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VIPNEWSPREMIUM > VOLUME 237 > SEPTEMBER 2020 11 13 103 5 VIPNEWS PREMIUM > VOLUME 237 > SEPTEMBER 2020 17 6 12 15 19 7 2 VIPNEWS > SEPTEMBER 2020 McGowan’s Musings Well, whatever opening line I had intended paragraph of a great article by Ed Barker in to open this month’s brief musings on coping The Guardian which I recommend we should with Covid and looking at the future of live, all read - including hopefully members of a has certainly been knocked sideways by the Government that needs shaking up! …” quote from Michael Kill, CEO of the UK’s So let’s not decimate an entire industry, or Night Time Industries Association. expect – unfairly and shortsightedly – that musicians and live entertainers can survive “Shock, Horror and Despair!” was his reaction on their own when they’re told they can’t to hearing the announcement of the details go to work. Otherwise we will needlessly of the Chancellor’s Winter Economy Plan. create thousands of job losses, rack up the Difficult to beat that as a headline! But welfare bill unnecessarily, and undermine Michael’s observation was followed up by generations of potential talent. Let’s support COLOPHON > equally disturbed comments from all sectors musicians and venues today because they of the live industry, the majority of which will be instrumental tomorrow, not only in VIP-News is published by: cannot see how the introduction of a 10pm getting our country back on its feet again, curfew, and the Job Protection Scheme can but in reminding us what life is supposed to Enghaven 19 possibly improve a worsening situation for all be about.” …. Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark workers and businesses in the sector. Tough times are getting tougher! Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen The Government claim that the Scheme will save thousands of jobs, but as Mark Davyd Sorry to be so UK-centric, but that’s where General Manager: Peter Briggs of the Music Venues Trust commented, “Over I’m living, but hopefully not quarantined - at 2 million people work in the night time present anyway. Wherever you’re based you Writer and editorial: economy, and the Job Protection Scheme has will no doubt all have your take on how this Allan McGowan done nothing at all to protect their jobs. The dreadful situation is being handled - let us government has acted illogically and without know what you think! Writer: Manfred Tari reason to make those jobs insecure and unsustainable by imposing a curfew that all So yet again not much to add in a humorous For advertising enquiries please contact: the available evidence tells us will not reduce vein, made worse I’m afraid by the news of the infection rate of Coronavirus. Because the death of a very fine man, Danish music Peter Briggs Coronavirus does not own a watch.” journalist, photographer and radio host Jan +46 70 77 60 480 Sneum has passed away. I met Jan many Charlie Presburg Some very telling observations and comments times at various international events and +44 (0) 7980 817496 are being made by desperately worried it was always a pleasure and a privilege to members of the music industry, this is the last spend time with him…. RIP 2 HOW Search our Artist database to find Agent TO USE 1 and Manager details: for Venues/Promoters Use VIP Analytics to measure the Fan 2 interest for the Artist: Check our Tourdates section to see 3 where the Artist is booked near you: ® The No. 1 information resource for the European Live Entertainment Industry 7*1#00,*/($0. VIPNEWS > SEPTEMBER 2020 London’s Dingwalls to re-open as The PowerHaus From VIP-Daily News Seventy-three year old music promoter Vince Power has announced building a typical practice by businesses during the Victorian era. The that the iconic Camden Market music venue formerly known as paint is still visible to this day, and was in fact given a fresh coat a Dingwall’s will reopen as The PowerHaus. few years back. Power confirms that due to copyright problems with the name And why The PowerHaus? “It used to be the name of one of my Dingwall’s, the name will no longer be able to be used. venues in Islington which ran from 1989 until 1995”, says Power. And some of us may even be old enough to remember a gig or three That’s a shame as in the 1970s and 80s Dingwall’s was about as hip there. as Camden got. The 500-capacity spot opened as Dingwall’s Dance Hall in 1973 and hosted gigs from the likes of The Clash and The Sex You can’t argue with the pedigree, either. “We had artists such as Pistols. Radiohead in 1992, Stone Roses in 1989, Dinosaur Junior, Primal Scream, Blur, Cranberries, Pulp and Flaming Lips. In the 1990s it became known for the jazz dance club Talkin Loud and Saying Something, run by Gilles Peterson and Patrick Forge. And “I hope to continue in this