Nadia Bulkin | 264 pages | 20 Aug 2017 | Word Horde | 9781939905338 | English | none She Said Destroy PDF Book

Just beyond, the woods, always the woods, a lure, a threat, a veil, a plot unfulfilled but tantalizing. Hide Spoilers. If you love mysteries and thrillers, get ready for dozens Jun 02, Steven rated it really liked it. Read Full Review. About . It was also a movie, and Duras's fictions have, of course, been filmed before, From the likes of Alain Resnais to Jules Dassin, but this was her first movie wholly her own, and she has come up with some surprises. No matter how much talk there is of gods and great magic, it cannot be filled with import in this broadly written and drawn outline of one of those stories that sounded like a good at the time. Silence Increasing heat. Only much, much less cute She Said Destroy 1 is a femme centered narrative about a resistance against a near omnipresent empire that combines magic and space travel with dreamy art to boot. Original Title. Here there is not any sounds present which we cannot locate by what we see, just the birds and sound of the men playing tennis, but the sound of the voices still does their tricks with us. I wanted to give it to him. I know I mentioned this book to him, said he might be into it given his background in theater and all that, and he told me that he had a copy of on his shelf. Jul 11, Ahmad Sharabiani rated it really liked it Shelves: 20th-century , literature , french. And I include quotes around style because she says in the interview that she was striving to free the reader from the interference of style. This edition includes an interview with Duras, chiefly about the film version, and in it she talks about the lack of primacy of one character over another, and 'a gliding from one character to another. Destroy, She Said is a marvellous book. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elisabeth Alione. The sophisticated dalliance among the four serves to obscure an underlying violence, which, when the curtain of civilization is drawn aside, reveals in her fellow guests a very contemporary, perhaps even new, form of insanity. Bernard Alione gazes at Max Thor, motionless. She Said Destroy Writer

Nola Pfau July 9, July 7, Metacritic Reviews. Such a killer first issue with one of the best endings in a debut issue that I have ever read. Adam Nov 4, It is best taken in short bursts but also does not allow for one to really catch their breath. Duras is at great pains here to create, despite her very specific sense of urgency, as open and destabilized a narrative as she can. Perhaps it is its more static feel, stressing a little bit too much that this is a play we are watching, that stops it from being a true cinematic experience. They are perhaps Beckettian slouches, avoiding the local forest although they constantly resolve to go there; why go into the forest when we can stay in the park they reason. Elisabeth Alione - Have you seen it? At the start there are the two men Stein and Max Thor, both guests of This is one of Duras' most skeletal novels. Added to Watchlist. Here there is not any sounds present which we cannot locate by what we see, just the birds and sound of the men playing tennis, but the sound of the voices still does their tricks with us. Comics , Reviews. The voice that just spoke goes echoing through the hotel grounds Thoughts wear one out. May this be a practice that continues! We are presented with a vast hotel and its garden with desolate chairs spread around. You're part of me [ How did you know? Apr 30, Kristel rated it it was ok Shelves: fiction-adult , During a card game I actually felt like I was holding a hand. Related Books. Destroy, She Said Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I really enjoy the world and look of this series. A flashback between younger Morgana and Brigid adds to the history and mythos of godhood and relevancy in regards to time that was a bright spot in this issue. The effect is quite overpowering, I felt like reaching out and touching Max's blazer, like kissing Alissa I have never felt that way in a movie. Thanks for telling us about the problem. May 23, Irene rated it really liked it. Become an Insider Login 0 Items. On a different note, Lampeter might very well be the nicest place in the UK. She Said Destroy Reviews

