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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51949-6 - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World Baki Tezcan Index More information Index Abaza Hasan Pasha, 215–216 effects of survival of brother on, 71 Abaza Mehmed Pasha, 162, 173, 213 fratricide, 64 Abdulhalim¨ Karayazıcı, 65, 66, 143–148, Mehmed Pasha (Sokolluzade) and, 108 150–151 Mustafa Agha and, 110–111 Abdullah Efendi, 169 Mustafa Efendi and, 118 Abdurrahim¨ family, 5, 220 Osman II and, 115 Abou-El-Haj, Rifa’at Ali, 9, 34, 217, pious acts of, 70 219 rebellions and, 71, 120n22 absolutism, 80, 213 Safavid wars, 131–132 appointments, royal power of, 55 Sun’ullah Efendi and, 70 army and, 152, 180 warrior sultan tradition and, 120 conservatives and, 49, 53 Ahmed III, 197n18, 222–223, 225 constitutionalists and, 48–59 Ahmed Pasha (deputy grand vizier), 167, 169 court politics and, 114 Ahmed Pasha (Etmekcizade). See definition of, 54, 80 Etmekcizade Ahmed Pasha divine law and, 29, 53, 157 Akarlı, Engin, 41 historiography and, 215 alcohol, 66, 67(fig), 174 liberals and, 49, 53 Aleppo, 15, 95, 104, 132, 148–149, 159–160, long wars and, 180 162, 178n85, 189, 212 market economies and, 80 Algeria, 223–224 Mehmed III, 65 Ali Agha, 171, 172 Murad III, 97 Ali Bey, 121 Murad IV, 214 Ali Efendi (Sarı), 37–38, 121. See also Mustafa I, 77, 109 Mullah Ali Mustafa II, 43–44, 219 Ali Pasha (d. 1511), 101 Osman II, 80–81, 109, 116, 128–141, 153 Ali Pasha (1581–1621), 110, 111, 132–136, political authority and, 44 137 public law and, 47, 48 alps, qualities of, 84–85 sciences and, 29, 241 ambassador reports, reliability of, 113 Second Empire and, 150 Amcazade Huseyin¨ Pasha, 219 social mobility and, 53, 54–55, 58 ancien regime´ , 191, 194, 226 ulema and, 29, 44, 169, 171 Andrews, Walter, 1, 4, 191 Age of Beloveds, The, 1, 4 Ankara, Battle of (1402), 88 agriculture, 17, 80, 88, 197, 231 .Seealso army timars absolutism and, 152, 180 Ahizade Huseyin,¨ 74 administrators of, 80 Ahmed Bey.
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