1. All the Deputy Director, Elementary Education, H.P. 2. All the Block Elementary Education Officers, H.P

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1. All the Deputy Director, Elementary Education, H.P. 2. All the Block Elementary Education Officers, H.P NO EDN-(Ele.)(4)-4-4/2013-MDM Budget(I-VIII) Directorate of Elementary Education Himachal Pradesh. Dated Shimla-171001 the 9th July, 2013 To 1. All the Deputy Director, Elementary Education, H.P. 2. All the Block Elementary Education Officers, H.P. Subject:- Instructions regarding allocation /distribution of Budget under Demand No. 8, HOA 2202-01-800-01 COON Plan under MDM Scheme. Sir, It is to inform you that department has allocated budget through e-vitran / internet vide verification number_48 & 49 dated 11 &12-7-2013 under Demand No.-8 Head of Account 2202- 01- 800-01 Plan COON. The budget is allocated for following purpose: SN Particular Remarks 1 Budget allocated This budget will be utilized for Cooking/ conversion cost under SOE M&S-33 for Primary and Upper Primary Stage. 2 Budget allocated This budget will be utilized for Honorarium to cook-cum- under SOE-Hon.-99 helpers engaged under Mid Day Meal Scheme in Primary and Upper Primary Stage. 3 Budget allocated This budget will be utilized for Transportation of Rice from under SOE-OC-20 PDS to Schools under Mid Day Meal Scheme in Primary and Upper Primary Stage. 4 Budget allocated This budget will be utilized for Internet Charges under under SOE-OE-05 MME component of Mid Day Meal Scheme at District and Block level. The Block wise/ District wise detail of allocated budget is also available on the website of the Department. (http://himachal.nic.in/eleedu). You are , therefore, requested to utilize the budget for the purpose it has been allocated within the current financial year 2013-14 positively. Budget distributed in the month of July, 2013 under Mid Day Meal Scheme Budget amounting Rs.795.86 lacs Budget amounting Rs.309.79 Budget amounting Rs.71.22 lacs being distributed for lacs being distributed for distributed for Transportation Conversion/Cooking cost under Honorarium under Mid Day of Rice under Mid Day Meal Mid Day Meal Scheme HOA Meal Scheme HOA 2202-01- Scheme HOA 2202-01-800- DDO Code/ Name of 2202-01-800-01{COON}M&S-33 800-01{COON} -Hon-99 in the 01{COON} OC-20 in the month Blocks in the month of July, 2013 month of July, 2013 of July, 2013 Sr. 33-M&S 99-Hon. 20-OC (Transportation) No. Upper Upper Upper Primary Primary Total Primary Primary Total Primary Primary Total BLP00-201 (BEEO 1 SADAR BILASPUR) 468660 566500 1035160 366000 159900 525900 16200 32100 48300 BLP01-200 (BEEO 2 SWARGHAT ) 406900 427150 834050 288000 126100 414100 25400 43800 69200 BLP02-221 (BEEO I 3 GHUMARWIN ) 333490 388620 722110 240000 114400 354400 4500 8700 13200 BLP02-222 (BEEO II 4 GHUMARWIN ) 287890 325380 613270 210000 98800 308800 7400 13700 21100 BLP03-206 (BEEO 5 JHANDUTTA ) 377050 460440 837490 271500 127400 398900 10300 20700 31000 1 Total BILASPUR 1873990 2168090 4042080 1375500 626600 2002100 63800 119000 182800 CHM00-204 (BEEO MEHLA-II) 1 Hardaspura 413510 397630 811140 249000 85800 334800 26200 41400 67600 CHM00-206 (BEEO 2 MEHLA-I) 225180 221720 446900 142500 57200 199700 15300 24800 40100 CHM00-220 (BEEO 3 CHAMBA-I) 442190 402140 