Yerevan 2019
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Approved by The Executive Board of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC Resolution N 35/01-26.02.19 Chairman of the Executive Board ----------------------- A. Khachatryan Date of publishing "26" "02" 2019 Terms and conditions included in Bulletin may have changed, For more information call Tel: (37410)8686, +374(10)51-09-10 (9105) - Information Desk INFORMATION BULLETIN OF CARD ACCOUNT YEREVAN 2019 I. Name - ARMENIAN ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT BANK OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY Address: 23/1 Amiryan Str., Yerevan, 0002, Republic of Armenia E-mail: [email protected] Website: Tel: -(37410)8686,+374(10)51-09-10 (9105) Fax: - (37410)53-89-04 II. Debit - ArCa Junior: III. Payment - ArCa GOLD PARADOX, ArCa CLASSIC, ArCa CLASSIC MIR, ArCa BUSINESS, ArCa ADIDAS, MASTERCARD GOLD, MASTERCARD BUSINESS, MASTERCARD STANDART, MasterCard ARMEC’S GOLD, MasterCard ARMEC’S STANDARD, VISA INFINITE, VISA PLATINUM, VISA GOLD, VISA BUSINESS, MASTERCARD MAESTRO, VISA ELECTRON, VISA CLASSIC, VISA CLASSIC PLUS, VISA Pro-bono, ArCa pension, VISA ELECTRON pension; Tariffs and rates GOLD BUSINES Pension 1. ArCa cards JUNIOR CLASSIC18 CLASSIC MIR ADIDAS1 PARADOX S AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USD - - 0 0 - - - 1.1 Card extension EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2. Extension of attached16, additional USD - - 0 - - - - cards 15 EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD 02 02 02 02 02 02 0 USD - - 02 02 - - - 1.3 Card account opening EUR - - - 02 - - - RUR - - - 02 - - - AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 Card account maintenance USD - - 0 0 - - - 2 EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD AMD 3 500 AMD 1000 AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 AMD 8 000 AMD 2 000 4 0 USD - - AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 - - - 1.5 Annual service fee EUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - RUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - AMD AMD 3 500 AMD 1000 AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 AMD 8 000 AMD 2 0004 AMD 7005 1.6 Annual service fee of attached 16 , USD - - AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 - - - additional card 15 EUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - RUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - AMD 0%19 0% 0%19 0%19 0.5% 3% 0%21 AMD 0%, from AMD 0%, from cards of foreign cards of foreign USD - - currency - - - currency accounts accounts 0,5% 0,5% min AMD 1000 1.7 Cash pay-out at min AMD 1000 ARMECONOMBANK OJSC encashment points (ATM, POS AMD 0%, from terminal) cards of foreign EUR - - - currency - - - accounts 0,5% min AMD 1000 AMD 0%, from cards of foreign RUR - - - currency - - - accounts 0,5% min AMD 1000 1.8 CASH-IN at encashment points of AMD 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% ARMECONOMBANK OJSC (ATM 1% 3 CASH-IN)) USD - - 1% 1% - - - EUR - - - 1% - - - RUR - - - 1% - - - 1%, min 1%, min 1%, min 1%, min 1%, min 3%, min AMD AMD AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 0%20 1000 1%, min 1%, min 1.9 Cash pay-out from USD - - - - - AMD 1000 AMD 1000 ARMECONOMBANK OJSC teller sector 1%, min EUR - - - - - - AMD 1000 1%, min RUR - - - - - - AMD 1000 AMD 1.10 Cash pay-out with ArCa payment cards issued by other RA banks by USD 1%, min ARMECONOMBANK OJSC POS EUR AMD 1000 terminals RUR AMD 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 0.5% 1% 1.11 Cash pay-out at encashment points of other Armenian banks USD - - 1% 1% - - - (ATM, POS terminal) EUR - - - 1% - - - RUR - - - 1% - - - AMD 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1.12 CASH-IN at encashment points USD - - 1% 1% - - - of other Armenian banks (ATM, POS terminal) EUR - - - 1% - - - RUR - - - 1% - - - 4 AMD 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.13 Implementation of non-cash USD - - 0% 0% - - - transactions EUR - - - 0% - - - RUR - - - 0% - - - AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 AMD 8 AMD AMD 3500 AMD 1000 AMD 2 000 AMD 700 1.14 Replacement of the card with a 000 new one in case of PIN code damage USD - - AMD 2 500 AMD 3000 - - - and loss, extension of a new card in EUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - case of preterm reissue of the card RUR - - - AMD 3000 - - - 1.15 Provision of account statement AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USD - - 0 0 - - - a) For up to 1 month transactions 6 EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD 1 AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 USD - - 0 0 - - - b) From 1 to 3 months transactions EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD 2 AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 c) From 3 month to 1 year USD - - 0 0 - - - transactions EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD 5 d) For more than 1 year transactions AMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 5 USD - - 0 0 - - - EUR - - - 0 - - - RUR - - - 0 - - - AMD AMD 1000/ AMD 1000/ AMD 1000/ 1000/ via via AEB via AEB AMD 1000/ via AMD 1000/ via via AEB AEB Mobile Mobile AEB Mobile AEB Mobile Mobile AMD Mobile application application