tradition and have artists of this calibre at then in the noughties and beyond it played host to bands and artists The PowerHaus Camden which has been refurbished and is nearly from Noel Gallagher and Coldplay to Ellie Goulding and George Ezra. ready to open. It’s not all about the name but I’m sad the name Dingwall’s cannot be used as I have some great memories associated And as for the quirky name? Why, the original owner of the building, with it. But we are looking to the future and the future is bright. The T.E. Dingwall, had his name painted on to the outside wall of the PowerHaus will probably be the best venue in Camden.” Vince Power rename Dingwalls 4 VIPNEWS > SEPTEMBER 2020 Roskilde Festival fires every third employee From VIP-Daily News As a direct consequence of the corona crisis, legendary Danish Roskilde Festival has had to cut hard in the organization. 17 employees have been fired, and in total the organization has become about a third smaller as a result of redundancies and job vacancies that have not been extended, according to a press release. “We are helped by the government`s support package for events in connection with the festival that should have been this summer. But the overall non-profit enterprise is affected financially, and the other help packages cannot help us through to a sufficient degree. Since “That is why today we have unfortunately been forced to carry out an the closure earlier this year, we have focused on reducing the cost organizational adjustment, where 17 employees have lost their jobs. of job vacancies that have expired. But it is now clear that it is not It is very unfortunate. “ enough, ”says CEO of the Roskilde Festival group, Signe Lopdrup (pictured), and continues: The cut in the organization does not mean that Roskilde Festival will not be able to be implemented in 2021, states Signe Lopdrup. “We maintain a small organization that can lead us through the coming time, and which can still both carry out tasks for our partners and - across employees and volunteers - continue the work with Roskilde Festival in 2021. A large part of the festival is already planned for next summer and is ready to be picked up. So the effort that needs to be made right now is especially about, together with others, investigating how it can again be possible to gather many people safely in this difficult and unpredictable corona time” says the director. Roskilde Festival group is a non-profit company and the collective name for the Association Roskilde Festival, which is responsible for the event Roskilde Festival, the Roskilde Festival Foundation and the foundatio`s subsidiary Roskilde Kulturservice A / S. The focal point of the non-profit business is the development and execution of Roskilde Festival. In addition, the Roskilde Festival group is behind a number of activities, which are based on the knowledge and competencies acquired through the work with the festival, and which are put into play in other contexts, where the organization helps with advice, event security, gastronomy, experience design, project management and logistics. Since 1972, Roskilde Festival group has generated around 411 million Danish Kroner which is used for non-profit purposes in addition to the earnings that associations and partners have every Signe Lopdrup year at the festival. 5 VIPNEWS > SEPTEMBER 2020 Former WME, Paradigm Agents Launch Mint Talent Group From VIP-Daily News Former Paradigm agents Patrick McAuliff and Phil Egenthal and ex- William Morris Endeavor agent C. J. Strock have combined to launch Mint Talent Agency. Founding agents also include Mary Allen and Cassie Siegel, formerly of Madison House, Michael Morris and Ryan Owens, also from Paradigm, former WME agent Peter Wiederlight and Logan Handelsman, most recently with CAA. Mint as a booking agency and entertainment company says it aims at “career longevity” for artists by securing film, TV and brand endorsement deals in the near term. That comes as the live events business eyes a return to scale in 2021 at the earliest as public health officials continue to rule out large-scale gatherings amid the McAuliff added, “The goal of Mint is to bring together great agents COVID-19 pandemic. with amazing rosters so that both can thrive at a home that values the associate, agent and artist like family.” Egenthal added, “At “As a forward thinking company and in line with its full service agency Mint, we are building a foundation that supports both Artists and model, Mint will maximize client opportunities in brand partnerships, Agents growth for the entirety of their careers’… all the while private and corporate booking, as well as voice-over, TV and film,” carving out charitable and benevolent causes to support and the new agency said in a statement.
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