

Sleep-Related Erections Throughout the Ages

Mels F. van Driel, MD, PhD Department of Urology, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12557


Introduction. The occurrence of -related erections (SREs) has been known since antiquity. Aim. To highlight historical, theological, and sexual medicine-related aspects of SREs throughout the ages. Methods. Review of old medical books on male sexual functioning and review of scientific medical and theological articles on SREs from about 1900 on. Results. The cyclic character of SREs was first noted by German researchers in the forties of the 20th century. However, already before the beginning of the Christian era, one knew that men had erections and ejaculations during sleep. In the , SREs were generally considered to be rebellious manifestations of the male body, while it seemed to disobey its owner and showed up its perverted and sinful side. From the fifteenth to the end of the 17th century, severe erectile dysfunction (ED) was ground for divorce. The ecclesiastical court records show that if necessary, the members of the jury sat at the defendant’s bedside at night to be able to judge any SREs occurring. Since the 17th century, SREs were considered to be part of masturbation, which could cause many ailments and diseases. Psychoanalyst Stekel acknowledged in 1920 that a morning erection, the last SRE, is a naturally occurring phenomenon in healthy men from infancy to old age. Today, some assume that SREs protect the integrity of the penile cavernous bodies. Conclusions. Throughout the ages, philosophers, theologians, physicians, members of ecclesial law courts, psycho- analysts, psychiatrists, sexologists, physiologists, and urologists have shown interest in SREs. Obviously, the obser- vations and testing of SREs have a long history, from antiquity to modern sleep labs, in men and in women, in newborns and old adults, by penis rings with sharp spikes to fancy strain gauge devices. Despite all these efforts, the mechanisms leading to SREs and its function are however not yet completely understood. van Driel MF. Sleep- related erections throughout the ages. J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875. Key Words. Sleep-Related Erections; Historical and Theological Aspects; Nocturnal Penile Tumescence;

Introduction dreams and penile or clitoral erections. SRE is at its peak during puberty, constituting just over 30% enile and clitoral erections occur in several of sleep in 13- to 15-year-old boys and decreasing P contexts, some of which have nothing to do to 20% in men between ages 60–69 [1–4]. This with sexuality, for example the nocturnal ones. means that the duration and intensity of SREs is a There is no well-developed evolutionary theory or function of age. Interestingly, individual peak T a proposed adaptive function of these sleep-related levels occur near the transitions from non-REM to erections (SREs), but it is well-known that they are REM sleep [5]. significantly related to rapid eye movement (REM) Long-term monitoring of erections, already in sleep and that they decline with age. During a the late thirties of the 20th century, on nine 3- to normal night of sleep, usually have about 20-week-old completely undressed male infants four or five periods of REM sleep attended by with diapers spread out smoothly beneath their

© 2014 International Society for Sexual Medicine J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 1868 van Driel buttocks, in a single large room, showed that when him; therefore, he wrote: “there I—what a SREs occurred, “they frequently awakened the stupid!—wait an untruthful girl till midnight: then infant” [6]. In relation to this observation, it is I fall sound asleep with my penis completely interesting to realize that newborn babies spend erected, and my dreams stain my night-short and about 16 hours each day sleeping, and about half of my supine belly with obscene images” [Satyrs, I, V, this is in REM sleep. So, one may expect long- vv. 82–85]. lasting SREs, particularly while after birth, a Claudius Galenus (129-c.200/c.216), better 3-month lasting period of relatively high T levels known as Galen of Pergamon, was a prominent begins, the so-called “mini-puberty.” Probably Greek-speaking Roman philosopher, surgeon, and because of ethical reasons, this has never been personal physician of emperor Marcus Aurelius. investigated. In adults, T has a key role in the He was the first to describe the bulbospongiosal modulation of SREs, but the accurate T plasma and ischiocavernosal muscles. Galen considered level threshold remains to be established, while in dreams with their SREs as textbook examples of hypogonadal