows math in an effort to preserve his reputation as a on them. the PMRC must hire a large staff of peo- teacher, Jaime Escalante. portrayed by tough gang member. ple to do the dirty job (and we ain't talking just Edward Jame. (limos tif Miami Vice Escalante gets his wish for a Calculus handful of little old ladies. kids. Oh no! We are fame, into the classroom of an East Los class, and 18 students set out to prepare talking about between 75 and 200 people. paid with Angeles high school. Viewers experience for the Advanced Placement calculus ex- dollars. to listen to bands like Bon Jovi and his student's fight for success. amination that would give them college \ iee, where do I sign up?). With such a large Escalante wants to teach an Advanced credit. stall there are hound to be major arguments about Placement Calculus class at Garfield Students commit themselves to class is hat song should have a certain kind of rating. High. above and beyond the call of duty ar- hat ahtiut rock songs in the past that The problem is that Garfield High is lo- riving to school early. staying late and contain -oft ensii e ly ries ?" I'm not talking about cated in an economically depressed sec- even coming in on Saturday. use or 10 years ago. hut IS and 20 years. Popular tion of Los Angeles. Furthermore, the As a result all 18 students pass with ex- songs like Pink Floyds ''Money" had the as" primarily Hispanic student body is unmo- ceptional scores. Too exceptional, word, while others like John Lennon's "Working tivated to add even the simplest fractions. according to the Educational Testing Math Teacher EscalaInte tEdssard James 01 .1 helps Angel (Lou Diamond Class Hero" used the "f'' word not once. hut Garfield has an incredibly high drop- Service, who claimed that wrong answers Phillips, left I. The scene is from the Ile% film -Stand and Deliver." twice What do we do about these songs. Tipper'? out rate, and is facing the possibility of on each exam were too similiar. IN) we ignore them or put one of your fascist ratings losing its education accreditation. This is the conflict that sets the scene on them? By. using humorous illustrations and for the rest of the film. wife. flashy effects or teen-age violence to cre- The biggest victims in these situations would he lecturing in street-like language. Esca- The students face the possibility of De Soto. who apparently didn't act in ate a well developed plot. Good screen- the one group the PMRC is trying to help: the par- Tante captures the interest of his pupils. "institutional racism," as the real story in any major productions for SJSU. first play writing and directing make the ents. The rating system is actually telling the par- Instead of solving word problems about the Los Angeles Times states. earned recognition for her role as Ritchie movie suspenseful and inspiring to the au- ents they are no longer capable of teaching their pennies. dimes and quarters, students Olmos and Phillips' acting is excep- Valens mother in the movie "La dience. children right and wrong. For now on. the govern- solve problems about gigolos. tional. To better play the role as Esca- Bamba. ment is ill tell the children what music is good for Instead of hanging posters of math- lante. Olmos spent hundreds of hours The humor is unlike that of any other "Stand and Deliver" may be missed them I this sounds a hell of a lot like Nazi Germany. ematic tables on the wall. Escalante hangs with the actual teacher and his class that film, a humor that is more understandable by many because of its on-the-surface ;Ind not democratic America). a poster of basketball star Kareem Abdul- inspired the film. if the viewer is able to reminisce about boring topic. but those who decide to take What's also sad about this are the people who Jahbar throwing a sky hook to illustrate a SJSU theatre arts graduate. Rosana De their days in a high school math class. it in will find that the film definitely de- blindly support the PMRC's censorship crusade. parabola. Soto, appears as Escalante's supportive "Stand and Deliver" doesn't rely on livers. These people not only have no respect for First Amendment rights. but welcome government in- trusion of a person's civil rights whether they know II or not. Rock 'n' roll is music for the young and those Copperfield magic show dazzles Flint Center is hi) feel young at heart. It is their source of unity . , identity. love of life, wonderment. rebellion By Kara Myers "Nothing is really magic." he said. minutes of my life" when he showed the unknown," he said. and need to feel in a dangerous world. Yet, fascist staff writer Daily Copperfield's Tuesday night perfor- film of when he walked through the Great When he was 12. he was the youngest groups like the PMRC see rock music as an evil. is not The Magic of David Copperfield mance at the Flint Center was a spectac- Wall of China. person ever admitted to the the cause of all the problems is ith today's youth. In Society of so much in the illusion as in the person. ular show of technical trickery and illu- But Copperfield's real magic is in the American Magicians. their minds, the only. way to solve the problem of His show awe% and stuns the audience and sion. way he brings out the wondering. cu- teen-age runaways, drug abuse, crime and gangs is In 1982. Copperfield reached out to yet leaves you breathless. not only from ex- He stunned the audience with his es- rious, awe-struck child in us all. to censor rock music. another audience the disabled. He citement, hut from laughter. too. cape attempt in which he had 60 seconds "I try to take the audience to as many Unless young people rise up in revolt against founded Project Magic, a non-profit orga- Copperfield. who vanished the Statue to free himself from a box, using only a different places as possible." he said. and the Gores, listening or playing rock nization that teaches magic to people with the PMRC of Liberty in 1983, is the ultimate enter- hairpin borrowed from a member of the music may sonic day he a federal crime. Copperfield's whole life has been sur- disabilities to motivate their therapy. tainer, incorporating humor, drama and audience, before a rotating steel blade rounded by mystery and magic. Perhaps one of Copperfield's greatest The day that happens will he the day this writer illusion into a complete package sure to sliced him in half. At the age of IQ he started experiment- accomplishments is his age. Tuesday heads off to Canada. please all audiences. Richard Motroni is the Entertainment Edi- He delighted children and adults alike ing with magic and ventriloquism in order night he told the audience he is 29. but to tor. In a recent telephone interview, he said with the antics of Webster. his "death -de- communicate with others and to "get according to literature, he has been claim- he likes to incorporate a lot of theater into fying duck." people to like me," Copperfield said. ing the same age for the past three years. his prt iduct ions And he relived the "most intense five "Everybody has a love affair with the Is this yet another illusion? 's latest album 'Bonk' lacks focus, ideas, creditabilty and guitars By Douglas Alger missing guitarist and bassist are the and the group, hut unique only goes Daily staff writer least of the band's deficiencies. so far. I tend to approach synthesizer Big Pig may sound like the main Big Pig has novelty, but lacks music with skepticism anyway, but character in a grade -B horror movie. substance in "Bonk's 12 tracks. talents a la Howard Jones force me but it is actually something much As often happens with synthesizer to appreciate their works. Big Pig more, ah. original. groups. the Australian band relies has failed to do that. Imagine if you will . . . a seven too much on pre-programmed riffs Big Pig is planning to visit the member percussion/vocal/synth and not enough on overall talent. United States with "Bonk." and band from Australia. Oh, speaking of talent . . . The will focus on clubs and college sta- The group is without a guitarist or one and only female of the group. tions to develop a following. If given bassist, and attempts to overcome Sherine, does have a voice to be the opportunity. tune in. but do not this via percussion overkill. reckoned with. expect to be overwhelmed with their Three drummers, five vocalists, At first listen, Sherine sounds aw- sound. two percussionists. a harmonica fully similar to the Eurthymic's Three drummers and two percus- player and a keyboardist are in- Annie Lennox. hut without any- sionists give solid rhythym to tracks cluded in its roster. (As that adds up where near as much soul and vital- such as "Hungry Town." but all-in- to more than seven, there are obvi- ity. Lennox was different, bordering all the group has little more than ously a few people doing double- on the bizarre, but her voice always novelty itself to offer. duty.) contained a driving quality which Big Pig may not be the main char- Unfortunately for the group's re- Sherine lacks. acter of a horror movie, but it does Nicinbers of Big Pig will tour .American clubs and college campus to promote "Bonk." cently released album, "Bonk." a Nice try by producer Nick Launay deserve the title of grade-B. --

