Congressional Record—House H1039
February 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1039 Madam Speaker, Mrs. Johnson ican people and, in some cases, to the We started GEAR, which stands for worked as the ‘‘mother of the environ- world. Government Efficiency, Account- mental justice movement’’ to address We have addressed issues such as re- ability, and Reform, to develop a play- racial injustices and improve environ- ducing drug pricing to all Americans. book of commonsense, nonpartisan so- mental protections fundamental to this We have addressed issues when it lutions for improving our government. action. comes to making sure that children We came up with more than 100 im- Therefore, I take pride in introducing have a safe place to go to school. provements. They are all recorded in legislation to celebrate the month of We have many issues that we are our report, which is now available, and April as Hazel M. Johnson Environ- faced with here in the House of Rep- I am excited to yield to my colleagues mental Justice Month. resentatives, and I am proud to say to talk about them here today. We will start with my good friend f that, although the media says that we just can’t get along, and, yes, we dis- from North Dakota, Representative b 1445 agree at times, but, at the same time, KELLY ARMSTRONG, who was a member HONORING JAMES RING we are, in fact, getting the work of the of the task force and really led our ef- people done in the House of Represent- forts to find these areas where we could (Mr.
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