Treasures in the Sea
Generous support for this project comes from Lynette and Richard Jaffe, The Tiffany & Co. Foundation, the National Science Foundation (Grant No. OCE-0119976), Colina Imperial Insurance Ltd., and the Bahamas Reef Environment Educational Foundation. Managing Editor Meg Domroese Writers and Editors Meg Domroese, Christine Engels, Monique Sweeting, Lynn Gape Design and Illustration James Lui Science Education Advisors Ronique Curry, Garvin Tynes Primary School Barbara Dorsett,Thelma Gibson School Sheriece Lightbourne-Edwards, St. Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School Joan Knowles, Carlton Francis Primary School Dorothy M. Rolle, Ridgeland Primary School Portia Sweeting, Primary Science Education Coordinator, Ministry of Education,Youth,Sports and Culture Beverly J.T.Taylor, Assistant Director of Education, Ministry of Education,Youth,Sports and Culture Project Partners Bahamas National Trust Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Ministry of Education,Youth,Sports The Retreat,Village Road American Museum of Natural History and Culture P.O. Box N-4105 Central Park West at 79th Street Thompson Boulevard Nassau,The Bahamas New York,NY 10024 USA P.O. Box N-3913 242-393-1317 212-769-5742 Nassau,The Bahamas 242-393-4978 (fax) 212-769-5292 (fax) 242-322-8140 242-323-8491 (fax) Copyright © 2007 Bahamas National Trust and American Museum of Natural History. Information in this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial, educational purposes, providing credit is given to the original work. For any other purposes, prior permission is required. ISBN 978-0-913424-59-9 Listing of publications or other resources does not imply endorsement by the Bahamas National Trust, the American Museum of Natural History, or the Ministry of Education,Youth,Sports and Culture.
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