Thelfleiorist Volume 20, Number 11 University of Lethbridge November 14, 1985 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Elizabeth Gray on the Media and S

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Thelfleiorist Volume 20, Number 11 University of Lethbridge November 14, 1985 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Elizabeth Gray on the Media and S Thelfleiorist Volume 20, Number 11 University of Lethbridge November 14, 1985 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Elizabeth Gray on the media and S. Africa By Erin Graham the noise, pretty soon we won't care, talk of sanctions will cease...things wiU The media has sparked public get back to 'normar," said Gray. outrage by their exhaustive coverage of The ban of foreign journalists appUes South Africa, and has brought much to aU media. Television reporters and pressure to bear on that government to photographies are not allowed into change its apartheid policies, stated areas of unrest; journalists are allow­ Elizabeth Gray, a freelance broadcast ed to cover these areas, however, only journalist with the CBC. when accompanied by police escort. "South Africa has dominated the This measure is a result of the Botha media so much lately not only btxttuse government's attempt to gain control. the government is repressing r; •j>y- Closing the country to the outside pie, but because it is a minori y whi-.' world will ease the pressure to end government repressing black people, apartheid. the majority of the population," staled Gray expressed concern that this Gray in her address to a large audienc e would happep and asked that as at the Recital HaU on November 5. consumers of media, we keep inform­ "They are the last whites in Africa in ed by continuing to read about the the throes of relinquishing their hold issues. She also stated that the black on a country with remarkably bad leaders in South Africa were urging taste," said Gray. that economic sanctions against the "We are watching white people who. Elizabeth Gray and Erin Graham 1 hoto by David Smith government continue to hasten the in­ are disturbingly like us behaving in Television images of unrest in South ning, she interviewed the South evitable downfall of Apartheid. ways which we have been taught all our Africa, Uke coverage of Vietnam, African foreign affairs critic about the In closing, Gray related a sentiment lives are wrong," said Gray, adding that Ethiopia, or Uganda, produced an im­ recent discovery of South African expressed by Bishop Desmond Tutu in this is part of the reason the pubUc is mediate, visceral reaction of sympathy soldiers in Angola. He admitted ig­ a December telephone interview with becoming concerned with the situation and anger, said Gray. norance of the affair and said "you wiU her. At tbe end of the interview Tutu in South Africa. And it isn't only 'our' world that is never know how often this happens, said "God bless you, my dear, and I The subject of Gray's presentation becoming more aware and more con­ that we learn of our own country from would Uke to invite you and aU of you was the role of the media in South cerned about South Africa, she said. foreign correspondents." wonderful Canadians to visit my coun­ Africa. She stated that the print media Foreign coverage is also bringing the try when we Itave our victory party." ha covered South African issues for a issues to the whites of South Africa With the November 2 ban of foreign Said Gray, "I hope when the time long time, but it is only since last July who were not aware. media from South Africa, however, comes, we will be, at least in spirit, able that television coverage has been ex­ . As a case in point. Gray said that apartheid will fade from public to attend and that the invitation still tensive. during orte installment of Sunday Mor­ awareness. "If we are not there to hear stands." Ten percent student Construction of SUB support needed for to start in fall '86 By SJ. MiUar has been developed as follows: Ground n^ay be broken as early as $725,000 contribution from the S.U. new constitution Fall '86 for the new Students' Union Building Fund and a $1.3 million loan By Aaron Engen, President, Students' ding for the new Student Centre. In Building if Advanced Education from the government to S.Li., to be Union particular, first year students are ask­ Minister Dick Johnston approves con­ paid back over 25 years. Both of these ed to attend as they are the students struction. should be matched by provincial On Thursday and Friday Nov. 21 and who would see the completion of the government endowment fund According to Aaron Engen, S. U. donations. 