View of the Essentials of Group Cohesion

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View of the Essentials of Group Cohesion ABSTRACT THE SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC IN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AND THE FACTORS PRECIPITATING A.A.’S SEPARATION FROM THE OXFORD GROUP by Andrew D. Feldheim Alcoholics Anonymous has grown since the mid-1930’s from a loose cohesion of individuals seeking recovery to iconic status as a paradigmatic self-help organization. Few people among the many familiar with A.A. are aware of its genesis from a popular Christian evangelical organization called the Oxford Group. This paper charts the course of A.A. from its Oxford Group roots, both in terms of historical development and the evolution of the spiritual dynamic that served as the functional nexus for both organizations. This paper also addresses key differences in the agendas of both groups that eventually necessitated their separation, as well as the questionable assumption that Alcoholics Anonymous is the more “secular” of the two. THE SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC IN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AND THE FACTORS PRECIPITATING A.A.’S SEPARATION FROM THE OXFORD GROUP A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Miami University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Department of Comparative Religion By Andrew Feldheim Miami University Oxford, Ohio 2013 Advisor ________________ Elizabeth Wilson Reader _________________ Peter Williams Reader ___________________ SCott Kenworthy TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Chapter 1: History of the Oxford Group………………………………………………………3 Chapter 2: The Development of Alcoholics Anonymous……………………………...13 Chapter 3: The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions……………………………………32 Chapter 4: Response to an Anticipated Objection and Closing Remarks……..45 ii Introduction Most people have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as many of the “spin offs” from this group, like Narcotics Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous. Many are also familiar with some of the popular philosophy espoused by these groups in their quest to overcome whatever addiction has infected their lives. Not many, however, know much about the genesis of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) or of its central principles. A.A., its principles and its two founders all emerged from a Christian evangelical organization that started to gain popularity in the United States and England in the early 1920’s. First named “A First Century Christian Fellowship”, then the “Oxford Group”, and then “Moral re-Armament”, this group was organized and spearheaded by a Lutheran Minister from Pennsylvania named Frank Buchman. At certain points, the alcoholics that were attempting to recover within the Oxford Group decided that they could no longer function in that venue and separated to establish their own groups, limited to alcoholics and their families. This happened at different times for different groups, but by late 1939 these groups were fully separated from their Oxford Group origins and were calling themselves Alcoholics Anonymous. In this paper, I will show what parts of Oxford Group practice were retained by A.A. and which parts they chose to leave behind. Specifically, I will contend that the basic spiritual dynamic (or conversion dynamic) that was most central to Oxford Group practice was retained with very few changes by Alcoholics Anonymous. This adoption of basic Oxford Group principles can be seen in A.A.’s Twelve Steps. Many of the Oxford Group’s more peripheral practices, however, were abandoned as being counterproductive to the goal of sobriety espoused by Alcoholics Anonymous. This can be seen in A.A.’s Twelve Traditions. I will also propose that there were two factors that were most determinative in the alcoholic Oxford Group members’ decision to separate and establish an independent existence. The first of these concerns the emergence of a sense of mission among the alcoholics that was limited to other alcoholics. The perceived mission of the nonalcoholic Oxford Group members was global conversion. Although these two missions were not necessarily incompatible when considered separately, their coexistence within a single group disrupted overall unity and soon created an untenable situation. The second of these factors concerns one of the basic tenets undergirding Oxford Group practice that was likewise adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous. Both groups depended upon a high degree of empathy that must be present between the person being converted (or introduced to a method to achieve sobriety) and the person doing the converting (or teaching). This empathic relationship depended upon the perception of the target person that the person trying to help was similar enough to him or her to really understood his or her life. But, as will be seen, it was and is very difficult for a nonalcoholic to understand the experiences of an alcoholic. The requisite empathic contact that would make an alcoholic receptive to trying a new method for sobriety seemed to necessitate another alcoholic. Because they were the only ones who seemed able to help their own kind, it made sense to these forerunners of early A.A. that they had to have their own group. 1 One of the most advertised changes that took place in Alcoholics Anonymous concerns their apparent replacement of “God” with the more mitigated and secular concept “God, as we understood Him” that appears repeatedly in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. A reader might wonder why I do not include such a secular shift as one of the determinative factors leading to A.A.’s separation from its staunchly Christian predecessor. I will reply to this expected objection by arguing that this apparently dramatic change was more appearance than substance, and that Bill Wilson’s real expectation was that the alcoholic would eventually turn to the God of the Bible, even if he or she didn’t start out that way. Chapter one will give a brief history of the Oxford Group during its early years, but will focus mostly on the dynamics it employed to effect individual conversions. Where applicable, connections will be made between the Oxford Group principle under analysis and its re- appearance in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Chapter two will concentrate on the development of Alcoholics Anonymous, from its original Oxford Group roots until its landmark 1955 Convention in St. Louis. Chapter three will focus on an analysis of A.A.’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. I will contend that, for the most part, the Twelve Steps represent the parts of Oxford Group practice that were adopted with only minor modifications to work for the recovering alcoholic, while the Twelve Traditions are more representative of the differences between the two groups. Chapter four will conclude this paper by addressing the anticipated objection that secularization should be included as one of the determinative factors that caused the two groups to separate. 2 Chapter 1: History of the Oxford Group Buchman’s Biography and Role in the Oxford Group Frank Buchman was born in 1878 in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania. His father engaged in various vocations, including that of an innkeeper, and the family was considered relatively well-off in relation to their neighbors. Young Frank’s upbringing was unremarkable and it probably would have been a great surprise to those who knew him in these early years to learn of the impact he was to have throughout the entire world. There was, however, an early clue to what would become his passion during his high school years. As Daniel Sack, in his book Moral Re- Armament relates: Buchman showed an early interest in ministry. In a high school essay called ‘The College Hero,’ he argued that the true hero is not the football star, but the man who ‘saved a fellow student from the snares of hell.’ When the hero of this story ‘saw that his classmate was leading a dissipated life, [he] bravely went to the student’s room, locked the door taking the key, and then opened his Bible, prayed with the man and then asked him to lead a different kind of life. The student was thankful and appreciated the interest he had taken and promised to reform’. (8) It is remarkable that Buchman had this sense of his calling even at that early age. The majority of his future efforts would be directed towards developing the ability to influence others in a spiritual direction, train others to also acquire this skill, and develop a standardized procedure that would actualize this dynamic. At least some of Buchman’s later construction of a spiritual dynamic is traceable to his grade school years, when he attended the Perkiomen School, run by a mystically-oriented group called the Schwenkfelders. Like the Quakers, this group believed in what they referred to as the “inner light,” and held the firm conviction that communication with God was possible (and essential) through quiet meditation. This practice would later be called “quiet time” in Buchman’s system and would become the foundation of the daily routine that both he and the members of his group would follow assiduously. Buchman attended Muhlenberg College and then the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He was ordained as a Lutheran minister in 1902. His calling to help others in the manner of the “college hero” he wrote about in high school formed an irresistible undercurrent behind everything he was to do for the rest of his life. The next twenty to thirty years would be spent learning how to make this wish a reality, in many cases by trial and error. 3 In 1905, Buchman was assigned to a hospice for young men in Philadelphia. There is every indication that he sincerely cared for the young men that were in his charge, and often stayed up late into the evening giving personal advice and encouragement on how to aspire to and live a life based on Christian virtues. His success with these transformations was limited, but no more so than was expected or achieved by other ministers in similar situations.
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