application 25 free application 25 free application 0 applicatio 25 free of 25 free of of charge of charge 25 free of n 25 free of charge charge charge charge AMD 1000/ AMD 1000/ via via AEB Mobile AEB Mobile 1.16 Removal from card’s USD - - - - - application 25 free application Stop-List of charge 25 free of charge AMD 1000/ via AEB Mobile EUR - - - - - - application 25 free of charge AMD 1000/ via AEB Mobile RUR - - - - - - application 25 free of charge 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times AMD 10 times 10 times 10 times USD - - - - - 1.17 Daily encashment transaction number 10 times EUR - - - - - - 10 times RUR - - - - - - AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD AMD 1000 AMD 1000 1.18 Increase of daily encashment AMD 1000 transaction number USD - - AMD 1000 AMD 1000 - - - 6 EUR - - - AMD 1000 - - - RUR - - - AMD 1000 - - - AMD 2 500 AMD 100 AMD 1 AMD 500 AMD 300 AMD AMD 1 500 000 AMD 1 500 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 1.19 Total maximum amount of encashment transactions for a single USD - - 3000 3000 - - - day EUR - - - 3000 - - - RUR - - - 120.000 - - - AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 AMD 1000 1.20 Increase of daily encashment or USD - - - - - total transactions limit AMD 1000 EUR - - - - - - AMD 1000 RUR - - - - - - AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 1.21 Increase of encashment or total USD - - AMD 5000 AMD 5000 - - - transactions limit during cards all EUR - - - AMD 5000 - - - validation period RUR - - - AMD 5000 - - - AMD 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.22 Transfer to other USD - - 0% 0% - - - ARMECONOMBANK OJSC account EUR - - - 0% - - - of the same customer RUR - - - 0% - - - 1.23 Card-to-card transfers for Bank’s AMD 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% cardholders through USD - - 0.3% 0.3% - - - website or ATM’s7 EUR - - - 0.3% - - - 7 RUR - - - 0.3% - - - AMD 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% USD - - 0.5% 0.5% - - - 1.24 Card-to-card transfers for “Armenian Card” system partner’s banks cardholders through website or ATM’s7 EUR - - - 0.5% - - - RUR - - - 0.5% - - - AMD 2000 / AMD 2000 / AMD 2000 / AMD AMD 2000 / AMD 2000 / AMD 2000 / through AEB through AEB through AEB 2000 / through through through Mobile Mobile application Mobile through AEB Mobile AEB Mobile AEB Mobile application 25-free of charge application 25- AEB application application AMD application 2 25-free of free of charge Mobile 25-free of 25-free of 1.25 Transfers from card account to 5-free of charge applicatio charge charge the benefit of the customers of other charge n 25-free Armenian banks of charge AMD 2000 / AMD 2000 / through AEB through AEB USD14 - - Mobile application Mobile - - - 25-free of charge application 25- free of charge 8 AMD 2000 / through AEB EUR14 - - - Mobile - - - application 25- free of charge RUR - - - - - - - AMD 500 / AMD 500 / AMD 500 / AMD 500 AMD 500 / AMD 500 / AMD 500 / through AEB through AEB through AEB / through through through through Mobile Mobile Mobile AEB AEB Mobile AEB Mobile AEB Mobile AMD application 25՝ application 25՝ free application 25՝ Mobile application 2 application 2 application 2 free of charge of charge free of charge applicatio 5՝ free of 5՝ free of 5՝ free of n 25՝ free charge charge charge of charge AMD 500 / AMD 500 / through AEB through AEB USD - - Mobile Mobile - - - 1.26 Transfers to the benefit of application 25՝ free application 25՝ ARMECONOMBANK OJSC other of charge free of charge customers AMD 500 / through AEB EUR - - - Mobile - - - application 25 free of charge AMD 500 / through AEB RUR - - - Mobile - - - application 25 free of charge AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD AMD 20 AMD 20 AMD 20 1.27 SMS 8 USD - - - - - AMD 20 EUR - - - - - - 9 AMD 20 RUR - - - - - - AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD AMD 5000 - 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 1.28 Prompt extension of cards USD - - - - - (reissue) 11 AMD 5000 EUR - - - - - - AMD 5000 RUR - - - - - - AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD AMD 5000 AMD 5000 AMD AMD 5000 5000 AMD 5000 AMD 5000 USD - - - - - 1.29 Chargeback claim 13 AMD 5000 EUR - - - - - - AMD 5000 RUR - - - - - - 1.30 For ArCa member banks service point’s governmental non cash AMD 200 payments including JACES payment for goods sold in auctions 1.31 Replenishment of the card AMD AMD 200 AMD 200 AMD 200 AMD 200 AMD 200 AMD 200 AMD 200 account through Cash-in terminals USD located out of ARMECONOMBANK EUR OJSC branches 21 RUR 1.32 Replenishment of the card AMD account via Cash-in terminals located USD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in ARMECONOMBANK OJSC EUR branches 22 RUR AMD 400.000 AMD AMD AMD 400.000 AMD 400.000 AMD 1.33 Maximum amount of encashment AMD AMD 400.000 400.000 400.000 400.000 transactions via ARMECONOMBANK 10 OJSC ATM's for a single transaction USD EUR RUR 1.34 Acceptance of chargeback applications of transactions AMD implemented by other banks’ AMD5000 cardholders at AEB encashment and/or USD service points EUR RUR 1.35 Cash pay-out abroad 22 AMD 2%, USD - - - min - - - EUR AMD 3000 RUR 1.36 Commission fee from the AMD transactions implemented through USD AMD 200 InecoPay system.