men, SREs may persist within the the category dreams that reflected an individual’s normal ranges [7,8]. physical state: “Men full of sperm will imagine that Earlier, SRE was widely known as nocturnal they are having sexual intercourse.” [16,17] So, in penile tumescence (NPT), an abbreviation intro- his view, SREs and nocturnal ejaculations were duced by the psychiatrist Ismet Karacan (1927– simply the consequence of a males’ physical con- 2009) who was one of the pioneers in monitoring dition. He was also an “early believer” that sexual nocturnal erections in a sleep laboratory. In the abstinence could cause madness. mid-1960s, he found that NPT was not per se As concerns the earlier Middle Ages, most of accompanied by erotic dream content [9]. Other what is known about sexuality relies on John investigators confirmed that dream contents at Cassian (c. 360–435) [18]. He was a prominent SREs are rarely erotic [10–12]. By the work of ascetic and prolific writer on monastic life active in Karacan, NPT became a widely accepted abbre- the Middle East and southern Gaul and one of viation, which is still used by some sexual medicine those responsible for bringing eastern hermetic- specialists and urologists, but in the interest of style monasticism into Western Europe. In his linguistic accuracy, the International Classification Institutes, he gives advice with regard to coping of Sleep Disorders advises the term SREs instead with morning erections [19]: of NPT. “Firstly, lest the jealous fiend through some Nearly 10 years ago, experts dream defile the purity which was gained in the extensively reviewed SREs with regard to clinical psalms and prayers of the night, angered by out perspectives and neural mechanisms [13]. The aim chastity to which he is ever most opposed. Once of this article is to highlight historical, theological, we have obtained pardon for your ignorant trans- and sexual medicine-related aspects of SREs. gressions, and forgiveness begged with tears in confession, he is determined to corrupt us if he finds a moment’s chance, and is most anxious to SREs in Antiquity and Middle Ages weaken or destroy our confidence when he sees us The occurrence of SREs has been known since devoutly turning to in purity of prayer. Thus antiquity. Plato (427–347 bc) maintained that “in he attempts during the short space of this hour males the nature of the genital organs is disobedi- after vigils to bring down those whom he failed to ent and self-willed, like a creature that is deaf to defeat all night long.” reason, and it attempts to dominate all because of So, for Christian monks, SREs and nocturnal its frenzied lusts.” [14] With this statement, the ejaculations became the battlefield to preserve ancient Greek philosopher putted forward an their purity. They blamed irresistible female characteristic of medieval theologians: The penis demons, who tempted and tantalized them with possesses his own will and to keep him under their beautiful naked bodies, especially when they control is a complex and skilful exercise in which were asleep and vulnerable to “attacks.” They even not everybody will succeed. Some years ago, Dirk tied metal crucifixes to their genitals before going Schultheiss gave an example of the description of to to combat these temptations. However, SREs out of the Roman period [15]. It concerned church father St. Augustine (354–430) sustained the poet Horace (65–8 bc) who described a situa- that in dreams, men were not responsible for their tion when he was waiting in his rest room for a acts, even though they might feel sorry for what very nice young female servant, who did not reach happened to them. He stated that “if the nocturnal

J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 Sleep-Related Erections Throughout the Ages 1869 emission originates in an erotic dream, this should manner at all. The church was more than willing not be seen as sinful since the dreamer cannot to participate because it formed a means of dis- control the images that appear in his dreams.” [14] playing power, while at first the public found the Another famous theologian, Thomas Aquinas proceedings highly amusing. Undoubtedly, the (1224–1274), wrote “that is clear that a nocturnal obsessive discussions about ED and other sexual is never a sin in itself. Though sometimes abnormalities served as an outlet for suppressed it is the result of a preceding sin.” [14] Augustine sexual feelings. also stated that in sexual relations, there should In books from the 17th to the 19th century, it is always be the hope of fertilization. In those days, nearly impossible to distinguish SREs and ejacu- that was only possible with an erect