844330 267000 96200 363200 20300 30400 50700 CHM00-224 (BEEO 4 KIANI) 272820 310400 583220 180000 57200 237200 22600 42200 64800 CHM00-267 (BEEO 5 GEHRA) 255220 221720 476940 247500 84500 332000 10600 15100 25700 CHM02-205 (BEEO 6 TISSA) 415940 328140 744080 195000 85800 280800 16700 21700 38400 CHM02-222 (BEEO 7 KALHEL) 376470 326390 702860 120000 40300 160300 15600 22200 37800 chm03-200 (BEEO 8 SALOONI) 487790 408680 896470 255000 91000 346000 24200 33300 57500 CHM05-208 (BEEO 9 BANIKHET) 298390 338900 637290 196500 84500 281000 22900 42800 65700 CHM06-201 (BEEO 10 SIHUNTA) 311030 367680 678710 184500 84500 269000 12300 23900 36200 CHM07-200 (BEEO 11 CHOWARI) 946220 940650 1886870 178100 84500 262600 58400 95400 153800 CHM08-205 (BEEO 12 SUNDLA) 386580 319270 705850 195000 67600 262600 11500 15600 27100 2 TOTAL CHAMBA 4831340 4583320 9414660 2410100 919100 3329200 256600 408800 665400 HMR00-200 (BEEO 1 HAMIRPUR) 355760 525430 881190 208000 132600 340600 8600 20900 29500 HMR01-214 (BEEO 2 BIJHARI) 411860 518740 930600 236600 139100 375700 7400 15400 22800 HMR02-215 (BEEO 3 NADAUN) 278950 317960 596910 148200 79300 227500 3100 5700 8800 HMR03-200 (BEEO 4 SUJANPUR) 193780 219970 413750 122200 61100 183300 2900 5500 8400 HMR04-201 (BEEO 5 BHORANJ) 416620 584310 1000930 231400 130000 361400 4600 10500 15100 HMR- (BEEO 6 GALORE) 223330 239890 463220 123500 54600 178100 2400 4300 6700 3 Total Hamirpur 1880300 2406300 4286600 1069900 596700 1666600 29000 62300 91300 KNG00-211 (BEEO 1 DHARAMSALA) 384050 442700 826750 201500 87100 288600 4600 8700 13300 KNG01-201 (BEEO 2 RAIT) 459300 549420 1008720 270400 105300 375700 17100 33700 50800 KNG01-229 (BEEO II 3 KANGRA) 335730 509140 844870 228800 59800 288600 2400 5900 8300 KNG01-208 (BEEO NAGROTA 4 BAGWAN) 329990 470040 800030 187200 80600 267800 1200 2700 3900 KNG02-223 (BEEO 5 DEHRA) 402430 501580 904010 221000 93600 314600 4300 8800 13100 KNG03-205 (BEEO 6 INDORA) 527750 545200 1072950 267800 22100 289900 11300 19200 30500 KNG04-222 (BEEO 7 NURPUR) 528240 710800 1239040 249600 101400 351000 7800 17200 25000 KNG04-223 (BEEO 8 RAJA KA TALAB) 312590 450700 763290 185900 83200 269100 3000 7200 10200 KNG05-200 (BEEO 9 PALAMPUR) 234030 335120 569150 162500 52000 214500 8000 18700 26700 KNG05-201 (BEEO 10 PANCHRUKHI) 275060 371750 646810 153400 41600 195000 11600 25800 37400 KNG05-202 (BEEO 11 BHAWARNA) 267280 323200 590480 161200 55900 217100 9700 19400 29100 KNG06-206 (BEEO 12 FATEHPUR) 256390 341800 598190 175500 49400 224900 3500 7700 11200 KNG08-200 (BEEO 13 RAKKAR) 407680 514670 922350 312000 105300 417300 4200 8800 13000 KNG09-214 (BEEO 14 CHADHAIR) 77980 102640 180620 50700 32500 83200 2900 6300 9200 KNG09-215 (BEEO 15 BAIJNATH) 295480 394000 689480 221000 63700 284700 18400 40300 58700 KNG10-216 (BEEO 16 LAMBAGOAN) 236940 366230 603170 263900 105300 369200 5900 15000 20900 NG11-200 (BEEO 17 DADASIBA) 356530 446630 803160 267800 53300 321100 4800 9900 14700 KNG12-205 (BEEO 18 JAWALI) 212050 296440 508490 105300 63700 169000 2300 5400 7700 KNG12-206 (BEEO 19 NAGROTA SURIAN) 156540 228110 384650 105300 42900 148200 2600 6300 8900 4 Total Kangra 6056040 7900170 13956210 3790800 1298700 5089500 125600 267000 392600 KLU00-202 (BEEO 1 KULLU-I) 765090 753690 1518780 484900 119600 604500 200100 324200 524300 