29 at 12:00 noon in the Atrium the proposed Student Centre. As for most President, the finalized proposal for the Students' Union wiU be holding two of the rest of us, it would be leaving a building wiU be taken to the Minister The net result will be a total student general meetings of the student body tremendous legacy for future students. in early December. contribution of $2 million, of which to bring about long awaited changes to According to Engen, past initiatives students have already saved $715,000 the constitution. Copies of the new constitution wiU be in constructing a Student Centre have from the S.U. fee building fund con­ available at the Students' Union office consistently failed due to a lack of fun­ tributions. This is where a large portion and wiU also be distributed throughout ding. With this proposal, however, a of student fees go every semester. These changes reflect promises made the University. cr .crete and workable funding scheme during the spring election campaigns to In order to obtain Johnston's ap­ produce a document more in tune with W£hC0MF TO tfftH "I proval, changes will have to be made current student needs. The new con­ to the S.U. constitution regarding the stitution vill replace the old by-laws assessment of S.U. fee levies, hi order which have for so long been a source to change the constitution, two town of confusion and disorder. house meetings have to be held with a minimum of l(Jof the student body in In addition, the new constitution is attendance. A 511 majority vote & re­ a response to the Minister of Advanc­ quired in order for changes to be ed Education's desire to see the Union ratified. work under a more clearly written With so much at stake and the very system of by-laws. With such changes real possibility of construction starting the promise of funding for a Student on die project next faU, Engen en­ Centre can be made, as in the past Stu­ courages every student at the U of L dent law has been a mass of confusion. to attend the town house meetings Nov. 21 and 29 at 12 noon in the Bringing about the ratification of the Atrium. • new constitution will, however, be no The budding would be attached to the easy feat. It will require lOjof the stu­ east side of the Max Bell Aquatic Cen­ dent population (approx. 350 students) tre, overlooking the main haU and the to meet at two general meetings at coulees. which a majority of the students sup­ port the changes in both meetings. Budding facilities would include a lounge, restaurant, games room, con­ The Council will be lobbying students ference room and recreation area. from throughout the University to at­ Several club rooms are also included in tend uie meetings as there is so much the plans for the building, as weU as at stake a new constitution and fun­ space for CKUL and the MeUorist. 2 J*. kteUoriet tkrvmnbm 14, 1966 r Ampersands. D Recitals: The Department of Music Reminder to students with previous Noon-Hour Series presents Elinor student loans: If you are attending Lawson on November 19, Studio Class f university fuU-time and have not in­ Students on November 26 and 28. AU j formed your' ank. you should do PO im­ performances will take place at 12:15 mediately. Forms may be obtained p.m. in VV550. from the Financial Aid office, room E-620. Note that two forms are usual­ ly required for Albert? students. Lunch and Learn: Lethbridge Perspec­ tives: The Evolution of the City Future of Work: The University of through Film, is the title of the for­ Lethbridge Students' Union present the thcoming lunch-learn programme to be Future of Work speaker Heather Men­ held Wednesday November 13 at 12:05 zies on November 18,1985 at 8:00 pm. p.m. in theMheatre gallery of the in the recital hall at the University of Lethbridge Pjijfclic Library. Lethbridge. Admission is free to all. Ms. Sandra ruemele, senior history Menzies will address questions such student, University of Iaethbridge, will as: How will the microchip affect the show a collection of sUdes focusing on workplace? How does one survive the the past hundred years in the history microcomputer " ilutiou? How can of Lethbridge. you educate and titan yourself for the This seasons programmes in lunch future of office automation? Where and why does office automation occur, and and learn series entitled Historical Photo by David Smith Lethbridge and are designed to further how do you avoid becoming a victim of inform citizens of their city's in­ Come out of it! Join The Meliorist it? teresting and colorful past. This speaker was chosen to bring cur­ This is a free pubUc service pro­ A table will be set up in the atrium on Performing Arts Series Receives rent pressing issues to mind on the type gramme series sponsored by the Divi­ Monday, November 18 from 11-3 p.m. Grants: The Honourable Mary J. of education and training; necessary for sion of Continuing Education, to petition for the renewal of Dr.
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