Where in the world is... that document? At Voyager, we know that where you are searching is as important as what you are searching for. adds spatial context to non-spatial documents. It works by looking through documents for location names that match a known set coordinates. When a match is found, the document is “tagged” with related coordinates so that it can be found by searching on a map. Geotagging works with documents, photos, reports or RSS feeds to give organizations built on spatial a better way to find what they need. Geotag with Voyager.

www.voyagersearch.com Voyager Geotagging Features

Spatially Enable Spatial Search Geotag Heat Map Any Text Click-and-drag a box, Voyager’s Navigo Voyager can add a draw a polygon, buffer a automatically creates a location to your news point on the map, or enter heat map showing the articles, reports, work a place name and find all concentration of locations orders, , Office the documents referencing referenced in your . documents and more. that area.

Geotag Against Create a Custom Extract 15 Million Places Gazetteer Coordinates Use Voyager’s standard Use your index of content Geotag documents by gazetteer of 15 million create a custom gazetteer extracting coordinates place names to geotag from your own geospatial referenced in the text your documents. data. and translate them into a location .

Filter by Link Reports See Full Geometry Place Name to GIS data The marriage of Once tagged, location Connect reports about Voyager’s placefinder and names can be used as a place to the GIS maps geotagging allows you to a filter, so you can find and services that contain see the actual geometry of everything from one place the same names, IDs or a place, rather than just a in one click. coordinates. bounding box or point.

Spatially Enable Unlimited Write Locations RSS Feeds Gazetteers to Spatially enable a news Bulid as many custom Geotagging easily feed so that people can gazetteers as you want integrates with Voyager’s find out what’s happening and use them to tag as processing framework and around the block or many content repositories gives you the ability to add around the world. as you need. geotags to metadata.