Internet Research On Rhythm Bones October 1999 Steve Wixson 1060 Lower Brow Road Signal Mountain, TN 37377 423/886-1744
[email protected] Introduction This document presents the current state of 'bone playing' and includes the results of a web search using several search engines for 'rhythm bones', 'rattling bones' and 'bone playing'. It is fairly extensive, but obviously not complete. The web addresses are accurate at the time of the search, but they can go out of date quickly. Web information pertaining to bones was extracted from each website. Some of this information may be copyrighted, so anyone using it should check that out. Text in italics is from e-mail and telephone conversations. We would appreciate additions - please send to name at end of this document. The following is William Sidney Mount's 'The Bone Player.' A. General 1. 'DEM BONES, 'DEM BONES, 'DEM RHYTHM BONES! Welcome to Rhythm Bones Central The 1997 Bones Festival. Saturday September 20, 1997 was just another normal day at "the ranch". The flag was run up the pole at dawn, but wait -----, bones were hanging on the mail box. What gives? This turns out to be the 1st Annual Bones Festival (of the century maybe). Eleven bones-players (bone-player, boner, bonist, bonesist, osyonist, we can't agree on the name) and spouses or significant others had gathered by 1:00 PM to share bones-playing techniques, instruments and instrument construction material, musical preferences, to harmonize and to have great fun and fellowship. All objectives were met beyond expectations.