A Report 2019
CLIMATE SMART DISASTER RISK REDUCTION INTERVENTIONS IN AGRICULTURE SECTOR – FLOOD HAZARD A Report 2019 CLIMATE SMART DISASTER RISK REDUCTION INTERVENTIONS IN AGRICULTURE SECTOR – FLOOD HAZARD A Report 2019 This publication may be freely quoted but acknowledgement of the source is requested. © ADPC 2019. Citation Basnayake, S, Punyawardena, BVR, Jayasinghe, S, Gupta, N, Shrestha, ML and Premalal, KHMS 2019. Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Agriculture Sector – Flood hazard – A Report, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. The publication is an output of the project titled “Developing Climate Inclusive Potential Loss and Damage Assessment Methodology for Flood Hazards” implemented by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in collaboration with Deakin University, Australia, Department of Meteorology, Government of Sri Lanka and The Small Earth Nepal. The project was funded by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Japan under their Collaborative Regional Research Programme (APN Reference: CAF2016-RR01-CMY-Basnayake). Contributors from partner countries: Thailand: Dr. Senaka Basnayake, Mr. Susantha Jayasinghe, Dr. Niladri Gupta Sri Lanka: Mr. KHMS Premalal, Mr. DA Jayasinghearachchi Nepal: Dr. Madan Lall Shrestha, Mr. Dilli Bhattarai, Mr. AP Bhattarai, Mr. Nammy Hang Kirat Australia: Dr. Mehmet Ali Ulubaşoğlu, Dr. Muhammad Habibur Rahman, Mr. Cahit Güven Cover Photo Courtesy: Reuters/Sukree Sukplang and IRRI Executive Summary Climate Change is inevitable and the agriculture and water sectors are the most vulnerable. Recent studies have shown that due to climate change, the world is moving towards scenarios of either too much, or too little, water. Agriculture is an open system and provides livelihoods for 60% of the world’s population. More than 2.2 billion people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods in Asia.
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