Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-07-19
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118, 1944' .• • ~ ,f ..... .,.. ,. " :---= .AnoN CALII'IDAa PJlOCElI8!lD J'OODS blue ftarnp. A8 throulh Z8 and A5. Book • ~ indefinitely; MEAT recl .tamp! A8 throuKh ZS. book 4 Fair ". indefinitely. SUOAR slamp 30. 31. 32. book 4 \·aIId IndeCl· aitII1: It&mp 40 for eanninl lu,a. expires Feb. 28. IM5: SHOE slImP, altplan~ Itamp I arid 2 book 3 valid IDdefln, ltely; CASO· IOWA: Fair. Warm. ~I. DAILY IOWAN LDm A-II coupon valid throl1lll Sept. 1M4' FUEL On. perIod ~ vaUd throuch Sept, 30. 1M4; perIod I valId throu,h Au" 31. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper t1VECENTS Till AIIIIOClA'I'SD PUll IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1944 TBII AaIOCIATSD ...... VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 249 Death Toll Nears 350 DUKE AND DUCHESS ARRIVE IN N. Y. Yank Troops Crash lB· · h Cd· In Explosion of Two Strong German Posts, r I tiS, a na Ia n Tanks Navy Munitions Ships Reach 'Gothic Line' Brea 0 rn e California Coast Blast k Americans Outflank Rocks Port Chicago, Great Port of Livorno, River line Surrounding Towns Sweep Into Pontedera ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------~ POR'l' CHICAGO, Cal i f. ROME (AP)-American troops (AP)-An explosion of two crashed lhrough strongly held At a Glance- jng 'hal Powerful Red Army Yanks Take Sf. Lo Dlval ammunition ships in the ll1 tUsk German positions yesterday and nllce. The worst disaster of its kind in the swept three miles across open Cracks Nazi Defense Stronghold to Force Mike A. nation's history left a toil of country into the town ot Ponte dead approaching 350 yesterday lets. The dera on the Arno river between I Today's 1Mile German Retreat t so far, as rescue workers poked through Pisa and Florence, rescl'ting the Around Vital Lwow tbe. rubble in search of more enemy's "Gothic Line" defenses --- bodies, and virtually outflanking the great Iowan Germans Reel Back Britons Vary Tactics The twin blasts late Monday west coast port of Livorno, With 2,200 Bomber I~ited night, shaking 14 counties and Pontedera is ;:; ituated on the To Within Five Miles felt 80 miles away, shattered Arno-12 miles east of Pisa, 18 Death loll approaches* * * 350 in ex Of Pre-War Frontier Barrage Before Attack miles northeast of Livorno and 32 this town o~ 1,500 and wrecked miles west of Florence, plosion of two navy ammunition tbe two freighters, the 10,000· LONDON, Wednesday (AP) S PREUE HEADQUAR- Extensive I\Uneflcld'l ships, ton Quinault Victory ship aud 't'ERS, Allied Expeditionary Lt. Gen . Mark W, Clark's infan- Red armies of the south in a pow the 7.500·ton E. A, Bryant. 'rhe try and armor reached the Arno Britons. Canadians break through erful new offensive have cracked FoJ'c~ Wednesday (AP)-Brit shlps were loading ammunition at in a week's drive down the Era German line across the Orne ish and Canadian armored forces the Port Chicago naval ammuni strong German defenses around rla. (AP) river valley from the Volterra river. the great bastion of Lwow in old broke through the Geman line tio,n supply depot, on an arm of across the Orne river at the 'r and ,his sector after stubborn Nazi resist Poland for three-day gains of 31 San Francisco bay some 35 miles ance had checked the F'ifth army's Greatest combined allied otIen (,Bfltern end of the Normandy g 14 years uortheast of San Fransisco. miles on a 125-mlle front, and dead sil( push directly up the west coast. sive in history hits Hitter's reached the Bug river within five front Tuesday in a full·scale The blasts sprayed hot metal Yesterday an allied spokesman Europe. offensive which was rolling in ted On a over a two-mile area. One ship's miles of the frontier from which here last declared }\merican troops were the Germans attacked the Soviet dURt 'outheastwurd across t110 anchor was found a hal! mile closing in on Livorno's outskirts Premier ToJo relieved as Nip , embraces away. union, Moscow announced last Caen plain this morning with from the east and south "against chief of the army general staff, nlght. a power recaJljng the historic Most of the dead. were Negroes, stubbOrn oPPQsition and extensive !, eminent members of the navy loading German Lines Tolter British assault at El Alumein. minefields and dem~litions." Re Ripping througb tottcring Ger MRS. JOHN SCHLUTTER, kld- I educa~or crews at the Porst Chicago am fugees from Livorno said the cent On the American sector to the Inent here munition mal\azine. man lines defending the direct in