The Royal Castle in Warsaw and the Foundation of the Ciechanowiecki Family Collection Glass Collection Catalogue The Royal Castle in Warsaw and the Foundation of the Ciechanowiecki Family Collection Glass Collection Catalogue Anna Szkur³at The Royal Castle in Warsaw Warszawa 2008 Science editor of publications by the Royal Castle in Warsaw: Andrzej Rottermund Manager of the Arx Regia Publishing House at the Royal Castle in Warsaw: Beata Nowacka Editing and proof-reading of the Polish version: Daniela Galas Index of persons and index of place names: Anna Szkur³at Graphic design, prepress, typesetting: Adrian Napiórkowski, Zofia Tomaszewska Photographs: Maciej Bronarski: No. 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17-20, 196, 198 Andrzej Ring & Bartosz Tropi³o: No. 1-3, 5-7, 10, 11, 14-16, 21-195, 197, 199-298 © Copyright by Zamek Królewski w Warszawie 2008 ISBN 978-83-7022-170-6 Arx Regia® Oœrodek Wydawniczy Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie Plac Zamkowy 4, 00-277 Warszawa Tel. (+48) 0 22-355 52 32 (+48) 0 22-355 52 43 Fax: (+48) 0 22-355 53 74 e-mail:
[email protected] Print: ARGRAF sp. z o.o. 03-301 Warszawa, ul. Jagieloñska 76 tel./fax (022) 811 51 11, 614 53 31 Table of contents Foreword Andrzej Rottermund 7 Introduction 9 I. Polish glass 14 Royal glasshouse in Bielany 15 Crystal glasshouse in Lubaczów County 16 Crystal glass glasshouse in Naliboki and Mirror glass works in Urzecze 30 Unidentified Polish glasshouses 46 II. Silesian glass 68 III. Bohemian glass 91 IV. German glass 112 V.