MAIL QSC 1 From M.KLEEMAN Mon 27-Apr-87 13:28 Reply to: Reply to: Hello in there 2 From R.SCHWEICKARTMon 27-Apr-87 13:59 LETTER TO CORSON/GLOBAL TOMORROW COALITION 3 From W.F.DEMPSTERMon 27-Apr-87 22:59 RELAY OF MESSAGE FROM CARL HODGES 4 From ASE-USA Mon 27-Apr-87 23:11 SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR 5 From E.MITCHELL Tue 28-Apr-87 8:15 Reply to: SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR 6 From E.ACTON Tue 28-Apr-87 10:37 DRAFT REVIEW FOR YOUR COMMENT. 7 From: ASE-USA Tue 28-Apr-87 12:27 Reply to: Reply to: SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR 8 From R.SCHWEICKARTTue 28-Apr-87 18:07 RUSTY'S BIO 9 From R.SCHWEICKARTTue 28-Apr-87 18:08 SCHATZ/KLEEMAN AND THEIR LATEST 10 From R.SCHWEICKARTTue 28-Apr-87 18:08 ESA CONNECTION Read or Scan: MAIL R NOMORE HARDCO

To: TCN443 (141:TCN443) From: M.KLEEMAN (LTL177) Delivered: Mon 27-Apr-87 13:28 EDT Sys 146 (4) Subject: Reply to: Reply to: Hello in there Mail Id: IPM-146-870427-121260001 Good to touch base again. Hope all is well. My son was born three weeks ago, I am sleepy but well. Michael

Disposition: d To: L.ACTON (TCN409) To: E.ACTON (TCN413) To: ASE-USA (TCN423) To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Mon 27-Apr-87 13:59 EDT Sys 141 (70) Subject: LETTER TO CORSON/GLOBAL TOMORROW COALITION Mail Id: IPM-141-870427-125870136

Ted: 13:55:37 4/27/1987

Enclosed below is the letter I mentioned on the phone. I think we should assume that the "big" donor for the Coalition is a potential ASE supporter and send materials accordingly. I may just follow up on that possibility after I know that they have had the report for a week or so.


27 April 1987 Mr. Walter Corson Global Tomorrow Coalition 1325 G St• * NW, #915 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Walter:

Well, what a surprise to run into you at the Sidwell auction the other night, I frankly had no idea until we talked that the Global Tomorrow operation was still in existence.., and I'm glad that it is. When you mentioned the poster which I collaborated on with Henk Pander, I was delighted••• it is one of my favorites. And that you have the original artwork there in your office is just great!

As I said on Saturday evening, I think it would be just fantastic if you were able to hang alongside it an original of our Association of Space Explorers (ASE) poster from the founding Congress, the theme of which was "The Home Planet *1. As I mentioned at the dinner, the award winner that first year was Jacques Yves Cousteau, whose life has certainly been dedicated to "The Home Planet"! The ASE has now had two annual congresses and we are moving toward our third this fall in Mexico City. Each year we design an original poster which embodies the annual theme and each of the attending and Cosmonauts signs upward of 100 of them as collector's items. These posters are then made available as gifts to contributors of $1000 or more to the ASE. We also make lower cost photoreproductions of the poster available (to schools, clubs, etc.) for about $10.

I suggested the possibility of hanging one of the original signed and numbered posters from our first congress next to the original Pander since it is the identical photo of the whole Earth which Henk used as the reflection in the 's helmet. (Ironically, the ASE has just selected a helmet with the reflection of the earth as it's logo!) In order that your major (or any "arty") benefactor be able to get a look at this concept I promised that I would send you a copy of our report from that first congress, the cover of which is a reproduction of the full sized poster. I am, by copy of this letter, notifying Mr. Ted Everts, our administrative director to send you that report as well as some other info on the Association so you can answer any questions.

I think that the connection is quite striking•• and the artwork would be a graphic (no pun) demonstration of that linkage. What a natural! Nice to have met you... please pass on my best wishes to the Coalition.


