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READY SHORTLY ALEIsTER CROWLEY’S New Masterpiece MORTADELLO or, The Angel of Venice A PLAY EN FIVE ACTS Write for Particulars to the Office of this Magazine "...,.- Ξ י ־ |. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////// num-:».- . ` »\ \\\ .....-.::::::::: .muti "'(!!! ?ו/ן/ו'*///”'ווװ". - . ':::m:::::.......... ..."-.u-«...-n- THE WINGED BEETLE By ALEISTER CROWLEY PRIVATELY PRINTED: TO BE HAD THROUGH “THE EQUINOX” 300 copies, Ios. net 50 c0pies on handmade paper, specially bound, £r, IS. net CONTENTS ROSA Coeli—Abjad-i-al’ain—The Hermit—The Wizard Way—The Wings—The Garden of Janus—The Two Secrets—The Priestess of Panormita—The Hawk and the Babe—The Duellists—Athor and Asar ———-After Judgment—The Five Adorations—Telepathy—TheSwimmer “The Muse—The God and the Girl—Rosemary—Au Bal—Dis- appointment—The Oct0pus—The Eyes of Dorothy—Bathyllus—The Mantra-Yogi—The Poet and his Muse—Lilith—Sportand Marriage-— The Twins—The Convert—The Sorceress—The Child—Clyde— A Slim Gilt Soul—The Silence of Columbine—The Archaeologist ——-The Ladder—Belladona—ThePoet at Bay—Ut—Rosa Decidua—~ The Circle and the Point—In Memoriam—Ad Fidelem Infidelem— The Sphinx—The Jew of Fez—The Pentagram—Song—An Hymn —-—Prologue to Rodin in Rime—The Camp Fire—Ave Adonai—The Wild Ass—The Opium-Smoker—In Manu Dominae. Mr Todd : a Morality. TRANSLATIONS: L’Amour et le Crane—L’Alchimie de Douleur—Le Vampire—Le Balcon—Le Gout de L’Infini—L’Héautontimoroumenos ——Le vin de L’Assassin—Woman—ToutEntiere—Le vin des Amants —Le Revenant—Lolade Valence—Le Beau Navire—L’Invitation au Voyage—Epilogue to “ Petits Poemes en Prose”—~Colloque Senti» mental-—En Sourdine—The Magician. VII d MR NEUBURG’S NEW VOLUME OF POEMS Imperial 167720, [3/1 200 Now really. Ora’er wrong}; The Equinox, or of any Bookseller THE TRIUMPH OF PAN POEMS BY VICTOR B. NEUBURG This volume, containing many poems—nearly all of them hitherto unpublished—— besides THE TRIUMPH OF PAN, includes THE ROMANCE OF OLIVIA VANE. The First Edition is limited to Two Hundred and Fifty copies: Two Hundred and Twenty on ordinary paper, whereof less than Two Hundred are for sale; and Thirty on Japanese vellum, of which Twenty-fiveare for sale. These latter copies are numbered, and signed by the Author. The binding is half-parchment with crimson sides; the ordinary copies are bound in crimson boards, half-holland. The price of ordinary copies is Five Shillings net; of the special copies, One Guinea net. EXTRACTS FROM FIRST NOTICES “ Not every one will care for Mr Neuburg’s tone in all the pieces, but he is undoubtedly a poet to be reckoned with, and a volume so original as this is should create no small stir. It is superbly produced by the publishers.”—Sussex Daily News. “ When one comes to the poems . it is evident that they are written in English. In a certain oblique and sub-sensible sense, eloquent and musical. Distinctly Wagnerian in their effects. .”— Scotsman. “ It is full of ‘the murmurous monotones of whispering lust,’ ‘the song of young desire,’ and that kind of poppycock.”——Lona’on Opinion. “ A competent master of words and rhythms. His esoteric style is unreasonably obscure from an intelligent plain poetry-lover’s standpoint.”-—Morning Leader. ‘ ’ “ A charming volume of poems. Pagan glamour . passion and vigour. Sigurd’s Songs are commendable for dealing with the all too largely neglected Scandinavian theology. A scholarly disciple. The entire volume is eminently recommendable.”-——]ewislz C/zroniele. “A gorgeous rhapsody. Fortunately, there are the police. On the whole, we cannot help regretting that such splendid powers of imagination and expression are flung away in such literary rioting.” יחמצ/22% “ Sometimes of much beauty of rhythm and phrase. .”— Times.? “ Poets who have any originality deserve to be judged by their own standard. A Neo-mystic or? .Ee/zo?.”־semi-astrological pantheist. 1506775001- “ Love-making appears to have an added halo in his if it is associated with delirium or blood- ‘ eyes shed. Mr Neuburg has a careless rapture’ all his own ; the carelessness, indeed, is just the trouble. His versification is remarkable, and there is something impressive in its mere fluency. So luxurious, ᾽. «so rampant, a decadence quickly palls. On the whole, this book must be pronounced a quite grievous exhibition of recklessness and folly.”-—Manefiester Guardian. “. We began to be suspicious of him. Hardly the sort of person we should care to meet on a dark night with a knobby stick in his hand. This clever book.”—-Aeaa’e7ny. “ A vivid imagination fostered by a keen and loving insight of nature, and this allied to a command of richly adorned language . have already assured for the author a prominent place amongst present-day poets. An enthusiastic devotion to classic song . sustained metrical charm. From first to last the poet’s work is an important contribution to the century’s literature."