Orange County
ORANGE COUNTY 2-1-1 Orange County Hotline Available 24/7 Information: Hotline for people who are feeling overwhelmed or have been impacted by the COVID 19. They said they are experiencing high levels of calling but they can help with many things during COVID-19. If one calls 2-1-1 they will be connected to someone who can help them with meals for children, bills/financial issues, housing, food, unemployment, and volunteer. People can also help people in the OC area by donating money to support their efforts to find food, shelter, and water for those in need. A Family Assistance Ministry Homeless Resources 1030 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA 92673 949-492-8477 Information: offer assistance to homelessness. Call 949-492-8477or go to 1030 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, 92673. Funds are available for rents or utilities. They also provide motel vouchers, a discounted prescription medication card, toiletries, and many other resources in their service area. American Youth Literacy Foundation Volunteering Opportunity Monday-Friday; 8 AM-1 PM Anaheim 1 (215) 868-1098 Information: Help children displaced from school by Covid-19 as a Web Development Team Lead. Skills: online Flash/video production, website programming, web design, web design / UX search engine optimization (SEO), graphic design. Requirements: orientation or training, periodic meetings with tasking in-between as much time as you can commit. Your ability to commit time to this will be a determining factor. If you can only commit limited time but still want to participate, we will keep your resume on file.This is an opportunity to help underprivileged children, to help under-served children, to help all children displaced from school due to COVID-19, and even to help many adults who can't read.
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