Russell L. Schweickart President

p.s. My address here in DC is, 1826 Varnum St. NW, Washington, DC 20011. The telephone is (202)726-5207. cc: Mr. Ted Everts, Administrative Director



Disposition: d To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: W.F.DEMPSTER (DTQ008) Delivered: Mon 27-Apr-87 22:59 EDT Sys 141 (25) Subject: RELAY OF MESSAGE FROM CARL HODGES Mail Id: IPM-141-870427-206931196 Acknowledgment Sent

~rRusty - Here is a relayed message for you.

Freddy Margret,

This is just to remind you that I would appreciate it if you would stick a note on dialcom to Rusty Schweickart. Please tell him that I have four thousand dollars from the Desert Development Foundation to pay for the expenses associated with his and cosmonaut, Johnny

Beckoff's, speech at the University of Colorado * I need to know how to make out the check and where to send it *

Thanks, Carl

Rusty - You can just reply to Carl on EIES directly.


Disposition: d

To: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: L.ACTON (TCN409) Cc: E.ACTON (TCN413) Cc: E.MITCHELL (TCN422) Cc: ASE-USA (TCN423) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: ASE-USA (TCN423) Delivered: Mon 27-Apr-87 23:11 EDT Sys 141 (26) Subject: SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR Mail Id: IPM-141-870427-208780970 To: Oleg Makarov From: Ted Everts Re: September Soviet speaking tour by Ed Mitchell

April 27, 1987

Dear Oleg,

Andrei Voronkov informed me that you would like to know which cities would like to visit when he comes for the September speaking tour. Thank you for inquiring. I discussed this with Dzhanibekov and with Andrei, and thought I would follow it up in writing via TCN. Moscow and Leningrad come to mind as "must-visit" cities, and then subsequently the Academic City at Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal, Tashkent, Tblisi, and Tallinn. I am sure Ed will be interested in Soviet ethnic and geographic diversity. So if he finds himself in the Baltics, for example, or in the Caucases or Central Asia, any additional capital or academic cities in those regions would be appropriate to include in the itinerary.

Thank you for your great hospitality to the Book Crew, Sounds like good progress was made. j Sincerely,

Ted Disposition: d To: ASE-USA (TCN423) Cc: L.ACTON (TCN409) Cc: E.ACTON (TCN413) Cc: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: E.MITCHELL (TCN422) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr~87 8:15 EDT Sys 141 (2) Subject: Reply to: SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-074380941 In Reply To: IPM-141-870427-208780970 TED: DO WE HAVE THE DATES FOR THE TOUR YET? OR IS IT STILL A BIT SOFT? EDM

Disposition: d To: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: E ACTON (TCN413) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr-87 10:37 EDT Sys 141 (54) Subject: DRAFT REVIEW FOR YOUR COMMENT Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-095570414 Acknowledgment Sent

RUSTY, HERE IS A DRAFT OF OUR PROPOSED REVIEW FOR TED. YOUR COMMENTS AND RESPONSE 1 TO LOREN S MESSAGE RE/ HIS SALARY ARE REQUESTED * EV > PERFORMANCE REVIEW Employer: Association of Space Explorers-USA Employee: Ted Everts, Administrative Director Date of Hire: April 28, 1986 Today Date: May 1 , 1987 We, the officers, of ASE-USA, continue to be appreciative of you, your work and your attitude. In particular, we want to call out some fine work—during this review period. 1) Lecture tour — taking iniative of getting it in place and preparing for it, working cooperatively with Alan Kelly on PR for it, as well as accompanying the cosmonaut on the tour. 2) Fundraising iniative - obtaining a grant from the Sunflower Foundation; attending the Fundraising School and beginning to implement your learning

3) Executive Committee - going to Innsbruck as our support staff person and the follow-up 4) 2nd Congress Report - generating it and following through to the end product _ y For the next six-month period, we see the following as goals: 1) Continue to develop a fundraising base for ASE-USA 2) Prepare for and coordinate the 3rd Congress efforts 3) Enlist volunteers as needed for help with office work—this may include database management, work on special projects, etc * This will bring new supporters into our circle and help out the budget. Other comments:

We feel you met the goals mentioned in your 10/28/86 review, i,e,, 1) taking a lead role in day-to-day, month-to-month planning of ASE-USA; and 2) gaining expertise in and developing plans for fundraising. We encourage you to be sensitive and aware of the risks of ASE-USA * s aligning and identifying too closely with "the peace movement." We need to do all we can to avoid political and governmental entanglements. Thank you; we * re well pleased. Disposition: d To: E.MITCHELL (TCN422) Cc: L.ACTON (TCN409) Cc: E.ACTON (TCN413) Cc: A.LEONOV (TCN419) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: ASE-USA (TCN423) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr-87 12:27 EDT Sys 141 (4) Subject: Reply to: Reply to: SEPTEMBER SPEAKING TOUR Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-112120500 In Reply To: IPM-141-870428-074380941

The tour will be the first two weeks of September, but the exact dates are not yet firm. We should know by early summer, however, because they want to arrange the tour in Spring before vacation exodi commence in summer. Ted

Disposition: d To: W.ROBERTS (TCN402) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr-87 18:07 EDT Sys 141 (103) Subject: RUSTY * S BIO Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-163140983

Walt: 17:27:37 4/28/ 1987

Betty just called to let me know you needed my current bio to accompany a letter to Merrill at NSF, Enclosed is that bio. It is up to date, however it is basically introductory info for speeches. Obviously more detail is available. Thanks for the support. Rusty



Russell L. (Rusty) Schweickart is the president of the Association of Space Explorers-USA, he is a lecturer and consultant on space development and he devotes much of his time to international relations and communications.

The Association of Space Explorers (ASE) was founded by Mr, Schweickart and a small group of astronaut and cosmonaut friends in 1985. The organization promotes the cooperative exploration and development of space and the use of space technology for human benefit. The ASE has now grown to include a membership of 40 space flyers from 16 different nations. Schweickart ’s work requires a great deal of international travel including occassional trips to the where he has coordinated several projects in international relations and communications.

In 1977 Schweickart joined the staff of Governor of California, and served in the Governor ’s office for two years as his assistant for science and technology. In 1979 Schweickart was appointed to the post of Commissioner of Energy for the State of California and served on the Commission for five and a half years. The Commission, which was chaired by Schweickart for three and a half years, had a staff of over 500 and an annual budget exceeding $50 million. It was responsible for all aspects of energy regulation in the state other than rate setting, including demand forecasting, alternative energy development, powerplant siting and energy performance regulation for appliances and buildings. Schweickart came to NASA as one of 14 astronauts named in . He served as lunar module pilot for , March 3-13, 1969, logging 241 hours in space. This was the third manned flight of the Apollo series, the second to be launched by the huge Saturn V rocket and the first manned flight of the lunar module. During a 46 minute EVA Schweickart tested the portable life support backpack which was subsequently used on the lunar surface explorations. On the mission with Schweickart were commander James A. McDivitt and command module pilot David R. Scott.

Schweickart served as backup commander for the first mission which flew in the Spring of 1973. Following the loss of the thermal shield during the launch of the Skylab vehicle, he assumed responsibility for the development of hardware and procedures associated with erecting the emergency solar shade and deployment of the jammed solar array wing, operations which transformed Skylab from an imminent disaster to a highly successful program.

After the Skylab program, Schweickart went to NASA Headquarters in Washington DC as Director for User Affairs in the Office of Applications. In this position he was responsible for the transferring of NASA technology to the outside world and working with technology users to bring an understanding of their needs into NASA. Schweickart also worked on policies for payload operations.