penis, normal lations (so-called “pollutions”). Since the late 17th testicles, and a fertile female. “Be fruitful and mul- century both were considered to be part of mas- tiply,” as it says in Genesis [20]. Well, men with turbation, which could cause many ailments and erectile dysfunction (ED) were incapable of that diseases. Looking at the devices used at that time and hence were violating the sacrament of to prevent masturbation and SREs, one can find marriage—it was as simple as that. among other penis rings with sharp spikes [22]. With the current knowledge about the cyclic char- acter of SREs, one can only imagine what excru- The 14th–19th Century ciating pain the young victims must have endured. Following Augustine, ecclesiastical law considered In 1818, a French surgeon named Jalade-Lafond it more or less a mortal sin if men with ED and even designed a corset for the penis, which reached hence infertile turned out to have entered into from the shoulders to the knees. This was followed marriage. To the end of the 17th century, ED was by many other devices, including a metal tube that an even ground for divorce. In an extensive study, dangled from a leather jerkin, a brainchild of the the historian Pierre Darmon describes the manner German Johann Fleck [23]. In 1849, a doctor in which those suffering from ED were treated in Demeaux made an urgent request to the French those days, especially in France [21]. During the Ministry of Education, requiring among other trials of the ecclesiastical courts, the defendants in things that dormitories in boarding schools should any case had to prove that they possessed normal be so designed that beds were divided into a foot external genitals, and a jury composed of theolo- end, which took up two-thirds of the bed, and a gians, doctors, and midwives had to assess it. The head end [24]. The two parts should be divided by court records show that, if necessary, the members a partition, and in this way, the foot end of up to a of the jury sat at the defendant’s bedside at night to hundred beds could be monitored at night for be able to judge any SREs occurring. The “suspicious” movements and the head end could pompous rituals surrounding these trials indirectly be blacked out by the partition. In some way, this confirmed the power of the . Ini- method reminds us of the aforementioned impo- tially, there was some degree of discretion, but in tence trials in the 17th century and “scientific” the course of the 16th century, the church authori- long-term SREs monitoring of erections in the ties shifted sharply from spiritual voyeurism to late thirties of the 20th century on completely actual voyeurism. By this time, they not only undressed male newborns [6]. required a demonstration of the rigid erection but also of its “elasticity and natural movement.” Early Scientific SRE Research Sometimes, the jury also insisted on having a dem- onstration of ejaculation. Naturally, as time went As many laymen today, Richard Freiherr von by, this was not enough either, and the married Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902), one of the most influ- couple had to have sexual intercourse in the pres- ential figures in the scientific history of ence of the jury, the so-called “congress.” It was sexuality, was erroneously convinced that morning not until 1677 that the Catholic Church dispensed erections are induced by a full urinary bladder. with impotence trials. In the last chapter of his Another founder of sexology, Henry Havelock book, Darmon wonders how it could have ever Ellis (1859–1939), really feared SREs and noctur- come to impotence trials. Possibly, the initiative nal ejaculations because in the Victorian Age, came from inquisitive doctors and lawyers who every child was taught that they would increase in could not believe that a man with a normal- frequency and lead to death. Ellis went to Australia looking genitals could have ED. Their occupa- to become a teacher, but there, he started a career tional misconduct was not corrected in any as sex researcher by keeping a meticulous log of his