KLU00-203 (BEEO 2 KULLU-II) 587260 523970 1111230 379600 110500 490100 14800 21800 36600 KLU00-227 (BEEO NAGGAR AT 3 KATRAIN) 435390 393130 828520 317200 89700 406900 13400 19900 33300 klu01-206 (BEEO 4 BANJAR) 620510 637520 1258030 364000 137800 501800 35200 59500 94700 KLU02-205 (BEEO 5 ANNI) 350600 367390 717990 304200 55900 360100 22600 39000 61600 klu03-206 (BEEO 6 NIRMAND) 378410 396030 774440 351000 89700 440700 47700 82200 129900 6 Total Kullu 3137260 3071730 6208990 2200900 603200 2804100 333800 546600 880400 MDI00-203 (BEEO 1 SADAR-II KATAULA) 364220 321450 685670 239200 36400 275600 4200 6000 10200 MDI00-204 (BEEO 2 SADAR-I MANDI) 262220 296300 558520 172900 45500 218400 3500 6600 10100 MDI00-226 (BEEO 3 BALH) 440050 505070 945120 256100 80600 336700 7500 14100 21600 MDI01-213 (BEEO 4 SUNDERNAGAR-1) 385310 427440 812750 234000 63700 297700 3500 6300 9800 MDI01-214 (BEEO JAI 5 DEVI) S/Nagar-II 271360 246430 517790 172900 35100 208000 4200 6300 10500 MDI02-200 (BEEO 6 CHAUNTRA-1) 206710 199030 405740 139100 22100 161200 3200 5100 8300 MDI02-201 (BEEO 7 DRANG-I) 311420 384550 695970 184600 55900 240500 6800 13700 20500 MDI03-206 (BEEO 8 JANJEHLI) Seraj-1 326880 316360 643240 200200 45500 245700 2200 3500 5700 MDI05-200 (BEEO 9 CHAUNTRA II) 125910 134190 260100 111800 13000 124800 1600 2900 4500 MDI07-202 (BEEO 10 SERAJ II) 383180 410570 793750 209300 41600 250900 2600 4600 7200 MDI08-200 (BEEO 11 SAIGLOO) 250170 323050 573220 171600 42900 214500 4000 8400 12400 MDI10-209 (BEEO 12 KARSOG I) 356440 357220 713660 222300 71500 293800 5300 8800 14100 MDI10-210 (BEEO II 13 KARSOG) 421970 403450 825420 243100 84500 327600 10500 16400 26900 MDI11-200 (BEEO 14 DRANG II PADHAR) 358770 347180 705950 234000 62400 296400 7800 12400 20200 MDI12-202 (BEEO IST 15 DHARAMPUR) 87990 118640 206630 75400 28600 104000 800 1800 2600 MDI12-204 (BEEO IST 16 GOPALPUR) 180840 233350 414190 139100 18200 157300 1800 3800 5600 MDI13-201 (BEEO G- 17 2ND AT BHANBLA) 218960 273330 492290 163800 27300 191100 2400 5000 7400 MDI14-201 (BEEO 18 GOHAR) Chachiot-1 382880 387310 770190 204100 53300 257400 10500 17400 27900 MDI14-203 (BEEO CHAIL 19 CHOWK)Chachiot-11 182300 166180 348480 98800 19500 118300 5900 8800 14700 MDI15-202 (BEEO 20 DHARAMPUR-II) 213120 269260 482380 187200 27300 214500 5400 11100 16500 8 Total Mandi 5730700 6120360 11851060 3659500 874900 4534400 93700 163000 256700 SML00-220 (BEEO 1 SHIMLA-4) 452110 479780 931890 232700 98800 331500 65800 114800 180600 SML00-225 (BEEO 2 KASUMPATI - I) 210400 194090 404490 122200 49400 171600 30600 46400 77000 SML00-226 (BEEO 3 KASUMPTI-II) 252310 272600 524910 150800 66300 217100 36700 65200 101900 sml01-207 (BEEO 4 KUPVI SHIMLA H.P.) 195910 186820 382730 118300 33800 152100 28500 44700 73200 sml02-213 (BEEO 5 KOTKHAI) 231010 170970 401980 143000 61100 204100 33600 40900 74500 SML03-209 (BEEO 6 SUNI) 224990 262860 487850 163800 85800 249600 32700 62900 95600 SML04-216 7 (BEEOTHEOG) 237330 210520 447850 162500 27300 189800 34500 50400 84900 SML04-217 (BEEO 8 DEHA) 178410 153090 331500 94900 40300 135200 26000 36600 62600 SML04-218 (BEEO 9 MATIANA) 156540 146840 303380 105300 36400 141700 22800 35100 57900 SML05-202 (BEEO 10 DODRA-KAWAR) 63390 62520 125910 26000 6500 32500
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