Spartan Daily/Thursday, April 21, 1988 Page 5 Seagal's film debut impressive but 'Above The Law' plot fails By Serena Griffith Daily start writer Stephen Seagal is an interesting person with an interesting life. It's ENTERTAINMENT unfortunate this film is not about him. hot-headed "punch first" character issued weapons. Warner Bros. new release, who shoots bad guys for making When the charges against every- 'Above the Law," stars Seagal as smart remarks. He even does the one involved (the had guys) are 2hicago cop Nico Toscani. Seagal is worn-out "one punch ego trip dropped. Nico continues the invesii ilso its co-writer and co-producer scene" in which he knocks out a bad gation, against the wishes of the po along with Andrew Davis. guy in a single move and walks away lice department. The department He is new to the movie-making amid the awe-stricken gasps of the so angry with him that they take hi, business, and his first film is exactly crowd. badge and gun. Undaunted, he con what its promotions promised it Another touch of the "SuperCop" tinues his pursuit of corruption. would not be just another "Super syndrome was his perfectly groomed This "vigilante cop- idea is al- Cop" show. hair, which stayed in place through- ready overused, and it made this film The film would have benefitted out his fights, chases and window - seem indistinct from every Super- from a larger dose of real life, per- bashing scenes. He also put his hand Cop show ever made. haps using more of Segal's actual through one window and his body strikingly good-looking Chicago cop Nico Toscani (Steven Seagal) attempts to capture a couple of drug dealers experiences as a martial arts instruc- through another and never received a Seagal. a tor in Tokyo and as a bodyguard for scratch. man with an extraordinary back- heads-of-state. ground. could have saved the film cules the bad guys with biting The film suffers from its efforts to Seagal is, after all, a sixth from obscurity, but his natural wit humor, he is both funny and believ- -degree bring a tough cop to the screen. black belt in aikido and is a and charm were overshadowed by able. master of obscuring Seagal's natural tough- several other styles of martial his unoriginal tough guy act. But when he tries to act tough, it arts. ness. The plot, with hints of an Iran- He first saw karate at the In the few scenes where he relaxes shows up on the screen as a rehash of age of Contra type scandal and CIA corrup- seven during a half-time and plays a sarcastic cop who ritli- every tough cop we've ever seen. demonstra- tion, fails to spark interest. tion at a football game. By age 17, he had taken his study of martial arts In an early scene, tough but tender ier to Tokyo. Nico, the cop and loving father. Later, he became the first non- saves a relative from street life y. Asian to establish a "dojo," or mar- Right away, viewers were warned (.5 arden Alameda tial arts academy, in that city. that this plot would be as stale as a He is also an avid student of East- week-old sandwich. The film contin- RESTAURANT Fe. ern philosophies, religions and heal- ues in this predictable fashion, as 3C- ing arts. Nico discovers that a drug shipment His character Nico, however, is a is actually a shipment of government Twilight Suppers served from 5-7 Pm $7.95 Broil Snapper Hedges, Kottke display mushroom sauce white wine dill sauce Chicken Fettucini Primavera Chicken Tarragon fettucini noodles wichicken and broiled breast of chicken their true guitar talents cream sauce wiwhite wine and tarragon I4 By Richard Motroni version of The Who classic, "Pin- Domestic Beers $1 each Daily start writer ball Wizard." With hands constantk Piano Bar in dinning room only When communication between a striking the strings, his body and the Featuring Ned Niles at the Banquet Facilities for 21 and over only musician and the instrument is in wooden frame of the guitar. Hedges piano, playing all your perfect unity, the result can be quite playing had furious style of playing. up to 300 people 200 North 1st Street, San Jose a wondrous joy for the ear as well as So furious, in fact, that some people favorites from 7-11 PM. the soul. probably thought to themselves. Such thoughts entered my mind "Hey, somebody give this guy a va- 1520 while watching acoustic guitar mas- lium!" The Alameda ters Michael Hedges and Leo Kottke But. Hedges fury is controlled to San Jose, CA 95126 1.11444WM perform Friday at the San lose Cen- where he excites an audience for the (408) 998-1415 ter for the Performing Arts. In front right reasons. With the crowd react- 4/.....2., p0A i,..,;.....,...!, of a packed house , the two were in ing ,,r,.., enthusiastically (perhaps a little top form, producing some very bit more than Kottke's set) to every beautiful music indeed. song, Hedges didn't disappoint. Yet, don't be fooled into believing The biggest response was when Midterm Madness Presents S1.0 0 1111 Drinks! the two-hour show was a couple of Hedges went to his trunk and pulled 9-12 em guys just sitting down and playing out a rare Harp guitar (an instrument with six regular guitar strings on the Vissit SUNDAY /j7KOOPS rOn 100 , , bottom and five bigger, thicker Kottke is a natural strings on the top) which he bought zia several years ago in San Francisco. 4 v t guitarist who is self- Here Hedges abandoned his aggres- etrinarcv sive nature and moved with grace. Midterm Madness Presents$1- "9-11.2thks1 taught, while playing the instrument with disci- am pline. Hedges is more After Hedges finshed the fine per- Zonilbt MONDAY IVI ODERN ROCK i formance with his version of the educated than Beatles' "Come Together" and a SElOWCA SE Dance w short edition of "Suite No. 1 G for Contest natural. unaccompanied cello" by Bach. thin Kottke joined him on stage for three coupon Midterm modness presents 2-fer-1 All ()rinks! ad more songs that ended the show. The Authentic German 9-12 orn soft music. Far from it, my friends, numbers were not great, but then Cuisine and Beverages goob for TUESDAY DP ,fi YPYS' far from it. There was humor, im- they didn't have to be. Ballroom Dancing to one /tee glass of provisation, wild stories, analysis of So who was the superior guitarist Live European Music oSerman Draft Veer or Wine e- dreams, plenty of guitar tuning and this night? No one really, since the Intl: of n- continuous communication with the two men are quite different guitar- Saturdays 9pm- lam 0 purchase he audience. ists. Kottke is a natural guitarist who Polka Lessons a meal. . 0 1 Present this coupon and receke your u- The first performer to take stage is self-taught, while Hedges is more by appointment was Kottke. smiling, looking re- educated than natural. Kottke is laid- FIRST DRINK FOR $1.00. German Movies I I laxed and dressed in a casual man- back and easy-going, while Hedges Tuesdays 7:30pm at F / ed ner. Well, not quite. Kottke pur- is aggressive and full of energy. I 725-0515 I ce posely wore different colored socks Comparing the two is like comparing 1076 off beer with SJSU student I.D Expires I isret'RA4' 14624 Stevens Creci ke in hope to gather some attention apples and oranges: both men did maiiniil, 1988 le- from the crowd. their own thing and did it very well. MIMIMMIIIMIiiMa But, Kottke's action is by no One thing for sure was that both Vissit means an act by an eccentric, but men were happy about the night's re- rather a statement that his perfor- sults back stage. mance style is a mixture of grace and "Working with Leo on this tour tocijburg Von rmania off-the-wall humor. has been a great joy for me and to- SAN FRANCISCO it &total *tree( (near Julian) in Sian Jove ( 408 )295-4484 Boy, is it ever off the wall! night was no exception," Hedges 1261 Kottke's most outrageous story was said. about his friend Gene Pitney who pw- playing in Australia with a band was SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY po 0, 401//1.- e. that included a bass player who had a ,,,, STUDENT MOFIILTZATION AGAINST AIDS fake right hand that fell off during a 41" roe' opariv show. PRESENTS di Still, the strength of Kottke's solo PREMIERE BAY AREA PERFORMANCE performance was his ability to play OF guitar and what an ability this man S.F. Jazz Dance Company has. What's most impressive is study- WriRRE12 ing this man's right hand striking the APRIL 23rd guitar strings. With all five fingers it moving at a thunderous pace, the au- dience can hear the lighter sounding 8:00pm stings, but can't see Kottke striking them. Kottke was performing an art SJSU of deception. If there is criticism of Kottke's performance was that his set was for SPX 219 the most part unfocused. He didn't play any numbers from his latest album, "Regards From Chuck Tickets Pink" nor any popular numbers like "Busted Bicycle" or "Machine #2" (which he has stopped playing $6 Student since he switched to playing bare- handed). Yet, these are petty complaints ’?11;ifGeneral when Kottke gave touching vocal performances on "Pamela Brown" FUNDED BY AS. " It's about family " or the late Duane Allman classic INFO "Little Martha." DIRECTED BY MICHAEL KEARNS; PRODUCED BY JIM WALTERS; CALL 924-6260 FOR WRITTEN BY REBECCA RANSON Best of all is that Kottke has a cer- presence about him that is irre- PROGRAMBrin tain FUNDED BY SJSU ASSOCIATED STUDENTS sistable. His boy-like charm had such a complete spell upon the crowd that no one minded his coml. SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY nous guitar tuning between songs. SWEENY HALL 100 Michael Hedges knew he had a (CORNER OF 7TH STREET & SAN CARLOS) tough act to follow after Kottke's wonderful show, and he was up for SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA the challenge. APRIL 21, 1988 8 PM $15.00 - BENEFIT APRIL 22,23, & 24, 1988 8 PM $5.00 I inter- Sprinting on stage after the APRIL 24, 1988 4 PM S5.00 mission. Hedges ripped into a rowdy / F,q.!c Ii Thursday, April 21. 