Who Killed Poetry?
Commentary Who Killed Poetry? Joseph Epstein There are certain things in which mediocrity the best of their work was already behind them. is intolerable: poetry, music, painting, public The audience for poetry was then less than vast; eloquence. it had diminished greatly since the age of -LA BRUYRE Browning and Tennyson. In part this was owing to the increased difficulty of poetry, of which AM NOT about to say of poetry, as T. S. Eliot, in 1921, had remarked: "It appears Marianne Moore once did, that "I, too, likely that poets in our civilization, as it exists, dislike it," for not only has reading poetry brought at present, must be difficult." Eliot's justification me instruction and delight but I was taught to for this difficulty-and it has never seemed quite exalt it. Or, more precisely, I was taught that persuasive-is that poetry must be as complex as poetry was itself an exalted thing. No literary the civilization it describes, with the modem poet genre was closer to the divine than poetry; in no becoming "more comprehensive, more allusive, other craft could a writer soar as he could in a more indirect." All this served to make the modern poem. When a novelist or a dramatist wrote with poet more exclusive as well, which, for those of the flame of the highest inspiration, his work was us who adored (a word chosen with care) modern said to be "touched by poetry"-as in the phrase poetry, was quite all right. Modern poetry, with "touched by God." "The right reader of a good the advance of modernism, had become an art for poem," said Robert Frost, "can tell the moment the happy few, and the happy few, it must be said, it strikes him that he has taken an immortal are rarely happier than when they are even fewer.
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