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[email protected] www.homeopathyschool.com Proving: Red Campion Date: October 2017 By Misha Norland, Mani Norland & The School of Homeopathy. Seven provers (six female, one male). Common name: Red campion Scientific name: Silene dioica Family: Caryophyllaceae Habit: attractive medium to tall perennial plant with a downy stem. Leaves: opposite pairs, with hairs on the leaf. Flowers: pink-red in colour with five petals that are fused at their base forming a tube that is surrounded by a purple-brown calyx. Red campion is dioecious, a botanical term, meaning the male and female flowers grow on separate plants, hence the species name dioica. The flowers of red campion are important for various pollinating insects including bees, butterflies and hover flies. Where: native. Look for this species in lightly shaded areas in woodland, along hedgerows, fields, ditches and roadside verges. This species is an ancient woodland indicator, so may give a clue to the history of a wood. When: a perennial or biennial, it flowers from May to September. Medicinal: traditional medicines used red campion seeds to treat snakebites. Folklore and art: a noticeable flower the red campion has been mentioned in various poems, for example ‘Summer Woods’ by the poet Mary Howitt. Red campion’s genus name Silene probably derives from the Greek word sialon, which means saliva in reference to the gummy exudate occurring on the stems. It may also derive from Silenus, teacher, faithful companion, and foster father of Dionysus (Greek god of wine) who was covered with foam, referencing the gummy exudate commonly found on stems.