1988/Spartan Daily Men's hoop squad signs pair Body By Semi Montgomery and Hollaway) are compatible to. bounders. Berry averaged mind Spirit writer 7.3 a Daily stet gether. This is an outstanding hack - game and Thomas 5.0. '11-wo of the nation's hottest high AGE STORE court for a freshman class" Berry led the team with 648 COME WALK TO A NEW ,hool athletes. David Hollaway and SPORTS The Spanans, who finished up the points, averaging 24 points a game. and receive a free gift with this ad. Limon Greer. will he wearing Spar- 1987-88 season with a PCAA record Finau averaged 19.7 points and tan blue and gold next fall, giving CRYSTALS. CANDLES, AND ITEMS TO RELIEVE of 8-10 (13-14 overall), will be rich grabbed 9.6 rebounds a game. Scott needed strength to SJSU's men's PERFUMES FOR PERSONAL ANXIETY AND TO Last year at Crenshaw. which was at the guard spot next fall. finished last season with 16.1 points basketball squad. AND INTER-PERSONAL IMPROVE ACADEMIC ranked No. 1 in the country by USA Rodney Scott and Steve Haney per game and 11 rebounds. HoIlaway and Greer have signed EXCELLENCE Today, Hollaway averaged 13.7 started at the position Iasi season and "From a freshman class stand- HEALING national letters-of-intent and plan on points and 5.6 rebounds per game. both will be returning for the 1988- point, this might he the best fresh- CRYSTALS: NATURAL LOVE OILS play in for the Spartans next season. Greer played his high school ball 89 season. man class we've had because of the EARTH STONES FOR MUSIC "I think it was a very successful Reseda NEW AGE at Cleveland High School in "Starting spots are earned, number of players and positions they let:rutting year. Coach Bill Berry The 6-loot, DECORATIVE AND in Southern California. Berry said. "If they ( Hollaway and can play. It gives us two good fresh- BOOKS ON NEW AGE said. "They 're both excellent high HEALING PURPOSES 165 pounder averaged 12.2 points Greer) make a quick adjustment." man classes hack -to-back." Berry school guards. ' Reading Available and 5.6 rebounds per game. the two might get some starts. said. "I think they all have a possi- Spirituat and Psychic Hollaway. a 6-foot -2. 185 "Greer is an excellent passer and Berry feels the toughest problem bility of making an impact on the pounder out of Crenshaw High dribbler and a good defender as well, for Hollaway and Greer may be program. I say that with the realiza- %,.hool. earned all -league honors his SANTA BARBARA - NEW VISION which is unusual for a high school making the adjustment to college tion that they are freshman." ist two seasons player." Berry said. 998-0648 "They (Greer life. Berry gave all the credit of the 791 So. First St. / Virginia San Jose, CA 95113 (408) "The social, academic, and ath- signing of the recruits to assistant letic change will be tough." Berry coaches Greg Graham and Eric said.' There is plenty of competi- Saulny. tion. " C,ceD Tom Desiano and Sean Davis will Marshall's signing NOTES: Ricky Berry is now in the process also be fighting for one of the guard MISSION spots. ot preparing himsell or the Olympic trials in TRUCKS In the fall signing period. the May. Kerry will he competing with 93 mho like a fluke Spartans signed John Finau. a 6- candidate.. tor J spot on the team JO.SE, CA looks "Ricky's working out in the weight room VALLEY foot-6 forward from Pius X High and going ii chool. coach Berry said when 1..W YORK (AP) The School in Downey. and Daryl Scott, fect match that would be hard to asked what his son was doing. "Ile's Just a deadline fir offer sheets to a 6-foot-9 forward from John Muir NFL duplicate in another deal. lew classes shy of graduation. ’ tree agents has passed Wilber High School in Pasadena. and "You've got to get exactly the Coach Berry contract expired at the end Marshall's signing by the Wash- right mix of player. agent These acquisitions will help $400 REBATE and oi the 19147.X% season and has yet to ington SJSU. which is severely hurt both he re- Redskins looks more like a new and old team. That's what newed. fluke than a breakthrough to a offensively and defensively by the happened here." said George "It's in the process now, Berry said. new era of football free agency. loss of Gerald Thomas and Ricky Young, general manager of the "Were working it out. hut I really don't have Special Finance Plan Last Friday was the cutoff date Berry, who played out their final New York Giants, a team that had a 4:0111111CM at this tone " or a team to make an offer to one year of eligibility last season. two All -Pro free agents line- Belly came to SAL ' in 19101iind his coach- for Graduating Seniors of the nearly 5(X) players whose backer Carl Banks and tight end Berry and Thomas were the team's ing re,old is 111. iii ,ontracts have run out. Mark Bavaro. second and third leading re- on eligible vehicles But Marshall. the Pro Bowl "Right now, the free agent linebacker whit left the Chicago scenario is too new for teams to 780 E. Brokaw Rd. . Hears to sign a S6 million over refine their strategy. said Leigh 436-2920 live year contract, sA as the only Steinberg, who represents several player to get a formal offer. He is do/en high -profile NFL players. KEN'S, HUBB BARBER SHOP(.. , the second player to change team. "The conventional wisdom is " Rock 'n Roll Barbers" ; :under free agency that took effect 'don't get stuck with a public in 1977 when the Bears didn't offer sheet if the other guys are NO THIN' TUES. - FRI. 9 AM - 6PM, SAT 8AM -4 PM BUT TRUCKS, match the offer within a week. going to match it because then In return. Chicago got Wash- every player, lawyer and agent in 'ingion's first -round draft choices the world will ram it back down 318 South 10th Street, San Jose 279-9955 in 1988 and 1989. your throat and you won't get the (Next to Robert's Book Store) As it turned out, the signing player anyway.' " became just what had been pre - That was the situation with the dieted a case of a unique per- Redskins and Marshall. 10 % off Nexxus Products

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Cracking the books is finally coming to an end.

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DEADLINE APRIL 29, 1988 Spartan Daily/Thursday, April 21, 1988 Page 7 Heery places 36th in nationals Former PGA champ

ii katarina Jonholt Daily staff writer has new priorities SJSU gymnast Brian Heery placed Heery was the first 36th in the NCAA Championships, NEW ORLEANS (AP) it . Christmas and Thanksgiving, held April 14-16 at the University of gymnast to an old goal but a new attitude tor things I haven't done for years. Nebraska. David Graham. "But it's hard to walk away Heery went into the competition represent SJSU in "I don't need the money. And from something you've dedicated with a season average of 56.7. which I certainly don't need the tro- 25 years of your life to. I still like was the 20th highest score of all the nationals since phies. I'd just like to start playing to play golf. I want to see if I can competitors. But, scoring "about a good again for David Graham." still compete with the young play- point low over all." he ended up Roy Palassou gained said the 41 -year-old Australian ers... with a 55.15, said Head Coach Doug native. So Graham. who won money VanEveren. All-America status Graham, who has made his in only 10 tournaments last year Although he was bothered by an home in the United States for and has made only four ap- ovenrained shoulder. Heery didn't with his fifth place more than a decade, is attempting pearances in the United States make any major mistakes. VanEve- to regain the form and touch that this season, now is in a string of ren attributed the low scores to all around in 1984. once made him one of the world's seven consecutive tournaments. "tight judging" and "incredible leading professional golfers. "After that, maybe I'll sit back competition." It's not precisely a comeback. and re-evaluate what I'm doing Heery started out with a solid per- "I just stopped to smell the and where I am. I've been work- formance on the parallel bars. "He pie the Pac- I 0 Championships. But roses for a while." Graham said ing pretty hard for a while, and it was one of the best people in the for Heery. who is also a member of before a practice round for the paid off with a couple of pretty whole meet (in this event)," VanE- the Irish national team and partici- $750,000 USF&G Classic, which good rounds last week (in the veren said. pated in the World Championships begins today. Heritage Classic)." Graham said. Still, though he has previously in September, there isn't such a nat- "My priorities have changed." While his current string of