—Publishers, Circular. “This [book] contains the answer to a very well-known riddle propounded by the late Elizabeth Barrett Browning. You remember she asked in one of her poems, ‘What was he doing to Great God Pan : Down in the reeds by the River?’ Well, Mr Victor Neuburg has discovered the answer, for he was obviously wandering near the river if he was not hidden in the reeds. .”—ROBERT ROSS in TI:: Bystander. is “There no question about the poetic quality of much of Mr Neuburg’s verse. We are given visions of love which open new amorous possibilities.”-—Daily Chronicle. ᾽ The Star in the West BY CAPTAIN J. F. C. FULLER FOURTH LARGE EDITION NOW IN PREPARATION THROUGH THE EQUINOX AND ALL BOOKSELLERS SIX SHILLINGS NET A highly original study of morals and religion by a new writer, who is as entertaining as the average novelist is dull. Nowadays human thought has taken a brighter place in the creation: our emotions are weary of bad baronets and stolen wills; they are now only excited by Spiritual crises, catastrophes of the reason, triumphs of the intelli- gence. In these fields Captain Fuller is a master dramatist. KONX OM PAX THE MOST REMARKABLE TREATISE ON THE MYSTIC PATH EVER WRITTEN Contains an Introduction and Four Essays; the first an account of the progress of the soul to perfect illumination, under the guise of a charming fairy tale ; The second, an Essay on Truth, under the guise of a Christmas pantomime ; The third, an Essay on Magical Ethics, under the guise of the story of a Chinese philosopher ; The fourth, a Treatise on many Magical Subjects of the profoundest importance, under the guise of a symposium, interspersed with beautiful lyrics. No serious student can afford to be without this delightful volume. The second edition is printed on hand-made paper, and bound in white buckram, with cover design in gold. PRICE TEN SHILLINGS WALTER SCOTT PUBLISHING co. LTD., and through “THE EQUINOX” Some Press Opinions Dr M. D. EDER in “The New Age” “ Yours also is the Reincarnation and the Life, Ο laughing lion that is to be ! “ Here you have distilled for our delight the inner spirit of the Tulip’s form, the sweet secret mystery of the Rose’s perfume: you have set them free from all that is material whilst preserving all that is sensual. ‘ So also the old mystics were right who saw in every phenomenon a dog-faced demon apt only to seduce the soul from the sacred mystery.’ Yes, but the phenomenon shall it not be as another sacred mystery ; the force of attraction still to be interpreted in terms of God and the Psyche? We shall reward you by befoulment, by cant, by misunderstanding, and by understanding. This to you who wear the Phrygian cap, not as symbol of Liberty, 0 ribald ones, but of sacrifice and victory, of Inmost Enlightenment, of the soul’s deliverance from the fetters of the very soul itself—fear not; you are not ‘replacing truth of thought by mere expertness of mechanical skill. “ You who hold more skill and more power than your great English predecessor, Robertus de Fluctibus, you have not feared to reveal ‘the Arcana which are in the Adytum of God- nourished Silence’ to those who, abandoning nothing, will sail in the company of the Brethren of .the Rpsy Cross towards the Limbus, that outer, unknown world encircling so many a universe. “John Bull,” in the course of a long review by Mr HERBERT VIVIAN “ The author is evidently that rare combination of genius, a humorist and a philosopher. For pages he will bewilder the mind with abstruse esoteric pronouncements, and then, all of a sudden, he will reduce his readers to hysterics with some surprisingly quaint conceit. I was unlucky to begin reading him at breakfast, and I was moved to so much laughter that I watered my bread with my tears and barely escaped a convulsion.” “ The Times ” “The Light wherein he writes is the L.V.X. of that which, first mastering and then trans- cending the reason, illumines all the darkness caused by the interference of the opposite waves of thought. It is one of the most suggestive definitions of KONX—theLVX of the Brethren of the Rosy Cross—that it transcends all the possible pairs of opposites. Nor does this sound non- sensical to those who are acquainted with that LVX. But to those who do not it must remain as obscure and ridiculous as spherical trigonometry to the inhabitants of Flatland.” . “ The Literary Guide ” “ He is a lofty idealist. He sings like a lark at the gates of heaven. ‘ Konx Om Pax ' is the apotheosis of extravagance, the last word in eccentricity. A prettily-told fairy-story ‘for babes and sucklings ’ has ‘explanatorynotes in Hebrew and Latin for the wise and prudent ’—which notes, as far as we can see, explain nothing—together with a weird preface in scraps of twelve or fifteen languages.