J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 1870 van Driel own nocturnal ejaculations [25]. After 8 years, he part showed that the erection cycle was not concluded that the frequency of ejaculations did restricted to night time sleep but continued not increase with age as claimed by others, and during daytime sleep without change in periodic- about his SREs, he notified the following: ity. The long-term recordings, ranging from 11 to 26 consecutive nights, showed that SREs were It has been said that urinating will relieve the pressure part of an ongoing biological rhythm continuous and quiet the erection. I gave this a fair trial for a long during sleep and wakefulness. The SREs in con- period and found no difference in the net result, though sometimes an emission might be thereby postponed a secutive nights did not occur at the same clock day or so. Getting out of bed and walking up and down time but shifted from night to night by a mean to allay erection was of similarly temporary effect. value of 11.6 minutes. Approximately 10 years later, the observations Ellis returned to England to qualify as a physician, by Aserinsky of periodic REM movements in and after that, he developed psychological con- sleeping infants led to the discovery of what is now cepts of autoerotism and narcissism. Both were well-known as REM sleep cyclicity [30]. The close later extended by (1856–1939). correspondence between SREs and REM sleep These two scientists revolutionized the study of was noted by Aserinsky and Kleitman in 1955 and dreams with regard to male sexual functioning in 1965 demonstrated experimentally by the declaring that everything that 19th century physiologist Charles Fisher and coworkers in the doctors had targeted as the cause of ED— Mount Sinai Hospital, New York [31,32]. Prob- masturbation, sexual excesses, addiction to drugs, ably not knowing details of the German history of alcohol and tobacco, and even the lessening modern medicine including the Teutonic thor- of libido due to aging—were only symptoms of oughness, Fisher qualified the work of Ohlmeyer deep-seated psychological traumas [26]. One of and coworkers as follows: “About 20 years ago, Freud’s earliest followers, the Austrian psychiatrist there appeared two obscure (. . .) articles by several Wilhelm Stekel (1868–1940), acknowledged in German investigators describing a cycle of erec- 1920 that SREs are a naturally occurring phenom- tion during sleep.” enon in all normal healthy men from infancy to old Compared with their German colleagues, the age and that the presence of morning erections, Americans had a more intuitive approach. For the last SREs, is a significant sign of psychogenic their first attempt to record SREs, Fisher and ED including a good prognosis of coworkers devised a polyvinyl tube with the size [27]. He also stated that the absence of morning and shape of a donut. This tube was filled with erections surely is not a significant sign of water, fitted around the base of the penis, and, nonpsychogenic ED. when pressure was exerted on its inner surface during erection, a rise in the water level of a smaller tube attached to it could be observed. One Modern SRE Research in Men of his subjects inquired whether it was supposed to In 1944, German researchers working in be an artificial vagina. His second method involved Tübingen published an SRE study in five young the measurement of changes of the penile skin subjects [28]. They had used a simple electrome- temperature during SREs. The belonging device chanical transducer that provided a binary signal consisted out of a thin resistance wire of a special of the presence or absence of an erection. The alloy which had the property of varying its resis- first author, Peter Ohlmeyer, a young physiolo- tance as a function of temperature. It was applied gist, did not mention why he got the brilliant idea directly to the surface of the penis. For his third to register SREs continuously over the night. The method, Fisher used a mercury strain gauge investigators found a nocturnal erection cycle with applied to the penis, which consisted of an elastic a mean duration of 85.4 minutes and a mean active silicon plastic tube filled with mercury and sealed phase of 25.3 minutes. Individual mean periods at both ends with platinum electrodes to form a varied from 79.7 to 102.2 minutes. In addition, loop. An increase of two to three centimeter was the authors showed that spontaneous awakening found to represent an SRE. However, as in his first from sleep, on which subjects made notes, were and second method, it was possible that this device significantly associated with the erection cycle. itself would stimulate the penis. So, Fisher and The second part was published in 1947 when coworkers decided to direct observations on com- Pflügers Archiv was reactivated after a 3-year pletely naked sleeping subjects, who did not have lasting break because of World War II [29]. This any apparatus attached to their penis. Their sub-