posted a 9.7 on the parallel bars, he ural progression. said Graham. who turned pro as a seven consecutive tournaments only scored a 9.4. "He has to stay up there the whole teen-ager and has scored victories may give him an idea of his posi- Being the first competitor, he was year," VanEveren said. Under these on four continents, including the tion. Graham said he wanted to a victim of the judges' aversion to- circumstances, "it's really hard to 1979 PGA championship and the provide himself with a longer ward "throwing out a high score so keep the body from falling apart on 1981 U.S. Open. test. early," VanEveren said. "They you." "For 20 years, I told my wife "I want to give myself about don't know what's going to come Alfonso Rodriguez of Houston not to force me to choose between 18 months. Why 18 months? I next." Baptist, became the 1981i NCAA golf and her, because she'd lose, don't know. It just seems like an Heery placed 25th in the parallel champion with a score of 58.35. she'd be gone. adequate test," he said. bar competition, which was his David Zeddies of Illinois took sec- "That's changed." Graham Graham faces a field of 153 in strongest showing out of all six ond with 58.25 points and Miguel said. "It's different now. She'd the chase for a $135,000 first events. He also did well on the rings, Rubio, also of Houston Baptist, took win. My family comes first. I prize over the Lakewood Country placing 26th with a 9.35. third with 58.2 points. want to be with them, be home at Club course. VanEveren said he didn't know The top Californian was Stan- how many gymnasts participated, ford's Randy Besosa, who tied for since only the top-45 scores were eighth with a 57.25. kept. In the team competition. Nebraska %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%%% 11111111111011111111111111111ffilim On the remaining four events. took first with 286.65. Illinois came sra .AVP4a. Heery did "pretty good, but nothing in second with 285.7 and UCLA real special." the coach said. captured third place with 285.25. .111 Israel's A. To do well in competition, a gym- Heery was the first gymnast to Kendra Luck Daily staff photographer nast has to be at a mental and physi- represent SJSU in the nationals since Independence Day -101 cal peak, VanEveren said. Most Roy Palassou gained All -America Brian Heery, shown here during a gymnastics demonstration in the Art spend the season gradually building status with his fifth place all around Quad earlier this year, finished 36th at the NCAA Championships. up to the final, big meets, for exam- in 1984. Wed., April 27th 11:00-2:00 1904 Senators had a tough season start, too Hillel In vites \ you to an Associated Press awaited them. League, a fat 231/2 games behind sev- As Baltimore's grounded Orioles There was a 12-2 kiss against enth-place Detroit and 551/2 behind ISRAEL FAIR reached for the record, it seemed ap- Philadelphia, then three straight After the 1-16 start, Boston's champions. a propriate to examine more closely losses at Boston, three losses at Donovan needed a year off to re- IL the 1904 Washington Senators, the home against New York and two Washington would cuperate before returning to manage first major league team to start a sea- more against Boston. Brooklyn in 1906. Kittredge, hots. son with 13 straight losses. By then the losing streak in- go 37-97 for the rest ever, would never get another The Senators had trouble before cluding three shutouts in four games chance. He finished his managing the first pitch that season. Own- had reached major league propor- of the season. career with that 1-16 log, an .059 "sle ership and managerial difficulties tions. It was clear to all observers percentage. deprived the team of a complete that this was a bad baseball team and The 1904 Senators batted .227 but Balloons! - spring training, a condition this so it was with some trepidation that take the heat off for the manager. were worse than that in the field, group could hardly afford. the Senators traveled to New York When the Senators dropped their committing 314 errors. First base- SUNFLOWER SEEDS! ki Eventually, the club settled on for a four-game series. next three games at Philadelphia. man Jake Stahl led the league with catcher Malachi Kittredge to fill out Washington lost the first three but Kittredge was told to worry only 29 misplays. a feat that so impressed INFO ON ISRAEL PROGRAMS! ) A the daily lineup card. This, appar- then ended the string at 13 losses about catching for the rest of the sea- ownership it made him manager ol Zr. ono 12:00-1:00 Sara Shendelman, ently, was not a terribly good idea. with a 9-4 victory over the Highland- son. the team the next year. Second base- popular Bay Area14 Kittredge had been around. A vet- ers. The new skipper would be right man Barry McCormick and short- performer will sing Israeli songs. eran of 13 seasons, he came to the As you might expect, the mile- fielder Patsy Donovan. an old hand stop Joe Cassidy each made 37 er- STUDENT UNION AMPHITHEATRE Senators the year before from the stone victory was accomplished with at this managing business. His cre- rors and third baseman Hunter Hill OP quaintly named Boston Beaneaters. help. New York committed eight er- dentials included an eighth-place fin- tied for the league lead at his tx)si - mxAte._ Elit-u limo nil i II Ir I That Washington team finished last rors. Washington's heroes with two ish with St. Louis in the National bon with 25. I III I I Illtili0:41411.' with a 43-94 record and manager hits apiece were infielders Charlie League the year before, perfect for Torn Loftus was not invited back. Moran and Joe Cassidy. outfielders this crew. The 1904 Senators opened at Jack Thoney and Kip SeRuch. and After the 1-16 start under Kit- home with a loss against Philadel- catcher Lew Drill, who was playing tredge. Washington would go 37-97 phia. then tied the next game against because Kittredge had taken the day for the rest of the season for Dono- Join the rush toTKD the Athletics. 6-6. It was a momen- off to concentrate on managing. van. The combined 38-113 was good tary respite from the had times that Beating the Highlanders did not for last place in the American It's a fun job t but someone's gotta do it! Over half our staff is graduating! So, A.S. Leisure Services is looking for six outstanding people to fill six special (and fun) jobs. Read on if your'e interested... INTRAMURAL SPORTS SUPERVISOR GRAPHIC ARTIST

You have experience in sports as You have past experience with design, artwork and paste-up of a league director and sports official and you printed publicity You will be responsible for creating and have had experience in supervising other implementing all advertising, publicity, and promotion for ASLS. staff You will be hiring, training, super- You are also responsible for designing the Campus Recreation vising, and evaluating the intramural directors Brochure. You are a self starter, and can work independently or and directors of officials. You are mature, dependable. be part of a team level headed and responsible You can do it all!! $4 65-5.05 per hour 15-20 hours per week $5 80 per hour 20 hours per week DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS ()PEN -RECREATION SUPERVISOR You have experience as an official arid are knowledgeable in a You have experience with Open Recreation or variety of sports Your job will be to recruit supervise, schedule similar athletic facility supervialOn. You will oversee all facility and evaluate the intramural officials You will also be responsible operations including scheduling and supervising staff, for completing reports and coordinating official training clinics. coordination of meetings and enforcing policy. You are a You are a leader and can motivate others. flexible, strong, leader $5 05 per hour 15-20 hours per week $5 80 per hour 20-25 hours per week ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT *, (WORK STUDY) You have experience planning, implementing, evaluating, and You are familiar with basic bookeepng practices and have publicizing recreation programs and special events You are telephone communication skills. You will be responsible for most likely a Recreation major or close to it You will be hiring budget record keeping for ASLS Including purchase orders.

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$5 50 per hour 20-25 hours a week $4 65 per hour 15-17 hours a week