Prior to joining NASA, Schweickart was a research scientist at the Experimental Astronomy Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His work at MIT involved research in upper atmospheric physics, star tracking and the stabilization of stellar images. His thesis for a master ’s degree at MIT concerned stratospheric radiance. Schweickart served as a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force and Massachusetts Air National Guard from 1956 to 1963. He has logged over 4000 hours of flight time, 3500 in high performance jet aircraft. Schweickart was awarded the NASA Distinguished Service Medal for his Apollo 9 flight (1969), the NASA Exceptional Service Medal for his leadership in the Skylab rescue efforts (1973), the Federation Aeronautique Internationale De La Vaux Medal (1970) and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Special Trustees Award (1969). He is a Fellow of the American Astronautical Society and the International Academy of Astronautics, an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of and Astronautics, and the president of the Association of Space Explorers-USA. Schweickart was born 25 October 1935 in Neptune, NJ. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schweickart reside in Spring Hill, FL. He has five children and one grandchild. He graduated from Manasquan High School, N.J.; received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1956 and his Master of Science degree in 1963, both from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His hobbies include bicycling, backpacking, hunting and fishing. (revised Jan 1987)

Disposition: D To: W.ROBERTS (TCN402) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr-87 18:08 EDT Sys 141 (46) Subject: SCHATZ/ KLEEMAN AND THEIR LATEST Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-163220909

Walt: 17:53:28 4/ 28/ 1987

I just got the enclosed message from Michael Kleeman, the technical whiz from AD Little whom Joel Schatz is working with. These are the guys, you recall, who have set up the Moscow/SFO teleport (such as it is) and have exchanged the english/ cyrillic text. They also have a conferencing sytem which runs out of Palo Alto (it's a partition of PeaceNet I think) and they have offered it for our use. This would be an alternative to TCN if we were to care to look at it. I've used the mail system in it and it is rough and slow. However, the price is right. I haven't used the conferencing system much.. I think it is a version of Confer. If you'd like to test it let me know.. I can get you on instantly.


To: TCN443 (141:TCN443) From: M.KLEEMAN (LTL177) Delivered: Sun 26-Apr-87 13:19 EDT Sys 14 ( 18 ) Subject: Hello in there Mail Id: IPM-146-870426-119900001 Rusty - I am not sure if you have gotten my past messages. I still have not heard more regarding the ESA connection, but did send you information on the DGP (Bundespost) about a month ago. We (TELEPORT) now have agreements to operate in the USSR including with their space agency. Joel will be taking comm equipment with him next month to Moscow.

We also offered to include a MACINTOSH (or two) on our commerce export request form for your users. Any interest ? Please contact me here or via TELEPORT. Thanks



This is the message which I responded to today and enclosed a cc: to you. Rusty

Disposition: D

To: LTL177 (146:LTL177) Cc: W.ROBERTS (TCN402) Cc: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) From: R.SCHWEICKART (TCN443) Delivered: Tue 28-Apr 87 18:08 EDT Sys 141 (34) Subject: ESA CONNECTION - Mail Id: IPM-141-870428-163310088

Michael: 17:38:11 4/28/1987

I believe I've gotten all your past messages Michael.. sorry for those I may not have responded to. We've been making slow but real progress with our Moscow link. If our current plans go as indicated we will be linked via ESA/ESOC in about two weeks. Our initial operation will be directly with IKI.. » Sagdeev's Institute of Cosmic Research. We intend to extend (branch) from that location at a later date to individual participants on that end. As I mentioned in the past, we are interested in the english/russian capability you have operating on the Mac's «. and we are interested in being included on your export request form to Commerce. This latter I sent to you as a message several weeks ago.* in response to your last request. For your information we have just had our application for export license rejected by Commerce and we are pursuing an inquiry/appeal. We have also applied to Apple for Mac's for initial use by our participants on this end and eventual (hopefully) use on both ends when we can get past the Commerce/DOD system.

Again, appreciate the update from you. In fact * « .. would you please supply more data re "agreements to operate in the USSR including with their space agency." What is the nature of the "agreement". . . written, verbal, who, for what purpose, etc. Are they/is someone other than Smirnov/IAS actually hooked up? Are they connecting any remote computers into IAS? Via the Moscow telephone? What baud rate? Etc. All of this is of considerable interest to us as we move ahead. If Smirnov & Co. are being cooperative (read non-bureaucratic and expeditious) then we might be interested in utilizing his capabilities at some future time. In the meanwhile, we ’d like to keep informed of your activities and we ’ll be happy to reciprocate. Rusty

Disposition: D

End of Mail,
