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438 THE POTTERIES. ~lattr'~ COAL MASTERS-Continued. Waine, Plant & Co., near Bucknall •Granville the Right Honourable •Werlgwood John (representatives the Earl,Hanley & Shelton; office of the late), Hamill and Byrars Brook st, Shelton-near Newcas Collieries, Burslem--Nicholas tle, Staffordshire-John Lancas Price Wood, manager ter, manager •WilliamsonHugh Henshall,Pinnox Hales Charles, FoRD GREEN, NoR Colliery, Tunstall-J ohn Butter TON PARK AND DowNFJELD field, agent (Collie~y CoL L I.E R 1 E s, Norton-in-the •Williamson Robert, Golden H1ll -moors COFFEE HOUSES. • Handley Ralph,RAILW AYCOLLIERY, Duke st, Fen ton; and at WETLEY Bradley Joseph, New hall st, H. CoLLIERY, Caverswall Ht·assington Edward, Caroline st,L. Harp, W aine & Co. BROOMFJELD Hand James, Church st, Longton CoLLIERY, Buck nail Howard William, Market st, T. · Hawltv, Bridgewood & Godwin, Platt John, Paradise st, Tunstall .Mos;field Colliery, Sutherland Rooney Mary, Trent bridge, F • road, Longton [Tunstall COLOUR MANUFACTURERS. Haywood Howard & Richards, Bailey John,Shooter's hill, Longton Heath William, Cobridge Colliery Bentley lsaac, High st, Stoke Hulse Wm. Poole Dole Coliery, F. Boone Alfred, Oldhall terrace, H. Jennings Richard William, IvY Booth William Ward, Upper Hanley HousE CoLLIERY, Bucknall road Brougham Jsaac, Sylvester sq, B. -William Heath, manager Cartledgc:: Thomas, Cannon st, S. KnightJohn King, New Ubbel'ley Emery Francis {for china, earthen- Joseph Knight, agent ware and gla!>s), Cobridge •Kvnnersley Thomas, Clongh hall, Freeman John, King st, Longton and Kidsgro\e Collieries-Robe~ Gerrard John, Bath st, Hanley Heath, agent [Colliery, B. Holden John, Market place, B. •.May Charles ~ Jostma, _Sueyd Hughes John, Bleak hill, Cobridge •Meir & Heath, '1 unstallColhery,T. Hughes Stephen & Elijah, Bleak MossFJELD CoLLIERY CO}JPANY, hill, Cobridge Sutherland roarl, Longton-John Hartzig William, Eastwond Vale,H. Mawlev, managing pa1 tner Jones Edwat·d Watley, Albion st, S. •Nethenvood Chn!ltopher, Clay Kelsall James,Hamill, near Burslem hill~, Tun11tall Lorkett George, Hope st, Hanley Plant Thomas & Co. WILLFIELD Meigh Job. Dresd~n Mills, H~uley COLLIERY, Dividy lane Ridgway John & Co. Vale 1\hll, S. Ridgway John, Old Ubbel"ley Robotham Thomas J., (and cobalt George Perrins, agent refiner), Foundry st, Burslem SILVERDALE CoMPANY, SNEYD Sherwin George, Flash, Burslem GREEN CoLLIERY, near Burslem Shirley Je~se, Etruria -John Hedley, manager Spa1ks Edwin, Foley, Longton Smethurst Joseph, Waterloo Col Stephenson Joaeph, Bethesda st, S. lierv, Hanley 'fwigg Joseph, Hanover st, B. SmetliurstJoseph & Co. WATERLoo Williamson John Henshall (and CO• CoLLIERY, near Nelson place, and bait refiner), Goldtn Hill WuETLEY HousE CoLLIERY, Buck nail New road-near Hanley CONFECTIONERS. Smith John Charles, Hallfield Col Anderson Elijah, T<lntine st, H. liery, Hauley-William Shenatt, Beard Thomas, Hi~h st, Tuostall Cope, agent Hritton John, (and dealer in British •Sneyd Ralph, Sneyd, Colliery, near wines), l\larket st, Longton Cobridge-HenryPickeriug, agent Clare Joseph, Tontine square, H. •Sparrow· \Villiam Hanbury, Lane Cooper George, High st, Longtuu end Iron Works-William S. Dale Elijah (and dealt'r in B1itish Mitcheson, agent wines), 194 High st, Hanley Stirrup& Pye,Adderley green,Long Day Joseph, Hope st, Hanley &on-William Hulse, manager Day Joseph, Dale st, Hanlty .