288 Congressional Directory TEXAS EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT SHEILA JACKSON LEE, Democrat, of Houston, TX; born in Queens, NY, on January 12, 1950; graduated, Jamaica High School; B.A., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1972; J.D., University of Virginia Law School, 1975; practicing attorney for 12 years; AKA Sorority, Hous- ton Area Urban League, American Bar Association; staff counsel, U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations, 1977±78; admitted to the Texas bar, 1975; city council (at large), Houston, 1990±94; Houston Municipal Judge, 1987±90; married Dr. Elwyn Cornelius Lee, 1973; two children: Erica Shelwyn and Jason Cornelius Bennett; elected to the 104th Congress; reelected to the 105th Congress. Office Listings http://www.house.gov/jacksonlee
[email protected] 410 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515±4318 .......................... 225±3816 Administrative Assistant.ÐKathi Wilkes. Legislative Director.ÐLeon Buck. Communications Director.ÐJohn Brennan. Scheduler.ÐMary Sykes. 1919 Smith Street, Suite 1180, Mickey Leland Building, Houston, TX 77002 ........ (713) 655±0050 District Director.ÐTom Combs. 420 West 19th Street, Houston, TX 77008 .................................................................. (713) 861±4070 County: Harris County (part). CITIES: Houston. Population (1990), 566,217. ZIP Codes: 77001±10, 77012±14, 77016±22, 77024±26, 77028±30, 77032±33, 77037±40, 77043±44, 77047±52, 77054± 56, 77060±61, 77064, 77066±67, 77073, 77075±76, 77078, 77080±81, 77086±88, 77091±93, 77097±98, 77201±03, 77205± 06, 77208, 77210, 77212, 77216, 77219, 77221, 77226, 77228, 77230, 77238, 77240±41, 77250±53, 77255, 77265, 77267, 77277, 77288, 77291±92, 77297±99, 77338, 77396 * * * NINETEENTH DISTRICT LARRY COMBEST, Republican, of Lubbock, TX; born in Memphis, TX, March 20, 1945; graduated from Panhandle High School, 1963; B.B.A., West Texas State University, Canyon, TX, 1969; farmer, Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service of U.S.