This is a short, strange and haunting novel that I have been thinking about and trying to fully understand for years. The way it often is out of synch with what we see. Neither I guess but this is the kind of game I find interesting. It's nothing You don't know anything? Non-necessary Non- necessary. Thoughts wear one out. Which is not to say that taken as a novel it fails. She is the last of her line and also has the last bunch of followers against the opposition against the traitor Sun God Brigid who has converted the entire solar system into worshiping her and her alone, save one space colony. I have few believers left amonsgt the stars, but my children are strong. It's up to you to figure out what the narrator is trying to say. Duras's early novels were fairly conventional in form their 'romanticism' was criticised by fellow writer Raymond Queneau ; however, with she became more experimental, paring down her texts to give ever-increasing importance to what was not said. I might even understand it less after having read the collection of interview shambles that were included at the back of the novella. Kurupinar's List The earth trembled. Three of the four main characters - Alissa, Max, and Stein are confident people, that is, in their chilling madness, and so begins a destructive game set in a rural hotel, which sees Elisabeth Alione, a vulnerable woman who is convalescing after giving birth to a stillborn child, being targeted for mental onslaught. Copy Copied. January 20th 13th 6th. If you love mysteries and thrillers, get ready for dozens Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Two men and two women, all mentally ill, meet in a desolate French convalescent hotel and become their own tiny insular society. There definitely is that going on but I think so much more as well. In this classic novel by the best-selling author of The Lover, erotic intrigue masks a chillingly deceptive form of madness. Shuts the book. There are recurring moods and motifs from the Duras repertoire: eroticism, lassitude, stifled desire, a beautiful woman, a mysterious forest, a desolate provincial hotel. This is your chance to win amazing discounts! People chewing in thoughts non-stop. Slightly existential, leaning more toward a play than a novel- would love to see it performed as she suggests. Written mostly as dialogue between four individuals with scant descriptions which function more as stage directions, it's a marvelous Marguerite Duras is such an assured stylist that I'm still dumbfounded by reading new works from her. Gone to sleep again. Like it is a story that knows it's actually a play. As in , there are first two women commenting the "action" off screen. I don't feel lucky.

She Said Destroy Read Online

They had both had previous marriages. Elisabeth Alione. Get A Copy. Read Full Review. Shelves: 60s-re-de-construction , nouveau-roman , france , read-in Use the HTML below. Start your review of Destroy, She Said. I would like to see in the next issues a deeper focus on the depth of the characters as of yet, there no one outside of the Gods who has really captured my attention even though there is a variety of different type of female presenting folks on the pages. Kurupinar's List Seeing the strangest things on page like the impressive Goddess Brigid in her flagship named The Inspiration with her likeness attached, by the way, your fave could never from afar against a background of outer space splash with a color wheel of pastel colors is vibrantly such eye candy on a page entirely by itself. As a novel, the strange switch from speaker to speaker without acknowledging who is talking is a great exercise in upending expectations. Marguerite Duras. However, the characters that populate it feel flat and uninteresting, with artwork that is good overall, yet inconsistent. Will the Morrigan remain a player in the shadows, or can Winona's devotion summon the full power of destruction? They're very true to eachother though, reflected images. She Said Destroy offers up some interesting ideas and a large scale to it with how the events are unfolding. I would still recommend it to fans of Duras and Nouveau Roman in general Comics Essays. The book takes place set in a world where there were once gods, but now the gods have been mostly forgotten and died away. Duras's father fell ill and he returned to France, where he died in Corallo, Kangas, Nalty, and Ujimori continue to demonstrate the importance and power of faith through meaningful dialogue and powerful characters. Comics Reviews. I love Duras's style, but I just don't get it. She also wrote the screenplay for the French film , which was directed by Alain Resnais. UW Jul 23, She Said Destroy 1 is a femme centered narrative about a resistance against a near omnipresent empire that combines magic and space travel with dreamy art to boot. Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Jun 1, Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Prev Series Next. Everything feels rushed and unfocused, but as a deliberate choice rather than the work of someone just trying to crunch a deadline. Edit Did You Know? UW Aug 23, There's also a film, Duras' own directorial debut, that echoes and subtly modifies the original. Technical Specs. Do they remember it, whether directly or ancestrally? Everything you want from a sci-fi comic, really. Female Authors. There are recurring moods and motifs from the Duras repertoire: eroticism, lassitude, stifled desire, a beautiful woman, a mysterious forest, a desolate provincial hotel. Mar 07, Cassiel rated it it was ok Shelves: generalfiction , Destroy, She Said. She Said Destroy 1 Review. Another point is that there are no children, this is actually reminiscent of another masterpiece Jens Lien's movie The Bothersome Man, where the lack is the difference between a world with flavour and no flavour. I happened to watch "Zabriskie Point" while reading this, and was struck by a similarity of tone. Hollywood Icons, Then and Now. She does this with colored speech bubbles that are defined more loosely, with wavy borders and arcs of colored lines separating from the body of each bubble. The weight of film pulls this book into a strange territory as the separate passages feel like shots from a New Wave film with repetitive shots- sounds from tennis courts, a dark forest hedging them in. View all 8 comments. Traitorous Sun God Brigid is deliciously evil as her cruelties show on page in the fine art and also in her prose-like words from extinguishing a life in front of our eyes to correctly giving out orders to a death squad. Shout out to the creative team of Kangas, Nalty and Ujimori in the departments of art, coloring and lettering, respectively. It also makes me want to explore the narrative penned by Corallo more as I read on.