TThhee BBooookk ooff EEvvaann:: TThhee wwoorrkk aanndd lliiffee ooff EEvvaann MMccAArraa SShheerrrraarrdd Keith Tudor | Editor E-book edition The Book of Evan: The work and life of Evan McAra Sherrard Editor: Keith Tudor E-book (2020) ISBN: 9781877431–88-3 Printed edition (2017) ISBN: 9781877431-78-4 © Keith Tudor 2017, 2020 Keith Tudor asserts his moral right to be known as the Editor of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording, digital or otherwise without the prior written permission of Resource Books Ltd. Waimauku, Auckland, New Zealand
[email protected] | Contents The Book of Evan: The work and life of Evan McAra Sherrard Keith Tudor | Editor Contents Foreword. Isabelle Sherrard Poroporoaki: A bridge between two worlds. Haare Williams Introduction to the e-book edition. Keith Tudor Introduction. Keith Tudor The organisation and structure of the book Acknowledgements References Part I. AGRICULTURE Introduction. Keith Tudor Chapter 1. Papers related to agriculture. Evan M. Sherrard Biology (2008) Film review of The Ground We Won (2015) References Chapter 2. Memories of Evan from Lincoln College and from a farm. Alan Nordmeyer, Robin Plummer, and Colin Wrennall Alan Nordmeyer writes Robin Plummer writes Colin Wrennall writes Part II. MINISTRY Introduction. Keith Tudor Chapter 3. Sermons. Evan M. Sherrard St. Patrick’s Day (1963) Sickness unto death (1965) Good grief (1966) When things get out of hand (1966) Rains or refugees? (1968) Unconscious influence (n.d.) Faithful winners (1998) Epiphany (2006) Colonialism (2008) Jesus and Paul — The consummate political activists (2009) A modern man faces Pentecost (2010) Ash Wednesday (2011) Healing (2011) Killed by a dancing girl (2012) Self-love (2012) Geering and Feuerbach (2014) Chapter 4.