'.!0 Ccnls Per Copy $2.00 Pt•R Y
'.!0 Ccn ls Per Copy P UBLUllf.0 BY ff, F, 001!.LL CO~IPAS\ ' $2.00 Pt•r Ycar COl' \ 'RICIIT 19:8-ALL RIGHTS IU.St:ll.\l '.11 ENTER l,D AS UCONO Cl.A ll MAITER JUSE 9, 19()9, AT TUE POSI' OFFICE AT 8051 0S, M ...SS ACII USE1T$, LSI>~~ "'l'l M ' M\ lll'll j, 18:q ·Th, CRESCENDO ' \Vu~LIIZE~Offers this ~'I)) . HOWARD Tenor Banjo Outfit s49complet,Ja Requlars75~~ Value-for Only ?'-~~~q9:..... l v- It ~ "'\.~lo' Here's your oppo rtunity to buy thi s won• powe r w ith a br illiant, resonan t tone. derful \Vurlitz er Howard Tenor Banjo Only \Vurlitzcr, the world's largest mu sic ou tfit at a price that make s it the greatest house, can offer yqu such money saving of all banjo values. Guarante ed 100% valu es. If th ere were a better banj o value by Wurlitzer . Think of it-o nly $49.00 th an chis we wou ld have it . If a lowe r buys chis fine tenor banjo outfit complete price were po ssible, we wo uld make it. with accesso ries, inclu ding '.resonator, fin• \Ve will ship chis outfit to you on tri al est grade Keratol covered, velvet lined for thr ee day s, th ereby giving you an op# ca se, in struction book, extra stri ngs, portuniry to sec what a really wonderfu l tun er, wrench and pick . Nothing else value it is. Write today for complete to buy.
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