naper of the slx-month-old baby, west, Lieut. Gen. Omar N. Brad ral part of the city of 100,000 was Allies Strike Europe vasion routes to central Germany, I his only POSIIlble 1,000 Injured badly wrecked and looted. Barbara Anne GOUin, from the ley's doughboys captured the hill I{O walked In addition, possibly 70 members the Soviet First Ukraine army was Poles Threaten, Ancona within 22 miles of Lwow, one of New York Foundling hospUal, Is side hinge stronghold at st. Lo (g~ide the of the crews of the two ships lost PoliSh forces driving up the In History's Greatest plctured above a' the police sta- son trom '. the biggest rail terminals in Eur tion afier she had told officials after an eight-day baltle, forcing their lives. A number of civilian THE DUKE OF WINDSOR, governor-ceneral of 'he Bahamas, and hls Adriatic coast were officially re workers on the docks were killed. ope, Premier Marshal Stalin said the story of how she stole Into the a German withdrawal of a mlle A~erlcan duchess, ' the former Wally Simpson, are . shown above en ported to have scored a complete Combined Air Raid in an order of the day. d a gtee\'. The navy said "at least 20\) to 251)" break-through of Nazi positions hospital and took the inlant from to a mile and a halt and threaten ~rlbl' the Waldorf-Astoria hotel after their arrival in New York. In the far north other Russian :step as he ot its loacting crewmen died. The southwest of the jmportant port of a crib In 'he dark ward. Mrs. ing a crumbling of the Nazi posi lis name· Following a short visit here, the royal couple 'plan to viSit Washington Unload 11,000 Tons troops haa' smashed eighl m.i1es list of injured may reach 1,000, in and perhaps Can.. da. Ancona, which was described as Schlutter claims she took the baby tions westward all the way to the is, himsel! cluding those hurt by flying glass. "Gravely threatened." Of Bombs to Smash into Latvia with lbe capture 01 because of her "great love (or coast. Ie univer_ British and south AIrican troop.; Pitovka, and were racing toward One of the merchant ammuni- the Baltic sea in an effort to throw babies," Using airpower instead of the identified participating in the general aUied Hitler Strongholds artillery barrage tor which he is tion vessels at the pier was loaded a great noose around hundreds of at Hart- wlth several thousand tons of ex- Ne:tu:" GUI'nea AI'rmen Proposed- advance consolidated their bridge famed, Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont had been head across the Arno river four LONDON (AP)-Allied war thousands of German troops. gomery opened the onslaught in Ick driver. plosives, b1.\t the other was only S fi J Sh I Reds Plunge Ahead &lightly loaded as the work had miles northwest of Arezzo in bit- planes swarming over Europe in Japan's Tojo Relieved the Caen area at dawn under with '1!?1¥ mas ap I'PPI"ng R , .. ' ler fighting, At this poinl near the greatest comQined air oIfenslve In the center of the Russian cover of the greatest aerial bom just started, said Capt. N. H. Goss, I • a 10 n · front, wbich now has been ex younge(' the center of the HaHan penJnsula in history yesterday unloaded at bardment since D-Day-a crushing U.S.N., of Rockville, Ind. panded to 550 miles, o.ther RUSSian As Chief of Army 0 arm in No Close Survlvol'll the Arno is approximately 20 miles least 11,000 tons of explosives on assault by 2,200 bombers ot all "toward a Far East Air Force armies yesterday plunged to with "We have no basis for giving Ba Ttl f N' from the "Gothic Line." Hitler's fortress, most of them in kinds which pounded the enemy Ch " Nazis RCOf'ganize Divisions a 75-mlle square area around in nine miles of Brest Litovsk and Nips Admit Crisis with 7,000 tons of explosives and I 8n.rCIlUse of the explosion as there gs 0 a 0 me ange'$ within 22 miles of Bialystok, Commal\! are no dose survivorS to lIive evi- Enemy Supply Craft It was believed here thal Field Caen to pave the way for Gen. By Sweeping Shakeup moved along just ahead of power to Hart· Marshal Gel). Albel·t Ke~selring Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's stronghold:; defending the plains dence of what happened," Goss '* fUl forces of. tanks and infantry- visit bere told a ' press conference. He is /UJV ANCED ALL1ED llEAD- * * probably already had withdrawn smashIng break-tbrough on the leading to Warsaw. Of High Command men. !UI a. Jaim- the bulk pf hi..> t[OOl,)8 from threat1 0[0& rlv I' !ro~t. , ,Tb& RU511ia'rtll sei~ Op1clinka, eomlnandinll officer of the naval QUA R T E R S, New Guinea, WASH}NGl'ON (AP)-Moil of nine milew.