J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 Sleep-Related Erections Throughout the Ages 1871 jects slept covered by a thin transparent plastic motivation are involved in the modulation of sheet and were observed during the whole night SREs. This means that “psychogenic” ED may through a small window into the sleeping room or have its roots in “organic” central nervous system by entering the room and observing at close quar- pathophysiology. ters. Periodically, notations were made of the Today, there is fortunately communis opinio in degree of erection on a 0–4 scale. In order to sexual medicine that in most patients with ED, the maintain the subjects’ cooperation and to avoid Cartesian question of organic vs. psychogenic is “sexualization,” the researchers tried to behave as not relevant anymore. According to Jovanovic, the objective “physicians,” in fact again comparable quality of sleep itself is essential with regard to with the aforementioned method by the ecclesial SREs: “Good sleepers and good dreamers have the sex experts in the 17th century [21]. best SREs while poor sleepers but good dreamers take the second place. Good sleepers and weak dreamers have the third place; the weakest SREs Ismet Karacan are observed in poor sleepers and poor dreamers” Ismet Karacan and his coworkers found in the [48]. In fact, the aforementioned means that SRE middle 1970s that during life, SRE episodes monitoring should be done in a well-equipped become fewer and shorter and begin later in the sleep laboratory, especially in patients with , and the small amount of SREs associ- complex, confusing , and in legal cases in ated with non-REM sleep increases with aging which compensation or hinges on erectile [33–35]. Others confirmed that presleep sexual function status. activity or viewing a sexually arousing film before did not subsequent SREs [36]. Modern SRE Research in Women Already in 1970, Karacan also suggested that SRE testing could be used to differentiate ED as either Although far fewer studies have examined females’ psychogenic or organic in origin. Many articles on nocturnal genitals, they also have erections (and this topic followed over the years, and in 1978, he vaginal lubrication) during REM sleep. However, published a section in a standard textbook on sleep the pioneering researchers could not simply hire disorders entitled “The role of the sleep labora- students to wait and observe the subjects, and the tory in diagnosis and treatment of impotence” average clitoris was too small for strain gauges. [37]. In the ‘80s, attempts to economize led to a What one needed were some women with a con- search for less expensive, less time-intensive, genitally enlarged clitoris and a powerful need to nonlaboratory alternatives for SREs testing [38– know. In 1970, three researchers of the University 46]. Encircling the penis with postage-type stamps of Florida, including Ismet Karacan, put these two at bedtime was one of the most popularized things together [49]. The two subjects were found methods [39]. The “stamps” were manufactured to have a similar number of erections as did a in the local medical school printing shop in Port- control group of men, and as with the males, the land, Oregon. However, initial promising valida- SREs occurred during REM sleep. Obviously, tion studies soon were followed by disappointing their fancy strain gauge was not applicable to the results. Today, urologists sometimes use the general female population. In Würzburg, RigiScan device (Dacomed Corporation, Minne- Jovanovic used two methods in 10 young women: apolis, MN, USA) which continuously monitors clitorography and colpography. The first regis- penile circumference and rigidity, and although tered the increased temperature of the erect clito- SRE monitoring especially outside a sleep labora- ris and the second vaginal muscle contractions, tory is not the ideal test to assess erectile function, using a 6- to 9-cm long gummy balloon with a it is currently the best available diagnostic method diameter of 0.8–2 cm connected to a pressure in common urologic practice [47]. However, chamber [48]. Using a vaginal blood flow (VBF) already since the extensive but not well- device, Fisher and coworkers in New York studied recognized studies by Uros Jovanovic from the 10 women with an average age of 30 [50]. The University of Würzburg, Germany, in the late duration of VBF increases was equivalent to that of sixties, it is clear that SREs can be adversely male SREs, but the former was distributed differ- affected by psychological factors as sleep depriva- ently, having a greater incidence in non-REM tion, fatigue, , and [48]. The sleep. To date, researchers have sophisticated influence of these factors suggests that the central patient-friendly devices for simultaneous measure- neurophysiologic substrates of affect and sexual ment of pelvic floor muscle activity and VBF to