Sound interesting9 If so, applications and complete lot descriptions are available in the Student Activities Office (next to the pub) Tappa Kappa Draft Vol Deadline to apply April 22nd 5 00poi, Welcome to the smoothest house on campus Tappa Kappa Draft where You could be just the person we're looking for'! our motto is fun. Just twist the cap and you've got the smooth, fresh flavor of real draft beer 924-5950 in a bottle. As only Coors can brew HJ and HJ LIGHT: Rush in for a six-pack of one Of both. ff X SELOREE The smoother, the better. C 41.1 CAW CAM 00111. CAM., 83., Funded by Associated Students 1 Page 8 Thursday, April 21, 1988/Spartan Daily Hawaiian style Pimples plagued performer Jackson NIA% tAI') -- It v.asu cause I enjoyed it and because it was screaming fans or the intrusity as natural to me as drawing a breath media that were the greatest threat to 'I became subconsciously scarred by this and exhaling it. I did it because I was Michael Jackson. It was something compelled to do it, not by parents or more insidious. more heinous, more experience with my skin.' family, hut by my own inner life in vicious. the world of music. ' ' Zits. Michael Jackson, He hated the CBS -TV variety se- "I became subconsciously scarred excerpt from autobiography "Moontvalk" ries the Jackson% had in 1976-77 be- by this experience with my skin." he cause they had to dress "in ridicu- writes in his new autobiography lous outfits and perform stupid Moonwalk," which Doubleday is he has not had his cheeks or eyes al- Michael Jackson is the seventh of comedy routines to canned laughter. publishing this week. tered or a skin peel or dermabrasion nine children born to Joseph and It was all so fake." "I got very shy and became em- to lighten his complexion. Katherine Jackson in Gary. Ind. He He didn't want to do the 1984 barrassed to meet people because my "All of these charges are ridicu- began performing as lead singer with "Victory" tour with his brothers at a complexion was so had. It really lous," he writes. "I don't care what the Jackson 5, which released 26 al- time when his solo career was soar- seemed that the more I looked in a anyone else says it's my face and bums for Motown and Epic. ing. mirror, the worse the pimples gm. I know it. Their father, a steel -mill worker He was reluctant to do the "Mo- My appearance began to depress me. "What does my face have to do who played with a rhythm and blues town 25" TV special because of his . . The effect on me was so had with my music or my dancing?" band, was extremely strict with the negative feelings about television, that it messed up my whole personal- Jackson wrote his book with an young performers. but reconsidered once he was al- ity.' assist from Doubleday editor Shaye "I wasn't forced into this busi- lowed to perform "Billie Jean' a The 29-year-old rock megastar Arehean. ness." Jackson writes "I did it be- non -Motown hit. was about 14 when the vicissitudes "He was wonderful, very enthu- of adolescence assaulted him He siastic." she said in an interview had been vigorously performing with 'He's just a lot of fun to he around his older brothers - Marlon, Tito, He loves life and is very enthusiastic Jackie and Jermaine as the Jackson 5 about projects he gets involved with since he was 5. He doesn't do anything he doesn't In those days. the biggest strug- feel good about. He's a very hard INSTANT gle was right there in my mirror. To worker.'' a great degree, nty identity as a per- son was tied to my identity as a ce- PASSPORT PHOTOS lebrity." In more recent years. what the re- PART-TIME CtERICAi POSITION Get two clusive performer has seen in the AVAIAME. full-color passport photos mirror hears little resemblance to the 4,,d-Pa0ce5sh, brown-skinned kid with the wide oo '144"/ while you wait! nose and airy afro. V Great People. In his autobiography. Jackson ad- , 4'6 6r Flexible hre mits to having two nose jobs and a Caxal Pay a chin cleft made. However, he said kinkoss 310 S. THIRD STREET BucklEsSmirli OPEN 6 DAYS Reaction 280-7/77 295-4336 /- tow page / Bob Sims. a senior majoring in com- puter science, said the Rev' Center policy "seems like a fair plan.' Ron Green Daily staff photographer He's contributed eight semesters oh fd)r Alit! extra fees but doesn't enjoy swim- Serving the San Jose State Community Since /934 Estelle Kalehua Ramotete performs a hula dance as part of the Pa- ming. cific Islands Festit al held .Fuesday in the Student 1 'Mon. "I don't see a lot o: gr.u.mite,I using it, mainly since (SJSI a commuter school." said MANAGERS NEEDED Palo Alto resident. Ad Director Art Director Travel: 21 go overseas The student feels that state univer- sities "base an image problem - Retail Advertising Manager Co-op Manager / rector and. or local stall compared to Stanford University. for Downtown Retail Advertising Manager Special Projects Manager program. Winton said. is to provide To be qualified for the program. a example. The pool could improve National Advertising Manager Production Manager the students the opportunity to have student must be a junior or senior. the situation, he believes. All management positions are paid cultural exchange while study ing in have a grade -point average of at least "The price of tualt,11 Is still a bar- monthly while earning credit another env ironment. It vs ill also 2.75. and two years of college -level gain." Sims added "I don't mind towards an advertising degree. Put yourself of the competition- provide the students the opportunity foreign language of the host country. contributing to something I won't be a manager! For more information, contact: to meet new friends. Applications are now available for see " Students selected tor the program the 198)-90 academic year. she said, For 'Foto Taloy a. a senior major- Jack Quinton 924-3269 enroll tor one academic year at a and interested students should con- ing in business, the pool issue isn't host unIsersity t lpon completion of tact Winton 's office in the Adminis- good or had. He simply "didn't have the year. Oh: credits earned overseas tration Building before Feb. I . a choice" about paying extra fees for will he transferred back to SJSU as The program as a whole has been the last three years. part ol the student's requirement in a success for 25 years since its incep- "I think most people aren't going his field of study. tion with relatively few problems. to go to SJSU just for sw imming." All campus financial aid, except Winton said. She attributed this de- he added. work studs. can be applicable over- gree of success to the screening pro- Nicole Spier. a senior majoring seas.- she said. No overseas tuition cess which qualifies only in advertising, thinks the Rec Center tn administrative cost is charged. In- "serious and studious students." policy is fair. But after graduation, stead. students are imly required to But shejamented that not many stu- shell sw im elsewhere. pay their usual CS( campus tees. dents h.e made use of this "grand" intim said oerseas students re- opportunity by applying to partici- "Ise got a pool in my back- Lvie assistance (rum a resident di- pate in the international progranv yard." Spier said.

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Spartan 13,t11). Thursday, April 21.1988 Page 9

Cheaters almost never prosper Bloom County Be r k e Breathed NEW YORK AP) - Most 01 the at four post offices in New York City AS CNN WIMMI IWO prize money from a Super Bowl and one in Yonkers. A CLOW a CMOS ma t was icsaNcEp um( IIC "Pick the Score" contest went to `. . . The only way Maloney said the first time many reath 41EAPOW MRTY farrgot postal workers and their friends who of them met was at a dinner for the MACMVE. I was waited until after the game ill subnie the contest could winners with quarterback Phil its or their entries, using backdated env,. Simms, who led the New York Gi- fe in lopes. authorities say. have been ripped off ants to a 39-20 victory in the Na- Fourteen U.S. Postal Service em tional Football League game. y se- ployees and three others were was by a fraud "This newspaper had complete 7 Pe- charged Tuesday with obstructing confidence in the integrity of dicu- this the mail in separate schemes from engineered inside ;:ontest." said Gil Spencer, editor tupid of five area post offices, said U.S. At- the Daily News. "As we understand ,hter. torney Andrew J. Maloney. the post office . . it. the only way the contest could Seven defendants, including four have been ripped off was by a fraud 1984 postal workers, were among the 14 - Gil Spencer, engineered inside the post office by s at a Daily News contest winners and col- Doily News editor postal employees, and that's exactly soar- Isaac Newt Sheila Neal lected $35.000 of the $100,000 in what the Justice Department has cash prizes. authorities said. charged." 'Mo- IF I WERE 1HEY 7NEY THEY VJERE 7rRitoR6IS 10tYD Two other postal workers split the ered. Maloney said. The company that administered THEY F$ $40.57A6E, WE'RE 94D0 t.D N 7 HELD VON/T PROW& of his $50,000 grand prize with its winner. The defendants, in separate and the LET contest for the Daily News - IT WANT HELD HAVE CAPTIVE cafTWATE Mon. Judith Febbraro. said U.S. Attorney unrelated schemes, waited until after D.L. Blair, Inc. schl e mAxE of Garden City - lb BE PraPAST l*RlT 'THEM s al- Andrew J. Maloney. the 1987 Super Bowl and then used received a total of 375,000 HOSTPErES entries. PAID FOR HEIR 60 CRAZY -a Febbraro, 42, tipped authorities to their positions or associations with Maloney said. The er OUT -1;46P TCRRoRtSTS. winners were IT WILL ANYWAY her fraudulent entry in February after the post office to mail in numerous chosen in a random drawing from her romance with one of the postal entries in envelopes postmarked be- the 206 correct responses. workers ended. Maloney said. fore the deadline. Maloney said. Maloney said the scheme was pan (214 N She was not charged. and a por- The workers, who were sus- of an ongoing investigation by his tion of her prize money was recov- pended without pay. were employed office and postal inspectors.

