Institution Reeeires $25000
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DRUILLARD LIBRARY MADISON-COLLEGE, TENN. VOL. 1, NO. 4 MADISON COLLEGE, TENNESSEE APRIL 20, 1951 Institution Reeeires $25,000 William E. Patterson, director of the Public Relations Department, was recently notified that the Du Pont Company of Wilmington, Delaware, was making a $25,000 donation to the Madison College and Madison San- itarium and Hospital Building and Improvement Program. The Du Pont Company operates rayon and cello- phane plants at Old Hickory, just across the Cumberland River from the campus. Mr. Patterson advises that on sev- eral occasions during the past year he has talked with various officials of the local plants of the Du Pont Company regarding this generous donation and and that each of them always evi- denced the warmest interest in the institution. Mr. Patterson further states that the donation came as a Academy Seniors Organize result of the efforts made by Drs. R. The High School Senior Class of P. Miller and A. K. Meyer; Mr. E. E. 1951 was presented in chapel on April Swenson, plant manager, Rayon Di- "Share Your Faith" 2. President Amundsen introduced vision; Mr. P. H. Gabriel, plant man- Elders E. W. Dunbar and D. W. their president, Vincent Mitzelfelt, ager, Cellophane Division, and Mr. Hunter, in attendance at the Youth who in turn introduced the other Robert Megee, general service super- Rally in Nashville, were guest speak- officers of the class—Jessie Mae Gray, intendent. ers at Madison College on March 30 vice-president; Charlotte Day, secre- This donation of the E. I. Du Pont and 31. Sabbath morning Elder Dun- tary; Madeline Rabuka, treasurer; de Nemours and Company has made bar, Missionary Volunteer leader for Mickey Rabuka, sergeant-at-arms; and it possible to start construction of the Delvin Littell, pastor. the world field, brought encouraging Psychiatric Building, which is sched- reports from mission lands. Dorothy Ahlberg, Murial Durham, uled to begin soon. This construction Sabbath afternoon, at the Gallatin Alfred Durham, Wallace Slatter, Leah is a part of the $800,000, over-all im- Sepulveda, Omelia Martin, Louise Road Church, the "Share Your Faith provement program which was initi- Johnson, Louise Middleton, Larry Network" presented a first-hand re- ated last year. port from the personnel of the O'Neil, and Beverly Harter complete' this group of sixteen seniors, who The Du Pont Company deserves and General, Union, and Local Confer- has our commendation and gratitude ences. with their sponsor, Mrs. Siemsen, marched onto the chapel platform for its beneficence, which will mean These leaders of the Advent youth a great deal, not only to the institution brought a true spirit of consecration bearing white and purple banners, their class colors. Their motto, "Climb but to the people in the area the in- to the Youth Rally, and awakened in Though the Rocks Be Rugged," and stitution serves. Such philanthropy the hearts of the hearers a new zeal their aim, "To Meet Again in the pays enormous dividends in good for sharing their faith. School Above," were neatly printed health and service for humanity. "Come before His presence with and displayed. singing," the Scripture says, and so This enthusiastic group of seniors all did during the Singspiration led acclaimed their first class activity, Nurses - Top Solicitors by Elders Nelson and Patzer. The jun- a trip to Collegedale for College Day, ior choir from the church school, the which was a very pleasant and profit- The Madison College School of Southern Missionary College Adel- able affair. Delvin Littell received the Nursing was well represented at the award presented by Southern Mis- "heart fund" drive in Nashville. phian Quartette, and the Madison Col- February 22 to March 3. Nurses from lege Music Department provided sionary College to the senior whom the faculty had chosen as outstanding all the schools of nursing in Davidson special music, giving added zest to County participated in the street so- the Youth Rally. in scholarship and citizenship for the past four years. liciting for this nation-wide heart During the session, the Madison drive. Many of the top solicitors were College representative to the Paris proud, also, that Wally Welch, another from Madison College. Their picture Youth Congress, Aline Wallis, was of the Madison family, will be going appeared in the Nashville Tennessean. interviewed and promised to send to Paris from Collegedale. Those participating were from the back daily reports. And Madison is (Continued on page 2) freshman, junior and senior classes. 