J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 1872 van Driel their disposal [51]. These devices are up till now benzodiazepines, antiepileptics, digoxine, beta2 not used in routine sexological or gynecological agonists, antiandrogens, 5-alpha-reductase inhibi- assessment. tors, and baclofen [61]. Up till now, predisposing factors with regard to painful SREs are not known. SREs in Animals and Painful SREs While mammals such as the rhesus monkey, the stump-tailed macaque, mouse, , and rat The Neurophysiology and Function of SREs also show erections during their REM sleep, SREs were initially considered as a general bio- In his book on the “Libido Sexualis,” the famous logical phenomenon in mammalians [52–54]. sexologists Albert Moll (1862–1939) postulated However, in rats carbachol-induced REM, sleep with referral to his older colleague Von Krafft- periods were not accompanied by penile erec- Ebing that erections may involve separate special- tions, and Argentinean researchers found that the ized higher central structures [62]. However, Moll armadillo Chaetophractus villosus had SREs only did not discuss the origin of SREs. Until now, the in non-REM sleep periods [55,56]. These obser- neurophysiology of SREs is not yet completely vations suggest that there probably are differ- understood. According to Sachs, it may be possible ences in sleep architecture and SREs in between that several different areas of the brain contribute mammalians. It has also been demonstrated that to the occurrence of erections in different contexts SREs may persist with nearly total absence of [63]. Each erection may depend on the contribu- REM sleep in a human case report [57]. This tion of a unique combination of several nuclei. man had previously shown to suffer from a highly This probably depends upon the amount of excit- localized traumatic pontine brain lesion, and atory or inhibitory information that the nuclei conducted 4 years later showed receive from the periphery and from other central drastic reduction of REM sleep but intact SREs. nuclei and to its hormonal environment. This In humans, uncoupling from REM sleep has also means that SREs or erections by, for example, been observed as a result of drug administration sensory input (olfactory, tactile, or visual) or erec- and due to rebound after tions generated from memory or may all [58,59]. involve separate specialized higher central struc- As far as I know, penile pain occurring during tures, leading to Sachs’ theory of context-specific SREs was first described in 1939 by Walker and ED. Strauss in their book on sexual disorders in the Lesions of the lateral preoptic areas in rats men [60]. The authors considered painful SREs as eliminated SREs but left waking-state erections “almost certainly due to the existence of a sexual intact, suggesting that SREs are regulated by neurosis.” In 1972, Jovanovic, called the phenom- higher central control mechanisms involving the enon erectio nocturna dolorosa [48]. Jovanovic hypothalamus [64]. During the last two decennia, treated his two patients successfully with sleeping brain imaging techniques like positron emission pills and tranquillizers. tomography (PET) and functional magnetic reso- Overall, the histories of patients with painful nance imaging have been used to study sleep- SREs reveal several unsuccessful consultations related brain activity changes in humans. PET with physicians, including urologists. These scanning of humans in REM sleep showed patients report frequent nocturnal awakenings increased activity in limbic and paralimbic regions, related to unpleasant feelings of penile pressure including the lateral hypothalamic area, amygda- or tension, or even unbearable pain [61]. Com- loid complex, septal–ventral striatal areas, and monly, the intensity of pain and the duration infralimbic, prelimbic, orbitofrontal, cingulate, of the associated sleep deficit increase during entorhinal, and insular cortices [65]. After review- the second part of the night when REM sleep ing the literature, Dean and Lue concluded that periods are longer. Excessive diurnal sleepiness is the mechanism that triggers REM sleep is prob- a consequence of REM sleep fragmentation. ably located in the pontine reticular formation and Various maneuvers are used to try to stop them: that activated cholinergic neurons in the lateral physical exercises, walks, ice cubes, cold showers, pontine tegmentum combined with silent adren- etc. In course of last four decades, several drugs ergic ones in the locus ceruleus and silent have been tried with rather disappointing long- serontonergic ones in the midbrain raphe are term results: antipsychotics, antidepressants, responsible for SREs [66].

