Legislative Reports
Legislative Reports not been passed when the House 9, Independent Progressive Conser- adjourned for Christmas, although vative – 1 and Vacancy – 1. it had, at that point, been given sec- Spring Sitting, 2007 ond reading and had been referred to the Committee on Law Amend- The Spring Sitting of the House be- ments. However, the Law Amend- gan on March 19, 2007 and ended on ments Committee began its April 13, 2007. The main item of this consideration of the Bill shortly af- sitting was the budget for the fiscal ter the Christmas break, and the year 2007-08 which was passed House reconvened on January 6, unanimously by all members pres- 2007, for a rare January sitting, for ent on April 13, 2007. Nova Scotia the sole purpose of considering this At the Spring Sitting 19 Public Bill. Accordingly, the Bill was re- he name of the new Ser- Bills (including the Appropriations ported back to the House by the geant-at-Arms was incorrectly Act) were passed. Of these, 17 were T Committee on January 6, 2007 and, reported in the autumn, 2006 edi- introduced by the Government, 1 on that day, referred to the Commit- tion of the Canadian Parliamentary by the Official Opposition and1 by tee of the Whole House on Bills. Af- Review. The correct name of the new the Third Party. ter a lively and lengthy debate in Sergeant-at-Arms is Kenneth Committee and on Third Reading, Liberal Leadership Greenham. the Bill finally passed, and was On September7, 2006, the term of given Royal Assent on January 11, office of the Hon.
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