-'a- Classified

HIRING" Government lobs. your area $S a5 inventory counters kit pull- Dumbar Pig Angelo Lopez and Alex Sheikman ANNOUNCEMENTS name., Spanish S Chinese Many immediate wings. ers, or stock clerks on short term LEARN MOW TO EARN MONEY My .7- r-- HAIR MODELS for advanced tech $15.000-$68,000 Call (1102(8319 assignments NDWE Call us at WHAT A assistance makes steady Income GADS, TICETi 1 '11;1 P1R-- class Monday- ThursdayFriday 8685. xt 4250 Tailored inventory 749-0240 Mon- 4R,Cs.41f.A,RNI .1.=7HITS T1 sqntit 1.W4 possible Easy method starts HORRIBLE REPORT ' HAM Call for mom day yow CAN - v.,'T , MI5 WC' 279-9694 LANDSCAPING WRK 2-3 days erk through Frkiey A5_HAMED earning quickly For inforrestivel I PEEL Pqgparr caq HER DESK '-'441q ;1. MY NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE? We Flex hrs 575 per day plus gee TRAINING SPECIALIST Direct care TO HAND R PORT appointment. phone (415) INI)-1 THIS TO aEPORE SHE have plans with quality coverage Must be clean cut very depend- stall needed for residential facili- 1020 MY TEACHER COMES BACK UH-OH ' at aMordable prices Call Mark Ell- able have own truck w hitch Call ties for adolescents and young MATH-PHONE Math problem 0 ice. Washington National Insur. Paul )415)964-2919 or 228-0581 adults with autism & related di..- solved, tutoring by phone at an 0 once, (408) 943-9190 o for a no obli LIFEGUARDS ? ET PT positions available Seasonal & year round level Sessions 1410 1 hour Call gallon quote early weekday mornings, at. 1, o a positions available now Salary 1415179641497 tarn.. weels.ds. & overnight . NEW BILINGUAL Lifeguards. $5 50-9640 hr Pool it. BULLETIN BOARD' .s, shifts 58.5725 hr Call for appli NEED CASH FOR SCHOOL or to con- Find love romance adventure or managers 57 0044 60 hr Call .. .,7. cations & Information 3744224 soildate high , interest credlt , 9422470 friends for sports v. or social part- cards? Let Washington Square ners Declare your love or tell it to VARIAN IMAGE TUBE DIVISION has it As, LOOKING FOR LUNCH WAITRESS. Federal Credit Union help Wth an the world' Call now 14081976- full time openings for automated I 4 Nobu Japanese Restaurant, 4th unsecured loan at 1315%. sir .,,.,,...._. VAC EOPMT OPRS on swing , 2002.92 loll it any a i 0 Jackson Call 2074544. cured loans shift. graveyard & weekend shift and cds also avail. STUDENT DENTAL OPTICAL PLAN i odii able Call 917.7273 MANAGEMENT INTERN_ ...... The If S.S.M) flAM to 7 30 P11) Phys- or drop by the Enroll now, Save your teeth, eyes City of San Jose Is accepting eff office at BIbS San Salvador inv ics. ei.tronic or mechanical and money loo For information ti piece.ns for the position of Man- orientation and U S citing' re- PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORIES' Let me and brochure see A S office or Skibblefritz Michael Sherman &gement Intern Interns WWI The quired Call 419-493-1600. net capture your wedding memories call (401) 371 -Alit City Manager end dept heads in 445 with quality photo. 10, les.. Bud- WE DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS but organizing, developing and eval- get WE RE BUSY AND WE'd lIke lo keep and deluxe packages horn that's OK We are a church com- uating City services and pro- 5299 You keep the negatives you busy too' We need your co- Call munity that values the individual grams Salary is 528.764 yr Re- Cherie al 2744099 collonl phone skills, typing skill. search for one own truth The quires completed MA degree in of 55 wpm and Macintosh word PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY by FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH of Public Admin . Business Admin . Iffot.eieg" (or the desire to Desiree Michel, formerly of KSJS San Jose offers creative services. or closely related field by 7 1 88 Adla oflers the best ben. Your, got the party, we ye got stimulating discussion & oppot Resumes will be reviewed and fits higher pay. cash bonus. the music' Michel Productions trinities for social action We are evaluated for personal interviews paid holidays and more Call usi provide. wide variety of music located at 160 N 3rd SI Join us Resumes mull include honors (415) 941-7100 Mtn Weer for your wedding, party or dance Sundays. 11 Door cell 292-3858 and extra-curricular activities. EOE NO FEE at reasonable rates Call Desiree names and telephone numbers ol Or Pell at 240-28200. 922-7359 AUTOMOTIVE 3 references (one must be W- HOUSING ilily member) official undergrad WRITING. RESEARCH SERVICES '06 TINA() ELAN, red loaded Buy or vale and graduate transcripts. a AFFORDABLE 2 BEDROOM. I BATH!! Academic 'heals assistance assume lease Call 974.3547 3.5 page typewritten paper on Carport walk to campus, no pets. Ghosheriting All sub(ects Clual 82 FORD EXP excint coed AC why you are seeking this position $595 mil Call 224-3939 256-8540 Med writers Resumes Re-wet 420006 brand new paint runs Final filing date is 5 20 138 Send LIC.sed agent 'fig Catalog Berkeley 1415) 84 grl. must see. $230090 438-6727 resumes to Bob Allen. City of Son 5036 CLOSE TO CAMPUS I bedroom. 1 Jose Personnel Dept , 801 N First '77 HONDA CIVIC Rebuilt engine new bath oil strew parking $475 Call YOUR WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHED St Rm 207. San Jose. Ca 95110 parts runs good. $850 bo Call 224.3939296.8840 licee.d by a professional high quality Laugh Lines 1408)277-4201 732-3391, must sell' agent budget prIce tr. infwmation MANAGE YOUR Call 371.7887 ask '76 VW RABBIT for sale Engine good, OWN campus deliv- FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED In 'or SJSU dl.- t CC. RNERA. 601) DONK 90U411. 50 (Al, AUDIENCE WHAT via i 1.E 1110...AC. R WW1 -Wu reimp r CART; IN Pal IRONIC Tkel. Ai)/ ( asking 1850 be Call 279-2152, ery business for the New York eh.* bedroo. In 2 berm apt SMART! I SAW WUR StURD FIND AS WI (IORNTO* VAULE on 1196Eve ex, I rens SPACE LOY It O. NEWSCASTER TRIED TO WU- musl sell' Great pay, flexible hours Pool laundry, new furniture. car- SPECIAL - WHAT'S liMS/DE .- . . LIVE TV), Baal 5 CF Low6Lrt Of I WIEN KAM FARS' AND nui ,VU. A SNL55 MURDERER OV WE Competable with your schedule TYPING .0*-10605 2 symEm mcogigzz ...._ pels and tile $200 per month Al. CAPONES VAIA.T7' ' ke ' fiAL145181'4i! TELEVISION TONIGHT. C11 Anne Stack at 14500431- RRRR 0 01166-,MA KA ,.... -1 COMPUTERS $100 deposit Move in May 1 2 . . OM' . A. MIN/ GUNS?' . SUS -,., t,ffts FILM AT ELEVEN 2500 lor Interview HA HA NA HASA 4 pg 11, PC -CON bibs Irons campus Call 2768850 7;1;i1), PCCOM PC -0014" IB AAAAAA HM, YOU FINALLY F0U14011- VI 111111161911 fir NEW BILINGUAL BULLETIN ask for Charron or Susan rel-?...--ila NA MAT /CT compatibles and octet BOARD' an ioxperlenced affordable. pro- son. Located at 2515 S King Find love romance adventure or . NEW CONDO TO SHARE FEMALE fessional typIsli At 90 words l .110 ti, 1 a 110,40, Road Call 238-1038 Special 6% friends for sports or social part- es do. to San Jose State Univ.- minute, (can make all your papers 7/ re' \sil - ners Declare your love or tall n to - ( . Ott for SJSU wens ID month plus I 2 utilities look and BE their beet In no time If say. $375 R the world' Call now 1408) 976 111 Call 2549071 after 6 PM at all' Sely rates Student dis- iff riA rtri 2002 $2 toll if any 0 )110 Ant FOR SALE count PU & delivery Avail A ' TWO LARGE ROOMS FOR RENT 11%. 4..' l'Ag A wknds and eveeings Cell Linda to- MATTRESS SETS, NEW, TWIN $85. PART TIME CHILDCARE POSMONS $300 month each utilities Intl 111 i lIA ' A. A 2805161 Of ,t4 re A 1511 589. queen 5145. king SillIer riven.. immediately 15-58 hr 5I50 deposit 155 S 12th St :So' HA both pieces Frames avail Mtn ask Mr B AAAA-ACCURACY ACHIEVEMENT MA.,4 Voic: Northern California Nannks.14151 available May 1.1988 'or A 4 A4 Niii raw View. (41$) 96114345 949-2933 ACCOUNTABILITY ACKNOWL- gA II' 3 BORN, 2 8TH 2 BD 213TH APT , EDGEABLE In typing that tops II ". 1. ...... VV PROGRAMMABLE YAMAHA K FEAR() PART-TIME. FULL TIME JOBS avail- avail S-1-84 1 Ifflis lee SJSU 50% Tryst TONY 296.2087 Thank. ank.cord. A stand Bought in able, Never a fee Call BEST Tam- OM this summer Call 286-2330 St 50 per page double spaced Jan Only used S times, Hes in- dowry Services. 954-1340 lor de- 2 ADAM apt for rent nr campus. Available seven days weekly structions Call Diane at 296-5517 tails Typists. secretaries. $550 rno security deposit Car- Quick turnaround All work guar TI4E BREAD & ROSES BOOKSHOP receptionists, laborers tile is port walk to campus 2748075 anteed Thanks unique bookstore. specializing cledis $2000 GETS YOU from that no gain Classified In books on history, current RED EVE is looking for assistant man - rent & into your own mobile A Al SECRETARY, with computer events labor. Black Americans suers full time & pert time in our home Ernie 371-1664 249-5100 Clow to school Available Mehl ceasing experience Letter quality scoption Free SPELCHEK, copy students All work guaranteed Chicanos Asion-Amencans loud stores Well work around SUCCESS ENTERPRISE... Prot.. and day Rush fobl ammo speci- priming Very comp.'''