Shelf List 1/18 East Dorset VT 05253 Title Author's Name 1 the 7 Key Principles of Successful Recovery: the Basic Tools for Progress, Growth, and Happiness B., Mel
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Griffith Library 07/25/0514:13:40 38 Village Street Shelf List 1/18 East Dorset VT 05253 Title Author's Name 1 The 7 key principles of successful recovery: the basic tools for progress, growth, and happiness B., Mel. 2 The 24 hour drink b~u!de to executive survival. Maloney, Ralph. --- 61 A.A. in prison: inmate to inmate. 71 AA, the way it began I Pittman, Bill, 1947-_1 way of life; a reader 10I AA's godparents: three early influences on Alcoholics Anonymous and its foundation, Carl Jung, Emmet Fox, Sikorsky, Igor I., 1929- I Jack Alexander 11 Abundant living Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973:l 12 Abundant living Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973. I 13 Addictionary: a primer of recovery terms and concepts, from abstinence to withdrawal Wilson, Jan R. I 14 The addictive drinker; a manual for rehabilitation. Thimann, Joseph. I 15 Addictive drinking: the road to recovery for problem drinkers and those who love them Vaughan, Clark. I 16 Addresses Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897. 171 Addresses I Drum~o_nd._Henry. 1851-~~97. 181 Adult children of alcohoTi-cs ~ Woititz, Janet Geringer. 191 Adventurous religion and other essays Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969. 20 Afire with serenity Jackson, Bill, Dr. 21 After repeal: a study of liquor control administration Harrison, Leonard Vance, 1891- 22 Aggression and altruism, a psychological analysis. Kaufmann, Harry. 23 The Akron genesis of Alcoholics Anonymous B., Dick. 24 The Akron qenesis of Alcoholics Anonymous B. Dick. Alcohol, hygiene, and legislation EdwardHu~ington!~~ 411 Alcohol in and out of the church lOates,_~ayne Edward, 1917- ~IXcohof; Its relation to human efficiency and longevity Fisk, Eugene Lyman, 1867-1931.~ Alcohol problems; a report to the Nation. Cooperative Commission on the Study of 431 Alcoholism. 44 Alcohol problems and alcoholism: a comprehensive survey Royce, James E. 45 1 Alcohol, science, and society; twenty-nine lectures with discussions as given at the Yale summer School of Yale University. alcohol studies.-"46 Alcohol the destroyer Hearn, C. Aubrey (Charles Aubrey), 1907- Alcohol wordlore and folklore: being a compendium of linguistic and social fact and fantasy associated with the Abel, Ernest L., 1943- 47 use and production of alcohol as reflected in the magazines, newspapers, and literature of the English-speaking world ~ The alcoholic personality: a clinical study I Teahkea, Veikko. 49 The alcoholic republic, an American tradition Rorabaugh, W. J. 50 I The alcoholic republic, an American tradition 511 An Alcoholic to his sons; 521 Alcoholics Anonymous. IW..Bill: ~--- 55 Alcoholics anonymous comes of age 56 Alcoholics anonymous comes of age ~I~today.J~~~sc~I~~.A.~I Griffith Library 07/25/0514:23:14 38 Village Street Shelf List 2/18 East Dorset VT 05253 Title Author's Name 571 Alcoholics anonymous c~f age 581 The Alco~li~ Anonymous experience :a clo~ view for professionals Maxwell, Milton A. 591 Alcoholics anonymous, the on~lna~nuscript: a reissue of the on~!~manuscript of the "Big Book", W.,Bili. 60 I Alcoholics Anonymous; th~of how many thousands of m~d women have recovered trom alcoholism. W.,Bili. 611 AlcohOlISm-= deve~nt, consequences, and interv~s -s2Alcoholism : the genetic inheritance- FitzGerald, Kathleen Whalen, 1938- 63 Alcoholism, a treatment manual Poley, Wayne. 64 Alcoholism Jl!yJ Neil Kessel and Henry Walton. Kessel, Neil. 651 Alcoholism in America Trice, Harrison Miller, 1920- its scope, cause! ~reatment Fox, Ruth, 1895- 67 Alcoholism or abstinence. Hearn, C. Aubrey (Charles Aubrey), 1907= 68 Alcoholism: the nutritional approach. Williams, Roger John, 1893- 69 Alcoholism: treatable illness; an honorable approach to man's alcoholism problem Strachan, J. George. 70, All things are possible through prayer. Allen, Charles Livingstone, 1913- 711 Along the Indian road Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanlev)~-1973. 72 Alter your life. fOX, Emmet. 73 The amazing story of repeal; an exposAe of the power of propaganda Dobyns, Fletcher, b. 1872. 74 America needs an ideoloqv Cam~Paul B. 75 The AmerICan alcoholic; the nature-nurture controver:sy in alcoholic resear~ therapy. I Madsen, William. 761 The American issue. 77/ The ~ proposition: a n~eof man Bradley, Francis, 1903- 781 An A~ woman & alcohol. Kent, Patricia. 791 And thy neighbor: Sam Shoemaker; talk[s] about creative living Shoemaker, Samuel M. (Samuel Moor) 1893-1963. 82 Anne Smith's journal, 1933-1939 : A.A.'s principles of success 83 The annotated bibliography of Alcoholics Anonymous, 1939-1989 Bishop, Charles, 1938- 84 Annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1909 : with statistical United States tables. -ss The Anti-Saloon league song book apostles Landau,Fox, Emmet. Rom, 189g: 871 Around the year with Emmet Fox; a book of daily readi~ of living Peale, Norman Vincent, 1898- i 891 The art of real happiness - Peale, Norman Vincent, 1898- I 90 The art of remaking men. CampDell,Paul B. 91 As a man thinketh Allen, James, 1864-1912. 