April 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E401 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING ANTWAN CLARK scouting, and are essential to becoming an onstrating her commitment to law enforce- Eagle Scout. Brandon has embodied these ment. She attained certification in 2013 from HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON principles as an active member of Scout Troop the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership In- 423, serving the organization by holding nu- stitute, an intense 8-month learning program OF MISSISSIPPI merous responsibilities and positions within based on experiential learning techniques cov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the troop. He has been a Senior Patrol Lead- ering leadership, management, and ethical de- Tuesday, April 12, 2016 er, Assistant Junior Scout Master, and First cision making for law enforcement front-line Vice Chief of the Order of the Arrow, as well supervisors. Her dedication to public safety Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- as a member of the Order’s ceremonial team. and improving the lives of the men and er, I rise today to honor a remarkable public In addition, he is a veteran camper, having at- women of her department speaks volumes servant, Mr. Antwan Clark. tended a high adventure camp at the Florida about her character and professionalism. Antwan Clark was born March 26, 1980 to Sea Base. Mr. Speaker, Lieutenant Lisa Maloney has the proud parents of Sylvester and Jeanette Brandon has also shown himself to be a protected her community for over 22 years in Clark of Lexington, Mississippi. He has two proud American with great respect for our her remarkable career in law enforcement, sisters, Kadisha and Abbie. Armed Forces. For his Eagle Scout project, and I wish her the best in retirement. The peo- Antwan is the epitome of the phrase Brandon constructed a gazebo in the Park ple of the City of Martinez have benefitted ‘‘strength through adversity’’. After being left Hills Veteran’s Park. The gazebo housed dec- greatly from her public service, and it is fitting paralyzed after a car accident during his junior orative metal signs that were colored dif- and proper that we honor her here today. year of high school, Antwan persevered. His ferently to represent the emblems of the mili- f determination to attain success motivated him tary branches. He has also volunteered to be to graduate from J.J. McClain High School in a part of many Veterans of Foreign Wars flag HONORING THE LIFE OF DAN 1998 with honors. After graduating with honors retirements. Outside of scouting, Brandon is SILVA from JJMHS, Antwan attended Holmes Com- an active musician, participating in the march- munity College and majored in Business and ing band, concert band, and jazz band. He is Office Technology. To continue pursuing his HON. JOHN GARAMENDI also a member of the National Honors Soci- OF CALIFORNIA goals, he then enrolled in Antonelli College ety. After high school, Brandon plans to study IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where he earned a degree in Computer Tech- criminal justice or conservation in hopes of nical Support and Networking, maintaining a one day becoming a Missouri Conservation Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3.9 grade-point average. In 2007, the Career Agent. College Association invited Antwan to Wash- Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today For these accomplishments and contribu- to recognize and honor the life of Dan L. Silva, ington, D.C., where he was awarded for his tions to his community, it is my great pleasure achievements. whose lifelong commitment to Sutter County to congratulate Brandon Norfolk on his has left a lasting impact on the community. Antwan is currently employed by the Com- achievement of becoming an Eagle Scout and Born in Yuba City, Dan was a 3rd genera- munity Students Learning Center (CSLC) in recognize him before the U.S. House of tion farmer and was a well-known figure within Lexington, MS as an Information Technology Representatives. the agricultural community. He was an active Specialist and Website Developer. He also community leader, who had a deep sense of uses his knowledge and technical skills to f civic duty. For 8 years, Dan served as Sutter tutor and teach computer classes at CSLC. HONORING LIEUTENANT LISA County’s 5th District County Supervisor and Antwan also has a home-based computer re- MALONEY was involved with many boards and commit- pair business called ‘‘Top Quality Computer tees. He dedicated his career to serving oth- Services’’ located at 1131 Busy Bee Road, ers and was committed to protecting the envi- Lexington, MS 39095. His business special- HON. MIKE THOMPSON ronment through his various leadership roles izes in issues regarding: computer repair, soft- OF CALIFORNIA on flood control, agriculture, and transportation ware applications, computer