Missouri Directory of Radio Saint James Saint Joseph Saint Louis
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Missouri Directory of Radio Covenant Network (acq 5.13 -2005; $730,000). Population served: KEZK -FM- September 1968: 102.5 mhz; 100 kw. 400 ft TL: N38 36 Communications Inc. (acq 5-4 -99; grpsl). Population served: 2,700,000 2600,000 *Tony Holman, gen mgr; Jim Schaper, progmg dir. 47 W90 20 09. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 3100 Market St., St. Louis, Format: Contemp hit. Target aud: 18-34; adults. *Dennis Lamme, gen 63103. Phone: (314) 531-0000. Fax: (314) 969 -7638. E -mail: infoekezk.cdm mgr; Tommy Austin, owns mgr, Beth Davis. sls dir: Scott Adamec, gen Web Site: www.kezk.com. Licensee: CBS Radio Holdings Inc. Group sls mgr: John Helmkamp, mktg dir. Saint James owner: CBS Radio (acq 11- 13-98; grpsl). Population served: 2,112,400 Formal: Soft adult contemn. Target aud: 25-54; high average household income. Beth Davis, gen mgr. KSTL(AM)- 1948: 690 khz; 1 kw -D, 18 w -N. TL: N38 37 01 W90 10 KTTR-FM- 1994: 99.7 mhz; 12 kw. 472 h TL: N37 56 41 W91 42 23. 17. Hrs open: 24 10845 Olive Blvd., Suite 160, Greve Coeur, 63141. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 Phone: (314) 878 -3600. Phone: (618) 874 -5785. Fax: (314) 656 -3608. KFNS(AM )-See Wood River, IL Rebroadcasts KTTR(AM) Rolla 90%. E -mail: bethkecrawfordbroadcasting.com Licensee: WMUZ Radio Box 4584. Springfield, MT, 65808. Secondary address: 1505 Soest Inc. Group owner: Crawford Broadcasting Co. (acq 1994). Population Rd., Rolla 65808. Phone: (573) 364 -2525. Fax: (573) 364-5161. KFUO(AM)-See Clayton served: 3,000,000 Bryan Cave. Format: Gospel. Donald Crawford, Licensee: KTTR-KZNN Inc. Group owner: Mahaffey Enterprises Inc. pres; Beth Kriminski, stn mgr & progmg dir. Rgnl. Network: Missourinet. Format: News/talk. News staff: one: KHOJ(AM) -See Saint Charles News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. John Mahaffey, churn; Robert B. Mahaffey, pres. KTRS(AM)- Feb 14, 1922: 550 khz; 5 kwU, DA -N. TL: N38 39 45 W90 07 43. Stereo. His open: 24 638 West Port Plaza, 63146. Phone: KIHT(FM)- Dec 22, 1959: 96.3 mhz; 100 kw. 650 ft TL: N38 36 47 (314) 453 -5500. Fax: (314) 453 -9704. E -mail: infoektrs.com Web W90 20 09. (CP: 80 kw, ant 1,027 ft.). Stereo. Hrs open: 800 Saint Ste: www.ktrs.com. Licensee: KTRS -AM License L.L.C. (acq 1997). Louis Union Stn., The Powerhouse, 63103. Phone: (314) 621 -4106. Saint Joseph Population served: 622,236 Natl. Network: ABC. Natl. Rep: Katz Fax: (314) 621 -3000. Eanail: [email protected] Web Sae: wwov.k- hks.can. Radio. Bryan Cave. Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk, sports. News Licensee: Ennis Radio License LLC. Group owner: Emmis Communications KFEO(AM)- Feb 16. 1926: 680 khz, 5 rtw -U, DA -2. TL: N39 49 43 staff: 4. Target aud: 35-64. Tim Dorsey, pres & gen mgr; Craig Corp. (acq 9-26 -2000; grpsp. Population served: 622,236 Format: W94 48 20. Hrs open: 24 Box 8550, 64508. Secondary address: 4104 Unger, sur mgr & progmg dir: Geoff Witt, sls dir: Brian Kelly. news dir. Classic hits. Target aud: 25 -54. John Beds. sr VP; Lois Sampson-Hooker. Country Ln. 64506. Phone: (816) 233 -8881. Fax: (816) 279 -8280. gen mgr; Joe Rush, gen sls mgr; Jeff Allen, progmg dir. E -mail: garyexlineeeagleradio.net Web Site: www.stjoeradio.com. Licensee: Eage Communications Inc. Group owner: Eagle Communications 'KWMU(FM)- June 2. 