. rat. edit disc storage Ouick turn- Specializing in word perfect and sio.I tyre. & worn.. Marxism WrMen by school schedules but must hare 2 word Call PJ at business serv- PERSONALS ality Call Pun at 14081 225- Student. receive discount wlth around Santa Clara Call 246- 973-2309 Blacks. Chlcanos. Asians. labor mornings week opening avail. ices Fast. reasonable. & .er the SELF-CONFIDENCE 5025 225-9099 ID Access Dale-281-4982 ask for 5625 LUCID EDITORIAL SERVICE Typing ? Marxists We also haw. abilny non-smokers interested BUILDING sup- universlry Call 292-4047 T.D. *riling editing. typing In English. port group Thursday everengs li- ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE ACCOM- EVERGREEN WORDPROCESSING assistance Soviet texts In the so- call al 446-5636 TERM PAPERS BY MAIL" of reports, theses etc Laser We take cial sciences You went Bed our censed therapist 255-7211 PLISHED Typist Specializing in CALL LINDA TODAY. Avoid the rush' Term papers Sr 75 p 001 sp and RETAIL SALES & MANAGEMENT, your draft sit & type you party 1 all academlo typing Including proofed Small business leners printer Affordable accurate, de- book posters and records in DEAREST CUM NO FUN"." 1100. Reserve now for your term ow gel down Laser Men a Women. fashion bou- pen... Only 12 minutes from output & Spell APA formal, term papers thee., thew.. etc mailing lista flyer.. newsletters Other stores in the valley in addc Lo., Mr FORGETFUL pen group p.p.'s, proofed Call Dinal tiques Great career advance- Sally at Pubs at 945- resume a & cove. Weer* I look Professional processing. Instructor propels campus Ptckup available lion we have fiction and chil- word welcome 3941 977-7999 ment Various locations South ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC," UN- 751-466S beeper dren s books Located at 950 S forward to serving your typing free disk sioregro Quick return ell Owl. guaranteed On campus Bay area Qualifications e0th0 WANTED HAIR removed forev. TYPING'. REASONABLE RATES.. First SI San Jose)] bike south of needs this senwsler Holy rotes work guaranreed Cassette tran pickup delivery Call 1406) 274- NEED HELP??? Call SOS"Exp.. vast. person nefil appearance Confident. 335 S Baywood Call PATTI et 14061 2465633 C 2801 Cell 294-2930 for hours 30 re 5 00 p rn Jane 251. .eption fivsilable Alf/WOK, )684 (leave message) erscied, profeesional typing 5500. Call or apply in person DJ Ave 247 740610, San Jo. coil 5842 Ir. 7 days.. Call Santa Clem area Branham for your Ice for term paws group pen' 1967 KAWASKI JET SKI red app. 20 Fashion Can'. Eastridge Mall appointment EXPERIENCED SECRETARY 2644504 acts and mi. reports Resumes TYPING Term papers theses Re- bra Ilke new Quick turn steering San Jose ask for Laurie Gray at ABSTRACT WE RE NOT-ietter quality academic business legal word FREE CAMERA with p.c.. of Jos- and cover loners Free spelling sumes and rush robs are my ape- $2750 firm 292-2641 John 238-5701 accuracy guaranteed Academic processing needs Term papers. tens Class Ring' April lath DO YOURSELF A FAVOR, Take ad printers typing our specialay Free proo reports, resumes. 1.1. group check Letter quality cieltles Turn your handwritten '83 HONDA 650 CE CUSTOM 7500 SALES PT FT financial services Ea vantage of our expellee Top sec- through 22nd at SPARTAN ling disk storage Reasonable manuals. theses etc Ail Compel.. tales 735-3645 (Sufil draft into polished work fitblio- retarial service for all your WORD proffcrs ml excl. cond. $170000 In tellerst opportunity Send resume Sunnyvale graphies BOOKSTORE We re fast, dependable grammar- formel & APA Free footnotes a snap on cry elude. 2 helmets (415)851-5385 Box 53347. S J 95153 processing needs Graphics. fet- to PO wise college grads So call u storage SPELCHEK punc word processor Spacial student NEW BILINGUAL BULLETIN BOARD' ters manu.rIpte reports. re- disk PROFESSIONAL WORD PRO. rates Phone OFFICERS PROCESS worth papers reports I.ees tuatIon grammar assIsten. All socreteriei 297-0693 (Neve HELP WANTED SECURITY Find love romance adventure or umes, term papers. thews We CESSING. 12 years pecially science) etc .1 291.0419 guaranteed For that proles- message) SERVERS. ET PT security offi- frtend for sports or social pod- provide disk storage editing work experrence No lob too largo o CAN YOU COMMUNICATE' Can you shifts FT PT evening sronal quick & dependable worry' too small Student core- all .rs Declare your love or tell 11 10 ACADEMIC TYPING WORD PROCE grammar and spell checking Rate WORDPROCESSING REPORTS let- tOnvInce others of your idea and process servers We will inde In. .rvice at Its best with AF- ters resumes the world' Call now (408)976- RESSING Thesly work spe- PS Lawr printing. or printing SS 2 50 hr Reg $18 00 hr Hours manuscripts Segel abilities? Learn how and earn Apply in portion MonFrl FORDABLE RATES. call PAM at 9AM. 2002 $2 1011 11 any cialty Experience counts' Group horn your di. Special discount 030'S PM I afternoon hours by Editing aviffiable Have two de- good money at the seine lime 4PM 260 Meridlen Ave S J .266' 747-2661 ISanta Clara) STUDENT appointiefinil Call Anna al 972. grees Reasonable rates C8115711- SHY GUY NEEDS date to PD leave papers swelcorn Standard a mi for I.ulty end etude/is Cali Flexible evening and weekend 5880 1 FACULTY DISCOUNTS' 4992 .79 note w his bro Rick B at A TO if in crocalifiette transcription Free Peery' a WOROWORKS sl 406' hours, Call 924-1129 SECURITY RECEPTION all shills ft pt terested cr., of 11. Bad disk storage and generous STU- 253-WORD or 253-WORK GOOD TYPIST. Reasonable Isles RESUMES TYPING WRITING Bay WORD PROCESSING CAMBRIAN CAREER OPPORTUNITY with 3rd DENT DISCOUNT 17 years cow- Call Ev al 291-8285 or 272.5033 areas SI AREA" 15 yrs $546 hr to staff Full benefits. no ENTERPRISE WORD PROCESSING service 40 years expe- ...once csxs largest insurance company We nonce Call Chryaralmi 923-8461 Will pick-up and deliver .perience needed Apply VAN- SERVICES Thesis specialists Al. Wrrn pa- rt.. Career Consullation and fast' Sr 25 per page double need reliable stable people inter GUARD SECURITY 3212 S0011 Seminar. All lob areas Career spaced Sr 15 par page %male BACKACHE??? FREE 'regiment as APO, FORMAT. term prffer, thesis wel- pets manuscripts screenplays LASERJET OUTPUT Years of lurperi, 151.4 In owning their own busi Blvd between Okolt & San To. Center 743-4070 space Call 8769254 part of research propel if you comed 10 years typing word pro- resumes repetitive letters Iran. once .ruing SJSU faculty an, rm. We provide sales & man- mas Santa Clara Call 727-9793 have had low back pain for more agensenl training & a guaranteed SHIPPING RECEIVING CLERK open than 6 months and are 20-55 income when qualified Call David leg al Varian imago Tube DIvielon years old, please call Palmer Col- lecher or Dick Adams at 371. Print Your Ad Here Requires 1 yrs expert.ce in lege of Chiropr.tic.West at 14041 4663 (Count approximately 30 letters and spaces for each line, stores ship rev or awls, plus 244-8907 extermion 401 COUNSELORS' Group home for autis ability to lift SO lbs. fork 611 certifi- Ad Rates BARE IT ALL' Stop shaving, waxing tic children Varied hours and cate and California driver. lI- mmimum three lines on one day tweezing or using chemical depill- shifts Great cap for psych & re - cense Must be U S citiz. Call lodes Let me permanently re- Wed sot service student Call M- 415-493-1800..1445 move your unwanted heir (chio. Each E. 9-Sal 377-1494 SUMMER JOBS -NOW' Learn better bikini. tummy mouslache, etc) One Two Three Four Five Extra / Jill lull L I $114FOODSERVERS. COOKS. HOST- communications and bust.. 15% discount to atudonts and tat. Day Days Days Days Days Otty ESS. CASHIERS, and busboys skills Work flexible evening and utty Call before May 31 6811 nd It vies 53 55 $4 35 $4 75 $500 $5 20 590 Marie Callenders is always weekend hours Paid training' gel your firs' appt at 1 1 price looking for new enthusiastic Start your climb to the T 0 P Call Unwanted Half Disappears With 41 ales $435 $515 5551m $580 $600 SI 05 workers to loin our team Apply Cl Mitch at 824-1129 My Care Gwen Cheffren R E 5 ones S5 15 $600 $635 $660 $680 $1 20 2831 Meridian Ave . or call 205- SUMMER WORK' Southwestern Co 559-3500 1645 S Bascom .0 61 ones $5 95 $680 $7 15 $740 57 60 $1 35 7130 for appointment Hair Tod. Gone Tomorrow earn $4800 go up in sum- ach Addrhonal 1 inff Add $ 80 FOREIGN STUDENTS AND SCHOL mer Build resume 0 earn college ELECTROLYSIS' Profeasionai HAIR AEIS. Intl businesses Ned inves- credit For information call Gary remove', the only pormis.n1 Pr.nt Name tors seek foreign ranionals with at 377.3040 method A. aboul the special first hand knowledge of .o. Spring Complimen- TEACHER ASST 30 hr wk Work sir discount for Semester Rates All issues) comic, business scientific and consuls lion Address Phone children with developmental & be- tary by appointment $41, 151 10 14 LIneS 563 00 political conditions in home coun havioral problems Community Cell 296-0931. l't P(tt', I nt", $8000 try for consulting assistance For life Hoeing growl exp for special EYECARE AT SUNRISE EYEWEAR info. send resume ro RCS Intl Phone 924-3277 