The Jesuits a Short List
THE JESUITS A SHORT LIST BERNARD QUARITCH LTD LIST 2017/4 1. ALEMBERT, Jean Lerond d’. An account of the destruction of the Jesuits in France. London, printed for T. Becket and P.A. de Hondt, 1766. 12mo, pp. viii, 232; a little occasional light foxing, but a very good copy in contemporary calf, gilt red morocco lettering-piece to spine; extremities a little worn; bookplate of Charles Stirling. £200 First edition of the first English translation of this controversial text by d’Alembert, the great French mathematician, scientist, philosopher and editor of the Encyclopédie. Following the expulsion of the Jesuits from France in 1764, d’Alembert’s Sur la destruction des Jésuites appeared anonymously in Geneva, on the advice of Voltaire, in 1765. In it he tried to show that the Society, in spite of its scholarly and educational achievements, had destroyed itself through its excessive desire for power. ESTC T86359. 2. [ANON.] Lettera ad un amico che contiene come una risposta generale a tutte le ragioni, che in sostanza furono addotte nella stampa d’un certo libro con la data di Fossombrone, che ha per titolo Lettere dell’ Abate N. N. Milanese ad un prelato Romano, apologetiche della Compagnia di Gesù contra due libelli intitolati Riflessioni sopra il memoriale presentato da PP. Gesuiti alla santità di Papa Clemente XIII ... e appendice alle riflessioni. Lugano, nella stamperia privilegiata della suprema superiorità Elvetica nelle prefetture Italiane [i.e. Venice, Giuseppe Bettinelli], 1761. 8vo, pp. 116, [4 (errata and final blank leaf)]; title within border of type ornaments; some light foxing, a very good uncut copy in contemporary plain wrappers, title inked to spine; a few marks.
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