92 As a man thinketh. Allen, James, 1864-1912. 931 As a man thinketh Allen, James, 1864-1912. 94 As Bill sees it: the A.A. way oflife:Selected writings of A.A.'s cofounder. 95 As Bill sees it : the A.A. way ~~: selected writings of A.A.'s cofounder. 961 As Bill sees it : the A.~. way of life: selected writings of A.A. Oscofound~ sees it : the A.A. way of life-- selected writings of A.~under. IW.,Bili. 98 As you think Allen, James, 1864-1912..~- 99 The ascent to truth Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968. 100 Aspects of alcoholism. 101 Aspects of alcoholism Roche Laboratories. Aspects of Christ 02 Selbie, W. B. (William Boothby) 1862-1944. 103 Asylum Seabrook, William, b. 1887. 104 The atonement --Stalker, James, 1848-1927. ! 1O5lTheawakene-dheart : living beyond addiction 106 Awakening: restoring health through the spiritual principles of Shalom, Jesus, and the Twelve Step recovery Nelson, James Douglas, 1944- program 107 Back to basics.: the Alcoholics Anonymous beginners' meetings: "here are the steps we took--" in four P., Wally. one-hour sessions 108 The backslider ~~ndrew, 1754-1815. 109 A basinful of revolution: Tod Sloan's story Gain, Geoffrey. Battling with the demon; or, The progress of temperance in the struggles of the past and present. Combined Dacus, J. A. (Joseph A.) 110 with fact, argument and illustration, showing the power for misery, crime and degradation among mankind of the dire curse of strong drink ... 111 Beaverbrook: a study of Max the unknown Howard, Peter. 112 Beginning of a miracle: how to intervene with the addicted or alcoholic person Meaaher, M. David. Beginning your ministry Shoemaker, Samuel M. (Samuel Moor) 1131 1893-1963. Best cartoons from the Grapeville: Rj~lAlcoholism,~I~_the~I~eart~I~--rf41 Griffith Library 07/25/05 14:23:14 38 Village Street Shelf List 3/18 East Dorset VT 05253 Title Author's Name -I Blumberg,Leonard U.. ~O- 117 Beyond my worth. 118 Beyond personality; the Christian idea of God Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. I 119 The Bible and its enemies: an address delivered at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925. I 120 Bible mystery and Bible meaning Troward, T. (Thomas), 1847-1916. Chambers, Oswald. 1874-1917. I Cham~rs, Oswald, 1874-1917. ~~31 ~ill W. 124 Bill W. 125 Bill W. : a biography of Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder Bill Wilson Har1igan,Francis. 126 Bill W: an autobiography. W., Bill. 127 Bill W: my first 40 years. W., Bill. 128 Bill W., a different kind of hero: the story of Alcoholics Anonymous White, Tom. 129 Bill W. and Dr. Bob Shem, Samuel. 1321 The Dlack and white book: a handbook ot revolution 133 I ~Iessed are ye : talks on the Beatitudes Meyer, F. B. (Frederick Brotherton), , 1847-1929. 134 The blue book of happiness. Doe, John, Father. 135 The bomb that fell on America Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882-1964. 136 The Book no~QQvknows Barton, B~ce, 1886-1967. 154 Came to believe: the spiritual adventure of A.A. as experienced by individual members. 155 The case for Christianity 1;)0 ~~~I QUI yuur nel5. -~ Lean,Lewis, Garth.C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. 157 Caution, "kindness" can be dangerous to the alcoholic Twerski, Abraham J. 158 Centennial temperance volume. A memorial ot the international temperance conterence, held in Philadelphia, June, 1876. With the specially-prepared essays, addresses of foreign delegates, deliberations ...etc. 159 The challenge of the present crisis Fosdick, Harry t:merson, 1878-1969. 160 The changed life Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897. I 161 Changing perspectives in the scientific study of religion Eister, Allan W. 162 ~~~~~e~~,gf~~~~~~~!~~~~ I Laubach, Frank Charles, 1884-1970. Chapman's pocket sermons. no. 1- Chapman, J. Wilbur (John Wilbur), 163 1859-1918. Charles Grandison Finney I Wright, G. Frederick (George Frederick), 164 1838-1921. 1651 The Charles[~reasury. Allen, Charles Livinqstone, 1913- 1711 The choice before us 1721 Choice-~aking : for co~_endents, adult children, andspmtu-alityseekers Wegscheider-Cruse, Sharon, 1938- 173 1 Choices & consequences: what to do when a teenager uses alcohol/drugs: a step-by-step system that really Schaefer, Dick. works I Griffith Library 07/25/05 14:23:14 38 Village Street Shelf List 4/18 East Dorset VT 05253 Title Author's Name 1741 The choir invisible Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925. Christand human sufferin9- J Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-_~ 1761 Christ attheROUndtable I Jones, E. Stanley(~y). 1884-1973. mlThechrist of every road; a study in Pentecost I Jones;-E~E!i Stanley), 1884-1973. ~1~Christ of every road; a study in Pentecost J~nes, E.Stanlev (Eli Stanley)~973. 1791 The Christ ofthe7i:rnerlcanroad I Jones, E.