J Sex Med 2014;11:1867–1875 Sleep-Related Erections Throughout the Ages 1873

In 1996, Nehra and coworkers were the first function are not yet completely understood. More ones who postulated that SREs are physiological information about central physiological mecha- processes that improve cavernous smooth muscle nisms that attend SREs will undoubtedly be rel- oxygenation and contribute to maintaining a evant for a better interpretation, including the normal erectile response [67]. SREs may have a painful ones. protective role on cavernous body tissues, while in Generally, intact SREs only prove that the the flaccid state, the blood pO2 in the sinusoidal spinal cord, peripheral nerves, erectile tissues, and spaces is between 20 and 40 mm Hg increasing up vascular supply at the end organ level, penis, or to 90–100 mm Hg during erection [68]. This low clitoris are intact. Though no longer routinely pO2 during the nonerect state can favor the trans- used clinically, SRE monitoring in a sleep labora- forming growth factor b1 synthesis in smooth tory remains a useful but rather expensive diagnos- muscle cells of the cavernous bodies followed by tic method for special patients with complex, collagen and connective tissue deposition. The confusing sexual histories. outcome of SRE monitoring in a healthy 37-year- old male mountain climber during a 43-day Corresponding Author: Mels F. van Driel, MD, PhD, hypoxia experience in Nepal at altitudes ranging Department of Urology, University Medical Centre Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, Groningen 9700RB, The from 0 to 5,800 m above level supported the Netherlands. Tel: +31503613367; Fax: +31503619913; hypothesis that oxygen availability and delivery E-mail: [email protected] play an important role in the regulation of local penile erection-related mechanisms and that, as in Conflict of Interest: Speaker for GSK and Lilly. patients with obstructive , decreased nitrogen oxygen synthesis due to low oxygen levels may be considered an important etiological cofac- Statement of Authorship tor in ED [69,70]. In this respect it is relevant to know that not only T and trazodone but also Category 1 PDE5 inhibitors improve the frequency, magni- (a) Conception and Design tude, duration, and rigidity of SREs [13,71]. Mels F. van Driel (b) Acquisition of Data Mels F. van Driel Conclusive Remarks (c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data Mels F. van Driel Throughout the ages, philosophers, theologians, midwives, physicians, members of ecclesial law courts, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, sexologists, Category 2 physiologists, and urologists have shown specific (a) Drafting the Article interest in SREs. Obviously, the observations and Mels F. van Driel testing of SREs have a very long history, from (b) Revising It for Intellectual Content antiquity to modern sleep labs, in men and in Mels F. van Driel women, in newborns and old adults, by penis rings with sharp spikes to fancy strain gauge devices. Category 3 The studies of REM sleep and SREs have (a) Final Approval of the Completed Article grown up together. Revelations by remarkable Mels F. van Driel young researchers about one of these phenomena often led to discoveries about the other. Without any doubt, Ismet Karacan and his coworkers have References been the most important pioneers with regard to 1 Karacan I, Hursch CJ, Williams RL, Littel RC. Some charac- modern scientific research of SREs, and his long teristics of nocturnal penile tumescence during puberty. list of publications showed that a significant Pediatr Res 1972;6:529–37. number were published with a urologist as coau- 2 Karacan I, Hursch CJ, Williams RL, Thornby JI. Some char- acteristics of nocturnal penile tumescence in young adults. thor, emphasizing the importance of a multidisci- Arch Gen Psychiatry 1972;26:351–6. plinary approach. 3 Karacan I, Hursch CJ, Williams RL. Some characteristics of It has been suggested that SREs represent an nocturnal penile tumescence in elderly males. J Gerontol intrinsic mechanism aimed at protecting the integ- 1972;27:39–45. 4 Hursch CJ, Karacan I, Williams RL. Some characteristics of rity of the tissues of the penile cavernous bodies, nocturnal penile tumescence in early middle-aged males. but in fact, the mechanisms leading to SREs and its Compr Psychiatry 1972;13:539–48.

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