1972: 90.7 mhz; 97 kw. 981 ft TL: N38 34 50 Group (acq 3- 20-69; grpsl; FTR: 4- 8 -91). Population served: 250,000 KJFF(AM)-See Festus W90 19 45. (CP: 100 kw. ant 1,000 ft.). Stereo. Firs open: 8001 Natl. Network: ABC. Natl. Rep: Katz Radio. Wiley, Rein & Fielding. Natural Bridge Rd., 63121. Phone: (314) 516-5968. Fax: (314) Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk, Sports. News staff: 4; News: 50 hrs 516 -5993. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.kwmu.org. Licensee: Sept 19, 1938: 630 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -2. TL N38 40 18 wkly. Target aud: 18 plus; adults. Spec prog: Farm 20 hrs wkly. Gary KJSL(AM)- The Curators of the University of Missouri. Group owner: The Curators W90 06 52. Hrs open: 24 KJSL(AM), 10845 Olive Blvd., Sude 160, Shorman, CEO; Gary Exline, VP & gen mgr, Kevin Wagner, opns dir. of the University of Missouri Population served: 90.000 Natl. Network: 63141. Phone: (314) 876-3600. Fax: (314) 656 -3608. E -mail: NPR, PRI. Shaw Penman. Wire Svc: AP Format: News info. News bethk ®aawfordbroadcasting.com Web Site: www.kjslradio.nel. Licensee: staff: 5: News: 40 hrs wkly. Target aud: 27-45; upscale. *Patricia KGNM(AM)- November 1985: 1270 khz; 1 kw-D, DA. TL: N39 44 39 WMUZ Radio Inc. Group owner: Crawford Broadcasting Co. (acq Wente, gen mgr, Shelly Kerley, sin mgr; Shelley Kerley, dev dir; Phil W94 47 16. Firs open: 24 2414 S. Leonard Rd., 64503. Phone: (816) 1994; $1.57 million). Population served: 500,000 Formal Christian, Donato, prom dir; Mike Schrand, progmg dir; Bill Raack, news dir. 233 -2577. Fax: (816) 233 -2374. E -mail: kgnm @sijoelive.com Web talk. Target aud: 30 -60. Beth Kreminski, stn mgr, gen sls mgr & Site: kgnmradio.com. Licensee: Drama Inc. (acq 6-80; $400,000; FTR: progmg dir. 6- 30 -80). Population served: 100,000 Natl. Network: USA. Format: KXEN(AM)- May 10. 1951: 1010 khz; 50 kw -D, 500 w -n, DA -2. TL: Adult contemp, Christian music. Target aud: 30 -55; conservative. N38 45 46 W90 03 35. Hrs open: 24 Box 8085. Granite City, IL, 62040. KLOU(FM)- November 1962: 103.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 920 ft TL: N38 Rory Pullen, pres; Greg Glauser, VP; Chris Meikel, gen mgr; Marci Phone: (314) 436 -6550. Fax: (618) 797-2293. E -mail: kxeneaol.com Hrs 10001 Highlands Dr., Meikel, progmg dir. 31 47 W90 17 58. Stereo. open: 24 63110. Web Site: www.kxen1010.com. Licensee: BDJ Radio Enterprises LLC Phone: (314) 333-8000. Fax: (314) 333 -8300. Web Site: (acq 7 -2 -02). Population served: 3.000,000 Format: Relg. *Dirk L. www.playwhatiwant.com. Licensee: Chicasters Licenses L.P. Group Hallemeier, gen mgr; Jay Madas, progmg dir. KKJO(FM)- Sept 1, 1962: 105.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 981 ft TL: N39 42 owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 5 -4 -99; grpsl). 35 W95 0233. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 4104 Country Ln., 64508. Phone: Population served: 2,700,000 Format: Oldies. News staff: one. Target mgr; (816) 233 -8881. Fax: (816) 279 -8280. Web Site: www.stjoeradio.com. aud: 25 -54. *Dennis Lamme, gen mgr; Tommy Austin, owns KYKY(FM) -1960: 98.1 mhz: 90 kw. 1,027 ft TL: N38 34 24 W90 19 Format: Adult contemn. News staff: 2; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: Beth Davis, sls dir, Al Fox, gen sis mgr: John Helmkamp, mMg dir. 30. Stereo. Firs open: 24 3100 Market St.. St. Louis. 63103. Phone: 18-49. Greg Lynn, progmg dir. (314) 531 -0000. Fax: (314) 531 -9855. E -mail: eeleavyMstl.cbs.com Web Site: www.y98.com. Licensee: CBS Radio Holdings Inc. Group KMOX(AM)- Dec 24, 1925: 1120 khz; 50 kw -U. TL: N38 43 20 W90 owner. CBS Radio (acq 11- 13-98; grpsq. Population served: 1,981,700 KSFT(AM)- June 1, 1946: 1550 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N39 42 23 0316. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 One Memorial Dr., St. Louis. 63102 -2498. Nad. Network: Westwood One. Format: Hot adult contemp. Target W94 44 36. Hrs open: 24 Box 8550, 64508. Secondary address: 4104 Phone: (314) 621 -2345. Fax: (314) 444-1860 (SALES). E -mail: aud: 25-54. Beth Davis. gen mgr. Country Ln. 64506. Phone: (816) 233 -8881. Fax: (816) 279 -8280. kmox @kmox.com Web Site: www.kmox.com. Licensee: CBS Radio Web Site: www.stjoeradio.com. Licensee: Eagle Communications Inc. East Inc. Group owner. CBS Radio (acq 11- 13 -98; grpsl). Population Group owner: Eagle Communications Group (acq 3 -1 -99; 84 million served: 2,098,500 Natl. Network: CBS. Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. KZOZ(AM)- Feb 9, 1922: 1430 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N38 32 09 with co-located FM). Population served: 150,000 Rgnl. Network: Format: News/talk, info, sports. News staff: 16; News: 60 his wkly. W90 11 26. Hrs open: 24 11647 Olive St.. 63141. Phone: (314) Missourinet. Wiley, Rein & Fielding. Format: Oldies. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. Spec grog: Jazz 4 hrs, relg one hr wkly. 983 -6000. Fax: (314) 994-9421. Web Site: kzgz1430am.com. Licensee: Target aud: 45-64. Gary Shorman, CEO; Mark Vail, COO & gen mgr: Entertainment Media Trust, Dennis J. Watkins, trustee (acq 3-5-2008; Gary Exline, pres, gen mgr, sls dir & gen sls mgr; Kevin Wagner, opns $1.2 million). Population served: 2,021.000 Natl. Network: Westwood dir & progmg dir; Teresa Hetz, prom mgr: Barry Birr, news dir; Ed KSD(FM)- November 1954: 93.7 mhz; 100 kw. 859 ft TL: N38 34 05 One. Format: Oldies. News staff: one. Target aud: 35 plus: affluent Junch, engrg dir & chief of engrg: Georgia Roades, traf mgr. W90 19 55. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 10001 Highlands Dr., 63110. Phone: mature baby boomers. *John Kijowski, gen mgr; Kehh Kraus, gen sls (314) 333 -8000. Fax: (314) 333-8300. Web Sae: thebullrocks.com. mgr: Greg Mozingo, progmg dir; Marshall Rice, chief of engrg; Tom Licensee: Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Ennis, ire( mgr. KSJI(FM )-Not on air, target dale: unknown: 91.1 mhz; 50 kw.