Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future

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Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future The Hour is Coming, and is Now Come: Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future by Scott Allan Sharman A Thesis submitted to the Faculty the University of St. Michael’s College and the Theological Department of the Toronto School of Theology In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Theology awarded by the University of St. Michael’s College © Copyright by Scott Sharman 2014 The Hour is Coming, and is Now Come: Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future Scott Sharman Doctor of Philosophy in Theology University of St. Michael’s College 2014 ABSTRACT This dissertation draws upon the lived and written ecclesiology of Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov (1871-1944) in order to make theological and methodological contributions to the current debates surrounding the future of the Christian ecumenical movement. Part I lays the groundwork for the subsequent chapters. It begins with a brief introduction to Bulgakov’s personal history and context, as well as an identification of the most relevant primary and secondary sources on the topics of Church and ecumenism. This is followed by a short survey of the origins and significant highlights of the ecumenical movement in the twentieth century, and an identification of certain challenges which have emerged in the latter part of the century. Part II represents the heart of the study. It sets out to engage in an in-depth examination of the key features of Bulgakov’s ecumenical thought and career. Initial attention is given to both the personal and intellectual influences which shaped Bulgakov’s vision of Christian unity. Bulgakov’s distinctive Sophiology is then reviewed, with particular attention to the way it impacts his understanding of the limits of the Church, his views on the respective roles of the hierarchy and the laity in seeking reunion, his insistence on the prophetic orientation of ecumenical work, and his appreciation for the ecclesiological and ecumenical significance of face to face relationship between separated Christians and Christian communities. Finally, these features are observed in action through a narration of some of Bulgakov’s most notable and representative ecumenical involvements. Part III does the work of positive construction. The lessons learned from Bulgakov’s example serve to lend both theoretical and practical support to those twenty-first century ecumenical impulses which are emphasizing a distinguishable but integrated understanding of the ecumenical aim, a re-recognition of the importance of local and grassroots relationships, renewed attention to the spiritual dimensions of division and the role of spiritual experience as necessary companion to doctrinal dialogue, and an appreciation for the possibility of recourse to sharing the Eucharist as a means to greater communion rather than simply the end goal of the ecumenical task. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My first word of thanks has to go to my family; my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Each in their various ways they raised me with a love for God and the Church. They have encouraged me in asking questions about my faith and pursuing the vocation to theological exploration. I would not have begun my studies without the former. I also want to recognize my wife and children, and all the support and sacrifices that they have offered me along the way. I would not have finished without them. I also want to acknowledge the person who awakened my interest in and commitment to the ecumenical task. Margaret O’Gara was a tremendous role model and mentor to me, both academically and personally. As my initial doctoral supervisor, her advice and direction played a major role in giving shape to this particular project. Her untimely death was a sad loss for the Church, and for those who knew her as a friend. I delight in the fact that she is now enjoying her rest in the experience of full communion with God and all the saints for which she worked so tirelessly among us. A word of gratitude goes to Allan Smith as well, who unexpectedly had to step in to direct my research part way through the process. I owe my first introduction to Bulgakov’s thought to Dr. Smith, and have learned a great deal from him in the area of Russian history and theology. He was also very patient with me as I sought to get this project to completion while balancing full time work and full time family life. I also wish to express my appreciation to the staff of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, Oxford UK. Their assistance during my archival research was invaluable. The final thank you is offered to Fr. Sergei Bulgakov, for the way he lived and worked in the Spirit of these inspirational words: “The way towards the reunion of the East and the West does not lead through the Union of Florence or through tournaments between theologians, but through a reunion before the altar.” Contemplata aliis tradere iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... iv Part 1 – The Hour is Coming ................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1: Going to the Well ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 A Potential Resource ............................................................................................................ 5 1.3 A Selected Literature Review ............................................................................................... 7 1.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 2: The Ecumenical Golden Age .................................................................................. 20 2.1 The Great New Fact ............................................................................................................ 20 2.2 Ecumenical Highlights ........................................................................................................ 21 2.2.1 The World Council of Churches ................................................................................. 22 2.2.2 Bilateral Dialogues ...................................................................................................... 30 2.2.3 Communion Agreements ............................................................................................. 37 2.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 41 Chapter 3: The Ecumenical Turning Point ............................................................................... 42 3.1 A Change of Pace ................................................................................................................ 42 3.2 Ecumenical Challenges ....................................................................................................... 44 3.2.1 Wider Ecumenism ....................................................................................................... 44 3.2.2 Bureaucratization ........................................................................................................ 53 3.2.3 Consensus ................................................................................................................... 59 3.2.4 Reception .................................................................................................................... 63 3.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 67 Part 2 – Bulgakovian Ecumenism ......................................................................................... 68 Chapter 4: An Ecumenical Ecclesiography .............................................................................. 69 4.1 A Product of Time and Place .............................................................................................. 69 4.2 Russian Role Models .......................................................................................................... 70 4.2.1 Aleksei Khomiakov .................................................................................................... 70 4.2.2 Vladimir Soloviev ....................................................................................................... 71 4.3 The Sacred Council of 1917 ............................................................................................... 73 4.4 Revolution and Exile ........................................................................................................... 76 4.5 Paris and St. Serge .............................................................................................................. 80 4.6 The Sophia Controversy ..................................................................................................... 83 4.7 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 86
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