2 THE BEACON "SHARE YOUR FAITH" Cumberland Echoes News Continued from page 1 Are You Royalty? Dr. and Mrs. Littell told of one of The annual staff is hard at work Right now, on the Madison College and has been losing a few hours of their missionary contacts, made with campus, certain individuals known as sleep. a plumber who did some work for "spotters" are observing you at your Your Cumberland Echoes copy will them. When he became ill, Dr. Littell work, in your classes, and at play, in be going to the press in about two or took care of him. Later, in the sani- an endeavor to find the most cour- three weeks, if everything keeps on tarium, the evening prayers of one of teous young man and young woman rolling as it has been in the past. the nurses, Hazel Fast, made a great on the campus. These "spotters" are • impression on him. The surprise came on the lookout for those who are out- when the plumber walked onto the standing in manifesting the Christian platform, a converted Seventh-day graces of cheerfulness, thoughtfulness, Married Couples Social Adventist, as a result of the interest and consideration for others. To the strains of Mozart's "Sym- shown in him by a Christian doctor Fellowstudent, how do you measure phony No. 38 in D Minor," the mar- and a Christian nurse who offered a up to the standard -for Courtesy King ried students and their families simple prayer in his behalf. or Queen? U you are doubtful whether gathered in the college cafeteria the Most Madison College students and you would qualify, what virtues does night of April. 1 for the first social workers attended.. this Sabbath after- the charming, courteous person pos- affair for the married students. noon rally and joined in the consecra- sess which you do not? Punch and cookies were served tion at the 'close of the session. Make a check on yourself by seeing during the get-acquainted section of how many of the following questions the program, and' then David Harrold you can answer in the affirmative: introduced Arnold Riley, master of Down on the Farm 1. Do you impart to others the ceremonies, who welcomed the group, A month ago we thought spring feeling that it is good to be alive? and, after several interruptions, an- was here or at least just around the 2. Is smiling easy and natural for nounced the program. A double duet corner; now we have decided it was you? composed of Mesdames Ahlberg, around the second corner. With rains appearing regularly every week, our 3. Is your cheerfulness like a gar- Weemes, Edgar, and Jensen sang a ment, only put on, or does it radiate beautiful number, "Sleep, My Babe." clay base soil doesn't have time to dry from your innermost self? Phil Edgar then read an interesting out so that we can make the much- needed preparation for our early 4. Do you greet everyone you meet letter. with a cheery word or smile? Henry Aldrich, of radio fame, gave spring crops. We hope we have a change before long. 5. Are you ready to express ap- a reading, after which Harlan Brown Although it is cold and wet, we see preciation of what the other person squeezed the accordion for all he was indications of spring. Buds are swel- does? worth. Bernard Jensen sang a duet ling on the trees; some are even 6. Can you be agreeable when your with himself, taking both the male leafing out. Many spring flowers are path is crossed? and the female parts. If you have blooming. Have you been for a walk never heard this, you should request 7. Are you able to sense another's to see how many different kinds you need for help and encouragement, that he present it in chapel. can find? You'll not bring them all Next on the program was a very back as trophies of the hunt, but even though he does not tell you of classical (?) number by Mrs. Ostran- his burdens? you'll enjoy their beauty in their der. Mary Lou Bedford's reading, natural setting. On one walk we saw 8. Do you anticipate little acts of "Welcome, Welcome, Grandma," was thoughtfulness, or do you often let at least twenty varieties of flowers so realistic one could almost envision and several trees blooming. What a the occasion slip, and then wonder, seeing the little boy. Lee and Helen "Why didn't I think of doing that?" Etycheson dedicated a beautiful voice privilege to meet old friends again and also to form new friendships! Lasting reward conies, both in this and instrumental number to Sue and Now back to the farm again. Al- life and in the one to come, from Archie. Mrs Pepper gave an inter- esting reading on April Fool's Day, though the sub-zero winter has des- ... that best portion of a good after which Mrs. Thornton closed the troyed the peach crop, apple trees are man's life, program with a violin solo. in full bloom, strawberries are bloom- His little nameless, unremembered Immediately following the program, ing, the grapes are leafing, and the acts of kindness and of love." Phil Edgar led the group in a short first tomato has set on the plants we —Wordsworth devotional.