C., v & State o ed psych & ot students Opplys Frame and lenses from $37. Or 700 SI Marys PI Suite 1400 San for promotion Call 374.9090 Christopher Cbrers 00 Quality Antonio Tx. 78205 or call 10001 and fast service at ffrernely low 620-2025. Est OW TEACHERS PRESCHOOL' Extended Enclosed 's S _For _ price eye Tarn includ day 12-6 PM daily Must he. ECE Coreplele FOREIGN STUDENTS AND SCHOL ing Verna., chock consols. units, good pay benefits Call ABS' ml I businesses and Inves contett ion.a wrvice lo. family TODAY 723-9360 tors seek loreign nationals with Fashion homes and sunglasses Circle a Claudication: SOSO CHICK 1001115 OHM Oesseal Omit lacerse Oeteds DOOM first hand knowledge of eco TELEMARKETING,' Appointment set - by lea loading designers Super Announcements Help OR CASH TO nomic. business, scientific. and log Part time 5700 WK POSSI- thin lenses for high power Rs Wanted Service,, conditions in home noun BLE DAILY CASH Walking dis- SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Oeedltmo Iwo political Open 7 deys week insuranc Automotive Housing Stereo days poor to Publ., tfll't" try for consulting assistance For tance from campus Afternoon & and Medic.' ars warmly wet Computers ost and Found San Jose State Unlyersety Consecutive putetcntion dates orris, Info. send resume to BCS Int I evening Bei. &vane.' Good coined SJSU atudents 1 staff al Travel personality Call Jerry et 700 St Marys PI Suite 1400 San voice & ways have 10% off Call for spot For Sale Personals Typing San Jose California 95192 No refunds on cancelled ads Antonio. Tx 76205 or call 18001 996-4526 now.' 405 E Santa Clara Si et 842-8254 TIE UP THOSE loose ends' Earn extra 916- call 9994486 We speak VI...... marmsWeraMe .a Page 10 Thursday, April 21. 19814/Spartan Daily Child: Students face care problems FrOM /Mgt' Leigh Kirmsee, next y e:ir's A.S. director of California state affairs. Suddenly Matt flung the two mar- 9+1 ,MX) a month and a cleaning lee so says there are no child care facilities bles from the box, reached into the 63 children of SJSU students can close to SJSU. box and revealed a piece of construc- stay each day at Frances Gulland, lo- ’Frances Gulland does a wonder- tion paper cut into the form of a cated at St. Paul's Methodist ful job, hut we're not near meeting daisy, masterfully criss-crossed with Church. the demand we have Kirmsee squiggles of paint. Phillips says it is a relief to haw says. Phillips was at Frances Gulland to Matt at Frances Gulland after experi- Kirmsee estimates that 10 percent meet with its directors about next menting a ith other forms of child ol SJSU's 26,000 students have year's A.S. budget, and how much care w ith Anthony. young children. will be allotted to the child care cen- "Anthony never did get into Kirmsee, former head of SJSU's ter. Frances Gulland." Phillips says. Women's Center, says students have "OK. Matt," she said. "I'm We were always just on the waiting been trying to establish more child going to let you get back to paint- list. so I understand the nightmares care facilities around SJSU for ing." people tell y on about tiy mg to find years. "Are you going to come hack child care "That's the one reason we voted later and pick me up?" Matt asked. "I would come and pick him up for the Rec Center." she says. hugging his mother's legs. from licensed home child care places "Then they cut child care from the "You know lam," she said. and find his lace all scratched up hy Rec Center after we voted for it." Matt happily headed back to his another child. You never knew w hat In the meantime, SJSU non-tradi- marbles and cardboard box. another you were going to hind w hen yiii tional students must rely on the fa- masterpiece in mind. came to pick up your child cilities at Frances Gulland. And Phillips headed hack to work Phillips is chairperson 11 the A.S. On Wednesday, Matt Phillips was as an A.S. director. confident that child care committee. and she and rolling two marbles around some her child would he well cared for other students have been working to Paint in a cardboard box. until she returned at the end of her establish another child care center in "You better watch out," his school day to take her boys home the SJS1' .irea mother said. "Matt can get pretty ar- and continue her job as a mother,

Dan Sweeney --Daily stall photographer \Lttt Phillips. lat. chats x%ith his mom, Patricia, A.S. director of non-traditional affairs Fountain: A.S. cuts back on funding / I liii /wee / alien we're going through budget. It The hoard voted by a margin of Ihis year we have 46 Nevi year Holtman said the media usually Johnson said. 'darted out as a simple repair of the 7-2 to create the $6,0(10 fund, which we're going to shoot tor 65 (ath- concentrdie on the negative aspects Other members the .\ .5 sAJ.1 lountain and it's turned into this McIntosh called "a sufficient start Athletes letes)... he said. of student ;dittoes rather than the they objected to McIntosh's $6(h.(XX) extravagania. said Pat- right now." Hoffman reflected on the out- positiy e ones,. because the A.S. is currently :w- ricia Phillips. director of non-tradi- The fountain could be flowing ii mtge standing scholar-athlete program. "Tbis (breakfast) really recog- pm y mg its y early budget. and added tional minority affairs. again by fall 1989, after quarterly I Appreciate all of your cooperation "It was a wonderful breakfast," wes those that hme accomplished expenditures inay further complicate "I'd just like to remind the board billing from the telemarketing and assistance throughout the aca- he said, adding that "there's a lot of y\ hat they 'Y e accomplished in the financial proceedings. that by rushing into things like this pledges is completed and an eight- to demic year." Whitcomb said. media nationally on %hat athletes academic realm as well as the :A- "I think incredible to come we got ourselves stuck with a Rec Ill-week renovation of the fountain When we recruit . our main don't accomplish... le' IC one. '' and ask the \ for money now Center." she said. is done. goal is to hopefully see I the athletes) graduate." For the next half hour, the scholar-athletes applauded each other as their coaches read off their names Before introducing the recipients No matter how twin his sport, baseball coach Sam rdro said. "It's unusual %%hen you haYe toe people being honored, at bad they are, least in our case, that these people are also major contributors to our program. That makes me feel very good. Grandma loves Other coaches echoed Piraro's sentiments, some adding that stu- dents who weren't able to show up to hear the were probably home study mg or in class After the athletes were honored. SJSU 's jokes', Academic Monitor Arm latest Han/ad ended the program. 'I ast year. we had 34 'athletes). List

%V omen's field hockey Lucy DeJames: undeclared Rhonda Hulbert: occupational ill'. raps Kit Molloy: business Georgina Sutherest: business Women's Golf Dana Lolland: business Nlen's gymnastics Brian Fieery. physics Vincent Miller: journalism Key in Verdugo: engineering Women's gymnastics Jana Cook: art Kris Miller: nutritional science Mayumi Nakaji: biology Hope Starr engineering Soccer John Dickinson: engineering Scott Murch: business Softball Shannon Galloway: human per- formance .Tanii Rudd: undeclared Swimming Kelly Bryant: mathematics C'hristine Hos/podar: art You miss her sparkling Nlen's tennis Ron Aclan: engineering sense of humor. She misses Paul Carbonne: biology. vou and your jokes. Even the Roberto DiGiulio: liberal studie, Jell Peterson: economics had ones. That's one good Women's tennis reason to call it distance. Kelly Ryan: undeclared AT&T Long Distance Service Pat Vultee: nursing It is another good reason. Be- Track/cross country Das id Lambert- human pert ii cause it o rsts less than y( mance Steve Scholi: art think to hear your grand- Martin Seeher: business mother start to giggle be' Mike Williams: undeclared ft we you even get to the Volleyball Laura Boone: undeclared punch line. Sue Laymon: advertising So whenever ou miss Heather McPherson: advertising Mary Ann Wagner: nutritional her laughter, bring a smile science to her face with AT&T Reach Betsy Welsh: undeclared out and touch someone! Wrestling Scott Benson: English Brent Smith 616 mess If you'd like to know more about AT&T products and services, like the AT&T Card, Greeks call its at 1 800 222-0300. From page I Memorial Chapel. Jean I Cii. dated students business administra- tor, said the fraternity performed a variety of tasks including painting the restrooms and cabinets, washing Kim Cohen. University the windows inside and out and ap- of Wisconsin. Class of 1990 plying protective stripping to the pews. Lenart also said there are plans being made for the fraternity to give AT&T the chapel a second coat of paint. Brian Leibl, community events The right choice. chairman for Pi Kappa Alpha. said that they hope their involvement in various projects contributes to mak- ing the Greek system look strong. In the past. "we haven't done enough On the way) of community afffairs." he said.