networking, virus/ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES projects. spyware removal, and website design. Tuesday, April 12, 2016 The boards and committees Dan partici- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, pated in included the following: Feather River in recognizing Mr. Antwan Clark for his dedi- I rise to recognize and honor Lieutenant Lisa Air Quality, Sacramento Area Council of Gov- cation and support to the Holmes County Maloney, with the City of Martinez Police De- ernments, Sacramento Area Flood Control, Si- Community. partment. Lieutenant Maloney honorably re- erra-Sacramento Valley EMS, Sutter-Butte f tired on December 30, 2015, after more than Flood Control Agency, Yuba City Unified 22 years of service. School Government Liaison Committee, Yuba- RECOGNIZING BRANDON NORFOLK Lieutenant Maloney began her career in law Sutter Transit Authority, Sutter County Fish enforcement in 1993 with the Fairfax City Po- and Game Commissioner, Assistant State HON. JASON SMITH lice Department in Virginia. The Virginia Police Chairman for Ducks Unlimited, CA State Rec- OF MISSOURI Chiefs recognized Lieutenant Maloney in 1996 lamation Board, Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with the Lifesaving Award for her heroic ac- Valley Vision, and the Natomas Basin Conser- tions during an incident while on duty, which vancy. Tuesday, April 12, 2016 put her in harm’s way while attempting to save Dan was known around the community for Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise the life of another individual. After moving to his welcoming smile and his dedication to today to honor Brandon Norfolk of Leadington, California, Lieutenant Maloney joined the Mar- helping others. He will be missed by all, and Missouri for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. tinez Police Department in 1998 as an officer. our thoughts are with his family at this time. The Eagle Scout Award is the highest honor During the course of her career she has He is survived by his children, Christopher and attainable in Boy Scouts. Only a small per- served on various assignments including Pa- Stacey, and four grandchildren, Samantha, centage of scouts reach the level of Eagle trol Officer, Detective, Hostage Negotiator, De- Jamie, Dylan, and Mason. Scout, which requires years of dedicated ef- fensive Tactics Instructor, Detective Sergeant Dan’s commitment to his family and to his fort. and Lieutenant. work made his life an example for all to emu- Community service, leadership, and family Additionally, Lieutenant Maloney completed late. I am honored to pay tribute to such an values are the most important aspects of extensive training throughout her career, dem- extraordinary member of our community. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:47 Apr 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12AP8.001 E12APPT1 smartinez on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS E402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 12, 2016 HONORING THE CAREER OF MR. the workplace, and engages throughout the designate the Berryessa Snow Mountain re- KEN OSBORN world. Members of the Rotary Club represent gion as a national monument, and spear- the community’s professionals, and they con- headed the efforts to create Konocti County HON. DAVID SCHWEIKERT tinue to promote high ethical standards in all Park and hiking trails in Lake County. OF ARIZONA vocations. The men and women of the club For many years, Mr. Windrem has served IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all on the Sutter Lakeside Hospital board and the cultures, races, and creeds—making their ini- Tuesday, April 12, 2016 board for People Services, Inc., a group that tiatives diverse and effective in elevating the advocates for and provides services for dis- Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise community. abled residents of Lake County. He is a found- today to celebrate the retirement of Mr. Ken Through its fundraising efforts and the gen- ing member of many local organizations, in- Osborn. During his 45 years at the Paradise erosity of its members, the Rotary Club of Co- cluding the Lake County Sierra Club, the Lake Valley Country Club, Ken has provided joy lonial Park contributes over $17,000 per year County Energy Council, and the Lake County and excellent service to the Paradise Valley to community organizations, such as hospitals, Vintners. community as the Valet Parking Supervisor. I fire companies, senior centers, and youth Mr. Speaker, throughout his career, Mr. am incredibly proud of the work and leader- clubs. The Rotary Club created a foundation Windrem has generously offered his time and ship Ken demonstrated over the past 45 years to help meet the educational, charitable, and energy to support his mentees and staff, as and I wish him the best of luck in his future benevolent needs of organizations in their well as the needs of Lake County residents.
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